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tv   Documentary  RT  April 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the think the region for me to, with them when we get into the side of celia, was this because it did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g, for teach. so i know for me teaching the scholars that should to store and you've cheated us compared to last. i look forward to with that the, for, she's more, it's a little bit less move them on the status of enforcement center between the amount of water to move lately. so with the continued animal just i get i as well as to the lowest quality, unloaded. i redid some of the possibility to be progressing, right. i used to your short finish. this is just all just for good news. i'm of action and for them to come swing to do friday. use the material, ordering the power of simple for over the fisher instrument and the temperature of
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addition to some of this, the the, by the middle of the 19th century. practically, the whole of india had been under the rule of the british and by the colonial authorities. at a post that heavy depth bringing the people into poverty, x 40 natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the physicians of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those and cooperated with them. the facts of ignoring the religious believes of the hindus led them. you may have, as the voice, mercenary soldiers serving under the british ground. 3000000000 began on the 10th
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of may 1857 in the garrison town of may river, north of india in the form of abuse. the rebels quickly took over daily that he rode. the resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels, cruel, late fee and slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. this type of execution was called the devil's with the obliteration of them you may result in the death of 800000 inhabitants of indians. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will, will resist the the, what is part of the,
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the employee would posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present let's stop without glitches desktop out of the as a result of why it's can be started by lines, please can be started by turn. the importance of we can never be of a station, so that transparency is an extraordinary john. mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the was public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information
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with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest mom realized tends to me and, and, and honestly, to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely voltage us has to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay? the said again, i didn't know if it's supposed to be, but i'm not going to give a team of each. thank you very much for your time. so i know that you are a very busy person. i would like to start right off with the statements of polish prime minister donal task confirmed the phone is indeed not considering direct participation in the conflict on the territory of ukraine. however, we heard that the polish foreign ministry does not hide the fact that foreign
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soldiers of fighting on the side of the grand armed forces and even called it a secret. but everyone knows how would you comment on such a duel position, but they really need this statement this they've been most indeed made by police for administer sikorsky. sure. at the same time, he said that he would not name those countries from which males personnel being sensible. and he did not specify when we're talking about active military personnel, although so formerly on vacation, on business trips and so on, while as to the ukraine, the so called volunteers allows reform or cut and military personnel in general. this is a well known fact. although both officials and leading media train in every possible way to avoid it, without commanding in any way unencumbered reports that they are dying. an open secret. however, they try not to open the visits of what i say, scott and his desktop are on the russian ministry of defense. you boys,
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that there are more polish, most scenarios in the armed forces of ukraine, then citizens of any other countries. is this being discussed in full and worse? it's a good us store items your age. could you? this is exactly what is good to go to the not acceptable to talk about here. neither officials, no mainstream media talking about this. well, sometimes it is mentioned boldly into used to be with those so called volunteers. naturally, they don't call themselves most of these cold volunteers who have already completed their participation in hostilities. they share their own memories on this topic without any generalization and without complete data on the numbers of people last us among them and so on. this is a taboo topic of the stuff, as you mentioned, try to solve sikorsky before i wanted to discuss what the had of before administered recently said about degree sion of a need emission in ukraine. and he clarified that this does not mean direct involvement in the conflict. no,
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the less. how would you evaluate these clarification? and doesn't this mean in direct involvement in the conflict of conflict? it's like you have a great deal communicator. it's, you know, i would not like to comment on this particular statement because it is possible that we're talking about some kind of misunderstanding here. fall from this. they've been by the police minister of foreign affairs. we did not find any mention of this nation. for example, in statements by nato officials or other countries of the north atlantic alliance. so it seems to me that it's probably too early to talk about this topic in more detail. maybe there is some misunderstanding here. so that's a bit of done. this is just not all ok, let's move on to what seems to be inactive problem for poland. about farmers who continue protest in poland, the dom on of course, to the idea limit or completely by the input of cheap agricultural products from ukraine. how serious is this problem now? i really am
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a sucker and it's really the big problem remains acute because the blockade as the policy graham boarded by police farm us remains and protests continue throughout the country. during the largest of these actions, hundreds of points in various roles throughout poland web blocked content attend the chance of being made to reach an agreement between the authorities and farmers on waste to resolve this problem. but so far, no systemic solution has been found. various options for partial agreements have been proposed, but i will repeat that a settlement has not yet been found in use in this month around the, at the us and despite as well. so as i understand it diffuses to conduct a di like with the protesters, is this to at the thought lifting it back to, but it is not rotten minutes to task met twice with representative self to protest, inform us what they have is the point is that the government on principle is not going to talk to the most threatening of protest is who can make outright
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violations of public order. but meetings with the lead is so the protesting farmers have been and probably will continue to hold on to this look. uh no it's, it's interesting how people, most of the farmers who have so many problems now feeling about the fact that on the 17 fif anniversary of degrees in of nita, the president of poland, propose to deadlines, lead us to increase defense spending to 3 percent of data be when through social serious problem with the protest. how time the such statements from the president more yeah. when you think you'll come in here, which would look like to come in this statement of the had on the polish states. as far as i can judge, the police public smaller citizens still see the still beach differently. it varies, and mazda end of the nation of the public, here in the speed of the existing growing threat from russia, against the backdrop, of course, of the so called russian aggression and ukraine. in principle,
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the majority of fully society influenced by this propaganda supports measures to build up the military potential and defense capability of the country. and there are no wide sprint dallas, or protests against increase. and we'll do spending here the same time reading population issues somewhere around 75 to 80 percent of both support the process to farmers and are in favor of measures being taken at the level of the european union . and if it's not possible to reach an agreement with the you, then you'll actually to protect the police market from the influx of judy for you, graham drain, and other cultural products, which visa to questions that exist on to non intersecting planes. a little further notice tells you mentioned, found that because of the propaganda fall and feels like it needs to strengthen itself and it needs more defiance because there is a thread from russia and disregard. how soon as joseph will be at info. and now was that just touch the source and the are, you know, they just sit on
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a difficult question. ready if we talk about in this stage, relations about the perception of prussia as a state by all these society, then this perception. now of course, by significant majority of fully society is negative, hostile rush, these to see if there's an aggressor, the threats. this of course affects both the mood and poly society and the results of surveys. but there is a nuance in personal contacts. there was a phobia is openly manifested very rarely, still most people are normal say. and despite the fact that they seem to have a negative attitude towards the country, there's some conscious we just for both you think of bringing and in the occasionally institutions based on a vision of the history of relations between all countries, is predominantly negative. but at the same time, i'll tell you this again. when communicating with people, this manifests itself quite drowsily. basically, in the personal relationship, develop more or less no money. for my own experience,
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i will see you then in my own mustang used to work in phones. i can count on one hand, the case is when such a negative i could choose was express towards me personally and basically everything was quite correct. i took it off. so before the end you just added, you'd, which you just mentioned. the poland is known for its attacks on representatives of the russian foreign ministry. must remember the incident in 2022. when you were doused with pain and cries of fascist, what are the conditions you've got on the work on the in poland. let them go and you could ask at the, well it wasn't paint. it was be juice by the way. quite pleasant sweeting taste. that action it was perhaps a specific event. clearly august rate is clearly organized, which it seems to me did not achieve its goals, are local for use in police, have not allowed anything like that since then. although years ago, we would not allows now given the opportunity to lay rafts,
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a memorial cemetery for soviet sol, just a may 9. but at least there were no clashes us for the working conditions, so fresh and diplomats here are embassy consulate general. from what i hear from my colleagues working at a friend the countries, the situation is approximately the same. and he was somehow not particularly stand out against the general background of what is happening in other countries of the collective west of ours is because that sort of stuff will be a cock. can you see the tusa phobia? somehow influenced relations between the 2 countries on not has anything changed at the political level. so there's a quick video to use as a perform period. over the past few years since the beginning of the special meals and authoration, i can say that those negative and if it stations in our relations, it existed before 2022. and even before 2014, they intensified, in what extent created to be honest,
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i didn't notice any drastic changes. i got the, the lady at the what was the reaction of the pulse, the bullish authorities to the bloody terrorist attack that occurred in moscow. so yeah, yeah, so yeah, me reaction was mixed. let's say the boy is just the, what is the lake and them and the sax until the end of the next day, saturday, march to wait for an all new saturday evening. the prime minister and exhibit cli clearly said that poland and includes the, condemns this to this doctor. however, stephen added to the hill, but this action would not serve as a pretext for increasing by the ins and aggression. understand it as you wish. and then 1st energy minister of foreign affairs, shane i even said that a terrorist attack and cocoa city whole was no worse than what the russians were doing. and ukraine. let's see. well, the media to the 1st active list. so to denote involvement of ukraine in western countries in the stair act. and what indeed the russian authorities were trying to
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link this terrorist attack with the key for you. while these lemming state admitted is responsibility for this fact. then some and cindy related to this terrorist attack was clearly beneficial to put him and the thrush on special services. i probably behind it this, frankly speaking maybe leaving minded us of the situation with the bombings of houses and moscow in the late ninety's when they also tried to blame the f as b for this. so one of the one hand, it seems like a formality, much belated when the whole world had already condemned this action, that bone and joint. on the other hand, this is perhaps analyst duration of the buttons. bi weekly information war against us is currently being waged. the i'm was listening, but at the same time we hear a statement again from the boldest president he has so far raised this topic that the reason need to place us nuclear weapons on polish territory. have you heard
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this statement? have you heard such rumors? perhaps it came up with me. my so this toby has to be raised for a long time made. it has a process of sole goal, joint nuclear emissions that is mailed you posted in alternated countries that do not have nuclear weapons are involved in the exercise of doing which the use of nuclear weapons is practiced. well, the pollution for these have long been raising the question that into cutting new situations. they would be interested in the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of point weapons already employed in a territory supply of non nuclear in the countries in western europe and phone joined the same join nuclear nations. but so far the americans have responded that they did not consider this advisable. so the spreadsheets got cut off. i want to ask you just that being enough people mainly in poland, if they are afraid. but there is such a threat from russia did not understand that the deployment of us nuclear weapons
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could possibly follow the aggravated problem. rather just putting it we, you know, it is customary here to the poland security primary with the united states, with protection and security guard, and d some their policy. so here in principle, we are ready to agree with any measures that are required on the part of a strategic out, like just to get into your security, i guess got the idea of the stuff so they can use that and you hold the relations between russia and poland will somehow see by today's, the dns will somehow get better in the future, or will they remain us, alice? and that's all the to say you were the game is. so you and your list of us the united states and pounds will remain allies. there's probably no dallas about it because the ball is participation in nature. and the city you, collides with the united states, are supported by the overwhelming majority of the population and the inside the boys political leads us for our bilateral relations. probably sooner or later we
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will come to some kind of, you know, monetary, you know, relations. it certainly won't be what it was before. we're constantly told the things will not be the same as before. for all parts, we agree that it won't work as before because we do not need it. so what happened before and after the crisis in international relations to the crisis of you to be in security that we have at the moment. but sooner or later, probably after the goals, so the special meals are operation are realized. when you situations that arise, you know, region the time will come for us and the boys side to somehow settle all by electro relations. we enables stuff through old. so we will see a reasonable so do a demo is going to potentially pools or so do you have a dream of each? when did we lose? poland. when do you think this happened? what was the final moment when we already knew for sure the pool and would not be friends with us as before? it is clear that we have historical problems between poland and russia. but when
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did it become clear that poland is not with us? yes, you know, it's drop it off more. well this question can be understood in different ways. there are people who will tell you that bone has never been with us even when we have friendly official into state relations. nevertheless, let just say that and not very favorable attitude towards the soviet union in the russia, was widespread in poland. actually, i, myself, remember the steins were brought up and so be times in the speed of international is the idea of destiny without allies and the socialist camp. and it was a relation for us when meeting with the for example, bully citizens, friends in quotes. we found that their attitude towards us was not the same as out onto to, to was them a tool and that they have numerous claims against us, historical, of a different kind. great. so to be honest, i wouldn't want to talk about whether we gained or lost bolan's when it happened,
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and so on. just a good to the games it's, it's can be started by lines. please can be expanded by a true importance and we can never be cove of stations that transparency is next for to rejoin mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the public domain. what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information
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with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest. party wants to so long realize pen smith and golf and the slate of late continuously. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground? can a j. k is off the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who saved one you ruined the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government dean isn't in the trunk. then there's also including his foster ladies. chestnut goods was done. those who saw him a little more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. reset, and i'm ready to double for example, the accuracy. why do you know if we're picking up from the was it isn't good enough
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for tiffany to one is the one that the bronze demetrius, the dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued and walk a, the country 2nd largest since he turned into a theatre of law. i think we need to redo the lives of mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the cost of our executive, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do,
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don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the little one. no, no, no, no, no, not. for to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so just to show the great
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deal to been doing it suddenly, a little bit through here. keep on month to mazda thought this new, new name for me, one of our, from the sale of that i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know he gave him some more or less than a j o i had to put on with this kind of a my, the a party bill because you cannot push the couch so testable to deal with a 00. want this on this to should buy a new on it. on the site is animal 71 good. so you got on the, on the,
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on the put the ticket bucket. i got the the or the, [000:00:00;00] the 1834 prance invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wires, took the best land. from day one,
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the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this caused them as discontent. the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out, acts of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children, and old people took place. more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france this guard seize negotiations in 1962 heavy and a guards were signed footing l, jerry on the bass towards the independence. but this was achieved at
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a colossal price, algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians. the on the lease of hunter rushing states to navigate as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the in the 65, the keys 195 must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube tv services. to the question, did you say a request to change the so your courage and leadership and tenacity in journalism and published the dixon logic. and it just just depends on it the the, the links using non state hospital intelligence service. i think the man,


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