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tv   Documentary  RT  April 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

5:30 pm
to this is a shared res month bushes, personality him indonesia is in my opinion, doing very much in space exploration. we have ad bilateral agreement on the useful of all the space for peaceful purposes and the russian to the media corporate to in this direction for quite the number of years already. and uh, so i see very good prospects in developing such kind of preparation. just a few days ago, we had a very important and moving moment. our bill that was sent across my not 1st bill. it was sent across my not money in my syllabus can return to from space. and i would like to underline that this project became a true thanks to the support of the presidents of valor was send the russian. we are very proud to become a part of the family, your office space nations for better with. it's not just the,
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the end of the story. it's a beginning of our exploration. and as we speak today, the president of miller was send the russian federation meet in moscow and discuss some new prospects for corporation in this space area. like a preparation of costs. minot, so launching a new sophisticated set the lights and the even sending, and you fell out with some costs or not so. so the space in the ceremony was also attended the representatives from the nation godaddy and regimen, as well as the russian association of military culture. and traditions even neesha and young in nations who shared an interest in russian culture for them. what you already got getting did was not only a representative of the soviet union, but the entirety of humanity. we chose the young generation, the unparalleled opportunities that light ahead in the future. not only for indonesia, but for neighboring countries in south east asia. most recently,
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although in indonesia, madison, a person has yet to reach space. unfortunately, we know ourselves that we have a customer not coming from malaysia, checking those of us who are also assisted by russians in coming to space. uh, the person assisting him himself was the surface one from the rest of the space versus enough. instead of going to shift ski who served in the same units that the customer of unit got into service and also in the us. i am so interested in this ceremony because previously i'm also to be able to get a world view festival. and i learned a lot of a russian culture, and one of them is really good in this. we know as the history of us was the 1st person to the cost much. and i learned a lot about the perseverance of its 1st. and it's also the inspiration and the inside noise from the presence of really give me what the physician to learn
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a lot from him. and also, as we seen the friendship culture background from indonesia and russia as this money man has been made and built in indonesia. so it's been a quiet interesting ceremony. it is 63 years since the historic 1st flight and the cost most yet space exploration is a subject that continues to fascinate millions of people all over the world. it is hard for us now to imagine all the milestones achieved so far without what the soviet union did. the hope that what you do, you go getting a chief could be in a nation experience one day. all right, so a lot of stores to get to you at i live from moscow, so will return when the clock strikes. 1 am locally that will be in about the
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the, with the exams of a constantine bodies off is now officially a test customer knows he's done is preparing for flight training, not just in russia, but overseas to now he'll see even less of his wife, the and there's the separation of the forest strapped on boosters that are jettisoned the most definitely store if any potential scrooge for those phones. but there's some bold, lots of fun. yeah. welcome to any foreclosure and i'm gonna click on finding itself
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and i got the ssl for this one off the press the 39. okay. what else? the level 3 is to start. this upsets for this up the little chest, which is what it looked at. the front of the script to scroll down and sort of interface of course, most frequent feller. what about the way it's, it's a new number, but it's pretty separate. the thing just to be able to come up with almost the session with a real close to pushing over to can you feel so simple to go into that category with the only other way to which, which will allow me to pull double shirts. told me how to adjust the steering wheel . well, i'm pretty much like this. and you figure the quote of what she was doing my part from the jeff nero's position. how to adjust the mirror position, how to adjust the rear miro positions felt understood that we just had
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a little bit of all the weather. bring it all the vision and thoughts and stuff. the scar, 50 is of the colors of the notion of it for you, the cold when you get a cool prep, a few of them for them please for the pickup of company to come from michigan dental. vio, pa, for the, the sick with one of the minimal disciplines in oakland. finishing coming up of to go because one of the co and fewer than you before is a recent simple but allowing me to concepts if i were to put it up of commodities going signal to problem was not the textbook of what, what the code could also mention yeah, these concept which i have no model name to
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what, what's that on a brief moment. just a question. when somebody comes with the parts of the department, i'm going through a little bit so for sure on a particular order listed on the account. it's a condition, of course, you know, course, each case couldn't always get the same one, shockingly, it's almost impossible to get to them until the 12th. so i want to show you some of them in english because we have some put them in the future. and you know, after march for the,
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the alex, i'm william road in the long question for what i mean you guys order claiming is the bottom piece, sofa voice and distance decision. you have the show to consider yourself and i can
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still, if i didn't was then a foot b as a dealership generally, but in this case, shuffled a little about before the show. but you might have thought, i'm gonna find somebody else to do. let's go with the sweat of dental. i wouldn't be that's good. i mean to bring up the more the d. c spent several hours a day on a treadmill and other exercise machines to keep in shape, to connect them to possibly some of the to the, the sport cruise on you know, just the cheese to them or leave that on to the stage and somebody to punch the store, nobody wants to, but does it tell you more fonts and it sounds to yet, you know, but it probably was so in wisdom, so style. i mean, it's, you know, basically it's, so can you tell me what else the,
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what's the look for them for us almost if there's a new toner associates for sort of e, c o for wish and decor projects across one of those. not just the, which quote from believe this thing, and of course we gotta find about the thing that is dealing with the truth. but anyways, thought, you know, it's a good one. launched nicholas tucker with some of the articles placed about the nurse said he wasn't a single one of those that she needs to be, you know, and i continued to speech, didn't belong people, some of them with the blush and felt them the same with some sense rather than just about the so can consider what the for this item that the problem could which is a one neighborhood you what of what you're doing. the card will know the machine was gonna pull a deal with the death them. would you need northbound stuff? part of the to the weekend konstantin decided to use them for ask you to discuss the
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potential for the volume. it's all used to be a total while we just basically blew up. yes. for one. ready? 123 seconds. northwest summers here. sorry. i'm calling. my name is marie, so constant and
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or even the hangover is a mock up of the apollo lunar module. the one that flew to the moon, the level will appear away. but sending ammonia, you know, by itself it's gone. so a component of the display on the time we last billing the such elf grove. so when it's still the police model, they don't things oh, no, that's the, that's the model. the lumens. could they have? so that's going to be nimble to show more of interest fixing them almost everything else. go into the chalet, which digital mange each of the police to be dealt most almost over the board. let me stop by and when the throw the switch, my motto. jodie bazemore and you just about the shows new. it's not the sheets
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chauffeured new. so that's interesting. show the spectrum over them. my was them, but the read them couple 0 can do one year before the room, leave it up into this. they're pretty much the file portion of the know what the fits it's so you know, book it almost on the 2013 we took it almost completely time off to double it. so click new push accomplish from there you will read it slightly and install a little during the months, but immunosuppression even though most of them, the stuff goes. constantine would fly to miles, but he might go to the moon. if so, he'll have to drive the moon rover, and that's what he's learning to do now,
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is trying to deliver a package from the base to the warehouse they'll pay the bill close to the field on a couple of the the
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on the same day konstantin face, has a physical performance test, but it's so tough that for people including adults are in fitness coach trying to keep things under control, the who it's as low as they are. what is the end of the go with the thing, but almost to look like this lovely, they talk with on that as it these go and to see with the doors to see on the push to the community. the russian states never as tight as i'm just wondering what some tvs i
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saw, some, some of the music in the 6595 and speaking. what else? suppose question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. to the question, did you say even closer to the, [000:00:00;00]
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the van constantine car, we don't in training with the moon rover at this time. the remote control shows it's a bit like a video game, but here, the way you play is assessed by scientists. 10 psychologist, chief tooth, tooth, and the what is the most important training out of in system multiple with a full scale i. s. s. model, which helps future customer also learn to work in open space, the rules that are both in spot and image shame. so when you, i am private, will continue to be in the about the room. so piece thoughts that the thought of
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today providing you to the divorce and you have to even though that they should dropping bob. this is all what 2nd? don't see us pull this up to him yet, but i'm fortune before us, call them up in the post the we'll just go from the locals. they look, stay to face to face when they get off the bus less to cause they just took off. the deal is eligible for the lamp. what else, jason, to not to, to deal with liquids used to have to just of april stimulus, courtesy though it's something, finds out the drill cove novelty, but adjust the theme to boil. typical smoke on your body for the total sound. last thoughts are based upon the consult, responded at the point of collect the what causes that us go towards those i thought flip a bit of an issue in a little bit, but just to you when you all of us to go from you pretty much have gone and see what,
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what your budget is chosen all over. focusing the talk is the blue shield support structure, which for the, the, this thing is actually i'll send you a suddenly mobiles. i'm going to show plus to not, you know, one of them will get us to do the pickup titian. you just put them this out, the foot of the cause, but foot, throw it into the child's diploma. would be to kick it off at george's initial board. of those, let me pull it up if there's any more slides, but almost doable nash no more till the san antonio hotel is still camille, with black, profess to support, to resent michelle can this clips to the morning or something because of the, to an incident that would probably be an issue which, which one of the most payoffs it
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will show if we send you the wind speed or the problem the almost the book on the little with the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the that's not true enough to or less because you know, it will be coming to the blue men below,
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where you want to put something to the video on your thoughts or something for to go to the video to go to propose luthey michelle board thing just to jump to each of the, the 4th and final crew member and was announced to space x cree 7 for us cost. those costs are not konstantin or a soft look. why is it mission specialist completing space cortez? the n search state shut down has confirmed and spacecraft separation and
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a click to orbit rendezvous. upcoming side of the that's is express, usually the people who get the the, the constant team bodies off we'll get to space just 5 years after being accepted. that's very quick. you'll go to the assets as part of an international crew with an american jasmine, mobilly, danish, andreas, morganson since the, till she photo cover from and they trained for a long time. but the crew was only approved for 2 months before the flight from
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municipal services to cos, searching the live georgia, the total source and gosh, are so many of us are shapes ago before the like i clicked. the 2nd question is the name of the level now the crew is install city learning to handle emergencies and the russian up
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until segment. the success which is the most do the same and show us finish. remember, some of us would have done if i don't i don't know, so it won't let me of course. thank you. plus if, if so it's $32.00. i was next to a new person because on the slides in la and look into them both it's noises of. so we're nina, garden, linux that i just don't have to deal with english. they also thought that they're
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both assuming those images. they're still bring your bill in the book were submitted saying before the fine you to the the 1st you're just to move
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your mind, you still want some easy deal. but then most of the the constant in new bloss dolphin, a dragon spacecraft. so tomorrow he'll head to a lady, and then on to the space x company, we have the scope because he is function to see the way. the simplest deals tell you if it's a good get a hold of the legal medical. so what i'm supposed to do is, you know, get it done yet for
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of the machine of left over to the regional sales stones. i'm just a few of the phone but most of the new. so they used to tell me to home sunday to bring with the simple police people . do i have to show perfect? did you want the shuttle service to go over the? let me look at those machines. so in your system to treat everyone with honesty, english or not. we have a split system. mm hm. okay. and does this want for you to choose from basements or is this on the floor level?
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which portion 50 to so as long. so let me pull it with you as soon as i can, i don't pull them up. would you consider the task is to move the loan before dark, so it doesn't pick on the ground that night. he couldn't sleep but did rest on the plane. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows very few fractured images presented to this 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the headlights thrown off to you as a volley of rockets, lights up the night sky as 11 on has lasted house with israel. that is a bit speculation about possible a ronnie and a retaliation. the following or were you so the idea of strife on one of it's called explosion destroying a car here in moscow, apparently belonging to a former ukrainian intelligence officer who defected to russia. besides, it was another attempted terrors attacked by the t every g manage specials times the you can hear the sirens wailing as an evacuation order is given to the city of oregon bug and central restaurant
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its following


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