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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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all that stuff without glitches, desktop part of the headlines on all the international at the russian advance gains momentum in the boxes. most coast troops taking the key vintage a part of the moist craig that is in the doughnuts for public. iranian and special forces sees a portuguese registered, the condo ship, knew the strait appointment was saying, it's linked to israel. question is what it's called all the time. we would just wind under water and no one knows when we'll eat. and we continue reporting from central russia with not just of the train you in the city of are in but some water level can continue to creep. so record high the and so from the frontlines of ukraine to the straight to hold for the move. so
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a lot to cover for you during this live broadcast from moscow here or not. so straight to don't bass, where russian troops have taken the village or put of a moist gay that's in the don't ask for public. and that's according to the russian defense ministry, which also said that ukraine last of a $213.00 troops and the battle as senior correspondent now reports the russian ministry of defense has confirmed the cap to a bit of a mist good. by the center of the group, this is often repeated reports. the official about the capture of the settlement by russian forces off to be the was probably showing the russian flag of the west, the most outs. good software, vass ukraine launched a number of costs sleep yet. that's what counts were tax in order to beat the russians back from the west and outskirts of the city in order to to, to keep a foothold in the settlement that has a what there is now 14 showing you crate in forces reportedly flew in disarray from
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the settlement this would make it the 5th settlement captured by russian forces since the full of difficult you get the highlights, the difficult position that you paid in forces already in suffering as they are for almost severe and evident. shortage impala in quality troops, especially as sold troops, as well as a shortage of observation. we're talking here about large caliber artillery shells which are absolutely essential to any operation. any operation here we have also heard civ, steve ahead of you. peyton's armed forces come out and say that since the elections russians on the offensive across the front slide, a revitalized offensive utilizing all the groups and, and quick probing attacks across the front bloods. he says the situation remains desperate for the great inside and now resting. uh, erecting additional fortifications across the front floods. here with federal mice
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go, for example, ukrainian fortifications, defenses be on federal must have been completed again, forcing them to throw additional troops brigades in order to assure up defenses and prevent a russian break through it. mean general president phillips case come out for the 1st time admitted the to grade now faces the faith unless it receives a huge, a balance of defense systems from the west. he mentioned about 25 patriot defense systems. bearing in mind that the united states has about 50 and they're only about a 100 in the world. but again, it is russian app hall, especially light bulbs. those specifically glad problems that are wrecking habits on you paid in troops on you. credit again, exasperating your credit in mind. power shortages and fueling the momentum for high and rushes, renewed offensive out of the neighboring
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a separate orgy of region. 11 people were killed when a residential buildings came under, ukrainian, shutting the regional government as, as 2 civilians are still missing. his rescue was a sifting through the rubble of a 20 well hospitalized. and we heard from some of those who survived the hi, candice cry, but it's terry fine. especially since i found out that almost all of my neighbors of dad, my god, i don't even know how i survived. i lost consciousness when ever since selling me, and then i will call pilots. and there was no balcony. the door to the entrance was blocked. i made my way to the bedroom. i saw sol just running around. i called out to them and they took me through the window. when they were pulling me out, i saw a nearby house is completely collapse, says the roof and then the whole house. they say that everyone died there. the girl was just coming in from the garage. fortunately. i went behind the house here.
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otherwise then did i get we can get the i counted 5 me sauce, the city and you get to put. unfortunately, children died. i pulled one out myself. it's hodge and i just did it. when the shelling started, we jumped right into the bus stop. as we were told earlier, that if you'll leave on the ground floor and then salvation isn't the best of we're on there and said down that it's shot for the 2nd time. it was sold in my ears. the bathroom door flew off, looked around, the bus stop was still standing. we were still standing, but the floor had collapsed into the basement within the bass stopped until morning . and then the guys came and helped us. the iranian forces have seized a portuguese, a registered cargo ship in the strait of potent moods, claiming its length. israel. one question might be, what is the ship's cargo?
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there was some of the details without these use of july. for now, the r g c has not commented, but the ship seizure marks the 1st major sign of surgeon tension since israel's killing of iranian military personnel and syria, we heard that a vessel a link to his really billionaire, a all of our was confiscated by the r g c, navy. the vessel was seized near the emerald port city of 4 j. right now they're wanting and state media said the ship identified as the portuguese flag m, f. c. a. we had now been directed towards their wants territorial waters. it was it or not, it was agency also published this short headline. we did a continued container ship named emissaries, was seized by the r g. c. navy special forces by carrying out a highly borne operation. the ship reported we had disabled tracking data before entering the region at tactic repeatedly employed by is right. the affiliated vessels, when passing through the persian gulf and destroyed apartment,
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was now the incident called a nerve in his royal. after the april 1st assault on, there was casa in syria. israel has been on high alert to respond to any possible would tell you stories, pride from iran while tel aviv has a brief itself for the worst case scenario. as a director, you're wanting to check on his territory. it has now condemned the r g. c, strip seizure, i'd warned of consequences i call on the european union and the free world immediately declared the iranian revolution in regards corpse of a terrorist organization. and to sanction around now you're on, we bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further. israel is on high alert, we have increased our readiness to protect these real from further iranian aggression. we are also prepared to respond to me on our gc has also threatened to close this strategic street of hormones. so it seems that is well,
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has really overreacted to the ship seizure. so as none of these measures appear to match with the anticipated retaliation, because everyone has vowed a real bosque response. one that would be at the same level with these really attack that killed several iranian military officials in syria. and uh, in the words of erewhon supreme leader, the revenge would make israel rick rach, it's mistake so many. and one are now speculating about the scale and nature of their winds, retaliatory action, some are saying that they're on what we use hundreds of, it's domestically built missiles and drones to target the idea of physicians. and that we did of course, and cannot say for sure. how iran will react, but the size of a major escalation can already be what noticed as many friendly and even some european countries have been communicating with erewhon flying to talk it out of a serious response. well, of course,
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so we heard that today the netherlands and now as a temporary closure of its embassy and to find due to quote, security concerns many here in your one are talking about one to one has time and again threatened. and that's to destroy as well. and that tells us has assigned its own death for and by striking iran in syria for know anything about how and when one goes flag back will be mirror for addiction. but what's clear is that the us would be a major part of the crisis sense, joe biden, on friday, we are firm to his country's full support for as well in the face of a potential iranian attack. and in the eyes of many observers that would lead to no less than a full scale war, which would grab the entire region if not the world. so we were discussing this a bit out a, with a john, listen edit at martin j. now he says that this, the seizure of the ship is just the tip of the iceberg. he suggested as much more
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to expect in the coming days from toronto. and this is now the escalation. on the other side, we had a little talk about escalation created by the american israel. i'm originally, but now your rankings are starting to take control. and until i hit back, and i think that should be a great surprise. and the straits will moves, which is a very narrow point, and the person goes, they want to go to this in the past and the same can expect a lot more. i mean, just simply, a hijacking of one ship is, is really the tip of the iceberg. i think much more is coming in the coming days. we should never forget what re pushed the wrong over line just a few days ago. these writing, these hits, the writing and comp slips in damascus. toronto is, is, is putting a number of pressure points forward. you know, so because they see lights at the end of it, the end of the total they, they see the if there is some sort of conflict which sparks off in the next couple of days. if it's contains only stress stuff if it's contained, then there will be
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a certain back channel negotiation between america and the radiance and they'll be, you know, they right. and it is looking for a number of points to use as i'm additional met. aside in a level which if you like. so think of hijacking the ships in the straits for moves is, is one of those points to negotiate and it might turn out to be longer time, quite important. one is more ships are captured, or even destroyed. right here on the domestic frontier of russia, land is being turned into lakes across the vast areas of the oren bug region that's in the central part of the country. the flooding crisis continues to recap of the river overall has now reached a height never seen since reco. it's big guy and leaving entire villages in under did. you can see the pictures, right. the local authority, sitting around 20000 people being evacuated from or about almost 3000 homes, already deluged the russian emotions, who miniature as well. and the situation is going to get was one of our produces
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remains in that region as the problem is that what the, in the review of your, all it is at the level of 11 meet us and 75 centimeters. if i'm not mistaken, has reached a point where, where it is flooding the residential areas inside the city itself. the city of for, and look, for example, there you can see it will, it was washed away by, by your role. what does just a few hours ago, and it's like a domino effect. the more water comes to a seating, the more, the more cds being flooded, the more pressure, each grades full government agencies, the main agency of which is responsible for conducting the creation, etc. these, of course, the russian emergency ministry bus problem is that they are running out of manpower . they are running out of boats. they are running out of medical supplies. and when, what time slots hospitals schools,
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it destroys the proper work of the city damage. she is being measured in tens of billions of troubles already, and we have not yet reached the peak of which 4 people are being evacuated in time . we would just went on the water and no one knows when we'll eat and the minute which i faulty in proportion from or in the region. bad weather has also been hitting the southern russian city of now she gets a heavy rain and a hail, a slowing traffic, a death confident you're showing motorist a pushing through the cities flooding streets. now local football, match, report lit, cancelled due to a drown playing field, and the city administration says the now take rivers. water levels have remained within the norm despite the stormy white by the well, the idea has found the body of a 14 year old. is there any boy in the west bank of the country's military as quoting as death, the result of a terror attack? a short while ago,
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the body of 14 year old benjamin asher man was located in the area of malice, shy hassle by the i d f. i s a and is ready police. many, many national may have when missing friday morning and was murdered in a terrorist attack. the incident is under review security forces continuing the pursuit of those suspected of carrying out the attack. so according to the idea of the teenager was missing while he was out shepherding in the west bank a day. earlier. this comes and made reports of renewed flashes between his rally, settlers and pulse to a while the is ready, defense minister, cold for com. i know a shuttle is not to carry out any revenge attacks. the palestinian village was stormed, can see some of the results, right, that the palestinian band was supposedly killed and 25 other people wounded. i was talking about it earlier with professor, i'm on yusef, and he expressed fears that the teenagers death will say tensions balloon in the west. mike, according to this, the, you know,
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is the easiest security and all me. and they both say the 14 year old, you know, 14 year old boy, it has the motor gun, but a spin. did it not on fan without a physical it by a been it's been, you know, really is you know, a emission as a, you know, a nation case hold. i do not related fees or i claim in that case has been named as not confirmed. this incident, you know, this boy was a she loved and he used to get is, you know, is she alone, you know, a lot of just b as off you know, apprentice thing instead of 3 a, we cannot confirm if the, if the bid some land sold or land or distribution, or some your business to me and the farmers. hey about i don't think, i don't think it is more of a, you know, organized, you know, a, what do you think can assess the nation, get it out by waiting on business community group or waiting on business premium, a faction i think the spot entity you might want to collections between a,
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you know, been experienced, it was bank and it was the, the sup loves it. as you know, we have more than you know, 700000 or 800000 supp loaded into holding up with bank and the all supported by the army and the officer boasted nobody, the government and the, because of that i think the have we organized on me the are on, with the, with the blogs with knives and with that, with a very, very how are you doing to, you know, that i do if you can be a, it's, and you know, they're leaving us to kids. you know, at any time. well over and telling me about hundreds of people have taken to the streets in a weekly round of anti government. protests admit, of course the ongoing warren guns the right day with more than a 100 is rarely halted his remaining. and how may i ask him? typically with a cold for their immediate release scrubbing loud a by the day,
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protesters are also demanding that is already 5 minutes and then yahoo has resignation. early election made reports of israel has agreed on its plan for a ground offensive and about 5 of the last refuge with displays, palestinians. the un high commissioner for refugees has found the bay alarm over the potential consequences saying a massive flight of gods and is into egypt could do rail. and he hopes for a ceasefire. and we heard the tragic tale of one woman who is already crossing the border of the losing her sister and her 2 young nieces skin i was the 1st month was very, very hard to my residential area in brussel. i know my family, especially on october 21st. i lost my sister smart home, twice on my husband, her husbands, family. as a full story building was used to rubble. i received the message at 1130 at night from one of my nice friends in the hospital. she told me that they received the remains of a woman and 2 children. from my sister's family. i told her it's impossible. i told
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her that the last contact i had with them what's in the evening and it wasn't the only family know the entire residential block around them. what's going 6 buildings will completely destroyed and that $190.00 that in the area during the event, the place was just bruins rubble mixed with log mix with scott, with pieces of the part in that. honestly, no one came out over there on high go. i was thinking the card table bummed while that was sleeping at 6 in the morning. i wonder if they thought to when they done, what was, what food did they have? what did they do? they children, women, civilians. i still don't understand all the targets. i mean, even the generals, how does the is very plain. most of these so many i is one of the lucky ones to escape the war. egypt has been reluctant to accept refugees from gods, or is already crowded with millions of others from countries across africa. and the middle east. egyptian officials say they've helped more than 2000 wounded
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palestinian just across the border since november. there are still more than a 1000000 sheltering in the city. some of the, again revealed the difficulties in making it to safety city imagine being separated by will between human, the land where the safety life, newman, life and everything natural. and the other line, whether steph kennings, i'm destruction, or just the world. and this will cost you to move from here to a safe area. $9000.00 for women is that from $14.00 to $20000.00 for men. and that depends on your luck, since the broker's honest, and you complete with him in the matter and reach a point of safety and get out of egypt. my uncle also wants to get out for the oldest savings of going. i mean, they have money, but it's in the banks, and the banks will destroy in egypt and hold the crossing. every one around. we have lost someone and everyone was scared of what awaits us of the inspection. what
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awaits us off to release the chips and who the scene the broke my house even move was from the beginning of the chips and who there was so many trucks enough to supply garza for 5 years ahead. i have a message for the international community. all the causes want is to put pressure in israel on the international community, on the united nations and on the global organizations to stop the war. israel has naples, everything that's happening is a lie when no terrorists and the objective is real, talks about, don't exist at all. i hope that the whole world helps the wounded, who are currently in a difficult situation, helps the children who have lost the parents help them not with financial aid. we need medical help, clean food and clean, who are shifting get thrown off the international in an attempt to maintain public older authorities and mildly have by the activities of political policies as well
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as any media coverage of them. but they move as quickly throughout the ross of the us and u. n. who are demanding an urgent utah. it would take the concert and by the decrees of spending the activities of political parties and of the civic associations. it must be immediately repealed and opened in pluralistic civic spaces. case of human rights, peace and security and sustainable development. we are deeply concerned about the molly and transition governments decreased suspending all political activities until further notice. freedom of expression and freedom of association are critical to an open society. the transition government has already made a decision not to hold an election in february 2024 to return to a civilian the democratic government. despite the commitment that is made publicly in 2022 to do so, we call on molly's transition government to honor its commitments through the citizens and hold free and fair elections in molly and elsewhere. democracy met remains the best foundation for stability and prosperity. the west african nations
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kindly, under the rule of a transitional government following a qu, back in 2020 elections had been signed for february. this year, postponed indefinitely for technical reasons, not 4th outrage from the opposition. however, i'm only in political analysts told us the country has other immediate prior. he's right now. when you want to start the country is not to have the someone, us o groups or somebody to go talk to these eh, trying to say something different to the way immediately running a breeding we are in the critical moment. we are in the difficult moment within the country. the country is facing to as fits up. the country is fighting against the enemy's enemies from the interior and it is from the exterior and the main spot of boost and it means is did
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yeah, this goes involving in the to a to of monday. that why, why the government is fighting against rules and events inside the money is not the moment to talk about what it is, what they want to talk about. democracy is look the moment to talk about priority because we have to be like one platform to get. busy to fight against those enemy to speak to the country 1st and when because it would be secure and would be the book to talk about it because it is wonderful for the files including them. uh, the families, democracy and the next i'm going from we come also with that while the, the east african nation of malawi, thousands of christians have been baptized by the russian orthodox church. a spring
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has been consecrated. so it can be used by thousands of people, photos, a visit by the head of the church as african brown shoes at the different cultures can easily unite on the side of a common face. decreased, i'm not sure, but if we just baptize our brothers because they're the same people as we all because the fact that killed is different does not cancel out. the fact that we have one common baptismal ritual or the fact these people have been totally old adults face and we see that they not strangers and lead divine service. so any local differences are sold by quick for tunnel decision. and so in general there were no problems. it's exactly the same as the non countries, the sacrament of baptism is the same. so we performed it as usual. you anything? of course we adapt to specifically to this one that we performed outside near the lake with a large number of people. but those with just the preparatory changes beyond debt remains the same. you know, orthodoxy is not a national religion, it is
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a world religion. so there is no problem to combine some local traditions and the general church hold up. moreover, the essence of church life is basically the same. and as for the local differences, i show you that they can exist in the 2 churches that are even one kilometer away from each other on the adult. see as an experience of real life is just passed from person to person to person. so someone else like the way he lives and wants to acts like him. therefore, the most effective transition to orthodoxy is really when a person has become acquainted with the experience of someone who lives in the face . so the russian orthodox church in africa actually dates back to the 19th century . one of the coverage for orange was founded in 2021. since then, more than 200 powers have been created in 25 countries. almost definitely because we are new to the african continents. we didn't open powers as they moved to us. the vast majority of the power shifts that we now have
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in the russian orthodox church in africa. parishes. they used to be in the church of alexandria, but they came to us there more than $200.00 such parishes. but more than $200.00 priests the serving. yeah. we have to diocese, north african and south africa. and so is of the number of believers is very difficult to count. the principal is not very clear, boss, it is clear that those congregations that have come to us a real living congregation. sometimes i'm visiting my full country and that i forgot this. yeah, my trip to tons of their last. yeah. my trip to milan, we now show that these congregations that have moved to us a large so this is a living church. the african continent is historically all the adults from apple stomach times agent church has existed here. that was the coffee, g, and church. now the is the ethiopian judge, and there's a judge in egypt. and that his pain and orthodoxy throughout the comes in it for
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a long, long time. so the fight is in error in this going to that, you know, i think we should do all thing to says god to administer the sacrament of the church to preach. and in fact, that some main task, if we manage to influence the lives of people in africa and a good and positive way, they will all be grateful to us. and while the russian orthodox church looks to spread its wings in africa in europe, its having them clipped the stony and terry administer wants his government to officially classify it as a terrorist organization over the conflict in ukraine. the rest of the score was the context given the whole context might see as interior minister can do nothing more than suggest upon them is that the most good patriot could be declared terrorist and supporting terrorism in its activities. and as a result, being tyria administer could go to court and suggest that the church organization operates in heavy dissolving. say that this does not concern the congregations, it does not mean that the churches will be close to what it means that the connection with must go, will be said that we have to understand that today,
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the most code patriarchy to subordinate to vladimir putin who basically leads terrorist activities in the world. meanwhile, there is an ongoing correct out against the church and ukraine itself for it even phases of bite and other legislation improved by gifts. parliament loft. yeah. well the 1500 religious sites have already been seized by local. you're pregnant? no authority is with clergy members facing criminal prosecution. moves being measured condemnation by the un along with the well known american congress women. this is a war of christianity. the ukrainian government is attacking christians. the crating government is executing priest. russia is not doing that. they're not attacking christianity as a matter of fact and they seem to be protecting it so that something else is clear and obvious to many people that are looking closely at what's going on in your brain. if you are a traditional orthodox christian, then you're persecuted because you're in the russian orthodox church and you're
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under russian bishops and the people in power, any crane don't like that. they're trying to say, look, you must change churches because you have a new frame that you saw is a violation of religious freedom. and that right there is one of the highest marks of tyranny to say, we know you've gone to this church, your whole life. we know this church has been in the church for hundreds of years is bad because we happen to be in a military battle against the country where the bishop of discharges from you have to change your religion and go somewhere else. yeah, this is where we need the government to simply taken snows out of the church and minus on business because these people are not going to church to take
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a political side, they're going to church to worship god and they need to be allowed to do it joseph gleason is an american pasta who became an orthodox priest in russia, and he compares the extent of religious freedom in russia. the u. s. a new credit personally match some of the orthodox priest in ukraine. and you have seen this persecution with their own eyes of a i've written about myself a few times. it's been going on for a long time and it's, it's only getting worse. the area that happens to be what we not home crane has always been under the jurisdiction of, you know, initially greek bishops and then many hundreds of years ago that we have under russian bishops and russian patriots. when it comes to religious freedom, there is no better place to go. then russia, russia and protest orthodox christianity is. yeah, the number one religion that.


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