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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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some pretty keen differences between major countries, russia is pointing out that the flow of weapons to the key of government is having pretty serious consequences for the world. and the countries that are committed to biting terrorism really have a lot of explaining to do about why they continue to give weapons to a government that's free, obviously links to terrorist activities. but am i calling michael porter spoke with retired us air force left 7, cano kyle and quite trotsky. who took part in the security council session shows encouraged by the number of funds is now discussing and immediate need for a piece that might work was in. i notice that the british and the, the us representatives at the security council, she did not acknowledge strong shot the words so that i said, but that's fine to me. um, i think the facts on the ground are speaking to what i'm talking about. and i also some of the temporary members of the un security council spoke like mozambique and
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the things that they were saying and other countries as well. very much supportive of negotiations. and i am was especially impressed by what the chinese representative had to say. he also said it's time to, for negotiations to direct negotiations, and that needs to happen, even bestbuy's and ross, it having a great off of hand. and this puts in as continually said, we're ready to negotiated. we're ready for peace. and to get this thing over with now the session, the russian envoy. i also said that the, the westbound support decree and has raised a monster whose terrorist tentacles are already visible outside you create in most where he's woods. is that how you see it will increasingly yes, i mean, we are seeing the kinds of weapons that have flowed into ukraine, enable ukraine to reach beyond borders, and to do it in a way that is a terroristic, you know, they are small attacks in population centers or symbolic centers
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that is, you know, for political purposes so violence, not state violence or state violence. i mean ukraine is a kind of a non state actor at this point. so non state violence across borders, hitting civilians to make a political statement that is terrorism. and certainly um, facing proud that they're able to conduct this kind of thing and they're going to continue to do it well around. so this and he is, as always, is great to have your company here on. ok. see for all that, i just updates from around the world to check them out of the box. the media should show them that attends them to deal with the way to go out with that. the pretty much the people that they will just, you know,
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the way to or when they will, low upset, let me still diploma. we often see customer notice strong and successful. people realize their dreams. but at what cost? and how long must they wait before the 1st blast of ocean perusal to assist you or just any presumptive? because you're not spent garcia, can you please just this is about an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer. of course, most daniel was more than was just like, it's almost like it was just that only me the when he more than i could. so when we 1st met constantine in a field about free dining and when we heard of his desire to be a customer node, we just had to fill him again. and we followed his journey for 7 years. it's a good location, but it needs to go in general, but because of she was last but not least,
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mission specialist konstantin bore us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be canceled. your video on board. any of this is to chose and skill as to way from someone else. you need to do more of the little misconduct, the, the subdivisions, just originally, just an option with move. just the 1st one. the cool is that they will have to play with more just like one. just all of the corner shrinks. almost took one off that there is just the jump, the photos they will skip. each of those lists from jenny pronounce to mental vision of that i bought the
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you know today, constantine body stuff is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on us. so the question is just looking to get off the issue is there, was this still more comfortable left of the boat up with all the ability to just taking a while from church with them? i could,
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i asked them the court the just so about when you know what you're truthful, if it's the financial cut off the deal is with the good mister shooting. and you're gonna have nicole difficulties just of this bigger charge. both particular spots on your tires to be on the last semester. with cornerstone, let's go to finish your site. it's almost identical for these things to any of the the, the general, the assignment as low as my supplied someone saying they still save yourself, sunset the, the car with which is from them. you, can you please put those up on himself of general golden success? them, but it's a beautiful for us to do this. and since we have the sick one go to the base of the funds. so you show it to be in and you don't say that, you know, then you're going to use and then show any friends do with the police can shoots.
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and we would assume that which i still one of them could have given me the different sort of course that i was in the portion of the it says the feeling of finishes, the symbols with a duplex went up to me. what you'll need. yeah, pretty much the, the thing you thought would you feel the most or see different tabs thought to the rich community because one of them went back set it up for
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a minute. all this was just a little looking at them going off to you. not sure which is which school does any the civil smith got older. i mean that one more popping hold of his. yep. really that's. can you spell that to me? you can on often the kinds of cool do you like adults slippage? oh, well, you know, traditional try to get see what it was. yeah. it's cuz other store for shows me the store it see what your familiar look. look almost put on youtube. a lot of you have to get a ceiling and kind of a new one for that one. that term with them that that's the up at the store for the special about the show before which it puts them in the wireless. it's a much can use a cheap the cheapest to pick them up a full store, them kind of want me to store the old neural v as in store them or what's confusing emotion to them. which when you start off with almost the mean upload to move with interest, but apply only some a little to the fellow to the score along with them and diving
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the shots. bethany, go to us to come to dive in the new motor pulse, which is but the way to look up the name of additional, you know, all those mobile phones for when stephanie customer discussion, konstantin, ethan became an international judge in free diving. he took his students, the only thing in a pool with the smoke up debate in feel closer to space in the discussion we had actually been on the at 52. he'd become a head of business intelligence for a large company. but the childhood dream was still alive, so he spent his evening studying at the da signed institute. and that degree gave him a chance to become a customer. so he waited for applications to be invited nor stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were those conflicts enough to me to be a good boy relation with respect to like with all of them and all that sort of
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engines collab the whole of so we're not able to to, so the system being able to use a model bit spell, which so the absolute perception we started filming constantino's, customer, north applications were open and we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is today, he submitted his papers, the email's been done, the the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing, pull up some swimming. so well,
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did he even swim the deeper auto straight? can you predict the lift gates especially close to the snow? in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests to us that south exhausting exams locked in several months for sponsoring customer northwood. tested by coaches, doctors and psychologist next to both of those, the one that receiving us the the don't suggest chest motiv differential between the different levels of to produce the warranty continues to meet with me for a project on the other one, you're welcome. please go to 20 points to joseph and let's do the work was quick lane. so then we're going to, i think more than likely split thing was just in the 4 course section. just wasn't as much as one of the ones that this one of the
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out of $420.00 calls middle of the candidates are being selected. first bell phase 2 years of training and only then will they officially become customer notes in flight. the, the engineering ocean problems coming up to flight speed and the lift arms. the
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. 6 the the clamp who's moving a little slow bill come so hold on. sure. this looks like it to stay a going to see me even the baby and mary again, you're going to set up a new credit when you could use florida. oh, we think about 20 till probably what it gives these water. anybody's advantage is that they use the nipple of a torch completely. fuck, i'm know, that's him got given him. like i know it's a nice and easy being a student to gain of,
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to working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. this is one of constant teams. first powers of jumps, but it's not going well. that's the only isn't going to know lots of it of today's present benefit. good us for zillow is a look at the deal to shatoya, which i mentioned. it shows the snippets almost on the shelf subject before the to the pretty much the women in. yep, there's nothing to deal with for the patricia news now is on the 1st issue, color with was to the window is to is this is what was plus when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions for react.
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the, the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stress to assistance and the ability to make quick decisions in
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life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so you're expected to result your actions, describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude to 0 sustained use of the way me and was always supported across the cool cool like a boat and little kit for each cause. so that's sort of the legit validated with the loading and silicon valley which was supposed to be published in my know what else could tell us what the the flow will go into the shading of about sticking with the ones you might see. just going to give it to a inch screen a quick like you'd just be the
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. 6 the the, someone can essentially it's based on what the cost of so it's $72.00. if it was no good, i've gone. yeah, us dollars, which must be it, but that will still me up. i'm what i'm going to show you the rest of to
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hold up as for you to sort of forced to come with me when i started this mess with another question for you. it's just weird. so i think that's more than the new facility to to the pretty much the next one up, if someone's opinion, something that you know what, you know, the pieces of this on the 6 months ago, the much while you're on the phone with introduce myself,
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which involves 3, i'm going to invite f with the, with the, with the the band to be able to read it with their game. so what is this the dig unless your video will avoid any still come on. you know, because i have this is useful senior provided the pass code that it
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constantly lands extreme survival skills not just in the forest but out in the step 2 and it was in an emergency as sonya ship could end up anywhere. then he has to be prepared for anything in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces he has to so various problems and of course you have to learn about the sense as soon as we had the chance we asked about the most important of daily tasks. the single thoughts are introduced the facility, some of them just for the moment, 0 ever since storing it. you know what? probably a little seed you know, we should the toilet split as awesome as a lot of them come and tell us to listen to that. the for the most efficient as the system kasheila. so consider one for that. you also consider along with also, but what do you not block and city it only that you want to level with augusta when
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you're in the month when bundled you live, but also in the let us know what you have to do. i think that holds it printed out for almost to this the call that used to be set up and you have to show them that there's quite close the window. ok. legit systems issue. it just came with the or she wasn't the stop wasting up a flight club to shut the apartment like a person that i filled up for the 2000 and the phone wasn't associated with you. the children printed, i am some of the most exposure. you able to shaving to know that at the same time as long as the phone know it's almost full for the patrol for their the i'm gonna try it. cuz i think one of the most part of the course, declared announcer with the city of mine, is that this was this, the coach gave french the nurse and see if they're going on. this pistol just to color wasn't, as are also its spelling results too. now wasn't sure, so i'm going to move on to the what's the look at what's purchase storage? still things to trimble to clear up by cost goes a little place this to me,
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which is quite close to you. those plans. griffith, which looks like that almost until a payment most of the parts are about to go to the company with an interesting kind of watch just to assure you that that was to go to move to them. yeah, i missed the chill storage shed appears on the walls, pushing wellness the with me more left side difficult. it's a little for the space on the cushion. so if the, what does this i talking to them for sold one that of thursday, which is the most important thing, and we'll see the people, the company, the customer will strain a lot in many cities across russia, constant ins, wife and visit, same as an off site training session to the family. welcome to the member from the for you from the truant software. we bought the pro store. there's a video with the back of the browser. you can put a glass more than,
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you know, let me know if any, or should that obviously 2 to 3 to well for you. but also because the only reason with this control is up pretty good unless somebody wants to get on the pin number . either way to shut off the. yeah, i need to put the she was the room. you're full of not the stomach, boy for the google for with them posted to phone. you can repeat in the only portion of the, the cost we will send you the option. so booklets you can see that's kind of i don't see the cause of them like a see to be a little bit close, right. the are almost too. yes. constantino dyna lift a post send when it go to hot. they selves the flats in both the house and the
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install, saving the window shows much more puppy show when you put a show some of these are still they are available in answer them. what do you mean you? i was looking at. those are unable to my, what the history of what you're doing, the 3, using the very to not your new over change, the point you to and what the additional de moines this commercial tribute to show on the webpage. so something of filtering has to be pretty, is coming down to the postal code. repeat nothing, nothing it assuming the samples names. i mean, if they're digital ones, those little feel free to stop shooting. let's bring up your thoughts as payment much. so the, what you look on your stuff to the scene is the same as your book. tomatoes uncle, instead of goes to both as back over the and we sent him 0 course closing for the
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dates, but it was the vista level. it's a good thing is that the oldest of us procedures on both sides of the fortunate x, which i think of the question a couple couple proposed to promote that has an interesting the chest i for something special i ever saw somebody on the lucas, my appointment is from the one which most of the things that's typical, the hub english choice being listed. good. i'm not saying that schools to repeat in jeopardy. you hold for done the same that for you. and of course, to pretty hosting done. of course school for that and go chasing those much more to those initial simply was only able to just kind of wish the level of misdemeanor, one of which was changing. what would be the new york, what i should get this, what there's some way you're shipping them belonged to a mutual live cable rejection with a story in the interviewer session. you remember which the course the which no,
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but what i'm telling you sort of what's your number, placebo scope to for you really junior, she says remove the payoff to senior course manual to both of you mentioned already what is your level know stuff? sure. no, for those of email. so i think that's what i mean. pretty good. i got the you, somebody, me, joel discontinued sexual things with this, some distortion climbing emotional tickets and saying what disagreements, what are the, the, the, the,
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the path to this dream is a hard one. in the 1st 2 years, you have to post more than 80 exams and only then is there a chance of becoming a real customer of the old block wall going into the fortunately the more. so how is the reason why i said you would switch up and go to do it out the door of the little approach wondering is it looks like the can you bring in my shift to those things i'm giving you. i'm just different company epa flow from the flow of most smoothly. just let me know if any of those to publish title photos talk to the multiplan. is it also when she's putting it on the account? i think that that will continue to those in which the future, the whole different portions could book. you mean you conflict the front of the company, just slice point? is there some tech from others? if i go out of use and you thought was to shop in your wife and it wasn't listed on the left and what was what they said you would go over 3 pathologist, but no one's got in his life. i'm extension middle skills and which i'm going to propose to show his level,
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the key with the initial price quoted for these i'm of the national driven usage, which is a senior store within pursue a little back the bus which he can get hold of somebody else will not let them proceed if these are both instructions as to what they want us to click on. just be sure you know what the cost to get up. and so that that is just too much junction. if it's, you know, pretty much the political just organization present to the 5th. yep. i just got a pretty dope, which is this is as humans, as most of the double chose knoxville type and most of most increase the ocean features as to how much we just have to send. we have like, well, pretty much today. so to go to just to kind of short e,
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just been able to totally be where you're pressing. you're still in my. so what's your self interest with a boy? you're still supposed the she's the the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this,
5:00 am
but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the breaking news harvey was killed in a mess, stabbing attack of the mole in a sydney off the idea of the suspects in public for the shots by the police. only a roof is light, so the nice guy has lebanon says, will buy shoes out front, as well as the mid speculation about possible reading and vision for your recent ideas strike on one of its come to the russian orthodox church, baptizes thousands of physicians in the after the nation over most hours, past julia visit by 12 to 2 i would like to say the following. 12 west and tony. you have raised a amongst its activity is no longer limited. do you agree.


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