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tv   News  RT  April 10, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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russia since soviet times i'll give you a little bit of background about this rocket. it can lift an unprecedented payload into earth orbit, where russia is planning to build a new space station. now this is the 2nd attempt to launch this rocket this week. the initial attempt on tuesday, it is 24 hours ago, was cancelled at the last minute for technical reasons. so we're hoping that this rocket will take off in just a few seconds set time. it looks like we have only about maybe 10 seconds left before the last launch of this rocket is due to take place. and here we go. looks like we have a lift off imminently. so that's lesson. and for a moment the boy does not come on the post the bottom of the speech. what's the
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use of the i'm being told that now they don't know they've cancelled the launch for a 2nd time. not sure exactly why, but this is the 2nd time that the launch has been cancelled again, canceled just 24 hours ago. i'll just tell you what is taking place if you're just joining us just past noon here in moscow. just past 7 pm at the recession, the cosmo jerome and rushes far east. uh, we are expecting the launch of a russian anger or a 5 unmanned super heavy rocket to blast off into space today. it looks like that launch has been cancelled. uh though, so we're not sure exactly what the reason for that is, but we'll find out and try to get you some more information on that coming up shortly. so in the meantime, let's uh, turn to other news taking place around the world. right, well, moscow has
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a cold out american and other nato, a sorties, as investigators accuse them of sponsoring terror acts inside russia. through bruce mal holdings are ukrainian from link to see us present in son hunter bite on. let's take a look at that. give us an investigation, said today to bring a pro vision, the financing of terrorism that so they say in both western countries, specifically including funds received by which to come in. so not that just as a political i mean it's nonsense. a russian knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia of an impending terrorist attack in moscow and all the rest of this is noise in response to ard see about the case to be kind of a pentagon olsa outright rejected the allegations. however, russia's investigative committee says the blood money trail leads directly to the us through the notorious ukrainian company will start moving. and this working in
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cooperation with other intelligent services and financial intelligence, incoming sources, and further movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars are being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries. additionally, investigative operational efforts are being made to trace the length of direct perpetrators of terrorist acts to for and supervisors, organizers and sponsors. given the explosive nature of this accusation, i believe it is very important to listen carefully what the russian investigative committee had to say. and one thing that stands out to me is that they did not mention the croak, a city whole attack, they did talk about the risk of being a vehicle for funds and basically that that's how the money would transfer to terrorists was those who attempted acts of terror on the russian soil, but the very fact that the boy is my company is no more. it was closed just over
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a year ago in the early 2023. it kind a, hence, that probably russia's investigators were talking about some of the acts of terror of to russian security services. they, well, they have been very, very busy since the beginning of russia's military operation in ukraine. they have managed to support hundreds of terrorist attacks and employees that were most of minded in t of and the well in some cases, terrace was successful. they, well, there have been a number of high profile assassinations in russia. is that russia officially blamed key of full so again, there's plenty of, uh, there's plenty of information to work with. and again, it will be really interesting to see what exactly if, if uh, the russian investigative committee will uh, step forward and explain what exact act acts of to they were referring to. so very small holdings, i think a lot of people wouldn't know much about this. you print in firm if not for it's
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really to ship with a bite and the family and then and involved with the buy in family has had with for is not over the years. talk to us about that. well, absolutely, because if you're outside of america, then probably you're not very familiar with the name but you few are inside. and by the way, it is a very positive matchup, but it doesn't match on which side of the political spectrum you are. but the fact is, if you hit the risk my you immediately you think the bite and the family, because the whole scandal was all about the bite and family. and in fact, the republicans, they were trying to impeach by then over this. basically, joe biden, son hunter bite and he was a member of the board at the bridge and the company bridgeman, being of his big, big, big energy energy giant. and that had a very large shelby, ukrainian energy market and the hunter, but then he did not have any credentials that would make him that would make him well show expertise in the energy market. all he had basically was his father. and
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so it is largely believe that he was put on the board because of his because of his father because of his loving power. and since boy ridgemont, since there was a corruption scandal and that was a money laundering scandal, and apparently then prosecute a general of ukraine. he was about to look into this. and the location is that the bite and family actually paid actually bride the incumbents authorities to just remove that prosecutor general, have a list, they were being bribe, whatever. the fact that joe biden gave away $1000000000.00 in the us, the money in exchange for my to christmas. so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes, or should i'm telling you you're not getting a 1000000000 dollars. i said, you're not getting the building. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was what 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving and 6 hours and the prosecutors not fired. you're not getting. the money was fired and they put in place someone school
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was solid. now also this is not where the buck stops bore as my was part so well if it has been embroiled in a number of corruption scandals, like for instance, a full met, ukrainian, m p, accuse the company saying that it was involved to a bribe. any bribery scheme that your of had never seen have a list somewhere i grew up when i was the largest case. bribing you were in 2026 1000000 dollars transferred backs to close the bridge. my case on april 21st 2022. the grinning court transferred 6000000 in cash in agreement with the original representative to the military unit of the main entail. just as if you're crane, here's the part number for the sport. this is a secret ruling. no one has seen it yet. for a period of time nor swim, exploded this explanations of doing a preliminary to darcy occurred. and it has a frequent in special services to not high that they are carrying out political assassination service backs for of budget cash. now the very way this whole story
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has been covered, you would struggle to find the name of the c o in any of the articles. for instance on wikipedia of course it's can be of can be easily googled. but the very fact that everybody focus just on the bite and family on their involvement, because it is the big thing. and it is what everybody was interested in. whether there was a conflict of interest and uh, whether, whether there were anything criminal where the bite and family might have been involved in. so the connection is very solid. ridgemont, you say ridgemont you hear by then you can hear the bite in the family again, it doesn't matter if you believe the, if you believe that he did anything wrong or if you don't believe that if you believe that there's not enough evidence is just the very connection, i'm now that the russian investigative committee officially accused ridgemont of being involved in a terrace, came in drawers, the eyes and the drawers,
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the spotlight on the bite and family. again, a former us intelligence officer and host the whistle blowers program. john k reaku says washington's hands are exactly clean when it comes to state sponsored terrorism. us intelligence agencies develop information about an impending terrorist attack. they are compelled by law to warn the victims in advance that an attack is coming. so that's on the one side. on the other side, a recount the story from the day after the north stream attack. i said to a former c, i a colleague of mine who's now retired. that had to be us, right? we had to be the ones to blow that up. and he said, well of course it was us, but we could never say that it was us. so like, i say the truth is in there somewhere, perhaps in the middle. uh, you know, with, with the, the isis attack or,
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or be attacked for which ice is being blamed. maybe that was to fulfill the duty to warn who knows north stream. i think it's more a can to whistling past the graveyard. you just pretend that everything is fine, nothing is happening. and hope that it just goes away. yes, republicans have been pushing for months to impeach the president over his families, alleged corruption, and the slightest case from russia could finally make that a reality. according to american radio host and political commentators, steve gill, you know, the biden's aren't even very good at corruption other than making a lot of money for themselves. you would think that after all the attention drawn to reason, uh, they would at least use another company to, to follow their funds through it. they're going to be committing a atrocious act. it's one thing to commit corruption and bribery. it's another thing for joe biden to publicly and on video brag about it. so this is just bizarre
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. it's a pile on and pile on. keep in mind risk, but was paying 100 by millions of dollars with 0 oil and gas experience. but his dad was v p i, his dad was in charge of the ukranian relationships and now you've got the reason of your circling back again in the news. now, i will say that the west is not really covered themselves in glory with their bad investigation of the north stream pipeline explosion. that's kind of a dairy. and yet they're going to question russia's investigation is of the source of funds and of the terror attack in progress. so they've got to play it fair. you go investigate the nord stream fairly and legitimately. and if they want to put the united nations and some other fair minded folks to look at the documents, look at the international transactions of reason that has conducted and traced back to where it goes. i mean, the f, b i, c, i, western intelligence is tracing dollar after dollar be circulated around the world
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into the hands of a terrorist. they can find the answer pretty quickly. and yet what we saw from the us was immediately declaring the isis was responsible for this terror attack before the bodies were even cold. let us by a string of deadly terror attacks, but ukraine is western sponsors deny any involvement, but are happy to keep digging out money to key of one of them is u. k 4 and secretary david cameron, who's come to washington to convince politician that politicians they are to cough up even more cash, which he calls a good investment. the best thing we can do this year is to help keep the ukrainians in this fight the fighting. so bravely that nothing to lose for one to them or all the dangers, we didn't give them the support that they need. i argue that it is extremely good value for money to the united states and for others, perhaps for about $5.00 or 10 percent of your defense budget. always off of rushes, pre will, military equipment has been destroyed for without the loss of a single american life. this is an investment in united states security. it reminds
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me very much of a big new version of sky who was a very high ranking us official who was essentially the national security advisor under a carter. and when they coaxed and he bragged about it when they coaxed the soviets into a meeting as gattis them in the 1980s there. uh, you know, the, as we saw from that experience, it was a very long war because he said this was like russia's vietnam and he bragged that basically they had dreamed this of beginning of manpower, resources and military might very much. and the devastating way i think this is what cameron's remarks remind me of. i'm not entirely sure if that's necessarily true. i mean, even the idea that russia has lost half of its pre war equipment. well, as we know there rushes, still building and refining and doing and creating more artillery and more of them
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. it's along the way. so often times you can sacrifice or let's say, you know, expand prewar equipment to create new stuff. so it's like it that might be a little bit confused in terms of what he's trying to say there. he makes it sound as though russia has been completed and designated which again, they have it. i don't think the evidence groups what he's saying. and while americans are not dying for the plenty of ukrainians armed, the russian defense ministry says 440000 ukrainian troops have lost their lives in the conflict. $80000.00 have perished since january alone. wow. scores of ukrainian citizens are being forcibly mobilized as cannon fodder camp is unexpectedly given a bunch of clowns, literally circus workers and exemption from the draft. here's our take contributor rachel marsden with the breakdown of the story. so there's a debate underway right now and ukraine over president bladder as well as these new military draft, specifically about who gets an exemption from that because they're considered
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critically important to the country in more time. now that list of exemptions includes personnel of tv outlets. cultural institutions and also turmoil, the mobile circuits of ukraine, which is not, in fact just the name of the list is own traveling global road show. according to this website, this particular circus is a quote, safe space of play, full encounter and creative empowerment of children and young people fleeing from the war. well, it looks like there's going to be even more of an audience. after this new draft. apparently half the circus employees can qualify for an exemption. maybe it's admin guys still have to go all the bureaucrats still have to go maybe any way you create a culture minister is now in the position of trying to explain why exactly a bunch of circus employees are exempt from the latest military draft. poking ones, drawing conclusions about the importance of a cultural institution based on its name alone. the state sends
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a prize director itself traveling circus to of self. ukraine is not street before most, some people imagine by the professional team of highly skilled mazda. so the croft cannot those clowns turning a battle tank into a sound car and getting smoked on the battlefield. gun, keep those guy see. so they can serve and brussel some day as members of europe and part of it as low as these dream of ukraine joining the crown show ever comes to include fruition. the hours ukrainian doesn't sound to amuse though. the logic of servants, we mobilize farmers, tractor drivers, combined operators, fobs and everything that keeps ordinary life going. but we can't mobilize clowns so to speak. we don't have band in our own. we saw how much more important circus performers, pianists, comedians, waiting for talk, refers toastmasters, and corporate entertainers are then the state during the election back in 2019. however, it is already 2024, and the 3rd year of
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a terrible war outside the window. the limits of fitness for service had been removed, so everyone will be in the army. this means that we have to pay careful attention to our future because the authorities are critically interested in the circus and media, not wise people. so this new draft that comes into effect starting on may 4th is in response to dwindling ukrainian troops. and it reduces the minimum age of conscription from $27.00 down to 25 years old, mandating and military service period of 36 months. it also cracks down on evaders who, let's face, it can probably be found right now at the cost in store buying a red nose and a rainbow plan way in an attempt to join the circus. the new law also eliminates the limited fitness category, which means that you're either stick to search or you're not nothing in between.
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but of course, absolutely, no people with any kind of disability will ever have to serve in the ukrainian military since it's always been completely against you. crazy. i'm not sure what i'm really like. i'll put you on a way to walk your washer city was a most good people that the, you know, i don't know how about that. yeah. well maybe the big tent circus. good staff up with some disabled folks and free up the clowns to go out and do
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a public show or pantomime for the russian troops or maybe the also clowns and all of this. in other words, those in charge for just scrap this whole sad trade in favor of peace in central does the local authorities say at least 14 people, including children have been killed. and an overnight is really our strike on the town of their beloved. just a warning, the following images are graphic and you might find them disturbing. the number of other people were also injured in the attack. they had a local refugee camp. the bodies of the victims were taken to the opposite hospital for identification. according to the guys in health ministry, over 33300 palestinians had been killed and 75000 wounded there since october 7th. well processed, southern gaza civilians are returning to con eunice after the withdrawal of the is really army from the city. locals are horrified at the scale of devastation left behind by the idea,
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and i am the sole survivor of my family of 12 people. as you can see, the building collapsed on us. we managed to extract around 5 bodies earlier. and today we found 8 more, which we are currently extracting snow data. we have gone back 100 years. then as you can see, there is no refuge flow of water supply, rolling up and the people are trying to deal with the situation. i don't know where my house is anymore. okay. when they, when i did a viewing, these houses were standing. but when we returned after the withdrawal of the military machinery from the area, we saw the enormous extent of the destruction. it's like a su nami hit. this neighborhood, more than 45000 citizens of this region, do not have any refuge now. the, to the level south is holding israel to account that is according to a spokesperson for a palestinian support organization. after the 2nd day of hearings at the international court of justice where germany has been pushing back against
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a nicaraguan lawsuit over its arming the id, f r saying is a remarkable change and power dynamics are seen yet another country from the global south holding israel responsible for its action, so my hope is that the court case will contribute to the new points of the public so that they can frustrate or governments to finally stop supporting israel. and actually diplomatically are politically 6 steps to distance themselves from israel and from their complexity. and these genocide of the germany is accused of facilitating a quote, a commission of genocide in dogs that by supplying weapons to israel. berlin claims has been making sure none of his arms are used to commit such acts. nicaragua has asked the i c j to handed down provisional measures, including ordering germany to suspend this military exports to israel. earlier this year, south africa brought a lawsuit at the same court against israel,
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accusing the country of carrying out a genocidal act in gaza. i see j instructed israel to do everything to prevent such atrocities from taking place. well it has been revealed that last year germany supplied us 30 percent of israel's total military imports as a 10 fold increase compared to the previous year. and it told her all over the past 2 decades, germany exported over $3500000000.00 worth of arms and equipment to the i. d f. we discussed the latest i c. j. case with our guests from lebanon, south africa, as well as germany itself. i just think this case as the case where it was me, the south africa, this is about bringing base with front of the center. this is about in the world really routing the crime and cause that is the opposition for general side, the opposition of the mass murders connected punishment on entire population by unoccupied state. so, you know, i think i said what they say, and they may,
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they may not appear to what the, what the, i sent you a rules. both of us suddenly cut our country that our house already taking that us was to the i c j. and then day you as a decided simply to not directly and the next step, the wife called these are the stage in the eighty's like to come by, you know, the country that the songs from the country that easy. and i'll describe that part of that choice up here. i mean, a few years ago and nothing america to sound on the side of your mind. maybe i think it has a lot of, uh, you know, there is a lot of weight. joseph, the kids that those optic i brought in, generally when they got how i initially presented these guys in february, they named a, a name, germany, they named kind of under the name of the netherlands. so obviously they want to validate against germany because they are the 2nd largest non supplier to so we use all, but i think right now anybody who solve the weapons to redraw, including, you know, a close allies, a like turkey who is part of this nomic world. a glass how very har stands the word or isn't that whole? yes, from being used to export. that's the only cement if,
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if you look at i present of supply arms to a state like a israel that's convincing at some genocide. certainly those who claim to be in a state of war, certainly those items that you are supplying will definitely be used in implementing those types of genocide. so this is certainly germany up to germany all to know that out to be aware of this is obvious. these, these weapons won't be use of way anything goes back to engage in these acts off of turn. these acts on of genocide, it gets to print as the new people at albany. but the german government, like a of the western governments that are supposed to use well, i'll politically aware of this. and no one could convince me personally, that the united states of america, or the pentagon, is not aware that these are all these commit to acts of genocide. but historically, the us has prioritized a political expediency of human rights. so that is why it is,
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is it's, it's impossible or rather difficult to think about a united states that open b would condemn. and israel that they take is a strategic a lot so, so they see what's going on. everybody can see what's going on, but they do prototype political expediency until now. yeah, i said to you all last spring of judgments which were, are in favor of those really western garage or the day to all the us and as i lies . so the ice e, g has to improve itself as an instrument of, uh, international law, and through bad, for example, now the ice g or bring for less german. yes. to stall on the left and exports to use right here. and then if it's not really advise, it's just an advice, it's month to go up forward somehow times over the federal, the acceptance that must be
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a good time for the us. it doesn't matter is then lead to other countries except this notice in a moment we are confronted to the people in germany and especially the peaceful also want to bring the human musing forwards in this country with the government, which is the sum of all contradicting the interest of the majority of the people in germany, so the government should make a 180 degrees traveling around the utah and change and stuff is politics of war and stuff to be able to make peace and dialogue. what advice is really government has threatened to turkey with financial pressure from the us. that's after anchor upset. it will maintain its trade restrictions on israel. busy over the war in gaza, these decision will remain in place until as well declares cease fire immediately, and the last adequate and uninterrupted flow. few minutes aaron aid into gaza. instructed officials to contact other countries in organizations in the united
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states, the stopping investments into the, and sort of in the importance of products from so kia and so friends and the american congress to examine the violation of the bi quick lows and in both sections onto the, accordingly, these were a little mold given to avoidance and exhaustion, and will not condone to one sided violation of the trade agreements and will take part of them, measures against 2 key which will hom, that gives you economy hunger a band and the export of $54.00 products to the country after israel refused to allow turkey to send to monitoring aid to gauze, up the decisions. restricted trade ties was personally made by the turkish president who has been very critical of as well as assault on the palestinians. we got reaction from political scientist or norris and non boost alton, who says encore, i will not buckle under the threads of an economic stand off with washington. a really lovely people for i think the biggest key in the united states
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and the in all over the europe for a long time and the economic financial domain. i think they believe uh for tv tool tool to wrote a searching assistive, especially in the, in financial domain. but so to this stroke onto the truck is a big country and the power to resist against these. right. and the next step, which big is the united states, is already the blank. some kind of stinks are typically economy because to keep these continued, he's a mini took his company to continue the commission of relation to the nation with russia and took keys. one of the on the nato countries to be chatted not which is not applying fund t a restaurant sanctions organized by the best. so a to appreciate konami's daughter the i but i just said that's direct sanction
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station of the nice thing by the united states and supporting by you guys for a really long time. well, if you're watching at the top of the program, you saw that the russian planned russian space launch has been postponed for the 2nd time in as many days and ongoing at a 5 unmanned super heavy rock. it was supposed to blast off today from the bus stop shooting cause when jerome and the countries that far east along this office from the last moment apparently for technical reasons. once again, we're still waiting for an official statement from the russian space agency on that that would be the 1st time such a rocket launches from that cause mature on both of which were fully built in post soviet russia. the rwandan president polk army has slammed the us over a failure to recognize the 1994 massacres in the african country as a genocide of the 2 to minority rolanda marked 30 years since the tragedy on sunday
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. when this is good deals going on, what issues can you be kind enough to come in with with us and the city a 100 and the 6 to 5 days. and then in a few verse of this that today i'm going to do this and then you can have the risk 364 days. but i mean the us every day for the scene, you don't like about us. and that backlash from the rwandan present that came after the us secretary of state made a social media post about the grim anniversary anthony blanket and listed the tutsis who accounted for nearly 100 percent of the victims in the same line as the hutus who are the ones doing most of the killing in april 1994 who, 2 ethnic majority extremes began.


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