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tv   Going Underground  RT  April 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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land glued distribution. will some lucas been standing in the par motors? hey, i'm up. i don't see. i don't think if is more of a, you know, organized, you know, a, what do you think can assess the nation carried out by weight known. but as the integral part, we want business premium exception. i think the way the spot, and i think you might want it clashes between a, you know, been experienced, it was bank. and it was the, the sup loves it. as you know, we have more than you know, 700000 or 800000 supp lowes in the, in the whole with bank and the all supported by the army and the officer voted nobody the government and the because with that i think the have we organized our, me, the, are on, with the, with the guns, with nights and with that, with the very, very, how are you doing the, you know, that i do is you can be a, it's and you know, they are leaving us to kids. you know, i asked any time while over and outside of a earlier in the evening, hundreds of people are taking to the streets and once become weekly anti government
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protests amid the ongoing war on guns. the more than a 100 is ready, hostages remain, and how much come typically hold for their immediate release, growing louder by the day. protesters are also demanding the is ready, 5 minutes to resign. on stage of the election. made report to israel has a grid on his plan for a grounding coach and then the offensive and have it on file. that's the last refuge, by the way for displace palestinians. the un high commissioner for refugees. sounding the alarm over the possible consequences saying a massive flight of garlands into egypt could do rail any hopes for a cease fire. we heard the tragic tale of one woman who was already across the board after losing her sister. and her 2 young nieces, i guess i was the 1st month, was very, very hard to my residential area. and rough uh, i know my family especially on october 21st. i lost my sister's tomorrow at home,
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twice on my husband, her husbands, family. as a full story building was reduced to rubble. i received the message at 1130 at night from one of my nice friends in the hospital. she told me that they received the remains of a woman and 2 children from my sister's family. i told her it's impossible. i told her that the last contact i had with them was in the evening. and it wasn't the only family know the entire residential block around them. what's going 6 buildings will completely destroyed. and that 192 dead in the area. during the event, the place was just ruins, rubble mixed with blood, mixed with scattered pieces of the bodies. honestly, no one came out of there on high go. i was thinking the guard they performed while they were sleeping at 6 in the morning. i wonder if they felt when they died, how it was, what full did they have? what did they do? they children, women, civilians. i still don't understand all the targets. i mean all the generals. how
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does the s room claim as a basis? well, somebody a is one of the lucky ones to escape egypt as being reluctant to accept refugees from gaza as it's already crowded with millions of others from countries across africa and the middle east. gyptian officials say they've held more than 2000 wounded policy units across the board has since november. but they're also. busy more than a 1000000 sheltering in that city, some of you again reveals the difficulties and simply trying to make it to say imagine being separated by will between human, the land, where the safety life, newman, life and everything natural. on the other line, whether steph kennings, i'm destruction, just to, and this will cost you to move from will to a safe area, $9.00 a $1000.00 for women from $14.00 to $20000.00 for men. and it depends on your lot because the broker's honest and you complete with him in the matter and reach
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a point of safety and get out of egypt. my uncle also want to get out for all the savings of going. i mean, they have money, but it's in the banks and the banks will destroy in egypt and hold the crossing. every one around. we have lost someone and everyone was scared of what awaits us at the inspection. what awaits us off to release the chips and who the scene the broke my house, even though was from the beginning of the chips and who there was so many trucks enough to supply garza for 5 years ahead. i have a message for the international community. all the gardens want is to put pressure in is round on the international community, on the united nations, and on the global organizations to stop the war. israel has naples, everything that's happening is a lie when no terrorists and the objective is real talks about guns exist after and i hope that the whole world helps the wounded who are currently in a difficult situation,
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helps the children who have lost the parents help them not with financial aid, we need medical help clean food iep getting back to breaking news for you here on the international right now just quickly at 12 35 am here in moscow. iran has confirmed his lawrence to retaliatory attack against israel by firing dozens of drones so that they could take hours to arrive and verify footage post it online, assigned me to show the drawings on route to that target. some reports saying up to 50 have been 5, they could take 3 to 5 hours to reach you as well. but just quickly, there are also other report saying it could be 4 to 500 of these drug. and this being launched. iran also says it is using missiles and its attack, a british fight. i tried to report lead, taken off from cyprus to intercept the attack. the idea says it's easy to state of a lot friends, ministry calling and all stuff. a dozens of his rally jets, a scrambled within the space based on mass based, closed, and iran, iraq egypt,
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jordan lab, and on all over the region. and so ron has said the attack is in retaliation for the recent deadly strike on it's considered in damascus. is also saying, by the way, if they don't y'all who strikes back, iran will retaliate again in response to the crimes committed by design and straight gm in the attack on the come to a section of the arabian embassy in damascus. the analogy cfos hit certain targets in the territory of design is regime with dozens of drawings and missiles. meanwhile, israeli defense forces of confirm a striking hezbollah, tockets and 11 on saying it's in response to recent attacks from that area. earlier today you a, these were launched from lebanon and toward kovar bloom, and nita in northern israel, in response id, a fighter jets and artillery struck hezbollah. tara target's in the areas of l. korea y d a. and kalat, i'll die by among the targets struck were terror infrastructure and military posts
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. right, let's across a lot, not talk, yes or ramsey, but a rude. who is a john? just an editor of the palestine chronicled a very good evening. so welcome to the program here at all to you and i'll continue breaking news coverage. so, as you know, iran had been promising for days that it was going to strike back in israel for the as ready cost of the attack is this obviously, is this the level of response you are expecting? yes, that's precisely what we were expecting. and we've been talking about it for some time though, the that you want to not afford allowing is will to drag the region to eat large more. that would give nothing. yeah. we the opportunity to kind of slowly weezer himself out of the mess he created for his country and for his military in gauze on which he is now being received as an outright defeat by the is what it is themselves. but also by american commentators such as thomas friedman and others.
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so he needed the destruction and the destruction is a war that will go, that will improve washington as well. and that direct confrontation with your on. so you won't need it to respond and it has to be direct and 3 year response, large enough that it will re determines uh and retaliate against the attack on the diplomatic mission of iran in damascus on april 1st. but not to the extent that this would give is what all the ability to create kind of the reason for more and for the u. s. interests. so i think if indeed the washington claims that it's anywhere between $400.00 to what? $500.00 thrones, we know that the admin is also striking. at the same time, i expect the who's what was going to be striking any time soon, just before the 1st wave of these come come because it was arrived to as well. i think that should be a convincing message that the one is no longer afraid of the consequences of
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israel's actions. well, you, i mean you, you mention convincing message and i just wanted to mention, let me look, it was a couple of hours ago that in yahoo said if iran strikes us, we will retaliate. and now to iran is saying, if he is real retaliates, we will retaliate against their retaliation. i mean, over time z. what comes next door is looking like one escalation officer and the other. does it quickly? just cartoon. imagine the psychology of all of this. nobody hits as well. the only part is the kids as well or non state act. so is that 2nd still because the only exception to that was the during the, the 1st goal for when so don't want same matters to, to rock. it's so, or it's called ms. tiles is real, but since then, and we know what ended up happening to your rock as a result of this is, is this kind of hooked up to a american asset in the region. nobody touches as well. if this precedent takes
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place and the hundreds of cool ones that miss aisles in the applying as well, from all directions. and here's what, oh, does not respond that they really do. don't think that is what the response is going to be if any. i don't think it's going to be major enough to create a degree of actual warfare with, with you ogden. we are talking about a completely different shop in the relationship between as well. you want and the rest of them at the these, the, to the psychology of the, the defeat that is happening in, in garzo and the loss of the terrorists into they've been on. we're talking about a completely different relationships here. which is going to put the united states in a difficult, difficult mission. yeah, we're the, we know that they can go to war. yeah, i was just gonna say it's almost like all the parties involved, couple months back themselves into a corner whether it's been in yahoo, whether it's washington or whether it's also iran because you know, it's a wrong promised. they promised we will strike back for what israel did today,
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radi and the cost of the complex in damascus. i mean, you know, look, i wanted to ask you, um, but obviously we, we, we've seen the footage and all these reports about many dozens of drones, possibly hundreds of germans flying from iran over iraq to israel, but ballistic missiles or something else entirely on the if indeed, the ballistics are ad born. what do you think that targets would be? right, so the, the, the bank of targets or the that is available in is, well, it's been discussed heavily in american media. i think these discussions of results of various leaks, perhaps by that you want is itself the so it's in parties with or in or mine and the salt in a couple months or through a switzerland is that the could potentially hit the hypo ports, the demona on mute clear facility of various water of a and,
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and the electricity electric facilities is among other targets. i am not sure the degree of surprise that is going to go beyond these targets, but i think that you want, he is really do are keen on sending a very, very clear message to me as well. yeah, this is not just an attempt at saving face, but rather changing that they not mix entirely in difficulties. but obviously what do you think of? well, what about all the behind the scenes diplomacy? we've been hearing various lakes about with a us apparently telling iran what last week that okay, you know, if you carry out a limited strike, a circled proportion of the strike america we was phoned and now you know, it's all seemingly playing out. i mean, it is almost like washington allowed or condone, didn't even choreographed some sort of regional tit for tat between israel and iran . it's, it's almost a bit bizarre or isn't it? it's really is. but i think that you, ronnie, is based on what you said,
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and indeed of this been reported if it was, if indeed the americans and they have given some sort of a knowledge to you on that. okay, fine, you are allowed some kind of a response as long as it doesn't exceed. so to provide mentors, it is already a concession on behalf of the united states. i mean, this is very similar to what happened and doing the assassination of world destination of general. so the money by the americans in january 2020, a few days later that your audience responded. clearly it was a managed response but still managed to respond. and that was the end of the story . the great united states of america could not respond to the body of the spots. now the americans are in a much weaker position because of ukraine because of gaza because of the election. so the americans are not going to respond to that you want is that's the fact. the question is to what degree, what americans allowed is what it is to respond to that your body of respond
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meaning. well, who do you want to in the story as soon as possible, or are they going to allow that have you all to long before as long as possible? yeah, meantime a, the okay, 5 minutes originally. so it is easy to statement condemning via ronnie and attack on israel. well, no surprise, without statement coming out of research. so not gonna be coming from you. ramsey will just very quickly learn that not just so that the french for ministry as well, just issue the statement that draws haven't even entered the is what any space of the work couldn't domain iran or effects that have but practically happened? yes. well did, if you was to attack the direct is what you, aggression. i guess that you've on an embassy in damascus in the killing of your body and generals of diplomats. yeah, yeah. well, setting the well setting data ramsey, but rude is a journalist editor and g o strategic specialist. joining us at live on ology international. a great pleasure. thank you for your time as well. that's of course, live now to a professor for the is not
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a political communications to pop into the university a tear on joining us now. is it pretty late in the middle of the night for, you know, about hop last one. also, we really appreciate you joining us here. obviously a, a rapidly developing situation tonight. what, what do you, what do you make of it, or what's just off the top of your head? as you know, under international law, if a country is that tax, that country has the right to respond. and this is what the dawn is doing is following international law as a tag it onto the embassy. that's part of your on status of the ones that under the vienna convention, that the embassy is concepts of countries as part of theirs. so basically you don't have to respond, that wasn't, or the choice is where these have been attacking united in. and so then instead of spend for quite some time and the message that you don't have that is where it is that this meets the stuff they have a problem, it's occupations. they have
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a problem with genocide that they're committing in as a and that they wants to get you on involved with the problem that they have. and they want to divert attention from the genocide to some sort of committed to confrontation with you don. they want to admit it to some foundation between the done and the united states. there's nothing you who wanted that since the $199.00 is what are we, what are we looking even more closer to that professor i i apologize for interrupting you but, but never know it. we said a few hours ago he said look, if uh if tyrone strikes us, we're gonna drive back to our office. just said, if he's real strikes, bug that we're gonna strive back again. i mean, it is turning into a vicious circle at this point. do, do you think is my last guest was saying to me as have many, frankly they've said and you know, once a white, a regional a war, he's still on the corruption, the allegations of trial, the investigation in to him. the war and guys are,
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is not going well for israel. a lot of people say a wartime president is better. busy than a non will of time president. do you think that in yahoo is looking for something bigger? that's why he attacked the consulate. he does want to why the lot. he does want to see a military confrontation between the don and the united states. and it's up to the united states to follow. that's why i knew whose lead off the cliff would have an independent foreign policy. that is actually in line with american interest because of this ready to all be with that being from what i said is what it has in washington because of the corruption in washington. we have american politicians that i'm not following the national interest, the following. the lead of some foreign country lobby. it's just that the united states is a big country. well, so you don't have to have the choice, but to respond. your hands had the right to respond and the you in charge to and
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this is what you don't get to a stop. because you know, if, if is right, is the tank that they can attack it on without any notifications, without any pain or cost it, this will continue and you will see a bigger box this, i think this is the calculation that you don't need. and you just have to make sure that it is no big, it was the messages so long message needed to be sent from you done at to occupied by this the well, you know, i bought my last guess was talking about the possibility of, of, of a wide a war and he was saying that at the end of the day, you know, if, if iran at israel really go head to head and america, it gets dragged into it as well. then how long before rusher and china get dry? did i mean, you know, any time america sanctions, iran is really sanctioning china or as well, for example, you know, just trying to get so much energy from iran it's, it's interesting how these things play out. but do you think, do you think professor, that iran itself has been under pressure to respond to the consulate attack? we've seen the demonstrations. and so ron people were calling for revenge. you know,
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i, that's exercise that there was an hour ago and already in the streets and taken on and other cities we have, we see people gathering and demonstrating and supporting and that, that yes, the asset is yes. the question that public opinion need on wanted to see the country defending the right that essentially has which is defending itself. and so people are tired of, is there any aggressions? we have had the military offices to a gentleman scale and this could not be tolerated any longer. so you don't have said, god has said this before, that if you attack you by the end territory, you done with responsive via the and you, i mean, you guys kind of said this is sensitive, you run into the city. and that's what the, that's what happened to them. yeah, yeah. but i mean, as far as i said, you know, a few moments ago we are, we are hearing rhetoric from both sides, from tyrone and salary. you've,
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you hit me, i'll hit you back. you hit me back, i'm gonna hit you again. you know, this is um, this is what's increasingly wiring because you have all these different policies getting involved. i mean, the space has been close to civilian traffic in egypt, israel, lebanon, jordan, iraq to wait, taught. so bear on british, british fighter jets have been long, it's from cyprus to try and intercept you avi's. and besides being lawrence from from iran in territory, it's almost like we've got an old little pieces of a puzzle prepared to be put together. that's gonna show us an image of the next world war. i mean, all we really standing on the precipice of a world of getting involved offer a regional escalation here because people want to know around the world. how far is, is going to spread to, you know, we, we don't have to be in the current situation. it is very, it has coming to genocide. it'd be, have a un resolution after you've had to the sites vetoing 3 or 4 previous resolutions.
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you have. yeah, we, i finally got us up standing. we have the un resolution asking for the seas fight if is right and have followed that you entered is lucian. if we had this is via, i don't think we would be at this point. now. the problem that we have is that we have a genocide that the machine isn't. and then we have the united states that is supporting that genocide. and that's why the water inside the sign is continuing. that's why that's on your who once. why then? that's why i think what you just said is correct. the world is moving towards the military confrontations that we haven't seen in many years. but who's to blame? you have to blame people who are coming things, genocide and continuing the genocide then a, you know, a for has some of the games to you know that somebody who wants to make sure that he remains. is there any prime minister he's willing to sacrifice everything. we
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already know that she doesn't have any a take on the stand those otherwise he would not be getting funded women and children on daily basis. and this is a sad story that they have the united nations because of american veto is not able to function properly. and this is the situation that we have many, many, many people saying that certain parties only have themselves to blame. i mean, it, you know, tired of telling me you've could have started listening to the you and a long time ago, but seemingly never was interested followed as audi is professor of political communication at the university of to around joining us live at this late hour from the around in a capital, thank you very much for your time and you'll commentary or thank you for joining us for this breaking news on how to international we are back in about 6 minutes the
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the little to no one, no, no, not a real pleasure. not put to more than what they should end up the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so just to show the great deal to been doing it suddenly with as little as you keep
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a move model. uh, mazda thought this move noon to one of our, from the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a j o i had to put on with this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so that's good to go with the 00. i want the fondest to should buy a new one. it cycles. animal 7 won't get to the yo yo. now i'm gonna put the ticket bucket together. the the
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in the we often see customer nature, strong and successful. people to realize their dreams, but it won't cost. and how long must they wait before that 1st blast of? yes it, which isn't present to the 50th just for result which is not spend most of those to you. can you please just this is about to an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer knows what's most daniel was more than i was just collecting this, almost swipe as it was. but only me doesn't bring you more than i could. so when you try to it's we 1st met konstantin, then
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a feeling about free diving. and when we heard of his desire to be a customer note, we just had to fill in again. and we followed his journey for 7 days to get over because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be cancelled unless you did, it won't go to any of this is chelsea glitched away from somebody else. you need to do more of what it is a little misconduct. the revolution of 1789 in france gave hope for the liberation of the oppressed peoples
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and the french overseas territories. but paris did not want to barge with insurance as a profit. silver sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves in haiti . a dead remote island reduced almost half of all the sugar on the planet. sooner was made by d as in franchise slaves. broad from africa. in $1791.00, they started an uprising against their oppressors. black swept away the colonial administration and formed their own armies. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson lever to a french attempt to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to the french, manage the caps, or to saul, love it, you are by defeats, but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating defeats. on january
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1, 18 o 418 declared independence. the 1st one in the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events in haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history. when they not only through of slavery, but also began to rule their state, the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move, searching, customize them both of us for some reason, you know, as opposed to be treated as an issue. calling to us from clean optic travels the
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highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupy. while ago he asked me for i was in the bush or more yet to be sure to news it's. yeah. when you go in, we see that's one way and i'm familiar with this, so i'm gonna stay on the old stuff list. and once you feel like there's are a mess almost here, let me see mean membership. when you to, i've got the, i'm saving the points of payment on that. please join me instead of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then i guess they could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so it's pretty at the course you system is a multiplan. you could have to deal with the issue the
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headlines 0 and i'll see you on breaking news. that's a wrong confirms that had launched a retaliatory attack against israel from firing dozens of drones and miss silence of the country. israel satisfy the jets of a scramble by his defences, put on a maximum, upload file and gets ready for any scenario with the attack on the way. a ross lab and on egypt and jordan are all analysing as base closures of israel says it's also hit hezbollah targets and 11 on everett's study age earlier the well, it looks like we're right in the thick of it at 1 am locally here in moscow and 1
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30 in the morning in.


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