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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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the practice i would like to see you some words from us could riggs from us go a long time. we didn't have a chance to see each other and it's a p p. it's 1st 2nd time to see each other. and so i'm still life, i'm to where to go. and i hope you have also a good physical and mental condition. let's try and find a place for the next meeting. i wish you all the best in your professional career in your life and all the best to your family. like well, i got the quote from us cuz we'd love the my space dock. uh and they that go. it was so so nice to receive that
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1st 2 message from you while we do and so nice to see that, you know your around your looking very busy, your looking ready for the food. and as i am so happy that you are still contributing, just as you did at that time, and when we were together in space with the new and it's kizzy in the north. yes. and as i, i really miss those times. i hope to catch up with you some time somewhere sooner rather than later. the . yeah, we were talking about it with our radio astronomy time at a cassie who believes politics aside space research does play a vital role. and basically, you know, i think countries upon a common goal, a video astronomy, one of the fundamental aspects of our science is that we have collect international
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collaborators. i would say a lot of our projects we work with international colleagues. i in particular haven't especially because i'm up and coming registrar. no i haven't been flooded yet to engage with the russian clinics. but i know that we do collaborate with international clinics. the square can you, me to day is actually a or the organization itself comprises off, i think about a good 9 different countries who response funds part of the symposium. and they have the responsibility and basic even the to apply to apply the efforts. first of all, 3 of us to do perform beta standing in our country. they do provide us with an ip software is funding cries and like developing into science like instrumentation and engineering. so countries like we have so many,
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it's 9 that i could probably mention, but like just to be that germany, china, it's in the and i think like essentially the india dream but as a is more of an associative number. but we do have a lot of countries that cuz it's a global scale project. it's an international effort and we do have both in terms of instrument design and development and also science contribution as well. today is all about marketing minds. efforts to go from us up to space 3 russians have use the date to set a new well, direct quote. by going in the opposite direction. it jumped from the stratosphere all the way down to the new home. a former customer or a flying instructor and the director of an aerospace laboratory where the intrepid adventure is the jump from a plane was current out from a heights, get this of more than 10000 meters. and the biggest risk of that height is said to be the extreme cold temperatures at the database and robert chile minus
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$55.00 degrees. so the story continues on line right now. we don't want to, you don't come for the meantime. we all the, everybody just want to start off reminding you once again that we post a show every day. now, weekly is how we used to do it. daily is how we do it. now, thanks to you. you asked for it. so you're getting it. we hold no punch and so look for a coupon number one. us president joe biden gives hope to julian assigned trip a number to the australian prime minister says when it comes to a song,
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enough is enough truth, bob. number 3, when you see how mister biden says what he says, you may question his resolve to do it. i'll let you judge for yourself. i'm rec, sanchez, this is direct impact. the . so the president of the united states was walking away after meeting and giving a discussion, press conference with the japanese prime minister for me. ok, shita. they were at the white house. when a reporter asked him a question about joe, you know, such. now interestingly enough, the question seems to come out of the field. here's why it happened though, the government almost drill. yeah. in case you hadn't heard, which is where a sondors from. and this is important. we'll talk about that some more later. is
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the government, australia is formerly requesting, formally requesting that the prosecution of a songy stop once and for all space. why? well, because aside signs is cause it's become really, really popular and you know where it's become really popular australia in australia that causes very but both among the people and the members of parliament. the members of panama just recently overwhelmingly voted for a call for him to be free. you know, they all started in parliament. in case you want to give too much credit to the prime minister. look at where this is coming from. let's talk about the people of australia. as for the people in australia, in a recent poll, 79 percent, almost 80 percent of the people of australia say it's time to do a song is freedom. so the people of australia are saying,
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why the hell is this guy not what, why is this guy in prison? the parliament of australia is asking the same thing. people all over the world are asking the same thing. now remember, australia is an important us our so maybe that's why in the past they didn't give a crap what their own people thought it was more important for them to have good relationship with united states. right. or maybe not. so as the president is walking with the japanese prime minister, a reporter shouts, this request from australia and he does it. of course the reporter in the form of the question here, does the did you get that? that was it. i mean it's the whole shipment. kaboodle, ma'am biden uttered just 3 words, 3 words we are considering it. that's what he says. and even that's a huge change of direction for a government that has wanted
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a sausage. the heck they suggest to us officials of actually suggested the guy shouldn't be in prison for at least a 150 years. a 150 years. there's been talk that he should be executed if he comes to the united states. that's what some of the argument with the brits was about the they don't want him to be executed. but my god. why essentially for revealing embarrassing and secret, but structurally correct information about what the us government did in iraq and afghanistan. smell. i mentioned this earlier, but this is really important to the rest of the world. it's a no brainer. a no brainer that a sanchez has suffered enough. but in the u. s where the media is controlled in large measure by the military industrial complex and its state sponsors. c, i, a state department, whitehouse, etc. it's not so clear to people who live here in the united states because that's not what they hear the news or on any shows or in general media. assange has been
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held in a highly high security prison in london. now, since he was arrested, that was that 2019 before that he spent 7 terrible years hiding out. most of it living inside some ecuador and embassy room that smell. busy according to people went there, pretty bad. i mean, it was stuck in there. you could move to avoid extradition. well, mr. biden's comment. if it didn't seem like an enthusiastic confirmation, it was enough to elicit this response from the australian prime minister. here it is. and i believe this must be brought to a conclusion. and that mister a son says so ready? i disagree in price, and enough is enough. there's nothing to be gained by mister ins assigned, continued incarceration in my very strong view. and i'll put that is the view of the strange government kind of hard to understand what language is speaking. but
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anyway, the words being picked from that carefully read statement enough is enough to hear that enough is enough. expect to see those words picked up as a rallying cry in the science defense. and wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing it on t shirts. but look once again how mr. biden's response. maybe it's just his old age, but i think it's worth asking me, or maybe it's just me. i have some guess i'm going to have asked them to answer this question. watch this again. watch this again. does he even know what he's really responding to here? the don't know, you know, what, maybe even more encouraging for backers of massage is the domestic and geo political pickle. the us now finds itself in that may cause it to do this to get
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out to, to throw a bone at the global south countries as well. as young voters in the us who are overwhelmingly pro a such. now think about this. the u. s. is getting hammered, hammered for helping the massacre. tens of thousands of women and children and gaza . it is being question world wide for feeding and prolonging the war in ukraine. all this, while countries like india, china, russia continue to be seen as counter weights to the very militant policies of us, the gemini, to, for all those reasons the, by the ministration appears to be in desperate need of a, when something, anything that could make it look like it's not so uncool or if nothing else at least reasonable. right. and many believe that freeing the font frame julia massage could offer just vac. that's my take. joining us now to discuss that role,
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syndicated columnist, author and award winning cartoonist, dan lazara, ryder journalist experts on the us constitution. hey, let's start there. is this really a constitutional issue? the world sees it as just common sense? then you say what? oh, it's certainly cruel and unusual punishment. i would say. uh yeah, i mean this is a, this is american paranoid. it's worse. uh the uh, uh, a science has been, has been these and slandered, abused in prison for a dozen years. in fact, today is 5th anniversary and dom wash prison in london about before then he was spent 7 years in the ecuadorian embassy under very uncomfortable circumstances. and he's been called the russian agents. he's been called a, he's a called a threat, a physical threat to american intelligence officers. it's all complete nonsense
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that joe biden called him a hi tech terrorist. uh, it was uh, its been extraordinary so. so is, this is certainly for the cruel and unusual category. i'm thinking also in terms of international law, as i look at this story, it, you know, it's funny, i've been following the story as long as you guys have, and maybe i'm just not the smartest guy in the world but, and i'm just now putting together the fact that this guy from australia, he's an australian citizen. why is it that the laws of the united states and great britain and everybody else is laws except australia as laws are the ones that have been used all this time to prosecute this man? um, why is it taking so long for australia to stay up, stand up and say, hey, this is our citizen. what that what you guys doing over there? yeah, well if i were in australia national, i would be extremely displeased with the failure of my government to stand up for the rights of my co national. right. i mean it's, it's not,
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it doesn't speak very highly of the australians looking out for their people and know that's what has changed your politics, australia, for much of a period that mr. hassan has been incarcerated for over the last 12 years. there was a right wing, conservative government and power there. so they didn't really care and they cared far more about their relationship with united states uh than they did about mr. assad. even though i mean, look, here's the thing. mister sam doesn't owe anything to the united states to its laws at all. i mean, this is, this is as outlanders as if any of the 3 of us were suddenly arrested. i went through a choose a country randomly, but under paraguay in law for violating paraguay of national security with respect to paraguay, i have no loyalty to parents. i have never been to paris, but i don't have, i don't care about paragraphs. i'm not against the an in neither does during the
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saw the aside from having visited the united states. sure. does he have any legal? he shouldn't be subject to us law. this is, it's an, it's an absurdity. what other countries do this no more? yeah, i was taking it back by your choice of countries. by the way, i was as i started to hear you make your argument. i was wondering, i wonder what country he's going to picked and when you, when you pick powered glass turner. ok. why not? um, i did mention something in my story as i was writing the story and i was briefing myself and doing my own research. i came across and i and i obviously i googled you know, his standing in australia and when i, when i saw that that recent poll they did were almost 80 percent of the people in australia are saying he's one of us. he needs to be free, let this guy go. i think maybe that and the fact that the parliament, the members of parliament got together and said they put out a call for him to be freed as well. don't you think damn, that may have moved this prime minister as well. and oh yeah, surely,
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course. i mean, yeah. and it moves uh buttons as well too because you know, and, and australia as part of the office alliance, the australia, u. k. u. s alliance. it's very important to the us, very important to the, to the anti chinese constellation is putting together. so therefore keeping the australians happy as a very high priority, as far as buying is concerned. uh so yeah, he wants to, uh, he wants to definitely, definitely has was drilling and public opinion on his mind. you know, i, i said i use the word cool at the end of my story. i did it for a reason. i chose that word very carefully. if you look at the world that is. 2 really the global self, any place, but maybe the united states. it's kind of cool to support julian assigned. it means you are right up. it means you know what's going on. it means you stand for a sense of freedom in fairness, right? and, and i, and i say that because it hurts me to say it is because i'm an american. i love
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this country, but we are just so on. cool. we are not cool with this cuz we don't get it. you stop on the street and ask americans about julian as long as you think he some bank robber or something, and the how do we get to this place and how do we change it? make data. i mean, i'll give both you guys a crack at this to, well, i don't know how we change it. i mean, the problem is that the americans are incredibly propagandized by corporate mainstream media. and that's not changing any time soon. that's why people are getting this ridiculous message while the rest of the world is getting the truth. i mean, you know, americans aren't stupid, they're just brainwash. yeah. and it's like, i think if they get the, if they get the fax, they hear the fax then doug arrive at the same conclusion. is everyone else? yeah, they're busy, they work. i mean, you've got to work a lot of jobs in this country to be able to pay your bills. so you know, you just listen to whatever the hell, anderson cooper or sean hannity or some other idiot on the cable news tells you, and that's what you think the truth is. i mean, and i,
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and i guess that's where we are there. right? yeah. i mean, mer, america is an empire. uh, and uh, and empires. um, you know, uh, uh, you know, export violence in a home. they keep their, their people uh, poor and uninformed and uh, and propaganda propagandized as a ted says, uh so the, you know, the americans have little ideas going on on the world, except when their sons and daughters has sent off to war. and they have little idea of who julia size is and they figure that, you know, if the government says a bad guy, then who are they to say otherwise. uh and the democrats, by the way, had been as bad as this, if not worse than the read. yeah. book ins. okay. yeah. the, it was done by nicole the high tech terrorist that hillary clinton was, you know, part of the lynch mob. uh, and the democrats spent years trying to pin the get the crime of russian collusion on him. that was the whole. that was a major part of the uh,
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the molar uh report. uh it was completely untrue. there is no evidence whatsoever that he was that the russians said him information that was the weakest part of the muller report, but his reputation has been stained and he'll never outlive it. it's been astonishing by ted rall and uh and then um, we thank you for taking us through this part when we come back. so here's what i want to do. i want to start breaking down the case. what are the chances that this will see to fruition? julian a sondors actual freedom. we're going to talk about that on the other side. stay right there. do not go away. the fine says the medium, israel should introduce a 6 to 8 weeks east fire and gaza later and he walked his back also he said missing, you know whose approach the gaza is
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a mistake and he didn't degree with his approach. his secretary did employed austin claims. there is no evidence of genocide in gaza. what is the administration policy the so the news is that the present united states, when asked if he would consider this uh, this request from the australian government to finally just enough is enough. let join us on the go, the president of united states that and we quote, we're considering that makes it almost sound like he had already had a previous discussion about it. or maybe not. i mean, god bless them and we're talking about the, you know, a president to sometimes look like he's barely awake and we're all going to get there because he's old. so as i watched the video, i wasn't quite sure 10 and starting with you if, if you're good enough to join instead of and then both. what do you think the biden
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is really enthusiastic about doing this? or do you think he even knows the case? do you think he's cool enough to get it? and do you think he's going to see this through? it's well to bind, it's not going to be able to really buy any pool. very cool. that's right. that's not gonna ever have. you have to pick it up, grandpa, dad, he but even if he releases assigns and goes out partying with them, i just don't think that's going to be making cool. but i do think he's aware of it as ministrations. obviously, on top of this, i would take this very seriously, i'd bare minimum. it's a gas like sort of like when he came out in favor of gay marriage and when he was vice president under obama, and then they kind of have to make it so. so i'm very optimistic here. nothing is a 100 percent, but i would say it's a, it's a very much better to have than 50 percent that julian is gonna get reunited with
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his wife and, and child after this in due course. which way overdue is discussing only be really clear that he didn't deserve a single 2nd. yeah, behind bars, but he didn't come across. is there a possibility there? cause these things sometimes get orchestrated and we don't even know about this, but they do. i mean, there's a possibility that someone in the obama part of it, the, the, the, the by president, by the signs. you put obama in my head. it president button staff picked one of these reported and says, do us a favor. ask this question. he's, he's going to give you an answer as quite, i've seen is done. i come, i, this is a business i, i come from. so they, they plant the story, he answers it because they want it to get this in the news. that's a possibility. could be a possibility, he didn't ask the question, the president didn't understand them, and a gave him a cogent answer. there's also the possibility, in fact, that mr. barton didn't understand the question, but just said we're considering it because that's what they tell them to say to all
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the questions. so damn a b or c. i know, i think it's, i think is bonafide. i think he heard the question, i think is his answer made sense? i think it's worth taking its face value. i think that button is considering this, so it's a good sign. it's a very helpful sign that maybe uh, maybe the persecution of a of joint massage may be finally coming to an end. i think i've, i agree with ted, there's every reason for optimism and you look at joe biden. he's, he's facing a brutal campaign. yeah. you know, he's, he's neck and neck with uh, with um, with donald trump and, uh, and he's got a lot of things going against them in the last thing he needs is some kind of huge lean, messy trial in which they, they, hillary and torture. some highly i deal with dick reporter. yeah. that's the last thing he needs about the internet and about the us as militaristic track record,
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which happens to be right now in the news both and gaza avenue. great. so let's go ahead and heighten the very thing which is making people not like you, right? yeah. you know, so, so as you know, this whole, your con, more monitoring military, you know, b, s, i mean, it just doesn't play well any more. people are sick and tired of this kind of rhetoric of at a high tech terror, terrorist at a time when the us to supplying is real with 2000 pounds bunker, buster bombs, you know, that that's real terrorism. you know, so the, you know, it just, the optics are really, really bad. so, you know, and i think even job i didn't realize is that okay, fair fair, what, it's just it, what i see him sometimes. i'm not sure he's all there. and by the way, sometimes i'm not all there. so we're, we all have moments like that. so it's not just to pick on the president buddy as an older man. fine. let's talk about the case the of the holding in this case. dan will stay with you and you write a lot about legal stuff. do you believe that there really is from
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a legal standpoint, looking at this case down the road that there's a possibility that within the next weeks, months, whatever that we will see. those come to fruition and take us through how that happens. it was i saw as far as i know, it's very simple. i mean the, the us simply would just inform the, the british that they have no desire to extradite assad's anymore. and that idea for he's free to go or that could be so kind of deal worse on, you know, what agreed to, to leave for, for australia. that's probably the likely this outcome. but you know, as ted pointed out, a size um he didn't commit his crimes on us territory. yeah. he was in europe the entire time. he was, uh, you know, it's, it really is like picking up uh, you know, you know, its using, you know, one of us of violating uh, uh, paraguay in uh, security law. uh. and it just makes no sense. but it, what it is,
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is the us is not paraguay, the us is the global hedge them on. and therefore when it says, you know, jump everybody, uh, you know, ask how high with the brakes use. uh, very small number of acceptance. so is there any reason why that is, is there any way that there could be some kind of uh, ops to go to this? i'll give you an example. the british say, you know what, know we're going to hold them a little longer. could they hold them a little longer? do we know the answer to any of these questions? i think suite is done with them. they drop those, those, those rape charges that were there several years back. but could somebody else come full. busy and say no, hold on, we're going to stop this. i did this thing has had so many stops and starts. you know, pardon me for not being optimistic, but i'm just wondering, is there anything else that can happen out there a dead? well, me see radically, anything's possible. maybe he like double parked one time when he was on vacation room. the thing for him to pay the rental car bill, but you know, as far as we know, there's no jurisdiction. as you pointed out, the, you know, the,
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the, the scandinavian, sorry, i'm looking for him anymore. and it seems pretty clear that you know, the sort of as a corollary to what dan said about us being a hatch them on us wants him to go home to australia. he's going to go home to australia even on the stream. the unlikely chance that someone else wants to take him into custody. what about australia? is there a possibility? they're going to know, i can't see them doing anything other than having a parade when he gets there right. then i would imagine not. i mean, i don't know that can be so kind of a deal where he's, i don't, i don't know, i'm speculating, a house arrest some kind of a additional penalty slap and the rest, the australian government may choose to apply. i really have no idea, but i thought i might hope that he goes home. he's re reunited with his family. he gives, you know, he's a, goes out in the lecture circuit. he writes the best selling book. that'd be the greatest outcome possible. do you both agree that the united states might want,
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might be inclined to do this because the united states right now just needs a when they need something that doesn't make them look as horrible as they look right now in the eyes of the world. and especially the global south community, either one of you. i think it's more about likes, it's not a when it, this is about damage control. the julian a, something has been a fiasco. it's been a thorn in the side of the bible ministration since day one. really, truly, i mean, even for donald trump, there were expectations of he would have let a song go and pardon him in the waiting days and this is ministration. but of course he was distracted tremendously by january 6th and subsequent impeachment. so i think this is about on doing a bad thing. you can't score when you're they, murray, doctor de paul van out 30 seconds. you get the last word
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a god. so i was just want to point out that the, the us is really disgraced itself. but boy has a saw, has gone through the ringer. i mean, this guy has an yeah, not by the most powerful country on the, on honors. he has been physically harmed, he's mentally harmed. it's been extraordinary one man against an empire. he's amazing to us. right? yeah, he is, it is an amazing story. it will make a hell of a buck and a hell of us and a hell of a movie. my, thanks to both of you. thank you, dan. thank you, ted, for your wisdom and the conversation. so here's what we do. and before we go, we want to remind you of our mission. simple. really. we try to do this. this showed you basically the side of the world. try not to live in little boxes where we all think, as we're told, or as we think, we have to say, troops don't live in little box as needed to we. that's what we base our show on. i'm rick sanchez. this is the director of
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the top headlines right there and i see as a volley of real good lighting up the night sky lebanon's because ballade lost his house. it is railed, but it's a bit speculation about possible iranian retaliation in the following reasons. the idea of strike on one with the consulate at explosion destroying a car in moscow belonging to a former ukranian intelligence officer who can affect the students of russia according to an ottoman. so the virus is wailing as an evacuation order is given in the city of oregon, but that's in central russia or it's following a recent dime. breach those pictures, right? the just about to be the.


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