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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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on the good is breaking news as our here on off the international explosion, destroys a car and must go belonging to a former ukranian intelligence officer, who as we understand defected to russia and isn't according to an artsy stone. the can hear the sirens waiting, right. there is an evacuation order is given to the city of orange, but that's in the central russia. i've looked at those pictures. it is paula. they know, the reason that i'm bringing more data up and coming. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, depends upon minnesota lashing outfit and alleged to russian nuclear threat boss makes no mention at all of those who did actually use atomic problems against his
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own country. nearly 18 years ago. the it is friday night here in moscow and off he is live and worldwide your newest front, his center on fields as well. let's kick it off with breaking news for you this hour here. we're not to you. we have a sound, a car has exploded. he read must go leaving its own i enjoyed and all the source has revealed. he's a former ukrainian security officer who defected to russia. more details from the scene with a correspondent as well. you won't be able to see the shell of the call that was involved in that explosion just behind we. we have uh, had it towed to us. this is the vehicle belonging to the city, a pro. so for is a full my s b u, counter terrorism consultant who defected to moscow. he's been living in the city since 2019 know we understand it was him who gotten to the call when an explosion
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took place where we're going to hearing from some of those who witness that explosion, monthly welcoming machine and was looking out of the window and so and then get to me in the call. then he started and fiddling around with something, and there was an explosion. he was sitting inside, my son sold, the air bags go off. so he came out with warbling and provide us with some say there was a terrorist attack here. i don't know. i was at home at the time, i heard the loud noise a leave a few houses down that way. and we had a son who was surviving that explosion, but, but he has a says coming to some injuries in his head on his arms and also his legs to he's being taken to hospital where he's receiving treatment for those injuries. now it's not the 1st time that there has been an apparent attempt on the life of appraiser of uh he was also targeted just a few months ago. and it's pretty clear that the reasons why he may have been
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targeted. and that's because he has been an outspoken critic of kias now for several years using in particular, he's telegram channel to put messages across about the things that he believes is happening in ukraine. i just want to talk you through some of the, the claims that he's made and they pretty big ones. he has said that the u. s. is used ukraine as being a place where it's creating and producing weapons, including biological weapons. he has also to make claims about a secret prison in mario full. let's have a listen to what else he has said about what's happening in ukraine. is d as in uh yes, i clearly understood that i was not going to get a loan, but this key of government was already considering moving with my family, for example, to crimea. and then i had such an opportunity to get to the very centre of decision making of the crating authorities right in care of i moved to care of in 2014. and
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from the very 1st days i started working providing information to the special services of the russian federation. in may, 2014. i went to my 1st right patients to the ukranian, the so called n t to arizona in don't bass justin. this lab young's well the subsequent defense i need convince me that i'd taken the right decision the right path. there was no other way, but to fight this key of regime more recently, prose or of has spoken about the recent terror attack. a in moscow which more than a $140.00 people, were killed at croakers city hall, saying that from his experience it had all of the whole multiple of the fingerprints, of having ukrainian sabotage who is behind it. which of course is echoing what we have heard from the crime scene. so he's a highly outspoken critic, old ukraine of kias, and so with the expos inside cities had it is perhaps the one that he has
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possibly being targeted. in this attack case, in the north of most go a special session of the un security council has been held to address west student weapons supplies. the key of it was caused by russia and his envoy pull no punches, and what he said, those shipments have resulted a very loose when you build a shade. so crane is now selling to angel's voice and leads harris states, thanks to supplies of west to made off, henry shells and long range missile this. the crating and armed forces are attacking civilian targets. inside russia. everyone is aware of such crimes by the key of regime, such as the mode of journalist area do not need military correspondence, flatland top tusky, but the bombing of the crime in bridge on the shooting down of a plane carrying its own prisoners of war. however, the horrific terrorist attack can be crocuses. the whole shopping center on the 22nd of march occupies a special place in the series. summing up by would like to say the following. 12
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west and tony. you have raised a month stumps. it's activity is no longer limited to ukraine, way zalinski having is up to power and suppress consent is committing the loan of this. and this against these i'm citizens of hopefully mocking the memory of the victims of german nazi isn't and glorifying its accomplices. it's a terrorist, 10 goals already opened the visible outside you crazy time to learn more live to the big apple we go. there's all these kind of open now joining us from new york, it just off the 1 pm in the afternoon, kind of strong comments that from the russian. and boy would you take us through some of the highlight? sure. we heard from the russian ambassador and eventually he spoke to the un security council meeting. and he basically made the case that western leaders continue to get weapons to a region that they know has at this point, pretty well documented, lead transformed into a terrorist states. he laid out the details of the atrocities that ukraine has
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committed and the lakes of the ukrainian government to the crocker city attack, among other earth attacks on civilians and terrorist activities. here's some of what he said before the council, and we just use these directors. there's a whole those involved in the terrorist attack having escapes, try to get to the board with you crate, but we're probably detained within a few hours of the moment, 11 people involved in the undertaking of this crime have been identified in the criminal case. the investigation also has confirmed dates on the receipt by 8 perpetrates on the terrorist attack of a significant amount of money and credit cards, ease from ukraine, which we used in the preparation of the crime rate. but there is evidence that the key of regime has been cooperating with is the miss radicals for a long time and using them for his own purposes. it's also known about the recruitment was carried out by the great embassy dish on by which attracts mess. embrace who wants to join the international legion. now,
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the russian ambassador also criticized us leaders were simply failing to respond to all the evidence that russia has presented before the security council regarding ukrainian atrocities. a new brand new interest, the highlighted, in particular, the length of the recent terrorist attack to various small holding the natural gas companies that employed 100 by to less present by the sun. now we heard from other members of the council who gave similar remarks to what they usually say, condemning russia, blaming all of the doubts and suffering in the war on russia and think it's all russia as well. we also requested leaders in particular, highlighting frustration and anger. at russia's relationship with north korea, all, they all made a point of mentioning that. so the meeting did highlight some pretty key differences between major countries. russia is pointing out that the flow of weapons to the government is having pretty serious consequences for the work. busy
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and the countries that are committed to biting terrorism really have a lot of explaining to do about why they continue to give weapons to a government that's pretty obviously linked to terrorist activities. who was breaking my life from new york? i thought these are caleb hoffman. thank you for shifting gears here on a ticket that your company by the way, let's turn off focus now to that of the middle east. it's a where basically the region is currently poised on a knife edge because according to american intelligence reports, they say that iran is going to strike israel within the next 48 hours. so i, president, drove by and taking up i went to a riff on his steadfast commitment to israel security as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security against these threats. moran and his proxies is iron clad reset. again, our class we're going to do, all we can to protect is a secure bite,
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is an element of his commitment to stand by as well in melting tensions with a long comes following a one port whitehouse fears over the possibility of an american interest in the concerns come from potential window nation for israel recent heiress, 500. there was embassy in damascus on april 1st as this closed in notice from a high level meeting involving national security council. officials are vis from dallas for the notes for you on monday night around conveyed to the boys and administration that if it involves itself in defending israel with her on to him, to take a retaliatory strike, it would consider the united states a volleyball targets as well the was concerns about a potential warranty. as frank comes despite the fact that the by did administration has sought to distance itself from these where the air strike on the walls costs that are comp pounds 1st thing. but there was not notified about the, the operation in advance,
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but still still the whole ship in underwear since the why super take care of it. was you one which is that these moments reaction foster washington at least to them as well as move a heavy un security council condemns a zionist regimes reprehensible act of aggression on our diplomatic premises in damascus. and subsequently brought its perpetrators to justice. the imperative for ron to punish this rug regime might have been obviated. israel's vomiting the consulate, syria took place earlier this month, killing 12 people including 7 r g c members with senior oil dc. works force commander jones off honey being among israel knob acknowledge is involved in the attack, but it has ever since been racing for anyone and response. israel's precautionary measures included scrambling, navigational signals over until a b as
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b. c has indicated that there was not bothered by g s. i want to just as, as well as the on gps technology, those tensions escalating to a child situation? well, fans or airline announced the suspension of, of been sliced on following reports of aerospace quarter for military exercises. news agencies signed the defense minister of c. o. aaron traffic had been suspended over to form cause on wednesday due to military drills, supposedly been taken out shortly. after what is clear and it's been to take revenge on wednesday and was the leader comment a reiterated his commitment to the april 1st attack and western government. failing to prevent the striking search sanctions violated international and bound to honors behind the desk. all you support at conflicts and embassies in
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any country. i can see you to be part of the country that owns them when they attack how the console that it's as if they have a deck. outland. this is an international norm. they will get redeem, made a mistake. in this case. it must be vanished and each will be punished shortly after felonies remarks. there was foreign minister jose, i mean the young talk to his counselor forbes from different countries, including the way the guitar and the loss of their speculation is that those thoughts were prompted by the girl. the white house was released affairs coordinator. he is claimed to have asked them to convey to de escalate. meanwhile, is warehouse reportedly asked the west to limit potential response to public and private warnings and leveraging its military presence in the region at the same time as one of the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu has more of
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a long response. strict one would tell, i'm up to you on the mean that we are in challenging times. we're in the middle of a war and gaza, but we're also preparing for challenging scenarios and other reasons. we establish the simple principle, have a hearts us with hard them. we are prepared to meet the security needs of the state of israel in terms of both defense an attack. what we want has been struggling to ensure it's given men to as well as security in the face of potential. there was retaliation. it is for the outcomes as well. you have reported that the us 5th and the persian gulf has been put on mac, similar to the west. jeff, on the situation when it comes to everyone here is speaking out for tally, age many have recalled and posted a supreme leaders have rice me a decade ago about wasting time around in response to
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a perceived expression from his room. for no one has not given a specific time in place for a counter strike. newberg has cited on these sources familiar with us and he's really intelligence assessments about the response that come in a matter of days and that the country cards use high precision missiles, drones, and it's a song. so while nothing is clear about the scale and nature otherwise retaliatory attack sentiment here is that it is not a question. it one holds point back when and that has for the edge of all the possibility of a for escalation. what's all lines are the ones next? yeah, so as you were saying is kind of even washington to remain very much on edge. we get used expectations from various experts. if this is ryan there, one conflict is going to result in the involvement of the united states of america
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in any sort of faction against a warrant that gives us some forces is quite possible. and i believe is quite likely to happen to take place that again on the american basis across the street, and we'd be on the attack. so americans know that and let's not forget the attacks of the human. he's on american shipment and american, you know, moments in the red sea and go for flooding. did not stop the continued the actions akins to americans. so in case of moments of the united states of america in any sort of fact and against it on, i'm sure that they will pay the high price as the, the paying that price before the iraq $1.00 attack and things can, you know, we didn't see what we did few on was the turn back to the pre, i look one attack situation there where you set up on the contract to make sure that you ran yet and embassy a, an attack, which is that is the match. it is against all the international laws and
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conventions. you, i'm thinking of a defense that's on, and you want to speak fonts with the electric to measure the defense or response to that task. so if you look at this, once you get involved, then it would be supporting telling you that you commit to action any legal actions that do these regulation on. so the fat it would be and again, and they to commit to pass a game and everything except the well. so that in that case, if you're not going to support what that response and it will only be show any time in the future. if the react to die the to $48.93, g, then eat on with half. there was a kind of the americans of the, on the domestic level here in russia. we call them from a dime breach in the central part of the country on rising waters that once again threatening people's lives and evacuation order has been given in the city of orange box.
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the, now you can hear it right. the sirens have been sounding all across the city. look at those pictures we understand about a 20000 people have already been evaluated. while key roads in and out of the area have been closed for the rest of the month, but that's only as a precaution. we'll have this report now over to autism augment, but china we are in the region of or in books in the capital. the region in the ceo for rainbow distribution is close to be called critical them into crisis is widening the level of what the in your role reba is their own 11 meet us and the 15 send to me just in time. will it just read the side communities and even district schools, or in books under which i'm in the went under? what did they want to just affected by the slot? tens of thousands of residential buildings were affected by the slot. we were on board with the american crew. they were conducting several creation mission,
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witnessed a civilian on his board, trying not to drift away. he cried for help. seeing the current was carried him out on to the river itself without his board charles, and found out that he was trying to see if you dozens chickens from his home. thousands of people were evacuated and more odd to be evacuated. location is being conducted by russian. i'm a form russian minister of emergency situations. they have seen that situation is really hot and the, the problem is that the water is coming in. the peak will be in 3 days, only. let's run out 2020 minutes past the out here. the russian capital a political manipulation. that's how badging his brand. today, trilateral summit between america, japan and the philippines. no surprise, the 3 states were discussing the plans for the in the pacific, which of course, slaps at the shores of china as well. in china certainly opposes the relevant countries manipulating block politics, as well as any behavior that provides all these plans for opposition on what's
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other countries strategic security and interests. joe biden was playing host at the white house. he said the trilateral tools and bought a new era of partnership and insisted that american support for his defense treaty with the philippines is quoted. so iron clouds was, want to declare the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad or iron clad. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. for many, lots of bizarre comments about japan's prime minister warning the western world about as opposed to the russian nuclear threat. as comments came during an address to the us congress for russia continues to threaten the use
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of nuclear weapons, which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe by nuclear weapons use is a real positive, very t i talking with a, a director of the nucleus studies institute, an american university update. of course. next, he says the rhetoric from japan presents rather a confusing picture for so all of these week today is popularity is low in japan here, which puts my position wherever he relies more or more against the on the extreme right way. national is elements in the l d p, which is a corrupt parties go to a lot of scandals right now. and so is, is that very strong to begin with? he is from here she about and he claims to be a strong proponent of nuclear disarmament of add an
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opponent of nuclear war. however, as he said, it has to be so kind was, he was there as the foreign minister when all of a address the u. s congress 9 years ago. ave was a super hawk and he put japan on the road toward militarization. keisha has now double down on that. i a says that he's still strongly poses nuclear weapons. however, japan has not supported the t p, end of u, the u, a nuclear band treaty. and there are a lot of elements within the case, she does all the party. the one is the japan either develop its own nuclear weapons or host us nuclear weapons, as ave called for just a few years ago before who was assassinated. and so this very hawkish party. and clearly it is, the japan is the only country that ever had atomic bombs used against it in warfare
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to. but nuclear weapons are use repeatedly as my friend dan ellsberg would say, the same says that a robber are holding the gun to someone's had to use that gun without pulling the trigger. this meeting between 2 should at marcos and by then and cation is speech. to the united nations, i've been to the u. s. congress is a step in the wrong direction. and by the end had spoken by phone with she, jim ping just 2 weeks ago. and it looked like maybe there was at least going to be the beginning of some diplomacy. but now what we've seen the last couple of days is going away from diplomacy again, toward building up military capabilities. oh dear. oh dear. looks like you may need to tighten its belt once again in order to finance key of the french president and manual macro and
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a warning brussels will have to step in if washington fails to come through. on top, it's already promised 50000000000 your, you know, it doesn't look like this. we may have to decide to do more for ukraine. if the americans don't deliver. we can not give up on your credit because your credit is 1500 kilometers from here. in other words, it's our own security. it's your chance to live in peace. that yeah, the you, you agree to give 50000000000 euros to ukraine. more than half of that, some will be given as a loan to key of while the rest will be provided as grunts in which each e he will state is expected to participate. however, from the blocks, 2nd largest economy is already feeling the pinch from the promises. for example, this year alone, the french governments announced 20000000000 euros and budget cuts including public spending and emergency funds. well, there's also a revise target for its annual budget deficit to more than 5 percent of g d p
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that's out from the original $4.00. that's due to a roughly deterioration of state finance as well. that's one more now. fucking like with political consultant and human rights defend. i don't know. definitely joining us here or not to you international are know what a story this is. i mean, i just feel so sorry for the average everyday tax paying the you say this, and here we have my problem talking about setting up europe's financial aid to ukraine. but here is you're gonna find this cash. they've already been looking under the sofa cushions already to yes, you pretty much summarize the situation then. let's not forget what the ex prime is there a possible after you almost said back all the way back in 2008. i am leading a bankrupt country by then the funds, the national dates are on racial to gp was something in the 80 percent to g d p and the deficit was about $1800000000000.00 on news. yeah, uh, in the wake of the call the prices,
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uh, we have now rich those 2 or 3000 b u. so the font is essentially a country that is not a viable financially as the downgrading of their notes, their evaluation by the rating agencies. to add double a minus false is essentially a huge wrote, a decentralized state should have done much more to reform itself. and instead, as a full variety of reasons, including the election strategies continued to provide increased pensions to be recently launched. a baby boomer a part of the prediction which not incidentally happens to be the voiding block on which relies micro. uh so this is where we are now. this goes back
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to 1973 to be sure land, then ministry of finance. but he just got his time before we became self presidency . 1974 decided to open up uh uh, fonts to private investment uh, private loan sort of. so, and so from started the contracting uh that on the outside. and it became increasingly, and your metrically rate of increase like is a sustainable for coffee that's, let's remind our viewers ranks 1st effects station even more than they more. yeah, i mean, huge taxation there as well. but also the 2nd economy of europe and, and, and here we, here we have, i mean, up front announcing budget codes of some 20000000000 euros. are no, we're only for 4 or so months and to 2024. let me ask you this. i mean, okay, so you know, they, they all these european governments, they go to keep splashing out cash. god knows where they're gonna find it. they
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gotta keep financing key. but let me ask you about this. some of those micro on the put in the pony, always very, very angry. these days tell me are know about the average people in front. so i mean, you know, the average family with mortgages, credit cards, school fees, energy bills. how does the average french personally feel when that is my chrome? the saying, i'm cutting the budget to get more money to a country far away from here? well, the middle class is essentially being shrunk, and we false actually is home to the largest and pretty soon be doing. here's the last 4 years alone. there's about the 258000000000 nation costs. so what we're seeing now is the logical conclusion that you have taken all of a 3540 years cycle where the middle class was trying to be all the jobs middle class relied on. we're alf source and essentially it with the was rubric that's the same across so as to bring the price is low and so the middle class is essentially
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trying to and make ends meet decreasing, who becoming difficult and for 10 percent of the fresh issue needs to be on the threshold, the pharmacy to yeah, i mean this is, i think, i think you make a good point. there are no, but it's not just francis and i'm in the middle class basically all across you. or if it's just being have a down with increased tax is terrible inflation energy bill is going through the roof. no, thanks to europe. and part of the politicians open the cutting off russian energy. let me ask you this. if i may micro on looking for more money in weapons for key of, i mean, it is my chrome, it popular these days. i mean, they, we say that a wartime president is more popular when it comes up to elections and all that kind of stuff. you think you think background is trying to do this kind of napoleon act to try and get more votes to try politically to have a longer shelf life. i think my phone does, went back to walk deals into the black broadcast. we presented to seating the counselor administer. i'd be in defense every wednesday. so false is essentially a ukraine beach and whatever. uh, the front of the, uh,
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the founders of a process that uh order micro executes. that's what he was placed for, not once but twice. now, and so he doesn't really care about the french people, per se. all he cares about is to satisfy the people who are placed in there. and his job is to see new street with a defrances industry to outsource and sell juiciest parts of the french economy. and press technology to most of the american companies. and to the extent it is not required to stay to guard some of the doors, invest one farm as a investment into your right. uh, front wheel, you know, if need be deployed folks to secure this investment. this is, you know what it comes down to. now. it is such a mess are know, but it's always so good to get you on the program, giving me the chance to pick your brain. always a pleasure, although definitely as a political consultant in human rights defend joining us live on odds. a great to see you. thanks for.


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