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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the 75 years virtual defense. it's all we going to let that stay the sort of thing. this is a dangerous past. they have no limits and what they do need, they are low to do that. the rushes deputy foreign minister, a commenting on moscow's big revelation this, alleging that the several western into the top tied to the terra plots against russia the past day sees over 60 hours to me and killed an idea of i talk to him gals, a 3 psalms of a prominent from us leader, 4 of us from children are among the victims. also a hit. this needs to nature has been raging here in russia score and the freaking for almost a week, more than 10000 residential buildings were affected by the floods, apocalyptic scenes in floods stricken central russia were rising. warfare has
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reached the regional capital opening last week to reach the rich, the pro must go to the world. this is a more to international hello welcome to the news are more senior russian figures are accusing western officials of being linked to the financing of terrorism in the country. the nation deputy foreign minister is the latest to make the bombshell claims coming as russia's investigation continues into a hunter abiding link ukrainian firm. and it's a legend funding of terror acts in the us authorities there twice, a responsibility for financing and instigating acts of terrorism against the restaurant against special people. and we truly think this is a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do.
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we will use our most capabilities to stop at every scene which is being said by russia on important issues. not just recently, but for quite a while already is being labeled as nonsense or even his information by the us. they don't pay any attention to any evidence to any logic, to any common sense. the only promote their own narrative. we shift to utah file, which has no connection to the actual situation. they once russia to become a week, are they one's to do seats. russia strategically, as they have set forth these in their own official documents and bus. they continue. this need to expansion course, that trumps very concrete to the core security inches of russia. but i will
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underscore that there is no way that countries that apply for natal membership expect this to happen. it gets scratched as national interest that they will enhance their own, secure, just through mates of membership. the ones who describe nature as the most successful alliance in history. this is a social historic failure. they wanted to achieve more security for europe and you're atlantic. and the chief wes, this is a complete seizure of all the u. s. administration that followed this expansion since 1996 us and they, they will see more of something that would be in danger. they're secure, which have not enhanced the heads of the un atomic energy agency is warning against the mounting attacks on the south with rosie
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a nuclear power plant. raphael, good, i'll see say's the continue drilling strikes significantly. increase the risk of in nuclear accident meeting today. and i, we need to the united nations the security council next week because it is of that amount importance to ensure this reckless attacks do not mark the beginning of a new and gravely dangerous front of the will. attacking a nuclear power plant. ladies and gentlemen, easily absolute no go attacking separate. he's a nuclear power plant means endangered in nuclear safety among those who could be affected most directly. other people work at the plant and the experts of the impartial international receiving seven's working on behalf of the agencies.
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178 members states the facility which is the largest nuclear power plant in europe was targeted by several ukrainian strikes this week. one of the attacks damage the dome of a power unit, injuring several workers. drone and shell wreckage has been collected from the scene for investigation, or the rest is nuclear or supervision service. visit the power plant after a series of attacks. a particular focus was the 4th power units out there walking to now, and it's crucial cooling system. the heads off versus me for service, say he's attacking ending at their front is extremely reckless. one, the size of this in stuff associated with less just playing with fire. you are here. you see what's happening here that the russian nuclear power plant is regularly affected by external influences which are categorically unacceptable. as with any object, especially an object of critical danger, such as
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a nuclear power plant assessment and we can clearly see and we know and we understand where this external influence comes from. and i believe just as your assessment states, as well as our colleagues in the reports of the operating organization in the plants, directors that the russian side is making maximum efforts to maintain all the units and all of the facilities on the territory in proper condition or russian foreign ministry spokesman raised the heart of isaac, choose, western governments and media outlets of trying to cover up who it is that's actually attacking the nuclear power. a new system on the west. and as a result into sense of shape daily, truly blocking the emergence of news on this matter in the mainstream propaganda mass media over here. and there we even hear direct approval of criminal actions by the key for she include in those committed against nuclear facilities. so it's like the key appreciate is allowed to do anything at all and there can be no exceptions here. that's what they believe in the west. and we will make every effort to ensure
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that such completion date in the crime. some of the key for she does not go unnoticed by the rational majority or the international community. so or a summary is a heart of, of their as fears of a nuclear disaster continued to mount with key of seemingly refusing to stop attacking the largest nuclear power plants in europe. and some experts warn that the plan is apparently, it's a trend or a nuclear incidents and blame it on russia. or of course most go has been sound in the alarm all along, even requesting an emergency. i a need to address the attacks on this approach and nuclear power plants. the heads of the facility warrants of a nuclear catastrophe, concerns that are shared by the director general of the international atomic energy agency to show you during the last 5 days, starting from april, the 5th. this upper or c a nuclear power plants has come on the unprecedented drone to tag by the armed forces. so few crane this poses a great risk of a potential nuclear catastrophe. the reported incident,
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although outside the site perimeter, is an ominous development. as it indicates, an apparent readiness to continue these attacks. despite the grave dangers, they oppose to nuclear safety and security and are repeated calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire, attacking a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, and it must stop. but keith is refusing to stop and no one is even trying to hold them accountable for playing such a thing to escape. the e is tough to apply. joseph burrell said that the visa tags are a reckless, dangerous, and not they must stop. yes, but the who should still, that's what was missing a lot statement. and that's why ross, as a master to the you, what has slow, i'm the west will seemingly back in ukraine's actions. it's west and sponsors instead of coming up. it's crime since and supplying it with more weapons. and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian
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political. i mean, if it is sorted this as of 10 for the tainted at compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale, we are talking about 5 days of attacks starting from april. the 5th. when are you crazy and kind of causing drones 1st hit the area of the cargo ports and the nitrogen oxygen station the next day. and now this strikes nearby, april 7th, ukrainian food was part of the plants of 3 times, enjoying sweet people. april 8th. another company called the total sold down over the plans and on april, the 9th, the pads pressed service reports of yet another a tide. this time on the building housing, the world's only full scale reactor, whole simulator. and what are your friends allies say in the bottle this? that russians should stop? stop waltz? exactly. we continue to call in russia to withdraw its military and civilian
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personnel from the plan to return the full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incidence at the plant. well, it's the so called competence and crania, and authorities that are attacking the nuclear power plants, the supporting the whole world in danger. so maybe it's telling them to stop would be far more beneficial for mankind. but that side seems to be more preoccupied with demonizing russia, while kids is working hard to cover its tracks. to the russian decided to yusef baby drill was to simulate shedding, supposedly from the korean side, the grains position is clear, concise, and i'm vigorous with enough carry out in the middle of the reaction. so publications against nuclear facilities. the rest of them must leave the nuclear power plant. you have the id arrive if it looks like a dog swears like a duck and quacks like a duck then. no, it's not a dock. it's the russians that made it look that way. it was so used to be eager to
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accept any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it doesn't implicate them or key if it's alias on the side that this was a nuclear catastrophe, is very real and totally in their hands. rushes presidencies, most school is ready to negotiate with ukraine. if the latter agrees not to impose an unrelated agenda. the remarks came of love him are met with his bell or russian counterpart, alexander lucas shinkel for bilateral talks of the kremlin, on thursday. sure. but i would like to emphasize once again that we are in favor of negotiations for them like but not the format of imposing any schemes on us that have nothing to do with reality. i think that the other scientists to a certain extent pushed themselves into a corner when they refused to negotiate, while expecting to defeat rush on the battlefield or conflict. a strategic defeat on rush rackets. now they realize that this is impossible. they have given up on the locations and now they are in a rather difficult situation with our teeth in the email shar,
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joins me now to discuss the amazing be the see you then yep. piece again, being put forward by rushes leader, we'll see what kind of reaction that gets. take us through that and indeed what else was done for discussion with president lucas shank, when most of course the russian president met with he's gone to par. that looks under the champagne moscow today, and they've discuss a plethora of issues from security to economy. but of course, they've mentioned the both of them, the cooperation between both countries is growing and expanding, but they've also discussed ukraine. now, in this media and russian president vladimir, put in stress once again that russia is not against negotiations. in fact, while shades exactly in favor of that, the, he gave us a reminder of how bellows initiated the piece talks back in 2022, which were later move to assemble, then a piece document to assign it, but which was later rejected as well. so he touched upon after that,
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disease this uh, western rhetoric of how russia is essentially trying to take over the world. he says that that's absolute nonsense. and that it's a rhetoric that the west is using to justify what they're doing. the 2nd listening shouts at low pressure in core, and people will take over europe tomorrow because we have never discussed the research plans to innovate. anyone we ever know. sure, this is not the circles you need to explain or justify that expect on the thoughts abuse. this is the main reason why they still think of being hybrid, no way, some kind of so called aggressive policy on the part of russia. and this is the main reason sort of what now the russian president also express surprise over the fact that russia was not invited to the queen to summit that is set to be hosted in switzerland in this upcoming june. and he explained to a to once again that russia is for piece salts. it is for negotiations that is also
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a sentiment was echoed by the bill of russian, a president lucas sancho, who says that if he's conference is switzerland without russia want workouts with sick listen to discuss the potential peaceful solutions willing to meet in switzerland. that's what they call a peaceful conference. if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without russia, that's all positions. the only thing that commentary on the touch of conference is how to escalate the situation. still, they plan to hold really true drills or may and the other border. they have the american germans, which is quite surprising because they have the military units. i have no words. now president, look over sancho also touched upon how poland and lot the v uh, provoking builders on the border when it comes to the migrant crisis, that they're dealing with. russian president also went on to talk about the types of energy sector and he says that russia did not attack you premium energy
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facilities in the winter. yes, ukraine did that to russian facilities and even the response was necessary. now overall, both presidents discuss cooperation in other spheres such as the space program as president lucas aren't that hinted for more collaboration with the russian space agency. it was post most. and he finally underlined that in the end, both countries, the somehow survived at these sanctions and they have learned how to navigate through it. all right, thanks very much for taking us through all of our to corresponding to me, make sure it's being another leaf for 24 hours in goza authority. say some 63 people have been killed by idea of attacks over the past day. it brings the total number of people dead in the enclave since october, 7th, to over $33.00 and a half follows. and according to the local health ministry,
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the palestinian red crescent society is also reported. the loss is one of their workers house that comes to the wounds he received during this really rate on our amount of hospital a fortnight ago. the organization has seen 27 staff members killed by is really forces during the war. that sounds a z adult belonging to another agency. unicef reported they came under fire as a travel to the north of the and will be for the 3 psalms and 4 grandchildren all from us leader. ishmael, somebody you were reported killed in dallas a by and this really are a strike during the muslim holiday of eat. i'll send to you mr. honey. yet learn the news while in katara where he lives and works. this is for the jump that moment . he says he considers the victims of all is really attempts to be martyrs. the deadly stride came and made fresh international efforts to mediate a news expiring garza. despite his personal loss, c, i'm us political bureau term,
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an ottoman protection. if they think that targeting my children at the pick up these talks before the movements responses submitted, full cost must have change its position, their delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of any palestinian people. all the motors of palestine are my children . there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshot, and it does not observe any standards or loss. a mean more rally in support held fish, rivers and electric opperation is picking up steam and jerusalem. demonstrators are insisting that the invasion of gaza should continue well calling for an immediate release of the remaining hostages, held by some us as well, or middle east, corresponding re, if an osh that is in the holy city, are all in patients and calls for actions in there a, here are where i am right now. the protests have become routine and these are all since the worried guys have started 6 months ago. based riley,
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near the prime ministers residence on dazzling streets in jerusalem, organized by right wing groups calls for more military pressure on her mask to secure a victory, including the release of the captives. they believe that's the only option they demand. and one of the things my dad's needed action being done, the populations gavin south. the only part of the palestinians treat these really true. sitting thing said yes. on monday, prime minister netanyahu sat there, read the dates for an incursion into rock font. without revealing these dates though, on some say he could be blocking those hills today, there is no american approval for the invasion into the area where at least 1300000 gallons of sheltering now. protests or is here in demand, tangible action. they push for a rough cooperation now and in general to continue the war until the victory. i'm. i'm angry, it's a government that we're talking about walking away from the war and i have 6
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grandchildren fighting in the army. and i want to win this war. we came to the sydney to say to the israel, the government, but these rarely people want to win before we want these, these really governments to the street from us and release our people power outages . i'm here because we have to, we want to have back the hostages. and if we want to live in, in this country, we have to wait and explore at the same time, at this very moment, it's roughly 70 kilometers away in tel aviv women's march has taken place. mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives, demands all so immediate the return of 100 such a 3 hostages. but they believe that force will only push for miles away from the jail will put the remaining hostages lives in danger and prolong the war. they
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called for the government to negotiate with him as the recurrence. they've an offer on the table involved a release of full change, rarely hostages, and exchange for around $900.00 palestinian prisoners. the ball is on her mazda side, is, will expect to hear the answer within the next 24 hours, but chances are safety, safety him as a high ranking official involved in negotiations told or to you earlier in the obstacles here could be that hostages themselves from us sources indicates that the militant group is unable to provide full to leaving captives from the elderly women and female soldiers that israel is demanding reports say by the police 35 hostages . now be that the relatives of the hostages, a desperate times losing hope. none of the hostages are safe, all those that are alive are in constant danger. they have no time, and you'll see a long time and some in,
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none of them should have died. all the hostages should have been home a long time ago. we can't continue like this any longer. i don't understand how that can be a discussion about the price of releasing the hostages. how is it possible that we're forced to fight our own government for the right of our loved ones to return home? meanwhile, humanitarian catastrophe and gas alarms, international community, including these roles, key ally, washington, which places television, deeper and deeper globalized solution. earlier in the u. s. has managed to convince these role to increase the amount of humanitarian age their lesson in. however, these a goes primarily to the south of the street, the north is very hard to reach is real announced earlier and it would open and not a lens crossing to facilitate deliveries, to gatherings in the north. but the amount of tribes able to cross. they are not ex, back to the base, so unclear if it's going to help, especially now, when as america's community or an invoice to the middle east warns perhaps every
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guys and sufferings from starvation. there is an imminent risk offend and for the majority, if not full of the $2200000.00 population of gaza. this is not a good point of debates. it is an established fact which the united states, its aspects, and the international community assess and believe is real talks also continue home, the needs to stop supporting these rolling this devastating war that's according to gather health ministry planes. the lives of almost especially 4000 palestinians already earlier in the u. n. special pop out there on palestine cold for arms and oil embargo in israel as well as sanctions for the state and known state supporters . in order to avoid genocide and goes on, we need, we'll need, we'll into europe and union to opt among european member states to act before the will. we need to really frequency there where our conscious and conscience and
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consciousness east. because i'm even wondering what is left of our humanity if we cannot react with indignity to what we are letting happen to go. so, the amboy added that the ultimate goal is to ensure the permanent ceasefire ordered by the un security council. as you remember, the international body recently adopted the resolution calling for an immediate through these revolutions are supposed to be binding. but we know from the history that they all send a demo or including by israel pants has a very low that is going to stop as real. this time america, perhaps the only power in the world that may influence israel. although concerns by di or humanitarian situation, industry does not have evidence that israel is committing genocide and gaza. the us defense secretary said on tuesday, washington continues proven iden, as well with weapons and supporting is highlight politically. which means we will probably see israel going on with his plans and guides them and probably see even
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more tasks the russian leader has held a video conference with the governors of regions affected by the floods moving across at the central area. all of the nation number put and emphasized which issue they should take priority. as local governments work to manage the crisis, i get the one that has not yet reached some places get on life and it has not yet receded from others. versus just what we need to think about now is we're storing homes for the 1st and foremost housing, but also infrastructure of course, and eating. so please don't have his off prepare yourselves ahead of time so well, this is a situation focused. the governor of the oregon burg region where the crisis is a, it's worst reported. the 3 and a half 1000 houses are at risk of living. that's as the level of the cross, the continental roll river is expected to rise even further in the coming 24 hours
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. while the head of a nearby area saves the flow of a river, there is actually changing direction given the power of the deluge. water is also sweeping through the villages that were not expected to be in the floods. regional authorities as far away as secretaries truman of war and of further dom breaks to what the governor ordering reinforcements well, it all follows a catastrophic dom breach in the city of or skin or in berg region. the level he serves as a protective party or against the river, the water level of which within the city has exceeded the critical mark. affecting infrastructure there in several nearby villages are t producer, malcolm in which i have waited deep to tell us. when the roll we went down was breached a few days ago. the city of august close to close to suffer flooding. now the threat to for the load just hanging over or invoke the regional capital, a city with the population of huff, i mean what
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a nature has been raging here in russia's born book region for almost a week. more than 10 solvent residential buildings were affected by the flock. the level fence of what i in your old river is raced up to 10 meters. will have a normal level of the water in the river at 5 meters. the situation is close to because because when a slot comes, people at the frontier, some grab will d cannon really won't august wait till the very end having some sort of believe the de homes with norfolk and those dates, but the end is always the same thing. to destroys rex. besides communities, people have to leave their lives for decades. and then in just a few days, all of it is being washed and waiting for the the, the, the war to reach our street. literally in 24 hours, it's built into your dad, went into the house, into the cellar. my cell is 2 and
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a half meters. it's completely covered in water. you have to move that deal with us . although it's not a lot at our house. my father's house by here it's flooded everything in one day, which it costs as much stuff as we could, but it's only part of what we have because we didn't think the water would reach. yeah. and we pretty of give you the problem also can be solved in one moment. we would just need to be rebuilt, takes time, and the damages imagined in billions of promise multiple send 2 federal ministers here to show people that everything will be ok. but some students deal with them in which i have auntie or in the book region. the japanese prime minister has praised washington from entailing decades of world order, basically on its own apartments. the remarks came during his speech to the us congress. i want to address it, does americans have from few to loneliness and exhaustion of being the
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country that says a power the international order? almost single handedly as i understand it is a heavy burden to carry such hopes on your shoulders. although the world lives to you, your leadership in the u. s. should not be as expected to do it. oh, i'm a is that and on your own familiar with because she does state visit to washington has largely focused on labeling china as a threat to a p. m. a ledge. the growing us presence in the, in the pacific region was staving off quote, chinese or fresh bounce as president biden. the nice the creation of a new try. lot true and military defense system in asia. together our countries are
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taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation for modernize you come in and control structures. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a tri, loud or military exercise with japan and the united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia. the united kingdom is explore and how japan can join our work in the 2nd tour, which focuses on advanced capabilities including a ton of the systems. yeah, let's just expand the level of our comment, the office military block comprising of australia, but you can the us has expressed interest in bringing japan into the fold so far, mr. cuz she does walk back tokyo's potential direct involvement with the ally and saying no decision has as he has been made. we spoke with hong kong based
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geopolitical analyst, angelo juliano, sees the regions main threat is washington not staging. a what center one sees? basically 2, protected 70 and it wants to make sure that there is a freedom of navigation, the whole area. and what the china, what, what is the most important for china is to keep the us out. because china knows when you look at the only basis uh, of the us, they have $900.00. a us army base is around the world. it's in circling, russia, easing, 13 console, china. so they, they have some t partnership. the us, they have uh, tens of thousands of army troops inquiry. uh you have 50000, the us army troops in japan. it is not try that these trust me in the us, but it's rather the book because it's easy. bob is supplement. so what the fee of trying to do because fear besides the fact that these are the.


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