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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 12, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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something that is not included in for information from western media outlets. there has been no condemnation from our western colleagues about this in this chamber. suffice it to recall the new year's eve, targeted showing of populated areas in belgrade with the use of a check m. o r s is, which resulted in no criticism whatsoever from the west. however, this is not enough for ukraine, and ukraine has long, trans positioned to the tactic of terrorist attacks. in this way, the key of leadership is trying to divert the attention of its populace from the catastrophic state of the you way up on the front. and it is trying to demonstrate its ability to do damage to the russian federation and the trying to demonstrate this to its western sponsors. and these are clear of crimes by the key of leadership. and everybody knows about the, including the murder of the journalist started to kind of legend to target the blowing up of the krinski, the crim. try me
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a bridge and the down and of the aircraft with their very own p o w's on board. however, in this list, pride of place so should be given to the higher risk terrorist attack for petroleum 22 march targeting the crooked city hall and crossed my board. i wished today to share with you the preliminary results of the investigation into this and it will highlight what is most important at this juncture. there's no doubt whatsoever about the direct involvement of ukraine in this vile in humane crime. and the traces of those who ordered it beyond any reasonable doubt lead to key if let us recall the chronology of events on 22 march, there was a russian musical group performance that was being planned for tourist, armed with firewood arms and entered the hall. right before this performance at 1958 and on their way to the concert hall in cold blood,
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they fired on innocent civilians who went to the performance directly in the hall. they set fire to the seats and they continued their indiscriminate fire. 13 minutes later having a band and some of their weapons, they fled as a result of the attack on him. in the area, 137 people died and another 7 people died later as a result of the injuries sustained. more than 500 people were wounded. all of the complicity of those composing a terrorist attacks fled. they tried to reach the board with ukraine, but they were expeditiously detained. after a few hours, they admitted their guilt during the interrogation, and they explained that uh, they were promised the 1000000 roubles for carrying out the terrorist attack. at this juncture, when it came, comes to the criminal case of the 11th people have been incriminated,
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11 of perpetrators, and participants in this crime. immediately incontrovertible facts were un erst. i'm pointing to the ukranian trace and the in on and the obvious links of terrace to ukraine in intelligence forces is specifically according to the murderers, the telling themselves they were looking to reach the government border with beyond all blush after which they would set fire to the vehicles in a forest at area and they would report on this to their sponsor who would ensure their safe passage to ukrainian territory and they would reach key of in this way. this similar scheme was used by the perpetrators of the murder of daria lugan lou daria doing that. and woodland starsky. the investigation also gained access to telephone data of the suspects which contained information that
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incriminated the ukrainian intelligence services. the investigation also has corroborated data about to a significant monetary funds and crypto currency from ukraine, reaching the temperatures of a terrorist attack. and these funds were then used to carry out the preparations for the crime. there is also information that the key regime has had long standing corporation with is womach radicals using this for its purposes. but also we know about the recruitment port carried out by the ukranian, uh embassy into sunday, which is bringing and mercenaries attracting mercenaries. wishing to enter the international legion. the perpetrators of a tourist attacking crooked city hall and their accomplices are also largely tajah and fortune. in connection with the above mentioned facts, the russian foreign ministry handed over the man to the ukrainian authorities through the international convention and competing bomb, but terrorism and international convention on fighting the terrorism. the financing
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of terrorism demand was handed over for the immediate arrest and extradition. of all persons involved in this terrorist attack, distinguished colleagues in all of this history, what towards a separate attention is the fact that one hour, literally, after this horrific tragedy in washington and a number of other western capitals, they began to heatedly repudiate to the participation and deny their participation and involvement in a terrorist attack in cuba, and this was done before the end of the initial results of the investigation. this was done at the time when there were no allegations yet advanced against you. ukraine, immediately after this. and ukraine also pre emptive, lee, they were the haste we sought to deny. so any accusations of participation or complicity and zalinski,
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a tube in his zeal accused, the russian authorities of having carried out that the tech we're not same as this is what they were saying. we are not selling those a pros, great, and p p. they are doing it. we're not bombing populated areas and brushing the cities. they themselves are doing this a rush. so this is a false flag operation. uh, when it comes to the perfidy, one cannot even imagine anything greater then this. subsequently, the completely inexplicable began. washington is closest allies who continue to come to not be able to find the perpetrators. hor, under their nose when it comes to the blowing up of north steam and snorts to mid september 2022. they began to very nervously and insistently imposed upon all the narrative about iso house having organize a tourist attack. subsequently, a video even emerged the words ask in view at our son,
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sell claims responsibility for what transpired and naturally is immediately spread in the western media outlets. as a sole version, we still very seriously, despite being controversial evidence the smoking, gun of complicity of the key of regime. they're still trying to convince us that the terrorist attack was ordered not by them, but carried out exclusively by the supporters of radical islamic ideology. perhaps somebody very much wishes to force us to believe this, but a number of significant inconsistencies stand in the way. i the 1st and foremost, the number itself, i suppose, claim of a responsibility in what carried out does not actually point to its true responsibility. this is a group which previously attempted to take credit for others achievements, so to speak. apparently trying to remind others of its presence of some kind of an
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influential player. for example, in 2017, it assumes responsibility for the explosion in storage rooms in the supermarket in saint petersburg. however, it then came to light that this was done by a mentally unstable person with no ties to its limits. secondly, there is a blatant disconnect when it comes to the footprint of a crime of the crime, radical as long as perpetrate crimes, not for money. they are guided by pro found their profound convictions when it comes to the state of the world, regardless of how inhumane they may be. at the same time they do not tried to survive. as a general rule, they blow themselves up for they reward for the martyrs. death is something which those recruit them, a promise of that they will enter heaven and how into a perpetual bliss. when it comes across the hall, we see that the criminals craven. we tried to flee, and they were banking on
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a new life for the o using the profits that they've received. one doesn't have to be an expert to understand that when it comes to radical esteem is these were not radical extremists. in addition to all of this, so the above mentioned, the video was clearly done by an amateur who has no knowledge of islam or islamic essex. we will not consider the fact that against the backdrop of such a citrus attempts to pen responsibility on i. so to at all costs a x co pay kieffer was we have the open question of the involvement of western intelligence when it comes to preparations for this terrace attack. especially given that with the emphasis of a number of western countries, not long before 20 to march, they've published information for their own citizens. information with recommendations not to visit areas, densely populated areas in moscow, specifically concert halls, their questions which arise,
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given the information about very close cooperation between the c i a and the british intelligence with ukrainian security services, which the heads of the latter boasted about repeatedly, we very much trust that when it comes to all of these questions, we will receive responses to address our concerns. specifically, addressing investigative committee identified that monetary funds for the carrying out of terrorist attacks on our territory. went through commercial companies, including through the oil gas bar sema holdings company, which operates in ukraine and the member of the board since 2014 was, has been the notorious hunter, vitamin we trust that us colleagues will provide us with all necessary explanations about this we also trust that western colleagues will cooperate with us when it comes to the question of the detaining, the,
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those who ordered the terrorist attack and croakers and hold bring them to account, as well as when it comes to punishing the perpetrators of terrorist attacks against north stream which all of our western colleagues as was the case with a crocus to city hall terrace. the contact all our wisdom colleagues categorically condemned both of these. madam president, the key ever seen clearly has no plan to abandon its terrace since just a few days ago. a per fitness attempt was proved, was intercepted to bring into a rush of $27.00. i these kind of flies as orthodox icons and or vessels for the church. the overall weight of the explosives found when i, inspection of the vehicle was 70 kilograms of hexagon. this is enough to destroy completely a 5 story home. it is
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a terrifying to think what could have happened had it not been for the highly professional work of the f, a speed when it comes to kids carrying out a pair of terrorist attacks against the restaurant and the presence of the relevant plans. this is something that was spoken, the repeatedly announced the by the head of the ukranian, defense minister put donovan, the head of security mister my yoke. to summarize, i wish to tell our western colleagues the following. and there was a phobic rage allowing it's your child to cambridge him to do anything. it wishes you have given rise to a monster's activity is no longer limited to your credit self, where these are landscape policy having you serve to power and having quelled descent is completely lawless. when it comes to its own citizens, openly mocking the memory of the victims of german naziism and glorifying its henchmen. its terrace, tentacles are now clearly visible beyond ukraine. and if up to day problems in this
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connection are rising. for rest of this does not mean that tomorrow, those tentacles will not reach. other areas for the link to reality is something which the ukrainian had has already lost and clearly it is on capable of sober assessments. you never know your frankenstein may turn on you and your impotent rage from the inability to reverse that you read the situation on the battlefield. and then the face of inevitable, the defeat. and you have provided this monster with suspicion. what sufficient weaponry to do so not to mention the fact to the, to self the sanction is something which will happen to you and the remnants of your reputation or recall the prophetic words of the poets president uttered at the united nations during high level week from the rostrum of the general assembly, the sooner you recognize this, the sooner you reign in ukrainian clients, the better for you. we're not talking about months here. we're talking about weeks
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. thank you for your attention. a hi sign. very present to all the rest of it. or i have been watching the meeting that conveyed by russia have the united nations security council of the lots of things that the rush of the massive to the un, especially the dns. yeah. has that any more rated that? i'll walk you through a few of some of the highlights of some of the things he said. now he talked about the fact that the moves and tactic of ukraine, the way they have been going about the, the taxes and the ass taco on against russia is no longer consumed. is now the in the open, the way they cut out these things. and they boast about these things and so i can, i do keep doing it. recall that i had one of my colleagues married either on and he walked us through some of the tactics of your train and how they boast that they are going to carry out some of this attacks against russia. then he walked us through the reports of okay, find my produce as
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a telling me we have to go through to the president to put in and he had a meeting with the president. look, a sample of a bella rouge added on, let's say, get to bring you that the leaders of russia and neighboring butler was currently meeting in moscow to discuss areas of cooperation between those close the village allied countries, while field in particular, the space explorers investments that are along these lines the, for the fact of the 1st, the cost on that from bell i'm use to put more, it's in a space. fission gets in. this is just one of the ways in which these joint efforts have manifesto themselves. suppose we have in the way more called duration, basically it takes 2 minutes and we've got some can i have just discussed this and the but i went and we talked about you for about the fact how we can work together in most cases because of the today, without space you think about on the spot hoping to dress any major and then the challenge you have on the,
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to it's about and we want journals about medications of logistics and transportation. no matter where you'll love. cuz now everywhere. and i'm probably more space technology isn't relevant to me. and this is a very important and stop signal from the horrors of in the we put them, but they have a special program in a rush. i don't want to search. and then on to the point 36, fail working on possible with time. of course, i know usually there is a lack of funding. this is like a chronic issue. and you know, get the, the, the, and verify what i can tell i see to own you have a booster and has smoke taken off the phone and we launch it from, of us, touched base or baseline. and she can send her or the photo and we'll use the rocks code and expense to build a russian. where is the goal spatial through? just i do hold for the just
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a corporation will carry on. as we have discussed with mr. lucas shamika. and i am confident that this will be the case. i would like to congratulate you on the holiday and you and on your behalf. i would like to congratulate you as low as working in the space sector. and richard have are success in your future endeavors. i've seen enough mr. persian. thank you. first of all for in the white thing was so then that's at this point. maybe it's something you are used to, but this is big news for us. this is the 1st, the email that costs and whatnot is that it's unable to say not from you're going to the dealership of new legs or labels in your minister. his mother at some point lives there. and we met with her who only recently. so thank you so much for this mission use. this is not just the way for you to show us the rest of the side
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global. i'm a 2 year old, so it's green, dense, green light, just this whole mission, the colorado. and i remember how it happened and you told me what i'll do, but they don't really interesting race will find placebo, somebody that funding for this i have them to have them. thank you for making it happen for most of us. so web security and thank you for a pointing a leg. and as the feet command that i q wasn't for the bellow as new or existing service, the service, your name is about file was an a test pilot. he became a cossack milan in russia. it was his orange space mission, so he's from beller was for she is in the phone with him and the problem with the bell are so multiple. so you came back only regional grant and we have that. so this meeting is part of your rehabilitation and passing through this phase mission, i would like to construction with you and be more cost. and that's i see on the
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customer. not technically they, i've been in the russian linux, one of the customer, the training center, and i've been in on other institutions. so with this kind in other countries, i don't quite categorize the scene. trust me was, what was the law and sure about your smile space or what could be done with god with the beloved and i know how it works. well, they've been saying that can smell out of us. isn't this a bad thing? just for the sake of a symbol for that it's no rush. i'm used to it and bell, i don't know. it's not working closely together. we have been working together since the soviet year. we have what have led to that, what makes for for satellites, but working with the russians, we have man missions while working on together and i persuaded size that are pushing most about. we need to be working together on these matters and we have a great 6 by the way,
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for our space mission. this is is that's what made him sell to us and we will work together to move with. so we have the ability to fill out. so we can share and the sort guide, but we'll work together in the training center where our pilots and the train that issue with the graduation. so i'm coming back to our competitors. well, so we missed all of that just to clear off into space. did that, which was not the 1st attempt to launch what actually no, no, there was no other thing science about, but everything works. everything worked out fine. as mr. maurice, i've had said move this because you flew off into space. you came back on the time you're carried out all the experiments or been with us scheduled still carry out the person to move. but once you have the decision,
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move on. so you have an interview with you in some more detail. what happens? you know, so i don't think that this is the last time we hotspots from russian fellows. i'm going to take part in the same mission better than what matters and most here is where we have the con, get around you. rog. good for flying off in the space for will build and use space station and the level of work together. musical millions of insights, inventor on monday health. i would like to thank you for the dream initiative, sophia, during the business and the control responsibility. it was a great your in the privilege of you for as long as the measurements doesn't need to be taking because the car just on this of the fact that to have been working history and it gives them together. of course, on this way, there's only 2 which was that is very valuable for us. as soon as i have with me from this, i think we will do everything in the situation will well prepared to adjust the
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marina was practically involved and you know, the, my preparations coming from this month. it was the last option that she joined our team and the station and she was working for a very effectively on the instructor. so that train, there's a small i read that she was very is here is uh, she was not just like any torres and his pulse is on this mission. lucky is wonderful. and she went through all the preparations and training and she performed all the tasks she had. so thank you so much for your kind words and for your congratulations and congratulations. so was a wonderful day customer. last things today. thank you for the opportunity to work on this page. i know how much it would cost for our country and using it may not be
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as profitable as we would like it to be able to today. but we are really happy to have the most reliable equipment. and we've seen this video during the previous missions we might even look for. so for this reason, when you almost 3 people are, you know, it was not anxious actual. her heart rate was just $6.00 to $6.00. describe so issue the oregon like that. but i'm not very diligently and then but was very precise in a correction. we have manual modes of it kind of switch and the manual knows been never any automatic 60 plus a. we can manually manage everything. mr. put me mr. lacresha and it sounds, yeah, it is a great to all that are and the privilege for me to be here with you and the doors . i would like to do a thing i can do with you all for this major joint,
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broad search for our country, and i'm really happy to be the 1st cost minot year in silver and bello. so i suspect that amazing if i did ever a thing to be effective during the submission 100 percent or even more. yeah, of course, but i'm just thinking, i'm just for me to keep that i was wishing for the shoes assemblies. of course, to me for bell r a. so this is a major achievement and new habits. first of all, say it costs more. now i do a whole lot to this rule that does make a major contribution to our shared success. or i would like to, of course say a little bit of, of the, in the st. you for enabling us to travel into space. and i'm really proud of the fact that we succeeded in this project. and that's why it's a great meeting there between the president puts in and president lucas and co of
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bella ruse. and they've been meeting with the cost of the knots and is quite symbolic because this is the 1st butler russian costs, but not to have got it and come back successfully. and the president put in was talking about how relevant space technology is to development on us as well as that president lucas shanker. but they, they talked about lucas think we talked about the how, how cooperative russia and bell areas of being since the days of the soviet era on the development of space technology in fines in solving problems and all about it. and he assured that the corporation would continue even in areas of training, new and fresh customer knots towards solving more problems and other nations as well. all of this is quite very symbolic because today the world celebrates the international day of human space flight. the un established holiday commemorates that the jetty of the 1st night into space. so the customer,
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not you recovering in 1961. let's take a look at how it all spotted the the the
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russian parson space. find all traveler space associate or wide hearted economies where you can get for the details of all the stories are falling. i'll be right back again. is just about 3 minutes with more updates around the well stay with us the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind
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watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the valley, her mother's storage. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem. seeing it all out of the know nothing. 30 minutes us out in the drive. i showed my brother through he was trying to help people for a lo so now i never look at searches as being saved. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago. police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo that police, you lose your life as another crap for another. this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here.
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the breaking news this. i'll have cobb belonging to a former ukranian intelligence officer defected to russia, explodes in moscow, and that's according to an odd to you've also know far would useful. the federal law shows the city on the goes mass evacuation. i made a rising water levels after a major data breach. russia continues to try to use the nuclear weapons, the japanese problem, minutes to find speculations about imagine russian nucleotides right? oh, wow. failing to name those who knew just country less than this century with god the


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