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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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those are not people out here the, but i would like to emphasize once again that we are in favor of negotiations, but not in the format of imposing any schemes on us that have nothing to do with reality. to allow them are put in and say it's p of it's dragging its face over, negotiation is to resolve the you praying conflict. the statement came during a meeting between the russian president of his fellow russian country party in law school on thursday. also ahead of the tensions mines in the middle east, the runs representatives into you and save the security council could help prevented an escalation with israel by condemning it to attack this month. on the reunion consulate in syria, the chinese president, she said, outside influence tubs, stop the cold. finally, re union coffee, who was the previous leader?
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apply one post men praising the historical size, the mainland shares with type the across the world around the clock. this is our a t international welcome to the global use run down rushes president phase. most school is ready to negotiate with ukraine. if the laughter agrees not to impose on on related agenda. the remarks came out as a lot of them are putting mets with his bella, russian counterpart, alexander lucas, shouldn't go for a bilateral talks of the kremlin on thursday to. but i would like to emphasize once again that we are all in favor of negotiations, but not in the format of imposing any schemes on us that have nothing to do with reality. i think that the other side to a certain extent pushed themselves into a corner when they refused to negotiate, while expecting to defeat rush on the battlefield or inflict
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a strategic defeat on russia. now they realize that this is impossible. they have given up on the go, she ations and now they are in a rather difficult situation. the russian president made much with his counterparts, bill, our russian president. it's on the shrunk of here and most going to discuss a plethora of issues, both head of space, a emphasized that cooperation between both countries is growing and expanded. but of course, they talked about ukraine as well. and here, russian presidents trust once again that russian never refused peace talk. if anything, it is exactly in favor of that. now when and during the talk with lucas sunk, that he also mentioned president puts and mentioned that he agreed to return to the draft of the assemble treaty. now this reminds you a little bit about this treaty. it was back in march of 2022. when negotiations were on the way boat and from the moscow with multiple and t of now, at the time, russia also withdrew its military from the vicinity of key of to show that it is
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down with the negotiations. and really at the time, there was a huge chance to have some sort of peace solutions to the conflict. however, as we know, the west specifically, the former british prime minister boys johnson told kids to stop it's be solved with moscow, basically throwing everything out of the window. he also touched upon this western rhetoric of rashaw wanting to take over the world, which is. c interesting, when you think about it, because russia was the one that repeatedly showed that it is ready for peace talks . and kit was the one that imposed a band to have any sort of talks with moscow on the legislative level. but because of this rhetoric the russian president puts in, he says that that's absolute nonsense, that this is a rhetoric that they use to justify what they're doing. shelton shrink on putting will take over europe tomorrow. we have never discussed any such plans to invade anyone. we have enough problems of our own to. this is nonsense that they're
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willing circles need to explain and justify their expenses. this is the main reason why this topic is being hyped. some kind of so called aggressive policy on the part of russia. this is the main reason a russian president also expressed his surprise over the fact that russia was not invited to the ukraine peace talks that are supposed to take place in switzerland, in this upcoming june. and he extension waited once again that last shot wants negotiations. that was also a sentiment that was echoed by bella, russian, president lucas sancho, who says that a peace conference in switzerland without russia wants to work out. we discussed a potential peaceful solution. well, if they want to meet in switzerland at what they call a peaceful conference, if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without russia, it won't work out. that's all position. the only thing they can agree on and such a conference is how to escalate the situation. still they plan to hold military drills in may near the border. they have the americans, the germans,
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which is quite surprising, and they have the military units in lithuania and in poland. i have no words. president bush uncle, so touched upon how colon and latvia are provoking a bell or was on the border. the russian president talked about the attacks on the energy facilities, and he mentioned that ross, i did not had ukrainian energy facilities during the winter yet you quade did that to the roster ones and well a response was necessary. overall, both presidents discussed cooperation and other spheres such as the space program and focus on the hint that there will be more collaboration with the russian space agency roles post most. and he finally underlined that in the, in the both countries have survived sanctions and they have learned how to deal with everything and you know, be self sufficient essentially. okay, know the story to bring you today. the head of the you ends at topic energy agency
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is warning against the month thing attacks on this alpha rosie a nuclear power plant. but i'll feel good, i'll see stays the continued drilling strikes significantly, increase the risk of a new killer accident. we are meeting today and i, we need to the united nations the security council next week. because the diesel for that amount importance to ensure this reckless attacks do not mark the beginning of a new and gravely dangerous front of the will. attacking a nuclear power plant. ladies and gentlemen is an absolute no go attacking somebody's a new blip. our blank means endangered in nuclear safety. among those who could be affected most directly. other people work at the plant and the aspects of the impartial international receiving seven's working on behalf of the agencies.
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178 member states that facilitate was targeted by several ukrainian strikes this week. one of the attacks damage the dome of a power units entering several workers. drone and shell records has been collected from the scene for investigation. so russia is nuclear supervision serve is visited the power plant after a series of attacks, a particular focus. it was a 4th power unit to all the sites and it's crucial cooling systems. the head of the police of the talking, any nuclear path is extremely reckless. but the do so again, to your if largest such sites would love just being with the just you are here. you see what's happening here that the russian nuclear power plant is regularly affected by external influences. which are categorically unacceptable. as with any object, especially in object of critical danger, such as
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a nuclear power plant. and we can clearly see, and we know, and we understand where this external influence comes from. and i believe just as you're assessments states, as well as our colleagues in the reports of the operating organization in the plants, directors that the russian side is making maximum efforts to maintain all the units and all of the facilities on the territory. in proper condition. these really defense forces have launch several airstrikes on southern and have been on the idea of claims that destroyed a military building. that with sheltering a terrorist, israel released footage of the strike in which they purportedly killed the hezbollah militants. while the us supports israel's continued attacks on 11 on syria, a rotten house reportedly threatened to consider the whitehouse as a viable target. washington has contacted a number of partners in europe, china onto kia, to try and persuade around to move back from an escalation with israel. president
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biden also says the us will do everything to protect its ally in the middle east. as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel security gets the stretch. moran and his proxies is iron clad reset. again, our class we're going to do. all we can to protect is, are secured by the announcement of his camera to stand by as well. and then mounting tensions with long comes following a report on whitehouse fears for the possibility of an american interest in the concerns come from potential window nation for recent errors. find funding. i was embassy in damascus on april 1st and this closed in notice from a high level meeting involving national security council officials are vis. and that's what the notes on monday nights are wrong conveyed to the volume and administration that if it involved itself in defending israel, whichever on to him,
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to take a retaliatory strike, he would consider the united states a volleyball targets as well. the was concerns about a potential warranty, as far icons, despite the fact that the binding administration has sought to distance itself from these where the air strike on the walls costs that are comp pounds. first thing that there was not notified about the, the operation in advance, but still still the whole ship in on the west. then the why super take care of it was you one mission says, these woman reaction foster washington at least to them as well as move a heavy un security council condemned the zionist regimes reprehensible act of aggression on our diplomatic premises in damascus. and subsequently brought its perpetrators to justice. the imperative for ron to punish this robe regime might have been obviated as the consulate syria took place earlier this month, killing 12 people including 7
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r g c members with senior i r. d. c works force commander jones off honey being among not acknowledged is involved in matching the attack, but it has ever since been racing for anyone and response. israel's precautionary measures included scrambling, navigational signals over until a b. as b. c has indicated that there was not bothered by gps, as well as the on gps technology. those tensions escalating to a child situation trans on airline announced the suspension of, of in slides on following reports of aerospace quarter for military exercises. americans agency signing, defense minister i. c o. eric roderick has been suspended over to juan skies on wednesday, due to military drills. symposium was then taken out shortly after what is clear
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and it's been to take revenge on wednesday and was supreme leader comment a reiterated his commitment to the april 1st attack and western government. to prevent this. frankie's 1st the search sanctions violated international and found to honors as call you and support conflicts and embassies in any country. i can see it to be part of the country that owns them when they attack our consulate. it's as if they have attacked our land. this is an international norm that we get redeem made a mistake in these case, it must be vanished and each will be punished shortly after company's remarks. there was foreign minister jose, i mean not the young talk to his counselor forms from different countries, including the way the kids are on the box spring is that those thoughts were prompted by the girl. the white house was released affairs coordinator. he is
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claimed to ask them to convey to de escalate. meanwhile, has reportedly asked the west to live with him on special response to public and private warnings. and leveraging, give some military presence in that region at the same time is one of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has more of a long response. strict one would tell me about the sound of the. i mean that we are in challenging times. we are in the middle of a war and gaza, but we're also preparing for challenging scenarios and other reasons. we established a simple principle, have a hearts us with hard them. we are prepared to meet the security needs of the state of israel in terms of both defense an attack. what we want has been slow. i'm going to ensure it's given to as well as security in the face of potential. there was retaliation. it is for the outcomes as well. you have reported that the us 5th
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and the persian gulf has been put on mac, similar to the west of egypt on the situation when it comes to everyone here is speaking out for tally, age many have been called and posted. a supreme leaders have price me a decade ago, wasting time on to the ground in response to a perceived regression from his rep. for no one has not given a specific time in place for a counter strike. newburgh has cited on names for us is familiar with us, and he's really intelligence assessments about the response that come in a matter of days and that the country cards use high precision missiles, drones, and it's a song. so one thing is clear and obvious tale adventure, otherwise retaliatory a sentiment here is that it is not a question everyone holds flying back when and that has for the edge of
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all the possibility of escalation, what's all lines under one's next? okay, let's turn attention to jerusalem, where hundreds of his release have taken to the streets to rally in support of the country's military operation in gas. and the demonstrators are insisting that the war continued while calling for an immediate release. all the remaining hostages, held by hum us as well, or middle east correspondent marie if and actually reports from the holy city of all in patients and calls for actions in their a here or where i am right now, the protests have become routine and these role since the worried guy that started 6 months ago, based riley, near the prime minister as residence on dazzling streets in jerusalem, organized by right wing groups calls for more military pressure on her mass to secure victory. including the release of the captives. they believe that's the only options they demand and one of the things my dad's immediate action being done to
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populate and gather south the only part of the palestinians. 3 of these really trips didn't think they jazz. on monday, the prime minister netanyahu sat there, read the dates for an incursion into rock font without revealing the state stove, and some say he could be the last thing i was told today. the reason the american approval for the invasion into the area where at least 1300000 gallons of sheltering now, protest or is here and to mind tangible action. they push for a rough cooperation now and in general to continue the war until the victory. i'm, i mean, angry, it's the government that we're talking about walking away from the war and i have 6 grandchildren fighting in the army. and i want to win this war. we came to the save me to say to the israel, the government. but these really people want to wait and this, or we want these,
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these really governments to the street from us and released our people power outages. i'm here because we have to, we want to have back the hostages. and if we want to live in this country, we have to wait for the same time at this very moment. it's roughly 70 kilometers away in tel aviv women's march has taken place. mother's sister's daughters and wives demand also immediately the return of $100.00 the subject free hostages. but they believe that's force will only push for miles away from the deal will put the remaining hostages lives in danger and prolonged the war. they call for the government to negotiate with him as the recurrence. they an offer on the table about the release of full change, rarely hostages, and exchange for around $900.00 palestinian prisoners. the ball is on her mazda side. these will expect to hear the answer within the next 24 hours,
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but chances are safety, safety him as a high ranking official involved in negotiations told or to you earlier in the obstacles here could be the austin does themselves come off sources indicates that the militant group is unable to provide full to leaving captives from the elderly women and female soldiers that israel is demanding reports say by the police $35.00 hostages. now be that the relatives of the hostages, a desperate times losing hope. none of the hostages, those face, all those that are alive, are in constant danger. they have no time, and you'll see alone, tom and simon, none of them should have died. all the hostages should have been home a long time ago. we can't continue like this any longer. i don't understand how that can be a discussion about the price of releasing the hostages. how is it possible that we're forced to fight our own government for the right of our loved ones to return home? meanwhile, humanitarian catastrophe and gas alarms, international community,
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including these roles, key ally, washington, which places television, deeper and deeper globalized solution. earlier in the u. s. has managed to convince is role to increase the amount of humanitarian age their lesson in. however, these a goes primarily to the south of the street, the north is very hard to reach. israel announced earlier and it would open and not a lens crossing to facilitate deliveries, to gatherings in the north, but the amount of trucks able to cross. they are not ex, back to the big so unclear if it's going to help, especially now, when as america's community or an invoice to the middle east warns perhaps every guys and suffers from starvation. there is an imminent risk offend and for the majority, if not all of the $2200000.00 population of gaza. this is not a good point of debates. it is an established fact which the united states, its aspects, and the international community assess and believe is real,
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talks also continue home. the needs to stop support to me is roland is devastating war that's according to gather health ministry claim the lives of almost especially $4000.00 palestinians already earlier in the un, special after on palestine cold for arms and oil embargo in israel as well as sanctions for the state and known states supporters in order to avoid genocide and goes on. we need, we'll need, we'll into europe and union to act among european member states to act before the will we need to really reconsider where our conscious and conscience and consciousness ease. because that means and wondering what is left of our humanity if we can not react with indignity to what we are letting happen to go. so the amvoy added that the ultimate goal is to ensure the permanent ceasefire or these by the un security council. if you remember,
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the international body recently adopted the resolution calling for an immediate throws. these revolutions are supposed to be binding, but we know from the history that they all send a demo or is including by israel. pensa is a very low that is going to stop is real. this time america, perhaps the only power in the world that may influence israel. although concerns by dire humanitarian situation, industry does not have evidence that israel is committing genocide in gaza. the us defense secretary side on tuesday, washington continues proven iden as well with weapons and supporting a satellite politically. which means as we'll probably see israel going on with his plans and guides them and probably see even more tasks the japanese prime minister has praised washington and from entailing decades of world order basically on it. so apparently, the remarks con, during his speech to the us congress. i want to address it.
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does americans have from few loneliness and exhaustion of being the country that says a power the international order almost single handedly? i understand it is a heavy breath to carry such hose on your shoulders. although the world lives to you, your leadership in the u. s. should not be as expected to do it. oh, i hear that then on your own me . ok. she, the state visit to washington has largely focused on labeling china as a threat. depends pm, we're in the us presence in the, in the pacific is protecting the region from facing a fate worse than ukraine's that part of the day. again,
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that's as president biden to nights, the creation of and you try last for a military defense system in asia. together our countries are taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation for modernize you come in and control structures. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a try, louder, military exercise, which your pan and united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia . the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join our work in a 2nd tour, which focuses on advanced capabilities including a ton of the systems. well, the office military block comprising of australia that you can do us has expressed interest in bringing japan into the phone. so far, mr. cuz she to has walk by tokyo's potential direct involvement with the ally and
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saying no decision houses he had been made. we spoke with hong kong bass. geopolitical novelist, angelo juliano, who stays the regions. main threats doesn't come from patient of what china one sees, basically to protect each 70. and it wants to make sure that there's a freedom of navigation in the whole area. and what the china, what, what is the most important for china is to keep us out. because china knows when you look at the only basis uh, of the us, they have 9, have a, a us army bases around the world. it seems so green, russia easing, searching. so china, so they did, they have some t partnerships. the us, they have, uh, uh, tens of thousands of army troops inquiry. uh, you have 50000, the us army troops in japan. it is not china, these type name, the us, but the right of the book because it's easy. bob is supplements. so what the field
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china, because fear besides the fact that these a, these a confrontation, we taiwan, that to us with actually this, the chinese red lines when he comes to taiwan. besides got the biggest feel, china is a contain months. you know, tons of brocade, pretty much the same as the us did doing what, what you engaged japan, keep in mind that japan went to work is to us because the us was doing a blockade. so when he comes to china, there's a possible brocade in the south china sea, and especially in the strait of malacca. meanwhile, the chinese leader has stated that outside influence will not be able to stop tie one's re union with the mainland. the subject was discussed, she didn't pain hosted the previous time when these president envision a hi shonda to the the distance of the straight can not save of the bones of kingship, between competitive on both sides to the differences in system. so you can not
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change the objective back to that we belong to one nation and won't people, external interference cannot stop the historical trends of a national re unification where she won't helen and into i hope that young people in taiwan can set aside ideological differences and recognize the historical and cultural connections between ty, one and the mainland. these connections cannot be severed by politics. and during the meeting between president she and king i'm i enjoy i the right fall of the people on wednesday afternoon. in 4th, as of approaching the 1990 to consensus and a part of the entire one, independence was on the score as the common political foundation for the peaceful development of frustrates ties. for us also emphasize the principles of the for not always which states there are no, no 2nd not be on ties nor issues. beyond discussion, lori forces that can separate those behind my enjoys funds. university students
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from taiwan who have a compliment him during his visit to the mainland square. see does for the street. oh, sorry, express high house for the youth during their conversation. scene cars with a young people from both sides of the straits to embrace their chinese identity with pride and the confidence in the work together to the long term prosperity of war f. as frank as nation. so as far the challenges facing up frustrates relations, their participation stuff just reminds of ap cheese, mutual understanding on the ships, the shy valleys by younger generations. now the russian federal security service saves it's prevented a terror attack in the don't boss city of done yet. 6 suspects have been detained. according to the f. s. b, all of those held or citizens of a central asian country at odds, the attack was coordinated by ukraine. i'm targeted a military facility during the operation and russian service been fun to improvised explosive devices on how to create and in the nearby cris southern
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region. from there, the f s b has released details and how it for the landing of you printing and special forces who had planning to act as sub a tourist in the and bustled at terra tree according to the agency. the british specials both service and unit of the royal navy, coordinated the drop. several members of the premium griffin were killed, but one of them was captured by russian forces, the f as b sage. the prisoner confessed to being trained up to 5 rifle space in both for england. he also claimed to have taken parts in a recent attack on a russian drilling rig in the black sea. moscow stays, the confession proves that the u. k. is a direct party to the conflict ortiz off the u. k. row of navy for comment. we bring you the reply informed comes well sweden based independent research or greg simon's believes western lead to are using you kind of trying to feed, rush it,
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but saves that, doing nothing but hurting their international something showing the desperation, the political level because the dates for game blows where the machine is showing up and running, but what do they do that double down. they put the whole political career reputation on being able to beat russia using you and everything is probably going. this is. busy going to be the guys. so what did i do that stuff in battle desperation? i mean, this is a very tactical level, but it shows no, i mean, the desperation of ripples this which wisdom politicians of the higher and the most ideal site. it's all lewis's perfect. that is where we leave the news lock for nice, stay close though,
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for more great programs getting there starting moments. this is our to international, the by the, the 2nd superseding doesn't involve 18 charges which include 17 charges under the espionage act. and one charge under the c s, a leasing dr. relates to the 2010, which he likes publication. so to clear the amount of publication, the rules of engagement, rock, the diplomatic cables, feed all along. same respect of iraq and afghanistan and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that. extradition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about a piece of process related to the spine on us as his legal team, and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described. the.


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