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tv   News  RT  April 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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position the a sense of all we going to let that stay the portions and it's quick to dismiss the bull shell state when from last i did accuse it for you. praying and company links to us present them 5 in sun upholstering terror attacks against russia. plus russia's pre ministry equipment has been destroyed without the last the single american life. this is an investment in united states security force. and as far as the secretary held, the wisdom of pulls, the shape of ukraine is like waiting bang for the fact that allows us to keep it clean. a republican senator bloss washington for spending way too much on ukraine as a cold for using tax payers dollars to tackle announcing problems on the phone. instead. my staff looked into it at about $300.00,
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be in their best guesstimate right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd, 4600000 a minute. we can sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. and russia were to hit the west of complexity and was most go cold k of tire attacks on this out for those. yeah. nuclear power plant because the main stream media tons of blind. i the a very well welcome to you. this is all to international with the latest wells news update is great to happy with us on most go house, cool down american and other data. also ortiz as investigate, is accused of sponsoring terror acts inside russia. so who is not holding the ukrainian? if um, linked to the us presidents, son hunter abided invest in investigating city data, opening a visit,
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the financing of terrorism that so they say in both western countries, specifically including funds received by the risk by which which will come in so much that just disappears completely i mean, it's nonsense, a rushing knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia of an impending terrorist attack in moscow, and all the rest of this is noise in response to all about the case depends on also out why it's rejected. the allegations, however, russia's investigates, have committed these days. the blood's money trail needs directly to the us through the notorious ukrainian company that was done over them was working in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence, incoming sources, and further movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars are being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries. additionally,
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investigative operational efforts are being made to trace the links of direct perpetrators of terrorist act, different supervisors, organizers and sponsors. given the explosive nature of this accusation, i believe it is very important to listen carefully what the russian investigative committee had to say. and one thing that stands out to me is that they did not mention the croak. a city who attacked they did talk about risk, my being a vehicle for funds and basically that that's how the money would transfer to terrorists was those who attempted acts of terra on the russian soil. but the very fact that the boy isn't accompany is no more. it was closed just over a year ago in the early 2023. it kinda hints that probably russia's investigators were talking about some of the acts of tariff of to russian security services. they, well, they have been very, very busy since the beginning of russia's military alteration and ukraine. they
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have managed to support hundreds of terrorist attacks and employees that were most of minded in t of, and the well in some cases, terrace was successful. they, well, there have been a number of high profile assassinations in russia that russia officially blamed key of for. so again, there's plenty of, uh, there's plenty of information to work with. and again, it will be really interesting to see what exactly if, if uh, the russian investigative committee will uh, step forward and explain what exact act or acts of to they were referring to. so very small holdings, i think a lot of people wouldn't know much about this. you print in firm, if not for its relation to put the bite in the family and then and involved with a bite and family has had with for is not over the years. talk to us about that. well, absolutely, because if you're outside of america, then probably you're not very familiar with the name but you few are inside. and by the way, it is a very positive matter, but it doesn't match on which side of the political spectrum you are. but the fact
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is, if you hit the risk my you immediately you think the bite in the family, because the whole scandal was all about the bite and family. and it, in fact, the republicans, they were trying to impeach bite and over this. basically, joe biden, son hunter bite and he was a member of the board at the bridge. i'm a company bridge. well being of his big, big, big energy energy giant. and that had a very large shelby ukrainian energy market. and hunter biden, he did not have any credentials that would make him that would make him well show expertise in the energy market. well, he had basically was his father. and so it is largely believe that he was put on the board because of his because of his father because of his loving power. and since boy ridgemont, since there was a corruption scandal and there was a money laundering scandal, and apparently then prosecute a general of ukraine. he was about to look into this. and the location is that the
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bite and family actually paid actually bribed the incumbents authorities to just to remove that prosecutor general, have a list they were being bribed. remember the fact that joe biden gave away $1000000000.00 in the us. the money in exchange for my smith. so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes or should i'm telling you we're not getting the dollars . i so you're not getting the building. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting. the money was fired and they put in place someone cool was solid. now oil. so this is not where the buck stops bore as my was bought. so well, if it has been embroiled in a number of corruption scandals, like for instance, a full met, ukrainian, m p, accuse the company saying that it was involved to a bribe in
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a bribery scheme that your of had never seen have a list. so my group, that was the largest case bribe in europe in 2026 1000000 dollars transferred back to the close of reason the case. on april 21st 2022. the grinning court transferred 6000000 in cash in agreement with bruce more representatives to the military unit of the main entail. just as if you crane, here's the part number for the sport. this is a secret ruling. no one has seen it yet. for a period of time, north trim exploded this explanations of duty not pull up and to darcy occurred to the has a frequent in special services, did not hide that they are carrying out political assassination service backs for of budget cash. now the very way this whole story has been covered, you would struggle to find the name of the c o in any of the articles. for instance on wikipedia. of course it's can be, it can be easily googled. but the very fact that everybody focus just on the bite and family on their involvement because it is the big thing. and it is what
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everybody was interested in. whether there was a conflict of interests and whether, whether there were anything criminal where the bite and family might have been involved in. so the connection is very solid, but ridgemont you say ridgemont you hear by then you can hear the bite in the family again, it doesn't matter if you believe the, if you believe that he did anything wrong, or if you don't believe that if you believe that there's not enough evidence is just the very connection. i'm now that the russian investigative committee officially accused reason out of being involved in a terrorist scheme. it draws the eyes and the drawers, the spotlight on the binding family. again, to so many us intelligence officer and host of the whistle blowers programmed on terry. on tuesdays washington's hands on to exactly clean. when it comes to state sponsored terrorism, us intelligence agencies develop information about an impending terrorist attack.
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they are compelled by law to one of the victims in advance that an attack is coming . so that's on the one side. on the other side, a recount the story from the day after the north stream attack. i said to a former c, i a colleague of mine who's now retired. that had to be us, right. we had to be the ones to blow that up. and he said, well, of course it was us, but we can never say that it was us. so like i say the truth is in there somewhere, perhaps in the middle. uh you know, with, with the, the ice is a tap or, or a b, a test for which ice is being blamed. maybe that was to fulfill the duty to warn who knows nord stream. i think it's more a can to whistling past the graveyard. you just pretend that everything is fine. nothing is happening. and hope that it just goes away. what a spot,
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a string of deadly terror attacks. volume afraid it's west and sponsors, didn't i? any involvement but happy if we came fishing out money to kids, one of them is u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron, who's come to washington. so convinced politicians back to cough up even more cash, which he calls a good investment. and the best thing we can do this year is to help keep the ukrainians in this fight the fighting so bravely that nothing to lose for one to them or all of the dangers. we didn't give them the support that they need. i argue that it is extremely good value for money for the united states and for others perhaps for about $5.00 or 10 percent of your defense budget. always hoff with rushes pre will, military equipment has been destroyed for without the loss of a single american life. this is an investment in united states security russians. defense ministry says it's all in this industry is actually booming. at least $87.00 roads that being produced each day along with hundreds of various missiles
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most go also plans to turn off more than $2000000.00 or 10 of your rounds by the end of the year last year. and what will journalist on political analysts, elijah magneer, stays david com, or just had, instead mention how bad the west and economies are doing? well, russia has, we bounded when the british foreign minister david carol, who's speaking about the, the hardware losses of russia, he's not thinking about what the, what the bank is estimating the losses of you. great to $41987000000000.00 and how much you are is losing. that is not the fine because of the inflation and the devaluation of the euro. so the u. s. is in, in debt to also and facing a shot inflation. why russia economy doing much better even than japan? and speaking on this all 5,
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why they call them you need this. so anything that can really be saying, basically these, thank you very much for the creating and to lose their lives in the, in the support of the west. we are very happy for that. and the only thing that we are concerned about is how much equipment russia is using for the event end of the day. what is the buffing feet telling us who is winning? and it was newsy. david com on that. so if i'm being unable to convince us, it'll make us to approve more funding for you for a republican center to say is washington has already spend too much on k of and should start wasting money. while america's own economy is on the roads, must have looked into it at about 300000000 of their best guesstimate. right now we're, we're printing our borrowing $80000.00 per 2nd. for point 6000000 a minute, we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. well,
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us make us one, both parties of what was the demand to the buying to the administration disclose is how much it is already allocated, and it's still planning to give kids. meanwhile, republican congresswoman marjorie taylor, greene has taken name of the fellow policy members on the us. how speak on like strong sense and by the here today in a letter to my colleagues, i clearly laid out how mike johnson has violated every promise he made. when to run for speaker, the american people who elected a g o b majority deserve a speaker who is in serving democrats. well, so wants to invest. when will join a list on political honor, that's olaja not to me is to weigh in on the 5 pauses and more of was in washington . he says, the white house is apparently misleading the american people about well, when money is going, they are printing money. the americans that'd be financing was and this is indeed the cheapest for the americans has conducted in there not for 2 years, because the americans spend a lot of money,
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but that also they use man for them to measure age. we know losing man. this is the way the americans and the british off trying to convince the american population saying with the all new bad black bags returning home with our man. because we know losing anyone. we just pumping in dollars and the to the only thing we do at the end of the day, we can print the money we want and they close all the information is not the will and you credit exactly the same, retard in your, in europe. there is no one of the, there was coming out from saying the region health in creation. and the devaluation of the euro is our decision, as you're being leaders toward russia, where we buy the guys much more expensive, full time move from america and no way where we are. and we are getting our status on all the goods and the role material that we import from russia. and we
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have isolated our status from the rest of the work that is of the driving that from the fall. however, there is nothing in the european mainstream media that's been the case to the reality of what's happening on the graphs. as while americans are not dying for k as plenty of ukrainians off the russian defense industries say 440000 a year for a new and troops have lost that lives in the conflicts ac. thousands of powers since january a low. well, schools of ukrainian citizens are being forcibly mobilized as kind of follow the k as has unexpectedly given a bunch of clowns literally. so it does work as an exemption from miss ross. he's also, it contributes a rachel mazda with a breakdown of the story. and so there's a debate underway right now and ukraine over president bladder as well as he's new military draft, specifically about who gets an exemption from that because they're considered
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critically important to the country in more time. now that list of exemptions includes personnel of tv outlets, cultural institutions and also turmoil, the mobile circuits of ukraine, which is not, in fact just the name of the list is own traveling global road show. according to this website, this particular circuit is a quote, safe space of play, full encounter and creative empowerment of children and young people fleeing from the war. well, it looks like there's going to be even more of an audience after this new draft. apparently half the circus employees didn't qualify for an exemption. maybe it's admin guys still have to go all the bureaucrats still have to go maybe. anyway, you craze. culture minister is now in the position of trying to explain why exactly a bunch of circus employees are exempt from kids. latest military draft. poking ones, drawing conclusions about the importance of a cultural institution based on its name alone. the state tends to pause director
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itself traveling circus to of self ukraine is not street before most, some people imagine by the professional team of highly skilled mazda. so the croft cannot those clowns turning a battle tank into a town car and getting smoked on the battlefield. gun, keep those guy see. so they can serve and brussels some day as members of europe and part of it as low as ease dream of ukraine joining the crown show ever comes to include fruition. the hours ukrainian doesn't sound to amuse though. the logic of servants, we mobilize farmers, tractor drivers, combined operators, fobs and everything that keeps ordinary life going. but we can't mobilize clowns so to speak. we don't have band in our own. we saw how much more important circus performers, pianist, comedians, waiting for talk. first. toastmasters and corporate entertainers are then the state during the election back in 2019. however, it is already 2024, and the 3rd year of
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a terrible war outside the window. the limits of fitness for service have been removed. so every one will be in the army. this means that we have to pay careful attention to our future because the authorities are critically interested in the circus and media, not wise people. so this new draft that comes into effect starting on may 4th, is in response to dwindling ukrainian troops and reduces the minimum age of conscription from $27.00 down to 25 years old, mandating and military service period of 36 months. it also crafts down on evaders who let's face it can probably be found right now have the cost in store buying a red nose and a rainbow plant way in an attempt to join the circus. the new law also eliminates the limited fitness category, which means that you're either stick to serve or you're not, nothing in between. but of course, absolutely,
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no people with any kind of disabilities will ever have to serve in be creating military since it's always been completely against you. crazy. i'm not sure what i'm really like. i'll push it away. it will have to watch. i said it was a let's go to the, you know, i don't want to just do the kid they need yeah. maybe the big circus. good staff up with some disabled folks and free up the clowns to go out and do a public show or pantomime for the russian troops or maybe the also clowns and all
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of this. in other words, those in charge for just scrap this whole sad trade in favor of peace the west is trying to cover up ukraine's whitland plus drones to accidentally example as a nuclear power plants, as the latest not causation from the russian foreign ministry spokesman marizza. how are the a new system now the westerners are resorting to censorship. they're literally blocking the emergence of news on this matter in their mainstream propaganda mass media. more over here on there, we even hear direct approval of criminal actions by the key version, including those committed against nuclear facilities. it's like the givers seem as low to do anything at all and there can be no exceptions here. that's what they believe in the west will make every effort to ensure that such complicity in the crimes of the cube regime does not go unnoticed by the rational majority of the international community. but in creating an army has continued attacking those up
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at all as a nuclear power plant and exports warners even, sir, that this is kids at times trying to try their nuclear incident that they can then pin on rush and say, we'll see russians don't care about nuclear safety one is the russians have been sounding the alarm all along and even requesting an emergency. i a meeting over these types on this. i propose a nuclear power plant. we've heard from the head on the power plant himself saying that this could lead to a new to a gets has to fee. and these concerns are even shared by the director general all v i a did you you did you purchase during the last 5 days, starting from april 5th? does that process your nuclear power plant has come on the unprecedented drone attacks by the armed forces of the green? this poses a grave risk of a potential nuclear catastrophic reported incident. although outside the site perimeter is an ominous development. as it indicates, an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers,
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they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, and it must stop. and i'll stop by tailors all listening and continue and it's reckless behavior. like i said, be a tax. i really intensified a multiply the last couple of days, starting from april the 5th one there was a cleaning company cause the drones hitting several parts of the plans and then it continued until april 6th. the 7th. there were 3 phone strikes in there. at least 3 people were injured, continued on, and so april 8th, the 9th. the pressure was on the power plant, issued a statement saying that the building a housing, the world's only full scale, react, the whole simulator was it's has. so this is, of course, a very dangerous situation that russia is a warning everyone to bounce marina tell us, how has the west been reacting to all the strikes on the facility,
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which would have been taking place there for the past 2 years since russia took over the side, yes. well, you could say it's been total ignorance, really from the west and even searching for these latest attacks on line in english . and you can barely find anything just now. we're slowly getting some statements, at least for the land and from the to the east top. definitely i just said in fact that these are reckless drone attack. again, separate orders and nuclear power plant increases the risk of dangerous and nuclear incident. and that such attacks must stop by who should stop and it's key of and they're not saying that. so in the way it's almost like they're condone. and it, in the, was only completely on the side of the you could say, a rational behavior and the rational assault they're actually telling rush to stop . and let's take a lesson from the us state department spokesperson russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return the full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that can result in nuclear incident at the plants, but once again, a salt rush behind these drones strikes of a again,
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the eas top diplomat has called reckless so they should be informing their pals and key of to stop please the tanks because this is what they could lead. so nuclear catastrophe what he was doing could lead to a nuclear catastrophe, but we're not hearing that from the west. we're not hearing once again, every condemnation for these. again, not only violet eyes, but really, really dangerous size. so let me put there will be a special meeting according to the. busy a that will hold this special emergency meeting to discuss these attacks. and let's see if we will at least hear anything, any words of condemnation from the you or from washington about here, which is unleashing all these drones stripes on, on the largest. again, let me just say this is the largest nuclear power plant in europe. so this is very, very dangerous. and central bell is a little close, or as he said, he's 14 people have been killed and several wounded. an overnight is really as try calling the town of the out by the a warning for you,
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the following images on graphic. and you might find them disturbing video from the palestinian red crescent society shows young survivors of the time being transferred to the nearby. out of the hospital. they, with ortiz, have reported that the majority of tunnels, he's a women and children who lived in a residential building in the nice arrived refugee camp, which was targeted 5 years. riley's, the phone was level the house to the ground. the victims bodies were taken to the medical facility to be identified according to the gauze and health industry. of the 33300 palestinians have been killed on 75000 wounded since the october 7th mazda attack across the in southern galls of civilians. and returning to con eunice on to the withdrawal of fee is really ami from the city and look, was a horrified at the scale of devastation left behind by the idea. and i am the sole survivor of my family of 12 people. as you can see,
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the building collapsed on us. we managed to extract around 5 bodies earlier. and today we found 8 more which we are currently extracting as no data, we have gone back 100 years. then as you can see, there is no refuge with fluids, water supply, rolling up and the people are trying to deal with the situation. i don't know where my house is anymore. okay. when they, when i did reviewing these houses were standing. but when we returned after the withdrawal of the military machinery from the area, we saw the enormous extent of the destruction. it's like a sou nami hit this neighborhood. more than 45000 citizens of this region do not have any refuge now. on, on the conflicts the other side is, riley citizens have grown increasingly discontented as the warring dollars that ends in 7 months on with based security findings exposed by october. the 7th or protest is the taking now and get to the streets. the form of vice prime minister is courting on those responsible to set down. i believe in hold that live his
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resignation will spark a chain reaction and the entire senior command of the idea of which is responsible for the failure will stand up and resign. following the example said by the chief of staff, more than that even the senior officials in the political echelon and at their head, the prime minister, will understand that the time has come to resign or to hold elections as soon as possible. or live south cross live to you as a high fall way of metro and support for a public city. and while i'm signed one democratic state for many thanks for joining us on the program today is good to see. first of all, i'd like to ask you how significant it is that this is cool for many is why do you need us to resign is coming from such a high profile. vega as i say 1st thank you for bringing me. i think it's kind please there. is a big jump into unless the leasing is lying, but see the some concerns as to how is the role. so there are more
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contradictions between a, between the different functions of the gym and different functions of a lead. but nobody is the football injury like down into the aggressive policy or from them. yeah. and it was the appointments today say that because the new orleans was supposed to be for jose. eh, failing to say, i said in october they have to go. but they don't the a suggest to and 0 the only claims that they could rage to even more successful in raising it, them. yeah. so actually this only start getting your box positions. we're seeing the same aggressive machine i live each hope, responsibility for as well as security, failure in the, off the mouth of the mouth type the 7th attack case. so the military would face us as full accountability. do you believe that the, the time for consequences? he has come i think oh, is there
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a or is it talking about this possibility is on the lips sell these weird scenes. that's a big bags that even the coding for me. sure. to have a dog else in farms they load the kitchen. now when renovation is a say where it's supposed to move. so as a like a file, van phone 0 position means our me. so for killing 7 people, you're getting like administrative the, uh, the steps i guess, you know, there's a possibility for being that, you know, and the same goes all the way, or the renters until they say we have, i suppose events. so they say area, they can say the house on, but they continue the same policy as they continue to go from most likely up to must have came from. these are still to do that. so we can say that the discontent,
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amongst these really people is, is growing rapidly. we can see that by the, the size of the protests and the frequency of them, of course, has been 6 months. people are becoming desperate about the situation. but how much does the focus on the id asked chief of stuff that distracts attention away from that's in the okay. i think, you know, is it pretty happy to have the responsibility saw on that or on most of the times around me. and he tried to keep insights on top of the batch. and by blending gave me by the ins. and this as long as the talk to is continue to go phone. so i know for, for a know i'm phone disaster tuesday, that still is a watch receive it, the blame and everybody decide to blame the.


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