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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, we see the thing, this is a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do that. russia is deputy foreign minister commenting on most goes to big revelations, alleging that several western entities have ties to terra fonts, cardiology against russia, indeed abroad. the past day stays over 6, the palestinians killed in id for tax on johnson. 3 installments of a prominent from us leader and 4 of his from children are among the victims of water. nature has been raging here in russia, score and book region for almost
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a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the floods. we report from flood stricken central russia were rising washer has reached the regional capital following last week's catastrophic. the from must go to the world. this is your r t international. great. the have your company for the news? how more senior russian figures are accusing western officials of being linked to the financing of terrorism in the country. moscow is deputy foreign minister is the latest they make. the bombshell claims coming as russia's investigation continues into a hunter bite and linked ukrainian firm. and it's a legit funding of terror acts in the us authorities there twice have responsibility for financing and instigating acts of terrorism against russia and use special people. and we truly think this is
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a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do. we will use our most capabilities to stop at every scene, which is being said by russia on important issues. not just recently, but for quite a while. low rating is being labeled as non sensual, or even does information by the us. they don't pay any attention to any evidence to any logic, to any common sense. the only for moves their own narrative we ship to utah, kyle, which has no connection to the actual situation. the one to russia to become a week are the ones to the seats. russia strategically, as they have set forth these in their own official documents and bus,
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they continue this need to expansion course the trends, very concrete to the core security inches of russia. but i will underscore that there is no way that countries that apply for nato membership expect this to happen. it gets scratched as national interest that they will enhance their own secure, just through mates of membership. the ones who describe need to as the most successful alliance in history, this is a social historic failure. they wanted to achieve more security for europe and you're atlantic and they achieve the less. this is a complete seizure of all the us administration that followed this expansion since 1996. and they, they will see more of something that would be in danger. they're secure, which is not enhanced as well. so far parts of the government's inquiry has revealed. that's currently all named figures in western nations,
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were involved in financing, ukrainian companies who were accused of funding terrorism, macs in russia and abroad. the ukrainian energy conglomerates, bresner holdings, interestingly, in famously linked to the biden family has come under particular scrutiny, was done over the unless it has been established that funds channel through commercial organizations, particularly the oil and gas company brief. my holdings operate and ukraine has been used in recent years to get out the terrorist act in the russian federation and beyond incoming sources and further movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars a being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries. good. i mean, it's nonsense. russia knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia of an
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impending terrorist attack in moscow. and all of the rest of this is noise. the white house reaction there to the claims. well, bruce met is perhaps best known for its controversial ties to president biden's family a decade ago following the us supported my done qu, and t of the cleaning energy firm employed as soon hunter. the company has also been widely accused of being a part of a huge corruption scheme, again, actually involving the bindings. indeed, the former prosecutor general of ukraine saves the current american 1st family, paid to have him fired for the fact that job i use them gave away $1000000000.00 in the us. the money in exchange for my to go smith, so my firing now excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes or should i'm telling you we're not getting the dollars . i said you're not getting a 1000000000. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting the
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money. us got fired and they put in place someone who was solid less trust live now to international affairs on security analysts market slip boda market to see you when a fuller picture emerges, all the investigations findings, if it comes out, do you think we're in for a shock and i, i, i don't actually find a whole lot of this shocking. i mean, maybe some people in the west or me, but the dates long been established. the breeze law has been a black box slush fund for corruption and black book ops by the key every shipment. of course, this dates back to the time of hunter biden. and devin archer, joe biden's, business partner who were in, in an obviously corrupt influence, peddling screen scheme,
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paid $1000000.00 salaries and no show jobs to which they had no qualifications on the board of varies now in order to curry favor with the then affective viceroy of the new cube put to redeem a new grade. now joe biden then serving his vice president of a brack obama. but these latest accusations were actually the details of this were brought forward a few months ago by the dissident former ukrainian m. p. member of congress. andre dare kosh who essentially defected to russia and is now living on the run or, or the equivalent of the russian witness protection program because like so many dissidence, he is targeted for assassination by the key, every dream. and he brought
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a great deal of information about how some $21000000.00 us dollars worth of funds were spent by breeze. my as a, a sock puppet, essentially 2 fun terrorist activities in russia. and it's rather interesting, the us protestations about crocus, city all in isis. gay. actually, the russian accusations about bri, is my, do not yet, specifically target the attack of the terrorist attack on croaker city hall. right . as far as we can tell, they're actually talking about terrorist attacks on public figures active as a journalist, such as daria do. gonna have logged in to tar sky, who were both killed by bombing. so by the kia version. yeah, crocus said he wasn't actually mentioned just part of phrasing, the deputy foreign minister at when it comes to oversight. it seems that western
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approaches of pro shed loads of weapons and cash to keep close the rise as to what happens next. they don't want to know and hope it works. is it any surprise then mark that link sort of merging into a part into risk box carried on with such aid? yeah i, i think while they maintain a public image, uh you know, oh we have no control over what they do or we say you shouldn't do that as they continue to shovel billions of dollars worth of weapons. this is damage control. this is not realistic. we have boasting testaments from us intelligence in the new york times in elsewhere that they rebuild the key every james intelligence services, particularly the military intelligence, but also the domestic as value as well from the ground up in their own image and established a dozen at least c,
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i a basis to help train and to help organize operations within the territories of russia, you know, for years. uh, so i believe that they are actually intimately connected with all of this. and, and all the protestations to the contrary are, are simply about plausible deniability mark, appreciate your time, as always, thanks for coming in the show, march to the boat at international affairs on security. unless live on our to the now the you and security code so contained earlier on thursday to discuss the current state of the ukraine conflict, rushes in, boston or to the un emphasize the price. ukranian civilians are paying for the stumps of kids. western bikers, a wayne and used to not wasting a real military breakthrough before a very high. so this trend wont be bucked by e n u listing a package,
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nor will it be bucked by news. so cold meat grind sold no by new contract. soldiers being broken 3 on the situation is of course, very boring for the western sponsor of the training of regimes. instead of trying to help to vanquish russia, they 1st set themselves and you go not listening. russia, when you crying today is nothing more than a private military company fighting for the west using western weapons. and they're fighting to the last ukranian. all that's left for the calibration to do under the circumstances. it is in their important rage and in the west terrace fissions to deliberately shells the peaceful neighborhoods and rushes and cities very soon, which is the only topic you do. any international meeting on ukraine will meet the unconditional event surrender of the camp regime. i advise you all to prepare for this in advance when i speak to our us corresponding caleb martin on this caleb the evening from moscow at direct statements. indeed coming from the russian and boy
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tickets for the the security council meeting as well. the 15 member body that leads the united nations convened. and as you just heard, the russian ambassador and the benzo you spoke about how the western countries are turning a blind eye to the key of government and its attacks on a nuclear facility and the implications of that deadly attack. they continue the supply of weapons despite this very dangerous activity by the ukrainian forces. now, later in the meeting, we did hear from the united states, the united kingdom, switzerland, korea, south korea, slovenia, and france. and they stuck with their usual monitor of blaming the entire conflict on russia, repeating allegations against russia and ignoring the real evidence that russia brought to the table. and now they accuse russia of attacking civilian
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infrastructure in ukraine and that was flat out rejected by the russian envoys speaking before the council debunk to their claims pretty thoroughly. this is what we heard. so it does take out the visual defense, the thought to the door of aggression, to get into the crane, get more on a daily basis. pressure has been violating on somebody, some international, local and international humanitarian, long about the rest of the deliberately targeted uh, you cranes, electricity infrastructure. should brushes war against ukraine, ridges for a 3rd year and put and continues to unleash horrors onto the people of ukraine. see where to go, which as usual and number of delegation. so we have signed up for to speak at this meeting. many e, you members, we're not going to hear anything new from them. that's absolutely clear. domestics civil courses by high position weapons on the, the energy facilities of you crate these response to kip regimes. the capers james attempts to deal
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a blow to russia's oil and gas facilities. you have to go through with this now. china and algeria called for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, they stress the talks are the only way forward to result. busy of the dire humanitarian situation, this is what we heard from china, and algeria alonzo williams. and you know, the fighting in ukraine is still ongoing. the humanitarian situation is growing don't at the risk of conflict. spillover continues to much continued fighting will only aggravate the suffering of innocent civilians in ukraine and bring more unpredicted challenges to the region. in the world. there are no one is invoice. the only way out of the training and conflict is food only. logan negotiations. china once again calls for the policies to engage in peace negotiations. take the 1st step towards the political settlement and jointly promote the dress collation of the situation to achieve a ceasefire as soon as possible. i. now the context of today is un security council meeting was the key of government mounting calls for more weapons. while these $60000000000.00
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a package has been installed in the us congress for months. now. it's also important to note, there will be yet another meeting on friday, a separate meeting called by russia to discuss the issue of the continued flow of weapons by western countries to prolong the conflict. cal, thanks very much for add. bring this to latest and not caleb month in our 2 correspondence in new york, the president has held a video conference with the governors of regions affected by the mass floods. moving across central russia. let him are put and emphasized which issue should take priority. as local governments work to manage the crisis. yes, the water has not yet reached some places to get down to a 100. he has not yet receded from others. versus just what we need to think about now is we're storing homes, the 1st and foremost housing and but also infrastructure of course,
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and you think so please don't put this off. prepare yourselves ahead of time. so the governor of the oregon burg region where the crisis is up, it's worst reported. the 3 and a half follows and houses are at risk of flooding. that's us. the level of the cross confidence we're all river is expected to rise even further in the coming $24.00. while the head of the crew gun region, nearby saves the flow of a river, there is actually changing direction. that's why powerful it is. water is also sweeping through the villages that were not expected to be in the floods pop regional authorities inside be res truman. have were a further down breaks with the governor, their ordering reinforcements. just a bit of background to your in central russian last friday, that was when a flood swept through at the regional capital city all or and burg, after a catastrophic down break, the water level in the, or a river within the city has exceeded the critical mark affecting some streets,
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buildings, there are 2 producer, amalgamated foot shy head for reports from this when the role of a den was breached a few days ago, the city of august was supposed to suffer flooding. now the threat to for the load just hanging over or invoke the regional capital, a city with a population of cost, i mean water. nature has been raging here in russia, score and book region for almost a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the floods, the level of what the in euro river is raced up to 10 meters will have a normal level of the water in the river at 5 meters. the situation is close to be called critical. when a flaw comes people at the frontier, some grab one d. cannon slee, won't august wait till the day or week, and having some sort of believe the bay homes with norfolk and as dated. the end is always the same, destroys rex flu besides communities,
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people could have to lead their lives for decades. and then in just a few days, all of it is being watched and waiting for the, the, the war to reach our street. literally in 24 hours whitfield into york today i went into the house, into the cellar. my cell is 2 and a half meters. it's completely covered in water. so that the little plus, well it's not enough to get flooded our house. my father's house by here it flooded everything in one day, which cost as much stuff as we could, but it's only part of what we have because we didn't think the water would reach here. you would see the problem also can be solved in one moment. we would just need to be rebuilt, takes time, and the damages are measured in billions of for almost multiple cent to federal ministers here to assure people that everything will be ok. but some still feeling abandoned by them in which i have auntie or in the book region. it's been another
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little day in gallons and authority, say some 63 people have been killed by idea attacks over the past 24 hours. it brings the total number of people dead in the enclave since october, 7th, 2 over $33.00 and a half size and according to the local health ministry, the palestinian red crescent society is also reported. last is one of their workers has to come to the woodlands he received during on his really raid on our amount of hospital 2 weeks ago. your organization has seen 27 staff members killed by. it's really forces during the war that's as a vehicle belonging to another agency. unicef reportedly came under fire as it traveled to the north of the end of the earlier 3 psalms. i'm 4 grandchildren of they from us leader is mayo, honey, yet were reportedly killed in guns of buying this really are a strike during the most of them holiday of eat. i'll for to you mr. how many are
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learn then use while in katara, where he lives and works, and saves? he considers the victims, shipping markers. the deadly strikes came, i made fresh international efforts to mediate a new ceasefire in gals that despite his personal loss, which we've just heard of here in this video, the him, us political bureau, turman, is ottoman to talk to people if they think that targeting my children, at the pick up these talks before the movements responses submitted, full costs must have change its position, their delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of any palestinian people, all the monitors of palestine or my children. there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshot, and it does not observe any standards or loss. meanwhile, a raleigh supporting israel of military operation is picking up steam in jerusalem . demonstrators are insisting at that the war effort should continue while calling
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for immediate release of the hostages still held by come us as well. press pulse life to ortiz at middle east bureau chief maria phenomena joining us from the holy city. the protest itself, re it normally what we're seeing from israel are empty war protest. this is the opposite. yes, and patients and call to action. the thing there here a wrong, we have to say that probably tests have become teen and these roads. and were you guys and started 6 months ago and most of israelis are persuaded we political promises and the lack of progress and bringing cost hundreds home. but they disagree on how to proceed based riley, near the prime minister's residence on g as a street in jerusalem. organized by rights when groups calls, indeed for more military pressure on her mazda, secure victory,
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including the release of the captives. they believe that's the only option they demand. and one other thing i, the immediate action in densely populated guys is the only part of the palestinian streets. these really true savings. and they yet on monday, prime minister. and it's a yahoo said there ways a days for an incursion into a rough spot without revealing the statesboro and some say he could be the last thing. as still today, there is no american approval for the invasion into the area where at least 1300000 gallons of sheltering now. protests or is here and demands. tangible action may push for rough for operation now and in general to continue the war until the end at this very moment, roughly 70 kilometers away. a hell of a women's march has taken place. mothers, sisters, daughters and wives. the mind also immediate the return of $133.00 hostages,
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but they believe that scores will only pace from us the way from the sale will put the remaining hostages lives in danger and prolong the war. they called for the government to negotiate with the reason of having to be an offer on the table about the release of full case really hostages and exchange for around $900.00 cali student presenters. the goal is on 10 mazda side is really expect to hear the answer. within the next 24 hours, we're with chances are face to face team as a high ranking official involved in negotiations told r t earlier in the obstacle would be the be all centers themselves. mazda sources indicates that the milton group is unable to provide full t living captives from the elderly women and female soldiers that israel as the month and 1st report say that at least $35.00 sausages would now be dead. and now the disagreement between,
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besides masses demands to see the idea of withdrawal from java, that israel cannot success, also have mazda minds to release over 150 pounds in prisoners with life sentences which israel finds excessive. and also on wednesday, as you know, the idea of killed 3 songs always smile. plenty of the political bureau, people to mass, the more liberal say might complicates the already tough negotiation. pro says the relatives of the hostages, a desperate and losing hope that's taken. let none of the hostages or space, all those that are alive are in constant danger. they have no time, and you'll see a long time and some in none of them should have died. all the hostages should have been home a long time ago. we can't continue like this any longer. i don't understand how that can be a discussion about the price of releasing the hostages. by what right has the idea
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of sacrifice. sacrificing the hostages for the ends of the war, become legitimate, and i won't even go into what i think about this war. how is it possible that we're forced to fight our own government for the right of our loved ones to return home? meanwhile, humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and alarms, international community including israel's key ally, washington, which places tell of even deeper and deeper globalized relation. earlier the ice i, the u. s. has managed to convince these world to increase the amount of humanitarian aid they are less and 8. however, these a goes primarily to the south main clay. the north is very hard to reach is around the earlier and it would open another lens crossing to. so we take deliveries to gather the north, with the mountains of trucks able to cross. they're not expected to the big so unclear if it's going to help. especially now when as americans humanitarian envoy to the middle east warns perhaps every guys suffers from starvation. is there
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is an imminent risk offending to put the majority, if not all of the 2200000 population of gaza. this is not the point of the bytes. it is an established fact which the united states, its aspects, and the international community assess and believe is a real talks also continue on the need to stop supporting these roland, this devastating war of death according to guides, a house ministry claimed the lives of almost $34000.00 palestinians already earlier on the un, special hop on his son called for arms and oil embargo on israel as well as sanctions for a stage known se supporters. in order to avoid the genocide engagement, let's say can we meet we'll you need, we will indeed look in union to ok among european member states to act before the will we need to really frequency either where our conscious and it concerns and
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consciousness is because that means and wondering what is left of our humanity if we cannot react with indignity to what we are letting happen to go so on the invoice added also, that's the ultimate goal, is to ensure the permanency collier ordered by the un security council. as you remember, the international border recently adopted the resolution calling for innovative choose. these resolutions are supposed to be binding, but we know from the history that they often ignored, including by age row, like the one to originate around to stop building 2 or sacraments in the west bank . so trans is a very low that's, it is going to stop is real. this time america, perhaps the only power in the world may influence a israel. although concerns by dia, humanitarian situation and gaza does not have evidence. these role is that these are always committing genocide in late the us defense secretary said on tuesday,
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washington continues providing israel with watson incentive pull to allied politically. which means we will probably see israel going on with his plans and jobs and probably see even more back to you live from jerusalem. and that's true. it's really military operation rally r t at least bureau chief re ethanol. a journalist on publisher languishes in a british maximum security prison right now waiting to hear if you'd be extradited to the us, where he could face a further century. and jim, his name is june essential next week to tell his story. in our short documentary, the truth is that close right on the or the world's largest democracy votes,
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the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind it? watches almost $1000000000.00 people decide and billions more, react the the 2nd supercedes involve 18 charges, which include 17 charges under the espionage and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dr. relates to the 2010, which he likes publications. so the collateral motor publication, the rules of engagement, rock the diplomatic cables, the royal oaks in respect of iraq and afghanistan and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that expedition,
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which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about a piece of process related to the spine on us as his legal team, and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described, the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concern about the application of the u. k. us treaty. that treaty prohibits x regarding someone for a political offense. the united states has applied for his extradition, but is treated as a criminal in this clause car to this is, julian is a dangerous terrorist who is going to flip out on a k installed gunning everyone down in the cold. i was sitting out in the gallery


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