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tv   Documentary  RT  April 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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of the culture, i think he said, what are the ways that that could be perceived in the future through brick. so it's initiatives as possibly assume academy. he said he will to the bills on some of the successes we've seen in russia over the past 6 months. or so including the world use for him. and then also the games of the future. we said we saw tens of thousands of participants from school across the world, coming to russia to share their dreams, their aspirations, that culture. and he said that too is also important when we talk about a fair will for everyone, for the future, i suppose is all we could expand the julian a songs have gathered out. so i'd be australian high commission in london, the mounting, the during the list, the media release from britain's bell last maximum security prison. so as a mock, the 5th anniversary of judy and a sanchez imprisonment in the u. k. last month, london's high quotes quantity we could expand to the right to appeal his potential expedition to washington. but only if the us fails to in full set what will safety
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conditions for a song is expedited to join in a space is up to a $175.00 days behind balls which he leaks the editor in chief space. the us president should stay on celebration. well, i would say to joe, by the look deep in your heart, then what do you want to elect and see to see? do you want your legacy to be the president? is that just possibly what was responsible for the death of the most awarded or do you want to do the right thing the use or influence or the justice department to drop the charge against it is the right thing to do is a absolutely i outrages practice and a 5 year warnings and meant to be sitting in prison is just more cute. be in your, in the civilized world for many things to be
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a company here. and i don't see international this, the state also from me for today. but you know, now we'll be here with all relates to the top to the out, the a for your type of leadership, defense tenacity in journalism and publishing. 2010 asylum just being held in aggressively narrow i dock. colder and cooler spaces has been since the 7th of december 2010 and one form or another. and we're now here of videos often present. where does the system fall down that the foundation,
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corruption being something that if it was fixed, when have it's kind of in norm as low on effect, am would reduce equity in society, or people would be less for the lice. the
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information that such doesn't change the law, especially of the world in which we live today, with the power of the state and its links to the media networks is so strong that it's not easy to fight against them. we can the extent that and they did that extremely intelligently. they never made up information. they never met new fact. good information then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. that mean, what could be more honorable than that for their release is or a 100 percent correct? they're authentic. there's no body of journalism can ever claim to be that however quoted is so important. so we can makes can
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never be of a statement. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn list. take a chief mind. i see i repeatedly propose can not bring the wicked weeks down there from the dorian embassy in london, signed him to the united states, some senior trump administration officials and c. i executives even discussing fascination assigns, and according to former intelligence officials, the spanish courts had evidence that there were discussions of poisoning join. nothing new from the embassy incorporations were being slammed under the directorship of the microphone, peo, chest, a single environment in the afternoons. eric or mark summers, pennsylvania for training inputs raised the question of the yahoo store and size of the say i brought to the tip top on assessment tutoring. besides the charge,
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let me pull it in how i'll hold it in for about an inside. yes yes i'm sure we know . ready let me say i is interested in mr. assigned on mock some of the types of spec pavement sites and thought about it. one thing interested, it's a find out when pressing the kid map. i'm good. how can these courts approve an extradition request? under these conditions? how can they accept an extradition to the country, the closet, to kill julian that probably closer to kill a publisher and because of what he published, this goes to the fundamentals of trust, freedom, and of democracy. we knew when julian was in the embassy, that there was a high likelihood that the embassy was being spied upon by the united kingdom by the united states. what we didn't know until the whistle blow came forward,
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that the security company employed by the ecuadorian embassy to provide security is joanne and to embassy staff. was capturing information in breach in the terms of their agreement with the ecuadorian government and providing it to parties in the united states. it is a alleged that we're doing it at the behest of the c i. e. c global, the security company that was hard to protect. julian was actually spying on him and sending the camera feed, send the sound back to the usa, back to the ca, through solitary confinement, through the character assassination. through the orwellian legal process. through the violation of his most basic human and legal rights. one thing after another was like this feeder of the absurd stripping that him of his basic human dignity to the newest, new position that is to the listing fee,
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the newest $1.00. and we thinking of these specially you east, i'm wanting to the seller being deported orders. me, she wasn't mean theo, the, the, the main thing is it seem to be the new but not the go and just get a little guess is inclusion. and when you is there seem to get up, i will use which of it built in that fairly much constant is, is showing you a new name that i see in the read mostly that, that he, i'm not interested enough with a month in a little bit more be seen, the 14 not the in in was enough to them then, which is what i mean. dish literacy with me whenever you see the shuttle, if this was a sort of they got low because they should, like i said, they thought me depressed and other things that we see the familiarities where they amigos you so that i think on bridge, i use that i mean to do on the screen, is there someone in the c d, w? i don't see that last letter. you see the contributor, they got the kind of thing, you know, being window isn't showing that in and they don't have condition to perform the
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video. if i use it in so young, if i use the constant for young unified years and then what are you physically present on the video to medieval? it will be, i'm into a but i like that even, and i can pass it into the to ended up as an extend me notice on this. but up to see about what you know, you can waste about the game on data that's going to the owners of inclusiveness 7 . deborah, look, i know the limits and even meant i don't know about that. there's still it a, it was sent to another to sound like a deal which would be implemented to us the and the, the going to see them in talk. yes. store it. i've seen it, other, it seemed to me i was able to see, was yet, but isn't it seem to muskrat is english. i can either see, i'm sure you see them. my impression of him. when i 1st saw him in 2011 said he was young and he was healthy. and he was extraordinarily correct. the when the feed was presented to court for the
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1st time, and to thrice, to spend, and to talk to the judge and seek another stand up. you have a person that this is the right from the outset. doctors for sons' head express concern about you know, the potential for the russian and, and suicide. but in particular, that psychological stress predisposes to cardiovascular consequences. heart attacks and strokes, no surprise that he actually did have a stroke. and it makes it a continuing matter of urgency that she raised in all the countries he could be telling away with much more quickly here tom really happened. he likes a secure sion of true screen kind of
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a long flyer, home of the some of the or the you had to interest it was he was on the wrong in those, those came my minutes before it, you know, the kind of huge organization pretty much julia and what have
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a secret communication devices he had any laptop. what he had was any tool bag was a you know, when i nuclear bombing factor, he was a young man with a vision and, and big ideas. and the most massive link and the most important leech that had ever occurred in his backpack. the only way of familiar with hertz, ease of use, we expose attempting to criticize the messenger to distract from the power of the message regarding himself. as on the run, he did talk about the consequences and i'll have to say what,
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what he thought the consequences would be. is it that would hand him to the ends of the us? he was dead, right? and i always did wrong. i would never have anticipated, but they would have acted with such endless ferocity that he did so. i mean, they had quite a man to move into that and that's what he expected. and, and indeed that's what he, what he got, the how did we get to this point, rights to freedom of expression and a free press expanding and developing. or are they writing to understand at present, we must know out past the ever since we have had the ability to articulate f thoughts through virtualization. we have wanted to express
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ourselves without fear of retaliation. censorship, or sanction the 5000 years human civilization has been battling to establish, maintain and defend outright, to free speech the impulse. and at 1st on a bridge power f boys be and continued to be a threat to free speech, democracy and a free press stage. a still using persecution, torture and violence toward off challenges from their citizens. the website bulk of our talk receives as being well learned and repeated the company's philosophy of non violent
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resistance is set here. which means holdings, i'm to truth with the late to influence active us, including martin luther king, jr, nelson mandela and daniel ellsberg. after this time of far at ease, are still adverse to being challenged. the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its full metro. pro french president, felix, on the same one year. it's ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the government isn't enough from that there's no simple new foster larry share. so that was done was who saw him a
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lot more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. they've been kind of rated double for example. yeah. curious to know if we're picking up from the input the for tiffany to one is the one that buses into the wrong. so immediately, dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theatre of law from 130 to the other. 2 on the road yourselves. no more dish. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on, see the show. they just don't
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you have to safe house after care and engagement equals the trail. when so many fund themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground, the the february, 202121 schuman rights free speech and civil liberty advocacy organizations, bro, to joint left to, to the us attorney general, expressing the profound concern to the ongoing criminal and extradition proceedings relating to julia and i saw that i was just a great threat to press print,
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both in the united states and abroad. the article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights protects the rights for a speech. we have the right to free speech for that can be limited in certain circumstances, for example, to protect public health and safety, or to protect the reputation of others or to protect national security. in julian's case, he is protected by that right by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, assuming a published journal for publishing information in the public interest does not comply with international standards on face page. and not protection under the universal declaration on severe pain, conventional and human rights article 10 or to protect julian from his expedition. we went to the united nations working group and opportunity attention,
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which came down to the ruling, saying that because he was forced remaining the mc to protect himself from usaa expedition. julian's position inside the embassy amounted to detention, and about detention was unlawful, an arbitrary the response of various trying prime ministers and very strong and governance has even been one of silence, just wanting to sweep it under the carpet and forget about it. alternatively, it said one of complete and utter acquiescence and subservience to the united states luck with somehow an extra states of america. and that we have to do whatever i want julia gil odd, was locked in step with the united states. i can reconvene all sorts of negative
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aspersions. cost on julian assigns, likely was some sort of terrorist get a lot stanford, the strange and the official was traded and persecution of to land. kevin rod blindly didn't say anything about julian assigned assignment tiny habits. then we go on to malcolm turnbull wanting to just say that this guy deserves defies. just the same with scott morris and what, what sort of justice did i want him? defies justice for was for doing the work of a journalist. it is time for this matter to be brought to a conclusion and that i don't express any personal sympathy with some of the actions of mr. ascent. organize. he did say that he thinks this matter should be brought to a pause quickly. i don't know what that means. i don't know whether that means just get on with it, get him out of a put him on trial. it's almost as if they sign like the previous government. but
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he should've been brought to trial earlier and punished and convicted earlier. but that's not talking to the cool problem. the cold problem isn't that he hasn't been prosecuted and prosecuted quickly enough. the cold problem is that is named prosecuted and prosecuted in the 1st place. the quiet diplomacy was same in relation to julia massage. really does look a lot like bugger all diplomacy this. this literally could happen to anybody if they travel over say, and they offend the u. s. government, and it shouldn't matter which government is targeting australians. you should always have your own government email for the video and wanting to know what the ways to godaddy illegally anymore has been bought. adjustments, but the quote for towing seats, the whole and box weighing a $175.00. he's a virtual distance. it's going to lift that scan
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the when the government cod say what they doing to bring an australian citizen hi, who's facing potentially a life imprisonment and they refusing to get that in. so when they directly question on the floor apartment, we have also the democratic problem. initially, each die of sending you to disclose the laws that out for option the crimes. we will come off to you with the face of the start. then we will do everything we possibly can check flush you. that's the message by sending that as well as i am not giving up on joining us on how we going to lift that state? no, we are not the i said tom, the guy, my boss points that enough is enough. there was
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a quick detail but all they have chose there was careful a because i feel like they are between the deadline day per se. type site and offers a golf and they want to ended, but it's quite a big us about how they water and the fact that not about prime minister, holy attorney general, full publicly criticize the united states. the fact that they're refusing to do that, even in the most obscene circumstances, it goes to show just how subservient the strong and government has become to this kind of overarching policy position for the united states. that's not a relationship of friends and equals. that's a relationship, a deputy sheriff. there's a friends of julian, a sons' group in the federal parliament. and the numbers ability noticing the grades but across empowerment. but the body is critically missing. it's getting the attorney general and the prime minister, the one golf and that type of thing to control simple change. so the,
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so most inexorable journey to the united states is the straight and company one i don't believe from moment they want to, because they are integrated in the united states strategic control of the part of the world. but this government hasn't had enough public outcry enough pressure. people saying this is a man who has committed no crime, bring him on to clear your self independent. they're all highly improbable. these famous groups, i've never known australian government since 1975, but has declared itself independence. a previous coalition government brought the jon was peter grassed back from egypt. they helped to bring back kylie mole and
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gilbert and the others except from july. and that's why, how the hell is the situation being allowed to get this file from di, dos, someone should have said none. and i know that julia massage is an australian citizen who is a forwarded all the rights and liberties organ, astrology, and, and the night k. what country you, why you are not going to have have your most applies to our citizens when they're not even in your country. the obama decided not to call for julians expedition because what we key we did by publishing this week to material was no different from what the new york science did. and they called at the new york times problem. the trump administration. as to the release of all 7,
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was essentially co worst by the c i a. and the intelligence community to expedite a call for the expedition of june the by the administration, again beholden to the intelligence community has continued that process of attempting to extradite june. the if i became president and i would pardon and join us on shondae one. i think the imprisonment of joanna decides is and if i had a goal to everything that american democracy is supposed to stand for, were supposed to be the exemplary democracy. were supposed to be the world's global champion for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, worth or supposed to stand for the idea that the people on the
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government and we have, we have to pass that need to and the power to criticize or incumbent without fear of reprisal without fear of imprisonment or punishment. the the the the
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to take a fresh look around his life, kaleidoscope, it gives him just a shepherd, reality distortion by power, tired vision with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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we see the thing, this is a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do. that's russia is deputy foreign minister commenting on most goes to big revelations, alleging that several western entities have ties to terra fonts, cardiology against russia, indeed, abroad in the past days, things over 6, the palestinians killed in id, photonics, and down as a result of a prominent from us, leader on 4 of his from children are among the victims to ask what nature has been raging here in russia's for in the region for almost a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the floods.


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