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tv   News  RT  April 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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it's less than that text, i'm putting notes up under the headlines this hour. washington is quick to dismiss of the phone shell statement from most of the carriers that you craving in the company link to us, the president of items ton of sponsoring power. a toxic gains, russia plus a republican senate to belong to washington for spending way too much on ukraine, but they close been using tax payers dollars to tackle. now think of problems on the home front. step by step, looked into it. it's about 300000000 of their best guess from us. right now we're, we're printing our borrowing $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute. we can sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money on russian repairs is the west of complicity and was most go close k of power
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attacks on this out for those you a nuclear power plants as the mainstream media tons of blind the a very welcome to you is to, to and 6 pm here in the russian capital, and you are watching on the international with the latest world news. on our top story, this, our most go has cooled out a network and other nato authorities, as investigate as a case and was sponsoring terror acts inside russia group who is not holding. so ucr any of the phone links to the us. president, son, hunter bite. and invest in investigating city data, opening a pro, visit the financing of terrorism that says they say in both western countries, specifically including funds received by the risk by which which will come in so much that just as a political i mean,
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it's nonsense. russia knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia, an impending terrorist attack in moscow. and all the rest of this is noise and responds to over to you about the case, the puns, it goes out why reject to the allegations. however, russia's investigative committee stays the blog. money trail leads directly to the us through the notorious ukrainian company. it will start moving and this working in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence, incoming sources and further movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars are being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations. and in western countries, additionally, investigative operational efforts are being made to trace the length of different perpetrators of terrorist acts, different supervisors, organizers and sponsors for me, given the explosive nature of this accusation,
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i believe it is very important to listen carefully what the russian investigative committee had to say and one thing that stands out to me is that they did not mention the croak, a city whole attack, they did talk about risk of being a vehicle for funds and basically that that's how the money would transfer to terrorists was those who attempted acts of terror on the russian soiled, but the very fact that the parisian accompany is no more. it was closed just over a year ago in the early 2020 suite, a kind of a hence, that, probably russia's investigators were talking about some of the actors both tariff up to russian security services. they, well, they have been very, very busy since the beginning of russia's military operation in ukraine. they have managed to swore hundreds of terrorist attacks and employees that were most of minded in t of, and the well in some cases, terrace was successful. they, well, there have been a number of high profile assassinations in russia that russia officially blamed key
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of full. so again, there's plenty of, uh, there's plenty of information to work with. and again, it will be really interesting to see what exactly if, if uh, the russian investigative committee will uh, step forward and explain what exact act acts of to they were referring to. so very small holdings, i think a lot of people wouldn't know much about this. you print in firm if not for it's really to ship with a bite in the family and then and involved with the buy in family has had with for is not over the years. talk to us about that. well, absolutely, because if you're outside of america, then probably you're not very familiar with the name but you few are inside. and by the way, it is a very positive matter, but it doesn't match on which side of the political spectrum you are. but the fact is, if you hit the risk my you immediately you think the bite and the family, because the whole scandal was all about the bite and family. and it, in fact, the republicans, they were trying to impeach bite and over this. basically,
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joe biden, son hunter bite and he was a member of the board at the bridge. my company bridge, well being of his big, big, big energy energy giant. and that had a very large shelby, ukrainian energy market and hunter, but then he did not have any credentials that would make him that would make him well show expertise in the energy market. well, he had basically was his father. and so it is largely believe that he was put on the board because of his because of his father because of his loving power. and since boy ridgemont, since there was a corruption scandal and that was a money laundering scandal, and apparently then prosecute a general of ukraine. he was about to look into this. and the litigation is that the binding family actually paid actually bribed the incumbents authorities to just remove that prosecutor general, have a list they weren't being bribed. remember the fact that joe biden gave away
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$1000000000.00 in the us, the money in exchange for my to christmas, so my firing, no, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption. good sir. i said, i'm telling you we're not getting a $1000000.00. i said, you're not getting the building. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i like i said reading and 6 hours and the prosecutors not fired. you're not getting. the money was fired and they put in place someone school was solid. now also this is not where the buck stops bore as my was part so well if it has been embroiled in a number of corruption scandals, like for instance, a full met you premium and p accuse the company saying that it was involved to a bribe in a bribery scheme that your of had never seen have a list somewhere. a group that was the largest case bribing you were in 2026 1000000 dollars transferred and backs the close of reason the case. on april 21st 2022. the grinning court transferred 6000000 in cash in agreement with the original
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representative to the military unit of the main entail, just as if you're crane. so here's the part number for the sparks and this is the secret rolling. no one has seen it yet and go for a period of time north stream exploding over this estimation, substituting for 11 to darcy occurred. and it has a frequent in special services to not tie that they are carry. now to destroy the cost estimation service back for a bunch of catchy, what are we able to okay, now the very way this whole story has been covered. you would struggle to find the name of the c o in any of the articles. for instance, on wikipedia, of course it's can be, it can be easily googled. but the very fact that everybody focus just on the bite and family on their involvement because it is the big thing and it is what everybody was interested in. whether there was a conflict of interest and uh, whether, whether there were anything criminal where the biden family might have been involved in. so the connection is very solid. ridgemont, you saved the ridgemont,
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you hear by then you can hear the bite in the family again, it doesn't matter if you believe the, if you believe that he did anything wrong or if you don't believe that if you believe that there's not enough evidence is just the very connection, i'm now that the russian investigative committee officially accused verisk not of being involved in a terrace, came in drawers, the eyes and the drawers, the spotlight on the bite and family again. when we us intelligence officer and hostile olsby whistle blowers program, don't carry on to say is washington's hands on is exactly clean when it comes to state sponsored terrorism. in the us, intelligence agencies develop information about an impending terrorist attack. they are compelled by law to warn the victims in advance that an attack is coming. so that's on the one side. on the other side, a recount the story from the day after i said to a former c,
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i a colleague of mine who's now retired. that had to be us, right. we had to be the ones to blow that up. and he said, well of course it was us, but we could never say that it was us. so like i say the truth is in there somewhere, perhaps in the middle. uh, you know, with, with the, the ice is attack or, or the task for which ice is being blamed. maybe that was to fulfill the duty to one who knows north stream. i think it's more a can to whistling past the graveyard. you just pretend that everything is fine, nothing is happening. and hope that it just goes away. and republican center, so say is, washington has a, what do you spend too much on kids on should stop wasting money while america's own economy pays on the verge of recession. must have looked into it. it's about
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$300000000.00 of their best guesstimate right now we're, we're printing our borrowing $80000.00 per 2nd for point $6000000.00 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. us lawmakers from those policies of what was the amount of of the bond administration disclose is how much of the household, what do you all that cases i'm still planning to give to you as well. sure thing. one republican congresswoman moultrie taylor green has taken name its fellow policy number us house lights is on hold. on the motion by the gentleman from texas. this granger today in the letter to my colleagues, i clearly laid out how mike johnson has violated every promise he made. once you run for speaker, the american people who elected a g o b majority deserve a speaker who is in serving democrats. we also also about to enroll journalist on political a list of lines. i'm not gonna have to wait and on the bi partisan role of words in washington, and he says, the wife's house is a power lead,
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misleading the american people about what all the money's going. they are printing money, the americans i'd be financing was and this is indeed be the cheapest for the americans has conducted and they're not 40 years because the americans spend a lot of money. but that also they use math for them to measure age. and we know losing their this is the way the americans and the british are trying to convince the american population saying with the all new bad black bags returning home with our man. because we know losing anyone. we just pumping in dollars and the to the only thing we do at the end of the day, we can print the money we want and the cause of inflation is not the will. and you credit exactly the same rhetoric in your, in europe. there is no one of the day of his coming out and saying the reason halt inflation. and the devaluation of the you is our decision,
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as you are being leaders toward russia, where we buy the guys much more expensive, full time move from america and no way where we are. and we are getting our status on all the goods and the material that we import from russia. and we have isolated our side of the store on the rest of the what that is of the driving that from the fall i live. uh, there is nothing in the european mainstream media that indicates to the reality of what's happening on the ground. washington hassan's, thousands of weapons that seized from and wrong between 20212023 to ukraine. here's how us central command has justified its actions. these weapons will help you green defend against russia's invasion. us send comb is committed to working with our allies and partners to come to the flow for any legal aid in the
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region by all 4 means including us and you and sanctions and throughout interdictions. we will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop who runs disability and activities. the usa is a weapon to power, at least these wall on the way to who is a forces in young and sounds con reports. the kids only receives enough material to equip, quote, a ukrainian brigade, as long as the bite is ministration, has struggled with finding alternative ways to all at sideline, in the face of congressional gridlock as a funding. well, this isn't washington's 1st chance of rain, you know, to ukraine sometimes were 1000000 rounds of seas. on munition, in october of last year, was discuss this further were joined by to hate or saw the political on the list and you get invested to you have to wrong visiting professor many thanks for joining us on. the program stays very nice to see. let's 1st of all look at the legality of this news by the united states. just how legitimate is this transfer of
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seized weapons to keeps as well. first of all, to ron has yet to obviously comments on this report. and this point is we are not certain pertaining to the accuracy of the claim made by the united states central command and added to that it's a familiar it soon. the keys send some put forth a relatively similar arguments back in october 2023. that it had transferred over von 1000000 rounds of uranium emanation to the ukraine armed forces. and of course then it comes to the leisure tennessee. it's tough. the on the question by several points are here. first and foremost, i think, as far as the board and ukraine is concerned, ross position has been crystal clear. it has taken a neutral position and cold for these far in the beach to see any further escalation there. but i told events,
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let it be clear and stop the war between russia and ukraine. i'm strongly convinced that the united states will continue this slides by any means possible until the last ukranian soldier using the lax free of charge bullets and asked for the risk instead of comp claims it to uh, it indicates that the united states power is in decline. and it shows the bankruptcy and that they are not able to independently support their allies again into the report is in because of the fact that you rang and back 3 is a game changer in the battle field that many big but it's recovers are involved. if that's the case, let it be there. and then a 3rd point that i would like to raise pertaining to this claim is that it's the. ready that the united states off the shows are in habits of watching parts of caribbean film series. that might be one potential reason bunk. why they are
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addicted to this sort of piracy. as they have compass together, confiscated ships and back souls belonging to yvonne and all the countries in its massive motors in the past years. and one last point i wanted to add, if i may, which is related to the general context of united states concert, the, to foreign policy in that they are supporting ukraine. but they claim that the country has been invaded by a russia and at the same time we see what goes on and goes on. is really here, close a lot. is it talking? and is she link in a very unbelievable disastrous way? several hundreds and thousands of civilians is and their receipt is contradictory. use foreign policy is solidly supporting. design is reaching behind this a brutal attacks. while when it comes to ukraine rushed on board the water when it
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gets quiet the other way around. and they said they had talked with a is stunning, and it is so very clear. so to the wells as well, coming back to these stolen weapons, i mean, is the usaa is now with the thing to stealing west, but it isn't too sudden to ukraine. what's message is this sending about the u. s. weapons stockpiles on the current situation. okay. uh. yeah. uh 1st i think uh the united states is not at the very, from the very 1st day when the war began. i think the united states was not and is not willing to get into this battle sent directly. and they are aware of the risk that they say they need to take if they say, if they send their soldiers or if they want to have further involvement of may. so. so for that reason, as i told you earlier, did find to indirectly and by approx these
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a follow up this more. and it's quite surprising that ukrainian leaders are not a beer of the fact that they are blinds to be the end of united states. foreign policy, a and b, as i told you, economy speaking, of course when it comes to military, i think the nice is at the time is not capable of doing so, even if there is such an intention in washington to, to get involved in this battle. so, and that shows that they are pretty much the very and pretty much a few years. uh, lets say pretty much uh, concerned about the consequences of this, of such a bore if they started, if they get a further into that. and they are trying to avoid this disorder consequences. indeed many thanks to speaking to us today. it's great to hear from you to hate a saw the political analyst on visiting professor, i think an invest stay off to the wrong. thank you. thank you very much for having
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me. the west is trying to cover up to claims with length list ro strikes on. these are pro, she a nuclear power plant and stuff, the latest activation from the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman or whereas a, however, a new system, not the westerners are resorting to censorship, but they're literally blocking the emergency news on this matter and they're mainstream propaganda. master media more over here and there we even hear the rest of approval of criminal actions by the emerging, including those committed against nuclear facilities. but it's, it's like cubic leave. your name is allowed to do anything at all and they are going to be no exceptions. here, that's what they believe in the west. what will make every effort to ensure that such complicity in the crimes of the key regime does not go unnoticed by the rational majority of the international community. ukrainian army has continued attacking those up as well as a nuclear power plant. and experts, one is even sir, that this is kids at times trying to try their nuclear incident,
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that they can then pin on rush and say, we'll see russians don't care about nuclear safety. one is the russians have been sounding the alarm all along and even requesting an emergency. i a meeting over these types on this i for those are a nuclear power plant. we've heard from the head on the power plant himself saying that this could lead to a need to a catastrophe. and these concerns are even shared by the director general all v i a to show you during the last 5 days, starting from april 5th. does that persian nuclear power plant has come under unprecedented drone attacks by the armed forces of the cream? this poses a grave risk of a potential nuclear catastrophic report. it incident, although outside the site perimeter, is an ominous development. as it indicates, an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers, they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking
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a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, and it must stop the most stop by tailors not listening and continue. and it's reckless behavior. like i said, be a tax. i really intensified and multiply and the last couple of days starting from april, the 5th one that was a cleaning company, cause the drones hitting several parts of the plants and then it continued until april 6th, the 7th, the worst read from strikes. and there at least 3 people were injured, continued on, and so april 8th, the 9th, the press service on the power plan issued a statement saying that the building a housing, the world's only full scale, react, the whole simulator was that's high. so this is of course, a very dangerous situation that russia is warning everyone to bounce. marina. tell us, how has the west been reacting to all the strikes on the facility, which would have been taking place there for the past 2 years since 1st it took over the side? yes. well, you could say it's been total ignorance,
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really from the west and even searching for these latest attacks on line in english . you can barely find anything just now. we're slowly getting some statements. slightly. strickland and from the new the east pump diplomat just said inside. but these are reckless drone, the attack against the doors and nuclear power plant increases the risk of dangerous and nuclear incident. and that such attacks must stop by who should stop and it's key of and they're not saying that. so in the way, it's almost like american don't and it in the was on the completely other side of the you could say a rational behavior on the rational assault they're actually telling rush to stop. and let's take a list of the, from the us state department spokesperson and russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incidents at the plants, but once again a salt rush behind these drones strikes so they again, they use top diplomat has called reckless so they should be informing their pals.
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and key of to stop is a tax because this is what they could lead. so nuclear catastrophe what he was doing could lead for nuclear catastrophe, but we're not hearing that from the west. we're not hearing once again, any condemnation for these. again, not only violet eyes, but really, really dangerous size. so let me but there will be a special meeting according to the i a that will hold the special emergency meeting to discuss these attacks. and let's see, approval at least hear anything, any words of condemnation from the you or from washington about here, which is unleashing all these drones strikes on, on the largest. again, let me just say this is the largest nuclear power plant in europe. so this is very, very dangerous. in central gallons, a local authority say at least 14 people have been killed and the several wounded. an overnight his where he strike on the sound of the out by law, just a warning, the following images on graphic. you might find them disturbing video from the
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palestinian red crescent society shows young survivors all the time being transferred to the native. i'll acts a whole space so we will forward. these have reported that the majority of casualty, the children and women who lived in a residential building in the news arrived at refuge account, which was targeting 5 years. riley's, the bottom level of the house to the ground. the victims bodies would take him to the medical facility to be identified according to the guns of health ministry. of the 33480 palestinians have been killed on 76000 wounded since the october 7th. but across the, in southern guns, the civilians there was hurting to con eunice on to the withdrawal of b. is wally on me from the city that cause a horrified to the scan of devastation left behind by the ideas. and i am the sole survivor of my family of 12 people. as you can see, the building collapsed on us. we managed not to distract around 5 bodies earlier
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and then today we found 8 more which we are currently last tracking as no data. we have done about 100 years them and as you can see, there is no revenue. my loaded up, the water supply went up and the people were trying to deal with the situation. i don't know where my house is and you know and okay. when did i did review of these houses were standing, but when we returned after the withdrawal of the military machinery from the area, we saw the enormous extent of the destruction. it's like a sou nami hit this neighborhood. more than 45000 citizens of this region do not have any refuge now on all the conflicts. the other side is where the citizens offload increasingly discontented as the war and gone to enters its 7 long sun with the security failures exposed by the october. the 7th time of the time, while protest is a taking their own get to the streets faithful, the vice prime minister is quoted on those responsible to step down. i believe in
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hold that i live his resignation will spark a chain reaction and the entire senior command of the idea of which is responsible for the failure will stand up and resign. following the example said by the chief of staff, more than that even the senior officials in the political echelon and at their head, the prime minister, will understand that the time has come to resign or to hold elections as soon as possible. the big air in town, like a leasing a variety, but see the some concerns as to how is the role. so there are more contradictions between a, between the different functions of the gym and different functions of a lead. but nobody is the football injury like down into the aggressive policy or from them. yeah. and it was the appointments today say, then because the new orleans was supposed to make for jose and say no say i said in october they have to go. but they don't the, the hey, suggest to and 0,
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the only plans. it's a good range. the more successful in raising it, them. yeah. so actually this only start getting your boss positions. we see in the san aggressive machine i was talking about, the responsibility is on the lips. selby's, let's say we have as close events, so they say area, they can say awesome. but they continue on the same policy as they continue to go for most likely the most. okay. and from the disaster to disaster. the us national security advisor has praise washington's assets and nato expansion and helping new hon says reached in times with india providing a list of words the us can for this to be successful partnerships. if you look at what's happened with nato, we've made data larger than ever if you look at what's just happening this week, the historic trilateral with the us, japan and the philippines. if you look across the, you know,
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pacific of how we've upgraded our violations, not just with traditional allies, but with the likes of vietnam, indonesia ozzy on as a whole. the partnership between the us and india, a country in bricks, has gone to new heights with an engagement across technology. and so many are in security and so many other dimensions for the spike plains of enhanced partnership in the, in the us, the c i to on some sensitive issues important for new days, such as national security. washington refuses to extra di pods. one things common who india has designated a terrorist phase where peace has caused the staff, which has been making threats against irene day, a passenger as i'm farming us and movie among others. that's plus live now to retired major general ed to have console, the director of india foundation independent research sense and many thanks for joining goes on. the program is good to see. so national security advisor, jake sullivan, that has been taking off a list of the countries in the
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a 's or an in the pacific as examples of fruitful partnerships. how successful do you actually consider these ties to be oh, i think go as far as it is concerned, dear. good, very good position the united states. but that is dependent upon relations with other countries. you see very good. okay, that's all to go to the address. do you have what amount of time address? because you go to lodge post lane on the, in the pacific company and the multiple continental address. well, as far as the, by the time it is concern to a very large extent, that is a convergence of use between india and there united states. what that does, that is, that is not so as part of the continental chip is concerned, whoever you do not agree on most of the issues but that, but that does not really back to, you know, be, we have relations with everybody. all having good relations with the united states is not dependent upon the having any type of relationship with other countries. so
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i'll go from the board expect relationship for the rest. yes, i'm here and what's the relationship with the united states? and i think that situation is going to continue with it. so i came in, preston a is here on the in the pacific region was washington and to speak to a cheese in the region. do you think you're shipping the? the basic talk on the pacific is to keep the oceans free and open up a free and open as part of shipping is concerned under one single country, 55th adults. so the consistent stand of into driving just to that you want the shipper used to be open source would be to right and deliver normal stress on the like on the policy operations. reach your country under uh your country and in the agency. and you have done a very, very successfully so we don't want any countries really try to control the options, all the views. it has to be free of open shipping for organ.


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