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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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age in your grade was reduced from 27 to 25 and it won't. if you ask me questions on the front, there anything to go by the draft age could soon fall to 17 to 18. you know, when you get your cars used to do, i'd love to make it, as we know, you don't need that on the history. your goal is to defend berlin independent frazier engines. google please, let's get ready also, and it's just as rosa is ready to do the same and sacrificing in the name of for an interest, not just decree, and then also women here to stick with the boom being prepared for adoption right now. so the 1st one for, for all tens of printing and interest of the lives will be ruled by zalinski, add to both of them and get our wisdom colleagues prefer to keep quiet about this for just like they were quiet even so many yet. but the fact that they were preparing ukraine's was too full with russia. well presented. what's the width of that mr. agreement? providing coverage? then in april, 1st 22, they didn't let you crane make peace with russia because it means you without a doubt when you lose work here today, anything about these minutes it should be consumed, right?
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situation in ukraine, which is precipitously with the chair. i think he's the head of a camera. shame the power to cancel the elections. he's from anyone who disagrees with him in the prison. and yet none of his wisdom sponsors are willing to rebuke him for this is a tombstone your shoulder while in ukraine. we see increasingly rapid propaganda from united states and clarification of ukrainian not see the sociate, the whipping up of nationalist and racism, sentiment among lots ways of the population. useful. the way it's most of the thing, large scale, groundskeepers, luminous, church, easy to use movies. the cube regime is carefully painting the new or z as, as clergy as enemy to accomplish the it's promotional illegal seizure of its churches and all sorts of ways. usually everything does russian, russian language and culture education, the media is automatically being cancelled or the so let me give you just one example of this last week and certainly via national memory institute for claimed a p of nate's available for the old mikhail, the book of who lived in the late 19th the 20th century,
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who died in 1920. i read that ukraine of the window is what you mean? you see, a circular constituent, greg. us equated for the full gulf and the use of his name with propaganda. he's on the terrace spectrum policy here. it's really, this is a world renowned google searches, and she's being accused of the fact that out of all of the russian office of that time, she was the closest you to the parts approach miss ideologues as to criminal justification . of the it's no side and ukraine, that's a quote to x is the know and in their right mind to would write such a thing when you read it, but it's a same person which does it will not bite culture. what destroyed book or to wait for them until square? it's already the nazis did that and associates and $9019.00 forties. 19 forties with me for me to do like your scheme event ideological is in ukraine. you see doing the same today. they glorify mendera. sure cabbage middle, those crew during the will help feed use your drum and to teachers polls russians, roma and when you koreans remodeled a germans. and just the wisdom as instead of condemning this is not pertaining to
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the desk and them supplying version of the head honcho of the world with the methods, helping him to kill the simple citizens. but the, this is something we're going to discuss as the meeting room, chris to tomorrow, from visual detail, even with the wisdom colleagues, was turning a blind eye to any crime, so ugly antics of the camp regime on auto pilot. so much. so he said they mentioned not to notice here. so give me is that pretty much? can you print just a few days ago? screw up the way to constance. direct strikes and drawing a tax on these appreciate meant to be reviewed with these risk promoting nuclear catastrophe. at the very heart of europe, for jim was that for this topic will be raised to at the dedicated meeting again, on the 15th, the pro, we hope that fit assessments on what's going on will be issued by the i a leadership, a stop exit at the end p, p, and can observe ukrainian publications firsthand. we're going to thank you for holding. this is of course the pressing. but this also good news, which is a great crowd for optimism, sclerosis. the knows what type of the crate crisis,
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the origin i'm using, the think report across all fronts is the strength and the me and the destroying fortified districts which were established. i mean, yeah, most of those are pretty good in wasting a real military rang through before a very nice and this trend wont be bucks by we and you with an aide package. it normally be bucks by new, so called meet grind, a sold nobody's new contract. the soldiers being purchased beyond grace's lawyer completely missed the situation is of course, very boring. so on the listing for the sake of the cranium regime was instead of try to help teams, glen crushed russia, they 1st set themselves and you go not less than the restroom when it was a dimension. so the thing i've noticed, we've changed to his chair, and with most of these up in the position, grew large scale wisdom, assisted him. some kind will lose the to definitely have himself confirmed what we've been saying this time and time again. it should just be crying today is nothing more than a private military company because i think for the west using western weapons and they're fighting to the last ukranian supposedly. well,
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that's less than the cambridge engine through, under the circumstances. it is what it is, very important rage. so what i've done there was chairs to immunization was, he's deliberately cheryl simmons, peaceful neighborhoods, and russian cities is that they're conducting virtual tests. metabolism is this healthcare version will go down in history and most places in humane regime of terrorist and not if we do to assume that old regime that's traded in the interest of the people, you put the, facing them in return for wasting money and handouts for the benefit of the landscape and hasn't a circle here because one of the sections that movie keeps attempts of the leader of the cave regimes in order to promote. because normally like to convince somebody and support of the care of regime promot nothing but best on that very soon you deal with only topic it was through. have you any international meeting on ukraine will be the unconditional, severe surrender for calibration. i advise you all to prepare for this in advance. thank you very much. i don't represent so that i can for the region. ok, well welcome back. we're just going this thing into the russian representative. so we can get the un security council, which was the session was, can,
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is to discuss the latest situation with the ukraine. conflicts, excuse me, vastly to bends of the, highlighting the russian observations on the current state of the situation. he called out for his tactics, info's mobilization, which is taking a heavy told he said on the ukrainian people's moved towards the key of the government. he also wants that the draw stage in ukraine could fold to ages $17.18 is ukraine becomes more desperate for soldiers. and the beds also won't even increasing the i'm not seeing races cents and then spreading across ukraine. he said the west continues to turn a blind eye to such a rising uh, racist sentiment and those so the pressing and risk for all, including the recent to 20 the attacks on the so for those you a nuclear power plant, which is of course, the largest nuclear power plant in europe and the me things will continue tomorrow, i believe will keep me fully updated on everything that happens that that may
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things i do stay with us for that. this was the both of which he leeks found a duty to solace. have gathered outside the australian high commission in london, demonte with journalists and media release from persons bell motion, maximum security prison 1st day marks the 5th anniversary of julian as long as imprisonment in the u. k. last month. london's hi. cool. go onto the we can expand to the right to appeal is potential expedition to washington. but oh, here's the us, fails to enforce several safety conditions for science. it's extra going to put you into this space is up to a $175.00. we can be extended to in cheap says the us presidents should stay, i'm afraid. well, i would say to joe, by the look deep in your heart, then what do you want your legacy to be? do you want your legacy to be the president? does that possibly what was a responsible for the death of the most awarded or
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do you want to do the right thing the use or influence or the justice department to drop the charge against? clearly it is the right thing to do is on the absolutely i out rate is practice and a 5 year warnings and man hope you sitting in prison. this is more cute . be in your, in the civilized world. the russian encore, a 5 and on monday, a super heavy claw space walk. it has successfully blows to go from the bow store to the coals, missouri and the countries a far east of the cost of a loan ship. this will get from the far east facility, both of which was fully designed and built in post soviet russia earlier this week to previous little in chase with postpone the last minutes of technical reasons.
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viagra is a condo terrier that convicted, unprecedented halo didn't see us so big, but russia is planning to build a new space station. the rockets previous successful though, it just took place at the old gap insurance as well. so during the move in russia, younger has now completed this mission, traveling more than 250 kilometers away from the surface of our plan is i think a trump split when 27000 kilometers per rug digital watches will do no slip as always a busy while the ukraine here, the software minister, dimitri could, eva has said the quote nice and quiet diplomacy didn't work best as k of is pushing the west to deliver more patriot defense boundaries. but it's not the 1st time the reluctance to send extra weaponry is being met with ukraine's discontent as auntie contribute to rachel most and explains hey, do you want to get a dump so fast in a relationship the or had both been just talking about your partner's private messages to other people, but you creating a present environment is wednesday,
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did one better than that with german chancellor or schultz as he talked about them to the western press, which then reveal them to the entire world situation. and well, they make it sound like shoulds grow man, and presumably thinks about torres missiles like a toddler thinks of his favorite security blanket. as far as i understand, the chancellor believes that since he's a representative for a non nuclear state, this is the only weapon that germany has. it is the most powerful he shared messages with me saying that he cannot leave his country without such a powerful weapon. but according to various press reports, germany has 600 terraces and could lose a 150 of them to crane. and they already notice. and it's not like germany isn't under nato's collective defense umbrella. so what's really going on here with this discrepancy between what schultz tells the public and what he says to zalinski in private, quick reminder, the shots has previously said that he can't give kids the taurus is because they've
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required german personnel soldiers to babysit them, which would mean sending troops to crane to something that he says he doesn't want do, because it will lead to an escalation against russia as would giving he has the ability to hit targets deep inside russia at the tourist. his range of 500 kilometers, which is more than double those of french scout missiles and british storm shadows, which are currently at kids disposal. a sign of buffer insisting because regarding this weapon system, i believe that given its impact and location of application, concrete cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think they're uses justified and that the question is not how to do it indirectly or directly. this my answer is clear, not sending the taurus is really the only thing that seems to be allowed themselves to still clean to the fantasy of germany,
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not actually being involved in military actions against russia. what's kind of to wait. it's not like germany hasn't blown all the junk out of its weapons closets and shifted all over the ukraine is hand me downs and exchange for cash from brussels. to me. shiny new hardware for itself. you can try getting his friends to go through their closets for ukraine. unfortunately, are in stokes of patriot systems on now quite exhausted. we need an overview of all patriot systems in europe and worldwide to see where we can click to deliver something to ukraine. kansas constantly brow beaten berlin from the very outset of the complex to get more involved back in may. 2022. you crazy bass or a jeremy called schultz. a quote, sulky river sausage, for not doing a pilgrimage to keep like is western calendar parts of done. seems like the western countries cause playing. ukraine are literally pretending that they are ukraine, nbc here. that's even better deal now that the free tax payer cash to replace junk
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weapons. free crane is drawing up journeys focus on using ukraine to shore up. it's military spending at home comes only after blowing the bank on things like you mandatory and spending for keep putting it on the number one country on the list as well. 41 other suckers with nearly 3000000000 out the door to ukraine, just for that alone. but hey, with germany having screwed over its own industry by shrinking off the north steam attack on its cheap rushing gas supply. leading to an over dependence on price. here americans liquefied natural gas shipments. the buddhist bank is now saying that the country's economic recovery is stalling and probably will get worse even before this fiscal forwarder ends. so it looks like germany is pretty, it's chips on weapons manufacturing now, which doesn't sound banana republic. he at all, but apparently now that germany has decided to focus on itself, shows us having a hard time finding off stage 5 player zalinski who can't stop obsessing over
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sources missiles to the gentleman in vent to re sense to keep of could be re stokes by using military modernize ation songs, the spot initiative being unpopular with the government's opposition. members, linda men is one member of the bill and house of deputies who says they're sending weapons to ukraine and just the growth of germany's own military needs. the problem uh is that the drum and government gave too much equipment, especially costs and technical equipment. and to him, of these agreement was used in the german army in the windows. well, the problem is, the zip one is where the german, i mean, since a long times it's not developing very well. a lot of german, the government's the sites to money and did not develop the i mean in time. and now they send a little bit of agreement outside. so this equipment is missing in germany,
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the money which is needed to do relatives of german, i'm just in time of what has been used to support the government of cutting. and i don't know why a german government does a dealing like this, where you say it's not the good to probably take for germany to send all the military equipment to k, e and luis toys the german i'm making. this may be that the nuclear power plant has come on to an increasing number of ukrainian drones strikes the mount. whoever sees on one of russia's atomic energy sciences laid out the scale of disaster, it could be unleashed by the attacks. to me said, i suppose this is showing us the block of in addition to well protected power units . the industrial side of the nuclear power plant also has a storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel, biodiesel generators and a large supply of diesel fuel for emergency systems. i don't think damage to any of
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these objects could provoke and you can exit the most important to us up or is the station is it stops 247. which means under constant showing they were in a stressful situation when there is a real threat to live in houses, to ensure the safe operation of the plant. these are truly courageous people for keeping both the see different organ, dark, and the whole europe, from the consequences of a possible nuclear disaster. and once again, we demand to immediately stop. and even if the stations up with the russians against this up arrows are planned in an order to avoid repairable consequences of late the nuclear facility was hit by several ukrainian strikes this week. one of the attacks damage the de, him of a power units and during several workers apparent load and show wreckage as being recovered from the scene for investigation international, atomic energy agency, chief rafael gross. they has quoted the west escalation at this site since november 2022 russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marizza. how rebel
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has a case, the west of trying to cover up ukraine's escalating attacks on the nuclear tons a new system on the west. and as i saw it into sensor shape daily, truly look in the emergence of news on this matter in the mainstream propaganda mass media. we move over here and there we even hear direct approval of criminal actions by the key for she including bills committed against nuclear facilities. so it's like actually the key resume is allowed to do anything at all and there can be no exceptions here. that's what they believe in the west way, and we will make every effort to ensure that such completion date and the crimes of the key appreciate does not go unnoticed by the rational majority of the international community. so we're a summary as a harvard there, as fears of a nuclear disaster continued to mount with key of seemingly refusing to stop attacking the largest nuclear power plants in europe. and some experts warn that the plan is apparently to trend or nature incidents and blame it on russia. but of
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course most go has been sound in the alarm all along, even requesting an emergency. i a need to address the attacks on this. i thought it was a nuclear power plants. the heads of the facility warrants of a nuclear catastrophe, concerns that are shared by the director general of the international atomic energy agency to show you during the last 5 days, starting from april, the 5th promotion nuclear power plants has come on the unprecedented drone attack by the armed forces, so few crane, this poses a great risk of the potential nuclear catastrophe. the reported incident, although outside the site perimeter is an ominous development, as it indicates an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers, they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous and it must stop.
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but keys is refusing to stop and no one is even trying to hold them accountable for playing such a thing for escape. the e is top diplomat. joseph burrell said that these attacks are a reckless, dangerous, and not they must stop. yes, but the who should still last what was missing a lot statement. and that's why ross has a master to the you. what has so i'm the west will seem to me back in ukraine's actions gets worse and sponsors instead of covering up its crime. since and supplying it with more weapons and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political. i mean, if it is a sort, it is of 10 for the painted at compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale. we are talking about 5 days of attacks starting from april the 5th. when are you crazy and kind of causing drone forest hit the area of
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the cargo ports and the nitrogen oxygen station the next day. and now this slide nearby, april 7th, ukrainian food was part of the plants of 3 times injuring sweet people. april 8th. another come because it's almost all down over the plans. and on april the 9th, the past press service reports of yet another attack. this time on the building housing, the world's only full scale reactor, whole simulator. and what are your friends allies say in the bottle this? that rush i should stop? stop waltz. exactly. we continue to call in russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return the full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that can result in nuclear incidents at the plant well as the so called compet since a crate in authorities that are attacking the nuclear power plants the supporting the whole world in danger. so maybe telling them to stop would be far more beneficial for mankind. but that side seems to be more preoccupied with fema noise
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in russia. well, kids is working hard to cover its tracks. to tell you russia decided to yusef baby drill was to simulate shedding, supposedly from the korean side. the grains position is clear, concise, and i'm vigorous with enough. carry out in the middle of the reaction. so, publications against nuclear facilities, the rest of them must leave the nuclear power plant. you get the id arrive if it looks like a dog swim is like a duck and quacks like a dog then. no, it's not a dog. it's the russians that made it look that way. that was seems to be easier to accept any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it doesn't implicate them or kids. a lease on the stand at this, right. so when you clear catastrophe is very real and totally in their hands. so it's a dozen times announced that a so called pay somebody so on ukraine will take place in mid june without the russian participation. this was foreign minister and i just,
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they tried to involve most guys if you need be a big look at it. this has gone through it was supposed to, off to ukraine. of course is ross because the peace process can be done without drop shot without even if it won't be there from the very beginning. in january, i spoke with a russian foreign minister and made clear to him, but ross, i should participate in the process of drawing all points of the community towards does a very close it. however, the russian embassy in switzerland denies receiving an invitation to take part in such a summit. most of his were pays, at least west the peace talks on the ukraine. conflicts cannot produce results unless russia is involved. i send to us, so respected farm and assessor gala 12 stays, recent swiss auctions have this quarter to this role as a mediator with bush anymore. so we can no longer perceive this drive from us through the neutral sions. what sort of has thinking and open the anti russian stance? well, what kind of mediation can the lead unless they are now trying to impose their
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mediation on you crazy and nelson will come with them. and so this is not a place who can be trusted to the upcoming summit is expected to be held in accordance with the so called zalinski piece formula that's backed by the west. the ukranian president wants to washington roll back to its post soviet folder from 1991, which most goes completely rolled out some of the summit as well. so google, so it excluded rusher under the same formula and they did with nothing to show for right. we moved over the seemingly hopeless approach is to piece with our guests here on the program on wednesday. and it is unfortunate that this switzerland's initiative does not include russia because, but any piece stopped without having rush as a table will be a few times you attempt the swiss version of the piece talk. i think it's testing to. ready failure before it even starts in that sense,
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it's unfortunate. eventually it may be proven to be a waste of time, so keep it on because most of it still gets you excited to seems to be start to be a special mutual by here shortly. and this gets a little bit closer to come see that's a few that are under has joined it with you would think cellphones again is the right stuff to do it and has joined the countries that have been providing support on the system that is supposed to ukraine to go for it. so you can see that uh you could, uh, uh, seduce it on the list or if you try to fit in this matter, i don't think we have the best country 1st because usually the best, the country supplement negotiation. so the, i know to be a business is probably it was yes and there are many and ship it to make this process in a brand. many efforts to do is many going to, is there a way or many?
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it goes from egypt, egypt, a bunch to visit ins are administer yet on the front. that's the oh, so i'm going to, i'm the robes in our lead is there are many uh, reports and the initiatives from a concert as well, which are easiest to also put it in. it was the 6 the confidence and to make the integrations down to make you sit there. immense. was it for this crisis by negotiations and the open and going to get it given your motors base for a day? i know it is the right time to call fall and really go stations, but it would fall off and deal green and rush out to tabulate straight the sincerity to reach a ceasefire. yahoo! this is stop all hostilities for example, and to install peace and restore peaceful construction and reconstruction. many thanks for your company here in nazi international this thursday. we're back in 5 minutes with ma. it's
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a, it's, it's, it's can be started by line. peace can be expanded by true importance of wiki links name of the curve of station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake at trees. then just succeeded in finding the documents that exist state and making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more than that by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, wants to so long realize pen smith and golfing endlessly to relate to seriously am, i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore.
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wisely. fort adjusted for to be on box weighing a $175.00. used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the cost of rick sanchez and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you
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j. k itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, phoenix, who save one, you ruined the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government dean isn't it enough? then there's no simple new foster larry shifted upwards was douglas who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. reset and i'm ready to double open for example. yeah, curious, why do you know if we're feed lacrosse? because it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one that the bronze demetrius, the dean. good luck, boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued and walk a the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of law almost from 130 to the
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other 2 on the road as of no mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on. see the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask a better. the answer is, will be the,
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the past 24 hours. these are the $63.00 palestinians, kill an idea of a tax on garza 3 songs. that appointment has come us lead as for of his grandchildren are among the big sir. witnesses including some of the additional and they is other relatives, thomas on the attack. the ability parts went everywhere. there are even some remains on top of our house. we fall into a hands and legs and everywhere you look around 40 bucks. their bodies are in the sense of the idea of target. the car inquired, seeing these files from the drum to nature has been raging here in russia's for and before we can for almost a week, more than 10 solvent residential buildings were accepted by the floods we report
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from floods, trick.


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