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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
in these economic limited, it's always been an except rated the german. these are very modest, a gross and at prosperity achieved after the war, which has been declining for 20 years, was for the last 10 years, based on 2 assumptions at rising exports, especially to the far east, but also places such as russia and secure and cheap supply. of energy and there is no longer any cheap energy. germany's energy costs to prison by about 250 percent. it's on the affordable. it's a disaster for the german economy. the german economy, i dare say, which is which as you right. the said, just be in the west or me economy and the well last year will not recover for many years. possibly never. what is the principal reason that the german government is the ceiling fan?
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fantasy projects, which it cannot realize, germany is trying to do the impossible. it's trying to accommodate most of the well, it's migrants at it's trying to say, well, the climate with the chef about one and a half percent. c o 2 emissions. it's trying to contain, it's trying to get ukraine into the u. s. e. u companies trying to be the good boy in every respect and take the lead germany to be a, to talk about the reality is a medium sized country in the heart of europe with a form of the very successful economy. that's the description of germany and the medium sized uh with a decent economy. but basically new military potential cannot achieve even one of these goals. the germans of the german german government policy has already said is sick in mind and body because it's ruining the country economically.
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it is based on goals, which are impossible to cheat hold while we have to leave you here. now thank you so much. when i back european parliament member for your insight. thank you very much. my pleasure are all right, that's all from me now. my colleague where we associate will be with you at the top of the hour with more stories and updates have a by now the with the exams over constantine body stuff is now officially a test customer knows these tons preparing for flight training, not just in russia but overseas to now he'll see even less of his wife the
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and there's the separation of the forest strapped on boosters that are just send the most definitely at the store if any potential use for those phones. but there's some bullet of lots of fun. yeah. you're welcome to any foreclosure and i'm not like i'm fine and shells pack up the ssl for this one off the price for 49. okay. what else? the level 3 is to store this upsets for this up the little chest, which is where they looked at the front of the scope of this quote on an individual quote from us kickbusch on our lot about the way it's, it's a new number. so it's, it's pretty separate the thing just to be able to come up with almost to use some of the records that's close to
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pushing over the click here. it's just a simple little when you compare with the other one which which, which told me to tell me how to adjust the steering wheel. well, i'm pretty much like this morning if you're like, well, but of course she was, i'm feeling my part from the jeff nero's position. how to adjust slim, the arrow position, how to adjust the rear me row position. understood the 5th or the liver, the whole the whole ship vision and thoughts and stuff. the star 50 is of the colors of the
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notion order for you to provide me at a cool prep, a few of them for them please for the pickup of company the consequence they can handle the order of sick with one of the minimal disciplines in use of both the finish and coming up of to go to the extent of going fuel for the before the reason simple thought i'd want me to concept see about who to put it up. of course he's going thing them to them was knowledge textbook or what, what type of code girl so much in you these concept which i don't know model name. yep. okay. let's just go to what, what's on a brief moment. just push on somebody to come for the parts of the department and the sofa show on your particular
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grocery store. it's a financial course, you know, of course, each case couldn't always get to it. st. winchell kinley, it's almost done, but i'm going to see what else can put them into it. plus. so i'm going to show you some of them into finish question because we have some problem with each of those. ok, so i have a fixed process. the alex, i'm william rowdy
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in the long question, but i wonder what i mean. you could even use the bottom piece sofa voice and distance. didn't to do any of the show to consider yourself still. if i you must make a foot b as a dealership. generally let me ask you, shuffled a little about before the sure if, when you might have full on the funds, typically don't submit. let's let me go a little slow that i'm still, i wouldn't have it's good. i didn't have any more, you know, kind of search for the
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b c. 's been civil. i was a dealer trade meal and other exercise machines to keep in shape, to come to, to possibly some of the top of the support the crews on. you're gonna notice the young people that she's told them suddenly they don't know to whom i don't want to stay at the shoe store. nobody wants to, but does it tell you more phone since it's on still yet? no, the problem was so in wisdom style, i mean what, you know, get politically so many of them as many people still don't wish to look for them for us almost if there's a new toner. so see if for some of the sub for which in the cool projects across and when in the past the, which quote from believe this thing in the book of course we gotta find about the thing that is dealing with us, the truth. and what i'm, what is the most thought, you know, it's a good one. launched nicholas tucker with some of the custodians to put the nurse said he wasn't a physical montrose that she needs to be, you know, met,
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continued dismissed, didn't belong, people still belongs to blush. and stopped him the same with some sentimental thing . you just about the 2nd. consider what do most of this item that the problem could, which is the one you're gonna send you what, what you're doing very well. no, the machine was gonna pull a deal with the desk, them will delete northbound soft port the to the weekend. konstantin decided to use them for ask you to discount the switch off. what does that mean? it's all used to be a total while we just looking at the picture. yes sir. one ready?
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123. north west summer to you? sorry. i'm calling my name is maurice. so i'm something cool. yeah. the closest here in the hangover is a mock up of the apollo lunar module. the one that flew to the moon, the level little feet away. but sending ammonia, you know, by the sponsor component of photo would typically only the time we last billing the such a step when it's still the police have no control at the top of
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the model. the luminous could have. so that's cool. can be nimble to show more of him if you speak to them myself. when you go into the mains. each of the police to be dealt most almost over the board. i almost got by when the throw the switch, my motto, jodie bazemore, when you start the shows new, it's north industries chauffeured, you know, so that's interesting. show the spectrum mobile to them most of them. but there's even couple 0 can, there's plenty of room, leave it open to this. they're pretty much the 5 pushing all the know what percentage toyota book, it's almost over the 2013 and 6, almost double. it's almost a couple of, it's like with an emotional comma from there. you read it slightly and install
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a little during the months, but i'm going to split you up with you even though most of them on the move goes konstantin would fly to miles, but he might go to the moon. so you'll have to drive the main road and that's what he's learning to do. now. he's trying to deliver a package from the base to the warehouse. they'll pay the bill close to the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the on the same day. constantine space is a physical performance test. but it's so tough that for people including adults or in fitness coach trying to keep things under control,
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the, the who, it's as low as they are. what is the end of the go with the thing but almost to look like the subway. they come up with on that as the days go and just don't want to assume the push to the community, the a hi, i'm acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm
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probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way in the
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then konstantin carried on fighting with the moon rose. but this time, the remote control shows it's a bit like a video game. the way you play is assessed by scientists and psychologist, chief tooth, tooth. and the what is the most important training i live in system multiple with a full scale i. s. s model which helps future customer also learn to work in open space. the doors that open spot in the image. shame. so when you my, i'm private will continue going to be in the, in the southeast thoughts a couple of those today for as long as you to be on those now your voice and you have to even the should double up and the result of what seconds you don't see us
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pull this up to him yet, but i'm fortune before us. call them up. and if not, of course, the vocals, they look, stay to face to face when they get off the bus. i still cause they just took up. the deal is eligible for the lack of us jason genetics that they would deal with liquids used to produce the impulse to get this kind of data though it's something finds out the metal cove novelty, but adjust the data boiler typically i smoke on the pallets for the photos how much to what you base bundled as far as bonded at the point of collect will cause that scope of what you like quotes flip a bit of an issue in a little bit, but just to you when you all of us took off and you pretty much have gone and see a little dredge just show the older folk assuming
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a the shield support structure which of those 2 things actually i'll send you, i'll send them in mobiles. i'm gonna show plus to not you know what? i'm gonna get us to do the pickup titian. you just let them this out to you for that of the course of both foot wide. so it should have slow child's development would be to kick it off at georgias and initial board of those. let me pull it up if there's any more slides, but i'm gonna build on this multiple the disadvantages. so we have, i feel this sort of deal with back big picture fast. as for states of resent michelle confessed clips to de moines and a subject, we both have an incident that would probably give me an issue which, which one of the most beautiful it will show if we send you the wind speed or the problem. but you, for the longest, the book on the,
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let's move with the
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the the, that's not cheap enough to of the less because you didn't get to be commended over to a blue men below where you want to put something to the look forward to view on your thoughts or something or to go to the video to go to the
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purple flu shot thing just to talk to you get you to the, the 4th and final crew member and was announced to space x crease evans press costs . those costs are not constant teen or a soft will fly as admission specialist completing the space quartet. the and the 3rd stage shut down is confirmed and spacecraft separation and
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a click to orbit rendezvous upcoming side of the mattress. express. usually the people who get the the, the constant team by the self will get to space just 5 years after being accepted. that some very quick feel go to the only assess as part of an international crew with an american jasmine, mobilly, danish. and today is morganson and said she photo colors from and they trained for a long time that the crew was only approved 2 months before the flight doesn't look good. but i never heard of from municipal status. and those are going to class sessions. nobody have left to, you know, just pulled
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a cut off for some guys or so to me of the shapes ago before the, like i slipped the 2nd question, you're still with me meant them move on the now the crew within style, city learning to handle emergencies. and the russian up until segment,
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the success i would use to describe what i show a most to design and show us better. so remember some of those for them to look at the website. let me let me 1st think of us. and if it's something that i was next to a new person, because on the slides in la and look into them both, it's roses of silver. nina, garden, linux, but it's still not to do with english. they also thought i've done both assuming those images, they're still renewable. any book with submissive, saying go for the find it here.
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the 1st, you're just there's to move that are in your mind here. it was good rest of your story. one, some easy deal with the most the for
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the the constant, the new blast off in a drag and spacecraft. so tomorrow he'll head to l a. and then on to the space x company, we have a function to see the way the steel steel to get a hold of the legal molar go. so what i'm supposed to do is, you know, you don't, you of the machine of the machine some interior you want so you always have well,
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for your thoughts. and if you think you most of the you. so these to tell me to hold on sunday, to bring with the said with at least equal to the show. perfect. did you with the should those are beach to go over to me in the gulf machine system to treat everyone with honesty. you're going to go from the city. what's your last name? oh, okay. and does that song for you? she says she's fine if you want us to come on somebody else which portion pretty to saw so long. so let me flip a few questions. i don't,
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but i'm going to consider the one engine task is to move the loan before dark, so it doesn't become over grand. that night he couldn't sleep, but did rest on the plane. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians fixtures design to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground can
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the lowest points of your desktop. let's review the, the dealer to a vehicle currently in the motion store submitted the for the money and dumb of the dispute and which is suitable to stay on the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the launch right there on off the, as the russian advance gains, prevent them in the don't band, with most of those troops taking the key village of a ton of, of mice, guy here, that's in the donuts with public. ronnie and a special forces sees a portuguese registered cargo ship, new the straight of for the moods claim it gets linked to israel. the question is, what's it's called go? entire wheeler just went on the water and no one knows when we'll eat. and there we continue. reporting from central russia, webmaster evacuations, continue in the city of r and, but you can see right there, the water levels continue to rise.


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