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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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the police have reached an agreement on developing space programs jointly to use or so we will be launching a new satellite into space to expand our capabilities. that will be a few stage in our development. and there is no doubt that this will take place. we will work with russia to launch it. it took a little bit and we will have a mand, exploration together. we'll be happy to be that's causing it program. the programs, symbols those don't, lucian and the russian cosmonaut including women, find it useful initiative. we can launch the 2nd woman into space as well. with them, we have all the training facilities and programs ready and she's willing to go
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because we're going to train the other cosmonaut. we're also grateful for your support which forms looking at the other ports currently and we received a similar progression shipping. so there are no significant problems with it. getting the goods out of the thoughts tension is back at the end of the north. nor them seems very promising, and we have already supplied a good so, but the notice here which i think it's several 1000 tons. it's very convenient for manufacturers to support this very relevant, very timely that we have already discussed some of these things, you know,
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make issues and our prime ministers will meet on the 15th and discuss some of the other concepts. he cannot make agenda. sure as to edit cheat, the strikes we need to guest energy gases. i remember the discussions that same training energy assets. my sponsor must be destroyed this and you said the energy is an important civilian resource that it's needed for the people for civilian people to survive. but a few weeks are see such as tries against sensitive facilities of russia. ready then the response concurrent, is that the 3 of course i think the message is clear. i think that it
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will be effective for just provoking frustrating such strikes. in this case, channels like i was part of this conflict and i cannot support the training and send them into a situation. she won't be escalated because some of the shorts and so that will be that is a dangerous time for such a such games. this is a very important points when peaceful initiatives to be from all sides of the tree. surprisingly those who are often most willing to support such initiatives and together. so a turn this just ask me whether russia must go
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round and talk to other people to find ways to solve the situation. i think this should be done in a very common manner. should have a document outlining the plan of action. they should review the degree dates that we can use together according to that. so yes, thank you for your thoughts and what about the situation on the board of the west? simple polish governance policy is surprising to me. why does it need to come from taishan? and a lot of things. first of all, i'm throwing at the body stupid the boat, if there's anything flow of migrants. now they're certainly dead bodies over the
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folder. now it's the snow storm saying that the need that people are honest dentist on other countries q people, then throw them around like like this. that's barbaric and they close the border more others as well that are these huge lines as of what we have not done the same. and we know that. so the situation is difference on our side of the border. and you know, this issue. well, you know how important words still have a plan to hold notes. federals in may,
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they have the americans that are the germans, which is quite surprising. and they have their mount train units and lead to and yet, and in all. and i don't know why they need this one to go to or well, do you think that anyone wants to discuss these plans and we have our own issues of why we're 3 in data. anyone this is just nonsense. they establishment needs that are in order to justify the spending they're making on of the score, they need to justify their spending. this is the main reason why they are spending the claims of this discussion. well overall we have been able to cope with the pressure from the sanctions just like
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brush them there is this huge market for him by russia and fellows to we have enough follower ready? so we, well, in your we go there severe and we have the following think allocated for our joint project sense for our industrial output and manufacturing 81000000 already been investigate and the project so already on the way we also had concerns regarding ships and mike for a trip sort of developing our own ship manufacturing. so we will cope with that as well. and so we will be able to resolve all the challenges we face in
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this regard. but we would really love ukrainians to be on our side. but i really want to see you pronounce it lets them decide on their own. thank you so much. i. oh, okay. we've just been listening there to the respective presidents of russia and at beller bruce meeting in the kremlin a little bit earlier in the day they had met behind the close doors. then they had a press conference and then the were speaking on a number of issues, quite interesting issues there as well over the last 20 minutes or so. just to give you a quick, an update on what was said there and not working at meeting we at went into it as the russian leader was talking about energy infrastructure strikes. we know that at ukraine had at been targeting
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a russian energy sites that they've been putting the price of oil and gas, etc, and other energies on global markets. much to the dismay of many around the world, including those in the west, the u. s. at aust. ukraine to stop it, they didn't, and at, for a time at least, and russia said we will respond in kind that later on to what was occurring, of course, up as upper ocean nuclear power plant, where ukrainian drones and very reckless at manner. and i'm less upset how be targeting that side, raising the specter of simply a catastrophe way. but generally there was a lot of them of agreement in those at talks we just heard from the beller russian leader saying that the peace process is vital to sit down and talk. but what is happening at all will be happening in at june in switzerland, where the swiss have tried to put together at visit a lend state plan as
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a piece for and bases bell russian leader said that we were not invited. russia said, we do not want to take part if that's all that's being puts at dawn for the discussion at space, the border and also sanctions spoken about there as well as the by the russian leader, alexander lucas. shank is saying we've been able to deal with sanctions just like russia we, we've got a big market. we will in jury. okay. we'll have more on that throughout the coming hours. they the main points as it emerges. okay, let's continue with our world news to the middle east where we psalms. i'm 4 grandchildren of a how much leader ishmael. how many you were reported killed in dallas that are in your by, in is really are a strike during the muslim holidays of each. i'll fit tear apart remarkable footage here. this is out what was shown in just a moment. in fact, at mr. honey, a at learning the news while in could tar where he at lives
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on works. he stays, he considers. the victims of all is really a tax to be martyrs. the deadly strike came and made fresh international efforts to media. the news cease fire in dallas despite this person. the last the have must have political bureau. truman is ottoman talks, will continue. this is not moment i was just speaking about finding i thought his songs on grandchildren had been killed in an idea struck if they think that targeting my children at the pick up these talks before the movements responses submitted full costs, a must have change its position their delusional, the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of any palestinian people. all the monitors of palestine are my children. there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshed, and it does not observe any standards or loss as well as my l. honey. as children
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and grandchildren were killed when their car was hit on the road, biased really misses. the idea has confirmed the strike, but claims to have eliminated from must terrorist and not simply the ends up to quote, according to is really media. the countries prime minister had no prior knowledge of the at tech. the reports say honey is children were killed because of their role in the arm group with consideration of who they were related to. some of his other relatives also witnessed the deadly strike. this is what they have to say. any immediate after me getting to know what's my husband have a son says age limit of hon. yeah. how does that, how most police could do right? that 3 of them are driving in because that was that when they 3 drawn strikes, hit 3 sons upon you. and 3 of the children of the hits, the body parts went everywhere. there are even some remains on top of our house. we fall into a hands and a lag everywhere. you look at the right body parts. again,
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we're still near the school. they were here to visit the families of the monitors. when we heard the sound of a strife nearby went outside to take a look. and this was the children of my uncle, this mile from me. their bodies are in peace as up to the idea of target the car and 5 see me styles from a drone. well, we're going to perform our prayers. when we heard a huge explosion, we're told that the sense of the smells, and yet we're going with their children to visit their relatives through an adult feature. when their car was bombed, we found them in pieces. we give their body parts to conduct at this level of rituals and very well we got reaction from palestinian political science scholars side bloom your stays. the idea is framing the high profile killings of victory to garner public support initially here from all sorts of deals. there described liberation by these rays is going to bring some kind of, uh, victory, be yours where you possibly arrange for that the long distance. so
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now as far as getting jane that see who, the signers um the doris and blah blah blah. warranty is not that they used to say, i'm sorry sir. and the the 3 or the oh yeah, i'm for the secret services as well to provide me with the patients. oh, what about the sun? is like the start looks like it's because they have no really the targets to g. give it to the guy that the somehow the done for the war. the u. s. should expand commercial ties with african countries in order to limit its dependence on china from minimal supplies. that's the assessment off of
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washington based the think tank. the group saves the at us is almost completely dependent on other states when it comes to critically valuable minutes. especially the concern is that the united states is at or near 100 percent are reliant on for an entities have concern, mainly the people's republic of china. 4 key critical minerals, prioritized prompt, and full development of the memorandum of understanding between the united states, the democratic republic of congo ends on the practically addressed chinese mining in africa. although the west is competing with china using tactical new ons in investment decision making could further use policy goals. one of the countries just mentioned there, the democratic republic of the congo is one of the nations that could be seen as i'm alternative source, the central african nation. it's rich in t metals essentially such as copper and cobalt, particularly number one in the world. but local, seem less than enthusiastic about potentially helping the united states with its
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dilemma. ortiz, new look for you come gay itself. the story, you know, in lights of the largest geo political sectors. and despite time, a sizable influence over the seats, the u. s. as intention to catch up and is redoubling, if it's in this regard. however, they all are very known cases of the economy corporation between the u. s. companies and the d. c. but what is also known as the legal cases brought by human rights groups. calling these u. s. companies for failure to implement policies. busy against child labor and abuses in the supply chain. this was on behalf of 14 communities families with children have either died or suffered serious injuries while watching on the dangerous stone age conditions at coble mines in the region. even so, you, as court refused to hold these companies liable for the latest support for talking to the dispute, that the ruling means these dec giants will not face liability for failing to
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protect children. forced into labor as are seasonal miners in the democratic republic of congo. despite having policies that profess 0 tolerance for child labor, this ruling not only emphasizes the legal complexities been holding multinational corporations accountable for their supply chains, but also signals the concerning incentive for these companies to diminish transparency, directly contributing their publicly stated commitments against child labor. it doesn't, and the pollution caused by a copeland, coal mining has left all the points in the congo river, one of the main waterways into the sea, but it has also induced widespread illness. thousands of people as we speak, i've been exposed to dangerous levels of pollution. that is even causing both the defects in children. toxic pollution from industrial, coal, both mining and the democratic republic of congo is having devastating human and environmental impacts. the findings challenge did not receive of clean sustainable cable, frequently promoted by multinational mining companies. local residents said this
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notion of teen wanted to drink less load enough for washing and personal hygiene forces and them to use contamination. water for the everyday needs, a staggering 56 percent of those interviewed report. the pollution is affecting the gynecological and reproductive health of women and goals. the complexities and the dfcs situation go beyond the immediate home to, to local communities. big u. s. companies and the global tech industry v for benefits from the dfcs minimal, which is well the local people enjoy the consequences. environmental home and social injustice. when we spoke to an african, the 1st specialist from the d. r. c, who sees the nation, has been exploited for too long a needs to lean towards the countries without a colonial footprint on the continent. i think the free hall, western and american companies do not respect the law that governs mining in the d . r c. i say this because the congo these people have never received anything from
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these companies. mining takes place in the villages. there are people, rivers and feels. these fields are being polluted because the deposits are not being mined in accordance with the law. but what is our benefits? if we cooperate with the west, there is none. because after years of cooperation with the us and europe, the people of congo are just ask for. therefore, it is pointless to continue cooperating with the us and other western countries. because we do not benefit from it is a referendum were held in the d r. c. today, where the people were to choose a partner with whom the country would develop. they would unanimously choose russia, china, north korea and bricks. countries in general, rather than the united states and other story to bring you this thursday, supporters of wiki leaks fund or julian,
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a such have gathered outside the is truly in high commission in london, demanding the journalists and media release from prisons. bell marsh, maximum security prison will today marks the 5th anniversary of dena sanders and president in the u. k. last month, london's high courts run through the publisher the rights to appeal as potential extradition to washington. but only if the u. s. at guarantees or fails to guarantee, i should say, several safety conditions for us on now. if extradited during this space is up to 175 years in prison, we can make that are in cheap safe the us president should step it. i will say to joe, by the lift deep in your heart, then what do you want your legacy to see? do you want to legacy to be the president? does that possibly? what was the responsible for the test the most awarded
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or do you want to do the right thing, the views or influence or the justice department to drop the charge against? clearly, it is the right thing to do is on the absolutely i, outrages, practice and a 5 year warnings and meant to be sitting in prison is just more cute . be enduring in the civilized world, something else to tell you about as well. the russian federal security service saves it, has ported a u. k. orchestrated landing of ukrainians special forces at plumbing to act this sub a tours in the in baffled prestone region. though, according to the f s b, the british especially both service a unit of the royal navy, coordinated the drop. several members of the ukrainian grouping were killed, but one of them was captured by russian forces the f. as besides,
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the prisoner confessed to being trained of the 5 rifles base in both shirt england . he also claimed to have taken part in a recent attack on the russian thrilling rigging, the black sea las cruces. the confession proves that the u. k. is a direct party to the conflict r t as us the u. k. roy laser for comment. we bring you the reply. if one comes in, well, sweden based independent research or greg simon saves london, has placed its reputation on the line by holy supporting the key of cover. this is showing this desperation as logical level, because otherwise these different gamblers where the slot machine is showing up in modeling. but what do they do that double down? they put the whole political korea in reputation on being able to beat russia using your crime. and everything is probably being, this is not going to be because,
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so what did i do? that doesn't battle desperation. i mean, this is a very tactical level of it that shows not, i mean, the desperation about the ripples this which wisdom politicians behaving and the most as furnish was but ideas site. it's not live, which is uh, 2 square footage a. okay, greg simon is running off or are of news there. i'll be back in just a we're 5 minutes with more of the big stories at making headlines across the world that affecting your world today. i'll be back at that to keep it here or to the voltage to so which is supposed to be. all right, so see which ones are up and one of
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their so some of this so basically of course we need the last name was needed. read those can, will be used to be too much and we have some more more what's, what was this? we would show new people to the the is already those online laws can be started by lawrence. please can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be of a station, so that transparency is next for to rejoin. mystic patrice then just
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succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more than that? by publishing information and sharing information with the public, he was exercising the right for a speech he did so in the public interest to some of the of the wires and smith and golf and, and honestly, to relate to seriously, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for him to be on boss waiting a 175 years to go through the sentence all week. going to let that stay the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground can the watching is why is the why in this control if i give but plenty of the store and this, this is chad and i showed on doing this for now. i'm not going to stay less. so
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could i scan when i am at your desktop session, that's just showing me your just is fun, you, mine is going. you should almost, you know, the, the, the, the,
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the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its former metropolitan pro french president . felix, who saved one you ruined the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on painting isn't in the trunk. then there is no simple new foster. larry says that goods was done to song and the more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. bull came to power. and i'm ready to double open for example. yeah, curious to know for philip ross or the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one the bronze demetrius, the dean. good luck, boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into
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a theatre of last year from 130 to the other 2 on the road. as of what this how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the cost of our executive, and i'm here to plan with you. what are we going to do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state the we see the thing. this is a dangerous past. they have no limits in what they believe. they are allowed to do . lots of rushes deputy foreign minister commenting on moscow's big revolution this week. several western entities applies to protera plots against russia. coming off the past day seas over 6, the palestinians killed an idea of attacks and gals that 3 songs of a prominent thomas leader on 4 of his grandchildren are among the victims of water. nature has been raging here in russia for in the region for almost a week. more than 10000 residential buildings were affected by the flood.


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