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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 12, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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for however, a reason i know it's trip to downing street does supposedly have tea with british prime minister research, so not has caused speculation or just how involved the former president is, but the president's domestic and foreign policy on sky. now here's an on this edition of $360.00 view. we're going to discuss if there's a 1st term of the bottom ministration is really the 3rd term of rock obama. let's get started. the i think it's safe to say, regardless of which side of the aisle you identify with that the re election of joe biden is not going as easy as democrats. we're hoping, even though we still have several months to get through until election day, a clear sign that democrats are starting to panic is the emergence of former presidents on the campaign trail. most recently, president, buying along with house speaker nancy plus and former president brock obama wasting
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video of celebrating the 14th anniversary of the affordable care act, which is an act which at the time was started popular republicans believe it was the main motivation for democrats losing control of congress in 20 to and even the white house in 2016 was regardless. this gave former president brock obama, the chance to publicly show his face to grasp. even though, according to the republican presidential nominee, donald trump abide and isn't smart enough to be doing this stuff on his own. in fact, trump is insisted, biden is nothing more than a puppet, and is rock obama its operation. obama has plenty to deal with it. i told him i told him biden's boss is terms belief in other global conflict like the ones now curry and ukraine, israel and gaza could sooner wrapped the president. brock obama has only twice visited the white house this year and supposedly warrant presidential candidate bided. he could lose the white house unless you watch more on the infrastructure
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involved in the campaign. but besides the affordable healthcare act anniversary, there's been no official policy which has been attributed to obama's involvement. however, what is being termed as an informal courtesy drop in by a bama with the prime minister of u. k. with very little being made public about what was actually discussed is only adding fuel that obama is heavily involved and not only domestic policy, but international as well. let's discuss this with our panel. steve malls berg, political commentator talk radio hosts chris wagner, founder of read referral network, and just to k, robinson health professor. and do i? thank you so much for joining us, jesse. i'm going to start with you in talk obama. still the king of the democratic party when we had a war to make sure that we didn't have any change in the country. so say no. i
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would say that he is still a very beloved figure amongst democrats, and still very well respected the king king. okay, well they, they called trump the king of the republican party. so i was going to do a fair and balanced equal opportunity. but i'm gonna ask you, chris, do you agree with that? do you feel like that if you were to look at joe biden, who was a current sitting present of versus brock obama, who's more popular with the people? so i think popularity is obviously brock obama, because he's still wildly popular amongst the democrats and joe biden. not so much, but i would disagree that he's not still in charge of the democratic party. you know, i wrote one of my 24 books as a book called the art of influence. i've given a 1000 speeches on it. so i looked at everything through the, the, the eyes of influence. and i think if you walk into a room and there's a 100 democrats there and bite, and obama both walk in and they start trying to pitch their ideas. obama is going to win every single time. he has far more influence over the,
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the party than joe biden. does well, to a certain extent. that's not necessarily a bad thing. but steve, i've gotta ask you 3 fourths of the president by his top 100 staff position in his whitehouse. our former obama hold over is, does that not speak largely about where the policy is and why people thinks that this is potentially the 3rd term of brock obama? absolutely, and you took the words right out of my mouth. that was a university virginia study. that was done shortly after obama pointed everybody and, and made it easier for the staff together. and we're talking about people like, you know, tony, but anthony blinking, and we're talking about susan rice and in many, many, many, many more. and that's not coincidental, but brock obama was pulling the strings from the primaries, leading up to the general election. he instructed every body to drop out the made them promises detailed buddha judge, he would get an appointment, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. and do you think for one minute that joe biden sat down and said, god,
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we gotta have comma la harris's, vice president when reportedly, according to a book, joe biden cursed her out under her breath or to other people. after that, that debate where she attacked her husband. do you think it was a tumble of harris? we've jo biden's idea. nothing is joe biden's idea. let's get that straight right now. but rock obama runs this party, but does say, is that necessarily a bad thing that broke obama, who can still put a sentence together? who knows about that? there's no train tracks. probably. that goes across a broken bridge. it's not in america. about 130 container ships trucks or francis scotts key bridge, which i've been over many, many times. community from the state. delray is our trainer by car. is that not? is that not necessarily a bad thing? that brock obama still be able to have so much pool? i mean, you couldn't say that around the republicans right now with trump. you know, i don't, i don't, i'm not even sure if that's really the way to freeze it. i feel like this is kind
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of uh to never use conversation. i don't know any party, you know, he left for right. but this is still have an influence from a prior appointment. a prior present is we could have a whole show on, you know, the former president's influence is on the party, you know, leading up to this election before he does the present in albany. and so i think that is right, customary from season to season from administration to administer ration for their to be influence amongst a party. you know, i think even when brock obama came in, he was a tv roomed by the line of the senate. you know, of the kennedys, and so i think that happens irrespective of the party. i think that there are deep, deep influences of existing political power that piece low into the way in which
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administrations go and as far as appointments, you know, if you could, you could definitely see it as an ease of transition and, you know, keeping a good economy that, you know, we had to move into a new administration in terms of the ways that for obama kept many appointments. he had both republicans and democrats in his administration. what's interesting, does he all agree with me? but i think probably steve and, and possibly a chris might disagree with you knowing that i don't think there was any influence . people would be welcome to know that the bushes were involved in trumps whitehouse. maybe democrats have done a cutter job of being able to keep their, their policy agendas the same and, and can grew. and how do you feel about this, chris? if only we could get george w bush on the line and find out what he thinks, that would be great, right? know, i'll tell you what, here's my theory and it's going to sound like a conspiracy theory. however, we all know what conspiracy theories become in 6 to 12 months,
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and that is historical fact. we know for a fact that brock obama, while he was present, and joe biden was vice president, that he was warned by the f b. i about all. busy of hunters shenanigans, you know that brock obama wants a legacy. right. i imagine he set some beat. busy out to say, let's find out what's really going on here because they were warned by the f b i. so i think they found out that joe was involved in a lot of illegal shenanigans. it makes him the perfect guy to choose to become president. i think the deal was this. look, joe, we know what you're up to. so here's the deal. i'm going to make it. i'll let you sleep in the white house for 4 to 8 years. you'll be the president. i'll run the show and he even came out and said that when they asked him, would you want to be president for 3rd term, he said no, but i'd really like you to have somebody. i can put a little thing in his ear and tell him what to do. i think that is exactly what is happening. okay, but steve, we're gonna talk about conspiracy. there's, there was no more. there was after hillary clinton of all the shenanigans that she
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got herself. and so i think it's interesting to find out that joe biden has even more than hillary clinton because of you are listening to republicans. you'd have thought that hillary would have been the better one to go after his deposit. right? no, absolutely. but he's absolutely right about the rock obama. he went on stephen cold there shortly after the 2020 election and asked about a possible 3rd term. and he said, well of course it's illegal, but i think if i could run, i would wind up. but he said, i do envision myself sitting in a basement somewhere without, you know, i'll walk, you talk, you whatever kind of thing and someone's in the oval office with an ear piece. and i'm calling the shots. that's exactly what he said. and he's such a narcissist that you have to believe that that's exactly what is happening exactly what is happening. does say, i beg and does he got at least say this to the republicans say wait a minute, at least our guys to come out and bass,
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your current candidate. like what we're seeing on the republican line. i mean, you would never heard of democrat go after joe biden, hardly at all, even bernie sanders didn't even go after drop by them when he was riding up against them. so why is it the republicans are the 1st to turn each other? yeah, democrats never do as well. you know, a lot to be said about where democrats retention is are. i think that even if you're not fully immersed in any party politics, he has been very clear that the kids have been much more focused on a rabble rousing attention getting and they'll they'll leave their own in order to maintain power. and as far as bronco bala, b a narcissist, i think that this is the 1st time i have ever heard that term being paired in the same sentence with the former president of the united states of america named rob obama. okay, so then steve, i've got to get through this last question of the blog. why do you think brock
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obama then made this trip to america, strongest ally rather than a president biden, or at least a member of his administration? do you think this has anything to do with actual policy? well, you know, they say it's uh, it was a tour that he was making uh, on the uh, but with the obama foundation. and it was a stop that he made it was on. and now it's not done, announced that yeah, i didn't knock at the door, but it wasn't pre planned a big deal made about it. so but look, i think policy was discussed. i think mid east policy was discussed. i think we all know that brock obama had no use for benjamin netanyahu. and for israel, he was a fan of the muslim brotherhood. he kissed a raz toshiba and begged them to like us and begged the ayatollah to like him, came up with the ran deal. so brock obama's got a lot of interest and going to see the prime minister of, of a great britain. at this time when you know, we just had a policy change in the u. n. not too long ago by the administration regarding the
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ceasefire and a mazda, i don't think it's a co woodson, that's all it all. okay, steve, chris jesse, hold on cuz we're going to continue that thought because there was only hours after the massacre in moscow to social media. start wondering if this had anything to do with that visit. biopharma was prime minister. so not is this more because of politics or the fact the situation reads like something from a reply, maybe one from the obama's production house. we're going to discuss after the break, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the fine says the medium israel should introduce a $6.00 to $8.00 weeks east fire and gaza. later he walked his back also he said missing yahoo, who's approach the guys that is a mistake. and he didn't degree with his approach. is secretary defense lloyd austin claims. there is no evidence of genocide in gaza. what is the administration policy what else? they just don't have to shape house and engagement because the trail
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when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground. the ok welcome back on sky. now hughes, higher ground productions started and is run by brock. michelle obama. it produces movies almost exclusively a partnership with the online streaming service. netflix now most have centered around current pop culture and social issues like crypt can't a disability revolution, 88 twist scientist and works there. also several supplementing movies like becoming by michelle obama. so little of who i am happened in those 8 years or the light would carry, which is a conversation between oprah winfrey and michelle obama. it's not in the book, but i'll see i wasn't gonna tell this or i didn't know i can tell it's for the most successful film yet is the apocalyptic film. leave the world behind, storing
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a level actors and actresses like julia roberts, ethan hawke, and martha archie ali. so sorry to bother you. this is a house. now officially the bomb is for just the production house and took on the project because they loved the book originally, but had no influence over the screenplay and did not even visit the set. however, if you've ever seen the film and let me tell you, i actually suggest you do, you will be left with a very eerie feeling as there are multiple political statements and negative heads against right wing conservatives and tesla, which is also owned by biden's fears, critic and owner of acts you on mosque. now knowing a former president to still has a lot of influence in the current administration was even involved made anyone paying attention to the current headlines, watched the film with a skeptical ok, but at least they don't try and hide their involvement with the film. unless this means if their bombs have as much power as trump and conservatives want you to believe, they are now brazen enough to reveal what their intentions for the united states
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plans might be. so let's bring back in our panel, get to discussion. political commentators, the malls were chris wagner, founder of a read referral networks and jesse robinson, health professor and do the best. see i got to start wiki. what do you think about this? the obama's production house and the films they are producing? do you think they have any political influence or at least social influence in culture and society today? i would say yes, i would say definitely. yes. i think that there are there are folks who still currently sit in political power, who have a deep respect for the obama is in their desire to bridge get their desire to bring with saver city their desire to expand the rights of marginalized people. and so i think there is a great deal of the social influence,
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but so does the current presumed know many of the republican party. and this is a person who prior to be in office, used media social media to have a tremendous influence, particularly with the fallacies of birth and movement. and while in office, out of office and even just for you to deal with digital world acquisition, multi $1000000.00 merge for is true social site to expand his reach and power and and to fill his congress. he has a potential to make $2600000000.00 with this merger that would help with his current campaign and sort of legal bells. either one does. so you've got to say, if you could go to either or the stage that was the $91.00 charges that are uh, you know,
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lobbying against this one on the president and all of the financial, all of that. he's going to have to navigate. so, you know, the short answer is yes, i think i'm going to, but i don't think that michelle obama is children's specialty. and whoa is amazing so many various teachings that will be going on in, in the world through netflix. interesting, chris, are you concerned about movies which are produced by their bomb is considering they still have power to influence policy? and there's nothing illegal about it. let me say that there is nothing illegal about this is all in the court of public opinion. you know, every former president goes and makes tons and tons of money. that's what they do and they burned it, right. i guess, you know, they've gone out. they've achieved the highest office in the land, they've become the most powerful person in the world. and now they're going to get paid. the difference usually is, is that democrats usually haven't done anything business wise pro prior to becoming president. then they go make a $150000000.00 and speaking these,
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like the clintons did, or they a $100000000.00 deal with netflix, like, like, uh, brock obama and michelle obama done. i don't have any problem with the back. they went into the movie business. i think we ought to understand that. yes, they have an agenda. yes, they have a bias just like a conservative filmmaker would have as well. so i don't have any problem as long as they're out front on it. good for you. it's capitalism. at its finest. that being said, where i am really concerned is when you don't know what they're doing, which is what we talked about in the a blog, and that is that brock obama still running things. let him go run a film company. don't let him run our country anymore. yeah. well, speaking of politics, steve, the obama bite and clinton fundraiser has now sold out of not only the half $1000000.00 tickets for the turn, $50000000.00, because the $100000.00 tickets. there is a projection of raising over $10000000.00 for the biding campaign presidency for 2024. does this make you feel a little bit an odd knowing if there's so much more money supporting and probably
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more money is probably being contributed to the democrat party and joe biden. and what's going towards donald trump? a yeah, it is. yes, of course it worries me and of course uh, as was alluded to, donald trump got some financial problems and they're not going away any time soon. and you know, we know where there are things going on with the r n c and where that money is going with the, the pay is legal fees. but donald trump is going to be the man on page one and on live tv for weeks and weeks and weeks with this trial that comes up by april 15th. and i don't think you want for publicity or, or, or, or tv time or radio time or media time. so i think that that kind of offsets what i do want to point out one thing that that might real quick, the movie, the world, the leave the world behind up. first of all, what is the i the god bless them. i wish somebody would hire me for a $100000000.00 for a did that i have no experience. it. i never did anything and movies,
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so the or communications, you know, that so hire me to make movies and i, that's insane. and then this guy, the, the whole script was influenced by obama, according to the director and the right or the same person. the script was done was given to a bama and he protected him a correct me things you'd like to see in there. and there's a line in there that is racist as hell. and you know, nobody bad to not because in this country now this kind of racism is accepted and maybe it came from obama, maybe not. but the black daughters instead of what her father, that if everything the world falls apart, don't trust people easily, especially white people, i'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it. trust should not be thought out easily to anyone, especially white people. i mean, that should be talked about because of truck, this was truck doing this or republican who saw the script and then that appeared they'd be all kinds of questions. well, we could easily turn his entire show to talk about that movie because like i said, if you haven't seen it,
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you need to see it regardless of what side of the aisle you're on. but dessie, we're talking about how much money that is being brought and not by biting himself, but actually because he's bring hillary and brock obama in with them as well. how does that look to the blue collar workers right now that are needing to show up at the polls for joe biden on election day? is that bad optics, which is a bad option to have bravo, lima and hillary clinton on board? is that too much for selling $1000000.00 tickets to see all 3 of them on board? it's not like they're going to a barbara free barbecue at the county fair. this is the in order to see all 3 of them together, you're actually have to pay at least half a $1000000.00 as well. i think anybody was concerned about money and politics would be just as concerned about that. and you know, as they are, the former president towing $400.00 sneakers. i think that is what politics is looking like right now. and i think, you know, there are deep concerns that i have about the money in politics. but i think we
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just have to kind of sit back and wait and see where we go. i think, you know, the co brothers haven't had their say yet in the republican campaigns. so on that topic. well, okay, so let's go back. is idea of brock obama right now and how much influence you feel like that he does have within the administration, steve, knowing now that he did go across the pond, you did talking, he's also talking to other foreign leaders. do you think this could potentially be a violation for the logan act that can be brought up? cause that was somebody that brought up for donald trump multiple times when he had met with foreign leaders after being a president? no, i don't think there's any. i mean, i, i agree with you, it certainly could be and it should be based on putting it in context as you so so, so gracefully did there that donald trump gets questioned. so it shouldn't bronco bob buck at quite a bit for the doing the same exact thing may be worse, but it won't be of course the that act is only been uh in for the twice. and i don't think, i think the last time was 1852. uh so again,
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it happens to donald trump, people questionnaire. bring it up with him. they charge him on the laws that have a and statutes that have never been used before. so he's the, oh, he's the exception to the rule, but now nobody is good at that. besides you and people like us who question it, it's not going to become an issue at all. what we've talked about profit, we're missing a really big element of all of this, which is michelle chris, i gotta ask you, do you think that it does any help right now? the fact that michelle obama said she's not running for present, she's not going to step in how much credibility do you put into that statement? do you think we have not seen michelle obama on a valid yet? or will that be something in the future? or i don't think she's going to run. i can't see her reading. she's got a great life. i mean it's, it's kind of really horrified on a lot of politicians. i. i have a billionaire friend of mine who i have bag bag. i've given him be your country means you speech, and he's like, why would i do that?
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they're going to pick up every girl i dated in college. i tickle, sit on my 250 foot yacht every week. and like, why would i sit on a telephone raise of money every single. busy for 4 hours a day, not going to do it. our problem is we have the willing and not the able we need to get be able to become willing. and i don't think, i don't think michelle obama watch anything to do with it. why would you put yourself do that when you can just tell the other guy what to do, which is what's happening? i think we've tried kind of concluded it at this point. why would she put herself through that ringer and have to read all the horrible things are going to say about, or i don't see it happening at all dessie. i wanna give you the last word on that. do you think that you'll ever say, considering right now, brock obama, that job i as most popular friends never elected? do you think michelle might try to top that? and so i think that and they show a little tab that has a private citizen. i don't think she has any desire to run for public office. i
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would agree. i think that she's enjoying the life. i think that her and her family are doing really amazing things in terms of the media ventures. given that we're doing film recommendations, i would definitely recommend ruskin for post to see nothing another about i've produced fill them up. i rested in the amazing work that he has done throughout the civil rights movement. i don't think the moving act is going to be enacted. i think the difference is that the trunk family was really looking to profit from their relationships that they were a 14 with foreign bodies. but i think that we need to, i would agree we need to be able to them. right. that thing just the once again you just as you always judge, we are going to have you on that last 30 seconds to bring up something that i know steve is just edging towards the respond on. but we're gonna have to say that for another show, i want to thank all of you, steve oliver, crescent, se for joining us and giving us your insight into the current state, the political race and the obama family. and so now here's,
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and this has been your 362. thanks for watching the 1918. the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside. and sign that you really eating armesis, upload drugs. great britain, fran sandy delay wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919,
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their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greeks as the main striking force. seeking to make others realize this aggressive plan for an intervention, provo, them as indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experienced general mustafah come all as a 3rd. in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation, and the alliance with russia, which i did as a united front with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922. the 3rd so army won a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doom living art. and within a month liberated all asia minor from them to be impressive. success of the circus army force the west to make concessions in 1923. the loss on these treaty was signed turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia managed to defeat the colonial
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empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for in the millions of via press on the planet. the breaking news this hour of car belonging to a former ukrainian intelligence office defected to russia, explodes in moscow. and that's according to an oddity of often authority, souls, the, that center watches are a bunk city on the goal was nice evacuation that made and rising water level was after a major down breed. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons adopted these bond,


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