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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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something went wrong when something broke or didn't work. we tried to help him and he was very grateful and tried his best to make everything good. the good news is, by the way, i want to tell you a story that almost no one knows about. winter attached came to us, he was starting to get a cold and he told me about it. i had a vietnamese appointments and also acupressure skills. i pressed him on the certain points to stop the process of developing a cold. afterwards we jumped about the situation. there was a rush and up to using to get in the vehicles and these bomb found in india and uh, customer dr. search costs were not was like, oh originally. and i thought that was already symbolic snapshot of how space should really be used. villas,
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multi codes or an interaction multinational interaction. and that was a piece the practice. i would like to say you some words from us go wiggs from moscow a long time and we didn't have a chance to see each other. and it's a pity, it's 1st the 2nd time to see each other. and so i'm still wife items to vertical. and i hope you have also a good physical and mental condition. let's try and find a place for the next meeting. how we do all the best in your professional inquiry or in your life and all the best to your family. like well, i got the quote from us. cool. we'd love the
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my space doc live that go. it was so so nice to receive that 1st message from you while we do and so nice to see that you know your around your looking very busy, your looking very fun food. and as i am so happy that you are still contributing, just as you did at that time, and when we were together in space with the 10 units kizzy in the north. yeah. and as i, i really miss those times. hope to catch up with you some time somewhere sooner rather than later. the yeah, most doors from the mission and more photographs as well available online at odd c thought, comments where you can catch up from boulevard stores as well. of course, for the meantime, that's it. for now,
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most of us here by switching the the hello and welcome to cross stock, were all things are considered on peter level. fine. so as the medium israel should introduce a 6 to 8 weeks ceasefire and gaza. later he walked his back also he said nothing. yeah. who's approach the gaza? is a mistake and he did a degree with his approach. his secretary defense lloyd austin claims. there was no evidence of genocide in gaza. what is the administration's policy,
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the prospect in palestine? i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a wiggling media analyst in montreal. we have event color. he is a canadian foreign policy institute, follow a journalist and author, and in highland beach, we crossed to craig, possibly char deluxe. he is co host of the convo couch or a gentleman, cross talk rules and effect. that means you can drop it anytime you want. always appreciate it. cost. if i go to you 1st in florida, i suppose it was inevitable. i would title a program, wag the dog. okay. we're 6 months into this horrific crisis. this genocide is going on and gaza and nobody in western media really wants to talk about who is, is the, is the dog, is the tail wagging the dog here, pasta. yeah, i mean it's almost nonexistent on the mainstream media, i flipped through, all of them left and right,
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and they're just simply not talking about it. they're moving on to other things. if it's conservative media, they're talking about the board or non stop. it's less this media they're talking about in terms 91 convictions and we see very little of what's happening inside gaza. and, you know, all we're getting from our elected officials unfortunately is nothing more than lip service. it's a, you know, a political nightmare for some of them. so now they've changed their rhetoric, but it all is, is empty hot air and empty words. it's really extraordinary considering the magnitude of the events that are being played out and gods with how little coverage it's given in the west. you can find out if you want to, but you have to make an effort here, vinyl. i've had you on the program for 6 solid months right now, and i basically almost every program, every other program i have asked you if the genocide is on the ballot. well, we can discuss it now because over half a 1000000 people have cast ballots for uncommitted and uninterrupted. it is on the ballot for some people, lionel, to it's on the ballot,
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but it's not on the definition of ballot. as you alluded to regarding mr. austin statement i the, these are masters of equivocation. there is no evidence of genocide. however, the amount of i'm in inexplicable carnage in depth. he if he defines genocide, but does it call it that? what i always ask by friends now, because that, you know, peter, mike, mike chiron should read the view from the 1st ball because i'm here in the us where we all, we care about apparently our, our solar eclipse is which by the way, everybody knew everything. there was about the solar eclipse but just decided escapes them. but i ask people this question. i ask people do, did you think the genocide wasn't the case of dar 4 or real one, the or bosnia herzegovina, or, or cambodia and the kelly fields. and they say yes, is it, what was, what did they have that? does that, does it have,
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let's try the order that way you are capable of staying. genocide exist, right? what's missing or what's added? what is the, this thing where she will difference and nobody, because i, i think we, we need to come up with a new word. we just all discussion stops as parsing and going well by the i don't know i, i refuse to a band and the word because you call a spade a spade here. um, even if i can go to even montreal, i started out my introduction. the advice is criticize the is rarely prime minister . netanyahu was saying that his approach to gaza is a mistake. i don't agree with his approach. why didn't the president of the united states pontificating what the approach should be? because we never hear that from this administration. other than israel has the right to self defense, go ahead in montreal as well. they may very clearly believe that israel has the right to eradicate from us. and um us as part of the palestinians and guides of
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that's, in other words, eradicating palestinians and gaza. and that's clearly what is really military has, has, has pursued personally with regards to the genocide, i actually think the word genocide is become too soft. i actually increasing, we use the word, this is andrew was committing a holocaust. it. okay, good. good. i right. we, we, the level of death and destruction is beyond belief and, and the, the found in the health component is not going to be tabulated. right. we're at 40000 killed the count, those were under the rubble and then all those who will be killed because of lack of food and, and like, and the us is, you know, whatever sort of rhetorical disagreement different moments that bite in his had with num, yahoo the weapons keep come in the diplomatic cover release continues with a mid minor exception of an extension of the un security council. this is, this is,
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this is the us is really in my case, canadian government enabled uh, uh, the other side. but beyond that, beyond that what, what is who is doing now with trying to ignite a regional war by, by, you know, tacking the radio in the embassy, the diplomatic compound in damascus. i mean, this is, this is completely wild and you have, you have then yahoo, you know, these really officials say that we're going to, if is, if we're and response, we're going to then hear, know, read and an american officials coming to we, you know, we have these rules back we, you know, we protect is real security. so the us is completely doubling down on what could easily be easily view of broader regional war. and quite frankly, this brought a regional war, could turn into something that's actually, you know, world war 3 and believing global. so this is complete. this is a rogue state that is just involved in such incredible atrocities. we such backing of of washington and other neo powers. yes. but the u. s. is just as complete it
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complicit. ok. an equal measure. okay. because without the united states, this could not happen. a pos, if i go to you. i also mentioned my introduction, lloyd austin, and he was asked by incentives. are tom cotton, you know, is this a genocide? and he said, no. then what is a genocide? i mean, why we didn't describe to us what's going on there. that's again, this is part of it, one of these troves that are keep coming out of the administration. go ahead pasta as well because it then just continuously gives is real permission to do what they want to do. i often use the analogy since the rhetoric has changed. now that you have so many elected officials, like chuck schumer saying, we should get rid of net and yahoo and a lot of the squad members saying we need is east buyer. it's almost like a best friend telling his best friend. they stop beating your wife, but then he hands them a sticker belt to do so. i mean they, it's all this lip service that's out there. but at the end of the day, the united states is going to back israel to do what they want to do. i think we
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know by now the cat is out of the bag. and if you haven't, you know, discovered this, that this was never about is real security. this is all about the greater expansion of design is nation. so at the end of the day, unfortunately, americans just aren't engaged. any time i talk to anybody about is real. they didn't even realize that palestine was a state, they don't know what happened in 1948. they don't know what happened at 1967 with the borders, so you have it in unengaged population. and then you have a bunch of politicians that have for them, you don't have dual citizenship with is real. so they're gonna continue to do what they want to do. and that's help is really expand. well, why don't going back to the fishbowl here in commenting would possibly just said, i mean is, you would, are close in age. what we've been propagandized about the middle east, about angry arabs, and then zion is, i mean, we know all of these narratives here. and even when you're faced with facts, the refutable facts, people do not. people do not absorb that, do they?
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you know, and, and again, peter, i want you to understand, i am not having a problem with this term genocide. i'm trying to explain, perhaps i'm not in a very articulate way. what i'm coming up against. i always give an allergies. peter, the me lie, massacre. we didn't ask any questions. we did a problem that nobody talked about whether they were human shields, whether be a com or they didn't i. there was a time when we looked at at abject horror and said, that's all i need to see. you can, you can debate all you want. i heard this week and i wish i could have typed it on fox news, which i do not listen to. i swear i knew it was my actually was on my youtube account, and this is the narrative. how mazda is everywhere. uh, they usually use these uh, these civilians as human shields. they're the number of how much grows exponentially. i think there's like 3 of my soldiers per guys incentives and
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they're there. and the only way to to get which by the way is real has the right to exist them and the defend itself. and the only way to, to get rid of them us is to in essence eliminate or because one and we're going to wake up and they're going to be just no one god is going to be just gone. and we're going to say, oh, now what? oh, well, i will move along. this is the rhetoric right now there's a sense of this is a, a war peter, that you and i as americans don't understand. this is a different texture. this is, this is an existential. i know, but you know, yeah, but like the way, the way, the way it's played is mainly go to even montreal. i mean, the level of racism is extraordinary here. okay. i mean, come off is, uh uh, and palestinians are acquainted with being barbaric. okay. when they were the victims and barbarism for it though they ever since this age and we can go back to 1948 ivy
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is one of the things that israel is not winning in gaza. ok. it's not winning. and this is one of the problems here. as i'm going to talk later in the program is that if you're not winning, you're going to expand the war. and the only way that's going to happen is that the americans agree go ahead and montreal. yeah, i mean, what are the most crass forms the race isn't like look at how much attention there's been 2 hostages. hostages are defined as those who are taking it to guys. well, israel has taken thousands and thousands more policy and hostages in recent months . and there's about some to or somewhere towards the $10000.00 palestinians detain . there's all kinds of stories about just a horrible treatment of those palestinians detained by israel. and all the media attention is on the, the israelis or even guys. and you know, let's, let's release the hostages across the board. less less about the ball go and those that it, israel's attaining and, and those that the mouse and other factions and attending a release them. um,
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but yes, i think that with regards to the, the israel 6 months over 6 months and, and, and the, the stated goal of override kidding, the home us leadership eradicating him. us that's failed. they haven't even be able to get the hostages back. so from, from the standpoint of their stated goals, they clearly failed and, and, and so their, their last, you know, i mean boeing up the, the sons of the year to put a meter from us and his grandchildren, including at least 4 year old is 608 year old or something like that. i mean, this is just, this is, this is not all righty. i'm able to hold that thought, we have to go to a hard break and after that hard break and we'll continue our discussion on palestine state without the
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the welcome back to across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter roosevelt. you mind you were discussing palestine the okay, it's go back the past in florida plus the you and i in this program uh, over the course of the last 2 years have talked a lot about ukraine and i think that there is a commonality here in dressing what's going on with causes a israel can not when it's war against hum us without committing genocide and, and even then one has to wonder if they can defeat them. and then you have ukraine, where a ukraine is being used as a proxy by nato countries to inflict
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a strategic assault on russia. it's not working. so what are they both in both cases? what do you do? keep the war going on? and if possible, expanded pasta. absolutely. it's a money laundering machine over here. how many people are getting so much kickbacks and money in their pockets or the other day that north of coming, their stock wins. iraq and you do the roof. so yeah, these people who control our government continue to, to push this narrative, but, you know, i want to just kind of touch on the fact that, you know, i mentioned earlier and what are your guess just mentioned to as well, the stated goals. i don't think this bid their state of goals, whatever their plans. i think their stated goals are always different than their actual goals. and this is an old plan. this is why, you know israel many years ago, created and funded home us because they wanted to take advantage of a, a jihad is group, is they would say, you know, that was counteract in the p l. o at the time. and they can do exactly this and, and the same about it is that americans right there. so program, i mean, going through the school system over here. i spent years and years studying about
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the whole, the costs. but any other genocide i never even got to touch upon, we never hardly ever talked about it. so they have the people condition is really lobby as not only owns our government, they own our media. and it's really a shame of what's going on because they can just throw out these empty words and people will go along and you know, the answer is you'll get like, what about all the civilians being killed? you know, it's war, it's a shame. so even though the kinds of throughout these words you say that it's a shame and they're sad and by it, those still justify it and allow it. yeah, it's, it's very interesting. lionel is that again, i'm glad pasta is bringing this up in the way we've been. we were program going through with the educational system. i remember, i think all of us here who member of the, the hostage crisis after the over through, over the shot, which is something that we've been, you know, the netflix and movies and they constantly consulate the reason why we should hate around all right. nothing, you know, we didn't do anything bad to them like over throw their government before that. and
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so line on, i mean people are condition that, you know, uh well, i guess eventually we're going to have to go to war with a ran. it says it's almost passive, go headlines to. well, a couple of things. are you being the very good point we have there has been created as almost this past. blo be in or this patel or reaction that around is bad and evil like the, the new evil empire. there's a couple of twins here. peter is, you know, a lot of folks who for the longest part maintained uh strict conservative bone of fi days. they were card carrying, right, wingers or whatever. and now we're seeing where the case have been. ok and it's all legit. now there's this, this gives them, this, this kinds of it up 238 o c, who came with a little bit closer to acknowledging this. but i want to tell you something which is that the most problematic. and i don't want to dare i say wax conspiratorial, but there are emerging more and more of these groups that pop up that are pro
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palestinian. and the chance we'll go from either or whatever. we don't say from the river to the sea anymore. nobody says that, but they'll say now deaf to america, and i thought to myself, you know, if i didn't know better, and i'm not saying is, i would say, i wonder if these people were perhaps encouraged to say that. so that the already confused american in the fishbowl says up, see what these people were about. just one i own, but just when you almost had me with a genocide, look what you want to do. you want to kill america and it's 2 people in a parking lot, but it's the way the, the media expand upon this. because remember, this is an informational more information is the currency of this century. this is what we do and that absolves what ever if anybody felt the slightest bit guilty for you know, i probably should be paying more because they say, i know what israel was right now. let's go back to the eclipse. yeah, i, it's really interesting because we have this really growing dichotomy a year in canada. we have um, pasta in line or in the united states. and you know,
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the, the, the narrative, you know, the pro israel narrative is in tac though. there's a lot of discussion and i'm really happy about of that. a lot of young people and people deciding that they're not going to accept the lives that are they're fed to, but the rest of the world really is very much in lock step against what's going on here. how can the united states and canada talk about human rights moving forward as well? they couldn't talk about human rights with without uh, being mocked uh 6 months ago. um and now they really can't talk about human rights . i mean that the enabling of the horrors and guys is, is start and, and the whole world sees it and the whole, or seen this for a long time. if you look at the voting patterns you, when it's basically the us, canada, israel, mike from the use a couple other small island nations against the rest of the world repeatedly and
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that, and that continues. so even, you know, you look at this israel trying to widen the war, and dozens of countries have condemned this blowing up of, of a rainy and a territory in syria. and, and you have countries like canada to just stay quiet, even though the canadian embassy was actually the windows are blown on the clean embassy of damascus, which has been closer. but 10 years it is windows were actually blown out. but it's, it's very striking still. they're canadian foreign minister, canadian global fer estate, stay quiet about this. but the rest of the world sees this as a new flavor in violation of, of international law, whole series of diplomatic conventions. but, but you know, so it was the, the nato countries have been isolated with their, you know, international rules based order rhetoric and their human rights rhetoric. they've been isolated for a long time. most of the world didn't buy it. and then over the past 6 months, but the rest of the world is just, you don't think this joe, right?
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i mean, the young governments around the world, you know, nicaragua, taking, taking germany to the international court of justice for their arguments. and then also gonna take canada as well for selling weapons to israel. they can't take the us because us actually has agreed to the conventions of the i, c, j, the deductions u k. they're also planning on taking. so the rest of the world sees the, the absolute hypocrisy. this isn't something new, the, the genocide and god that has just, you know, brought this out and such a star work uh manner. yeah. but you know, uh past the, one of the, the, the dangers here is that 1st of all, the west, the scene is being completely hypocritical. um, its rules based daughter is a, is a, is a joke. uh, come in. it never had any kind of, uh, uh, vitality in the 1st place. and so what is the west going to do? it will use force. so we'll use conversion. ok. this is the destruction of international humanitarian law and international law. and the west is not going to
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give up its position of prominence. they will use force to keep it. now, they don't, they, because it'd been international law has been so trivialized, they don't even make reference to it anymore. pasta. or that will take us to a full out full blown more, which is i think their goal at the end of the day it feels like the now susie is to run this country over here. don't give a damn. if we get into all out war, i mean, it hasn't just been the is really powers fine situation where the ukranian russian situation, i mean, that attack on moscow the other day. i mean, i'm so sorry, but it had american fingerprints all over it. and no matter what it said, the matter with the rhetoric is the matter how much the public mentality changes and they keep pushing back against the war against military actions. at the end of the day, we're sitting here behind the gun. we're very privileged. we don't have to worry about what everybody else around the world has to worry about, and that's us bombs dropping on them. so no matter what, at the end of the day, i think the, those in charge will find a way to,
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to swing this and get their narrative management going for people to go along with what's going on. you know, you constantly hear people say when you start talking about the israel palestine situation, well, everybody hates the, is really, is everybody hates the, the jews. i'm like, well why, why would, why do you think that is? do you know what that zion is? state is doing so at the end of the day, peter, it really is a scary situation, but i, i have a feeling that they're trying to bring us to world war 3 and you know what they say? well, well, 3 will be fought with nuclear weapons for world war afore on the spot with sticks and stones. and that's what i'm scared of. yeah, a line on, i mean with the, the, by the administration's. a very, it's really hard to characterize that. i mean, the way you're going back to lloyd us and not we see no evidence of genocide, i mean that should terrify all of us. okay. because do you think that the binding people they will um, um allow or except expanding the conflict in the middle east because biden will be
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a war president then, and people rally around the flag. do you think that's a remote policy? a possibility? of course, it's a remote possibility, you know, a couple of points to do that. you, you mentioned about the in this i'm so glad you brought about the, the notion of world war for, you know, i, i don't want to think of the term eschatology, but you know, there's a couple of things going on here in regular popular media. any jacobson has been talking about a new book about nuclear war. we had the academy award with oppenheimer, we're be actually kind of condition or either habituated to the notion of nuclear war as though it's not anything to worry about. and i must say that i am a little that i'm quite weren't quite reluctant to use the word races. but recently i got to tell you i, i saw an interview with jose andrews from world general kitchen. and martha raddatz and whenever she spoke of, it is really debts. they were humans and it was data was really easy to use the desk and it was humans. and that was great. whenever you talked about about us any is it was always numbers and numbers are going up,
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is like when we take these like socrates and collateral damage, well you know what i lied or you're, you're absolutely right. i mean it, i saw that interview too. and you know, people were killed in gods, but they never say who killed them or why they were killed. keep going, right, right. is just inadvertent and what's happening is i always think about the bigger picture and i get, i only speak from the 1st for the rest of the world is far more aware. but we're being habituated to the, to the, there's nothing we can do. kind of like the look. this is the way these people are . and again, i was just go back if you believe that this is a war where this, this, this mystical, magical, protean type of her modest is always going to be before human shields there, everywhere you go. and the only way to eliminate them is to eliminate any place where they might be, by the way, encoding using a i. well i why, but we're almost out of time. if you want to comment on that real quick, you may have like 30 seconds here. i mean, it's a we've,
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we made an algorithm is used to pursue a genocide. 30 seconds my friend. yeah, i mean it's, it's beyond belief. i mean, they know they know they know what they're doing, they're killing and they're killing. it'd be, don't care to use the cheaper bombs when they know they'll knock out 20 people and, and we were seeing this lifetime. and we're seeing this ally that we say is the most moral army in the world. yeah. as us, canadian intelligence is part of the weapons are part of this canadians and americans fighting with is really military. so there's so many ways in which we're enabling us. yeah. well, i guess, i guess a we have to update the, the, the idea of the brave new world's gentleman. that's all the time we have a one to think my guess in montreal, new york and in highland beach. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, the next time, remember, cross knuckles, the
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acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else to give it. please do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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headlights thrown off t at a volley of rockets, lights up the night sky at 11 on has been the last resolve that israel, that is it made speculation about possible a ronnie and a retaliation the following a reason of the idea of striking on one, it was an explosion destroying a car here in moscow, apparently belonging to a former ukrainian intelligence officer who defective to russia. he says it was another attempted terrorist attack by the key. every g manage special service, the you can hear the sirens wailing as an evacuation order is given to the city of oregon bug and central russia. its following a recent time for the.


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