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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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from the korean side, your grains position is clear, concise, and i'm vigorous with enough. carry out in the middle of the reaction. so publications against nuclear facilities, the rest and mostly the nuclear power plant. you have the id arrive if it looks like a dog swim was like a duck and quacks like a duck then. no, it's not a dock. it's the russians that made it look that way. it was so used to be eager to accept any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it doesn't implicate them, or key of failings on the stand at the right. so a nuclear catastrophe is very real and totally in their hands. the russian foreign ministry has said that you cream is literally hunting during list. the chilling remarks come as a reporting crew from the loo, ganske republic where hits by you printing and shelling. been chase done by a dro representatives of russian media, a being targeted in violation of international humanitarian knows whether you haunt
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on the way just an old possible means of attack. terry smith that's being employed to get a disagreement of plans with the silent consent of west and supervisors of ukraine and engaged human rights organizations. local media for they chose the moment that the impact of the strike on the journalist, a correspondent on camera, months were wounded, but the injuries are said not to be life threatening. the director of the loop, ganske news, i clicked that came under fire saves. it's not the 1st time the ukrainian military has a talk. working reporters in the business of our guys have shown themselves worthy . they continued working, even when shells were flying in. all the scenes were filmed, both the moment of impact and the moment of injury. the camera man didn't abandon the film equipment, and the correspondence also covered him after the opponent fired artillery shells and evacuation vehicle was chased by an f b b drone. fortunately, it felt nearby and didn't see the vehicle itself. the explosion occurred on the
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side roughly speaking. well, i tell you more correspondent, on 3 of the gd safety of considers any journalist not reporting for ukraine, a propagandist. in this case, i remember always, so what's a, what a substitute a low, the excess because of the territorial defense. so ukraine said she or he and depends on which gender or she assume to be in this moment. let's say that to a 4 journalist not only are, are from journalist about or journalist at this side are, can be, can see there as a target for ukrainian forces. and it's important that the street don't, she don't say the only journalist about the uh for the ukrainian side or people that are involved. but in, in the media award in this side,
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we are like propagandist for the ukrainians. so they, you can't, in our may. in fact, the can see that as every journalist that it see or as are, are from prof. i got on this. and of course, it's impossible for them to determinate the nationality of the journalist the end for this reason. or people that are working, reporting from the front line or nearby the front line is a possible target for that. you can, i mean, the great electricity in the lead ganske no heading stateside again, because guns fire hazard abruptly during your rama. done celebration in the american city of philadelphia. several people have reportedly been injured. we can see a heavy police presence in this area of flooded sources at the same state that multiple guns have been covered and 5 people taken into custody. the shooting allegedly
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occurred were crowded to gather to celebrate the most of them eat alpha tear holiday signaling, the end of the holy month of ramadan. the motives behind the shooting has not as yet been confirmed. and now with what is expected to be an extremely tight us presidential election in november to abide has been trying hard to appeal to the american people. it's a nation of many backgrounds of course, but those the incumbent leader, news. oh, i come out of the black community, you know, i grew up in a heavily irish catholic communities grant pennsylvania and heavily a tally and polish community in clermont delaware. in the background of my family is an irish american. and we have a, a long history of not fundamentally, i'd like to publish the people. i probably want to show more than many of you
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i, uh, was sort of raised in puerto rican community room subversion. culture is amazing. as a student of the persian culture, i had a very close relationship with a greek american community for real. i am jo wide novelist. well, one recent nationwide polos but don't little trump firmly in the lead over bite and in the election race. but many americans aren't actually happy about having to pick between the 2 all over again. a majority of respondents said they wouldn't vote for either candidates if there was another name on the ballot. well 3rd party and independent candidates have also set their sights on the top job and i'll be in the notes in their presidential intentions. green party. hopeful jill stein face the 2
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party electro system leads the bulk of american folders with little to no choice. there is now a huge bucket of people who are looking for something to vote for. so we feel it's, it's entirely misleading to say that greens are taking votes away. no, actually we are giving people an opportunity to vote who otherwise wouldn't be coming out to vote when we took to the streets of new york to aust locals. what they think what some telling us in a rather direct to york way. it's too hard to decide which candidate is the lesser of 2 evils. personally, i don't think either of them are for, for the election, but i do feel like people have to make a choice, unfortunately because of our party binary. but to party binary we have in america, democrats versus republicans, it, it has never worked. it's not going to work. and i couldn't understand in the sense that we have to choose someone to just choose the side of them.
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and folding, i get a ballet, they put it in, but it's not said, i really am uh, you know, through with the 2 candidates. i'm not, and nobody else around we need to have other options and ways to be able to come together to where it doesn't come down to having to switch to be able to choose a good well independent candidate for the us senate in new york state, diane sar totaled our team. many americans no longer trust the electoral system in the country. qualified presidential candidates are not allowed to run. and unfortunately, americans rather than fighting to change the system, adapt to it and adjust and say, well, i really don't like this, this, this, but they're less bad than the other one. i that creates a very severe crisis gutter saying in leadership in this country, i think it was actually
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a very big problem. i don't believe we have an incumbent who's qualified. i don't believe that we have a major opposition, which is qualified either. and that creates a great vacuum of leadership. i think the voters have to know that if there is a problem, there is a way to verify that the vote count is accurate. the fact that it seems so very rig from beginning to end, and not just at the polls, i mean the news media coverage, the blocking out of the hunter bite and laptop story. so i think that americans have been very deep sense. it's not fair, it's not just and therefore they don't even participate in new york. we have voter turnout in some municipal elections below 15 percent. that means people don't trust it at all. so i think the number one issue is to make the elections trustworthy. so the people have a sense that their vote counts that their voice matters. okay,
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what else to read to bring you this, our washington has sent follow since of west been studied, sees from a room between 2021 and 23 to ukraine here. so us central command has justified the actions. these weapons will help you grain defend against russia's invasion. us send comb is committed to working with our allies important as to go into the flow for any and legal aid in the region by all 4 means including us and you and sanctions and throughout interdictions. we will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop who runs disability and activities. the usa is the weapons were apparently seized while on their way to who t rebels in human sense come, reports that kids forces received enough material to equip, quote, a ukrainian brigade that's out of the by the administration has struggle with finding alternative ways to arm its ally in the face of congressional red lock.
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it's also not washington's 1st transfer of really un arms to ukraine, having sent over a 1000000 runs of seas by munition last october. but really in political analysts food is that the say is the fact that washington has resorted to sending seized weapons to ukraine, shows how the conflict is going you find is losing the bar. i think that's what's happening. and the by the administration doesn't have the courage to admit that you're creating for this policy was a major fan. yeah. and by engaging in this type of gimmicks, basically what, what they have done is that it's nothing serious in terms of the military effects. they're just highlighting additives. st. paul, this so you know, they support the saudis and then the tax human more than 8 years ago. so if i touching enable, it is bad under international law,
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then what they did that they've got to the salad these and you haven't is obvious the, i guess international law. and that this is what we have to expect from washington . and one reason ukraine is losing the law is because of the corruption of the canadian read you this, they get the past from united states, european countries, other places and the senate in the black market. and this is one concern that many times have, you know, you have had many reports from american news outlets. the us government officials worry about the american, both hands actually reach teaching you done it on has been able to the best engineer and lots of weapons and you don't have the capability of doing that. and this is what this loading, you know, you guys should not have access to americans with those, but they do based on these american news outlets reports because of the corruption
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of ukraine unity, those and the fact that they get both hands and then they set it to enrich themselves dollars where really things for now i'll be back again though in just over 15 minutes with much more do hope you've enjoyed me live from us, but this is the introduction, the the so to get like the mortgage spot see. but the so give idea of each. thank you very much for your time. i know that you are a very busy person. i would like to start right off with the statements of polish prime minister donal task confirmed the phone is indeed not considering direct participation in the conflict on the territory of ukraine. however, we heard that the polish foreign ministry does not hide the fact that for the
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soldiers of fighting on the side of the grand armed forces and even to call it a secret. but everyone knows how would you comment on such a duel position? was it so they really need this statement, this statement most indeed made by police for the minister sikorsky. sure. at the same time, he said that he would not name those countries from which military personnel being sent to bones. he did not specify when we're talking about active military personnel, although so formerly on vacation on business trips and so on, while the shoot and the ukraine, the so called volunteers allows reform or cut and military personnel in general, this is a well known fact. although both officials and leading media train in every possible way to avoid it, without commanding in any way unencumbered reports that they are dying and open secret how little and they try not to open the message. i what i say script and instead of stop, i don't, the russian ministry of defense, you pause that there are more polish,
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most scenarios in the armed forces of ukraine, then citizens of any other countries. is this being discussed in full and force a it's a good our store. i changes your age. could you? this is exactly what is categorically, not acceptable to talk about here. neither officials, no mainstream media talking about this. well, sometimes it is mentioned boldly into use a b with vill still called volunteers. naturally they don't call themselves most of these the called volunteers who have already completed their participation in hostilities. they share their own memory, solve this topic without any generalization or without incomplete data on the numbers of people losses among them and so on. this is a taboo topic. over the services you mentioned, try to solve sikorsky before i wanted to discuss what the had of before administered recently set about the creation of a need a mission in ukraine. and he clarified that this does not mean direct involvement
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in the conflict. you know, the last, how would you evaluate these clarification and doesn't this mean in direct involvement in the conflict of conflict? it's like you have a great deal coming to, you know, i would not like to comment on this particular statement because it is possible that we're talking about some kind of misunderstanding here. that's all from this statement by the polish minister of foreign affairs. we did not find any mention of this mission, for example, in statements by nato officials or other countries of the north atlantic alliance. so it seems to me that it's probably too early to talk about this topic in more detail. maybe there is some misunderstanding here. so that's a bit of dumb such as well also. ok. let's move on to what seems to be an accurate problem for poland about farmers who continue protest in poland. the demand, of course, the either the med or completely banned the import of cheap agricultural products from ukraine. how serious is best probably now much?
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i really am a 2nd. yeah. it's really else that i think the problem remains acute because the blockade as the policy graham boarded by police farm us remains and protests continue throughout the country. getting the largest of these actions, hundreds of points from various roles throughout full and web locked content kind of the chance of being made to reach an agreement between the authorities and farmers on waste to resolve this problem. but so far, no systemic solution has been found. the various options for partial agreements have been proposed, but i will repeat that a settlement has not yet been found in use in this month around the, at the lot, and despite, as well. so as i understand it diffuses to conduct a di like with the protesters, is this to at the box? let me back up, but it is not run minutes to task met twice with representative. so the protesting farmers they have is the point is that the government on principle is not going to talk to the most of the testers who can make outright violations of public order.
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but meetings with the lead is on the protesting farmers have been and probably will continue for them to just look uh no it's, it's interesting how people, most of the farmers who have so many problems now feel about the fact that on the 17 fif anniversary of the creation of nita, the president of poland, proposed to their lives, lead us to increase defense spending to 3 percent of g d p. when the research is serious problem with the pro test, how time the such statements from the president, a lawyer, you know, when you think you'll give me 0 it's. i would not like to commend this statement of the had on the polish states. but as far as i can judge the police public, most citizens to perceive these topics differently, it varies in mazda of indoctrination of the public here in the speed of the existing growing threat from russia, against the backdrop, of course, on the so called russian aggression to ukraine, in principle,
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the majority of fully society influenced by these propaganda supports measures to build up the military potential and defense capability of the country. and there are no wide spread doubts or protests against increasing. we'll do spending here. at the same time, reading population issues somewhere around 75 to 80 percent of both support the process of farmers and are in favor of measures being taken at the level of the european union. and if it's not possible to reach an agreement with the you, then you'll actually to protect the position markets from the influx of you do for you, graham drain, and on the other cultural products with visa, 2 questions that exist on to non intersecting planes. what proper notice tells you mentioned about that because of the propaganda fall and feels like it needs to strengthen itself and it needs more defiance because there is a thread from russia in this regard. how soon as joseph will be at info and now was a jim this starts list floors in the room. you know, they just sit on
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a difficult question. ready, if we talk about into stage relations about the perception of prussia as a state by all the society, then this perception, now of course, by significant majority of fully society is negative, hostile russia is to see if there's an aggressor, the threats. this of course affects both the mood and poly society and the results of silver these. but there is a nuance in personal contacts. there was a phobia is openly manifested very rarely. still, most people are normal say. and despite the fact that they seem to have a negative priority towards the country, there is some conscious which is full both you'd think of bringing and in the occasional institutions based on a vision of the history of relations between all countries is predominantly negative. but at the same time, i'll tell you this again, when communicating with people, this manifests itself quite drowsily. basically, in the personal relationship, develop more or less no money. for my own experience,
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i will see you then in my own mustang used to work in phones. i can count on one hand, the cases when such a negative as a tooth was expressed towards me personally. basically everything was quite correct . got cut off. so before the negative attitude, which you just mentioned, poland is known for each box on representatives of the russian foreign ministry. must remember the incident in 2022. when you would doused with bead image, cries of fascist, what are the conditions you've got on the work on the in poland with the bullying you could ask at the well, it wasn't pains. it was be juice by the way, quite pleasant reading taste. that action, it was perhaps a specific event. clearly, august rate is clearly organized, which it seems to me did not achieve its goals or local authorities and police have not allowed anything like that since then. although years ago we were not allowed. now, given the opportunity to lay rafts,
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memorial cemetery for soviet sol just in may 9, but at least there were no clashes, as for the working conditions so fresh and diplomats here are embassy consulate general. from what i hear from my colleagues working at a friend, the countries, the situation is approximately the same. and he was somehow not particularly stand out against the general background of what is happening in other countries of the collective west of origin because that's total. so for the cock, can you see the truth of all the somehow influenced relations between the 2 countries on not has anything changed at the political level. so there's a quick video to use as a perform period over the past few years since the beginning of the special meals and alteration. i can say that those negative from the stations in our relations it existed before 2022. and even before 2014, they intensified and what extent created to be honest,
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i didn't notice any drastic changes. i got the, the lady at the what was the reaction of the pulse, the bullish authority desk to the bloody terrorist attack that occurred in moscow? so the, yes, the reaction was makes, let's say, the bullshit the, what is the lake and them and the sacs until the end of the next day, saturday, march, 23rd, an all new saturday evening, the prime minister and exhibit cleats clearly said that poland and includes the condemns this to this fact. however, she has been added to the hill, but this action would not serve as a pretext for increasing violence and aggression. understand it as you wish. them 1st name as you minister of foreign affairs. shane, i even said that a terrorist attack and coca city whole was no worse than what the russians were doing in ukraine. let's see. well, the media to the 1st active list, so to denote involvement of ukraine and western countries and the stair act. and what indeed,
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the russian authorities would trying to link this terrorist attack with the key for you. while these loving state admitted is responsibility for this fact. then summon cda the this terrorist attack was created beneficial to put him and the thrush and special services. i probably behind it this, frankly speaking really leaving minded us of the situation with the bombings of houses in moscow in the late ninety's when they also tried to blame the f as b for this. so one of the one hand, it seems like a formality, much delayed it when the whole world had already condemned this action, that bone and joint. on the other hand, this is perhaps analyst duration of the parkins, by which the information war against us is currently being waged the most wilson, but at the same time, we're here a statement again from the polish president he has so far as this topic that there is a need to place us nuclear weapons on polish territory. have you heard the statement?
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have you heard such rumors perhaps? and it came up with numerous. so this toby has to be raised for a long time made. it has the process of so called joining nuclear emissions. that is military personnel alternated countries that do not have nuclear weapons are involved in the exercise of doing which the use of nuclear weapons is practiced. well, the polish authorities have long been raising the question that into cutting new situations. they would be interested in the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory board. weapons already employed, 100 territories, 5 normally can need to countries in western europe and poland joined the same join, new clinicians. but so far the americans have responded that they didn't often see that this advisable will be a good deal of a spreadsheet. i want to ask you just the pianist, people mainly in poland, if they are afraid that there is such a threat from russia did not understand that the deployment of us nuclear weapons could possibly further aggravate the problem. is just putting you we, you know,
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it is customary here to the poll and security primary with the united states with protection and security guarantees on the policy. so here in principle, we are ready to agree with any measures that are required on the part of a strategic ally. just to get into your security. i, yes, got the idea of the stuff so they can use that a hold. the relations between russia and poland will somehow see by today's, the dns will somehow get better in the future, or will they to mean us allies? and that's all the to say you were in the game is so you and your list of us, of the united states and fall and will remain allies. there's probably no dallas about it because the ball is participation in nature. and the city you, collides with the united states, are supported by the overwhelming majority of the population and the inside, the boys political leads us for our bilateral relations. probably sooner or later
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we will come to some kind of communal, marty, you know, relations. it certainly won't be what it was before. wick awesome. they told the things will not be the same as before. for all part, we agree that it won't work as before because we do not need it. what happened before and after the crisis in international relations to the crisis of you to be in security that we have at the moment. but sooner or later, probably after the goals. so the special meals are operation are realized when you situations that arise, you know, region the time will come for us and the boys side to somehow settle all by electro relations. we enables up through old. so we will see story and so do a demo is a good because the to the pool or so do you have a dream of each? when did we lose full and when do you think this happened? what was the final moment when we already knew for sure the full and would not be friends with us as before?
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it is clear that we have historical problems between poland and russia. but when did it become clear that poland is not with us? it's, you know, it's drop it off more than well, this question can be understood in different ways. there are people who will tell you that bone has never been with us even when we have friendly official in the state relations. never did this, let just say that and not very favorable attitude towards the soviet union in the russia was widespread in poland. actually, i, myself, remember the steins were brought up and so be times in the speed of international is the idea of destiny without allies and the socialist camp. and it was a relation for us when meeting with the, for example, bully citizens, friends in quotes. we something that their attitude towards us was not the same as out onto to, to was them a tool and the they have numerous claims against us, historical, of a different kind. great. so to be honest,
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i wouldn't want to talk about whether we gained or lost bowlens when it happened, and so on. the, [000:00:00;00] the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the law firm of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of his full metropolitan pro french president. felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the government dean isn't it enough from that there's no simple new foster. larry says,
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was douglas who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of move a one year, a new lead to bill on come back. the ball came to power. and i'm ready to double open for example. yeah, 2 is why do you know for freedom from the input isn't good for tiffany to one is the bronze immediately dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. the walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of law from 130 to the other 2 voters of mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is black a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on. see the,
6:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the car headline stories, washington dismiss is palm shell statement from moscow accusing a premium company link to joe biden. psalm of sponsoring terror attacks against russia as a republican senator of bloss washington and for spending too much show new cream of the calls for taxpayers dollars to be used on solving month things. domestic problems in my staff looked into it at about 300000000 of their best estimate. so right now we're, we're printing our borrowing $80000.00 per 2nd, 4600000


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