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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the roster in advance is gaining momentum in the dawn bash with moscow's priest. taking the cube image of federal mascara in the republic. 6 people are killed in the mass that being attacked at the mall in sydney, australia, and the suspect the perpetrator is shot dead by the police. a volley of rockets lights up the sky as lebanon's has glass as well. but these are all, that's the major speculation about possibly ronnie and retaliation. pull on your recent idea of like on one of its positives the russian orthodox church, but 5 is thousands of christians and the east african nation of malawi, and that's during the visit by
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a top jeanette. the trouble of continuing a coverage of the latest trends shape in the world right now. this is arch international. i a michael question. now we start with breaking news from the front lines and the dumbass russian treats of taking the village of federal must guy in the done yes, good public. and that's according to the russian defense ministry. which said that you created last over 230 troops in the bottle. now let's cross live to a correspondence in the eskimo. rob guys, do you have more? i just good to have you join me now. what can you tell us about the russian armies advance a while the russian ministry of defense is indeed confirmed. the debt of allies good has been taken by russian forces all through
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a very low and very difficult 5 for the more it is now. the 5th, the 5th settlement to have been taken by russian forces since the full up day of coverage again goes to show the men to by brushing forces kindly of fighting in the den. yes. even the guns regions the uh, the head of ukrainians. uh you credit military has come up, the said that there is indeed a great amount of pressure that the russians revitalized off to the elections and on the offensive, across the front lines he has again summed up the difficult position that you created and all the forces arrived at the severe shortage and non polar a weapons. i'm you, nation that say off that they are experiencing the battle for peer my my score, of course we, we had because the puts the, the,
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the be taken days ago. but the repeated you create in counts were attacked, huge cows or tags, utilizing all the tenants in order to, to, to, to push the russians to the do it to beat the back. those haven't worked up in alaska is officially now on the, on the russian control. i do credit in forces have been forced to withdrawal westwood, the, the situation for you credit remains desperate because essentially of the loss of 5 settlements. there hasn't been any change. they haven't received any new i new nation, and the deed present zalinski is for the 1st time come up and said the, the ukraine will use this called these with as much as well as he was 25 to put 7 of them. i believe to show up to cranes ukraine's air defenses in the face of the russian as superior. alrighty.
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and the habits that. busy superiority especially glad bottom, directly across to create in front floods. wide hearted corresponding morag guys via they are bringing us up to speed. now a special session of the un security council has been held to address weston on supplies to key if he was called by russia and it's on voice pull, no punches about what he said. those shipments had resulted in a very loose when you feel assured, so crane is now turning into a voice in the terrace states, thanks to supplies of west to may dots in the resales and long range missiles. the korean armed forces are attacking civilian targets inside russia. everyone is aware of such crimes by the key of regime, such as the mode of generalized area do going out on the military correspondence flatland, top task, the bombing of the crime in bridge on the shooting down of a plane carrying its own prisoners of bull. however,
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the horrific terrorist attack can be crocuses. the whole shopping center on the 22nd of march occupies a special place in the series of students coming up by would like to say the following. 12 west and tony. you have raised a month stumps. it's activity is no longer limited to ukraine's way zalinski having ease up to thailand, surprised ascent is committing to lowering us and us against these. i'm citizens of the group, hopefully mocking the memory of the victims of german nazi isn't and clarifying. it's a compass is it's a terrorist. 10 goals already opened the visible outside you crazy. when we heard from the russian ambassador and the battles are yeah, he spoke to the un security council meeting and he basically made the case that western leaders continue to get weapons to a region that they know has at this point, pretty well documented, lead transformed into a terrorist state, he laid out the details of the atrocities that ukraine has committed,
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and the links of the ukrainian government to the crockett a city attack among other attacks on civilians and terrorist activity see which is $250.00 that is before those involved. and the terrorist attack, having escaped, tried to get to the board with you crate, but we're probably detained within a few hours of the moment. 11 people involved in the undertaking of this crime have been identified in the criminal case. the investigation also has confirm dates on the receipt by 8 perpetrates on the terrorist attack of a significant amount of money and cryptic currencies from ukraine, which we use used in the preparation of the crime. not right, that there is evidence that the key of regime has been cooperating with is the miss radicals for a long time and using them for his own purposes. as also, i've known about the recruitment was carried out by the crating embassy dish on by which attracts must embrace who want to join the international legion. now, the russian ambassador also criticized us leaders for simply failing to respond to
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all the evidence that russia has presented before the security council regarding ukrainian atrocities and ukrainian terrors. he highlighted in particular links of the recent terrorist attack to breast ma, holding the natural gas company that employed hunter by that us present biden's son . now we heard from other members of the council who gave similar remarks to what they usually say, condemning russia, blaming all of the doubts and suffering in or on russia and saying it's all russia as well. we also heard western leaders in particular, highlighting frustration and anger. at russia's uh, relationship with north korea, all, they all made a point of mentioning that. so the meeting did highlight some pretty key differences between major countries. russia is pointing out that the flow of weapons to the key of government is having pretty serious consequences for the world. and the countries that are committed to biting terrorism are really out a lot of explaining to do about why they continue to give weapons to
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a government that's pretty obviously linked to terrorist activities. right. and you know, we spoke with retired us air force, nothing on kind of carrying cook top ski who took part in the security council section, actually wasn't called raised by the number of countries now discussing an immediate need for a peace settlement. and i notice that the british and the, the us representatives at the security council did not acknowledge the word so that i said, but that's fine. but i think the facts on the ground are speaking to what i'm talking about. and i also some of the temporary members of the un security council spoke like mozambique and the things that they were saying and other countries as well. very much supportive of negotiations. and i was especially impressed by what the chinese representative had to say. he also said it's time to, for negotiations to direct negotiations,
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and that needs to happen really with best buy to rush it, having a great off of hand. and this puts in as continually said, we're ready to negotiated. we're ready for peace and to get this thing over with. now the session, the russian envoy also said that the, the westbound support decree and has raised a monster whose terrorist tentacles are already visible outside you create in those where he's wood. is that how you see it will increasingly yes, i mean, we are seeing the kinds of weapons that have flowed in to ukraine, enables ukraine to reach beyond borders, and to do it in a way that is a terroristic, you know, they are small attacks in population centers or symbolic centers, that is, you know, for political purposes so violence, not state violence or state violence. the mean ukraine is a kind of a non state actor at this point. so non state violence across borders,
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hitting civilians to make a political statement that is terrorism and certainly facing proud that they're able to conduct this kind of thing and they're going to continue to do it. at least 6 people had been killed and a mass stabbing a tank at the stop. in mullins sydney, australia, police state police stopped the suspect that perpetrator had the scene. a hundreds of people were evacuated from the area of the following images off from inside the mole a wanting that you might find some of them distressing. now a 9 month old baby and it's mother. what among the before the victim. please describe the attack as a quote. critical incident. authorities are telling people to avoid the area has an investigation is underway. police folks bus instead of perpetrators has yet to be identified. and there was nothing found at the scene that could review the motive. from preliminary inquiries,
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it would appear that this person has acted alone and contains that there is no continuing for it. there's nothing that we are aware of that saying that would indicate any body for any audio which they want in islamic revolution. god's core has seized the container ship sailing on the part to gaze flies near the strait of who's and that's according to the ron's official news agency, the r n. a for that shows the iranian come on those reading. the concord by helicopter radi and media claims that contain a ship was hijacked by the country special forces. while the vessel was sailing on the fly, go potty go. the allegedly has spiced weasel. the ship belongs to the london based company zodiac mar time, which is part of and he's ready own company. ron has not officially commented on the incident report at lee. the ship has now been diverted into iranian territorial
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waters. moving on, not to the latest in the middle east, as usual, has confirmed the conducted strikes on the southern lebanon. this video you're seeing right now. every leads by the idea of shows that needs really flight. the jet hitting a target of the ideas said this struck an industrial complex used by lebanon's has beloved group area has been lost savvy, 5 thousands of missiles, israel with the latest developments. here's odds. these middle is buried, chief matter of phenomena. what we know, at least for to real kids, have been loaned from lebanon to israel's northern communities. earlier on friday, the idea said in a statement, his beloved living on base the run back group called ready claims responsibility for days barrage of missiles. it said it statements that stays rarely, armies, artillery positions have been targeted. some of the kids were here were intercepted, others lender in open areas of south fulton level,
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and there are no reports of damages or casualties so far. the idea for his beloved have been trading fire right. these really old and both, almost on a daily basis in the last 6 months after the war in gaza started but fried his attack. of course comes in a context of your readings rides, and fear is that the, her on hordes retaliation gains israel following its alleged attack on the reading and kind of so it's in damascus, syria that's killed 7, talk to read and commanders, the country supreme leaders said earlier it was the same thing as an attack on their soil valley, and israel would pay a high price early in cbs before closing to a named us officials sides. and it ran in me sound and drone and tad could be launched against israel as early as friday evening. well, if the ron strikes is ro, israel is almost certainly going to strike back and early or president biden
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promised. iron clad support for israel in case of the run in strikes with tag around was supposedly warning washington death in case of american involvement. the us forces in the region will be attacked. so the scale of a potential conflict cannot be underestimated, is really defense minister, and that was the chief all american central command earlier to make sure israel and the us on the same page. and the idea of says it's monitors dissertation closed. but let's take a listen. the id s continues to monitor closely what is happening in iran, in different arenas constant preparing to deal with existing and potential threats and co ordination with the united states armed forces, or forces it prepared and ready at all times. and for any scenario, the united states said earlier on friday to us send and reinforcements to the middle east with an aircraft carrier, unable to intercept to me, solves, and drones fired by iran, sailing for the red sea toward israel in a show of deterrence from the bite and administration to her on already commented
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on that best go used to florida concerts and embassies in any country. you can see it to be part of the country that owns them when they attack how the console that's it's as if they have attacked our land. this is an international norm. they will get redeem, made a mistake in these case. it must be punished and each will be punished as rarely prime minister has repeatedly made his position crystal clear. and here is benjamin antonia, who would ray to ray tenant again. i mean that we are in challenging times. we are in the middle of a war in gaza, but we're also preparing for challenging scenarios and other reasons. we established a simple principle, have a hearts us, we hard them. we are prepared to meet the security needs of the state of israel in terms of bold defense, an attack. well, i have to say we are in a very nervous moment earlier, a number of states have more than say, a citizen is against traveling to israel and the palestinian territories. and iran
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us also warned its citizens not to move to specifics. it is with a israel at the same time and spokesman halls, the idea of addressing this really public charlie on friday said people have nothing to worry about that everything's under control, they didn't. the dad's is prepared for all possible scenarios, and no changes were made to the home front commands directive. so the authorities are based rel, one people to become. but of course, again, it is a very nervous moment because if the reason the conflict and the reason escalation is going to be very big over in the west bank, how far would you say one policy in was killed when he's ready? such as i stormed into a village near ramallah and said several of homes on cause on fire. it is reported to be one of the largest attacks by use ready set to us in the region this year of the policy, the in house ministry says to the 5, all the people when did in the round page,
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that usual appears to be running out of ideas for bringing the hostages back home from gaza. is there any forces have been dropping leaflets in the southern city of rafa urging local policy means to review the locations of the hostages held by him us. but you can see the nice legs falling from the sky under the heads up of his teammates, who were displaced due to the idea bombardment of the region gods, and say that they will be in the favor of a swab deal. and generally exhausted from the war with herd from money, indonesian doctors who spoke about the dire situation of the policy and, and city of rafa near the diction border process. i'll get that for the initial process until finally we were able to enter gone. so it was quite difficult . we has mercy, had coordinated with the w h o long before the arrival process. so that when we tried to enter gaza, we were stuck in cairo for almost a month. currently,
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of the 14 hospitals run by the palestinian health ministry. only 3 are still operating. the number of patients is very large, even the emergency room, which initially could accept a 100 people can now accept up to 700. but much of the equipment is damaged, making it difficult for us to treat patients. by the tense dates we had carried out $25.00 operations, most of them were more victims. and some were those who were not directly affected by the war, but because they were displaced and the facilities that supported their lives were inadequate. they fell and were injured. the south of gaza, the city of rafa of around 50 square kilometers, is inhabited by $1500000.00 cause a residence. it is very overcrowded because of this hygiene problems are very acute sanitation is disrupted. that leads to many infectious diseases regarding medicines
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. thank god. when we entered concert from egypt, we pride medicines, some orthopedic instruments, and those were very useful for the hospitals. what touched my heart, the most was that the people of gaza, even though they were in the midst of a war, they did not lower themselves at all and they still smile. there were still economic activity. there were still trade. this is proof that they do not want to depend on gifts from other people. secondly, when we came here, it was the 1st day of the month of ramadan. we saw that even though there was a shortage of water here, there were still people distributing water. and that really touched us and for our friends in the indonesia, the people of gauze are really need our help. the other rested in the alphabet just before the baptism for thousands of christians and the east african nation of malawi, of a range of ceremonies occurred during
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a visit. bobby had of the church of african rach clergy members consecrated the spring not to really decide in the south of the country. so thousands of people in nearby supplements can use it for ceremonies, which appointed on constantine. they had dealt with churches advocate division, told us about how people of different cultures can unite together on the to come on the face of the christian. and i shall bunch of, we just baptize our brothers because they the same people as we all because the fight with that culture is different. does not cancel out. the fact that we have one common baptismal ritual. these people have been totally old adults face. and we see that the not strangers and the divine service. so any local differences a so by quick for tunnel decision. and so in general there were no problems. it's exactly the same as the non countries, the sacrament of baptism is the same. so we performed it as usual. you anything? of course we adapted specifically to this one that we performed outside near the
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lake with a large number of people. but those with just the preparatory changes, the idea remains the same. you know, orthodoxy is not a national religion, it is a world religion. so there is no problem to combine some local traditions and the general church fold up. moreover, the essence of church life is basically the same. and as for the local differences, i show you that they can exist in the 2 churches that are even one kilometer away from each other on the adult. see as an experience of real life is just passed from person to person to person. so someone else like the way he lives and wants to acts like him. therefore, the most effective transition to orthodoxy is really when a person has become acquainted with the experience of someone who lives in the face of the hall. the presence of the russian orthodox church in africa, dates back to the 19th century. the current african branch was created in 2021 after
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a number of orthodox clerics asked to be admitted on the be jurisdiction of the moscow patriarchy since then, more than $200.00 power fees have been created in a total of $25.00 countries. but to, for the time constant, teen told us about the church as activities in africa. i know what does it mean? you've done that. if it does come, we are new to the african confidence. we didn't open towers as they moved to us. the vast majority of the parishes that we now have in the russian orthodox church in africa, parishes. they used to be in the church of alexandria, but they came to us there more than $200.00 such parishes. but more than $200.00 priests the serving. yeah. we have 2 diocese, north african and south africa. in terms of the number of believers, it's very difficult to count them. the principal is not very clear, boss, it is clear that those congregations that have come to us a real living congregation. sometimes i'm visiting my full country and i forgot this. yeah, my trip to tons of their last. yeah. my trip to milan,
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we now show that these congregations that have moved to us a large so this is a living church. the african continent is historically all the adults from apple stomach times agent church has existed tab. that was the coffee, g, and church. now there is the ethiopian judge and there's a judge in egypt. and that has been an orthodoxy throughout the comes in it for a long, long time. so the fight is in error in this content that, you know, i think we should do all things, just of god to administer the sacrament of the church to preach. and in fact, that's our main task. if we manage to influence the lives of people in africa and a good and positive way, they will all be great. while supporting christian faith in africa, the russian orthodox church faces attacks in eastern europe. but you to administer all is the only country with a large russian minority wants, has been to officially cross a 5. it showed us a terrorist organization is tonia is
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a need to country and has long lost out the gas to last as many tree operation in new drain. the rest of the score was the context given the whole context might as interior minister can do nothing more than suggest upon them in that the most good patriarch could be declared terrorist and supporting terrorism in its activities. and as a result, being tyria administer could go to court and suggest that the church organization operates in heavy dissolved, say that this does not concern the congregations. it does not mean that the churches will be close to what it means that the connection with mosca will be 7. we have to understand that today the must go patriarchy to subordinate to find them a pollutant, who basically leads terrorist activities in the world. all the eastern orthodox church also phases of possible bad and you trade with legacy. ready and approved by fee of bonham. and last year, the ukranian orthodox church was the only international recognized eastern church in the country before a break away organization was created with the support of key of government. since then,
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more than 1500 religious sites had been seized by local authorities with clergy and members facing criminal persecution. keeps crack down on the church, has been match was kind of nation by the u. n. as well as well known us congress women. this is a war of christianity. the training and government is attacking christians. the training that government is executing priest. russia is not doing that. they're not attacking christianity as a matter of fact, and they seem to be protecting it so that something else is clear and obvious to many people that are looking closely at what's going on in ukraine. if you are a traditional orthodox christian, then you're persecuted because you're in the russian orthodox church and you're under russian bishops and the people in power, any crane don't like that. they're trying to say, look, you must change churches because you wouldn't be praying that this is
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a violation of religious freedom. and that right there is one of the highest marks of tyranny to say, we know you've gone to this church, your whole life. we know this church has been insured for hundreds of years, but because we happen to be in a military battle against the country where the mission of discharge is from. you have to change your religion and go somewhere else. yeah, this is where we need the government to simply take its nose out of the church and minus on business because these people are not going to church to take a political side, they're going to church to worship god and they need to be allowed to do it that one of the latest cases in. ready of the training secuity serve as accusing orthodox priest nikolai live which of calling for locals to cooperate with russians
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. other priests may face up to 5 years in prison if he denies any wrong doing any with the joseph beeson passed from the us who became an orthodox priest inbox to compare the extent of religious freedom in russia, the united states. and you agree? uh, personally, mat, some of the orthodox priest in ukraine and ever seen this persecution with their own eyes of a. i've written about it myself a few times it's been going on for a long time and it's, it's only getting worse. the area that happens to be what we not home crane has always been under the jurisdiction of, you know, initially greek bishops and then many hundreds of years ago that we are under russian bishops and russian patriarchs. when it comes to religious freedom, there is no better place to go. then russia, russia protest, orthodox. christianity is. yeah, the, the number one,
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religion that has been in the russian stage since it was formed many centuries ago in america. the government there and the powers that be there, don't like anybody, whether there was a box or category for products. so they don't like anybody who is opposed to l. g bt to trans genders and in ukraine, it's a little different in ukraine. the people that are in power there i should say, deal legitimately in power. yeah, i think of mind on i think of 2014, you know, that was that was a legal takeover of the government. the people in power train since 2014, they have a c treated for russia. they have a hatred for russians. and honestly, as far as i can tell by don't even have any model for their own people. and not the update this,
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i'll see you again in about 30 minutes with more stories. the the, the russian
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states never as tight as i'm wondering the most sense community. most all sense of the, in the 6595 and speed, the one else calls question about this. even though we will bend in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the services for the question, did you receive a twist, which is the,


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