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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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slow which has been postponed for the 2nd time and as many days and i am gra, i 5, announced it a heavy close walk. it was due to the last off from the post office. they caused me to put them in the countries far east. the ignition was scrubbed at the last moments. russian officials in the same day malfunction and the engine stalled control system. the next attempt is expected to take place on thursday. it would be the 1st time such a rocket, such a rocket launch from that cosmo drive, both of which were fully built and post soviet russia. the also is pushing forward deployments of us nuclear weapons on his territory as a fellow nato. remember, as, according to the published presidents, my colleague moving a closer over discuss this on more with the rushes and boss of this opponent. so gay andre of is the taste of that interview, which you can watch in full throughout the day. here on the kim uh brittany, my. so this toby, here's the race for a long time made. it has
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a practice of so called joining nuclear emissions that is mailed you. a personnel alternated countries that do not have nuclear weapons are involved in the exercise of doing which the use of nuclear weapons is practiced. well, the pollution for disease have long been raising the question that into cutting new situations. they would be interested in a deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of point weapons already employed . 100 territory supply of non nuclear in the countries in western europe and phone joined the same join nuclear nations. but so far the americans have responded that they did not consider this advisable. well, the spreadsheet. i want to ask you just the pianist, people mainly in poland, if they are afraid. but there is such a threat from russia did not understand that the deployment of us nuclear weapons could possibly further aggravate the problem from. i like to just bring you, we, you know, it is customary here to the poland security primary with the united states with
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protection and security got into some of the policy. so here in principle, we are ready to agree with any measures that are required on the part of a. so did you got like just to get in to ya? secuity the united states and phone bu, remain allies. there's probably no dallas about it because the ball is participation in nature. and this of the, collides with the united states are supported by the overwhelming majority of the population and the inside the boys political leads us for our bilateral relations. probably sooner or later we will come to some kind of communal monitor, you know, relations. it certainly won't be what it was before. here's where it costs and they told the things will not be the same as before. for all parts, we agree that it won't work as before because we do not need it. what happened before and after the crisis in international relations to the crisis of you to be in security that we have at the moment. but sooner or later,
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probably after the goals or the special meals or operation i realized when new situations that arise, you know, region the time will come for us and the boys side to somehow settle all by electrode relations. we're neighbors, stuff through old. so we will see a reasonable way to have a company this wednesday coming up next. rick sanchez with the latest episode of direct impact on zillow news. i'll be back with the rest of the team that the top of yeah, bye for now. the hi everybody up there is a lot of news on this day program though we, we not post to show every single day because there is a lot of news not weekly, but daily and much. and the reason that so many people that are watching this is because we hold no punches, so to look for it daily truth pump. number one,
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we're ridgemont, the ukraine in energy company is being linked to terrorist attacks against russia. truth on number 2. for the most involved, but appears to have been funded by western possibly us sources. trust on number 3. will this investigation lead to the biden barbarism, a connection? somehow? we're asking. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the okay, let me take you through this because this thing seems to be building right. ever since the terrorist attack in moscow at the cocoa city music hall, there have been leads and revelations as to who was responsible and you know what that all happened right? right from the beginning it seemed obvious. this was not unusually terrorist attack was obvious to most people. anyway. first of all,
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the attackers did not like tears. they weren't there to sacrifice themselves for a cause. they were there to kill and then try and get away. that is not usual in these cases. the admitted to being recruited and paid vac. there's about unusual because these cases most of us in this business have covered a lot of these terrorist attacks. i know i have i haven't seen anything like this. then we learned that they were headed toward ukraine, while authorities followed and monitor their cell phone calls, which were being made in to your claim. that is not usual. while few of any of my colleagues here in the united states and other western media or even us government agencies have reported on any of that, or even found any of what i just said. curious, authorities in moscow investigating the attack did put out this official statement when we reported this, i think most people that quote, it says as
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a result of the work with the detained terrors. examination of the technical devices cease from them and analysis of information on financial transactions. evidence of their leaves with ukranian nationalists has been obtained. that was important when they said that right there was kind of a breakthrough in the case. that was as far, though, as russian investigators would go at the time, they didn't add anything else. now, they are coming out with new information where they seem as a jazz that they're working on a link between the attackers and a specific very specific ukrainian company. brisbin founded in 2002, or as my holdings as an oil and natural gas company, originally owned by ukranian business person, make a lot sl kaski is his name. interestingly enough, it was also a ukrainian government official at the time. who baseboards my m p a registered in
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cyprus brewer as much has been steeped in corruption state lousy with corruption, as we would say here in the states. and it was about that time right after the u. s . government inspired to remove ukrainian president victor the out of the country. pardon me? yeah, no coverage. when the vice president joe biden stepped into the picture. so this is when joe biden steps into the picture there after the the situation where the president was removed, it was essentially a us let go. he was made by that was the point man on ukraine for the united states. now, at the time, mister barton made frequent visits to your credit by his own account. he went there at least a 1000 times from 2014 through early 2016. and that you should know. not so, coincidentally, is about the same time that his son, a hunter,
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got what appeared to be a token job working for verizon. verizon is a company that is produced as much as 1300000000 cubic meters of natural gas. generates revenues as high as half a $1000000000.00 a smell. it is also being accused of producing something else. and that's why we're bringing you the story today. not just natural gas, but also terrorism. this link was disclosed publicly for the very 1st time by the moscow investigative committee spoke to persons here. she is told them 5, you can use the city just the brushing them group. would you put the, was the in the slits slip, some committee at the what i see was was dental. gomez. you assume i'm suited when you throw these one was done over and that's the thing is listed as the football shoot, judas, can you give me your thoughts of checklist if you have to guzzle,
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combine your body. small holdings, the solution not sitting through grain and the purchase, a new booklet you see it is supposedly lit, associates the leading instead of just the just get clock. the what i ceased case you get upset. that was a big deal. and so there you go. thought is there a linking where is not with terrorist attacks? now all moscow authorities do not, and this is important, they do not at this point directly type original to the crocus, music call attack. to be fair, they do seem to suggest a pattern of associations between terrorist attacks and brisbin. the report also suggests that bert bob was not an independent actor. that in fact, may have been funneled millions and millions of us dollars through the quote involvement of specific individuals from among government officials and public and commercial organizations. in western countries saying,
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what was the one who used to be assuming is bit slow is let me issue now. so it has to be a good, but it is that your solution keeps to playing it. it doesn't, you should, that isn't using as much as it is. what i was needing. you speak with me one of the little so shop. but it just was complete for leads is just little sore throat. and before going to flushed it up, she has not come. you'll just get ahold of me is that's it still comes up with the so why is this really important? then this is why we want to bring to this, 1st of all, luck, let's just be straight. while the involvement of any company, no less a ukrainian company would fives to the united states should spark global concerns when linked to terrorism period. the fact that it's been risible, perhaps the fact that this is marissa st seems to make this story. obviously most more newsworthy and noteworthy, right? why? well, because there is a direct link between the president of the united states, his son and barbarism bar up to re claire. and again,
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i'm to be fair. while that link exists at the present time, there is nothing that connects the biden's to bridgeman alleged association with terrorism. in other words, there's 2 stories here at the bottom connection. and then the fact the origin was being tied. the terrace can not put those together and it would not be responsible to do so. journalist, typically speaking, however, and the m, as i mentioned earlier, there are plenty of lakes to the buttons and bridges. my and they are important and let me take you through them. in 201400 biden's life appeared to be an absolute mess. it was drugs, alcohol, prostitution, were all front and center in this. and the younger biden's waiver to wait for the existence. that's when he was discharged from the navy, after being caught doing okay. and that's when he went to work for marisa. now just
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that story in and of itself makes no sense, right? it still doesn't make any sense to me or i think anybody else, how could a person with that type of terrible record and reputation and the working and even sit on the board of a huge energy company? the answer, his father was the vice president united states. and as i, for mentioned, had direct dealings with both the company and ukrainian officials. since becoming president, the hunter issue has become embarrassingly front and center for the bottom administration. and although direct illegalities have not been proven, there remain open questions as to just how closely hunter, or for that matter, pressing a button were tied to bar as well and it's actions, which is why this new question of potential links to terrorism becomes so important . and that's why we're reporting on this at this time. joining us down to break
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this down. i'm joined by front of the show, somebody who tries to clear up the gaps and there are plenty of them. i think in the story. international relations and security analyst marks about a mark. thank you so much for joining us. rick. thanks for having me. it's always an honor and a pleasure to be on direct impact. i think it's really important for us to go through the things that have not been proven at this point. and i think the 2 things that i pointed out is, we're not, i don't think anybody at this point can say that there's a tie between the terrorism and the buttons. there is a tie between the buttons and we're risen level. and that's what makes the story so important. but mark, i think you'll agree with me on this. the fact that we're reasonable for any company. now let's say ukrainian company may have ties to terrorism is important enough for all the world to be paying attention to it. right? i'm sure i'm, i think you're right to point out that there are no direct connections identified
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yet. but there are plenty of indirect connection of the of bridge mal holdings as it has for its exist. then been pretty much a black box slush fund for corruption and audi laundering and making off the book payments to political figures inside and outside you. great hunter, by didn't. and joe biden's, business partner devin archer, being one of the to put them both were paid $1000000.00 a year for no show jobs on the board of directors to which they had no expertise whatsoever. yeah, it was a blake ones pen like operation last provided us perhaps, unless perhaps being an alcoholic and a drug addict makes you expert on energy matters. and of course i say that with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. yeah, i don't know. maybe some of his drugs fuel prostitution,
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episode impressed some people laugh. i don't know um, but um, joe biden, at the time was the vice president of the united states. and more than that, he was essentially acting as obama as the viceroy over you grand after the us backed over through. busy of the government there and 2014 the fact that joe biden brag about getting the prosecutor general of ukraine removed on his order on his threats. a prosecutor general, who had opened a corruption investigation into you. guessed it for re small hold. yeah. can't have anyone taking a look at your sons and business partners a little uh, a source of uh, extra curricular uh, income. but uh, i'm gonna, i'm gonna stop you for a minute. when get all that?
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i don't think you'd have to be an absolute moron or getting it or just not paying attention to not see. but there's some really questionable stuff that took place between the vice president, his son and brewer as well. but it's a giant leap to go from that to where where's money is involved in terrorist attacks may have been involved in the quickest attack. and perhaps the president of the united states today may have some connection to that, that my friend is a hell of a revelation. and one that would send shockwave around the planet isaac to yeah, it is. it's actually not so surprising that the reason why is involved in this the, the cameras, human ukraine for the last decade has repeatedly used it is mrs. wright who have paid them. basically, political money is to, to avoid some type of a persecution by the regime and that has the euro. is this off the books fund is
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for a lot of black book activity, the former, the dissidence former ukrainian a m p 's. i like their member of call congress andre. their kotch has specified how breeze more in particular, was used as a such a vehicle to fund terrorist activities in russia and what he's talking about there . what, what the investigative committee they haven't specifically yet identified. the crocus city hall effects, although the contacts to which the announce that means they're definitely looking in that direct. yes, but it's not reported widely in the western mainstream media, but there have been dozens of terrorist attacks in russia over the last couple of years here. it's in the former east ukraine over the last decade targeting public figures, political figures active as a journalist. anyone who is in opposition,
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one form or the other, you know, freedom of speech and all against the regime in keys of the car bombing of diarrhea. do not the russian philosopher and journalist a friend of mine by the way. uh, that is uh, probably one of the activities from the description, the, the, the terrorist bombing of the cafe targeting the former east, ukrainian, a war blogger lot, then to tar city is another search example. this frictions of the investigative committee gave of the type of terrorist activities, very specifically point to events like this. and like i said, there have been dozens of such incidents. and it, it is. we've got testimony from a former ukrainian m, p, a district. and now you know the evidence, the financial links of the investigation and when you have
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a company like breeze more intimately correct, connected with the care, resumes, government and intelligence services. and you have the us funding the entirety of the camera, james economy, governments salaries in business. i would venture to say that the connections, while you know how plausible degrees or agrees of separation, there is a legs if not direct links. yeah, and i think you're right, i want to take a break. i want to come back and explore this a. busy bit more, but i think you've made it a little more clear to us now that there has been already and existing association between ridgemont and some malady, some very questionable actions, including in fact terrorism. so that's where we're going to start the conversation . um, hopefully when we come back with mark, you're watching a direct impact. i'm rick sanchez and we're going to stay with this as we try and
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break it down for you. we'll be right back the the the,
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the back. i'm rick sanchez. i'm joined by uh analyst marks la boda talking about what is a very important story that could send. i said this before. busy and i mean, a global shock waves, the fact that original a company out of ukraine is tied to terrorism in russia has been in the past and now could possibly be investigated as well for the moscow terrorist attack. yes, the same bridge by that is also tied to the president the united states and his son . when you put that all together, it looks nefarious. but i think mark that we need to be real careful here. i look, let me just state this very clearly. the fact that any which guy or powerful guy in the world would get a cushy job for his idiot, son is not news. and i think that in and of itself is like, where too often the media runs with the story. i think it's more important that
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he got his getting, its drawn a job working for a company which has various overtones and has done some really horrible things is extremely corrupt. and now we're talking about that company having something to do with terrorism. see, as a journalist, as i look at the story, i'm thinking, okay, now you've got me. now you've got me because before then i think it was just political hackery. am i wrong? that i think is there is a little bit more than that. i would say simply because of jo biden's intimate connection with the over throw all the ukrainian government that immediately preceded that. uh that that to me makes it l of bates. it about a typical political scandal in the united states that's for. so there is a, there is a ford policy aspect of it there for me. i'm just thinking that when you and i are talking about now though,
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is something which could have the kind of repercussions that takes it out of the republican party or the democratic party, which by the way, pass the world could give r a. but you know, what about right this, this, that you and i are talking about now is not about, you know, the democrats and biden, and the republicans, and trump, and all that other jazz that some people get very jazzed up about, which i try to stay away from on the show, this is serious. this is, this is a kind of stuff that can start world war 3. my friend. it is absolutely um, especially when you consider that some of the terrorist attacks and russia like the unwilling suicide side bombing of the cried me in bridge that has been admitted to via us, back through human, our, our major international events. well that's and again this is, i'm glad we're having this conversation. we keep hearing the horrible things that our government is doing in our name,
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in places like gaza in places like ukraine in russia. as a matter of fact, with some of the bombings that we now see there across the board. and if this is somehow proven. busy or investigated further, this even takes that to a whole new realm, which is why i think we can't spend enough time talking about it and hopefully putting it to bed. hopefully it didn't happen, but if it did, what kind of repercussions usually coming out of this as a security analyst? i, i think there's so many repercussions from so many things going on with russia and in the united states and nato on the precipice of direct hop on war. this is almost a footnote, to be perfectly honest. it certainly adds to the tensions, uh, but when, when uh, you know, uh, nato country leaders are openly talking about sending troops into the combat. the,
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the terrorist bombings at this point. just become an icing on the cake. but i'm going to disagree with you, and here's why i'm going to disagree with you. because countries can always say, well that's military matters. that's official government work we're sending troops were doing bad and that all seems like it's regular new speak. but if there's one thing that this government, the government of the united states, i'm probably a block from. busy white house where i'm standing right now has always said, is terrorism is a different deal. terrorism is this for society, it's the ones that we're going after. it's the biggest problem we have on this planet right now, is, there is proof that the united states of america, this government is somehow tied to terrorism per se, and a terrorist act that's different that i do believe mark, i disagree with this, this, this becomes a much bigger deal, but just sending troops are not sending troops to some country. we shouldn't be even involved. the see, rick, i got to see that most of the rest of the world looks at the us and sees the
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biggest state sponsor of terror. for decades in the world, from the us support of the jihad even moves that had been enough. get us down to the support of head shopping, suicide bombers in syria to the support of l. k. the affiliates the over throw the government in libya, the support of the cost of all liberation army, which they had previously themselves identified as terrorist until they became jo, politically useful proxies in serbia. and the list goes on and on. what i'm afraid you're in people's government is a lot more intimately connected with terrorism around the world. then the west mainstream media usually wants to acknowledge exactly. let me, let me, let me put on, let me put a punctuation on that. i want to show you something, it would seem to me, the possibility that the government of the united states could be tied to a company. now, being linked to terrorism is as important as it gets yet, here in america, i've got that. anyone knows anything about that, mark it,
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then why? because it's going to be buried or missed reported by media types tend to get their marching orders from the same people who may be responsible for the ties to a resume. so what are what americans know about you know, what they know about they know about eclipse yesterday. that's what they know about why. because that's what the us media really got excited about yesterday. by the way. i'm not saying it wasn't cool to report on the clips, it was a case story, but to see how far members of the media went to cover this thing. well, generally ignoring other important stories that the one mark and i are having a semi argument about right now. that seems silly to me anyway. look at this. this is cnn's anchor team yesterday. look at this spark covering the stories and costumes dressed as the sun or something they did so in costume, to show how the moon covered the sun. really, they couldn't get to the tennis balls to do that. why not use to tennis balls and call me old fashion, but this is stupid and not incredible. then there's this guy. here's a weather guy yesterday crying on the air less of this. the
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believe the dead would be but because you could actually make the ones that kind of a time and date. but we could see that hey, was really crying over and eclipse. you want to cry about something. i can show you some palestinian babies and positions and, and conditions that you would really want to cry about. i can show you some of the situations going on around the world right now, including the one mark and i are talking about right now. maybe that's what we should be crying about. i don't get it marked, but you're right. and i think you made your strongest point. when you said to me, the media doesn't care about these things doesn't know about these things. and unfortunately, to few people in america, do, i'll give you the last word, rick. yeah, the clips you just showed me, you know, that's the actually nothing new. it's as old as history. this type of distraction in slight of hand. the romans call the bread and circus they sure did mark
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marks about uh, one of the best guess we get on the show and we often have great conversations. i'm so glad we do and so transparent. thank you. my friend. before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. simple, really. we try and the silo, the world kind of stop living in these little box. we should be able to talk about everything because truths don't live in boxed. i'm rick sanchez. what we try to do here on the rest of the sometimes words do matter. nato secretary general stilton burke says the crane may have to compromise with russia, with that compromise might be, is left on answer. nonetheless, it is an acknowledgment nato's proxy war on russia is ending in failure.
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the headlines on all the international washington is quite to dismiss the bone shell statements from most go that acute the ukrainian conflicts links to the us presence in some of the phones during terror. attacks against russia plus was harmful of russia's pre wounded. the tree equipment has been destroyed without the loss of a single american life. this as an investment in united states, security is foreign secretary health, the western. suppose the shape of ukraine is queen crane is a great sign for the box. it allows us to case its hands clean, the russian repairs of the west, the complacency in what was go cause key of terror attacks on these apples. you.


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