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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the. 2 2 2 the, the headlines here with off the international aid is breaking news this hour and as reports off saying, iran has launched dozens of the drones of israel. the idea of size is on high or low, but the threats of a potential attack, iran, israel and jordan, are closing their s based on the run, the program, the rest of the bombs getting by bantam in the don't boss with most of those troops taking the key village, a part of a moist by an estimate on yes for a couple of time we, we just went under water and no one knows when will each and every continue recording from a central rupture where boss evaluations continue in the city of already. but due to a record breaking flux, the
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thought your timing is perfect to this program here and i'll tell you cuz it looks like things might be kicking off in the middle east. what do we know so far here at oxy at 11 pm a locally here in moscow? it is breaking news, kicking off this, our reports, as we understand saying iran has launched dozens of drones on israel. the idea of size is issued a state of a lot of affairs of an attack with the defense ministry cooling in the old stuff. a dozens of 5 to drugs have been scrambled into the skies of israel. the space is close to all civilian traffic. a schools are closed, extra curricular activities cancelled, or gatherings of more than a 1000 people have also been banned. iran has closed the space of a tear on israel's neighbor. jordan, also doing a similar move. mean, while these really prime minister issued a stipend saying old defense systems are on high a lot. the defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenarios
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defensively and offensively like this database really strongly id f is strong, the public is strong, established at clear principle whether it's us, we are gonna, we will defend ourselves from any trace and we'll do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i owed you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on costs, and together we will stand down with gold sailboats together. we will overcome conbal. meantime, iranian forces have seized the portuguese registered cargo ship and the strait of hold moose, claiming as linked to israel. one question might be, what is the ship's cargo? few more details here with all these use after for now the r g c has not commented bought the ship. seizure marks the 1st major sign of surgeon tension since israel's killing of iranian military personnel and syria. we heard that a vessel, a link to is really billionaire, a all of our was confiscated by the r g. c. navy. the vessel was,
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sees near the emerald port city of for j ross. now they're wanting and state media said the ship identified as the portuguese flood m. s. c. a we use had now been directed towards their wants territorial waters. it wants to eat or not. it was agency also published this short headline. we did a continued container ship named mc. aries was seized by the r d. c. navy special forces by carrying out a harley born operation. the ship reportedly had disabled tracking data before entering the region at tactic. repeatedly employed by is radiate affiliated vessels when passing through the persian gulf and destroyed apartment was now the incident called a nurse in israel after the april. first assault on here was casa in syria. israel has been on high alert to respond to any possible with child. it's always quite from iran while tel aviv has a brief itself for the worst case scenario. as
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a director, you're wanting to check on his territory. it has now condemned the r g. c stripped seizure, i'd warned of consequences i call on the european union and the free world to immediately declare the iranian revolution in regards corpse of a terrorist organization and to sanction around. now, the runaway bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further. israel is on high alert, we have increased our readiness to protect these real from further iranian aggression. we are also prepared to respond to me on our gc has also threatened to close this strategic straight of hormones. so it seems that is well, has really overreacted to the ship seizure. so as none of these measures appear to a match with the, the anticipated without a shot. and because they want has vowed a real fast response. one that would be at the same level, would these really attack that killed several iranian military officials in syria?
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and in the words of erewhon supreme leader, the revenge would make as well regret to its mistake. so many and one are now speculating about the scale and nature of their wants, retaliatory action. some are saying that to everyone what we use hundreds of its domestically built missiles on drones to target the idea of physicians. and that we did. of course, we cannot say for sure how one will react, but the size of a major escalation can already be worth noticed as many friendly and even some european countries have been communicating with their want flying to talk it out of a serious response. what of course, so we hear that today the netherlands and now is the temporary closure of its embassy and to find due to quote, security concerns many here in your one are talking about one to one has time and again threatened. and that's to destroy as well. and that tells us has assigned its own death for and by striking iran and syria for know anything about how and when
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one goes flag back will be mirror for addiction. but what's clear is that the us would be a major part of the crisis sense, joe biden, on friday we are from 2 countries for support for as well, in the face of a potential iranian attack. and in the eyes of many observers that would lead to no less than a full scale war, which would grab the entire region if not the world was. so we were discussing this with john listen edits of martin j now, according to moss. and he says this a, the seizure of his cargo ship is just the tip of the iceberg. he serves as much more to expect from iran in the coming days. this is now the escalation. on the other side, we had a little talk about escalation, courage, but american israel, um, originally. but now your rankings are starting to take control and, and to hit back. and i think that should be a great surprise. and stressful moves,
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which is a very narrow point and the person goals, they want to go to this in the past and the same can expect a lot more. i mean, just simply a hijacking of one ship is, is really the tip of the iceberg. i think much more is coming in the coming days. we should never forget what re pushed the wrong over line just a few days ago. these ratings hits the range of conflicts in damascus. toronto is, is putting a number of pressure points forward, you know, so, because they see lights at the end with the end of the totally they see the if there is some so complex, which sparks off from this couple of days. if it's contains only stress. if it's contained, then there will be a certain back channel negotiation between america and the radians and they'll be, you know, the writing is looking for a number of points to use as i'm additional, the sign language if you like. so think of hijacking the ships in the states where moves is, is one of those points to negotiate and it might turn out to be longer to quite
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important. one of the most ships captured or even destroyed right over to i don't bass now where russian troops have taken the village of a pet of a bicycle a that's in the don't ask republic. it's called into the russian ministry of defense, which also side ukraine last over $230.00 troops. and the battle of senior correspondent has the that the russian ministry of defense has confirmed the cap to a bit of mice good. by the center of the group, this is often repeated reports. the official about the capture of the settlement by russian forces off the be the was probably showing the russian flag of the west, the most outs. good software, vass ukraine launched a number of costs sleep yet. that's where it's counselor tax in order to beat the russians back from the west and outskirts of the city in order to keep a foothold in the settlement. but hasn't worked. there is now 14 showing you credit
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in forces, reportedly flew in disarray from the settlement. this would make it the 5th settlement captured by russian forces since the full of difficult you get the highlights, the difficult position that you paid in forces already in suffering as they are from a severe and evident shortage. impala impala, see proof, especially of sold proof. as well as a shortage of aggravation. we're talking here about the large caliber artillery shells which are absolutely essential to any operation. and the operation here we have also had subsea, the head of you, peyton's on forces, come out and say that since the electrons russians on the offensive across the front slide, a revitalized offensive utilizing all the groups. and i'm quick, probing attacks across the front bloods. he says the situation remains desperate for the great inside and now resting uh,
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resting additional fortifications across the front floods. here with federal mice go, for example, ukrainian fortifications defenses. the young people must have been completed again, forcing them to throw additional troops brigades in order to assure up defenses and prevent a russian breakthrough. evening general presents elective come out for the 1st time admitted the to grade, now faces the faith unless it receives a huge amount of ad defend systems from the west. he mentioned about 25 patriots defense systems. bearing in mind that the united states has about 50 and they're only about a 100 in the world. but again, it is russian app. how especially glide booms, those specifically glad problems that are wrecking habits you paid into. so new credit, again exasperating you creating manpower, sort of just add fueling the momentum by and rushes renewed offenses
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under the neighboring adaptability of region 11 people were killed when residential buildings came under ukrainian, showing that the original government thing civilians are still missing his rescue was a sifting through the february of 20 people were hospitalized, and we heard from some of those who suffice to be in that i can describe it. it's terry fine, especially since i found out that almost all of my neighbors a dad, my god, i don't even know how i survived. i lost consciousness when ever since selling me. and then i won't call pilots. and there was no balcony. the door to the entrance was blocked. i made my way to the bedroom. so sol, just running around. i called out to them and they took me through the window. when they were pulling me out, i saw a nearby house is completely collapse, says do is. and then the whole house. they say that everyone died there. the girl was coming from the garage. unfortunately,
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i went behind the house here. otherwise than that, i can't leave yet though i counted 5 me sauce. sure, absolutely. and you did. unfortunately, some children died. i pulled one out to myself, the sheriff hodge. not jealous of it. when the showing started to jump right into the by the task, as we were told earlier, the live on the ground floor and then salvation isn't the best of them, were on there and said down that it's shot for the 2nd time whistle it might be, or yeah, the bathroom door flew off, looked around at the bus stop was still standing. we were still standing, but the floor had collapsed into the base. uh, within the past, um until morning. and then the guys came and helped us deal of the land is being turned to the lakes across shoots areas of the r and bug bridge and its in central, russia. they are flooding crisis continues. the river overall has now reached
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a height never seen since reckless began and leaving entire villages in on day to the local authorities. around 20000 people are being moved from the city of lauren, but almost 3000 homes already swamped at the russian emergency administrative warning. the situation is going to get worse as a producer now reports from the region. the problem is that what to in the review of your all it is at the level of 11 meet us and 75 centimeters. if i'm not mistaken, has reached a point where, where it is flooding the residential areas inside the city itself. the city of, for, and look, for example, there you can see it was washed away by a, by your role. what does just a few hours ago. and it's like a domino effect. the more water comes to a seat and the more the more cds being flooded, the more pressure degrades full government agencies. the main agency of which is,
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are responsible for conducting the creation, etc. piece. of course, russian emergency ministry bus problem is that they are running out of manpower. they are running out of boats. they are running out of medical supplies. and when, what time slots hospitals schools, it destroys the football war of the city damage. she is being measured in tens of billions of troubles already, and we have not yet reached the peak of which will people be evacuated entire. we'll adjust went on the water, and no one knows when we'll eat and the minute which i faulty in reporting from orange book region. about whether it's also hit the southern russian city of nel check where heavy, right in hail coast close on the roads will show you some a dash com footage or web motorist has been struggling together cause through the cities, flooded streets or some other areas are looking more like winning, so i made an on welcome it's on and despite the stormy weather authorities reassure
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people, the local web has one north. at risk of busting, verify, the idea of who has found the body of a 14 year old is really boy in the west bank. the country's military is courting his death the result of a terror attack. a short while ago, the body of 14 year old benjamin asher man was located in the area of malice, shy hassle by the i d f. i s a and is ready police. many, many national may have when missing friday morning and was murdered in a terrorist attack. the incident is under review security forces continuing the pursuit of those suspected of carrying out the attack. but according to the idea of the teenager when missing, while he was out shopping in the west bank a day before, this comes in major polls of renewed clashes between is riley settlers and pilots. been here while the is ready, defense minister goals. com and urge settlers not to carry out any revenge attack. so power, steering and village was stormed the that's scenes of the off the mouth right there
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. a palestinian band was a boldly killed 25 other people wounded professor. i'm on yusef, expressed fears to the teenagers. death will say tensions balloon in the west bank . according to the city of this, the, you know, is the security and all me. and they both to the 14 year old, you know, 14 year old boy a, as the model is not on fan you probably have been, it's been, you know, really is you know, a emission and you know, and the suitcase or that you don't really use or i mean that case has been the, does not consume this incidence. you know, this boy was a, she loved and he used to get a is, you know, is she was alone, you know, and a lot of just b as off, you know, opinions thing instead of authority. eh, we cannot confirm if he, if he did some land, saw it, or a land confiscation with some of your business being in the cloud most a,
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a month. i don't see, i don't think if is more of a, you know, organized, you know, a, what do you think can assess the needs in getting out by waiting on various things to do or we want business premium exception. i think the sweet spot, and i think you might want to collections between a, you know, been experienced in this bank and east loves the. as you know, we have more than you know, 700000 square feet of 100000 stuff loaded into what we've been and the all supported by the all, and the officer both in no way the government and the because of that i think the have we organized on me, the are on with the, with the loans with knives and with the, with the very, very how are you doing the items you can be, it is and you know what they are leaving is to can you know, at any time? well over in tel aviv hundreds of people have taken to the streets and what's that become weekly anti government protests and made the ongoing war and gaza.
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the right, the more than a 100 is ready, hostages remain, and how most comfortably the goals for their immediate release, growing louder by the day protested also to mining and the dra is ready, 5 minutes and then yeah, it was a resignation and early election made report to israel that has agreed on his plan for a ground of friends. they've been doing it. i file that's the last refuge for displace palestinians of the un high commissioner for refugees, a sounding the alarm over the possible consequences saying a massive flood of guidance and the egypt could derail any hopes for a ceasefire. we heard the tragic tale of one woman who was already crossing the border off the losing her sister. and her 2 young nieces. i get i was a 1st month was very sorry. how to my residential area in brussel. i know my family, especially on october 21st. i lost my sister's tomorrow and how are you? my son?
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my husband has dominey as a full story building without east durant. i received the message at 1130 of mind from one of my best friends, and she told me that they received the remains of a woman and 2 children from my sister, dominated. i told her it's impossible. i told her that the last contact to be had with them was in the evening and it was in the, in the family, you know, the entire residential around what's going 6 buildings will completely destroyed. and that $190.00 that during the event the place was just programs rubble mixed with the law. got mixed with sky. so the that honestly no one came out of there on the i was thinking it is the car to this level phones while that was sleeping up 6 in the morning. i wonder if they thought, when the full did they. yeah. what did they do? they children, when the civilians, i still don't understand what the generals. how does that usually explain?
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most of these are that is your edu. oh somebody a is one of the lucky ones to escape the will. egypt has been reluctant to accept refugees from gaza. it's already crowded with millions of others from countries across africa in the middle east. egyptian officials say they've helped more than 2000 wounded palestinians across the border since november. there's still more than a 1000000 sheltering in the city semi uh, again refilled the difficulties and simply making it to say when are you busy? imagine being separated by will between yeah, and the land where the st. lawrence, the not true on the other line, whether staff can destruction. yeah. let me just a moment on this. oh, so you to me for the safe area. $9000.00 lets the women need the $20000.00. so that depends on your lot because the porkers on us and you compete with him in the matter and reach a point of safety and get out of range it. my uncle who say want to get out for all
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the savings of gold. they have money, but it's in the bags, and the banks will destroy any addiction to the crossing everyone around the middle circle. and everyone was scared of what awaits us of the inspection. what awaits us off the stage. the seeing the broke my house even move was from the beginning of the chips and who there was so many trucks enough to supply garza for 5 years ahead . i have a message for the international. older guardians, one is to put pressure in is round on the international community, on the united nations and the global organizations to stop the world. israel has no goals, everything that's happening is a lie when no terrorists and the israel talks about done exist. i hope that the whole world helps to william did your car, can you in a difficult situation, helps the children have all of the parents help them with financial aid. we need
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medical help, clean food. 6 people have been killed and a mess, stopping and a shopping center in sydney, australia, or the attacker was shot dead by police suicide. early indications address is not tyler related. the regions had voice to support for the victim. a new south wiles has experienced the dist, distressing and horrific, con, right here in one of the most ordinary of places, innocent people have been attacked at the local shopping center. people enjoying the 1st guy for baby teeth. and we'll do whatever is necessary to support the community and to make sure that you know everything that can be done will be done. if i've got the advice on saturday afternoon, 5 of the dead, we just killed him seeing sick victim like a guide from injuries. 8 people, including a 9 month old baby are currently hospitalized. and one eye witness describe how the
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events unfolding slowly. so like going to people are running and i didn't know what happening. i thought it was like, some people thing frank, this something then after some time i saw a guy with a nice running, like from facebook to like the captain that i work, blah blah. and this one faster than i was trying to do, but there was like a lot of occupancy on either smoke gun. so and like i saw the guidelines and they're pretty self of silly trying to like say this video, all of a part of the attack kindly circulating online. it shows a guy, the top of the escalator trying to confront discoveries holding some sort of metal type stuff. and one local news channel claim he was shouting, step back in russian. although it's not possible to tell from the audio people on social media praise the coverage of that man, or one brave man stands alone trying to stop the murdering terrorist. the world's
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going to need a lot more men like him. don't let anyone ever tell you that masculinity is a bad thing. nice, awesome ma'am. to come the onto talk came on died junction shopping center sydney put in his own safe to trace to say fall those. he is a hero. absolutely. devastated by the news coming out of band died junction, my heart goes out to the victims, family, 1st responders, and all the people traumatized by the actions of this one man. such courage and care shown by so many people. especially ballard man and the police woman who shot the perp in 2018. a brave man used to shop in charlotte to stop a terrorist attack and bowed st. melbourne in 2024. it's a brave man with a bullet while the full investigation is underway, but police started as a courtesy no obvious motive behind the attack. as it seems that city is the person that we believe it is. then we don't have fees for that person holding an audition . in other words,
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that it's not the terrorism incident in but when the police have stormed the venue of a pro palestine conference, just as a palestinian speaker started his speech or the conference participants called on people to remain calm. the go to put it say i tied to the german police stormed into the congress today. well, the 1st speech was basically on the progress of the reason they said was that there was a band on activity by the palestinian activist. i will see talking to who was previously expelled, but it is a continuation of what we have been experiencing the increasingly here in germany since october 7th and the i'm in censorship of freedom of expression of the censorship of funding. mental right. assume that assignments when you have,
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i've never experienced anything like this in my life as an activity. it was so brutal as volume. i say perhaps the fundamental law has not been washed down the toilet. the police rest of the city old or lynn and the politicians. if the drumline police detained some of the conference speakers, including the spokes person of a jewish unseen zine, this movement boldenow authorities levels are banned the final 2 days of the conference and made a face of hate speech. a grease is full. my finance man is to help to promote the conference and he liking the raid to a display of fascism. the german police prove to the young collision of adults by bursting in and in that op thing, the live stream grabbing the microphone ending that magnificent congress that flashes me does not need to win government in order to be in power. we would have loved to have a decent democratic, mutually respectful debate on how to bring peace about on how to bring and invest in human rights, whatever one jews and by this thing is bed twins and christians from the jordan
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river to let me do that, any mc, meanwhile, thousands of riley, the german embassy in london and protested a police raid in berlin demonstrate as say the crack down on pro palestine jewish organizations is against the will of the jewish people. but you k is also faced a wave of pro palestinian rally since the start of the current compet cobra. we heard from some of today's protest, people spent 3 months ago, 2 months ago, this started uh, pressuring the menus that we were supposed to hold it in on the directory activism. they must be targeting husbands arabs and anti sinus to an end table activist. the l o rosenberg says buttons cost is actually making it blind to the ongoing situation and gaza. there's always seemed that the germany is, uh, is very touchy about criticisms of israel and office,
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of course of is really using brass, the, the excuse of the reasoning of the, of the legacy of, of, of the, not the euro and uh, and dollar cost against the jews, but this is very, i run a because now using these excuses, it is just to find more legitimizing another genocide of starving and many of them and certainly of us and complete another physical destruction of infrastructure, building cultural ever decides all of that and, and the fact that protesting this and the crying this and the crying german state involvement and support for this is considered a speech is uh, it's really unacceptable if the attitude of the us specifically the us and germany which are most honest supporters and also send a large amounts of weapons on the is there added to the big difference. we would
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probably see different da here on the israel's part as well. let's get back to a breaking news for you. this our here on auction international right now. 11 30 pm here in moscow. now israel and washington is saying that iran has long launched an attack on his ready territory, so that a number of drones are borne on route to the targets. so that could take hours to arrive and verify footage. i'll post that online assignment to show the iranian drug and some report say around 15 being 5, it will take hours to reach the israel. also unconfirmed reports of a 2nd wave of drones having below the idea. so it is easy to state of a load. the defense ministry calling in old style, we understand a fighter jet subbing scrambled in the skies above israel wallace space as opposed to civilian traffic. our schools are shut down extra curricular activities, canceled a whole gatherings and more than a 1000 people have been around as close the space over to ron and israel's neighbor
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. jordan also announcing the closure of its skies as well as iraq were also understanding their unconfirmed reports of israel is equivalent of air force one, it's due tuesday plane is apple and outside of is riley air springs. so the idea is that perhaps 2 waves of drones have been launched from iraq. iran, i should say, the flying over iraq, the territory taking anywhere up to 3 to 4 to 5 hours for these drones to potentially reach is railey territory. the footage we've been showing basically showing drawings with a small sounding propeller engine flying very slowly, frankly, over the territory on the way to israel telling me you've says they are ready for just about anything that comes to the door. it will keep you posted on this developing story here on out to you to national this is breaking news. we are the.


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