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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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as the, the russia cries fell over the disastrous risk imposed by the escalating ukrainians ro strikes on the separation nuclear power plants or the west terms applying the i damage to any of these objects. good for work and you called accident. once again, we demand to immediately stop and even if the stations of aggression against is oper, rosure planned, in order to avoid the repairable consequences. joe biden announces and joined to air defense networks between the us as really i and japan, and the end up with civic as washington drums up for regional support against arrival. china also has nature has been region q in a rush for in the region for almost a week. more than 10000 residential buildings were accepted by the flux. we
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report from flood stricken central russia as rising water approaches the regional capital or in bird following a catastrophic exam breach. last week, the live in moscow. this is our to international. i'm rachel ramble with a look at the top news stories from around the worlds. the zappa rosa, a nuclear power plant has come under an increasing number of ukrainian jordan strikes. the man who oversees all of russia's atomic energy sites has laid out the scale of disaster that could be unleashed by the attacks. to me said, i suppose this is showing us the good look of in addition to well protected power units, the industrial side of the nuclear power plant also has a storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel bol diesel generators, and a large supply of diesel fuel for emergency systems damage to any of these objects
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could provoke a nuclear accident and most important to his up or is this station? is it stuff? 247 been under constant showing in a stressful situation when there is a real threat to live in health, to ensure the safe operation of the plant. these are truly courageous people for keeping both the seat of another good bar and the whole of europe, from the consequences of a possible nuclear disaster. once again, we demand to immediately stop and even if a stations of progression against this upper usher plant in order to avoid repairable consequences, the nuclear facility was hit by several ukrainian strikes this week. one of the attacks damaged the dome of a power unit, injuring several workers, apparent and drone and shell wreckage has been recovered from the scene for investigation international atomic energy agency chief rafael grossey has caught the worst escalation of the sites as november 2022 russian
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foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's a, her about his accused, the west of trying to cover up the cranes escalating a tax on the nuclear plant. a system on the west and as a result into sense of shape daily, truly blocking the emergence of news on this matter in the mainstream propaganda mass media more over here. and there we even hear direct approval of criminal actions by the key for she include in those committed against nuclear facilities. it's like the key appreciated is allowed to do anything at all. and there can be no exceptions here. that's what they believe in the west. we will make every effort to ensure that such complicity in the crimes of the key usually does not go unnoticed by the rational majority or the international community. so or a summary is the heart of, of their as fears of a nuclear disaster continued to mount with key of seemingly refusing to stop attacking the largest nuclear power plants in europe. and some experts warn that the plan is apparently to trigger
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a nuclear incidents and blame it on russia. but of course most go has been sounding the alarm all along, even requesting an emergency. i a need to address the attacks on this. i thought it was a nuclear power plants. the heads of the facility warrants of a nuclear catastrophe, concerns that are shared by the director general of the international atomic energy agency to show you during the last 5 days, starting from april, the 5th this upper ocean nuclear power plants has come on the unprecedented drone attack by the armed forces, so few crane this poses a great risk of a potential nuclear catastrophe. the reported incident, although outside the site perimeter is an ominous development, as it indicates an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers, they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous and it must stop.
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but keys is refusing to stop and no one is even trying to hold them accountable for playing such a thing for escape. the ease tops diplomat, joseph burrell, said that the visa tags are reckless, dangerous, and not they must stop. yes, but the who should stop. that's what was missing a lot statement and that's why ross has a master to the you. what has slow, i'm the west will seen me back in ukraine's actions. you've switched and sponsors instead of coming up. it's crime since and supplying it with more weapons and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political and mean, if it is a sort it is as of 10 for the paint it's, it's compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale. we are talking about 5 days of attacks starting from april the 5th. when are you crazy and kind of causing drone forest hit the area of the cargo ports and the nitrogen oxygen
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station. the next a. and now this strikes nearby, april 7th, ukrainian food was part of the plants of 3 times, enjoying sweet people. april 8th. another come because it's almost all down over the plans. and on april the 9th, the past pressed service reports of yet another a tide. this time on the building housing, the world's only full scale reactor, whole simulator. and what are your friends allies say in the bottle this? that rush i should stop? stop waltz. exactly. we continue to call in russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return the full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incidence at the plant. well, it's the so called compet, since a crane in a forward sees that are attacking the nuclear power plants that supporting the whole world in danger. so maybe telling them to stop would be far more beneficial for mankind. but that side seems to be more preoccupied with being the noise of
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russia, while kids is working hard to to cover its tracks. to tell you russia decided to yusef baby drill was to simulate shedding supposedly from the korean side. ukraine's position is clear, concise, and i'm vigorous with enough carry out in the middle of the reaction. so provocations against nuclear facilities. the rest of must leave the nuclear power plant. you have the id arrive if it looks like a dog swim is like a duck and quacks like a duck then. no, it's not a dock. it's the russians that made it look that way. and it was so used to be eager to accept any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it doesn't implicate them or key if a lease on the sides at this. rachel, a nuclear catastrophe, is very real and totally in their hands. switzerland has announced that a so called peace summits. our new crane will take place in mid june without russian participation. this was foreign minister alleges they tried to involve
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moscow if you need be a big look at it. this has gone through. we spoke to off to ukraine, of course is rasa because the peace process can be done without drop shot, even if it won't be there from the very beginning. in january i spoke with a russian foreign minister and made clear to him, but voss i should participate in the process from all points of view. however, the russian embassy in switzerland and denies receiving an invitation to take part in such a summit. moscow has repeatedly stressed about peace talks on the train. complex cannot produce results unless russia is involved in its interest. our respected form is foreign minister, a 2nd, not a problem says recent swift actions have discredited its role as a mediator with motion emotions. we can no longer receive this drive from us through the neutral switzer, it has taken and opened the entire russian stance. well, what kind of mediation can them be?
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they are now trying to impose their mediation on ukraine's and nelson will come with that. and so this is not a place who can be trusted to the upcoming summit is expected to be held in accordance with the so called zelinski piece formula that's backed by the west. the current in president, once rusted, a roll back, it's up to its post. soviet border from 1991 which moscow is completely ruled out. a similar summit last august also exploded russia under the same formula and ended with nothing to show for it. only mold over the seemingly hopeless approaches to peace with our guest here on the program on wednesday. and it is unfortunate that this switzerland's initiative does not include russia because for any piece stopped without having rush as a table will be a few times you attempt the swiss version of the piece talk. i think it's testing to. ready failure before it even starts in that sense,
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it's unfortunate. eventually it may be proven to be a waste of time. so give it on the most or it's significant. you try to seems to be starting to be a special mutual by here shortly. and this gets a little bit closer, you can see that's a few that under has joined the west in we think sanctions again, is the rationale to do it on has joined the countries that of been providing support on to the status of both. do you claiming the conflict? so you can see that uh you could, uh, uh, seduce it on his list or if you try to fit in this matter, i don't think we are the best country plus the reason it was usually the best, the country supplement negotiations. so they are not the best produced publish. it was yes, once there are many and shifted to make this process in the brain. many efforts to
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do as many phones as their way or many. it thoughts from easier, easier to bunch to visit ins are administer your uh on uh, context. uh uh, so i went down the robes in auto bleed is there are many uh, fonts and the initiatives from uh, uh, come through zillow, it would, sure is it to also put it in it, was that 6 the confidence to make the integrations down to make a sit there meant was it for this price is by negotiations behind the open and going to get a different motor space for a day. i know it is the right time to call for the real legal stations, fall off the new grain and rush up to douglas late the sincerity to reach a ceasefire to stop all hostilities, for example, and to install peace and restore peaceful construction and reconstruction maintain has pushed back against pressure, pressure from washington over china is booming,
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ties with russia. welcome to meet china and russia has the right to engage in normal economic and trading corporation issues. this kind of cooperation shouldn't be interfered or limited. and china also doesn't accept criticism or pressure showed up for this course, live now to blogger and a political analyst. alex reporter fi alex. the us deputy secretary of state has warned about china as close ties with russia may affect of age things. relations with washington doesn't look like chinese officials are worried about that the slightest worry at all. i mean, we're talking about the americans here. you know, as the american dollar says in god, we trust it should actually say in god we bomb bankrupt and bully other nations. and that is the rhetoric that is coming out of america right now. intimidation, they're going to try this, janet yelling. well, yeah, she certainly yelling that is for sure. you say,
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um the us will try intimidation. what sort of hard power pressure can do is potentially exert on china over its plus ties with russia as well. i mean, once again, here, you know, since the special military operation in ukraine, in february of last year, the u. s. the u. k. u, along with countries like australia, canada, japan of all impose over 16500 sanctions just on russia. now is that and the next, the opportunity for the americans to go after the chinese, i mean, if that doesn't work, they go back there other technique which is steal, strangle, and sanction. and they will try to do everything they can to sanction china into. and i believe you likely have attempted unsuccessfully to do with russia. the alex, the state department, has claims that your pay and security is our priority for washington, but to washington. but to what extent does us policy toward russia actually contribute to such security?
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once again, all diplomatic channels are closed. i mean there is no sharing of any information between these countries at all. i mean security, we hear security risks, whether it's a i t property, we hear it through, you know, terrorism. i mean this, if we're going to focus on russia for a 2nd here, this is a country that has been pretty much locked internationally from flying anywhere outside their nation, except of course, a nation's that are not sanctioning them into an oblivion. now this is a worry for china. i mean, we have seen trade foreign currency trade uh, you know, escalate here between both nations. i think last we checked it was around $240000000000.00 and trade and that does worry the americans for sure. alex joe biden recently said that he is proud of the fact that nato keeps expanding, but it's all coming at the expense of russia security, which moscow has been pointing out for decades. why do you think washington is so
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happy about that as well? i mean, once again here we're talking about the americans. let's go back and see what they've done. they've seized $350000000000.00. 70 percent of the assets of russian banks were also frozen. and i'm, they're going to have to give that money back. and the worry here is america is trying to use ukraine and other nations as nato's piggy bank. the americans once again make a killing on killing and that strategy is bailing dramatically here in ukraine. it let's go back to, to asia. now the us is expanding military cooperation with estrella and japan. so i think a perceived threat from china in that countries on back yard. it seems like washington is using the exact same playbook there as the one that led to the ukraine conflict in europe. do you think we can see, can expect to see a similar crisis unfold in asia because of americans policies? well, this is the band of brothers, how has we say, and the americans,
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when they want to stir up trouble, they will. i mean, this is china is taiwan here. uh, they should just go back and look at the communicate many decades ago. their agreements that they would not arm or even come near taiwan. and once again there's during the problems, it's the playbook. we've seen this playbook time and time again. i think america at this time is running out of nations to actually evade a cable, hunger and part of the analyst. alex reporter fi alex. thank you. thank you. well, yes. as trying to build a stronger coalition against china in the end of pacific region, as he hosted the japanese prime minister in washington, president biden announced the creation of a new military architecture in asia. together our countries are taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation for modernize you command and control structures. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile,
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and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a tri, louder, military exercise, which you plan in the united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia. the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join our work in the 2nd tour, which focuses on advanced capabilities, including a r t on the systems of the office military block comprised of a squarely on the okay. and the u. s. has also said at once, japan to take part in its framework that countries prime minister has however, walking back potential direct involvement with the alliance say no decision has been made yet. we asked former us marine corps intelligence officers got rid of for his take on the prospects of more confrontation in asia. the united states is resent full of the fact that neither russia nor china want to neil for a hedge, a monic america,
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that neither russia nor china recognize the united states as the supreme authority in on the global stage anymore. this is something united states resent, and it's something with the united states as pushing back against. i think we are witnessing a race between the economic condition and the military condition. the united states loses the economic race. i think the united states will have no choice but to seed the military race meeting that will have to find a way to correct our position economically. before we talk about going to war, we can't go to war based upon a fundamentally weak economic position. if united states is able to stabilize its economic position, visa be china, then we will press the military issues believing that we have
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a military advantage over china. and this is a mis conception misperception in a mistake. and it will lead to direct conflict with china. so i think the world needs to start betting on, continued chinese economic growth and chinese economic dominance. because only through that pass when the war with america be avoided, a desperate times call for desperate measures. the us is allegedly considering sending drug dealers to help you print in forces on the battlefield. the russian for an intelligence surfaced as the f. b i and the drug enforcement administration want to recruit prisoners from mexican and the columbia and cartels. the prospect of from an influx. so for his soul, just a full its own from among serial kill us drug addicts and right per cent of the long suffering. lance of the russian world is alarming. however,
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american plans to gain a tactical advantage on the bottle fields in this way due to failure the by the administration is actually i'd maintain it's input tense and once again demonstrating the inconsistency of the key, presume it feeds moscow says several 100 criminals could apparently be sent from the u. s. to ukraine as soon as the summer, the terms allegedly include a promise of complete and the state for the convicts, but on the condition, they never return to america. ukraine could apparently hi, there, hire them as mercenaries, and paid them a wage most likely with american funds. if the program proves the success, the russian intelligence services services that may be expanded to include inmates from other countries. while we discussed this with business and international lawyer climbed prestone, he says, sending criminals to fight a new crane would be an act of desperation by the us. it's a sign of desperation. i mean, you know,
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early on this conflict there were volunteers from the united states. i haven't heard of any of those in a long time. there was a group of uh, american mercenaries, i guess you'd call them called mozart. they were supposed to be an answer to wagner, and they, displaying it is i think, pretty quickly, after that i saw the realities of what the, the concept was here and after sustain a lot of casualties. so the reality of what's happening in the brain is, doesn't bode well for nato forces, or any of their mercenary, say, a sense of the price. i mean, it box moved and the update could, you know, these are make runners that have, you know, liquidity, a lot of ukrainian boys, so as well as mercenaries from west, they're just essentially criminals. and those criminals mostly are on disciplined people. and so i would, i would say their prospects of survive and a uh,
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exotic tour to ukraine will be pretty low. and so i don't think the, i don't think washington was thought beyond that frankly. or thought about them coming back to us. and so, you know, i think it's going to be a one way trip. a current in foreign minister dmitri cool eva has said that quote, nice and quiet diplomacy doesn't work. it says key of is pushing the west to deliver more patriot air defense batteries. but it's not the 1st time europe's refusal to send extra weaponry has been met with ukraine's discontent, as are to contribute to. rachel marsden explains a page wanting a dump so fast and a relationship they are headless. then just talk about your partner's private messages to other people, but you creating and present environment is wednesday, did one better than that with german chancellor or schultz is he talks about them to the western press, which then reveal them to the entire world. and well, they make it sound like schultz, a grown man,
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and presumably thinks about torres myself, like a toddler thinks of his favorite security blanket. as far as i understand, the chancellor believes that since he's a representative for a non nuclear state, this is the only weapon that germany has. it is the most powerful he shared messages with me saying that he cannot leave his country without such a powerful weapon. but according to various press reports, germany has 600 terraces and could lose a 150 of them to crane and air the notice. and it's all in germany, isn't under nato's collective defense umbrella. so what's really going on here with this discrepancy between what schultz tells the public and what he says to zalinski in private. quick reminder, the shots has previously said that he can't give kids the taurus is because they've required german personnel soldiers to baby sit them, which would mean sending troops to crane to something that he says he doesn't want to do because it will lead to an escalation against russia,
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as would giving he had the ability to hit targets deep inside russia at the tourist . his range of 500 kilometers, which is more than double those of french scout missiles and british storm shadows, which are currently at kids disposal of design and buffering system. because regarding this weapon system, i believe that given its impact and location of application, it cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think they are uses justified and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. my answer is clear, not sending. the taurus is really the only thing that seems to be allowed themselves to still clean to the fantasy of germany, not actually being involved in military actions against russia. what's kind of to wait. it's not like germany hasn't blown all the junk out of its weapons closets and shifted all over the ukraine is hand me downs. that exchange for cash from
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brussels to me. shiny new hardware for itself. if you can try getting his friends to go through their closets for ukraine. unfortunately, are in strokes of patriot systems on now quite exhausted. we need an overview of all patriot systems in europe and worldwide to see where we can click to deliver something to ukraine. kansas constantly brow beaten berlin from the very outset of the complex to get more involved back in may 2022. you crazy bass or a jeremy called schultz, a quote, sulky river sausage, for not doing a pilgrimage to keep like is western calendar parts of done. seems like the western countries costs playing ukraine are literally pretending that they are ukraine, nbc here. that's even better deal now. that the free tax here has to replace junk weapons. free crane is drying up journeys. focus on using ukraine to shore up. it's military spending at home comes only after blowing the bank on things like you mandatory and spending for keep putting it on the number one country on the list of
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well, 41 other suckers with nearly 3000000000 out the door to ukraine. just for that alone, but hey, with germany having screwed over its own industry by shrinking off the north steam attack on its cheap rushing gas supply, leading to an over dependence on price here, american liquefied natural gas shipments. the buddhist bank is now saying that the country's economic recovery is stalling and probably will get worse even before this disco forwarder ends. so it looks like germany is pretty, it's chips on weapons manufacturing now, which doesn't sound banana repub, d doff. but apparently now that germany has decided to focus on himself, schultz is having a hard time bobbing off stage 5 player zalinski who can't stop obsessing over salts, dismissal, and essential russia flooding has rates to the original capital city of oregon bird after last week's catastrophic them branch,
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the water level in the ural river inside the city has exceeded the critical mark affecting some streets and buildings. there are 2 producer megabytes of try of dives into the story from the same when the roll rate of a den was breached a few days ago, the city of august close, close to suffer funding. now the threat to for the load just hanging over or invoke the regional capital, a city with a population of tough, i mean, water nature has been raging here in russia's for in the region for almost a week. more than 10000 residential buildings were affected by the flood, the level of water in your old river is raced up to 10 meters. will have a normal level of the water in the river at 5 meters. the situation is close to be called critical. when a flaw comes, people at different some grab wood, the canon, flea, won't this wait till the very end having some sort of believe the de homes with nor beacon is dated,
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but the end is always the same. destroys rex or the side communities. people could have lived their lives for decades, and then in just a few days, all of it is being washed and waiting for the, the, the war to reach our street. literally in 24 hours. so to build it into your went into the house, into the cellar. my cell is 2 and a half meters. it's completely covered in water. so that people with us or to, to not get flooded our house, my father's house by here. it flooded everything in one day with the account is as much stuff as we could, but it's only part of what we have because we didn't think the water would reach. yeah. you would see the problem also can be solved in one moment. we would just need to be rebuilt, takes time, and the damages are measured in billions of ramos. most cool send to federal ministers here to assure people, but everything will be ok. but some still feeling the band with them in which i've
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auntie or in the book region to stay with our to international have. next we continue the documentary series of trustful about julian, the songs, and the week of week's controversy. the the
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the, the 2nd super cdn dot involve 18 charges which includes 17 charges under the espionage act and one charge under the cs. a leasing dr. relates to the 2010 which he likes publications. so declared romero publication. the rules of engagement, rock the diplomatic cables, feeble long in respect of iraq and afghanistan, and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that expedition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about a piece of process related to the spine on us as his legal team, and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described, the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concerning.


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