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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
the, the, and there is the separation of the forest strap on boosters that are just send the most definitely at the store if any percentage good for those phones. but there's some over, lots of fun. yeah. you're welcome to very beforehand i'm got like i'm finding and shells and i got the suggested that i left this one off the crush the 39. okay. what else? the level 3 is to sort this up. that should be something we don't have the little chest, which is what, what about the front of the scope of the scroll down until the interface? of course, most frequent feller. what about the weights in some thoughts?
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it's separate the little thing just to be able to follow up with almost least some of the real close to pushing over there. click here. it shows a simple little goal. when you compare with the other one which federal government should tell me how to adjust the steering wheel on pretty much like this. and you figure the quote of what she was doing. my ford from the jeff nero's position. how to adjust the mirror position, how to adjust the rear mirror position. the understood would you like to have a little doctor or the liver, the whole the whole ship vision and thoughts and stuff. the star, 50 is of the colors of,
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of the the notion of the party of the cold wind, musical perfume place for the pickup of company. the consequence. for example, the order of sick with one of the minimal disciplines is usually the voltage condition coming up of to go to one of the going fuel for the e before the reason simple. but i'd want me to concept, see who to put it up. of course he's going thing now i'm with knowledge textbook or what, what type of the code girl so much in you. these concept which i've you know, model name to what, what's going on a brief moment. just push on somebody to come for the parts of the department and
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the sofa show on a particular grocery store. it's a financial question for know course, each of the members are, couldn't always get to and st. winchell can we, it's almost impossible to get them into it. plus, so i'm going to show you some of them in finish question, because we used to put them in the future. you know, after march. okay the,
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the alex alex yeah, i'm way of the cross road in the long question, but i wasn't what i mean you couldn't even use the bottom piece sofa voice and distance didn't deserve. and you have the show to consider yourself still there for the with let me go for the child support that a little about before the show for you, my full and responsibility to be let's go with the small enough still i would minutes cuz i didn't have any more, look on your phone,
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she listed on the b. c spent several hours a day on a treadmill and other exercise machines to keep in shape, to connect them to possibly some of the top of the support group. and you'll notice the young people that she's told them, i leave that alone to whom i don't want to stay with the bullet, but she store in what happens to the detroit people from subject funds to yet, you know, but the company in with wisdom. so style, i mean it's, you know, get, basically so many of them as many people still the stomach for them for us almost it's, there's a new toner associate for full of e, c o 4, which in the core content across and one of the post, the which quote from believe this thing, and of course you're talking about the thing about this game. we'll talk a little bit. katrina hamilton was thought she had also lost nicholas tucker with
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some of the custodians to put the nurse said he wasn't a physical montrose that she needs to be, you know, met, continued dismissed at the wrong people come along with the blush and felt the same with some sentimental opinions just about the 2nd consider it's almost like is that the pin code, which is the one you put frontier, what, what you're doing? the card will know the machine was gonna pull a deal with the death of them. we'll do that northbound soft port of the through the weekend konstantin decided to use them for us get a discount on the launch of what does that mean? it's all used to be a total while we just
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looking at the picture? yes sir. one ready? 123 seconds. northwest. somebody with you? sorry. i'm going something. my name is maurice. so i'm something cool here in the hangover as a mock up of the apollo lunar module. the one that flew to the moon, the level. little feet away. but sending ammonia, you know, by the sponsor component of photo would to say on like the time when the last
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billing, there's a lot of such elf grove. so when it's still the police have no control at the top of the model, the luminous can i have. so that's going to be nimble to show more of them. if you speak to them myself, when you go into the room, which digits my age. each of the police to be dealt most almost over the board. i almost got by when the throw the switch, my motto, jodie bazemore, when you start to shows new, it's north industries chauffeured. you know, so that's interesting. show the spectrum of them was them. but there's even a couple 0 can do one year before the room, leave it open to this they're pretty much the 5 pushing all the know what
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percentage toyota book it almost on the 2013 and 6 almost the most of the it's like with an emotional comma from there, you read it slightly and install a little during the months, but i'm going to switch them up with you even though most of them on the truck goes. constantine would fly to miles, but he might go to the moon. if so, he'll have to drive a moon rover, and that's what he's learning to do. now. he's trying to deliver a package from the base to the warehouse. they'll pay the bill regardless of what all the all
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the on the same day. constantine space is a physical performance test. but it's so tough that for people including adults or in fitness coach trying to keep things under control.
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the, the who it's a throw is there, what is the go with the thing, but almost a one look up with the subway. they come up with on that as it these going to see with the doors to show and the push to the community,
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the, the, the, the, the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of his full metropolitan pro friendship
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president felix, who said one year ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government isn't in a new house, including his foster. larry says that goods was dumb, so strong, and the more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. bull came to power reset. and i'm ready to double open the people that curious to know if the problem or the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one of the buses into the bronze immediately deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. the walk in the country, 2nd largest, as he turned into a theater of law, looking to talk with you from 130 to the other 2 on the other thoughts about this. how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from? he is
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a bloody conflict. watch on see the vin constantine car. we don't in training with the moon rose at this time. the remote control was it shows it's a bit like a video game. the way you play is assessed by scientists. 10 psychologist church 6 to you, sir, and the what is the most important training out of in system multiple with a full scale i. s. s model which helps future customer also on to work in open space. the
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rules that are working spotty, bidding me shame. so when you my, i am private will continue to be in the mail about the when something's thoughts i thought of today for a lot of you to be on those, not your voice. and you have to even the should double up and up because i will watch 2nd. just don't see us pull this up to him yet, but i'm fortune before us. call them up. and if not, we'll just go from the glucose. they look state a face to face when they get off the bus less to cause they just took off the video is eligible for the us. jason, to announce that the jealous liquids used to produce to the neutral stimulus, courtesy though it's something, finds out the huge metal cove novelty. but each of the data, boy, i will talk with mike on your balance for the total sound. last thoughts are based upon the consult upon that at the point of collect the what causes that us go
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towards those. i thought slip a bit of an issue in a little bit, but just to you, when you all of us to go from you pretty much have gone and see a little tricky to show the over focusing the talk is the blue shield support structure which for the, the, this thing is actually i'll send you a 2nd in the mobiles. i'm going to show plus to not, you know, one of them will get us to do the pickup, titian. you, joseph, them. yourself at the foot of the cause. but for the it's the intuitive, slow child's diploma would be to kick it off at georgias and initial board of those . let me pull it up if there's any more sites but almost doable ish level the disadvantage. so we have a tailor still camille, with black, big profess to support states of present. michelle can pull clips to the morning
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scene or something. we both have an issue that would probably be an issue which, which will not always be on the shelf. we send you the wind speed or the problem, but you for the longest, the book on the little worried that's
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the, that's not cheap enough to
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a little speech. i see. let's see. it'll be coming to the blue men below where you want to put something to the look forward to view on your thoughts or something or to go to the video to go to the player and to show what clinton individual with the, the 4th and final crew member was announced to space x cree 7 for us, cause those cosmonaut konstantin for a song will fly as i mentioned, specialist completing the space for test the and the 3rd stage shut down is confirmed and spacecraft separation and
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a click to orbit rendezvous upcoming side of the mattress express used to be to be able to get the constant team, buddy. so we'll get to space just 5 years of to being accepted that some very quick feel. go to the i. c s. as part of an international crew with an american jasmine, mobilly, danish, andreas, morganson, principal. she photo colors from and trained for
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a long time. but the crew was only approved 2 months before the flight from municipal services. and that is it going to cost solution? nobody else, they've chosen all the software. some guy show it to me and i showed some go before the like i slipped. the 2nd question, you're still with me meant the level, the now the crew is install city learning to handle emergencies. and the russian old little segment
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the most do the same kind of and show us some minutes for them to show it when they got a new course. thank you. plus if subjects 30 tomatoes next time you 1st to pick her up. and then i have several codes and the nice leisure my look into them both, it's loses of silver. nina garden,
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linux i have still not to do with english. they also thought i've done both assuming those images, they're still renewable. any book were submitted saying before the find it here. the 1st you need to move this
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to remind you there's still one some easy deal for the constant in new bluffed off in a dragon spacecraft. so tomorrow he'll head to l a and then onto the space x company. we have to go out because function to see the way the steel. so you want to get a hold of the legal maletchko. so what i'm supposed to do is, you know, you've done your full system for of the
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machine of left for the total stove, when you get somebody to do, you want to give you the sales thoughts. and if you have the phone book or something that's always difficult, you, something is too much for holding on to the with the sympathetic computing people. do i have to show perfect? did you want the shuttle service to go over to me on the clothes machine to treat everyone with honesty. 2 more from a single. sure. okay. and does this one for you to choose from you?
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okay. so the total should come on simple thoughts portion, peoplesoft long summit. mm hm. for the appeal should've applied on the mortgage considered. the one engine task is to move the loan before dark, so it doesn't become over ground. that night, he couldn't sleep, but did rest on the plane. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st?
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can you see through their illusion going underground can the, the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 18. 85 in the very heart of the african continent states under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared. since the beginning, the congo free state was total, may have for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their
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quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congo these people under control. the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet use, and as proof presented a job hand of an african, it was not uncommon when drying to justify the use of the munition. the colonists amputated the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. fi, atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. you know, late 20 years, the policy of the belgians laid to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the grimness pages in the history of mankind.
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was already those old wide. it was can be started by line. please. kennedy sped advice for the importance of we could, i never cause a study since i have transparency is extraordinary. john, mystic, patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the public domain. what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest part wants to so mom realized tends to me and, and, and honestly of late, continuously. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely. fort adjustments for to be on box weighing
1:00 am
a 175 used to go through. do you have sense of all we going to lift that stay at the top. so is this our volley overall piece of light of the night? sky is level and has the lashes out, as well as some inspect could ation about possible ingredient with how the ation toilet in a reason, idea of strike on the one of it's considered as mazda ford is a new tides was for the power struggles to retain influence its form of colonies and even in europe, the hood of church causes thousands of in the east african nation to remove ours. but during a visit by a trump budget. on a special session of the un security council, initiated by russia,


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