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tv   News  RT  April 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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answer nonetheless, it is an acknowledgment nato's proxy war on russia is ending in failure. the washington dismisses with some, hey, step ball michel statement from moscow that accuses that you'd cranium company linked to joe biden. some of the sponsoring terror attacks against russia also had on the program comes as a republican center, glass of washington for spending too much on the ukraine. c calls for tax appears dollars to be used on solving might take domestic problems that must have looked into. it is about $300000000.00 of their best guessed month. right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute, we can sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. especially when a line says mid june, the,
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for the dates all the sony in peace summit telling ukraine, while the russian embassy and burn reports at house and even received an invitation are to discuss the matter with pamela. we are with this again, i'm trying to the committee from the united states of america. yes it is it on the list or it's you try to in this matter, officers are sitting on the piece talk. i think it's dusty to failure before it even starts and russia, jesus the rest of complicity and keeps continuous strikes on this. i thought it was . yeah. and you can are power plants coming has been streaming media. i touched part of the line, died to a potential large scale fit testing the from must go to the world. this is been mid week news roundup here on our team. international straight to our top story. as moscow has put the focus directly on
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the us and other nato members, as investigators accuse western officials of sponsoring terror acts inside russia, through the rest of the holdings, i knew premium company linked to the american president's own hunter bible. the following is on exchange on behalf during a white house briefing, invest in investigating city data, opening a pro, visit the financing of terrorism that so they say in both western countries, specifically including funds received by the risk by which which will come in so much that just as a political i mean it's nonsense. a russian knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia of an impending terrorist attack in moscow. and all the rest of this is noise. well, in its response to r t, i thought the case, the pentagon also rejected the allegations, our rights, however,
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russia's investigative committee saves the money. trail leads directly to western actors through the now defunct ukrainian energy conglomerate. it will start moving and this working in cooperation with other intelligent services and financial intelligence, incoming sources and further movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars are being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries, additionally, investigative operational efforts are being made to trace the links of direct perpetrators of terrorist acts, different supervisors, organizers and sponsors. given the explosive nature of this accusation, i believe it is very important to listen carefully what the russian investigative committee had to say. and one thing that stands out to me is that they did not mention the croak, a city whole attack, they did talk about the risk of being a vehicle for funds and basically that that's how the money would transfer to
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terrorists was those who attempted acts of terror on the russian soil, but the very fact that the parisian accompany is no more. it was closed just over a year ago in the early 2023. it kinda hints that probably russia's investigators were talking about some of the acts of tariff of to russian security services. they, well, they have been very, very busy since the beginning of russia's military operation and ukraine. they have managed to swore hundreds of terrorist attacks and employees that were most of minded in t of and well in some cases, terrace was successful. they, well, there have been a number of high profile assassinations in russia that russia officially blamed key of for. so again, there's plenty of, uh, there's plenty of information to work with. and again, it will be really interesting to see what exactly if, if uh, the russian investigative committee will uh, step forward and explain what exact act acts of to they were referring to. so very
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small holdings, i think a lot of people wouldn't know much about this. you print in firm if not for it's really to ship with a bite in the family and then and involved with the buy in family has had with for is not over the years. talk to us about that. well, absolutely, because if you're outside of america, then probably you're not very familiar with the name but you few are inside. and by the way, it is a very positive matter, but it doesn't match on which side of the political spectrum you are. but the fact is, if you hit the risk my you immediately you think the bite and the family, because the whole scandal was all about the bite and family. and in fact, the republicans, they were trying to impeach by then over this. basically, joe biden, son hunter bite and he was a member of the board at the bridge. and the company bridge were being of his big, big, big energy energy giant. and that had a very large share of the ukrainian energy market. and hunter biden, he did not have any credentials that would make him that would make him well show
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expertise in the energy market. all he had basically was his father. and so it is largely believe that he was put on the board because of his because of his father because of his loving power. and since boy ridgemont, since there was a corruption scandal and there was a money laundering scandal, and apparently then prosecute a general of ukraine. he was about to look into this. and the litigation is that the bite and family actually paid actually bribed the incumbents authorities to just remove that prosecutor general, have a listen. they weren't being bribe, whatever. the fact that joe, by this member gave away 1000000000 dollars in the us, the money in exchange for my to christmas. so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption comes here and i'm telling you, we're not getting the $1000000.00. i so you're not getting the building, i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving and
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6 hours and the prosecutors not fired. you're not getting. the money was fired and they put in place someone school was solid. now also, this is not where the buck stops bore as my was parts of well it, it has been embroiled in a number of corruption scandals. like for instance, a full met, ukrainian, m p. accuse the company saying that it was involved to a bribe in a bribery scheme that your of had never seen have a list somewhere, a group that was the largest case bribing you were in 2026 1000000 dollars transferred backs to close. the reason the case on april 21st 2022, the grinning court transferred 6000000 in cash in agreement with the original representatives to the military unit of the main entail. just as if you're crane, here's the part number for the sport. this is a secret ruling, no one has seen it yet. for a period of time, no storm exploded. this explanation of duty not pull up and to darcy occurred. and
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it has a frequent in special services to not hide that they are carrying out political assassination service backs for of budget cash. and we're able to know the very way this whole story has been covered. you would struggle to find the name of the c o in any of the articles. for instance on wikipedia. of course it's can be can be easily googled. but the very fact that everybody focus just on the bite and family on their involvement because it is the big thing. and it is what everybody was interested in. whether there was a conflict of interest and uh, whether, whether there were anything criminal where the biden family might have been involved in. so the connection is very solid, but ridgemont you saved the ridgemont. you hear by then you can hear the bite in the family again, it doesn't matter if you believe the, if you believe that he did anything wrong or if you don't believe that if you believe that there's not enough evidence is just the very connection. i'm now that
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the russian investigative committee officially accused verisk not of being involved in a terrace, came in drawers, the eyes and the drawers, the spotlight on the bite and family. again, a well former american intelligence officer and host of the whistle blowers show juncture eoc a pine side. washington's hands aren't exactly clean when it comes to state sponsored terrorism. us intelligence agencies develop information about an impending terrorist attack. they are compelled by lot one of the victims in advance that an attack is coming. so that's on the one side. on the other side, i'll recount the story from the day after the nord stream, a test i said to a former c, i a colleague of mine who's now retired. that had to be us, right? we had to be the ones to blow that up. and he said, well of course it was us, but we could never say that it was us. so like i say the truth is in there
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somewhere, perhaps in the middle. uh, you know, with, with the, the ice as a task or, or the, a task for which ice is being blamed. maybe that was to fulfill the duty to warn who knows north stream. i think it's more akin to whistling past the graveyard. you just pretend that everything is fine, nothing is happening and hope that it just goes away. and while the republican senator saves the us, has already spent too much on kids and should quote, stop wasting money. while the american economy itself, teachers, on the verge of recession, my staff looked into it. it's about 300 millions of their best guesstimate. right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find the best way to spend
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our money. us lawmakers from both big parties have also demanded the bite and administration, disclose how much it's already allocated and it's still giving to key f. i'm divisions are emerging not only across the political divide. republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greenhouse taking name of fellow party member and u. s. high speaker mike johnson. 6363 today in a letter to my colleagues, i clearly laid out how mike johnson has violated every promise he made when she ran for speaker. the american people who elected a g o b majority deserve a speaker who is in serving democrats. well, we also got the thoughts of veteran war journalist, some critical analysts to eliza mike, me a on the bi partisan war of words in washington. he sees the white house is misleading, the american people about where their own money is going. they are printing money. the americans, i'd be financing was and this is indeed the cheapest for the americans has
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conducted in they're not 40 years, because the americans spend a lot of money, but that also they use man for them to measure age. we know losing man. this is the way the americans and the british are trying to convince the american population saying with the all new bad black bags returning home with our man. because we know losing anyone. we just pumping in dollars and the piece of the only thing we do at the end of the day, we can print the money we want and, and the cause of inflation is not the ukraine. exactly the same rhetoric in your, in europe, there is no one in the day of his coming out and saying, the reason halt in creation. and the devaluation of the euro is our decision, as you're being leaders toward russia, where we buy the guys much more expensive, full time move from america and no way where we are. and we are cutting all the
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status on all the goods and the material that we import the from russia. and we have isolated our side of the store, all the rest of the way. that is all be driving data from the fall. however, there is nothing in the european mainstream media that indicates to the reality of what's happening on the ground. now, washington has sent thousands of weapons that it sees from the run between 2021 and 23 to ukraine. your saw us central command has justified the actions these weapons will help you green defend against russia's invasion. us centcom is committed to working with our allies and partners to come to the flow for any legal aid in the region. by all 4 means including us and you and sanctions, and throughout interdictions. we will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop iran's disability and activities. whether you essays,
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the weapons were apparently seized, while on the way to who t militants in yemen, no send come reports. the tabs forces received enough materials to the quick quotes . are you creating per gate that says the by the administration has struggle with finding alternative ways to arm? it's all i in the face of congressional gridlock. it's also not washington's for us transfer over really in arms to train. having sent over a 1000000 runs of seas, i munition last tobar but really and political level as. busy food as id say is the fact that the washington has resorted to sending seized weapons to ukraine shows keith is losing in the conflict that you find is losing the bar. i think that's what's happening and the by the administration doesn't have the cottage to admit that you're paying for this policy. it was a major fan. yeah. and uh, by engaging in this type of gimmicks, basically, but,
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but they have done is that nothing serious in terms of the military effects they're just highlighting at others, said paula, so you know, they supported the saudis and then they attacked human more than 8 years ago. so attacking enabled is bad under international law, then what they did that they've got to the salad these and you haven't, it is obvious the, i guess international law. and this is what we have to expect from washington. and one reason the ukraine is losing the water is because of the corruption of the canadian read you this, they get the fans from united states, european countries, other places and the senate in the black market. and this is one concern that many channels have, you know, you have had many reports from american news outlets. the us government officials
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worry about the american, both hands actually reach teaching you done. you done has been able to be this engineer and lots of both hands and you don't have the capability of doing that. and this is what this loading you don't need. i should not have access to american records, but they do based on these american news at the reports because of the corruption of ukraine unity, those and the fact that they get both hands and then they sell it to enrich themselves somewhere. news to bring you today switzerland has a 9 step, a so called peace summit on ukraine will take place in mid june without the russian participation. this, with foreign minister has the ledge. they try to involve multiple if you need be, i think look at it and use this has gone through it was supposed to off. so ukraine of costs is rasa because a piece process can be done without draw shot. even if it won't be the from the very beginning. in january i spoke with the russian foreign minister and made clear
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to him, but voss i should participate in the process from all points of view. however, the russian embassy in switzerland has denied receiving an invitation to participate in the upcoming summit. small sco has repeatedly said the piece talks in ukraine will not produce results if russia is not involved. and if it's interest or taking into account foreign minister circular roth says recent switch actions help discredited its role as a mediator with bush anymore. so we can no longer perceive this platform us to the neutral switzer. it has taken and opened the anti russian stance. well, what kind of mediation can that be? they are now trying to impose the mitigation ukraine, and nothing will come of it. this is not a place who can be trusted. well, the upcoming summit will be held in accordance with the so called zelinski piece formula appraised by ukraine's western allies. the last summits in august 2023 also
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excluded russia and use the same formula ending without producing any real results or a panel all but guess talk this through the on folding issue earlier saying the west efforts to discuss piecing ukraine, essentially with high pressure or nothing but a political point. the we wasn't this again, i kind of believe because according to the, from the united states of america, how we make our business process was though with one of the admin partners or with the, uh, is there a single vice the nation over there? so i just think it's a reflect the how the united states. so i made it there was saying, i want to make on the the do this. i'm fortunate that this route to let's initiative, does not include russia because, but any piece stopped without having rush as a table will be
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a few times you attempt the switch version of the piece talk. i think it's testing to failure before it even starts in that sense. it's unfortunate. eventually it may be proven to be a waste of time. so the most or insignificant you try to seems to be starting to be a special mutual by here shortly. and this gets a little bit closer, you can see that the city of atlanta has joined the west in would think sanctions again, is the russia to do it on the has joined the countries that of been providing support on to the status of both to you claiming the conflict, so you can see that uh you could, uh, uh, seduce it on the high littlest or if you try to fit in this matter, i don't think we are the best country plus the reason it was usually the best, the country, southern negotiations. so they are not the best, but it is 12 the,
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it was yes and there are many uh and ship it to make this process in a brand. many efforts to do is many going to is there a way or many efforts from egypt easier to months to visit ends are administer your uh on uh, context. uh uh, so i went down the road is an auto bleed, is there are many uh, photos and the initiatives from, uh, uh, come through zillow, it would, sure is, it also puts it in. it was that 6 the front is and to make the integrations down to make a sit there meant was it for this price is by negotiations behind the open and going to get a given motors best for a day. i know it is the right time to call for the real negotiation for new grain and rush out the tablet straight, the sincerity to reach a ceasefire to stop all hostilities, for example, and to install peace and restore peaceful construction and reconstruction.
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now with ukrainian strikes on this after we see a new killer power plant, not relenting the head of the company that oversees all the process nuclear sites laid on the steel up disaster the cut on sold with such attacks. so let me cut off . so this is showing a kind of good look of, in addition to well protected power units, the industrial side of the nuclear power plant also has a storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel bol diesel generators, and a large supply of diesel fuel for emergency systems. damage to any of these objects could provoke a nuclear accident. and most important to this up or is the station, is it stuff? 247 been under constant showing in a stressful situation when there is a real threat to live in health, to ensure the safe operation of the plant. these are truly courageous people for keeping both the seat open the door and the whole of europe, from the consequences of a possible nuclear disaster. once again,
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we demand to immediately stop and even if the stations of aggression against this upper usher plant in order to avoid repairable consequences, a russian foreign ministry smoke, southern marie is the heart of a has also commented on the issue saying the west is trying to conceal ukraine's relentless bro, and strikes on this approach in new car side. a new system on the west and us uninstalled into sense of shape daily, truly blocking the emergence of news on this matter in the mainstream propaganda mass media more over here. and there we even hear direct approval of criminal actions by the key for she include in those committed against nuclear facilities. so it's like the key appreciate is allowed to do anything at all and there can be no exceptions here. that's what they believe in the west. we will make every effort to ensure that such completion date in the crime, some of the key appreciate it does not go unnoticed by the rational majority or the international community. so or a summary is a harv of their as fears of
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a nuclear disaster continued to mount with k of seemingly refusing to stop attacking the largest nuclear power plants in europe. and some experts warn that the plan is apparently to trigger a nuclear incidents and blame it on russia. photo for small scale has been sound in the alarm, all along even requesting an emergency. i a need to address the attacks on this approach and nuclear power plants, the ahead of the facility, warrants of a nuclear catastrophe, concerns that are shared by the director general of the international atomic energy agency to show you during the last 5 days, starting from april the 5th, this upper or c a nuclear power plants has come on the unprecedented drone attack by the armed forces. so few crane this poses a great risk of a potential nuclear catastrophe. the reported incident, although outside the site perimeter, is an ominous development. as it indicates, an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers,
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they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, and it must stop. but keith is refusing to stop and no one is even trying to hold them accountable for playing such a thing for escape. the e is top diplomat, joseph burrell said that the visa tags are a reckless dangers and not they must stop. yes, but the who should stop. that's what was missing a lot statement. and that's why ross has a master to the you. what has slow, i'm the west will seemingly back in ukraine's actions even a possibility of nuclear goods us through. if he's not the logo site, we're almost one thing called the western states. few the, the brooks is undertaking such dangerous publications. the game have great questions, consequences for them. so for them as well as for the inside the gains this back up,
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we are just the international community to condemn these you responsible and gravely danger those actions of the key. if it is you, it's west and sponsors instead of covering up its crime since and supplying it with more weapons. and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political and mean if it is sold, it is a 10 for the painted at compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale. we are talking about 5 days of attacks starting from april. the 5th, when a ukrainian kamikaze drone force took the area of the cargo ports and the nitrogen oxygen station the next day. and now this strikes nearby, april 7th, ukrainian food was part of the plants of 3 times enjoying sweet people. april 8th. another company called the total salt down over the plans and on april, the 9th, the plans pressed service reports of yet another a tide. this time on the building,
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housing, the world's only full scale reactor, whole simulator. and what are your friends allies say in the bottle this, that russia should stop? stop waltz? exactly. we continue to call in russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return the full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that can result in nuclear incidence at the plant well as the so called context, sense of cranium authorities that are, it's hacking the nuclear power plant that's putting the whole world in danger. so maybe it's telling them to stop would be far more beneficial for mankind. but that side seems to be more preoccupied with demonizing russia, while kids is working hard to to cover its tracks. to tell you russia decided to yusef baby drill was to simulate shedding, supposedly from the korean side you cranes position is clear, concise, and ambiguous. with enough carry out any males reaction,
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so publications against nuclear facilities. the rest of them must leave the nuclear power plant. they get the idea arrive. if it looks like a dog swim is like a duck and quacks like a duck then. no, it's not a dock, it's the russians that made it look that way. it was seems to be easier to accept any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it doesn't implicate them, or key of failings on the stand at the right. so when you clear catastrophe is very real and totally in their hands. ok, let's turn attention to central's guy say we're a local authority say at least 14 people have been killed and several more wounded in an overnight is really our striking on the ton of darrow belie wanting. the following images are graphic video from the palace, the name red crescent society shows young survivors. i'll be attacked, being transferred to the nearby out of the hospital. the authorities have reported that the majority of casualties are children and women who lived in
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a residential building in new surround refugee town targeted by his release for allegedly harping. how must militants the bones level that to the ground? well, the victims bodies were taken to the medical facilities. they to be identified according to the gas and health ministry over $33400.00. tell us to mean something killed on 76000. would that since they have tober 7th from us terrorist attack. meanwhile in southern gaza, civilians are returning to ton eunice after the withdrawal of the is really army from the city. local say they are horrified at the scale of devastation left behind by the idea of on i am the sole survivor of my family of 12 people. as you can see, the building collapsed on us. we managed to extract around 5 bodies earlier. and today we found 8 more, which we are currently ex, directing no data. we have gone back 100 years. then as you can see,
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there is no refuge, clothes, water supply, roads and the people are trying to deal with the situation. i don't know where my house is anymore. when they, when i did a viewing, these houses were standing. but when we returned after the withdrawal of the military machinery from the area, we saw the enormous extent of the destruction. it's like a su nami hit this neighborhood. more than 45000 citizens of this region do not have any refuge now. the northern garza, the al shots, the refugee camp also suffered losses in a recent is really strike 3 psalms and 3 grown children of a mass leader is mayo, honey, you were killed while i'm writing in a civilian vehicle there. according to gas and media. mr. how many i call the attack, and it's really failure, said the transfer. they will not influence the ongoing cairo talks if they thing the targeting my children at the back of the store before the from us movements
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response is submitted will cost them us to change positions, the delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children. the pals seen and people all the monitors of palestine are my children. as well in israel itself, citizens appeared to be growing increasingly discontented with the war which has not been to its 7 month protesters helping taking their anger to the streets. and one of the former vice prime minister is not calling and the was responsible for the country security on october 7th, to spend time. i believe and hope that i live his resignation will spark a chain reaction. and the entire senior command of the idea of which is responsible for the failure will stand up and resign. following the example said by the chief of staff, more than that even the senior officials in the political echelon and at their head, the prime minister, will understand that the time has come to resign or to hold elections as soon as possible. the big air entail makayla seeing a variety but speak.


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