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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the the headlines right here on off the international, the russian advance. james, my mentioned in the band, the most goes troop is taking the key village of put of, of mice going that isn't that, don't? yes, but the complex iranian that the special forces sees a portuguese registered cargo ship near the street apartment, craving it's linked to israel. one of the questions being was easiest chicago because we just went on to what the no one knows when will each and we continue recording from central russia, webmaster documation to continue in the city of autumn. but you can see those pictures right, that the water levels are not going away. the, we're looking at a full deck, give you
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a top story. it's ready to roll life most go with just off the 10 pm locally here. so straight to don't back squared russian troops of taking the village of put of a moist gay that's in the don't ask a public that's according to the russian defense ministry patrol. so aside, ukraine lost over $230.00 troops and the baffle. the senior correspondent reports the russian ministry of defense has confirmed the cap to a bit about mice, good by the center of the group. this is off to repeated reports. the official about the capture of the settlement by russian forces off to be the was probably showing the russian flag of the west and most outskirts off the vast few credit and launched a number of costs sleep yet. that's where it's coming from the tax in order to beat the russians back from the west and outskirts of the city in order to keep a foothold in the settlement that has a look. there is now 14 showing you crate in forces report to the fleet in disarray
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from the settlement. this would make it the 5th settlement captured by russian forces since the full of difficult you get the highlights, the difficult position that you paid in forces already in suffering as they are from a severe and evident shortage impala in quality to the specially assault groups. as well as a shortage of observation, we're talking here about the large caliber artillery shells which are absolutely essential to any operation. and the operation here we have also heard fib steve ahead of you. peyton's armed forces come out and say that since the electrons russians on the offensive across the front slide, a revitalized offensive utilizing all the groups. and i'm quick, probing attacks across the front lines. he says the situation remains desperate for the great inside and now resting. uh, erecting additional fortifications across the front floods. here with federal mice
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go, for example, ukrainian fortifications, defenses be your better one must have been completed again, forcing them to throw additional troops brigades in order to assure up defenses and prevent a russian breakthrough. you mean general presidency let's k is come out for the 1st time admitted the to grade, now faces the faith unless it receives a huge, a balance of defense systems. from the west. he mentioned about 25 patriots defense systems. bearing in mind that the united states has about 50 and they're only about a 100 in the world. but again, it is russian ap house, especially glide booms and specifically glad palms that are wrecking habits, and you pay the improved. so new credit, again, exasperating new credit in mind, power shortages and fueling the momentum behind rushes renewed offensive.
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and, and the neighboring is that what all is a region 11 people killed, one to residential buildings came on. the ukranian showing the regional government says through civilians are still missing as respiratory through, but every one of the 20 people were hospitalized. we spoke to some of those who sufficed anymore. i kind of try but it's terry fine. especially since i found out that almost all of my neighbors a dad, my god, i don't even know how i survived. i lost consciousness when everything fell on me and then i won't call pilots. and there was no balcony door to the entrance was blocked. i made my way to the bedroom i saw saw just running around. i called out to them and they took me through the window. when they were pulling me out, i saw a nearby house is completely collapse, says 2 is and then the whole house. they say that everyone died there. the girl was just coming in from the garage. fortunately, i went behind the house here for an otherwise then that i can't leave yet though i
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counted 5 me sauce, the city and you did. unfortunately, something on children died. i pulled one out myself is of a charge, not similar to that. one is showing started with jump right into the by the task. as we were told earlier, that if you'll leave on the ground floor, then salvation isn't the best of them. were on there and said down that it's shot for the 2nd time whistle. it might be years. yeah. the bathroom door flew off, looked around at the bus stop was still standing. we were still standing, but the floor had collapsed into the basement. within the past until morning. and then the guys came and helped us. the iranian forces of seized the portuguese registered congo ship and the straight important moods claiming it's linked to israel. one question might be, what's the ship's cargo?
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a few more details about the use of use of july. for now, the r g c has not commented bought the ship seizure marks the 1st major sign of surgeon tension since israel's killing of iranian military personnel and syria, we heard that a vessel, a link to is really billionaire. a all of our was confiscated by the r g. c. navy. the vessel was seized near the emerald port city of 4 j. right now they're wanting and state media said the ship identified as the portuguese flag m. s. c. a we use had now been directed towards their wants territorial waters. it was 8 or not. it was agency also published this short headline. we did a continued container ship named mc. aries was seized by the r d. c. navy special forces by carrying out a harley born operation. the ship reportedly had disabled tracking data before entering the region at tactic repeatedly employed by is really affiliated vessels when passing through the persian gulf and destroyed apartment was now the incident
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called a nurse in israel after the april. first, this falls on here was casa in syria. israel has been on high alert to respond to any possible with child. it's always quite from iran, while tel aviv has a brief itself for the worst case scenario. as a director, you're wanting to check on his territory that has now condemned the r t c stripped seizure. i'd want of consequences i call on the european union and the free world to immediately declare the iranian revolution in regards corpse of a terrorist organization. and to sanction around now they are on the we bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation. any further. israel is on high alert. we have increased our readiness to protect these room from further iranian aggression. we are also prepared to respond via our gc has also threatened to close this strategic straight of hormones. so it seems that as well has really
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overreacted to the ship seizure. so as none of these measures appear to a match with the, the anticipated without relation because everyone has vowed a real boss response one that would be at the same level with these really attack that killed several iranian military officials in syria. and in the words of erewhon supreme leader, the revenge would make as well regret its mistake. so many and one are now speculating about the scale and nature of their wants, retaliatory action. some are saying that to everyone what we use hundreds of its domestically built missiles on drones to target the idea of physicians. and that we did. of course, we cannot say for sure how one will react, but the size of a major escalation can already be witnessed as many friendly and even some european countries have been communicating with their won flying to i'll talk it out of a serious response workforce. so we hear that today,
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the netherlands and now are the temporary closure of its embassy itself on due to quote, security concerns many here in your one are talking about one to one has time and again threatens and that's to destroy as well. and that tells us has assigned its own death for and twice liking iran and syria for know anything about how and when one goes flag back will be mirror for addiction. but what's clear is that the us would be a major part of the crisis sense. joe biden, on friday, we are firm to his country's full support for as well in the face of a potential why an attack. and in the eyes of many observers that would lead to no less than a full scale war, which would grab the entire region if not the world. yeah, so we will gauge and reaction with that. john was an editor martin j. now he says the seizure of the ship is just the tip of the ice, but he's also saying that we should expect much more from iran in the coming days.
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and this is now the escalation. on the other side, we had a little talk about escalation, courage by america and israel originally, but now your ring is starting to take control. and until i hit back, and i think that should be any great surprise in the straits for moves, which is a very narrow points. and the person goes, they want to go to this in the past and the same can expect a lot more. i mean, just simply a hijacking of one ship is, is really the tip of the guys, but i think much more is coming in the coming days. we should never forget what re pushed the wrong over line just a few days ago. these right news hits the right new conflicts in damascus. toronto is, is putting a number of pressure points forward, you know, so, because they see lights at the end of it, the end of a totally, they see that if there is some so complex, which sparks off from this couple of days. if it's contains only stress that if it's contained, then there will be
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a certain bet channel negotiation between america and the radians and they'll be, you know, the writing is looking for a number of points to use as i'm additional, the sign language if you like. so think of like jack in the ships in the states. what moves is, is one of those points to negotiate and it might turn out to be in a little bit to quite important. one of the most ships account should or even destroyed by the domestic front here in a rupture line. it's meantime, the lakes across the vast areas of the r in bug region that's in the central part of the country. and the flooding process continues. the river overall has now reached a height never seen since reynolds began, it's was left entire village is just deluged. our local authorities say around 20000 people are still being moved from orange bug. almost 3000 homes already swamped the russian emergency ministry warning. the situation will get worse. as one of our producers filed this report from the region,
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the full them is that what the in the review of your, all it is at the level of 11 meet us and $75.00 centimeters. if i'm not mistaken, has reached a point where, where it is flooding the residential areas inside the city itself. the city of for, and look, for example. there you can see it will, it was washed away by, by your role was just a few hours ago. and it's like a domino effect. the more water comes to a city, the more, the more cds being flooded, the more pressure each grades for government agencies, the main agency of which is, are responsible for conducting the creation, etc. piece. of course, the russian emergency ministry bus problem is that they are running out of manpower . they are running out of boats. they are running out of medical supplies. and when, what time slots hospitals schools, it destroys the poor part of the city damage. she is being measured in tens of
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billions of troubles already, and we have not yet reached the coverage for people being evacuated and kind of we would just went on the water and no one knows when we'll eat and what i meant, which i faulty and proportion from or in the region on the bad weather as also had the southern russian city of now check with a heavy rain and hail the course chaos on the roads will show you some dash kind of footage with motorists struggling to get through the city streets of the air is looking like a for the winter, i've made an unwelcome return. was hail started coming down, have a look at that right there. i'll forward, he's all reassuring people that everything is more or less under control the. the idea if it's found the body of a 14 year old is riley boy in the west bank. the country's ministry is courting his death, the result of a power a short while ago. the body of 14 year old benjamin asher man was located in the
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area of malice, shy hassle by the i d f. i s a and is ready police spending a nasty man when missing friday morning and was murdered in a terrorist attack. the incident is under review security forces continuing the pursuit of those suspected of carrying out the attack. according to the idea of the teenager wasn't missing while he was separated and the west bind a day earlier. this comes to mind reports of renewed clashes between his riley settlers on the policy for a while. the is ready, defense, minutes or cold for com a no. a shuttle is not to carry out revenge. at the time the palestinian village was still some off the mouth right there was smoking fire from the clashes, one palestinian manor formerly killed 25 people wounded. i was discussing it with professor iman yusef, who expressed fios to the teenagers death. it'll say tensions balloon in the west bank. according to the 1000050, you know, is the easiest security and all me. and they posted the 14 year old, you know,
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14 year old boy. it has the motor to spend it is not on fans without a physical employer, but it's been, you know, it is, you know, a emission in a, you know, a nation case or not related fees. or, i mean that case has been not consumed this incidence. you know, this boy was a she loved and he was to get a is, you know, as she was along the, you in the law is a lot of just b as off you know, opened this thing instead of 3 a, we cannot confirm if the, if he did some land source or land on the distribution with some of your business being in the cloud most a month. i don't, i don't think if is more of a, you know, organized, you know, a, what do you think of the assessing the same getting down by waiting on various things in the senior exception. so i think the sweet spot and think you might want to collections between a, you know,
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been experienced in the bank and the set loves it. as you know, we have more than, you know, 700000 or 800000. so flows into which bank and the all supported by the army and the officer voted nobody the government and the because of that i think the have we organized on me the are on with the, with the blogs, with knives and with that, with the very, very how are you doing to, you know, the idea is, you can be, it is, and, you know, the only thing is to get, you know, at any time. so the road to apparently russia is to blame for high energy prices on inflation in germany. at least that's the explanation that john, so the own up shoals gave to the countries media when he was grilled about the rising cost of sanctioning most. firstly, it's about defending groups, older and peace rushes wage and an imperialist war and must not we. secondly, russia stopped it's gust deliveries, not us. certainly we managed,
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whether they can on the consequences of the war with a lot of public money. we have develop new sources of supply for gas and oil and bill terminals to import liquefied. guess he's definitely uh, may have skipped over a few details. i may look up until february 2020 to most russian gast reached me through the north stream pipeline. an additional line doubling capacity was built, but never got the final green light from. but late in the mid pressure from washington, and when the call so the new crane interrupted germany said they would then we in itself off russian gas to hit moscow in the pocket. june 2022 gas pro monotonously . it was hobbling supply through north stream one saying western sanctions meant it couldn't conduct key maintenance. and even off of that pipeline, it was blowing apart in september of that to you, but in still refuse to approve node stream to the german economy has been faltering ever since industrial production growth negative for all of 2023
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. but the country, the world was performing major economy, and there's no sign of things getting better anytime soon. and a swing from russia gas to us, produced at a g comes at a very high price. and so it industry figure heads on now saying that germany is the fact though at a disadvantage. the gas prices in continental europe, especially in germany, are structurally higher now because we in the end depends on l. n. g imports. the german industry has a disadvantage. drum and everybody got our back and he says other quiet pod out loud. he says that e u is just picked russia out to be it's scape goat restaurants. being blamed for the actually, as i said in germany and many parts of europe, now it's obviously lots to start off at h was c, e u, which refused any further. russian gas as well as other
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products from russian or the u. it pays sanctions no to the onset and russian exports, but also on its own impulse from russia. the tools is that president t is speaking the truth and shots fletch shoals isn't. we should not forget, at no stream to the rush, i still being blamed at for this summer tosh. the tech everyone knows it's nonsense at the 2 culprits will never be revealed and there's still one pipeline. a rush has indicated that it would resume a pumping gas into germany. germany is at refusing that that's a simple to so the match that germany today i'm afraid, is
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a country sick in mind and body. 6 people have been killed in a mass, stopping at a shopping center in sydney, australia, but they've talked to was shot dead by police suicide. only indications address is not power related. the regents had voice and has support for the victims you. south wiles has experienced a just distressing and her receipts con ross here in one of the most ordinary of places. innocent people have been attacked at the local shopping center. people enjoying the sky. and we'll do whatever is necessary to support the community and to make sure that you know, everything that can be done will be done for your tax advice on a saturday afternoon or 5 or the dad would just killed of a scene, a sick freaking by later from injuries 8 people, including a 9 month old baby, a currently being treated in hospital when i witness describe how the events
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unfolded. well, so like all the people are running and i didn't know what was happening. i thought it was like some people thing frank or something. then after sometime i saw a guy with a nice running like from facebook to like the captain that it was blah blah. and he just went boss and i was trying to move, but there was like a lot of occupancy and i'm just about done. so and like i saw the guy like down man, they're pretty self. and so we're trying to like say, well, this video of part of the attack is coffee circulating online, basically shows a man and trying to confront the stopper is holding some sort of poll. we can see it right there when local news trying to pay and he was shouting, step back in russian. well, that was not possible to tell from the audio the investigation is getting underway, but police a car seat. there is no obvious motive behind the attack. this is that city is the person that we believe the then we don't have fees for that person holding and are
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the items. in other words, that it's not the terrorism incident. but this is off the international 10, 22 pm, saturday night here in moscow, a russian military mission has touched down in new jet air and wants, being heralded as a new era and relations between the countries military instructors and all the personnel was seen arriving biplane admission includes an ad, defend system and all the heavy equipment and the jazz tons of russia and offered spelling french forces, which claims had been totally and effected in the so called fight against tara. we spoke to a new jerry, an international relations expert who says powers was never interested in. it's a supposing mission, the, you know, make the push. russia has never rose, suspicion in the area of counterterrorism in front of set to support terrorist and has not been able to provide evidence to disapprove this. it was even brought up for discussion in the united nations security council. the principal was
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a very simple. they have never 4th terrace. it was very necessary to create that conflict zone in order to produce and supply weapons that front can not have any results in fighting terrorism in this a. how and these yeah, precisely because it never said the task of pleasant effectively. it was just protecting its interest in these yeah, i can say that we have huge expectations. we really want these cooperation with the russian federation to produce results on the forces will really be able to defend all our territory with the help of russian instructions and rushes of states. it has no colonial past, no vested interest. and even if it does, it is different from the interest of office manager corporation. we scattereth will bafford new jack is trying to regain its sovereignty of the events of july 26. russia, which has positioned itself as a strategic partner is yeah. and this directive to ensure our sovereignty in all areas being managed. so manage, read, social, educational,
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environmental as so as a french troops are being given. the boots in africa powers is trying to open doors in the balkans. frances president is tied to bell gray to try and fortune new ties, but let's get us out and take on this without to contribute to his original mazda 1st president. emanuel mack home really has his hands full these days. gotta clean up the sand river for the olympic trap, one and open water events, which takes place there just over a 100 days from now. my home back in february promised the swimming and himself to prove just i've seen the water is but and then he just tested it and said that it's full of, well, you know, was the same thing that paris officials are full of when they say that it's safe and good to go. so anyway, with a lot to start out at home right now between the olympic renewed challenges, high inflation, the right way. reading down parties, nacken had of gains european elections and angry farmers to my call still apparently have time to tell other countries what to do. earlier this week,
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michael hosted serbian president and reportedly struck a deal to sell serbia 12 french outside fighter jets, sweet payday. and then i start on the board right. take care of the right now when things are a little tough. but instead of just taking the money and running my coal couldn't help lecturing serbia on the idea that it's quote, future lies within the you and that it's a quote. have greater coordination with our foreign policy decisions like nice candidacy. got their serbia would be a shame to something were to happen to it because you refuse to follow us and sanctioning russia, for example, the only weapon sales ever seemed to come with this kind of selective leverage. just not like the guy who sells you. big, massive dollars can threaten to cut you off if you don't lose weight. anyway, serbian president shrugged off any perception of pressure when asked about mac calls, remarks as it so stupid little tongue. as for the 2nd question, but cro on demand and sections and this is black panel here, i repeat our position which we took 8 days after the outbreak of the conflict in ukraine remains and change today. certainly is proud of its position. server is
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a small country with a small population, but it has on the heart and is a giant in terms of state heading strip. it has not changed and will not change the position. no one has blackmailed us and can not look my way and stop them. close foreign affairs minister states on stage of may was busy talking off about using branches, massive quote against israel, which is so game changing the israel was still bombing the daylights out of gas up . but that proof of uselessness hasn't gotten in the way of seizure. when they putting himself and for us on the back for the must be leave is of influential. and there are multiple leave is you're going up to sanctions to let humanitarian a cross check, pointless fronts with one of the 1st countries to propose european union sections on these really settle those who are committing acts of violence in the west bank. we will continue if needed to obtain the opening a few monetary in a while and a beef with israel team. not coal has also been threatening in other countries or
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also isn't b for i know israel iran because according to french logic, france to be able to punish israel for actions that or to even begin to spread their against palestinians in gaza. but you run shouldn't be able to hit back, it is real, even proportionately after israel bombed its embassy in damascus. we're approaching the moment of truth against the wrong. the free world can also our realm to emerge from the will as it ends today. at the i, it's all the regime which also threatens at this very moment to attack israel is not any israel's enemy, but the enemy of the free weld in the middle east. suddenly the state to evade as ro, represents the values of the free world. they, i saw the regime is an enemy of the values of freedom and an enemy of the piece that israel sold with the arab countries. something that have mass try to stop on october the 7th when he isn't busy playing global block, watch captain mack always banassi like he's the head coach of team west varsity military industrial complex touring weapons productions facilities because
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apparently that's the only thing that's making any real money these days now that you are, if it's sabotaged, it's other industries by starting it's cheap, rushing gas supply. we don't do some buffy view. we're on the verge of a last thing. geopolitical shift in which the defense industry will play and increasingly important role. we've got to go fast. we've got to go hot. we've got to go big. is it fast hearted? big call. sounds like someone's about to get screwed. probably the french, as usual, probably were not imagining that a return to french industrial greatness were just revolve around weapons. manufacturing. mac was also found time to cost play not $20.00 on pulling out the house with his vision of fighting russia. i'm using a lot of sending french troops to ukraine, and now he sounds like he wants the you to also indulge his fantasies. new appeal to the 5th we, europeans must do more and must do it foster. and if the us funding is not that we, europeans must mobilize and find
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a new financial solution model. and i'm working on this hand in hand with germany on to enter reality. the call is more like the kid up in his room at mom and dads staring in the mirror and imagining that he's going to conquer the world when he can barely afford rent. because it just emerged last month. that francis budget deficit rose up to 5.5 percent g d p last year. no, that's way up from 4.8 percent. employee's way to which means price is going to have to cut costs as the finance ministers already warrant. not in ukraine though. it sounds like so hey, maybe the french, you just move over there. if france can't get it sunday under control, then it's going to get a big spanking from brussels, that even risk being put under brussel supervision. so maybe someone who could barely meet their own needs and is having this much trouble really shouldn't be going around lecturing the rest of the world in an attempt to maintain the public water authority to molly, of buying the activities of political policies as well as any media coverage of
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them at the move quickly from a provoking the ross of america and the un demanding an urgent utah. i would think be concerned by the decrease of spending the activities of political policies and other civic associations. it must be immediately repealed and opened in pluralistic civic spaces, keys in human rights, peace and security and sustainable development. we are deeply concerned about the molly and transition governments decrease suspending all political activities until further notice. freedom of expression and freedom of association are critical to an open society. the transition government has already made a decision not to hold an election in february 2024 to return to a civilian the democratic government. despite the commitment that is made publicly in 2022 to do so, we call on molly's transition government the audits commitments through the citizens and hold free and fair elections in molly and elsewhere democracy.


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