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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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of 10 day being the way for the outbreak of world war 2, the we have no doubt that the selfish line to curb the development of new world census in duration, the middle east, africa, and latin america is doomed to fail. russia, top diplomats like a lot of rob, welcome to his breaks, tells the policy and most kind of comes to signing the importance of supporting the global south and managing position on the world stage. people have a long day exploited the all say you say they want nothing to do with the washington as a us thing. time for just the country. tons to africa, to slash this dependence on minimal imports from china. the leader of her mom stays palestine will know it's about to is way the pressure of the idea of kills 3 of his sons and 4 of his grandchildren in gauze us of savings with talking to terrorist
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some of a small hyundai is other relatives with this new task, their bodies are in pieces after the idea of targeted the car and fired 3 missiles from a drone, their body parts one everywhere. there has been some remains on top of our house. we found the hand and the lack everywhere, you looped their body parts. water. nature has been raging here in russia's for in the region for almost a week. more than 10000 residential buildings were affected by the flood. we report from floods the stricken central russia as rising water, which is the regional capital lavarne bug, and lips the following day passes. 12 fig down bridge. not the a very well welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest news from across the globe is good to have you with us. the sound to my top story. the west
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is trying to stop uninhabitable, were full of the wild old that will get the global majority will say, that's the message from the russian foreign minister. so getting off both of the hosted officials from parliamentary committees of bricks, countries in most good books is it in you could, if you lose that. but unfortunately, the collective west is led by the united states refuses to abandon its attempts to reverse the subjective historical process, or at least to delay the onset of inevitable change. destructive policy of the united states and its allies is based on well known artificial rules, which is in fact a set of double standards. this policy has already led to that the stipulation of many countries and even entire regions west. and this widely used the well known colonial practice of divide and conquer, to preserve their own head, germany by deliberately provoking ethnic confessional and state conflicts. and these various instruments of corrosion against the senses. you know these methods very well from direct military intervention to illegal unilateral sanctions and
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harassment in the global information space. we have no doubt that the selfish line to curb the development of new world centers in eurasia. they need a list. africa and latin america is doomed to fail, offload they tell us as close live to our teeth to solve it depends. can you get to see charlotte? so i have plenty of strong statements coming from, so it goes down for off today at the west. and officials probably wouldn't be happy to hear take us through some of the key points place. yes, that's why it said a lot of talking about the world being at a turning point right now. he said the multi polar world is emerging and it is impossible to stop. he said the global south, the global east, coming together to work for near the global government system and to find a system that is fat for all to revisit because this is us. we see that the states of the global south and global east, the global majority, as we call it,
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are further strengthening their position on the global arena to conduct independent nation. we oriented foreign policy, since we are satisfied by the fact that the global majority is dedicated to a fair reform of the global governance architecture. we consistently support the implementation of a truly unifying international agenda, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of all states and nations. not only a small group of chosen ones, what he was talking about, but is the west on it. and allies that he said, haven't created a will, that's a 5 play sort of a lot of talked about what bricks does and what it brings to the table is cooperation between the men. the countries is pulse that he talked about breakfast over the expanded in the last 3 months. and that could look to expand again in the future or have countries closely cooperating with it. and as a result, without looking for ways that would make the world a much fair replace. and he said the west was trying to delay the inevitable,
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but would be due to failure. he talked about some of the ways that he'd like to see the bricks. countries cooperating more in the future, including regarding counter terrorism, saying that, you know, after the recent, attached to a most good quote, could city who were moving a 140 people were killed. it was important for legislators from across the world to find ways to work together to prevent things like that from happening in the future . he also talks about corporation when it comes to financial institutions, saying yes again. it was important that countries around the world, including involved in bricks come together to really look at those financial institutions and to see how they can benefit more people who evenly a special upstairs solution here or the support increasing roll breaks. members in the international financial system, deepening corporation between banks, the transformation of the international payment system,
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and the increasing use of our national occurrences in mutual traits. just days ago, our representatives to the world bank in washington had a meeting with all the countries represented to you today. we're also represented there. and the problem of reforming the international financial system is more and more acute. it should have been addressed long ago judging by macro economic data, the share of the bricks. members, even when there was only 5 of them, of capital and the number of votes in international financial institutions should have been bigger than it is now. while the share of the us should be smaller, but both where the world bank and the international monetary funds, the us is trying to slow down the reforms to revise this quote and to preserve its share that allows it to unilaterally blog most decisions. of course, this is completely on democratic and simply unfair. yeah. so important to have the changes to the global governance system to work together on counter terrorism and also when it comes to financing. but said of a lot of also said it's important for countries to come together and to share the
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culture. i think he said, what are the ways that that could be perceived in the future through brick. so it's initiatives as possibly a film academy. he said he won't do the bills on some of the successes we've seen in russia over the past 6 months. and so including the world's years for him and then also the games over the future. he said, we thought tens of thousands of participants from school across the world, coming to russia to share their dreams, their aspirations, the culture. and he said that to is also important when we talk about a fair will for everyone, for the future. and the future doesn't de la bribes, the brakes the countries doesn't it all to start to do both to bear with the details when he thank charlotte or the us. so it should, expands commercial ties with the african countries in order to limit is dependence on china. and minerals supplies, that's the assessment posted by washington and base spring time. it says the country is almost 100 percent reliance on quote, farm entities of concern for key minerals. but they all say is one african nation
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that could provide an alternative, but many locals that have no desire to help. the americans is all teasing to be a condo expense of that so full results of the clean energy race. the democratic republic of the congo stands is a crucial piece of the puzzle, controlling access to key metals such as cobalt lithium, copper, and colton. and well, china has been a dominant alien vista. the u. s. is up in the states and seeking to throw the competition wide open. this, of course, as the united states institute of peace recommends that the u is strengthened. economy cooperation with the d. s. c. o. the to contain china. we do know that many essential minerals, the u. s. has cable it depended on him. but what is particularly alarming full, the use of is dependent on foreign entities. especially with concern is that the united states is at or near 100 percent reliant on foreign entities of concern,
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mainly the people's republic of china. 4 key critical minerals, prioritized prompt in full development of the memorandum of understanding between the united states. the democratic republic of congo ends on the tragically addressed chinese mining in africa. although the west is competing with china using tactical nuance in investment decision making. good, further use policy goals, known lights off the largest geo political factors, and despite time a sizable influence over the seats, the u. s. as intention to catch up and is redoubling. if it's in this regard. however, they all are very known cases of economy corporation between the u. s. companies and the d. c. but what is also known as the legal cases brought by human rights groups. calling these u is companies for failure to implement policies against child labor and abuses in the supply chain. this was on behalf of 14 communities families with children have either died or suffered serious injuries while working on the dangerous stone age
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conditions at coble mines in the region. even so, are you as quote to refuse to hold these companies liable for the legend support for talk, leave us so display, that's a ruling means these dec giants will not face liability for failing to protect children, forced into labor as are to the know miners in the democratic republic of the congo, despite having policies that profess 0 tolerance for child labor. this really not only emphasizes the legal complexities, been holding multinational corporations accountable for their supply chains. but also signals that concerning incentive for these companies to diminish transparency, directly contributing their publicly stated commitments against child labor. it doesn't end the pollution caused by copland. coble mining has left all the points and become the river, one of the main waterways in the d. c. but it has also induced wide spread illness . thousands of people as we speak, i've been exposed to dangerous levels of pollution. that is even causing both the defects in children. toxic pollution from industrial coal. both mining in the
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democratic republic of congo is having devastating human and environmental impacts . the findings challenge the narrative of clean, sustainable cable, frequently promoted by multinational mining companies. local residents said this notion of clean water to drink, less load enough for washing and personal hygiene. forcing them to use contaminated water for the everyday needs. a staggering 56 percent of those interviewed reports . the pollution is affecting the gynecological and reproductive health of women and goes to the complexities and the dfcs situation. go beyond the immediate home to, to local communities. big u. s. companies and the global tech industry v for benefits from the dfcs minimum of which as well, the local people enjoy the consequences of things that are mutual home and social injustice. we discussed this with companies associated political analysts, the andre. it'd be a dounia shatka who stays the d i. c has been exploited for too long and needs to
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lean towards countries like russia in china instead. i think that if we hall western and american companies do not respect the law that governs mining in the d r c. i say it is because the congo these people have never received anything from these companies. mining takes place in villages. there are people, rivers, and feels these fields are being polluted because the deposits are not being mined in accordance with the law. but what is our benefits? if we cooperate with the west, there is none. because after years of cooperation with the us and europe, the people of congo are just as poor. therefore, it is pointless to continue cooperating with the us and other western countries. because we do not benefit from it. if a referendum were held in the d r c, today, where the people were to choose a partner with whom the country would develop. they would you none and mostly
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choose russia, china, north korea and brooks countries in general, rather than the united states. the russian, the federal security service says it has to say that u. k orchestrated landing of ukrainian military sabotage and the unbundled capstone region. according to the speed the british is special boats. the basic unit of the royal navy, coal today to the group of kids troops. several of them were killed with well one ukrainian citizen. he has guinea gore and was taken a life by russian forces. the f s. b stays the prison. i confess to being trained that the 5 rifles base in both of england, he also claimed it'll pause in the recent attack on a russian drilling reagan, the black sea must go size. the confession proves that the u. k. is a direct policy to the conflict in the us is trying to build a stronger coalition against china in the,
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in the pacific region. as he hosted the japanese prime minister in washington president by does announce the creation of a new military architecture in asia. taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation for modernize you command and control structures. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a tri, loud or military exercise which japan and the united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia. the united kingdom is explore and how japan can join our work in the 2nd tour, which focuses on advanced capabilities, including a, are a ton of the systems they or the military blocks comprised of australia, the u. k. on the us has also said it was japan to take policy. this framework by country is department is the how so other works about potential direct involvement
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with the alliance saying no, does that decision has yet be made? we also only us marine cool intelligence offices got rid of his take on the prospects of move confrontation in asia. of the united states is resent full of the fact that neither russia nor china want to kneel before a hedge, a monic america, that neither russia nor china recognize the united states as the supreme authority in on the global stage anymore. this is something united states resent, and it's something that the united states is pushing back against. i think we are witnessing a race between the economic condition and the military condition. and if the united states loses the economic race, i think the united states will have no choice but to seed the
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military race meeting that will have to find a way to correct our position economically. before we talk about going to war, we can't go to war based upon a fundamentally weak economic position. if united states is able to stabilize its economic position, visa be china, then we will press the military issues believing that we have a military advantage over china. and this is a mis conception misperception and a mistake, and it will lead to direct conflict with china. so i think the world needs to start betting on, continued chinese economic growth and chinese economic dominance. because only through that path, when the war with america be avoided as washington looks at both stories, ties with japan. badging is once again defending its relationship with most go off the facing fresh pressure from the us. welcome to meet china and russia has the
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right to engage in normal economic and trade cooperation. this kind of cooperation shouldn't be interfered or limited, and china also doesn't accept criticism or pressure showed up earlier this week and wash in the form and assess the lab rolls visited china web, both sides reemphasize that design to students and mutual partnership. amazing sparks outrage in washington, which means that they would hold the staging responsible for rushes success in ukraine. and that in turn will affect the relationship between the us on china, blow guns, political analysts, alex report if he stays, the u. s. may target china economically as it did with russia since the special military operation in ukraine by the us, the u. k. u, along with countries like australia, canada, japan of all, imposed over 16500 sanctions just on russia. now is that in the next uh, opportunity for the americans to go after the chinese. i mean,
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if that doesn't work, they go back to their other technique which is steal, strangle, and sanction. and they will try to do everything they can to sanction china into and i believe in likely, of attempted unsuccessfully to do with russia, the americans, when they want to stir up trouble, they will, i mean, this is china's tie one here. they should just go back and look at the community many decades ago. they're agreements that they would not arm or even come near taiwan. and once again, there's 3 problems. it's the playbook. we've seen this playbook time and time again . i think america at this time is running out of nations to actually evade the last 24 hours of the day of 63 people killed and 45 more wounded by id f attacks on garza. this brings the total number of people killed since october . the 7th wave of 33500. according to the local health ministry, the palestinian red crescent society has also reported the loss is one of the
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workers has to come to the wounds he received. you were going his way, the rate on a mall hospital 2 weeks ago. the organization as a whole listing $27.00 staff members co advise where the forces during the guns and will also as a unit says vehicle came on the idea. as far as it traveled to the north of the enclave. as well as 3 sons and full grandchildren as the leader of homeless were killed in garza by and his way the strike during the muslim holiday of adolf. it's a hum us political bureau chief, a chanel hyundai of the in the news. while in tanza where he lives and works, he says he considers the victims to be moses that at least try to tailor made fresh international efforts to mediate a new space. foreign garza, mister hyundai essays, nothing yahoo is using questionable means to undermine any possibilities of reaching us these 5. if they think that targeting my children at the pick up these
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talks before the movements responses submitted full costs, a must have change its position, their delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of any palestinian people. all the motors of palestine are my children . there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshed, and it does not observe any standards or loss. the most latest children, grandchildren were reportedly killed when the call was hit on the road by is randy missed styles. the idea is, has concerns. the strikes that claims to have illuminated him asked her son's not civilians. according to his wavy media, the country's prime minister had no prior knowledge of the killing, as well as other top political leaders. they would pull say him, they is, children were killed because of that role in the, on the grape without consideration. if that's emilio status. the devastating attack was witness to bind some additional head. a is other relatives in garza, and here's what they said in the media optima. you know,
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that was my us main any of the sounds of his my oh honey, it has of the how much political bureau, 3 of them were driving in the car. there were there with the 3 drones strikes, hit 3 sounds of honey and 3 of their children were hit. their body parts went everywhere. there are even some remains on top of our house. we found a hand and the lack. everywhere you look, there are body parts of it as we were still near the school. they were here to visit the families of the martyrs. when we heard the sound of a strike nearby, we went outside to take a look. and they said it was the children of my uncle is smile, honey. yeah, their bodies are and pieces after the idea targeted the car and fired 3 missiles from a drone. we're going to perform our prayers. when we heard a huge explosion, we're told that the sense of the smells, and yet we're going with their children to visit their relative to an adult feature . when their car was bombed, we found them in pieces. we get their body parts conducted through stomach rituals and birth. that's cost life now to the chairman of the jerusalem development of
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funds to me as soon as you allow me to discuss the situation further, many thanks for joining us on. the program stays very good to see. and so one of the lease of the mouse as low as 7 plays while it saves in base ideas attack. how does not affect public perception of the idea since accusations that the beginning was pretty mid decisive? what i think in principle and why shouldn't be focusing on this at the, i know the previous tens of thousands of bucks and now they're the 1st thing is the number that i've seen you ended up with good doing good off this of, of october. there's around $40000.00. so these are all sort of the thing is the most likely. and by the way it is i, i have no doubt that maybe the kind of hit this car maybe does it though. well they, i think they, i don't think that on the other thing here, but i think that this movie we can remember last week or before we kind of have
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they also hit 7. eh, humanitarian aid workers was from different ends. nationalities who came with betterment without the football of dimension dealing with him and it passed that was for the natives with the us the idea of the kids. and so everything that is moving does a gets hit on a different hopkins like this. and we have been getting to use all of the official intelligence used by the is about 80 to determine the targets. they are hitting around 30400 targets a day. it's not a human being the science. what is it? what is? well, to be hit it's, it's what they call the bus. but then i found that, that i've said that it broke down i. p programs that they have given of and decided to program is a trusted find different opinions. all the put us in got the, then i'm giving them number for one to 100 in and this call to determine if this
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person would be, it's not good for a hit all. it's the computers that besides i, i tend to believe that on the social media the social media announced that this car has the probably the is kind of, you know, the thing is that i know they have had it, but it's a computer size. but there is a stuck, it's so this is the, it's a lot, it's the on the human more. it's more, more different. awesome. thank you can say the mid one of the, as it should read was, was involved in the most. what about his grandkids was children duck and guess what season did they chose to be the son of the adult? as of a certain person? i think it's all for that very live of for the it's not printing and doesn't real,
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but they can't imagine we have saw such a incident to be more sure of the i know that they really did in, in purpose the coming to coming you this, this is how many was there in north augusta? well, the, i'm able to find 0 guys on 6 months before they leave. they could have understood the bill. i think it would be more valuable for them to of the calls and all of that. but i still use them as the director of a she probably the 1st the, the hit of the start was really close to and she played a bit and she felt hosted. so anyway, i remember from an intelligence military point of view big of them is they wanted to, i think they have just to be in the bargain. their system, the computer controlled them. this got to be hit. that's why they have it. so there is no political message. the main thing domain issue is the home or is it is better,
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but it should stop. we should not focus on one incident because it happens that these people are relatives, december. what's happening, is there any kids who is losing his lunch or something? tell me but yeah, so i don't like to see i'm, is there any kids moving as well as the, the really yeah. on the top, the, except these numbers of gets to be do inside because of the indeed in response to this, the type on his family members. and honestly to in question has said that the type is not going to influence the groups, the mountains for a permanent ceasefire. we'll see what take on that. do you think that this will have some repercussions from a personal perspective? what do you think he's adamant about that? i think what about the most that from us as well, and seeing one of us from the leadership in, in, in the, the much have
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a say in the details of the exempt available. she issues over the exchange between these later also he's on the better thing in prison or over there. she's playing a game. the a lot of the sides of this cinema is not the honey ever, but the most is when, when then addition goes from visit up to one of the ships through the egyptians a little like a dog in kind of a or into a big all because she has missing ha, dana, they don't think a shared with her. you daniel schiffwood sit ha, they use some concepts into our to be able to reach to him. and sometimes they wait for days and weeks of them that the us and comes from us in law. so i don't think that this is going to effect i think, i think this has been a thought good. randomly picked up by the system. usually it's a computer in the minister of defense and is i have maybe a new the identity of the people because most probably know it's happening every
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day. what you focus on was incident. what's happening that instead of it for everybody, whether they were kids or somebody we, all kids will well for some of the we both know that is of a very bad news, a good, nice of the. but then they will have just, you know, looking for bed and welfare, it's sort of a mess and they should always having a visual waste and development funds. so many things to speaking to us very, appreciate your time. thank you. a, thank you and says larosa flooding has hit the regional capital city of over in bug, also last week as catastrophic down bridge. the what was the level of the year old, where if i were inside the city has exceeded the critical loc, affecting some strengthens buildings that say produce. i'm not gonna which i have reports from the same when the role of a den was breached a few days ago, the city of august close, close to suffer funding. now the threat to for the low just hanging over or invoke the regional capital, a city with the population of health,
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emily water nature has been region here in russia's foreign book region for almost a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the flood, the level of what type in your old river is raced up to 10 meters will having normal levels of water in the reverse. at 5 meters, the situation is close to the cool critical. when a flaw comes people at different som gram with the canon, lee 1 august. wait till the very end. having some sort of believe the bay homes with north beacon as dated. the end is always the same thing, destroys rex flu. besides communities, people have to leave their lives for decades. and then in just a few days, all of it is being watched and waiting for the the, the war to reach our street. literally in 24 hours. so to build it into your today,
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i went into the house, into the cellar. my cell is 2 and a half meters. it's completely covered in water. you have to move, we look at the little plus what's, what's the last mid flooded l house? my father's house right here. it flooded everything in one day with 2 accounts as much stuff as we could. but they certainly parts of what we have because with them think the water would reach. yeah, let me give you the problem. also, it can be solved in one moment. we would just need to be rebuilt, takes time, and the damages are measured in billions of promise. most course and can federal ministers here to assure people, but everything will be ok. but some students deal with them in which i have auntie or in the book region. but if you'd like to learn more about this story and everything else does, it gets checked all websites, all t don't. com. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more of the latest see then the
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