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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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away from somebody else, you need to do more. that's the email there's a little misconduct. the other ross in advance is gaining momentum in the dumbass with moscow's troops taking the key advantage of critical mass by a desperate republic. and iranian special forces sees a cargo ship signaling on the part of the flag to be of the state of the free period electrically leads to ease well, the german police shut down the full palace. find conference embodied, dried isaac takes off, finding cod sides of a hate speech, of the event of the russian orthodox church, baptizes thousands of christians and the east african agent of milan. and that's
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during your visit by a top judge. and man, the hello there. welcome to our to, to national, reaching you for my new center in moscow. i am michael, quite chat with the updates that we start with the fund lines in dom buys russian troops of taken the village. a bit of a must kaya in the doing yes for public and that's according to the russian defense ministry. which said that the tree last over $230.00 trips and the bottle. archie is more rob guys. the brings us more of the russian ministry of defense has confirmed the cap to a bit about mice, good by the center of the group. this is off to repeated reports. the official about the capture of the settlement by russian forces off to be the was probably showing the russian flag of the west the most outs. good software vass ukraine,
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launched a number of costs sleep yet. that's where it's counselor tax in order to beat the russians back from the west and outskirts of the city in order to to, to keep a foothold in the settlement that hasn't worked. there is now 14 showing you crate in forces, reportedly flew in disarray from the settlement. this would make it the 5th settlement captured by russian forces since the full of difficult you get the highlights, the difficult position that you paid in forces already in suffering as they are from a severe and evident shortage impala in quality troops, especially as sold troops as well, as a shortage of observation, we're talking here about the large caliber artillery shells which are absolutely essential to any operation. and the operation here we have also heard civ, steve ahead of you. peyton's armed forces come out and say that i sense the
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electrons. russians on the offensive, across the front slide, a revitalized offensive utilizing all the groups. and i'm quick, probing the tax across the front lines. he says the situation remains desperate for the great inside and now resting uh, erecting additional fortifications across the front floods. here with federal mice go, for example, you crate in fortifications defenses. be your better one must have been completed again. forcing them to throw additional troops brigades in order to assure up defenses and prevent a russian breakthrough. you mean general presents ellipse day is cut off for the 1st time admitted the to grade, now faces the faith unless it receives a huge about them. ad defend systems from the west. he mentioned about 25 patriot defense systems. bearing in mind that the united states has about 50 and
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they're only about a 100 in the world. but again, it is russian app. how especially glide booms will specifically glad problems that are wrecking habits you paid into so new credit, again, exasperating new credit in mind. power shortages and fueling the momentum behind rushes renewed offensive and a neighboring region of is that better? oh, should i 10 people with care. ready when residential buildings came on, the ukranian shelly, at least 2 of the dead's where children, another 18 people needed hospital treatments for injuries were heard from some of those who survived the attack. i mean the, i can describe it, it's terry fine. especially since i found out that almost all of my neighbors a dad my go and i don't even know how i survived. i lost consciousness when ever since selling me. and then i would call pilots. and there was no doubt can. i did
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go to the gap insurance was blocked. i made my way to the bathroom muscle soul just running around. i called out to them and they took me through the window. when they were pulling me out, i saw a nearby house as completely collapse. says do is and then the whole house, they say that everyone died there. the others are coming from the garage. unfortunately, i went behind the house here. otherwise than that, i can't leave yet though i counted 5 me sauce, the city and you did to put unfortunately some children died. i pulled one out to myself, the issue of a charge, and that's the rest of it. when the showing started, we jumped right into the by the top, as we were told earlier, that if you leave on the ground floor and then salvation isn't the best of them, were on there and said down, and it's shot for the 2nd time. it was all, it might be years. yeah. the bathroom door flew off. we looked around. the bus stop
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was still standing. we were still standing, but the floor had collapsed into the basement. within the best tops until morning. and then the guys came and helped us the ronnie and these la make revolution on god's call has sees a cargo ship sailing either upon the slide via the street of a move. and that's according to rinds or federal news agency. the i r n a. are these use of july the brings us more on this? for now the r g c has not commented bought the ship seizure marks the 1st major sign of surgeon tension since israel's killing of iranian military personnel and syria. we heard that a vessel, a link to is really billionaire, a all of our was confiscated by the i. r g. c. navy of the vessel was, sees near the emerald port city of for j ross. now they're wanting and state media said the ship identified as the portuguese flag m, f. c. a we use had now been directed towards their wants territorial waters. it was
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either no news agency also published this short headline. we did a continued container ship named mc aries was seized by the r g. c. navy special forces by carrying out a harley born operation. the ship reportedly had disabled tracking data before entering the region at tactic repeatedly employed by his radio affiliated vessels. when passing through the persian gulf and the street apartment was now the incident called a nurse in israel after the april 1st as falls on here was casa and syria. israel has been on high alert to respond to any possible with child. it's always tried from iran while tel aviv has a bracelet sell for the worst case scenario. as a director, you're wanting to check on his territory. it has now condemned the r g c stripped seizure. i'd warned of consequences i call on the european union and the free world to immediately declare the iranian revolution in regards corpse of
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a terrorist organization and to sanction around. now, the ron, we bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further. the israel is on high alert. we have increased our readiness to protect these real from further iranian aggression. we are also prepared to respond to me on our gc has also threatened to close this strategic straight of hormones. so it seems that as well has really overreacted to the ship seizure, as none of these measures appear to match with the anticipated retaliation. because everyone has vowed a robust response. one that would be at the same level with these really attack that killed several iranian military officials in syria. and in the words of erewhon supreme leader, the revenge would make israel rick rach, it's mistake so many. and one are now speculating about the scale and nature of
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air winds, retaliatory action. some are saying that to everyone what we use hundreds of its domestically built missiles and drones to target the idea of physicians. and that we did. of course, we cannot say for sure how one will react, but the size of a major escalation can already be what noticed as many friendly and even some european countries have been communicating with their launch line to talk it out of a serious response workforce. so we hear that today, the netherlands, and now as the temporary closure of its embassy is defined due to quote, security concerns many here in your one are talking about one to one has time and again threatened and that's to destroy as well. and that tells us has assigned its own desk for and twice flanking iran and syria for know anything about how and when one goes flag back will be mirror for addiction. but what's clear is that the us would be a major part of the crisis sense. joe biden, on friday,
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we are firm to his country's full support for as well in the face of a potential iranian attack. and in the eyes of many observers that would lead to no less than a full scale war, which would grip the entire region. if not the world by jump list and editor mont, and jerry says that the hijacking is just the tip of the iceberg. and that is much more to expect from you right in the coming days. this is now the escalation. on the other side, we had a little talk about escalation created by america and israel, um, originally, but now you're reagans are starting to take control and, and to hit back. and i think that should be a great surprise. and the states will moves, which is a very narrow point, and the person goals they want to go to this in the past and the same can expect a lot more. i mean, just simply, a hijacking of one ship is, is really the tip of the iceberg. i think much more is coming in the coming days. we should never forget what re pushed the wrong over line. just
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a few days ago. these ratings hits the reading and conflicts in damascus. toronto is, is putting a number of pressure points forward, you know, so because they see lights at the end of it, the end of the totally, they see the if there is some so complex, which sparks off from this couple of days. if it's contained only stress stuff if it's contained, then there will be a certain back channel negotiation between america and the radians and they'll be, you know, they right and is looking for a number of points to use as i'm additional this line level, which if you like so, think of hijacking the ships in the states where moves is, is one of those points to negotiate and it might turn out to be longer to quite important. one is more ships or captured or even destroyed properly, employees of stores, the value of a pro talestine confidence in the german capital. the rushed into the facility as
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a policy named speaker started the speech. one of the conference participants called on the others to remain calm during the police operation. the the door to put it side to the german police stormed into the congress today. while the 1st speech was basically on the progress of the reason they said was it, there was a band on activity by the palestinian activist. i will see talking to who was previously expelled. but it is a continuation of what we have been experiencing increasingly here in germany since october 7th and the i'm in censorship of freedom of expression of the censorship. a fundamental right. assume that assignments when you have, i never experienced anything like this in my life as an activity. it was so brutal design must say, perhaps the fundamental law has been flushed down the toilet by the police for this
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the city of early and the politicians looking for letting me have the german police detain. some of the conference speakers, including the spokes person of the jewish anti zionist movement, barely in the fall with ease of also banned the final 2 days of the conference at mid hate speed fee is grievance form of finance minister helped with the promote the conference. i he like and the police rates to a display of flashes and the german police proved beyond reasonable doubt by bursting in any debt. updating the live stream, grabbing the microphone, ending that magnificent congress that fascism does not need to be in government. in order to be in power. we would have loved to have a decent democratic, mutually respectful debate on how to bring peace about on how to bring any of us of human rights, whatever. when jews and by this thing is by twins and christians from the jordan river to the me, to that any and see that little while
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a dozens of radi and london near the german embassy in protest at police, radiant body, demonstrate us say that the crack down on pro palace bind jewish organizations is against the will of the jewish people. for u. k has also faced the wave of pro palestinian riley scott of the common config back in october, were hired from some of the protest. this people spent 3 months ago, 2 months ago, this started uh, pressuring the menus that we were supposed to hold it in on a dorothy activism. they must be targeting husbands arabs and answer sinus to answer war activists. who are y'all and rosen bucks as of the bullying? spice is making it blind to the situation in gaza. there's always saying that germany is uh, is very tough about criticisms of israel. and notice of course,
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of his real using brass. the excuse of the reason i think the, the legacy of the, not the euro and, and the all costs against the jews. but this is very urgent because now using these excuses, it is justifying more legitimizing another genocide of starving. and many of of, of that and certainly of us and complete and other physical destruction of, of infrastructure buildings, cultural ever decides all of that. and, and the fact that protesting this and decrying this and the crying german state involvement and support for this is considered hayes beach is uh, is really unacceptable if the attitude of the us specifically the us in germany, which are most honest supporters and also send a large amounts of, of weapons on the is there added to the been different. we would probably see
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different da here on israel's part as well. right. land has been trying to link. so across the vast flood stuff. i didn't move region in central or russia, as a flooding crisis continues to wreck. havoc fair. they revolve. what all has now reached a height never seen since records began leaving entire villages in, on dated the local authorities say that the around the 20000 people are being evacuated from the city of adding boot with almost 3000 homes. having already been swamped. the russian em emergency administrator is wanting. one of the situation is only set to get was r g is mobile made, which i've reports from the ground. the problem is that what the, in the review of your, all it is the level of 11 meet us and 75 centimeters. if i'm not mistaken, has reached a point where,
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where it is flooding the residential areas inside the city itself. the city affordable for example. there you can see it was washed away by a, by your role. what does just a few hours ago. and it's like a domino effect. the more water comes through seating. the more, the more cds being flooded, the more pressure degrades. full government agents as the main agency of which is, are responsible for conducting the creation, etc. piece. of course, the russian emergency ministry bus problem is that they are running out of manpower . they are running out of boats. they are running out of medical supplies. and when, what time slots hospitals schools, it destroys the proper walk of the city damage. she is being measured in dense brilliance of troubles. full ready and we have not yet reached the peak of which more people are being evacuated in time. we would just went on the water and no one
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knows when we'll eat and plug them in, which i faulty in proportion from or in the region. either lawson orthodox church has performed the baptism for thousands of christians and the east african nation of my law. we have a religious ceremony. zip codes, you and your visit by the head of the church, the advocate branch of clergy members. caustic treated a spring, got their religious sides in the south of the country so that thousands of people in nearby supplements can use it for set remedies for the, for the 10 constantine and the head of the church advocate division. told us about how people of different cultures can unite together on the come on faith. sure. but if we just baptize our brothers because the same people as we also get the fact that that culture is different, does not cancel out. the fact that we have one common baptismal ritual and even the front, these people have been told me all the adults face. and we see that they know the strangest and we define service. so any local differences are sold by quick for
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tunnel decision. and so in general there were no problems. it's exactly the same as an outcome for some of the sacrament of baptism is the same. so we performed it as usual or anything. of course we adapted specifically to this one. we performed outside near the lake with a large number of people. but those with just the preparatory changes beyond it remains the same. you know, orthodoxy is not a national religion, it is a world religion. so there's no problem to combine some local traditions. and the general church owed up. moreover, the essence of church life is basically the same. and let's go and ask for the local differences. i show you that they can exist in the 2 churches that are even one kilometer away from each other. off adult c as an experience of real life is just passed from person to person to person. so someone else like the way he lives and wants to acts like him, they follow the most effective transition to orthodoxy,
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is really when a person has become acquainted with the experience of someone who lives in the fight. while the presence of russian orthodox church in africa dates back to the 19th century, the current african branch was created in 2021 after a number of orthodox clerics asked to be admitted under the jurisdiction of the moscow of patriarchy. since then, more than 200 parishes have been created them and so to look for the 5 countries. but to put a ton, konstantin told us about the churches activities in africa. i don't know if it goes cuz we are new to the african continent. we didn't open towers as they moved to us. the vast majority of the power shifts, but we now have in the russian orthodox church in africa, parishes. they used to be in the church of alexandria, but they came to us there more than $200.00 such parishes. more than $200.00 priests the serving. yeah. we have to diocese, nope. african and south africa. in terms of the number of believers,
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it's very difficult to count. the principal is not very clear, boss, it is clear that those congregations that have come to us a real living congregation. sometimes i'm visiting my full country in africa this yeah. my trip 2 times in the last year, my trip to milan, we now show that these congregations that have moved to us a lot. so this is a living church. couple the african continent is historically all the adults from apple stomach times ancient churches existed here. were there was the coffee g, and church? now the is the ethiopian judge and there's a judge in egypt. and that his pain and orthodoxy throughout the codes, enough for a long, long time. so the freight is in error in this come to that and you know, i think we should do all saying that the interest of god to administer the sacrament of the church to pray. and in fact, that somebody came to us and she said, if we manage to influence the lives of people in africa and a good and positive way, they will be grateful to us. the russia is to blame for
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high energy prices and inflation named jeremy. at least that's the explanation in terms of the all of shows gays to the countries media. so sleep, it's about defending groups, older and peace rushes wage and an imperialist war and must not win. secondly, russia stopped it's gust deliveries, not us. certainly we managed, whether they can on the consequences of the war with a lot of public money. we have develop new sources of supply for gas and oil and bill terminals to import liquefied. guess what chancellor souls may have skipped over a few key details up until february 2022 most roster and gas reach germany through the node stream pipeline. an additional line doubling capacity was billed, but never got the final green light from bardeen. i made patrick from washington in june 2022 gas from announced he was having supplies through notes being one,
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say western assumptions monday could. it couldn't conduct key maintenance. and even after that, the pipeline was blown apart in explosions. in september of that year, the lien still refused to approve noise stream to other german economy has been a spluttering ever since growth and industrial production is negative for on of 2023. and that same year, germany was revealed to be the wells, was performing, made the economy of it's not getting any better as a country swing towards liquefied natural gas, mainly stores from the united states. and it comes as a much higher price. the head of one multi national energy company says the german government industry is now at the disadvantage. the gas prices in continental europe, especially in germany, are structurally higher now because we in the end depends on l. n. g. imports,
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the german industry has a disadvantage buffer more or less across the live to european parliament member. good or bad. good is good to have you join me now. what do you make all the job and chancellors latest statements regarding russia. so cold had and they in this, in this country is high energy prices that inflation well, i'm surprised he was so re restrained. if you allow me to divide renee at russia as being blamed professionally as i see in germany and many parts of europe. now tom, so you question, it's obviously a nonsense to start off. uh, it was the e u, which refused any further russian gas as well as of uh, uh, products from russian or the you impose sanctions, no to the on certain russian exports,
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but also on its own impulse from russia. now a lot of important and 80 k, a very, very care in this interview with the top of costs and that russia is ready and willing to supply germany with gas through the north stream to pipeline does. how is moscow to blame if they would approve the project? one of the tools is that president protein is speaking the truth and shots fletch shelves, isn't. we should not forget, at no stream to the rush. i still being blamed at for this summer tosh attack. everyone, news, it's nonsense at the to culprits will never be revealed. and there's still one pipeline. russia has indicated that it would resume uh, pumping gas into germany. germany is at refusing at that's the simple
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truth of the matter. now very and has opted to buy the fall more expensive allergy from the united states over russia and gas and the how does that benefit germany instead the head. well, i think you make a if i may, if you are a base it, your argument is based on the slide fallacy. you assume that the german government is looking off to the national interest. it is not energy prices in germany has more than doubled since 2022. and germany's migration policy is not in the national in the nation's interest, nor many s at other aspects of you in german domestic
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policy. the german government is guided by wild and fantastic visions and projects, and it's subordinating the domestic economy at toward seeing achieving impossible goals and for, for ukraine. afraid is. one such example is much talk with ukraine. we think of war sofa, not the single politician in germany, has been able to define what to ukrainian victory would actually need or how it could be achieved. as a great argument, the how do you think the job in public will respond to the chancellor blaming moscow for the rising cost of energy as well. uh, as i said, uh rough as being blamed for virtually everything now. uh for high energy prices. uh, high food prices and uh, the general cost of living uh,
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the worldwide all the wisdom economic malaise mais, to negligence in germany. uh, the government is great to rush size. the claims for the migration price is at least in part and the government is a big king. the spect, uh, of rushes imperialist intentions, namely, and intention to its violence, right up to the english channel at all. that is complete. nonsense. how is the job in public reacting? i think that to principal ways, that part of the population is simply inc. credit is, it's very, very skeptical of any. see, the government is saying, because i can't really remember when the german government lost the objective of objectively informed the public about any major issue in the hall for
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the public is probably being influenced by the government in french for catastrophic scenarios. so, the depths way that the current government schools is the right one, because they believe the general propaganda in thinking about russia's imperialist attentions in my view. all that is a complete nonsense that germany today, i'm afraid is a country sick in mind and how, what are your predictions for jem the i need to kind of be in 2024 if but inspect to it's gone. some refuses to purchase russian energy. well, i think the russian, germany's economic limited,
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it's always been an exaggerated the german, these are very modest groves and at personality achieved off to the war which has been declining for 20 years. was for the last 10 years, based on 2 assumptions at rising exports, especially to the far east, but also places such as russia and secure and cheap supply of energy. and there is no longer any cheap energy. germany's energy costs risen by about 250 percent. it's an affordable, it's a disaster for the german economy. the german economy, i dare say, which is which as you right, the said just being the west forming economy in the well last year will not recover for many years. possibly never. what is the principal reason that the german government is the ceiling fan.


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