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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the headlights thrown off to you at a volley of rockets lights up the night sky at 11 on has been the last house with israel . that is, it made speculation about possible a ronnie and a retaliation. the following, a reset. the idea of strike on the one, it was the explosion destroying a car here in moscow, a property belonging to a former ukrainian intelligence officer who defected to russia. he says it was another attempted terrorist attacked by the t. every g manage specialist on the you can hear the sirens wailing as an evacuation order is given to the city of oregon bug and central russia. its following
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a recent time for the with your top storage front and center, you wouldn't be hearing any mainstream narratives on this channel. perhaps the reason go with us right now when i see the militant wing, all of 11 owns has belong movement. has confirmed that 5 dozens of miss files at israel, and that led to very quick speculation. this could be part of it runs promised her tale ation of the idea of destroyed to around consulate in syria. more details now with the middle east bureau chief of what we know, at least for to real kids have been loaned from loving onto israel's northern communities. earlier on friday, the idea said in a statement, his beloved living on base a run back group called ready claim for responsibility for days barrage of me solves. it said it statements that stays rarely, armies, artillery positions have been targeted. some of the real kids were here were intercepted, others landed in open areas of south fulton level,
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and there are no reports of damages or casualties. so far, the idea of what his beloved have been trading fire at these really know been both almost on a daily basis in the last 6 months after the war in gaza started. but friday's attack, of course, comes in a context of your readings rides and fear is that the her on boards retaliation gains. israel following is alleged attack on the reading and kind of so it's in damascus, syria that's killed 7, talk to read and commanders, the country supreme leaders said earlier, it was the same thing as an attack on their soil about in israel would pay a high price early in cbs, before closing to a named us officials sides and it ran in me solved and drone to tie. could they launched against israel as early as friday evening? well, if the ron strikes as ro, israel is almost certainly going to strike back and earlier. president biden
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promised iron clad support for israel in case of the run in strike, with tag around were supposedly warning washington that in case of american involvement, the us forces in the region will be attacked. so the scale of a potential comes, cannot be underestimated, is really defense minister, and that was a chief all american central command earlier to make sure israel and the us on the same page. and the idea of says it's monitors dissertation, close the, let's take a listen. the ideas continues to monitor closely. what is happening in iran in different irina's, comes to be preparing to deal with existing and potential threats and co ordination with the united states armed forces. or forces it prepared and ready at all times. and for any scenario, the united states said earlier on friday to us sending reinforcements to the middle east with an aircraft carrier, unable to intercept me, solves, and drones, fire, depart. you run sailing through the red sea, toward israel, in a show of deterrence from the bite and administration to her on,
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already commented on that that's go used to florida, conflicts and embassies in any country. i can see it to be part of the country that phone's them when they attack how it can so that it's as if they have a deck outland. this is an international norm. they will get redeem, made a mistake in this case. it must be punished and it will be punished as rarely prime minister has repeatedly made his position course so clear and here is benjamin antonia who rate to rates and it again, i'm out the sound of the i mean that we are in challenging times, we're in the middle of a war and gaza, but we're also preparing for challenging scenarios and other reasons. we established a simple principle, have a hearts us with hard them. we are prepared to meet the security needs of the state of israel in terms of both defense and attack. well, i have to say we are in a very nervous moments earlier. a number of states have more than say, a citizen is against traveling to israel and the palestinian territories. and iran
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. us also warned it citizens not to move to specifics. it is with a israel. at the same time, the spokesman calls the idea of addressing this really public charlie on friday said people have nothing to worry about that everything is under control. they didn't, the d. f is prepared for all possible scenarios and no changes were made to the home front combined directive. so the authorities of israel one people to become. but of course, again, it is a very nervous moment because if there is a conflict and the reason escalation is going to be very big, a car has exploded here in moscow, leaving its own are injured. he is a former ukrainian security officer who defected to russia. and i was off of the attack. you recorded a video claiming to voice behind the blots. some. yes, i mean right simon. life and well my arms and legs working. what happened is i have no doubt,
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so this is another attempt for the terrorist acts committed by the cab regime and is special services. but i want to address that guys didn't do a damn thing because gold is for us. like, corresponding was that the scene of the attack following the event as well. you won't be able to see the shell of the call that was involved in that explosion just behind me. we have uh, had it towed to us that this is the vehicle belonging to the city, a pro. so for me is a former s b u counter terrorism consultant who defected to moscow. he's been living in the city since 2019 know we understand it was him who gotten to the call when an explosion took place. well, we've been hearing from some of those who witness that explosion, monthly walking on what she was whom i was looking out of the window and so and then get to the end the call. then he stopped him sitting around with something, and there was an explosion. he was sitting inside, my son sold,
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the air bags go off, so he came out. we'll bring providers for some say there was a terrorist attack here. i didn't know i was at home at the time. i heard the loud noise. leave a few houses down that way. and we had a son who was surviving that explosion, but, but he has a says coming to some injuries in his head on his arms and also his legs to he's being taken to hospital where he's receiving treatment for those injuries. now it's not the 1st time that there has been an apparent attempt on the life of appraiser of uh he was also targeted just a few months ago. and it's pretty clear that the reasons why he may have been talking to the knots because he has been an outspoken critic of kias. now for several years using in particular, he's telegram channel to put messages across about the things that he believes is happening in ukraine. i just want to talk you through some of the,
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the claims that he's made and they pretty big ones. he has said that the us is use ukraine as being a place where it's creating and producing weapons, including biological weapons. he has also to make claims by the secret prison in mary opal. let's have a listening to what else he has said about what's happening in ukraine in uh yes, i clearly understood that i was not going to get along, but this key of government was already considering moving with my family, for example, to crimea. and then i had such an opportunity to get to the very centre of decision making of the crating authorities right in care of i moved to care of in 2014. and from the very 1st days i started working providing information to the special services of the russian federation. in may, 2014. i went to my 1st right patients to the ukranian, the so called antiques, arizona, in don't best just near slab young's well the subsequent defense i need convince me
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that i'd taken the right decision the right path. there was no other way, but to fight this key of raging well recently preserve has spoken about the recent terror attack. a in moscow which more than a $140.00 people, were killed, a quote to city hall, saying that from his experience it had all of the whole months full of the fingerprints of having ukrainian savage who is behind it, which of course is echoing, but we have heard from the kremlin, so he's a highly outspoken critic, old ukraine of p as and so with the expos inside. so he's had, it is perhaps the one that he has possibly being targeted in this attack case in the north of most go oh yeah, my colleague, i might go quite cheery withdrawing biopsies, i'm are in a culture of i basically discussing similar attacks on john list on former ukrainian politicians,
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this is exactly how to have likes to punish those who don't agree with their actions or their thought process. and we've seen this before, even with people who have absolutely nothing to do with the conflict in ukraine. people who are simply speaking their minds, but what they're saying does not coincide with what they believe. so let's remind our viewers of what they've been doing over the last couple of years.
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the so that's how to find spike was targeted killings of russian during the less civilians and even it seems right now their own. and even though our lives are aware of at washington in particular, for example, because the less, don't forget that the new york times article which expose the fact that us intelligence agencies are aware that the parts of the crate in government authorized at least one of those attacks the one for example, that killed daddy, i don't know. so they know that this is happening,
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right. what has the reaction of russia and ukraine being to this turbo tax? well, of course, the premiums are loving that they can officially admit to the fact that they are the ones behind it for obvious reasons, but they're so proud that they can seem to help themselves even if it is to their own detriment. for example, tell you some of the reactions we've seen so far during a yahoo news interview. we had ukraine spy chief who was asked to comments on this . and he said, well, no comments, especially about what i can say is that we've been can, and russians. and we will continue to learn russians on the face of this world until we see ukraine's victory. so that was one of them. then we had the print in the past, so it's a catholic style who also suggests that that killing as many russians as possible would be great for the next generations of ukraine that will make their job easier for the next generation of ukrainians. and then of course, the heads of the s, b u, he's going to multiple interviews. and one case, again, he says, well,
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as an intelligence officer, i can either confirm nor deny our involvements in this, of course. but he says that we've already closed and noise. a lot of people have been quite a few media and public cases. and he is, of course, alluding to the murders that we've seen so far. but the jury duty knows a harper lesson. and then he goes to say that some of these publications have become public. so the, you know, that they're behind that. and also there one more that were of course, aware of their what was the even the head out on ortiz, very own editor in chief margarete to someone. yeah. and, but thankfully, those plans were foiled. now i want you to listen to another interview again by the head of the as view who just can't seem to help himself. this is what shows just that they're proud of this. take a listen to this one. is it true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the elimination of such persons as kiva cyrus and to darcy? can you give any details if this is the case then? yeah, so the, the question is right on the money officially,
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we cannot recognize these in any way, but at the same time, i'm ready to disclose these details to you. for example, who did you start with kayla kiva? this boy, you can liberal and 19 kind of a weapon. short rifle, one shot to the chest, then approve around to the head of the task. a. do you remember that the cafeteria in saint petersburg, which was run by why not? and that statutes which was presented to him in the form of his golden boast, we get 2 kids. so that was 400 grams of time, a battery substance inside it. slice him up like a razor. this is exactly what i'm talk. a lot of details for people who seem to be completely unaware. they want people to know that they were behind it. they just can't seem to say it. of course, like i said, for obvious reasons, no, naturally russell ones. just as for the families of the people that they have killed so far and to prevent this from happening again. and this is what russia is demanding time again, i should repeat time and time again. the russian foreign ministry has put forward
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the demand for the credit in the floor. it tasted immediately arrest and extradite every pass. some implicates attendance. our respects, besides against international terrorism, is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands that the key of regime immediately sees any support for terrorist activities, extradite the perpetrators and compensate for the damage cost to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the onset terrace conventions will entail international legal liability. and that is why ross has been so vocal about the west supports all ve crane because this is how their money their weapons are being used to target innocent civilians in a different country. even it's not even in ukraine this time. and according to italian war, correspond the undergrad, lucida, he believes present officer revelations may have ended up putting a price on his head. i'm sure because i'm about to, to, because uh, you know,
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i'm like, it's 30 bucks a slip, a little uh try it. she was not only a former office, so as to the sheet to an extra he was uh uh it was leading sleeping media from the check to you please. where, where he in, he try to, to expose to the, to us, to the west was as a new make of the train in the last 10 years. you might even pull in the boss you're trying to relax. you are also a move, a model to the for example, the crime sofa 0. and what's to come to the this era doc? again, same, it's terrible. for me, most people was like, uh, if i can make a compression like in june and assign because a little tied to it. expose us the truth about the work of as well in the us.
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and maybe i think the ukrainian government is rising my, the, the, to the power of the, to, to the prison will try to expose this. a special session of the un security council has been held to address western weapons and supplies. the key of it is called by russia and it's envoy pull no punches and what he said, those shipments had resulted in, i really shouldn't have really shared. so what you crane is now turning into a voice and lead terrorist states, thanks to supplies of west to may dots, henry shells, and long range missile this. the korean armed forces are attacking civilian targets . inside russia, everyone is aware of such crimes by the key of regime, such as the mode of generalized area do get us on the military correspondent flatland, top task. the bombing of the crime in bridge on the shooting down of a plane carrying its own prisoners as well. however, the horrific terrorist attack can be crocuses. the whole shopping center on the 22nd of march occupies
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a special place in the series of students coming up. i would like to say the following. 12 west and tony. you have raised a month stumps. it's activity is no longer limited to ukraine's wed zalinski. having ease up to thailand, surprised consent is committing to loneliness. and this, against these i'm citizens of hopefully mocking the memory of the victims of german nazi isn't glorifying. it's encompasses, it's a terrorist. 10 goals already opened the visible outside you crazy. when we heard from the russian basset or, and the battles are yeah, he spoke to the un security council meeting. and he basically made the case that western leaders continue to get weapons to a region that they know has at this point, pretty well documented, lead transformed into it, the terrorist states. he laid out the details of the atrocities that ukraine has committed. and the legs of the brain in government to the crockett, a city attack among other attacks on civilians and terrorist activity see which is
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$250.00. that is beautiful. those involved in the terrorist attack, having escaped, tried to get to the border with ukraine, but we're probably detained within a few hours of the moment. 11 people involved in the undertaking of this crime have been identified in the criminal case. the investigation also has confirm data on the receipt by a perpetrate to own the terrorist attack of a significant amount of money and cryptic currency from ukraine to which we use used in the preparation of the crime. not right, that there is evidence that the key of regime has been cooperating with islam is radicals for a long time and using them for its own purposes is also known about the recruitment was carried out by the crating embassy dish on by which attracts must embrace who want to join the international legion? now the russian ambassador also criticized us leaders for simply failing to respond to all the evidence that russia has presented before the security council regarding ukrainian atrocities and ukrainian terrors. he highlighted in particular length of
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the recent terrorist attack to breast ma, holding the natural gas company that employed 100 by the us present by the sun. now we heard from other members of the council who gave the similar remarks to what they usually say, condemning russia, blaming all of the doubts and suffering in or on russia. i think it's all russia as well. we also heard western leaders in particular, highlighting frustration and anger at russia's relationship with north korea. all they all made a point of mentioning that. so the meeting did highlight some pretty key differences between major countries. russia is pointing out that the flow of weapons to the key of government is having pretty serious consequences for the world. and the countries that are committed to biting terrorism really have a lot of explaining to do about why they continue to give weapons to a government. that's pretty obviously links to terrorist activities. well, they might call them like a quite j spoke with our retard us,
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apple lieutenant colonel carr, and create a koski who took part in the security council section of the u. n. a. she was encouraged by the number of countries now told him that the need for a piece. so i notice that the british and the, the us representatives at the security council. she did not acknowledge strong shot the words so that i said, but that's fine to me. i think the facts on the ground are speaking to what i'm talking about. and i also some of the temporary members of the un security council spoke like mozambique and the things that they were saying and other countries as well. very much supportive of negotiations. and i am was especially impressed by what the chinese representative had to say. he also said it's time to, for negotiations to direct negotiations. and that needs to happen. we're leaving bestbuy to rush it, having a great off of hand. and this puts in as continually said, we're ready to negotiated,
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we're ready for peace and to get this thing over with. now the session, the russian envoy also said that the, the westbound support decree and has raised a monster whose terrorist tentacles are already visible outside. you create in those where he's wood, is that how you see it will increasingly yes, i mean, we are seeing the kinds of weapons that, that have flowed in to ukraine, enables ukraine to reach beyond borders and to do it in a way that is the terrorist you know, they are small attacks in population centers or symbolic centers. that is, you know, for political purposes so violence, not state violence or state violence. i mean ukraine is a kind of a non state actors. this points um, so non state violence across borders, hitting civilians to make a political statement that is terrorism and certainly facing proud that they're
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able to conduct this kind of thing and they're going to continue to do it. why do we call in, from a dime breach in central russia, rising waters, the ones that guns threatening people's lives and evacuation order has been given to the city of orange bach? the signers are being sounding across the city. you look at those pictures, right. there is a roughly 20000 people have already been evacuated from that area. some of the main roads going in and out of the town and out close until the end of the month as a precaution. and we have this report from the region with one of the producers we are in the region of or in books in the capital. the region in the ceo for rainbow distribution is close to be called critical. i'm in the crisis is widening the level of what the in your role reba is their own 11 meet us and the 15 send to me just in time. will it just riverside communities and even district schools, or in book see to under which i'm in the went under water. they were just affected
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by the slots. tens of thousands of residential buildings were affected by the floods we were on board with the american crew. they were conducting, give a creation mission, witnessed a civilian on his board, try not to drift away. he cried for help. seeing the current was caring him out onto the rebate itself withheld his boy charles and found out that he was trying to save. if you dozens chickens from his home, thousands of people were evacuated and more to be evacuated. vacation has been conducted by russian m. a form russian minister of emergency situations. they have seen that situation is really hot and the, the problem is that the water is coming in the peak will be in 3 days, only it was today when mankind went away. no one had ever been before that have space today mocking the international day of human space flight when in 1961. so if you have the customer on, you're
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a good guy or in made history as the parson,
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fine traveller. the 1st of a battle russian to go to spite which has been given a grad reception back down on a shoemaker with our country's president. along with that, it may put in the true latest with that to congratulate the crew of the most recent expedition to the international space station and discuss future prospects, a jordan price. nick, today we celebrate cosmetics, day. it is a day when we celebrate the achievements of the soviet union and the outcome and achievements of all the republics of the former soviet union. we did a great deal together then. now together with belarus, we continue this joint work the fact that the 1st bill of russian cosmonaut flew into space is only an external manifestation of our joint activity. although of course our activity is not limited to this president lucas franklin. i have just talked in detail about these topics about how exactly and in what areas we can cooperate in space. you know that the got a 5 are new heavy launch vehicle has just been taken off from our new cause monroe most ocean. this is also
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a good step forward. with the help of the spacecraft we can deliver everything need to build the russian orbital station. i hope that this cooperation will continue. i would like to congratulate you on your holiday, you and as they say in such cases, everyone who works in the industry, engineers, designers, workers, cosmonaut, medics, and so on. i wish you further success was with the president. first of all, thank you for inviting us, have willow, russian cosmonaut was on board and many people say that fellow roosting as involvement is only nominate, you know, we are not just the partners in name. we are working very seriously with russia on joint program to recreate satellite programs together. fortunately, we have preserved the satellite manufacturing plants from the soviet times we worked together with the russian was. now we have mand flights. i think that we
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will see more joint flights for russians and below russians. but the fact and he mentioned this briefly, there will be a space station of our own that the on gara will deliver all the necessary equipment is the main thing. we are ready to work together as hard as we can to build the space station and work together. well, i'll tell you ever since i spoke with india is only called from an old rock, has shut them a fluid to space on a. so if you had mentioned in the mid 19 eighties as a plan to be compared with the you to go about it. oh my god. that's quite unbelievable. and because i was in school when, when beauty got it and went up in space. and of course, not only in the it, it was
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a created a tremendous impact rollins ago, that time. and of course, everybody wanted to fly into space. and somehow, i didn't want to be in this space. research organization did not have a man space program, then we're not planning on one. it's only now that we are, we are getting on to that kind of an activity. the some i had the most positive impressions of the space mission. we knew these cosmonaut se well, and we were waiting for them with great anticipation. ra cash was a very positive person. i think he remains so even now. i remember how we came into the station with a smile after they had docked. he smiled most of the time,
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always had a positive attitude towards any kind of activity, even when something went wrong. when something broke or didn't work, we tried to help him and he was very grateful and tried his best to make everything good. the good news is, by the way, i want to tell you a story that almost no one knows about when were attached came to us. he was starting to get a cold and he told me about it. i had to vietnamese appointments and also acupressure skills. i pressed him on the certain points to stop the process of developing a cold. afterwards we jumped about the situation. there was a rush and up to using the to begin the vehicles and these bomb on an indian customer. dr. search costs were not one sligo originally and i thought that that


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