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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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one box weighing a $175.00 units virtual. do you have sense of all we going to lift that stay the need to all how not stays palestine? well, no, it's about to is ray depression off the idea of kills 3 of his sons of pull off his grandchildren in guns that spoke savings that have targeted terrace. also, this water nature has been raging here in a rush for in the region for almost a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the flood. we report from a flood stricken central russia as long as the impacts the regional capital of or, and the following a half a specific down breach law suite. most go to the sounds, the along the disastrous risks posed by escalating ukrainian was fine from these
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photos she a nuclear power plant on the west. tons of the blind on the damage to any of the subjects. good for work and you can accident. once again, we demand to immediately stop and even if the stations of aggression against is oper, rosie planned. in order to avoid the repairable consequences, vice president bond that announces a joy to add defends network between the us to australia and japan in the in the pacific. as washington drums up more regional supports against wine, whole china, the a very well welcome to you. this is also the international with the latest news from across the globe. good to happy with us. on top story this, our 3 sons of the full grandchildren, not the lead of him, us being killed in gauze that by in his way, the strike of doing the muslim holiday of adolf. it's a mazda political bureau, chief is chanel. have not had the news while in tasso where he lives and works. he
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says he considers the victims to be mazda is the deadliest wife came and made fresh international efforts to meet the needs. cease firing. garza mister henry essays these way. the killing of his family will not change. the minutes includes the approach to the tools if they think that targeting my children at the pick up these talks before the movements responses submitted full costs and must have change its position, their delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of any palestinian people. all the motors of palestine are my children . there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshed, and it does not observe any standards or loss. the most latest children and grandchildren were reportedly killed when the call was hit on the road by is ready missiles, the ideas has concerns the strikes, the claims to have eliminate the time of the terrorists and not civilians, but devastating. a top was witnessed by some of ishmael. hyundai is other relatives
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in garza. and here's what they have to say in the immediate altima and the old one afternoon up there to day. we stand in this place in front of these great martyrs. sounds of the head of the political bureau of these limits resistance movement that the people of palestine and gaza are in the same situation. there was no difference between the sounds of leaders and the sounds of the people. we were still near the school. they were here to visit the families of the martyrs when we heard the sound of a striking nearby, we went outside to take a look and they said it was the children of my uncle is smile, honey, and their bodies are in pieces after the idea of targeted the car and fired 3 missiles from a drone. well, we're going to perform our prayers when we heard a huge explosion. we're told that the science of east milton yet were going with their children to visit their relatives to an idle future. when their car was bonds were found them in pieces. they give their body parts to conduct at this level of rituals and buried in central. marsha slo,
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thing has said the regional capital city of oregon book also last week's catastrophic. down bridge. the water level in the euro river inside the city has exceeded the critical loc, affecting some streets since buildings that also produce the amalgam advertise reports from the c. when the roller we've, a den was breached a few days ago, the ceo of august close to us to suffer flooding. now the threat to for the low, just hanging over or invoke the regional capital, a city with a population of health and mean water. nature has been region here in russia score and book region for almost a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the floods, the level of what type in your old river is raced up to 10 meters will have been normal level of the water in the river at 5 meters. the situation is close to be called critical. when a flaw comes, people at different some graham would be ken and for me, well, i'll just wait till the day are we and having some sort of believe the bay homes
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with norfolk and as dated. the end is always the same. destroys rex for the side communities. people have to leave their lives for decades. and then in just a few days, all of which is being washed and waiting for the slightly the, the war to reach our street. literally in 24 hours. it's built into your today i went into the house, into the cellar. my cell is 2 and a half meters. it's completely covered in water. so that's a little bit less overall. it's a nice, neat, flooded l house. my father's house by here. it flooded everything in one day with the account is as much stuff as we could, but it's only part of what we have because we didn't think there was i would reach . yeah, let me pretty of deal with the problem also can be solved in one moment. we would just need to be rebuilt, takes time, and the damages are measured in billions of from us, most cor, sent to federal ministers here to assure people that everything will be ok. but
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some still feel abundant for them in which i have auntie or in book region. the west is trying to store any negligible reform of the will will though that will get the global majority most say, how's the message from the russian farm? and that's to say, a lot of both as a hosted officials, when parliamentary committees of bricks, countries in most good, is really easy because this is the so we see that the states of the global south and the global east of the global majority, as we call it are further strengthening their position on the global arena, so to conduct independent nation, we oriented foreign policies. we're satisfied by the fact that the global majority is dedicated to a very, for of the global governance architecture. we consistently support the implementation of a truly unifying international agenda, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of all states and nations. not only a small group of chosen ones, but it's getting more data as now from all t's at charlotte. do ben, sky, solar,
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get to see or so have plenty of pro statements coming from the russian top? definitely not today. then what's an official is probably what be so happy to hear it. could you take us through some of the line from the key points, please? that's why i said a lot of talking about the world being at a turning point right now in saying this. new multi polar world is emerging. he said the global south, along with the global east, want to be part of that. they want to be part of renewing the global governance system and making sure that that applies across the world. sally, but she said, and this is the big bought the us and its allies in the west, the doing everything they can to stop that does still not progress. but he said that due to failure in trying to do so, because it didn't, you could have to reserve. but unfortunately, the collective west led by the united states refuses to abandon its attempts to reverse the subjective historical process. or at least to delay the onset of
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inevitable change destructive policy of the united states and its allies is based on well known artificial rules, which is in fact a set of double standards. this policy has already led to the stipulation of many countries and even entire regions west and as widely used the well known colonial practice of divide and conquer, to preserve their own head, germany by deliberately provoking ethnic confessional and state conflicts. and these various instruments of corrosion against the senses, you know these methods very well from direct military intervention to illegal unilateral sanctions and harassment in the global information space. we have no doubt that the selfish line to curb the development of new world centers in duration. the middle east, africa, and latin america is doomed to fail. well said, collaborative went on to say that the balance of power is shifting. he talked about the fact that bricks it admitted new members in the last 3 months was looking to continue to expand in the future. and he said,
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what is different about briggs is that it's about cooperation. it's about working together to find solutions that work for new members on a new, for the benefit of just for the very fee. he also talks about the importance of the feature of bricks, members working together on issues such as counter terrorism. he talked about the recent attack here in most go cru, kosicki whole. so more than a 140 people being killed. and he said it was important that legislators from across the world worked together to make to was that ensure that such attacks couldn't happen in the future. but yes, again, he said the west was trying to flute those assets. who would you suppose sewage sewage, sewage showed you will support increasing roll bricks, members in the international financial system, deepening corporation between banks, the transformation of the international payment system, and the increasing use of our national occurrences in mutual traits. just days ago,
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our representatives through the world bank in washington had a meeting with all the countries represented to you today. we're also represented there. and the problem of reforming the international financial system is more and more acute. it should have been addressed long ago. judging by macro economic data, the share of the bricks, members, even when there was only 5 of them, of capital and the number of votes in international financial institutions should have been bigger than it is now. while the show of the us should be smaller than both where the world bank and the international monetary funds, the us is trying to slow down the reforms, to revise this quote and to preserve its share. it allows it to unilaterally blog most decisions. of course, this is completely on democratic and simply unfair. it will be all we're holding financial systems beyond working together on things such as counter terrorism. sort of a lot of also took the importance of coat full exchange, talking about how perhaps, bricks countries. i'm the global south and the global east could work together with perhaps a film academy in the future. he talks about the events we've taken place for the
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last few months in motion, how successful they had been, including the will use for him. and also the games of the feature, which so tens of thousands of participants from around the world's coming together to share the cultural. i do use that cultural belongings. and if you said this is also something that's incredibly important and it's this kind of idea that we'll see, countries and institutions grow together in the future for the benefit of all so many thanks, the full, the update does all t's. i saw the dependency bear with the details. thank you. but the us is trying to build a stronger coalition against china in the, in the pacific region, as he hosted the japanese prime minister in washington and the president barge and announced the creation of a new military architecture in asia. together our countries are taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation for modernize you come in and
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control structures. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan and the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a try, louder, military exercise, which your pan and united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia . the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join our work in a 2nd tour, which focuses on advanced capabilities, including a ton of the systems of the will cause military blocks comprised of i'll squarely of the u. k. and the u. s. has also said it was japan to take part in his framework by countries point minnesota. how's the weather walks back? potential direct involvement with the alliance say no decision has yet be made. well, suppose a us marine corps intelligence office has gotten rid of a, his take on the prospects of mo, confrontation in asia. the united states has reason for the fact that neither
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russia nor china want to kneel before a hedge, a monic america, that neither russia nor china recognize the united states as the supreme authority in on the global stage anymore. this is something united states resent, and it's something that the united states is pushing back against. i think we are witnessing a race between of the economic condition and the military condition. the united states loses the economic race. i think the united states will have no choice but to seed the military race meeting that will have to find a way to correct our position economically. before we talk about going to war, we can't go to war based upon a fundamentally weak economic position. if united states is able to stabilize its
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economic position, visa be china, then we will press the military issues believing that we have a military advantage over china. and this is a mis conception misperception in a mistake. and it will lead to direct conflict with china. so i think the world needs to start betting on, continued chinese economic growth and chinese economic dominance. because only through that path, willow war with america be avoided by jane has to have pushed back against french, fresh pressure from wash. and so that the china is booming. ties with russia, one thing to meet china and russia has the right to engage in normal economic and trade and cooperation. this kind of cooperation shouldn't be interfered or limited, and china also doesn't accept criticism or pressure. so they've got a little bit of political analysts. alex report, if he stays,
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the u. s. may talk it china economically as it did with russia since the special military operation in ukraine. in february of last year. the u. s. the u. k. u, along with countries like australia, canada, japan of all, imposed over 16500 sanctions just on russia. now, is that the next opportunity for the americans to go after the chinese? i mean, if that doesn't work, they go back there. other technique which is steal, strangle, and sanction, and they will try to do everything they can to sanction china into. and i believe in like the of attempted unsuccessfully to do with russia, the americans, when they want to stir up trouble, they will. i mean, this is china's tie one here. they should just go back and look at the communicate many decades ago. they're agreements that they would not arm or even come near taiwan. and once again, there's during the problems,
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it's the playbook. we've seen this playbook time and time again. i think america at this time is running out of nations to actually evade is that, but it was a nuclear power plant. just come on to an increasing number of ukrainian loan strikes the mountain wave of season one of russia's atomic energy size is laid out, the scale of dissolves to they could be unleashed by the attacks, a collection specialist, as shown as the local in addition to well protected power units being destro sides of the nuclear power plant also has a storage facilities for spend nuclear fuel about diesel generators and a large supply of diesel fuel for emergency systems. damage to any of these objects could provoke and nuclear accident. and most important to this up or is the station, is it stuff? 247 been under constant showing in a stressful situation when there is a real threat to live in health, to ensure the safe operation of the plant. these are truly courageous people for
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keeping both the seat of another guitar and the whole of europe, from the consequences of a possible nuclear disaster. once again, we demand to immediately stop and even if the stations of aggression against this opera is a plant in order to avoid repairable consequences, the nuclear facility was hit by several ukrainian strikes this week. will not be a tags damage. the dome of a power unit injuring several work is a power and drone and show wreckage has been recovered from the scene for investigation international atomic energy agency. chief rafael grossi has quoted the west escalation at the side since they've been by 2022 russian farm industry spokeswoman maria's a, however, has accused the west of trying to cover up ukraine's escalating attacks on the nuclear plant. a new system on the west and as a result into sense of shape daily, truly blocking the emergence of news on this matter in the mainstream propaganda mass media more over here. and there we even hear direct approval of criminal
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actions by the key for she include in those committed against nuclear facilities. so it's like the key appreciated is allowed to do anything at all. and that can be no exceptions here. that's what they believe in the west. we will make every effort to ensure that such completion date in the crime. so the key pre, she does not go unnoticed by the rational majority or the international community. so or a summary is a harv up there as fears of a nuclear disaster continued to mount with key of seemingly refusing to stop attacking the largest nuclear power plants in europe. and some experts warn that the plan is apparently said further in nature, incidents and blame it on russia. but of course most go has been sound in the alarm all along even requesting an emergency i a, a needed to address the attacks on this. i thought it was a nuclear power plants. the heads of the facility warrants of a nuclear catastrophe, concerns that are shared by the director general of the international atomic energy
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agency to show you during the last 5 days, starting from april, the 5th. this upper ocean nuclear apollo ponds has come on the unprecedented drone attack by the armed forces. so few crane this poses a great risk of the potential nuclear catastrophe. the reported incident, although outside the site perimeter, is an ominous development. as it indicates, an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers, they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, and it must stop, but key is refusing to stop and no one is even trying to hold them accountable for playing such a thing for escape. the e is top diplomat, joseph burrell said that the visa tags are a reckless, dangerous, and not they must stop. yes, but the who should still last what was missing
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a lot statement. and that's why ross has a master to that he was has. so i'm the west will seen me back in ukraine's actions keeps twisting sponsors instead of covering up its crime since and supplying it with more weapons. and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political and mean, if it is a sort, it is of 10 for the paint it's, it's compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale. we are talking about 5 days of attacks starting from april. the best when a ukrainian kamikaze drone force took the area of the cargo ports and the nitrogen oxygen station the next day. and now this slide, nearby, april 7th, ukrainian food was part of the plants of 3 times enjoying sweet people. april 8th. another company called the total assault down over the plans and on april the 9th, the past pressed service reports of yet another attack. this time on the building
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housing, the world's only full scale reactor, whole simulator. and what are your friends' allies saying the bottle this? that russia should stop stop waltz. exactly. we continue to call in russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return the full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incident at the plant well as the so called competence, ukrainian authorities that are attacking the nuclear power plant that's putting the whole world in danger. so maybe it's telling them to stop would be far more beneficial for mankind. but that side seems to be more preoccupied with being the noise of russia, while kids is working hard to to cover its tracks. to tell you russia decided to yusef baby drill was to simulate shedding, supposedly from the korean side grange position is clear, concise, and i'm vigorous with enough carry out animals reactions, so publications against nuclear facilities. the rest of them must leave the nuclear
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power plant. you get the idea arrive, if it looks like a dog swim is like a duck and quacks like a duck then. no, it's not a dock. it's the russians that made it well. that way. it was, seems to be easier to accept any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it doesn't implicate them, or kids alias on the side of this, right? so when nuclear catastrophe is very real and totally in their hands, the ukranian foreign minister dimitry collab. hi said the quote, nice and quiet diplomacy didn't work as, as k of is pushing the west to deliver more patriots. as defense, sponsors result the 1st time a reluctance to send extra weapon rate has been met with ukraine's discontent. as long as they contribute to rachel most and explained hey, do you want to dump so fast in a relationship the or had both been just talking about your partner's private messages to other people but you creating and present environment is wednesday did
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one better than that with german chancellor or schultz is he talked about them to the western press, which then reveal them to the entire world. and well they make it sound like schultz, a grown man and presumably thinks about taurus missiles like a toddler thinks of his favorite security blanket. as far as i understand, the chancellor believes that since he's a representative for a non nuclear state, this is the only weapon that germany has. it is the most powerful he shared messages with me saying that he cannot leave his country without such a powerful weapon. but according to various press reports, germany has 600 terraces and could lose a 150 of them to crane and barely notice. and it's all in germany, isn't under nato's collective defense umbrella. so what's really going on here with this discrepancy between what schultz tells the public and what he says to zalinski in private. quick reminder that shots has previously said that he can't give kids
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the taurus is because they've required german personnel soldiers to babysit them, which would mean sending troops to crane to something that he says he doesn't want to do because it will be to an escalation against russia as would giving he had the ability to hit targets deep inside russia at the tourist. his range of 500 kilometers, which is more than double those of french scout missiles and british storm shadows, which are currently at kids disposal stuff in the buttons. this theme because regarding this weapon system, i believe they've given its impact and location of application creed cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think they're uses justified and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. my answer is clear, not sending. the taurus is really the only thing that seems to be allowed themselves to still clean to the fantasy of germany,
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not actually being involved in military actions against russia. whoops, kind of 2 ways. it's not like germany hasn't blown all the junk out of its weapons closets and shifted all over the ukraine is hand me downs and exchange for cash from brussels. to me. shiny new hardware for itself. you can try getting his friends to go through their closets for ukraine. unfortunately, are in stokes of patriot systems on now quite exhausted. we need an overview of all patriot systems in europe and worldwide to see where we can click to deliver something to ukraine. kia is constantly brow beaten berlin from the very outset of the complex to get more involved back in may. 2022. you crazy boss or a jeremy called schultz, a quote, sulky liver sausage for not doing a pilgrimage to key of like is western calendar parts of done. seems like the western countries cause playing. ukraine are literally pretending that they are ukraine. nbc has an even better deal now that the free tax payer cash to replace
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junk weapons. free crane is drawing up journeys focus on using ukraine to shore up . it's military spending at home comes only after blowing bank on things like you mandatory and spending for keep putting it on the number one country on the list of well, 41 other suckers with nearly 3000000000 out the door to ukraine just for that alone . but hey, winter me have a street over its own industry by shrinking off the north steam attack on its cheap rushing gas supply, leading to an over dependence on price. here americans liquefied natural gas shipments. the buddhist bank is now saying that the country's economic recovery is stalling and probably will get worse even before this fiscal forwarder ends. so it looks like germany is pretty, it's chips on weapons manufacturing now, which doesn't sound banana repub the at all. but apparently now that germany has decided to focus on himself, schultz is having a hard time bobbing off stage 5 player zalinski who can't stop obsessing over salts
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dismissals. without to leave you on a positive note, the russian anger, a 5 on non super heavy claw space walk. it has successfully blasted off from the post office and he calls me drive and the countries far east, the is the 1st 7 loads of this will pick from that facility, both of which were fully designed and built in post soviet, in russia, to previously condition a 10 survey this week with postponed to the last moment for technical reasons. bianca wright is a taco carrier that can lift an unprecedented payload into us a little bit. what russia is planning to build a new space station site to get the full time this focus has gone into space on the previous launches were made from the much older since that's co cosmo drive in northern russia. but younger at has fully completed dismissing, traveling more than 250 kilometers away from the surface of all the time. it has
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talked to speed of a well paying 27000 kilometers per hour. the subsequent you get to the given this. but if you'd like to find out more details about that story and everything else, does it get to check our website all t dot com not coming your way next week. sanchez with the latest episode of direct impact of about with more needs and 13 minutes a . there is no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world will receive re washington, as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to be living on mac. we have fabulous propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're
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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better. the answer is will be the what is part of the, the employee would post good. isn't the deepest view of us in that, in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without pages. best of product. you for your part and leadership depends tenacity in journalism and publishing since 2010 assign just being held in aggressively narrow a dock,
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cold and cruel. the spaces has been returning since the 7th of december 2010 and one form or another. and we have now here. ready of videos of imprisonment, where does the system fall down at the foundation? corruption being something that they have, it was fixed when have this kind of in norm as low on effect when reduce in equity in society, hockey for the last for the .


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