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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the tried doing out the as the russian advance gainesville events and in the don't bast, with most of those troops taking the key village of the kind of a nice guy here that's in the, don't it public. iranian is special forces, sees a portuguese registered cargo schiff knew the straightforward moods claim he gets linked to israel. question is what sits cargo? we'll adjust the wind on the water and no one knows when we'll eat and there we continue. recording from central russia, webmaster evacuations, continue in the city of r and, but you can see right there, the water levels continue to rise. the drum and police are shutting down
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a pro palace opinion conference in the land right as it kicked off. so i think concerns over hate speech the as we are talking just off the atm locally here with the russian, capital asi is live and worldwide. so starting now with the front lines in the don't bass where russian troops have taken the village of a part of a moist guy that's in the don't ask for public. that's according to the russian defense ministry, which also side ukraine last over 238 troops in this battle. as our senior correspondent now explains, of the russian ministry of defense has confirmed the capture a bit of mice good. by the sent the army group, this is often repeated reports. the official about the capture of the settlement by russian forces off to be the was probably showing the russian flag of the west the most outs. good. soft a vast. so you credit and launched
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a number of cost sleep yet, that's where it's counts for tax in order to beat the russians back from the west and outskirts of the city in order to keep a foothold in the settlement but hasn't worked. there is now 14 showing you crate in forces, reportedly fleeing in disarray from the settlement. this would make it the 5th settlement captured by russian forces since the full of difficult you get the highlights, the difficult position that you create in forces already in suffering as they are for almost severe and evident shortage. imagine paula in quality to the specially assault proof as well as a shortage of observation. we're talking here about the large caliber artillery shells which are absolutely essential to any operation. and the operation here we have also had subsea, the head of u. peyton's forces come out and say that since the electrons russians on the
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offensive across the front slide, a revitalized offensive utilizing all the groups and i'm quick, probing attacks across the front bloods. he says the situation remains desperate for the great inside and now resting, resting additional fortifications across the front floods. here with federal mice go, for example, you create in fortifications defenses. the young people must have been completed again, forcing them to throw additional troops brigades in order to shore up defenses and prevent a russian breakthrough. you mean general presidency let's k is come out for the 1st time admitted the to grade, now faces the faith unless it receives a future balance of ad defend systems from the west. he mentioned about 25 patriot defense systems. bearing in mind that the united states has about 50 and they're only about a 100 in the world. but again,
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it is russian app. how especially glide booms, those specifically glad problems that are wrecking habits you paid in troops on you . credit, again, exasperating you creating manpower sort to just add a few in the momentum behind rushes renewed, offensive new the a neighboring as approach a region 10 people were killed when residential buildings came on. the ukranian shelling at least 2 of them was the kids 18 people hospitalized. and we heard from some of those who suffice the low did the i come describe it. it's terry fine. especially since i found out that almost all of my neighbors of dad, my god, i don't even know how i survived. i lost consciousness when ever since selling me. and then i will call pilots. and there was no balcony. the door to the gap insurance was blocked. i made my way to the bedroom. i saw sol just running around
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. i called out to them and they took me through the window. when they were pulling me out, i saw a nearby house is completely collapse, says the roof and then the whole house. they say that everyone died there. the girl was just coming in from the garage. fortunately, i went behind the house here. otherwise than that, i can't leave yet though i counted 5 me sauce. and you did. unfortunately, children died. i pulled one out of myself. it's hodge. from the showing started, we jumped right into the bus stop. as we were told earlier, that if you'll leave on the ground floor and then salvation isn't the best off. we're on there and said down that it's shot for the 2nd time. it was sold in my ears. the bathroom door flew off, looked around, the bus stop was still standing. we were still standing, but the floor had collapsed into the basement,
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within the best tops until morning. and then the guys came and helped us. the iranian forces have seized a portuguese, a registered cargo ship, it's happening in the strait of quarter notes. and so with a claiming that this link to israel, more details now in the regional correspond, that is use after not as for now the r g c has not commented bought the ship seizure marks the 1st major sign of surgeon tension since israel's killing of iranian military personnel and syria, we heard that a vessel, a link to is really billionaire, a all of our was confiscated by the r g. c. navy. the vessel was, sees near the emerald port city of for j. right now they're wanting and state media said the ship identified as the portuguese flag m. s. c. a we use had now been directed towards their wants territorial waters. it was it or not. it was agency also published this short headline. we did
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a continued container ship named mc. aries was seized by the r d. c. navy special forces by carrying out a highly born operation. the ship reportedly had disabled tracking data before entering the region at tactic. repeatedly employed by is radia affiliated vessels. when passing through the persian gulf and destroyed appointment was now the incident caused a nerve in israel after the april 1st as falls on there was casa in syria. israel has been on high alert to respond to any possible with child. it's always quite from iran, while tel aviv has a brief itself for the worst case scenario. as a director, you're wanting to tack on his territory. it has now condemned the r g c stripped seizure. i'd warned of consequences i call on the european union and the free world to immediately declare the iranian revolution in regards corpse of a terrorist organization and to sanction around. now, the runaway bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any
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further. israel is on high alert. we have increased our readiness to protect these room from further iranian aggression. we are also prepared to respond to me on our gc has also threatened to close this strategic straight of hormones. so it seems that is well, has really overreacted to the ship seizure. so as none of these measures appear to a match with the, the anticipated retaliation. because everyone has vowed a real boss response one that would be at the same level with these really attack that killed several iranian military officials in syria. and in the words of erewhon supreme leader, the revenge would make his well regret its mistake. so many and one are now speculating about the scale and nature of their wants retaliatory action. some are saying that jeff run uh well he use hundreds of its domestically built missiles and drones to target the idea of physicians. and that we did. of course,
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we cannot say for sure how one will react, but the signs of a major escalation can already be worth noticed as many friendly and even some european countries have been communicating with their won flying to i'll talk it out of a serious response. well, of course, so we hear that today the netherlands and now is the temporary closure of its embassy itself on due to quote, security concerns many here in your one are talking about $1.00 to $1.00 has time and again threatened and that's to destroy as well. and that tells us has assigned its own desk for and twice striking iran and syria for know anything about how and when one goes flag back will be mirror for addiction. but what's clear is that the us would be a major part of the crisis sense. joe biden, on friday, we are firm to his country's full support for his well in the face of a potential iranian attack. and in the eyes of many observers that would lead to no
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less than a full scale war, which would grab the entire region if not the world. now we were talking about this with john listen, edison, martin jay. he says that the ship's caesar is just the tip of the iceberg. he says as much more to expect from iran in the coming days have a listen for yourself. this is now the escalation. on the other side, we had a little talk about escalation created by america, israel originally. but now your rankings are starting to take control and, and to hit back. and i think that should be in great surprise in the states will moves, which is a very narrow point and the person goals, they want to go to this in the past. and the same can expect a lot more. and we just simply a hijacked here, one ship is, is really the tip of the iceberg. i think much more is coming in the coming days. we should never forget what re pushed the wrong over line just a few days ago. these writing, these hits, the reading and comp slips in damascus. toronto is, is putting
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a number of pressure points forward, you know, so because they see lights at the end of, at the end of the total weight, they see the if there is some sort of conflict which sparks off from this couple of days. if it's contained on my stress stuff, if it's contained, then there will be a certain back channel negotiation between america and the radians and they'll be, you know, they right. and it is looking for a number of points to use as i'm additional in the sign language if you like. so think of hijacking the ships in the states. what moves is, is one of those points to negotiate and it might turn out to be in a longer time, quite important. one is more ships or captured or even destroyed on the domestic front. here in russia and land has been turned on lakes across the vast areas of our in bug region in central russia, it's a flooding crisis continues to re habit the river overall has an outreach to hide, never seen since reynolds began. and basically,
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you can see in the pictures and villages just in non dated, local authorities say around 20000 people all being in fact from the city, almost 3000 homes already swamped or the russian emotions. administrators will and the situation is set to get worse as a producer is in the region and reports on the ground. the problem is that what the, in the review of your, all it is at the level of 11 meet us and 75 centimeters. if i'm not mistaken, has reached a point where, where it is flooding the residential areas inside the city itself. the city of for, and look, for example. there you can see it will, it was washed away by, by your role. what does just a few hours ago, and it's like a domino effect. the more water comes to a city, the more, the more c d 's being flooded, the more pressure it degrades. full government agents is the main agency of which
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is a responsible for conducting invocation, etc. piece of course, rushing emergency ministry bus problem is that they are running out of manpower. they are running out of boats. they are running out of medical supplies. and when, what time slots hospitals schools, it destroys the proper walk of the city damage. she is being measured in dense obedience of troubles already, and we have not yet reached the peak of which 4 people are being evacuated entire will just went under water. and no one knows when we'll eat and talk a minute, which i faulty reporting from or in the region in the, in the police of storm the venue of a pro palestine conference. and just as a palestinian speaker saw that a speech, one of the conference participants called on people to stay calm the
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the door to put it side to the german police storms into the congress today. while the 1st speech was basically in progress, the reason they said was that there was a band on activity by the palestinian activist. i will see talking who was previously expelled, but it is a continuation of what we have been experiencing increasingly here in germany since october 7th the i'm in censorship of freedom of expression, censorship of fundamental rights. that was that assignments when you have, i never experienced anything like this in my life. as an activist, it was so brutal, i must say. perhaps the fundamental law has been flushed down the toilet by the police, the city of berlin, and the politicians in berlin. a drummer police even detained some of the conference, the speakers including the spokes person of a jewish and te zionist movement. about then i'll forward, he's also banned the final 2 days of the conference and mid hate speech fee is
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a grease is from a finance minister helped to promote the conference and he liking the raid to a display of fascism. the german police proved beyond reasonable doubt by bursting in and interrupting the live stream. grabbing the microphone ending the magnificent congress that fascism does not need to win government in order to be in power. we would have loved to have a decent democratic, mutually respectful debate on how to bring peace about on how to bring universe of human rights. what everyone jews about this thing is bed twins and christians from the jordan river to let me do that. any mc. meanwhile, thousands of riley, near the german embassy in london in protest at the police right in berlin. a demo sure to say the crack down on the pro palestine jewish organizations against the will of the jewish people. the u. k is also a face, a wave of pro palestinian riley since the south of the current complet back in
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october. and we heard from some of today's protest as it was planned 3 months ago, 2 months ago, this started uh, pressuring the menus that we were supposed to hold it in front of them. they must be saga, tang husband's arabs and sign us to an end table at the vista l. o. rosenberg says that buttons cost is actually making it blind to the current situation in gas. so there's always saying that germany is, is very touchy about criticism of israel and office, of course, of his real, using for as the excuse of the reasoning of the, of the legacy of the, not the euro and uh, and dollar cost against the jews. but this is very urgent, ironic because now using these excuses it is justifying more legitimizing another genocide of starving and many of of,
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of that. and certainly of us and complete and other physical destruction of the infrastructure, building cultural ever decides all of that. and, and the fact that protesting this and decrying this and be crying german state involvement and support for this is considered hayes features. uh, it's really unacceptable if the attitude of the us specifically the us in germany, which are most honest supporters and also send a large amounts of, of weapons on the is there added to the big difference. we would probably see different da here on the israel's part as well. the idea of 1st found the body of a 14 year old is really boy in the west bank of the country's military is courting his death, the result of a tower attack. a short while ago, the body of 14 year old benjamin asher man was located in the area of malice,
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shy hassle by the i d f. i s a and is ready police. many, many national may have when missing friday morning and was murdered in a terrorist attack. the incident is under review security forces continuing the pursuit of those suspected of carrying out the attack. according to the idea of the teenager wasn't missing while he was out shepherding in the west bank a day earlier either. so it comes mid reports of a renewed classes between settlers and kind of thing. and while the is right, the defense minister has been calling for com and urging settlers not to carry out revenge attacks, the palestinian village was stormed. can see right here, some of the off them off in the smoke and the flames. palestinian man was a portly, killed, and 25 other people born. and let's learn more crossing live now to i'm on us f professor of the arab american university and palestine. joining us live here or not, you international. a very well welcome to this evening. i know you're going to want
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to talk about the, the broader perspective, but just straight off my 1st question. if you don't mind, what's your take on this story is rails branding, the death of this young boy is the result of a terror attack. how do you say it a yes, a hello there, and thanks for hosting me and having me in the, in this. sure. yes. according to that, if this piano is the easiest security and all me, and the board to the 14 year old, you know, 14 year boy, boy, it has the mazda extended. it is not confirmed with that. if this vehicle is by a business thing, you know, even though it is, you know, a emission and a, you know, a nation case load. i do not related fees or criminal case has been does not include them. this incident, you know, disability was a she loved and he used to get is, you know, is she a know you're in the law? it a lot of just be is off, you know, open this thing instead of 3 a,
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we cannot confirm if the, if he did some land source or a landfill distribution or some lucas been, it's been in the part of most a month. i don't think i, i don't think it is more of a, you know, organized, you know, a, what do you think can assess the nation, get it out by waiting on base to be any room or we know that it's been a faction. i think even if it, you know, the door is opinion thing and i think it is more related with look on incidence or with know, kind of what his patient or bland, you know, and why you ended up is a small, better, simian and village located in the east and bought ne spotted off, but i'm a lot, is it set on did by many is the right. you leave a set payments. and every d, b became a local that pro c p is the case of all, you know, regulation is they do. the aggressive behavior would look, has been, has been young farmers, as the apartment has been down cool to do might be rely more on you know, company via sion,
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on degrees in all shapes and the increase in the settler attack. so i do apologize for interrupting you, but we have seen over many months now and a direct increase of is ready settler attacks on, on palestinians. we talked about this 14 year old boy that the shepherd a sheep honda in israel saying he was killed in the terror attack. it's on clear was he was saying as well because of the classes in the region, whether or not the boy was targeted or whether he was mode or whether he was even collateral damage or the end of the day. this case has already spot deadly clashes in the west bank. and then here we stand. what 6 months into the war on gaza and tensions are already a very hyphens right. i mean, a, could this exacerbate, could this get lost in the wake of this 14 year old death? yes, i think it was a spot and it might want to clashes between it. you know, been experience in was bank and it was the, the supp loves it. as you know,
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we have more than, you know, 700000 or 800000 is easy supplements in the, in the whole of with bank and they are supported by the army and be off supported, not by the government. you know, there are many from them and police and wrong to groups within the government. and it's a lot if needs be why small rich and, and you know, and them in the least, you know, possibly football cd all. it's supposed to these, you know, suppliers and the, because of that, i think the, have we organized our, me, the, with the, with the blogs with knives and with that, with a very, very at home, are you doing to, you know, the, the items you can there it's and, you know, they're leaving us to kids, you know, at any time and the, i think that will ignite and that we just bought more more volumes distribution if we keep in the back of a lot of our minds, you know, that one going to approach that these angle slots and the official code is necessary. it's just as a fixed yes. circle of violence. i mean, if you go back to 2014,
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the killing of 3 is ready. teenagers are the idea of launching a big operation. well, the suspects were killed. well, about 300 palestinians arrested. that was back in 2014 off of the killing of 3 is riley teenagers. do you believe a civil operation could be launched by israel and you know, is the army is on, on, on, you know, on a police shouldn't every day, every moment, every night, you know, it is they, they intrude oil or business thing in cities and now we don't have a and for this thing and also to get somebody visiting and also that the, in the interests bank and because of the b, b come, you know, i'm just being in jeannie and on daily basis. the come through. this would be the earliest they, you know, they become invited to flashes with, with looking business through me and you know, young boys a and a, the, the, the to own kind offer. you know, of course, the fees and the, the spark, you know, it or among the low paying, you know, it okay. but as being, as i think, you know,
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with the bank is now when the off a lot of, just in a little see in the uprising largest game, it flashes and, and the, you know, a point escaping of that is opinion. land i is the, is using it, you know, what is going on in guess that will expand it. you know, that may be a phone conversation to the west bank. they believe that, you know, it is about 80, you know, army is a being a to open more than one in front at one time and gets it. and as you think, do you think that not or excuse me, do you think they're not able to open multiple friends? no, no, the on the on yes. yes. i believe it'd be off because of that will be the size as of the are doing a military exercise in all of that because they are at, you know, security intelligence and military. you know, when he put it up and it is hot offer or we have to keep an eye on companies because boys define then, when we pick a good is brought in, is giving in guns and you know, we think dislodges, can, you know,
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general site and misstep got. i'm booking all these recipients in was bank in order to get to the lines that, you know, any movie to have an independent scene or one professor astonishing. it's astonishing. we've gotten this fall. sorry to interrupt you again, but it's astonishing. was 6 months into this now, you know, finally the un is issued a resolution quoting for a ceasefire. tel aviv clearly not listening right now. and yet that will continues with so many tens of thousands of civilian deaths professor before i let you go and i've got to get this to you before. before i let you go, a lot of people in the region. if not everyone in the region, it is kind of look into the skies and thinking, when is a ron, going to retaliate for the is ready strike against the iranian concept of complex in damascus. a lot of people on the edge right now you are in jeanine. you're talking to friends, you're talking to family. i know you've got a sense of the sentiment where you are. what do you think tear on is planning.
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if there is still a plan to retaliate a yes, i think they have a plan over everything you shouldn't against, isn't it? and you know, uh, you know, even the, from the highest level of the long and the, the ship a, they issued a statement and saying, is there any, you know, kind of a good, big mistake by taking in all the embassy in dumb ask us about we have to keep in mind or so it audience very, very patient very, very strew betty's top huge. it could be helpful to be, have to look over the options that you've been to the have to evaluate the of different options, convince all you know, costs and benefits that don't want to spock any patient with us. so that we have, we have 2 options, either to send pins and things of data drones and decides to get somebody from from utah on the have to, to get the book that gets more military. you normally pay a, you know, installations and establishment for the b, b a want to, you know, in kennedy. and would you be very, you know, daddy books is like going to him,
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you know, independent and see you. yeah. and you get off and again, you meant to do it on up, you're on is or she a thing with the us. so the don't want to do with their eyes or so in game. got it . you know what the future of the of nutrition specially, you know, did you get a stablish with a nuclear group from so i think the week big pine. i think it was big fine or the was good media is you know, exaggerating daniels, you know, in the near future as the fremont curriculum in the west and establishment loves that sort of jump in. but the western establishment loves to do fame ongoing. and just by the way, just quickly, you know, latest news. apparently iranian forces have seized a cargo ship in a straight, a whole new. so eligible thing to israel. my questions that i don't have time to ask you is what is the cargo. busy on that ship, professor, i'm on yusef working at the arab american university in palestine. joining us live in jeanine, a great shot. thank you very much. thank you. the russian military
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mission has pushed down in need chair, wants me, carol's. it is a new era relations between the countries military, instructors, and other personnel was seen arriving by plane. and the mission includes an ad, defend the system, and other heavy equipment. i need to bid ton to russia after expelling french forces which explains, had been effected in the so called fight against tyra. and we spoke to a new jerry, an international relations expert who claims paris was never interested in its supposed admission. yes, show me the push. russia has never ro, suspicion in the area of counterterrorism in front of set to support terrorist and has not been able to provide evidence to disapprove it. it was even brought up for discussion in the united nations security council. the principal was a very simple, they have never 4th terrace. it was very necessary to create that conflict zone in order to produce and supply weapons that front cannot have any results in fighting terrorism in this a how and these yeah. precisely because it never said the task of pleasant
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effectively. it was just protecting its interest in these. yeah, i can say that we have huge expectations. we really want these cooperation with the russian federation to produce results. and forces will really be able to defend all our territory with the help of russian instructions and russia is a state that has no colonial passed, no vested interest. and even if it does, it is different from the interest of office manager cooperation, boost area will bafford new jack is trying to regain its sovereignty of the events of july 26. russia, which has positioned itself as a strategic partner news. yeah. and effective in show our sovereignty in all areas beat in energy measure your social, educational, or environmental of the fact is that new jerry is just one of many former french colonies picking out that for the colonial masters by crawling and blames that old on russia. susan says, however,
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the african leaders came directly to make sure you pushed them all with us here. this is off to you and the i'm action or 10 say welcome back to going undergrad, broke us the all around the world from the you a in a week of the 5th anniversary of the beginning of britain, this torture and incarceration of june. and it sounds, we don't even need wiki, likes to tell us that the us has lost its proxy war on russia, 3 ukraine, even us deputies extra estate, good campbell is acknowledged most cuz military success with nothing to stop the war of attrition. ukraine is down to using homemade drones to attack russia, and according to moscow, a cab hatched plan with a hunter binding linked company to carry out marches must go console atrocity. even the amazon washington post revolt,


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