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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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so it's a arm of the us empire in their view, in the middle east. and so what happened on october 7 was a mass embarrassed the is rarely, military. it overran their military positions, inflicted in massive blows to the weapons industry in the united states and germany, the to top suppliers of weapons to the us brand they use in technology to them. it inflated a blow on the as rarely, military it's prestige. the intelligence surfaces and every single level it defeats at them. so of course the as riley's and the american started conjuring up nonsense stories of 40 headed babies to try and make it look like purely some sort of a terrorist attack and then justified it. busy attractive terror on the palestinian people committing the largest massacre its ever committed against them. but it's one of many massacres which it has committed the bits that
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thank you very much for joining us. but let's be clear, we are aware that some of the actions taken by how mass on october the 7th were incredibly, very so, but thank you very much for your point. so not as well, but didn't collab. she's doing this. nobody's in the way no professor of political communication at the university of 10 wrong afford as the says, a wrong response is in line with international you know, under international law, if they've country is that tax, that country has the right to respond. and this is what i see it on is doing is following international law is a to attack the embassy that's part of, you know, instead of 30 years under the vienna convention, embassies concerts of countries or products of this. so in case you don't have some of this fun, georgia choice is a,
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these have been attacking in the 1st and then instead of smith for quite some time and public opinion you'd on wanted to see the country defending, as, as i said, essentially has, which is defending itself, and people are tired of, is there any aggressions? we have 5 minutes of your offices to the general scheme and this could not be tolerated any longer. so you don said, god has said this before that if you attack you brought in territories, even was response to be at the end, the end, you know, it's kind of so let's just consider the audience every city. and that's what the, that's what happens. well, that's cost life $9.00 to political on less than 4 mega shoals, starting to get more on the story. thanks very much for joining us. hey, on the international. uh, obviously people waking up overnight. uh, seeing what's happened, what do you think of wrongs?
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reaction and how it's a tax as well. do you consider this to be very measured? were supposed given that is well previously attacked its diplomatic commission in syria. um, obviously we've been all sitting on pins and needles all week. a speck spectacle response, and so it was one of those moments where we were, i think i'll curious to see what do you, ron, do something in a more um, you know, cyber attack terrorism this, this frankly seems to be the, the clearest approach, right? the launching missiles directly and drones, arguably in a very deliberate, almost slow motion manner to basically say, you know, we're doing this in a calculated manner to respond as your previous guess. we're speaking about and the weight. and the way that's, you could say is an eye for an eye. it was designed was the targeting military
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bases. and um, and then at the end of which they basically have said that, you know, this is this, this concludes our response. so you can say that it's the most measured response. you could ask for all things considered. i mean, many people would say, wondering whether the best could now be trading into a full scale conflict between a wrong and is while a wrong says it's done it. it's happy that it's responded to as well as previous attack. it is this, now click this will rest on how is well response and whether it decides to escalate this matter even further. i think, i mean to me, it would, that is absolutely correct. it basically, you know, we're in an interesting moment where if you think about, i think even your previous comment commentator was mentioning the fact that iran in
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israel have, have exchange blows, especially in syria over the last dozen years. and there have been many strikes against iranian personnel, obviously that just some is real off of the us, you know, killing people, excellent money. but the point is that now we're in a moment where iran actually was able to, to respond right to my knowledge around is never, is never launched. and those are to tack on is real, maybe through proxies you come us or as below or other, other forces you could say, you know, they may have launch missiles or things like this in the past, but directly launching it indicates we've kind of gone to a new phase, and so by that because as we know they recognize as a now there's a, there's a regional conflict going on in the home us more. it's not just not just the mos it's regional. but as far as what is real, will do, obviously, israel's pursuing it's war and gaza gets simultaneously bombing into 11 on bombing
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in syria. and as you said, it is up to israel to decide if they're going to escalate now because they've been struck by iran. if they were cooler heads prevail, i think they will say okay, fine, let's take a step back. do you have a real president in the office knows dates. i think that's what will happen, but he'll find out shortly. i think what, you know, what's, what israel will do. essentially you talk about whether it's cooler heads with profile. we know that joe biden and benjamin netanyahu spend almost half an hour discussing this overnight. this is often nice and you all who would convene to will cabinet. what do you think would has been said in not conversation. i mean, well, chubb i didn't be pleading with him at this point to not make any so that the moves give them that we've had this quote from the washington administration source is that they don't think that as well always makes the best strategic decisions well.
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okay, again, it's very difficult to, to mind to read here in between you know, nets and yahoo and bite and, and who else was on that call by the way to handle bite. and i definitely could gloves, but essentially i was we, you know, the, i think the question is correct. you know what, what is being said? because publicly biden's basically saying, well, you know, we're committed to israel and we're condemning your on. okay, great. well, if israel now proceeds to, to, i don't know, escalate in some manner, right? it's response. now is united states stuck to this, to this alliance, which i don't, you know, i would be shocked to see it to see you as president actually say, hey, we're not getting in involved here. but um, you know, certainly that's a decision that needs to be made by the us regardless of what is real to us. and
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that's the point, you know, fundamentally view as president and obviously congress if we actually ass cold for declarations of war which hasn't been done in a decades. but the president would have to say, listen, is real, you're on your own on this, that would, that's what would have to happen. otherwise, you could very easily see this escalate into the global complex shown i. i'd like to just get you to stay on the line for us for a moment. we're going to come back to you in a moment. this is a political analyst and still make that show and stuff back for the just in a couple of minutes. but 1st, we just want to go to the fact that form a pentagon security policy analyst, michael mallos phase. the rang and strikes could lead to a rapid escalation in the region. that's not to listen to what he's had to say. it was a signal i thought to that it was going to be a limited type of thing, but now that they're going to be sending ballistic missiles and cruise missiles plus we see a concerted effort out of human and a um, an out of uh,
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husband are out of the north of a truck from the north of israel, that suggests that there's a coordinated effort here. and that it's more serious. and i 1st thought i thought it was going to be limited to. this appears to be an escalation and it's going to be ratcheted up very rapidly. and if you get the amenities and, and, and husband are engaged at the same time that, that reflects put, potentially coordination and, and that could escalate the things dramatically on, on, on a number of fronts. not just, you're wrong. and, and this was, this was the concern, sending them in swarms up to 4050 that could possibly potentially overwhelmed their defense systems. if they're not all shut down. and that then you followed up with the cruise missiles and then with ballistic missiles, that could be that you can see where the escalation is going to be going into
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effect. so this is a potentially from, we're down to going down a slippery slope here. well, me, well, cussing a show we can stay. it was the us presence is return to the oval office for an urgent meeting with his national security team. now, several days ago, the us reported the send free enforcements to the region admin fee is old underwriting and attack. optics correspondent caleb open is across those developments. the united states has been fully committed to backing up and supporting his rail, providing it with weaponry and providing it we implemented cover at the united nations security council sands, october 7th, and beforehand on. now we have the united states basically announcing before today's advance happen, that they would stand with israel in such a circumstance and that they would not accept the idea that iran had the right to
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retaliate for the destruction of its console it uh, in damascus. here's what we heard from us state department officials and the us president. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. we continue to be concerned about the risk of escalation in the middle east, something we have been working to mitigate and contain since the attacks of october, 7th, and specifically about the threats made and recent days by iran against the state of israel and the israeli people you saw the present made clear yesterday that we stand in strong support of israel security against these threats. now it's important to note that at this time we understand that biden is preparing to address the united states given address to the american people. he did caught his weekend trip short to meet with the national security team to discuss the situation in the middle east. now of the united states was the 1st to warn about planned
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iranian attacks die in response to his railing destruction of their consul, it in damascus. at this point, there is speculation that is very wide spread that the united states will become a direct participant in the cons. from what we understand, israel has begun intercepting iranian drones over syria and jordan, and their ability to do so is coming with an aerial umbrella sent by the united states. in addition to that, there are reports that us fighter jets at been scrambling to disguise other rock in jordan to intercept intercept, combat drawn, sent by a rod at a door. this is rail now several days ago. there were reports that us military. ready as, as we're moving in to the middle east region. uh so, so far we have seen condemnation of your ron's response to these rarely attack on their embassy, their consul, it, in damascus. we have seen condemnation of that from not just the heart of states,
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but france, great britain. they have given condemnation of iran's action. we're waiting to see what's happening next, reports that bite and could be addressing the public in the united states. very soon. indications that the united states may be directly involved in this conflict on israel's behalf certainly attends situation. well, let's go back now to political, our list and filmmakers showing sign. thanks very much for staying with us here on the international. i just want to pick up the will of correspondence. caleb moping was saying back about the funds to be us as be stuff it's uh, securities military presents. we know that over the last few months, but even also in the last week as it was expecting this retaliation attack by a wrong, how would you think this could escalate? do you think the us could get involved on behalf of these ratings here? yeah, i mean, you know, in terms of how this can escalate, um,
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obviously you can end up with it within the rock situation. so i would actually remember being at the council inform relations when she moved perez, one of the former is really prime ministers, was discussing how the war against the rock from the israeli perspective was such a blessing because that was an enemy that as we remember in 1991 was launching missiles, scud missiles into his real men, a much more dangerous capacity than the then obviously this particular attack. so you can see if you could see an escalation like what happened with the rock. you could say really part 2 more than part one because part one was really just about getting your rock out, equate whereas as we saw on 2003 and thereafter. and that's what america can do when it wants to really commit to a war. but again, that takes time raising, you know, raising and preparing and raising an army to do that. and as was previously mentioned, as well, in the us, lex air force base is in the region. currently,
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i mean by rhonda in afghanistan has gone to turkey, which was the major ally during the rock thing may not be the allied because right now is real is essentially irritated if not angered most if not all of its neighbors. so you're in a very s y say, like the timing of around responses. so interesting because it indicates how the dynamics of the region have shifted in these last few years and get allowing around to actually make this response in a way that the rock couldn't do. because saudi arabia was hosting in united states against them, with saudi arabia, hosting, and states against the ron. now the, the saudi, we'd be on your, on of come to essentially peace terms, thanks to china is broke, right? i mean, the entire dynamics globally are not what they were 20 years ago because of the rise of russia, china and, and, and the, you know, again the, the, the new, the, the newest, the new positioning where israel is basically the aggressor. these are the gaza,
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which is not helpful to any of their neighbors, as far as wanting to see wanting to support his role in this conference. you talk to her about so the difficulty the us would have in terms of it's a force in the reach and because the problems with say, a lack of faces. we've also not had the fact that loose me at least in countries of clothes, that space with the exception of play for jordan. well, i do think that could have on any further escalations, whether that's for me is where you side or perhaps the us. so even you k, which has the and i base spelling nearby and cyprus hop on that. me know exactly. mean that's the whole point is how far, how far can you make your bombing runs if you were going to try to bomb iran on an, i mean, again, it, ron is not iraq. it's, which is not to say that the united states doesn't have the capabilities of if it were to mobilize and really, you know, prepare for a war for the united states when that work in a conventional way of, let's say,
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you know, bombing may be, but actual occupation, i don't think that united states wants to do that again. i think that iraq was you really prove that point us as well that get us down, right. the idea of nation building is not something that we do well and, and i think it turns people off when, after you get past that initial excitement that everyone gets, you know, the television is the excitement of watching bombs on television. is one thing. seeing what happens as a consequence of these wars, the, the, the, they sit that the casualties obviously as to the military, but to civilian. so again, i think that we have to pray, that cooler heads, prevail and this time and don't try to escalate this because really it's, it's to me, it's confounding as to what the nice states could do is real. could certainly launch missiles back and exchange missiles. but it'll pelts mentally as your previous commentators have talked about, it's like when you escalate regionally, what happens? you know that this has bull,
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i get involved. israel is still bogged down in gaza and they would maybe that states in western europe to support them. and frankly, i don't know that, that even despite the idea of launching missiles is always exciting. but beyond that actually coming to world war as a much larger, more dangerous, more difficult endeavor. i mean overnights in as well be a rate sirens were blowing, there was sounding, we've seen videos of people running in the streets as they were attempting to get to a shelter many as well as perhaps on getting a lot of information about what's happening in gaza. and how severe the situation is that perhaps how the rest of the world is viewing that warring cause a. do you think that this were tyler free attack by a wrong will bring it home to them and possibly change a lot of views on the ground. and i can't say that i would, i mean,
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i don't know i'm seen on, i don't know exactly the, you know, it can speak for these really as a people. but i can say that i don't know that they are not getting the information . i just, when i review just briefly some of the, you know, some of the papers from ms really because you are, it's, it's, it seems that they are bringing up this, you know, this issue of there are basically a 100000 casualties now in, in gaza. and there is, there has to be an awareness of, of, of these kind of numbers. i don't think that they're there. sensors, i don't think they're censored from tremendous information, but as far as your question about, are they going to respond to bomb as well? i remember these are people that have historically bought for their existence for their the beginning of the state. i mean truly it's a state born in bloodshed, it's the state born in conflict. it's a state that's basically being on the say at some level, the aggressor at some level, on the defensive since his birth. so i don't think that some missiles from iran is
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going to dissuade it'd be, is really, whatever, whatever the morales currently i don't know, the statistics on the support for the, for the cause of war. you know, if it's, it's changed since the beginning. i don't know, but i would say that i don't think this will mislead, deter them from, you know, from, from this war because they're in a currently an intractable situation. kind of like what you know, the america was with you could say with the rock or with vietnam where it's like, you are the basically committed to, this is incursion to so called you know, to stop him. oswell. you're not going to defeats moss. is somebody ology and by blowing people up and destroying cities, you're not going to feed into the ology. you're just going to piss won't be blog. so really, i mean it's, it's so difficult to understand what this strategy, as i've said from the beginning of my comments over so 67 months ago. now with the start, with the complex started, i said, what is the angle here? this, this by, you know, aside from this, they just show show,
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trying to exterminate anxiety, the positives from guns. i don't, i don't know what they're angles. you know, i woke up this morning and one of the interesting things i thought was the fact that they had been this wide spread condemnation of what a wrong had done overnight by lunch. launching these missiles and drones. this is coming from canada, coming from the us, the you and the gym, and chance that all of schultz i'm. but interestingly these are countries and institutions that didn't seem to have a lot to say. when is why i hit a diplomatic commission, involves diplomatic mission in syria killing and those individuals that not just the radians senior arrangements and the ministry come on, but also civilians. do you think this could be nipped in the bud? had the international community have more to say about the reaching of conventions when is well carried out fast attack i certainly would at least suggest that the
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opportunity was there, the, the, the, the, this. yeah. i mean, of course, it's like this would be irony of all these conflicts. there's always this double standard. and we've, you know, we can, we can see it across the board, right. it's, it's the idea that you know, when, when uh, when, when, once you know, when a ronnie is, are killed or, or whatever, as the syrians or 11 use of psycho, they're just collateral damage or they're, um, you know, they're, they're in consequential because they're the bad guy and, and i think this is really reprehensible, coming from so called the civilized western governments pretending to be civilized if you wanted to try to make peace. but again, this goes to the heart of it. where is the actual effort to make peace, whether it's in the israel, or whether it's in the ukraine war. and i honestly thinking my lifetime is made was, is i obviously witness not as been participant, but as you know,
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observing it's, it's striking how we are in a place where the, where the western world is basically daily profiting from profiteering from the military. industrial complex is profit sharing from these conflicts, selling the wars, and there is no talk of trying to appropriate piece or striking piece deal it's, it's really shocking to and there's also now a new push in the us over night to push that package through of military a that would be not just for as well, but ukraine. how would you see that being spun now in the us to really put pressure on the administration's for the house to push through the multi 1000000000 dollar package? i'm sure that's, that's a good point. i'm sure it will play into this idea again of a push, you know, put a setting more aid to israel and to, you know, and of course, the ukraine. it's like, they always get bundled together. it's like why you know, that isn't the problem with our government. as far as our legislatures,
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because during this we'd seen where all these things get put together and a bill. so the border bill ends up. you know, it's like, oh, well we'll, we'll try to secure the border. but, you know, in order to do that, we've got to send a $100000000000.00 exaggerating, but you have to send, you know, tens of billions of dollars to, to zip or ukraine and, and israel, i mean, it's, it just, it really is, is mind boggling how how agenda driven this, this whole process is in terms of trying to, you know, trying to actually serve american interest has become so tied up with a global agenda or you could say, a global list agenda. and the noticeable because the heart, i think of the, the discourse and the debate we see in america between trump on one side and the democratic party on the other. now does a trump, as a republican, does trump voice in expressing this idea of, you know, america 1st and people really catching on and understanding? hate is right. we need to focus on america. we need to secure and protect america.
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we don't need to bundle all of this together into a collective security deal where we're protecting the, you know, the entire western hemisphere. and this is something that's, that's playing out as you know, as we speak in terms of how the, the, the consciousness of the division of americas is shaping up. and i mean, really it's, it's, it's sad to see again how this, these conflicts are, are consistently exploited for profiteering for money, for, you know, for an establishment that just wants perpetual war as we've seen. really, i mean, aside from 201-7020, when trump was an office, it was just, it's, it's in the never ending. it's a new wars starting, continuing perpetually. you know what it was one tear, or now you know these, these current conflicts, and i think united states is going to be in for a problem. if they don't recognize that this escalation may also open up the opportunity for china vegas, that'd be taiwan. we may be very over extended. that's quite that. i think we'd be
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seriously over. and so we're going to leave it the thank you very much for all of your thoughts on a very wide ranging issue with breaking news with the wrong launching those with tyler 3 strikes in is well, that's political on list. and so make sure that well, that's all we've got time for this out, but we will be back in the next few minutes, bringing you more on this unfolding story. in the mid least held on oxy international the, we often see customer nature, strong and successful. people to realize their dreams, but it won't cost. and how long must they wait before that 1st block stuff? yes. which engine crews up to the 50th result,
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which it is not spins most produce the option for you just this is about an office executive and who's on teenagers decision to quit and try to become a customer. no, it was more than i was just collecting this almost swipe as it was, but only me doesn't when you run your car could. so when you try to is we 1st met konstantin, then a feeling about free diving. and when we heard of his desire to be a customer node, we just had to fill him again. and we followed his journey for 7 years old because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin bore us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be cancelled. 0 did it will go to any of this is chelsea village, the lady from someone else you need to do more of the little misconduct.
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the number, can you please its deployed here? see a nancy kims in the book. is that probably the next is just me very the youngest the use nathaniel so who's going to the boys at the boys? the probably the most new and will be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want
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that. i faxed them, but a notification that the from the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind it? watches almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more,
12:00 am
react the starting this house rating news with the wrong thing is lose to was talent for you . it's tactic games is well by far and dozens of times the miss solves at the targets in the country, the springs of people on the streets of israel as they came, desperately running in search of shelter. i've stopped the tech on the phone. this is, was military says most of the rooms michelle's would into said bob
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would you talk under way a role collab.


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