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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the the, the call 24 hours. see that he's $63.00 palestinians killed in id for tax on garza, 3 sons of a permanent suite, as for his grandchildren, are among the victim. witnesses including some of the additional and they is other relatives, thomas on the attack. the ability parts went everywhere. there are even some remains on top of all the house would fall into a hands and legs and everywhere you look around $40.00 their bodies are in fees. it's up to the idea of target to the current quiet. see me, side water. nature has been raging here in a rush for and before we can for almost a week, more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the floods we report from flood stricken central. russ, who is rising goal to reach is the regional camp, is a level or
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a book. and they've got that part of the congress 12th exams where each law suite people in the long to exploit that they are seeing say they want nothing to do with the washington. as a us thing punk suggests the country tons to africa to slash this dependence on minimal imports from china. we have no doubt that the selfish line to curve, the development of the world, essentially in duration, needs to be the least mission, africa, and latin america is due to failure versus top the gala rob, welcome to rig counts upon in multi go, emphasizing the importance of supporting the global south, emerging position on the well, the a variable. welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world needs to be with this data. our top story, the last 24 hours. i've seen $63.00 p 4 killed and $45.00 more windows by id us,
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a tax on garza. but this brings the total number of people killed since october the 7th. so it was $33500.00 according to the local health industry. the palestinian red crescent society has also reported losses. one of the workers has it comes to the wounds he receives during his rating rate on our malls hospital 2 weeks ago. the organization as a whole listing 27 staff members hills by his way. the forces during the gauze of war as a unit says vehicle came on the idea as far as it traveled to the north of the and case of the 3 sons and full grandchildren, all of the leader and those were killed in garza buying these ready strike during the muslim holiday of adolf, it's a monster political bureau chief ational have now learned the news, bawling, todd, so where he lives and works. he says, because it is the victims to be monitors, but that these 2 i came and made fresh international efforts to me the i to these
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these fire in gaza with that and i as, as nothing yahoo is using questionable means to one to mind any possibilities of weeks in a free spot, if they think they're targeting my children at the pick up these talks before the movements responses submitted, full costs must have change its position, their delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of any palestinian people. all the motors of palestine are my children . there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshot, and it does not observe any standards or loss to be your most latest children and grandchildren were reported to be killed when they tom was hit on the road by his waiting mist solve the ideas, has concerns the strikes, the claims to have illuminated to most terrorists and not civilians. according to his reading, media of the countries prime minister has no prior knowledge of the kids. and as well as of a top political leaders report say, and they as children were killed because of the role of the group without
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consideration. if the familiar of stasis, the data facing a task was witnessed by some additional head, a is other relatives in garza. and here's what they said in the immediate optima. that was my us, and i have a sense of easement of hon. yeah. how does that, how most police could do, right? 3 of them are driving in the car now that was bad when the 3 drones strikes hit 3 sounds upon you and 3 of the children, the hits, the body parts went everywhere. there are even some remains on top of our house. we fall into a hands and a lag everywhere you look at about 40 bucks, but then we're still near the school. they were here to visit the phone. most of the monitors when we heard the sound of a strike near bar, we went outside to take a look and this was the children of my uncle who smile for news. their bodies are, these is up to the idea of target to the car and 53 me cycles from a drone. well, we're going to perform our prayers. when we heard a huge explosion, we're told that the sense of the smells, and yet we're going with our children to visit their relatives,
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turn idol featured when their car was bought. we found them in pieces a give their body parts conducted these little creatures in 3rd. that's plus live tape and it's going to on the list aside, new muscle more on the situation now. many thanks for joining us on the program. he's good to see. so one of the latest from us last 7 close relatives in the slightest idea attack. how does that affect public deception? all of the ideas, submit accusations, the beginning was pre meditative. the for you and all you are the way, then it is clear from our point of view that describes new patient by these trees is going to bring some kind of uh, 63 equity is where you bought me each year for that day. i love these kind of operations. so now those are again jane got see who we get to. and the son was on the terrace and blah, blah, blah. beach is stuff that they used to say. i didn't visit the site as
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a victory v. i. yeah, i'm for the secret services as was who provided them with the vision of the what about the sense, but it's time to get this information that these guys are really the what also in the car. yeah. holy shit. i don't think that the student was there on childrens in the maureen goals, but that piece and this morning, but surely it's exactly as a d, a d started sluggish because they have no really, really thought. ready to, to jean as you give it to this, or is the surgery so they try to do a search of the, to the very side gather of increase on how the government and for the work. i mean it's, yeah, that's the thing, isn't it? because the,
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as radio army is adamant that fit familial ties had nothing to do with that targeting, he pointed to the victims military positions. but how does that military stages relate to the children the 4 children killed in the attack? yes, exactly. that's what we say, that big lean, that this was the rest of the yes the or is it the, you know, just city or the, you know, the defendable someone who was in a position or someone was the reason for my peach beach that is on a are involved and plus, having them old children. is that the where, you know, maybe this is in the beginning, which was the normal human activity because of the 1st day of that he's, he's awesome. there we go to or really dave's as we visit them. we can calculate
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and get with beach if he's done this is the cost on and based on the policy, it goes to the social media. what exactly is the movie that are on their, their uncles and then we will try to make this scandal just josh, i'm day the, the reason why i think so because they have their children with them. there's no goals or any kind of media. they don't think there's 2 of those to, you know, yes, very young children. so it's clear that it is, you know, i do watch the dns and the only to say we start getting stores and see all intelligence is great. and this is why i didn't information the way they are leaving the dresser and the student with this, i guess i don't know if i get it done last week. they said you guys up there, what are the things there? and the why do you, you didn't understand the space you have such an accurate information. so i'm
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asking norman each the video and guys that and normally because they don't have discuss directed to do it for them to be hiding away from these ones. now the leader in question is shamella ne, a. he said that the attack would not have any influence on the groups. the months were a permanent, seized by a what was your take on that? yes, definitely. if this right, you see that this would put some more brush a little bit, but i see there's this bounce in denver the stations because we looked at our majors or stick. it's on decisions on how these, where you are actually, we know that this is the last few days. there were a distribution deal, operations, invest the goals or the stuff. well, i mean, this is in the but mission commercialize these. and because she goes long,
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this is situation is or worse and worse and mark from the very bad situation. so give it a bit more in, during the negotiations. but this is not the case from the one and the receiving assistance i put on functions for the this is, you know, exchange business and from the very beginning, ease of use and these like in conditions. and these are the people when they go to. ready ship a hospital or to the new or even later on the dash student or the pressure it doesn't work for because the, the resistance bands with their own functions such an x is the issue before we make any difference for that i see this year and it was
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me started by their own solutions because it is fair and both or so. they won't let you the, because these are you have to back up on that and give up the conditions because that was where you go back to the moment that this is going on. it's easy said the garish there on the sheet in the catchy, i need of the started the same guys that neither you nor eh, you, but anything the person is and kept in mind the person use this done. so that's why these are, you know, on their own ways. yeah. i have to brush eyes the best, you know it's a, it's interesting that, that he's a tax of stepped up in recent days just off to, you know, drove by the and said that to me all these options in garza were a mistake and express the disagreements with is why the prominence and the approach
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to the conflict. what do you think is taking washington those 6 months to express such strong criticism or any criticism, criticism of nursing, yahoo is worth it. a yes, yes. to be the, the, or the, the, at your records, this reaction, the solution by that. and did you look at it carefully? if i've given the suggestion that the book order was in for g as in j o. if you look at it. ready you would find that, again, that would be on the words and in reality, the cease fire, stop fire, but the news i'm talking about, you know, this is it for the best themes, but really not the 150000. allowed to come back to guess as each uh, you know, that the number from the outside the house. so what, which,
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which one have the entry who's going to choose who's coming back and the what's the weight? so i was just only these which is like, you know, to make us leave that. yeah, we have a serious this fine language. the reality is a change. the question was going to the local drive back and once yeah, it's coming many months to latest. net many thanks for speaking to us today. as i knew my political out of this. thank you. yeah. well, the russian federal security services is full today. you k orchestrated london give ukrainian military services and the and baffled capstone region. according to the speedy british, a special boat service, a unit of the royal navy, cold and age, the group of kids troops, several ukrainian soldiers were killed, but one of the ukrainian nationals,
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you have any gore and was captured by russian forces. the space age, the prisoner confessed to being trained to the 5 rifles base and full for the england. he also claimed you took caution, a waste of the time on the russian drilling rake in the black sea. moscow stays, the confession proves that the u. k. is a direct policy to the conflicts i'll tell you, has all the u. k. will native comments and will bring to the reply as soon as they associate professor and independent research a greg simon's so it's a u. k. his face is reputation on the line by supporting key if on the list of showing this desperation as a political level, because otherwise the deeper game blows. but there are a slot machine that is showing up in bombing. but what do they do? they double down, they put the whole political career reputation on being able to beat russia using your crime. and everything is probably been,
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this is locked out to be the guys. so what did i do? that doesn't battle desperation. i mean, this is a very tactical level of it, it shows no, i mean the desperation about the ripples this which wisdom politicians of the higher and the most as brothers loves but the site, it's all lewis's to the west is instigating terrorism in russia. recordings of the countries deputy foreign minister, his pullman came off, the most goes late is pro revealed that ukraine's original holdings, inter must be linked to washington, was involved in funding terrace. the us authorities. they're quite the responsibility for financing and instigating acts of terrorism against russia, a special people. and we truly think this is a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do.
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we will use our most capabilities to stop at every thing which is being said by russia on important issues, not just recently, but for quite a while. a rating is being labeled as non sensual, or even his information by the us. they don't pay any attention to any evidence to any logic, to any common sense. the only for moves there, all narratives we ship to utah file. we has no connection to the actual situation. be once russia to become a week, are they one's to the seats? russia strategically, as they have set forth these in their own official documents and thus they continue these need to expansion course that trends very concrete to the core security inches of rush. but i will underscore that there is
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no way that countries that apply for natal membership expect this to happen. it gets scratched as a national interest that they will enhance their own secure, just through mates of membership. they want to describe nato as the most successful alliance in history. this is a social historic failure. they wanted to achieve more security for europe and you're atlantic. and the chief wes, this is a complete seizure of all the us administration that followed this expansion since 1996. and they, they will see more of something that would be in danger. they're secure, which is not enhance the president who's in house, how their video conference with the governors whose regions were affected by the floods creeping across central russia. platinum. it proved to emphasize which
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issues to take priority as local governments work to manage the crisis to get the water has not yet reached. some places get down there and it has not yet receded from other locals. this is just what we need to think about now. no storing homes, 1st and foremost housing and but also infrastructure of course and eating. so please don't advise off to prepare yourselves ahead of time. so a quick reminder in central rush or a flood, swept through the regional capital city of or in the golf and last week's catastrophic, down bridge. the was 11 in the euro river within the city has exceeded the critical mark affects and some streets on buildings that also you produce noncom advertising reports from the see when the roll rate of a den was breached a few days ago, the city of was close to suffer funding. now the threat to for the low just hanging over or invoke the regional capital. a cd with a population of tough. i mean, water nature has been raging here in russia, score and book region for almost
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a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the floods, the level of water in your old river is raised up to 10 meters. will have a normal level of water in the reverse. at 5 meters, the situation is close to the cool critical. when a flaw comes people at different som gram with the canon lee 1 august way too. but they are we and having some sort of believe the bay homes, with norfolk and as dated, but the end is always the same thing, destroys rex for decides communities. people have to leave their lives for decades, and then in just a few days, all of it is being watched and waiting for the, the, the war to reach our street literally in 24 hours. so to build it into your dad, went into the house to be to the seller. my seller is doing a hot me to school. it's completely covered in war to get the deal with us. what's,
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what's the last name lauderdale house? my father's house. why? he? yeah, it's a lot of everything in one day which causes as much stuff as we could, but they certainly part of what we have because we didn't think there was that was reach. yeah, let me pretty of give you the problem. also, it can be solved in one moment when we just need to be rebuilt, takes time and the damages imagine it would be less i promise most or send to federal ministers here to assure people, but everything will be ok. but some students deal with them in which i have aunty or in the book region. the us should expands commercial ties with african countries in order to limit is dependence on china for minimal supplies. i'll say assessment posted by a washington based thing time the groups are usually us is almost completely dependence on other states when it comes to critically valuable manuals. especially the concern is that the united states is at or near 100 percent of reliance on for
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an entities have concern, mainly the people's republic of china. 4 key critical minerals, prioritized prompt in full development of the memorandum of understanding between the united states, the democratic republic of congo, ends on the tactical address chinese mining and africa. although the west is competing with china using tactical new wants, an investment decision making could further use policy goals. and the honesty is one of the applicant, nations that could be seen as i know tenants, alternative souls, the country controls access to an array of key muscles like costa and cobalt, but local seem less than enthusiastic about potentially helping the united states all seasonally be a congo, fix up the story of knowing lights of the largest geo political sectors. and despite time a sizable influence over the seats, the u. s. has intention to catch up and is redoubling. if it's in this regard. however, they all are very known cases of economy cooperation between the u. s. companies and the d. c. but what is also known as the legal cases brought by human rights
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groups. calling these you is companies for failure to implement policies against child labor and the abuses in the supply chain. this was on behalf of 14 police assemblies that was sold wouldn't have either died or suffered serious injuries of still working on the dangerous stone age conditions of cobalt mines in the region. and even so, you, as court refused to hold these companies liable for the religious support, we're talking display that the ruling means these dec giants will not face liability for failing to protect children, forced into labor as our seasonal minors in the democratic republic of congo. despite having policies that profess 0 tolerance for child labor, this ruling not only emphasizes the legal complexities been holding multinational corporations accountable for their supply chains. but also signals that concerning incentive for these companies to diminish transparency, directly contributing their publicly stated commitments against child labor. it
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doesn't, and the pollution caused by a copland cove of mining has the points and become the river. one of the main water ways into the sea. but it has also induced widespread, owns thousands of people as we speak. i being exposed to dangerous levels of pollution that is even causing both the defects in children, toxic pollution from industrial coal. both mining and the democratic republic of congo is having devastating human and environmental impacts. the findings challenge the narrative of clean, sustainable cable, frequently promoted by multinational mining companies. local residents said this notion of clean water to drink less loaded enough for washing and personal hygiene force and them to use contaminated water for the everyday needs. a staggering 56 percent of those interviewed reports. the pollution is affecting the gynecological and reproductive health of women and goes to the complexities in the dfcs situation . go beyond the immediate home to local communities, big
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u. s. companies and the global tech industry. v for benefits from the dfcs minimum of which as well, the local people enjoy the consequences, things that are mutual home and social injustice. we discuss this. we have companies associated political analyst, andre. i do need my shaka, he says the d. c has been exploited for too long, and he's to lean towards countries like russia in china instead. i think the free hall, western and american companies do not respect the law that governs mining in the d . r c. i say this because the congo these people have never received anything from these companies. mining takes place in villages. there are people, rivers and feels. these fields are being polluted because the deposits are not being mined in accordance with the law. but what is our benefits? if we cooperate with the west, there is none. because after years of cooperation with the us and europe, the people of congo are just ask for. therefore,
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it is pointless to continue cooperating with the us and other western countries. because we do not benefit from it. if a referendum were held in the d r c, today, where the people were to choose a partner with whom the country would develop. they would unanimously choose russia, china, north korea and brooks countries in general rather than the united states. the west is trying to stop and inevitable reform of the welto that will give the global majority to e mail, say us the message from russian foreign minister. so galen ross as he hosted officials from parliamentary committees of bricks, countries in moscow. so it says it in here for the q laser, but unfortunately, the collective west is left by the united states refuses to abandon its attempts to reverse the subjective historical process, or at least to delay the onset of inevitable change which destructive policy of the
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united states and its allies is based on, well, no, not official rules, which is in fact a set of double standards. this policy has already led to that the stipulation of many countries and even entire regions west and as widely used the well known colonial practice of divide and conquer, to preserve their own head, germany by deliberately provoking ethnic confessional and state conflicts. and these various instruments of corrosion against the sentence as well. you know, these methods very well to lead me from direct military intervention was to illegal unilateral sanctions and harassment in the global information space. and we have no doubt was that the selfish line to curve the development of new world centers in duration. does that mean the list of these africa and latin america is due to fabulous news? is typically a lot of talking about the world being at a turning point right now. he said the multi polar world is emerging and it is impossible to stop. he said the global south, the global east, coming together to work near the global government system, a defined
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a system that is fed for religion who this is the so we see that the states of the global south and the global east, the global majority, as we call it and are further strengthening their position on the global arena, its way to conduct independent nation. we oriented foreign policies. we're satisfied by the fact that the global majority is dedicated to a fair report of the global governance architectures and consistently support the implementation of a truly unifying international agenda. aimed at creating favorable conditions for the developments of all states and nations. and not only a small group of chosen wants use but of what he was talking about, but is the west on it? and allies that he said, happened, created a will that 5 play sort of a lot of the talked about this. what do ricks does and what it brings, the table is cooperation between the men, the countries as cost that he talked about breakfast already expanded in the last 3 months. and that could look to expand again in the future,
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or have countries closely cooperating with it? he talked about some of the ways that he'd like to see the bricks. countries cooperating more in the future, increasing regarding counter terrorism, saying that, you know, after the recent attached to a most good crew could city who were moving a 140 people to it. was important for legislators from across the world to find ways to work together to prevent things like that from happening in the future. he also talks about corporation when it comes to financial institutions, saying yes again. it was important that countries around the world, including involved in bricks come together to really look at those financial institutions and to see how they can benefit, move people to evenly, would you suppose slips those to show you what is the support increasing role of bricks, members in the international financial system, deepening corporation between banks, the transformation of the international payment system,
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and the increasing use of our national occurrences in mutual trade or just days ago, a representative of the world bank in washington had a meeting with all the countries represented here today we're also represented there and the problem of reforming the international financial system is more and more acute. it should have been addressed long ago judging by macroeconomic dayton is the show of the bricks, members of if, even when there was only 5 of them, of capital and the number of votes in international financial institutions should have been bigger than it is now. while the share of the us is, should be smaller to different both where the world bank was and the international monetary fossil. the us is trying to slow down the reforms, to revise this quote and to preserve its share. well, it allows us to unilaterally live loc most decision initiative. of course, this is completely on democratic, simpler, unfair signatures. yes. so important to have the changes to the global governance system to work together on counter terrorism. and so when it comes to financing but said of a law firm also said it's important for countries to come together as to share
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their culture. i think he said, what are the ways that that could be perceived in the picture through brick. so it's initiatives as possibly assume academy. he said he won't to the bills on some of the successes we've seen in russia over the past 6 months or so, including the world years for him. and then also the games over the future. we said we saw tens of thousands of participants from school across the world, coming to russia to share their dreams, their aspirations, that culture. and he said that to is also important when we talk about a fair will for everyone, for the future, i suppose is all we could expand the julian, a songs have guy that out. so i'd be australian high commission in london demand thing, the doing the lists and media release from buttons bell last maximum security prison . so as a moxie 5th anniversary of judas sanchez, imprisonment in the u. k. last month. london's high coach quantity we could expand to the.


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