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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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1000000000 people to side billions more react, the breaking news right now across explosion in moscow reported me tom gets a former ukrainian intelligence officer who defected to russia and expose the key of government the ukraine, telephones. it's because scripts and laws and reports say the key and is moving a hundreds of troops on a daily basis. despite its western support. a washington warns that any territorial games made by russia will be blamed on china as well. and that's, that's the joe biden to host the leaders of japan in philippines, reckoning beijing with maneuvers in the region, the
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hello there, welcome to i t to the option of reaching you lived from on use center in moscow. i a micro quite chat with the updates. right, and we have the breaking news now. richard knows this. our call has exploded in moscow leaving one person injured, a russian media reports that the vehicle belonged to the city pressure of a former ukrainian security officer. he cooperated with moscow after the mcknight and coolly and for the 14th and later moved to russia, where he accused are e, create and authorities of genocide and suppressing freedom in the country. back in 2022, a russian security forces prevented an attempt on this live. the russian investigative committee has yet to confirm the identity of the victim by the criminal case has been opened. but let's trust live to andre cd,
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and tanya and walter responded. andrea is good to have you join me now. what was your initial reaction to this news when you heard it? i'm sure because i melted because uh, you know, i'm like its 30 bucks. what's the deposit of uh, try it. she was not only a former office at all as if it was the sheet to where i for a he was, uh uh, it was leading, is clicking uh, media projector. and you clicks where, where he and he'd try to, to expose to the plus to the west. what hasn't been made could be your friend in the last 10 years in my you bullying them, boss? generally, he roots also a book about the, the, for example, the crime. so for zillow and what's happened to the, this era doc? i guess theme. it's terrible for me, most of it for a little was like,
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uh, if i can make a compression like julian aside, because a little tied to it. expose us the truth about the work of has been in the boss. and maybe i think the ukrainian government is rising by it the, the, to the power of the to, to the president all tied to expose us me now you know him personally could do tellos the about his personality or i meant i meant to mingle gas cro when you're trying to search for when eric goes to make me an interview about my work and my experience and the most, and she was a really very friendly and very open a, a really good person. when i make up some question, i can broil teams free without any problem. she was really very good at some very
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open and very available to reply to the questions, to explain about these experience. and the, i think by patients with his work that this was my a sensation about him. yeah. he expose the lots about what happens behind the curtains in the key every gene. well, what is the most important thing that's key? let slip i think the most important thing to think such as she may, can use this book about the crimes of funds all in the most. and the about the what was as of make in my you will pull in the past years. i think this is very important to us, so publish some document over as big windows of about for a bully dear in as all and generally in the new came in out of my forces now and back in 2020 to ross. and the security forces prevented the assassination
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attempt on the him. in your view, why was it targeted then about time? oh, i think after this. uh huh. i as in 2022. um are you currently in service? try to plan another, assessing a strong plan against team life today. we see uh, thank gods. oh, so this plan was not successful. uh, but the risk is very, yeah, i have now because uh, you know, a prisoner of its a public person, very active in the information for you and uh, i noticed the contract. okay, is the best buy here it's, it's terry, but i don't have any words describe it. i can't imagine that's a kind of confusion. now what we asked when do you expect from the international community? if there's going to be any i think we're, we're not see any reaction. maybe some was tests for 4th terrace can say,
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look, this is the good things that can happen to tre towards maybe. unfortunately, i'm not expecting any action by the west or this tech for this defense of assessing issue or i was the it's working. okay, thank you so much andre tv and tanya, what correspondents, thank you for your insight on this. i sure. no rush, i look forward to using the down by say that the drain is losing hundreds of troops on a daily basis as fighting intensifies for strategically important town in the building . yes to region bottles are also ranging in the nearby is that what. ready is your region this
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footage shows rush in the territory and drones flags hambury new trade in positions . not hundreds of soldiers on the front lines. reporting that keeps troops simply do not have enough ammunition to push back the incoming russian forces. the r t c o prospect and brod guys have sent us this report about how the great in government is attempting to stay afloat. despite the mounting losses on the front lines. ukraine has had enough and not getting everything it once made. it is done on skiing nicely. a nice and quiet diplomacy didn't work. yes, people may hate me and i'm a rude relationship. the other part of me saying diplomacy is all about private relations. but then i told that part to shut up and the part of me wanted to speak out, started speaking up. we've tried everything and nothing seems to work. i always use logic in my steps, in my words and conclusions. and i just don't understand the logic behind it when,
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for example, one of our partners has weapons that ukraine needs to date in order to survive. and i don't understand why they won't provide it to us. money, guns, rockets, jets, lots of money, lots of guns. the problem for the west is that you've called say new off to 2 years of relentless, yet entirely vague proclamations about democracy and freedom, sovereignty and victory. less than politicians find themselves in the same home. they dug for ukraine. but there is a way out just waste time until it is too late. the issue, ease, ukraine is running out of the one thing the west con, give its moved, evaded soldiers, hundreds of thousands of ukrainians who wanted to fight russia. i'm now mostly dead crippled,
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but doubt ukraine has an onset. it is an hon so that no one wants to hear an answer. it says plainly, just how bad things uh oh, constitution states that it is the duty of every ukrainian to protect the homeland . so it is only right, the women suff to all know the name, but is it simply going to disappear for hundreds of years. they have repeatedly attacked us like israel. we have to be prepared for this. and that means training of both men and women to be ready for tomatoes, reluctance to continue flooding. crane with weapons is understandable. they will change the outcome while ukraine was send this now self admittedly demanding a bit of everything from assault rifles, the fights of jets. what is once in particular, the patriots and see the said systems which cost upwards of a $1000000000.00 each. and the discussion behind closed doors in europe and the
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united states is, is it worth it? how much use is you can going to guess as of these systems, before they are destroyed or damaged in boston, strikes every need to come on to understand which way the wind is blowing. every new weapon system that the west has sent. russia has led to counter every operation they organize. now winds inflame and is the information provided to us by the british intelligent services was irrelevant or we were misled in advance. in this nation, often nation loses its enthusiasm for more britain remains the cheerleader try again. that again to drum up and fuse, you ask them for killing freedom and democracy failing. why not just do it for the
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money? they say, if you're worried about democracy around the world, if you're worried about security, then investing in the security of you crate is the most cost efficient. thing you could possibly do america is car invested in of use voting ukrainians of either a 5 percent or less of the annual defense spending. it is a fantastically efficient way of supporting freedom. if you want to send a signal to china and make show that ukraine wins. the tide is tom. the writing is on the move painted in the blood of ukrainian con scripts. and the even kid understands that the world is growing pod. the problem is that people just got used to the war happening somewhere out there, the feeling that extraordinary decisions are needed on a regular basis to end this war with a victory for ukraine is gone. essentially zalesky and his regime and key as is
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clearly unmistakably positioning itself to harm murder and destroy the average young men and women in all of ukraine. as a state runs out of money. it's like an engine that runs out of oil. so you're going be here, the state of ukraine, the machine becoming grinding and piercing, is the metal rubs against each other as the citizens rise up. and this is precisely the moment when russia can step in and define itself as a defender of the ukranian people. while zalinski and his regime are corrupt exploiters and carpet baggers who are killing the ukrainian peoples, russia is saving you crane from falling into that death trap. so the more of that sort stipulated, the more the, the majority of the ukrainian people will ship their loyalties. and it's not because they love russia, but because they loved their lives more than they loved. at of all the un security council has convened to discuss the occurring conflict. as roches troops have been
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advancing on multiple fronts, moscow's ambassador to the u. n. a that the train will inevitably be forced to surrender rain and use to mail it to reactions or taking a radical term before a license new western 8 packages or so called meat grinder, results and country attacks. by the key, if you will not be able to change this trend, the situation is extremely worrying for the western sponsors of the ukrainian leader. will have already set themselves and you go, instead of helping keep defeat russia. their goal is to not let russia we ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company fighting for the west and with western weapons to the last ukranian. all that remains for the key of freezing in these circumstances is to act in impotent anger. in the worst terrace traditions purposefully showing peaceful neighborhoods in russian seats and committing to acts of terror. soon,
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the only topic for any international meetings on the claim will be the unconditional surrender of the key freezing. i advised all of you to prepare for this in advance. now, washington has decided to put all its advisories in one basket. the u. s. deputy secretary of state is one that washington will blame china and north korea for any russian ministry, a successive in the ukraine conflict. if russia's often says, continue, and they gain territory, new crane that will alter the balance of power in europe in ways that are frankly unacceptable from our perspective. and we will see this not as a, just the russian unique set of activities, but it can joined, set it back to tibby's, backed by china, but also north created. this is antithetical, direct interest, and we've been clear and transparent with them about this wall us president job. i
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didn't house that leaders of the philippines and japan for of special whitehouse summit. he said that the try, lots of old folks and body to new era have partnership. as a us, i reasserted its commitments to the defense of those pacific island nations. i made rising territorial disputes with china biden and assisted the us support for its defense treaty with the philippines. as quote ion cried, i want to be clear. the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines are iron clad, or iron clad. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials or armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. define this problem minister. it has one of the western world about the supposedly russian need be afraid to commit those comments
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. germany, spain should the us congress in washington of russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, which has continued to add 2 world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe, by nuclear weapons use is a real positive. derek. i make of it is, it's ironic. america's quote, indispensable role in the world is familiar because she turned it the reality is the us interference is shaped japan since $1853.00. when it force the open of japan using gun boat diplomacy, leading the may g restoration, the return of the empire, the rapid adoption of western industrialization, imperial empire domination invasions aping the west, which led to world war 2. then here, ship mount nagasaki, occupation by the us, the plaza cords that which japan today is worth less than real dollar terms and it
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did when it signed those you in a row, a lateral sanctions under trump. and now i radically ciocca is undertaking historic military upgrades to support it's quote, ally, why is cuz she does cabinet doing this. i mean, why is because she to doing this because as cabinet support gets 16.6 percent, 16.6 percent lowest point since taking over in october of 2021 is amazing approval rating. found $1.00 percentage points for the previous month. well, disapproval ratings find 2 percent to 59.4 percent. you know, if he talks about principles us well, his cabinet party isn't broiled at a slush fund scandal. he is simply trying to save himself. country reduced japans to following populace strings don't include their people right today the well, the static breaks the international
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a day of human space flight. i think you want me stablished holiday commemorates the journey of the 1st man into space. so be a customer not yearly geiger in in 1961. let's take a look at how it all sponsored a good afternoon. the soviet union announced it had launched take number to, to the
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the parson find all travellers space associate at the trail roster. the customer that sent a message of the welding honor of the holiday from the international space station
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to let them go. don't mind me, jim giving us the use this year. we celebrate 90 years since the birth of you regarding the man who offered in the space age for humanity. the name of the whites 1st cosmonaut is eternally engraved in global history. and we take great pride in continuing the legacy of our predecessors by advancing our domestic space exploration endeavors. when he is a boy, yet the teacher could, i wouldn't do because while we paid tribute to those who led the advancement of the rocket and space industry, we also remember the thousands of employees whose every day did. the cation has brought to life. the visions of our is team designers. now hundreds of kilometers above the yard. we express our gratitude for their work speed. you will not move them over, introduce the both with a wealth of intriguing new ventures ahead of us. and it's only through rattling around the noble objective of space exploration that we will be able to accomplish
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them. and you can extend or good wishes for robust health prosperity and continue to try us to all our compatriots and colleagues in the industry. all right, let's cross now to read us for an amount of time or a cash the joining us from cape town and said africa, it's nice to have you join me right now tamara. i yes, great, thank you. so let me ask, why did you choose to specialize in radio asked on me what exactly attracted you to this field of study? you know, um, initially my journey into the field of virginia radio started me started with my own. i had and kicked curiosity in law for learning and specifically for learning science related subjects. and i always found myself reading some science textbook. i know that kind of sounds of put me in, but i did have like novels and stuff, but i always gravitated more towards maybe reading that of experiments and content
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in next science textbooks. and i just found that. so if that's an 18, and i was fortunate enough to have very enthusiastic to teaches throughout my, my learning journey, especially in like primary school to high school year in south africa. i had very enthusiastic teachers who not in my life of science. and they didn't just teach the subject to make it be like tedious. but if the thought has such that basic principles and concepts became something that we understood and we enjoyed learning . so this also is something that led me to when i was starting in university, each also easy to grasp the concepts and also find them well headed to be gravitate towards them and radio astronomy, the feel that incorporates both physics, science mats and computer science and statistics so for me as a passing, i'm not,
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i'm not sure to gravitate towards it because encompassed so much of a rich scientific knowledge that i just lost to none. and it's the entire experiments that'd be do. and yeah, just naturally translates to to what i loved 3. so yeah, that's, it's really great to imagine now when we leave man talk, you know, when we talk about read us going to be, we imagine huge signal detecting dishes in the desk that those that have those kinds of facilities. and what do you see the future of south africa? radio astronomy being like so yes, definitely immediate astronomy requires the sensitive antennas and dishes that are able to capture these basic all well incident radio waves. and he audited to that, you have to have them in radio, quiet stones, and he is not africa. we are fortunate enough to have the crew doesn't, which is
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a very low populated area as it has of a low density in population as well as the kinetic activity. so these, the, in, okay, same combination of having us know we cannot make activity and the population area . and i will grab our geographical location often. yeah, catch sight in particular, it provides a video, quiet zone for us to observe of celestial radio leaves without having too much interference and spun man made rip, modify the isn't grand man, me out of 5. that does affect our signal. but the clue region in south africa is a ideal spot. it's, it's the, it's the best spot that we could possibly bode elevator tennis scope. you installed that we got the optimal last straw, optical i strong them, us all around the globe, keep in contact to work to get on various projects is a situation the statements of african radio astronomical field. and do you
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cooperate with colleagues in russia? so yes, we do astronomy, one of the fundamental aspects of our science is that we have collect international collaborators. i would say a lot of our projects we work with international colleagues. i in particular it haven't, especially because i'm up and coming very just i know i have been has the i haven't been applauded yet to engage with the russian clinics, but i know that the the be do we do collaborated with international clinics? astronomy. yeah. can, can you share with us any details about the current projects you're working on generally? okay, so, well, i am doing my master's and kind the in my mazda is project. i am trying to find, like i explained about the auto fi, you know, data. so i'm trying to clean my data and try and apply so to speak of methods an
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algorithm to try and remove these radio frequency differences. so that we can catch up with customer logic code results or video, a radio signal response and su parties. and we do have mentors who off line to national interest on like india and all saying it to me. and they do provide useful advice as to how to work with my data. and basically they meant to me on how to go about applying cleaning algorithms that are very any countries that significantly contribute to the development of radio astronomy in south africa now um, so the sd this up so that we can see um the square site is the square, can you maternity is actually a, or the organization itself comprises off i think about 9 different countries who
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uh, fonts, funds part of the symposium and they have the responsibility. and basically when they do apply to apply, they efforts offering to, to perform beta signing. mean, our country, they do provide us with a knife, resources, funding crimes and like developed into science like instrumentation and engineering . so country is like, we have so many, it's 9 that i could probably mention. but like, just to be like germany, china, it's in the and i think like less than he in the drain. but as a more of an associative number. but we do have a lot of countries that, cuz it's a global scale project. it's an international assets, and we do have both in terms of instrument design and development and also science contribution. all right, it's really interesting at talking about space science with you. we have to leave
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it here now. read estrada minor temper cassie joining us from cape thomas of africa . thank you. and back to the breaking news we had brought to you before. ca has exploded in moscow leaving one passing injured. the russian leader reports that the vehicle belonged to my city. pros are off a full but ukrainian security officer and he cooperated with moscow after they met might in coolie in 2014 and lita moved to last year back in 2022. the roster and security force has prevented any attempt on his life, and there was an investigative committee has yet to come from the identity of the victim. but a criminal case has been opened previously and is that prison rob spoke out about why he chose to go. ready against the ukrainian government this gave you a stronger believe that in february 2014 ukraine was taken over by a bunch of villains who are in order to hold power and increase their wealth,
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not spell the life of the citizen son in fact started a civil war created hit squads revised the practice of concentration camps and secret services. there's a press, freedom of the press and conduct the genocide against their own people, the killing some by artillery innovation and don't box and killing all this through excessive prices and the destruction of health services. this is not my government . when i understood the facts of the nationalistic, even neo nazi coo and kia, i decided to 5 this government by any means in my disposal, and not see a big now, thanks for watching. i'll see you again. the vanity fair reports of former president brock obama has been working as a pod cast or a netflix producer, an outdoor documentary filmmaker, and of course, an author since leaving the white house 8 years ago. however, a recent,
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i know it's trip to downing street, does supposedly have tea with british prime minister research sonata has called speculation, or just how involved the former president is, but the president's domestic and foreign policy on sky. now here's an on this edition of $360.00 view. we're going to discuss if there's a 1st term of the bottom ministration is really the 3rd term of rock obama. let's get started. the i think it's safe to say, regardless of which side of the aisle you identify with that the re election of joe biden is not going as easy as democrats. we're hoping, even though we still have several months to get through until election day, a clear sign that democrats are starting to panic is the emergence of former presidents on the campaign trail. most recently, president.


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