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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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it's nothing, and that's why the us government doesn't want it in the, in a court room where they want to try truly in a sense that's why it's not part of the indictment against it because it's so embarrassing it's, i think it's really important that especially young people they watch it. i know it's tough to watch it and absorb it and understand why it is such a significant piece of journalism. i can hope like a courtyard. roger, i estimated the 40. i'm a probably either the 3rd, 4th, or correct fan, but for around, for 3 neighbors that building up anyway. so when you go through 6 op taylor 15 will call for exams by side of my final
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price calculators, crazy large quantity of individuals for radio, a real bad one for the up the i went into town because the extra credit yours $18.00, have $56.00 individual and an $1847.00 class progression in each roger that we have no personnel, east of our position. so feel free to engage over and i will be a good manager. go ahead. i'm gonna, i can't you know, down cuz you're behind that building the r t g. all right. we got got, i was, i don't know if he fell on a fire or not hold on for, i'm going through come from our point of view. and once you get on this open the idea, oh my god, oh, about 400 feet long. fire. let me know when you've got to buy them all through traffic to safety. come on,
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fire. you if you need to move tom. now, we just in case all 8 individuals are still fired by the way we got to the damage, the guy will, sorry, the device to your car and i'm just trying to find targets again. perhaps the fact that they both have for 2 2nd, a bunch of body landers. sorry, we got about, uh, 8 individuals. oh yeah, one guy crawling around down there, but uh, you know, it could be definitely can do or shoot some more of a usually at alpha hotel. 2, thanks crazy horse. one
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a the one dawn turned over the hotel a few 6 crazy horse points, but you have to go to that side. if you have one guy moving down there to the gallery of the most of the 18. uh we also have one individual. uh, here's the wellness college right across away rod. we're going to move down the road and we'll see as far as how we want to at any point every other weapons don't hang out. i haven't seen one yet. say a guy got that guy, girl and right now and a curb. and i kind of around there and then now you guys are sitting though they're due mostly to $36000.00. and then
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the piece of another brought down to that, trying to make sure you guys have my turnover amount . buddy, i gotta do is pick up a web of course master crazy lawrence. we have individuals going to feed, looks like possibly picking up on a some weapon, a roger for break or the north one your confirmation to uh for picking up the confirmation. okay. let me shoot for samantha crazy 4th one. a taking a 1st. may i ask the crazy horse one
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a do we have a black car phone go truck picking up a request for us to engage the 7 roger. roger, and good morning, claire. come on, claire. claire or somewhere around claire. 102. uh claire. apparently i lost some of the i'm sorry. your car is up crazy or sam, i shoot for some reason. the fabled bus students
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left for a while. i 1st passed a crazy horse on a vehicle, apparently disabled. oh yeah, look at that right there. the windshield delightful. 2007 was the 1st time. suddenly, a young the rock, the cameraman brought us through the door. he was wailing and he just said the mere inside have been killed us and us helicopter attack was us after midnight in the us military put out a statement. 12 people had been killed, including pennsylvanians who webmail, identified as being employees of the reuters news service. but that these people
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have been killed in a 55, an exchange of 5 between us forces and insurgents. and the statement was very categorical, that they had being a 55, a now rocky sa speak to witnesses and residence in the area or in several of these witnesses told me that there was no clash, no firefight taking place when this attack occurred. so we were demanding that the us military conduct a thorough investigation into what it happened because the evidence that we had was costing very griped out on the us military's version of events. for each sums of tvs, a camera that's mounted on the gun of the apache, they very quickly misled into font the cameras that in the mirror and side were carrying as weapons. they also identified other maintenance carrying bike, high 40 seven's, and very quickly they sort permission to
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a tax 547 commission roger that we have no personalities to our position. so you know, 3 to gauge over to me, that sounds to his credits made very clear that the order to open fire had been given before the meeting around the corner. and he's got his long lynch come round taking a photo. nobody wants to get on his own to buy them all on that and basically show us pilot laughing and joking as they scrape pennsylvanians on the street. oh yeah, like that right. there's a windshield so this whole pretends that some of this was the rule for democracy, received the head, me below. how did to be
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a war of democracy? why do you getting the only people who may well, i'm being opponents. probably one of the regime you changed and wanted to completely destroy. so the importance the significance of that particular protein shouldn't be underestimate the american crew supplying the hideous sound try, can common sri about how it was nice to kill people. if was revealing. it was a very important disclosures, and that's when he likes became an enemy of those who perpetrated this crime. then the the attack on the van. i mean no one was holding any weapons. so that was a clear case of a potential crime. the father was taking the 2 children so you can go on to lessons
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in the most and they drive off to the same insight, some space coming over for i really enjoy it. and as they do what people do, they stop and then try to take them into the van to try them to the hospital. this is when the 2nd round had been, it's a shooting up on the van. and. and so even though we're sitting in the front with, with a father, the only reason why the lives we saved has a case with himself, his buddies shooting them from the explosive bullets that were coming from the about chicago. i thought it was extremely important to get with my statement from the people had been effective that i said, we need names and faces. we need to see who these people are. why, what is that, or, i mean this common question to them is a questions just 2 days. before the release of the video, we met the widow funder children. we tend to see was one of the more so as the
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playground for the people when it comes to this is the people that fits in naples so well that try to add some reality in life despite the war, despite the company, the trip to june, the the the cheat sheet the
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the not in the not meant to be the cause you don't live and that's a benefit all a sudden the then lots of good. no hot, it's how much are going to spend on m o. the cost of rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my
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new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted all opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state. the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the law firm of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its full, metro pro french president. felix, who said one year ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on deed isn't in the trunk. then there is also including his foster. larry says that goods was done, those who saw him and the more appropriate officer, the death of, of a one year,
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a new lead to bill. i'll go back the ball came to power, and i'm ready to double open for example. yeah, curious to know if we're picking up from the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one the bronze immediately dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war. from 130 to the other 2 voters saw how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from he is a bloody conflict. watch on the
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wall julians held in prison. no one on december being held accountable for the consequences of those 2 boys that are being wides on those 2 countries. and i just find that incredibly hypocritical because having seen was the us led invasion of iraq is done to the country. it's an excellent credit and the video type. chelsea mounting bravely, center. we can blake so much to go in this published go down as one of the most
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important video types ever released. the walk with the beach show us was the american m file is up to and that they won't forget. so that is what created the fast that is a war to determine the united states to punish this guy. come on to me. that is what started a huge campaign of slander against them in the west, the media to discredit tim the media lies and smith and golf and leslie probably continuously. i know i know why advice may have him in 2000 night
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a planned or destroyed by the weekend next. and joanna was laid out and the secret documents with the side, the counter intelligence assessment branch of the us defense department. they described in our world and it was to destroy quite the feeling of trust centers. we see leaks center of gravity. this what do we achieve with threats of exposure and criminal prosecution? relating thing of sol the own representation. back in 2010. there was a lease of a document that was prepared by law firm acting on behalf of bank of america. the fund stretched for advise the u. s. government on strategy. the strategy was in jail for me is to drag him from country to
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country back in 2010 when they 1st released the chelsea. many leaks with release came under an extra legal banking blockade, so that when he leaves had the paypal cancelled visa, mastercard cut off donations. it wasn't the 1st time the whole, the major credit kind of companies are united in creating a blockades on a media organization. julian even happens to so bank account close to the decline is the currency the understanding is issue for the better shouldn't be television, unison english, escape and able to see him in this get anybody who are dealing told him no, i guess from a dealer. bowman done the but it is who i mean to be made at the, in the game in is on the nose in, nope, with this any device they want to publish it electronically. is it the best of the
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audio means that i probably see it as to what it ends on. it says, okay. and then we should be able to receive a few. that pretty soon meant that when you are aware that someone is eking information on using the duration in the, in the embassy, which is very embarrassing. and they say that you put it into words and saying that you was, you know, with the escape boards or that you throw things into florida, you can not in defend yourself the smoke. so is this was academic and also he's also a professor of international law at the university of close from 2016 until the $22.00. he was united nations special russell to torture and of the crew in human or degrading punishment when but his lawyer was 1st contacted me in december 2018, but i frankly just kind of, you know, pushed us aside and, and i had this emotional reaction thinking,
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oh this is this hack or this right business. you know, trade or, and, and that basically ignore it because it was, it was kind of back about 3 months later just before he was expelled from the embassy. and then they translated some evidence, some medical opinions to be in school. when i actually looked at those facts, i started realizing that this doesn't add up with this whole public narrative that had been spread about turned into media for about 10 years. and i also realized that my negative emotions towards assigned really i didn't know where i had them from. i had never really dealt with his case before. but i was convinced that i knew everything about you, and i was emotionally convinced that's what so striking. because i realized that i as a human rights expert, me was convinced that this new order was true without actually knowing the facts behind the case. i start will seem to actually may think of this out of the deeper i got into this, the more dark came up,
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but it was not on the side of the sides in which it leaks. it was on the side of the government and i thought i have to go and partially investigate this case because something's not right here. and so i went to see him and the bars together with the medical team specialist who were specialized to making drama and torture victims and pushing be done. interstate gosh, on the door at the end of the, the ada camacho, a promo for them. send me the go the image article most together, but i don't have enough income for me. and, but at the one of these stumble because i've, i mean, done enough. the initial need us. but it, one of the customers that don't do that and medical findings that we produce during this is to start from just draw some shows all the symptoms that are typical for a person that has been exposed to psychological torture over for a long period of time. psychological torture means torture liked it is very serious. the
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at the end of the day we left the electrician and the black craft back to central london. and i remember i sent in the back of the car and steer tutoring drops on the window. and in my mind, i kept replaying the moment to set the bond to us. we are shaking hands. i wish to well and was about to leave. the doctors were already standing at the door when suddenly, i found his grip of my hand tightened. the d. she'll be back. she looked at me intensely and said, i see to service. she didn't hesitate to visibly troubled him, searching for burns. and then he finally said, i saved my life during our conversation asunder and made it absolutely clear that he would not be expedited to the united states alive. in his opinion,
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this was due to the rational decision in view afford awaited him there during the sole search 2 days before our visit. present stuff had confiscated a razor blade hidden by us. i'm just in case you have a serious and we both knew that his fate was not in my hands on i could do in this moment was to give him a silent folk from one person to another. then i heard myself reply as it from far away, i'll do my best, the, the the
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the russian states. never. i've side as i'm sort of the most sense community best of all sense and the, the assistance of the case of 95 must be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will bend in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split from ortiz. net keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say a request which is the, the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 1885. in the very heart of the african continent, states under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared. since the beginning,
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the congo free state was total, may him for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congo these people under control. the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used, and as proof presented a job hand of an african. it was not uncommon when trying to justify that you of the munitions, the calling is to have your data, the hands of not only those who were dead,
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but also love. those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. you know, late 20 years, the policy of the belgians laid into the depth of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the greenest pages in the history of mankind, the fiber buddy program notes as we've been telling you weren't posting the show every day now. so many of you said you liked it. so guess what used to be a weekly malware, a daily cold, no punches. so look for a trip pump. number one, there's a painful iron in, in what denmark in belgium and britain and germany, the netherlands, norway are now doing trip. item number to those countries. wanna make sure


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