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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the, the the, the, to the thing, this is a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do. about russia is deputy foreign minister, a commenting on moscow is big revelation this week, alleging that several western entities pop ties to terra plots against russia also . but i would like to emphasize once again that we are in favor of negotiations, but not in the format of imposing any schemes on us that have nothing to do with reality. and say's key of his broadening it's fates over negotiations to resolve the conflict in a new frame. that's as the russian president meets his bell. russian comes apart from the privilege of passed a seas over 6. the palestinians killed the idea of attacks and gals, a 3 songs of
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a prominent from us leader and 4 of his rum children are among the 5th. and it's not as all the head this, these are the, would your global and use run off at midnight. here in moscow, i'm going to need a welcome to our, to introduce more senior russian figures or choosing western officials of being linked to the financing of terrorism. against the country, the nation's deputy foreign minister is the latest to make the bombshell faint coming as rushes investigation continues into a hunter bite and linked ukrainian firm. you may recall that on it's a legit funding of terror acts in the us authorities there twice have responsibility for financing and instigating acts of terrorism against russia and use special people. and we truly think this is
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a dangerous pass. they have no limits in what they believe they are allowed to do. we will use our, at most capabilities to stop at every scene, which is being said by russia on important issues. not just recently, but for quite a while. a rating is being labeled as non essential or even his information by the us. they don't pay any attention to any evidence to any logic, to any common sense. the only for moves their own narrative, we ship few tile which has no connection to the actual situation. they, once russia to become a weaker, they one's to defeats russia strategically, as they have set forth these in their own official documents. and thus they continue. these need to expansion course that trends very concrete to the core
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security inches of russia. but i will underscore that there is no way that countries that apply for natal membership expect this to happen. it gets scratched as national interest that they will enhance their own secure, just automates of membership. the ones who describe need to as the most successful alliance in history, this is a social historic failure. they wanted to achieve more security for europe and you were atlantic. and the chief wes, this is a complete seizure of all the us administration that followed this expansion since 1996 us and they, they will see more of something that would be in danger. they're secure, which is not enhanced the head of the u. n's atomic energy agency is warning
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against the mounting attacks on this upper rosie a nuclear power plant. raphael grossing saves the continued drilling strikes significantly, increase the risk of a new killer accident meeting today. and i really need to the united nations security council next week, because it is of the bottom mount importance to ensure these reckless attacks do not mark the beginning of a new and gravely dangerous front of the war. attacking a nuclear power plant. ladies and gentlemen, is an absolute no go attacking separate asian flip, our guns means endangered in nuclear safety. among those who could be affected most directly are the people who work at the plant and the aspects of the impartial international season. seven's working on behalf of the agencies,
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178 member states of a facility was targeted by several ukrainian strikes this week. one of the attacks damaged the don't of a power unit in during several workers. drone and shell wreckage has been collected from the scene for investigation, for the rest of this and you can or supervision serve as visited the power plant after a series of attacks. a particular focus, you can see them walking towards it, not is the 4th power unit up the side and it's crucial cooling systems. so the head of the body said attacking any new per month is extremely reckless. but the do so against a europe largest such side will not just thing with 5 the just you are here. you see what's happening here that the russian nuclear power plant is regularly affected by external influences. which are categorically unacceptable. as with any object, especially an object of critical danger such as
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a nuclear power plant. and we can clearly see, and we know, and we understand where this external influence comes from. and i believe just as your assessment states, as well as our colleagues and the reports of the operating organization and the plants directors, that the russian side is making maximum efforts to maintain all the units and all of the facilities on the territory and proper condition rushes presidencies most sco is ready to negotiate with ukraine if the laughter agrees not to impose on on related agenda. the remarks came a lot more put in met with his bell or russian counterpart, alexander lucas shank, of 4 by law for all talks at the kremlin on thursday. but i would like to emphasize once again that we are in favor of negotiations, but not in the format of imposing any schemes on us that have nothing to do with reality. i think that the other side, to a certain extent, push themselves into a corner when they refuse to negotiate, while expecting to defeat rush on the battlefield or inflict
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a strategic defeat on russia. now they realize that this is impossible. they have given up on the go, she ations, and now they are in a rather difficult situation. what are to use in the image chart joins us now in the studio to discuss the me think good to see you. that lots of topics i believe reached by the 2 leaders in moscow today. yeah. the russian president made mets with his counterparts. villa russian president. it's under the shank, i here and most going to discuss a plethora of issues. both head of space, the emphasized that cooperation between both countries is growing and expanded. but of course, they talked about ukraine as well. and here, russian presidents trust once again that russian never refused peace talks. if anything, it is exactly in favor of that. now when and during this talk with lucas sunk, that he also mentioned president puts in mentioned that he agreed to return to the draft of b, assemble treaty and others. to remind you a little bit about this treaty. it was back in march of 2022,
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when negotiations were on the way boat from the moscow with moscow and t of. now at the time, russell also withdrew its military from the vicinity of kias to show that it is down with the negotiations. and really at the time there was a huge chest to have some sort of peace solution to the conflict. however, as we know, the was specifically the former british prime minister for his johnson told kids to stop. it's the socks with multiple, basically throwing everything out of the window. now here, present inputs and says that she is ready to go back to this to what kids and multiple both discussed in this treaty and assembled. but he also touched upon this western rhetoric of rashaw wanting to take over the world, which is. c interesting when you think about it, because russ, so it was the one that repeatedly showed that it is ready for peace talks and key. it was the one that imposed a band to have any sort of tops with moscow on the legislative level. but when it
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comes to this rhetoric, the russian president puts in, he says that that's absolute nonsense, that this is a rhetoric that they use to justify what they're doing. the shopping nutrition for improvement will take over europe tomorrow. we have never discussed any such plans to invade anymore. we have enough problems of our own to sure. this is nonsense that they're willing circles need to explain and justify their expenses. this is the main reason why this topic is being hyped, knowing some kind of so called aggressive policy on the part of russia. this is the main reason now, russian president also expressed his surprise over the fact that russia was not invited to the ukraine. peace talks that are supposed to take place in switzerland, in this upcoming june. and he extension waited once again that was shot wants to negotiations. that was also a sentiment that was equaled by bella, russian, president sancho, who says that a peace conference in switzerland without russia wants to work out just
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we discussed a potential peaceful solution. well, if they want to meet in switzerland at what they call a peaceful conference, if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without russia, it won't work out. that's all positions. the only thing they can agree on and such a conference is how to escalate the situation. still they plan to hold military drills in may near the border. they have the americans, the germans, which is quite surprising. and they have been military units in lithuania and in poland. i have no words. and now president lucas uncle, so touched upon how colon and lots via our pool, voting a bell or was on the border. the russian president talked about the attacks on the energy facilities, and he mentioned that russia did not had ukrainian energy facilities during the winter. yet, you quain did that to the roster ones and well a response was necessary. overall,
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both presidents discussed cooperation in other spheres such as the space program and lucas on the hint that there will be more collaboration with the russian space agency roles customers. and he finally underlined that in the, in the both countries have survived sanctions and they have learned how to deal with everything and you know, be self sufficient essentially, or take our son in the mature, taking us through, i think through math. okay to the middle east conflict, it's been another lead for 24 hours in gals on authority. say some 63 people have been killed by idea of attacks over the past day. it brings the total number of people dead in the enclave since october, 7th, 2 by $33.00 and a half size. and according to the local health ministry, the palestinian red crescent society has also reported loss is one of their workers, as it comes to the wounds he received during. and there's really rate on our amount
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of hospital a fortnight ago. the organization has seen 27 staff members killed by his really forces during the war. now says the vehicle belonging to another agency. unicef reportedly came under fire as a travel to the north of the n place a lot earlier. 3 solomon's um, 4 grandchildren of the hamas leader. smile funny you were reported kilten gas that buying this really are a strike happening during the muslim holiday of eat, alpha, to your mr. honey. yet learned the news while in cap tar where he lives and works. this is frontage of that very moment. he says he considers the victims of all is really a tax should be markers. the deadly strikes came of it, fresh international efforts to media, the new cease fire in dallas. and despite his personal loss from us political bureau, german stays with more pressure him to change course in the talks. if they think
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that targeting my children at the pick up these talks before the movements responses submitted, full costs must have change its position, their delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the plot of the children of any palestinian people. all the motors of palestine are my children . there is no doubt that this criminal enemies driven by the spirit of revenge and the spirit of murder and bloodshot, and it does not observe any standards or loss. meanwhile, a raleigh in support of israel's military operation is picking up steam in jerusalem. demonstrators are insisting that the invasion of girls and should continue while calling for an immediate release of the remaining hostages, held by hum us as well. or at least corresponding re, if the last name is in the holy city of all impatience and calls for actions in there. a, here are where i am right now. the protests have become routine, and these are all since the worried guys have started 6 months ago, based riley, near the prime minister's residence on dallas street in jerusalem, organized by right wing groups calls for mon military pressure on her mazda 6 your
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victory, including the release of the captives, they believe that's the only options they demand. and one of the things my dad's immediate action being done to populate to gather south the only part of the palestinians. 3 of these really trips didn't think they jazz. on monday, prime minister, netanyahu sat there, read the dates for an incursion into rough thoughts without revealing the stage stove, and some say he could be the last thing i was told today. the reason the american approval for the invasion into the area where at least 1300000 gallons of sheltering now protests or is here and demand, tangible action. they push for a rough for operation now and in general to continue the war until the victory. i'm, i'm angry, it's the government that we're talking about walking away from the war and i have 6 grandchildren fighting in the army. and i want to win this war. we came to the
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sydney to say to the israel, the government, that's these really people want to wait and this or we want these are these really governments to the street from us and released our people power outages. i'm here because we have to, we want to have back the hostages and if we want to live in the country, we have to wait for the same time at this very moment. it's roughly 70 kilometers away in tel aviv women's march has taken place. mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives, demands also immediate the return of 100, especially 3 hostages. but they believe that's force will only push for miles away from the deal will put the remaining hostages lives in danger and prolonged the war . they call for the government to negotiate with him as the recurrence. they have an offer on the table about the release of full change, rarely hostages,
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and exchange for around $900.00 palestinian prisoners. the ball is on how massive side is we'll expect to hear the answer within the next 24 hours, but chances are safety, safety him as a high ranking official involved in negotiations told or to you earlier in the obstacle here could be that hostages themselves. my sources indicates that the milton's group is unable to provide full to leave in captives from the elderly women and female soldiers that israel is demanding reports say by the police such as 5 hostages. now be dead. the relatives of the hostages, a desperate times losing hope. none of the hostages, those face, all those that are alive are in constant danger. they have no time and ad you'll see alone, your tom and simon. none of them should have died. all the hostages should have been home a long time ago. we can't continue like this any longer. i don't understand how
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that can be a discussion about the price of releasing the hostages. how is it possible that we're forced to fight our own government for the right of our loved ones to return home? meanwhile, humanitarian catastrophe and gas alarms, international community, including these roles, key ally, washington, which places television deeper and deeper globalized solution. earlier in the u. s . has managed to convince these role to increase the amount of humanitarian age their lesson in. however, these a goes primarily to the south of the street. the north is very hard to reach. israel announced earlier and it was open and not a land crossing to facilitate deliveries, to gatherings in the north, but the amount of trucks able to cross. they are not ex, back to the base, so unclear if it's going to help, especially now, when, as america's community or an invoice to the middle east warns perhaps every guys and sufferings from starvation. if there is an imminent risk offend and for the majority, if not all of the 2200000 population of gaza, this is not
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a good point of debates. it is an established fact which the united states, its aspects, and the international community assess and believe is real, talks also continue home. the needs to stop supposed to me is roland is devastating war that's according to gather health ministry claim the lives of almost especially $4000.00 palestinians already earlier in the un special that have out there on palestine cold for arms and oil embargo in israel as well. as sanctions for the state and known state supporters. in order to avoid genocide and goes on, we need, we'll need, we'll into europe and union to opt among european member states to act before the will. we need to really frequency there where our conscious and conscience and consciousness east. because i'm even wondering what is left of our humanity if we can not react with indignity to what we are letting happen to go. so the amboy
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added that the ultimate goal is to ensure the permanent ceasefire or these by the un security council. as you remember, the international body recently adopted the resolution calling for an immediate throws. these resolutions are supposed to be binding, but we know from the history that they all send a demo or is including by israel. pensa is a very low that is going to stop is real. this time america, perhaps the only power in the world that may influence israel. although concerns by dire humanitarian situation, industry does not have evidence that israel is committing genocide and gaza. the us defense secretary said on tuesday, washington continues proven identity is real, with weapons and supporting is highlight politically, which means as we'll probably see israel going on with his plans and guides them and probably see even more tasks the russian defense ministry has taken a hatch it to let them years, a landscape plans for a new country offensive,
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which the ukranian leader mentioned in a recent interview to german medium. moscow say is the plans will end in columbus a for kia, emphasizing the heavy cost such an endeavor would result. it should the result that the result of the implementation of commending cheese and skis previous cons offensive plan in 2023, which commodity cold notes. so successful was the death and severe injury of more than $100.00. 66000 service men of the ukrainian armed forces in the absence of those who wants to voluntarily sacrifice their lives and health in support of the densities madness. the key regime is feeling the huge shortage of you creating and forces personnel within you can folder for molten a lot for the mass force mobilization of its citizens. ukraine hasn't had edison of its full and for a long time when the data ukrainian parliament has passed,
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then you mobilization bill tightening the screws on the countries conscription practices. the new regulations will be enforced a month after presidential lensky signed off on the bill. your premium man will have to report to another tree, commerce, sorry, it's across the country and provide all to dates. personal data within 2 months of the law coming into effect. failure to appear will result in fines of hundreds of dollars. all men from the age of $18.00 to $60.00 will also be required to carry military i. d and police will be able to detain anyone eligible for conscription or something. your trainings are calling from the mobilization rules to be even more severe. yeah this cause i'm going to say a terrible thing after which this interview will change everything around me. cool . in my opinion, mobilization should take place from the age of 20. so now we've lost too much time . if we want to survive as a country, we must face war accepted as
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a reality and start doing something about that. putting out the well earlier this month, the countries parliament lowered the age of conscription from $27.00 to $25.00, several weeks before that became the whole us republican senator lindsey graham paid a visit to key if demanding that ukraine's and man much younger than 25 at to the ball field, seeing more people are needed on the front one to discuss this further, let's prost life 2 u. s. military veteran, scoffed bennett scott griffin, have you on today? so the mobilization bill has passed. is that going to translate to a boost on the bustle fee? does you trans leadership hopes? you know, it's going to, it's going to boost the russians victory. it's going to a quick and rushes victory. this is a remarkable opportunity. this is a wonderful pivot point because essentially zalinski and his regime and key as is clearly unmistakably positioning itself to harm murder and destroy
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the average young men and women in all of ukraine. so this is the clear de more cation moment when ukraine and valencia becomes hitler, and the ukrainian people, the old men and boys, forced in to the last throes of the war to die. so it is a wonderful opportunity to leverage and take advantage of because this is no longer a kinetic war. there is no bonds in bullets or drones for ukraine, and there is no money coming from the ukraine. this is now a psychological, more a diplomatic war. and information war, and as a state runs out of money, it's like an engine that runs out of oil. so you're going to hear the state of ukraine, the machine becoming grinding and piercing is the metal rubs against each other as the citizens rise up. and this is precisely the moment when russia can step in and define itself as a defender of the ukrainian people,
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while zalinski and his regime are corrupt exploiters and carpet baggers who are killing the ukrainian people for the interest of the united states. israel massaged in the british, make no mistake massaged in these railways are planning on fully taking over a desa secretly and all sorts of clandestine ways. so russia is the past to be prepared to defend against that, in order to not have terrorism. mashhad takes terrorism wherever it goes, as does the c i a, but this is now in its last chapter, their positioning, the 10 machine co mon, at the moment. and this is where they're threatening to conscript women as well, 50000 women uniforms being purchased. so the, let me just give the audience some background on. that's an scott because because of recruits dwindling, keeps chief military advisor for gender issues. urge women to be conscripted by
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last. it's being made out to be a push forward for a quality, but, but do you think females in ukraine are going to be of the same opinion? you know, and they can be helped to the right opinion by russian information. look, when i worked in the usa id with c, i a, i develop the monitor card and it was a card that basically on one side you had values and dreams and beliefs and goals. and on the other side, you had the opposing values and beliefs and goals. and in this context, russia can say to the young women through leaflets and flyers and cards. young women, your, for your future, is either to lie dead in a ditch blown up into pieces and buried without a funeral in a, in a grave. if you allows the lensky to a conscript to you and destroy your country or your future with russia and ukraine, living and working and piece together, you'll have a husband, you'll have children,
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you'll have a house in the country. you'll have a garden, you'll have life is god meant you to have it. so you choose this day. death or life . life is with russia. death is with zelinski. and if you remind women of the emotional delights of being a wife of being a mother of being alive, you will see 80 percent of all women side with russia even indirectly citing against ukraine is citing with russia. and that's the appeal they need to directly become the ukranian peoples defender and that will subconsciously seek it seep into the minds of ukrainians to increasingly see zalinski as the exploiter and the destroyer of the ukrainian people. so the more russia targets the women, it will also, when the ukrainian men, the ukrainian people have to over frozen landscape. ukrainian soldiers have to kill these commanders and overtake their units to uh,
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surrender and live in peace. the faster ukrainian people recognized life and the future is a lives with russia and with so lensky in the united states and nato guess we'll come to them and nothing but death. so we're, we're seeing, we're seeing this is the last effort to, to try and bribe ukrainians into cont, uh, committing suicide. and the question is, are they that stupid or is there any sense of a sanity in the ukrainian people where they, they see their lives and their future as something to cherish and not destroy on the bonfire of a zelinski is madness. just something else that's an pretty eye opening at media i flips hop started, even western phones have started picking apart the implications of the conflict noting that ukraine's birth rate has dropped by nearly 50 percent from 2021 to
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23. now that's quite extraordinary. do you think t f is actually taking the country demographic future that, that very basic thing into consideration. it's been a long suspicion of many of us in the uh, alternative media river or macgregor center black, many others that this demographic destruction of ukraine is an attempted plan to try and take over parts of ukraine, either through israel or, or different uh us groups trying to take over the land or exploited or destroy it. the fact that you have such a demographic fall and the birth rate is a confirmation of that. but of course, i think russia is more than aware of the long term plans and is going to step in and is going to take all of ukraine, but into is going to do it in a keeling way. it is going to do it in a uh, a re unification way of a product will sound versus the product of father. russia is not going to go in and
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kill and harm and exact revenge on the ukrainian people. the opposite russia is going to go in and rebuild their homes, give them bread, give them sol, give them medicine, give them an os, and a new republic of ukraine, passport, and declare the future is for living and fraternity, and harmony, and peace and love. while the zalinski and the nato and e, you regime was full of gas and madness, and l g b values and climate change. and all of the other moral sicknesses. ok, which is driven, the west insane. russia is saving you. crane from falling into that death trap. so the more that sort, tick elated, the more the, the majority of the ukrainian people will ship their loyalties. and it's not because they love russia, but because they loved their lives more than they loved at thank you for your time on your thoughts today. scott ben at us military veteran live from san francisco.
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thank you. you. okay, that is where we leave it for. no, you're watching the the water is part of the lag. valuable posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without features. let's go back.


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