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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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and we still have some common ground the we start with great can use it. ron says it has lost a root cause it's has a gauge is a by fire and throw the missiles and father in the country. the people on the face of it as well. as seeing, desperately running inside can filter the attack, unfolded those movies, as most of the results were intercepted. tax on the way it rock 11 on egypt, find the old announce s face close this meanwhile, as well says it has hit the targets in lebanon and it's highly ation. but that is
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fine. the size of the situation in the middle east remains on so, so we'll be with you all the latest updates signed in depth analysis here on, on the international welcome to the bye bye. now money is always spent the night hiding from a barrage of attacks from a wrong set of on says it would tell you in response to it is really swipe on a diplomatic compound. in serious, i find dozens of drawings and this house as is rarely targets. now this is the 1st ever direct minute fit time launched by a rom, against israel, the swipe. decades of most of the between the 2 countries, the, the
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e. t z meaning 200 projects. so he moved from a wrong including dozens of ballistic. most of these are the army says, most of the really miss alt, what intercepted these images you're now seeing are of these die of the, on some of the skin tourism overnight, at least we do is let's say you can by eye witnesses, the sound of the air raid sirens were heard across the city is residence, would told to stay close to the shelters. the, the fact we got people on the face of is it was seen desperately running in search of shelter. according to the idea of spokes person, a young girl was injured as a result of the miss. all and hating is what they haven't seen. so far, there's been no other confirmed casualties. as a result of those facts, autism at least be able to achieve more if the notion of witnessed the attack on
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the ground. there was now this caused a clear but earlier here in western jerusalem, we were woken up around 145 and by loud boons i heard at least 4 of them, followed by air raid sirens broke into loads. phone application showed that the holy city as well as vast areas and israel center and south and also northern regions at the boards that we plan on having targeted. like if you look at the map were threats and marks, it was all red. and the sounds of explosions we heard and i heard were, is really air defense, system heating. and i mean me solves. shortly after warnings were spread about parts of rockets falling from the skies. people were called to stay near bomb shelters, or inside se froze, rarely emergency service reports. now that's a total of $31.00. people have been treated as a result, including those likely injures and psychologically stressed. the ami confirms one
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child was wounded, the idea of spokesperson later said that iran launched dozens of surface the surface and the south towards israel, as well as about $200.00 drones and more than 10 cruise me 1000. the vast majority of that the army says were intercepted outside the country's borders with just a few falling within is rarely territory. they were on earlier announced that is rarely military infrastructure would be targeted the army confirmed later and that the countries airbase in the negative desert had in the south of israel was hit adding 8 caused only mine of damage to infrastructure. no casualties have been reported sofa, also he run back to lebanon based. his balance claimed responsibility for a number of attacks on these really northern communities. the army now says they continue to intercept threats on the way to israel, and that's they are still fully deployed with dozens of
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a croft in the or 4 defense. they were also unconfirmed reports about another bunch of drones fired from iran. but this information is hard to be verified right now. and the reason days folding around in fred's phase realm has made in close coordination with washington, with the chief of american central command traveling here to make sure the 2 countries are on the same page. and washington also signed and reinforcements to the region to support each wrote to help in case of iran's attack, short they often sunday's attacks prime minister benjamin to the who had a phone conversation with president biden. the last of the round 25 minutes. we did not know the details of this conversation, but we know that the present bite and praise the 2 states cooperation. let's take a listen at my direction. just for the defense of israel. the u. s. military moved craft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week. thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our service
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members, we've helped israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. well, i have to say that's sunday's attack was not to surprise earlier in such a days. really, officials confirmed that more than 50 drones had been sent from iran towards the east room. it takes from 3 to 6 hours for them to cover a distance of more than 1500 kilometers between the run and the as well. well is real good to have information about the launch almost immediately after. so the army was aware and prepared well in advance. the country was on high alert. fighter jets were deployed the dps service was jammed. hayes rel, made changes to its home phones command as well, banning schools and any activities and gatherings of more than 1000 people were also prohibited all flies to and from is really major apple bank we own were cancelled as well as well. how as, as well as some neighboring countries like like jordan and egypt, as well as iran,
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by the way, closed their air space on such a day. so before the ran in attack and by the way, remains closed here in israel to further notice, even before it ran in drones. a nice house which is round prime minister anytime yeah, vows to respond for defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. this database really strongly id f is strong, the public is strong. i established a clear principle, the south we are and we will defend ourselves from any trace and we'll do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i owed you to listen to the directives of the home front. come out and together we will stand on with god's help together. we well, i've account conbal. well, the attack has sparked mass celebrations in some parts of love and on a new ron and even in the palestinian territories in guys that people have reported
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. it was the quietest night since the beginning of the war last october. and what will happen next? well, shortly after the attack it runs un mission statement. that's these attack was to hearings response to israel's murder of a number of high ranking running daniels. and they're running console in damascus, syria, by the way, israel never took responsibility for the feeling. well ted here and was very quick to blame is well, this issue can be considered resolved. now the mission concluded, in addition, be ready and threatened that if israel makes another mistake, the response was the hot or warning. the united states to stay away from conflict in the middle is. but this card can hardly be the end because israel said many times before and after the attack that whoever he sighs will be. he's back in president biden promised and, and are in clubs support for israel in case of the running attack. so we might see
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further escalation and at retaliation to a retaliation, there are any of the all me says that it's successfully hit only intended toddlers in as well. i'm, but it attract early military optics. the, the while people in is we're running from the drug. let's see, what was the figure tap on, let's see, instead of waiting during the night us videos. so if anything else that is only the show laws, gatherings of support of the iranian type as retaliation to the is very slight on its concepts in syria. iran submission to the you and have one that any similar moves by as well in the future will be met with a much stronger response conducted on the strength of article $51.00 of the un charter, pertaining to legitimate defense. your arms, military action was in response to the zionist resumes,
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aggression against our diplomatic premises in damascus. the matter can be deemed concluded. however, should these rarely wishes you make another mistake, your wrongs response will be considerably more severe. it is a conflict between iran and the rogue is rarely regime from which the us must stay away. the internet is flooded with uh, those clips, unconfirmed or image for eclipse and footage, showing iranian drones on the border with a rock in the skies of a rock flying towards uh what uh the iranian officials um claimed to be some targets idea of targets inside as well, and that's based on the announcement in a statement just released by the i r g c. and i'm reading from the statement. it's at least not in response to the numerous crimes of the scientists regime. recruiting the attack on the are wanting and conflict in damascus. and the martyrdom of
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a group of our military commanders and advisors in syria. the air force targeted specific positions inside the occupied territories by firing dozens of missiles and drones. so that's a major development, and that's the 1st a serious response on the part of a wrong retaliation for the recent, the april, 1st attack by israel against it. wrong console or section of the iranian embassy in the syrian capital, damascus, or the i r g c. titled it's operation operation. treat prom is different. iranian officials have earlier a set that they did war in the united states and they did warn israel that it runs promise of a retaliation. other retaliatory attack is true. so at the same time what the strikes that were launched from iran, we heard that has been law also on some strikes against israel and uproar. and of
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course, some drones from the government were fired towards these really territory. so we have to wait and see what will happen and how this story unfolds in the future. the slides declaring is full support phase, while the us has insisted that it is, it is not seeking to directly engage in a conflict with the wrong. we do not seek conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel, full of patents, of on a security policy. honest, my familiar says the root mean slides could lead to rapid escalation in the region . it was a signal i thought that it was going to be a limited type of thing, but now that they're going to be sending ballistic missiles and cruise missiles plus we see a concerted effort out of human and a and out of uh how's of a lot of the north of a truck from the north of the israel. that suggests that there's
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a coordinated effort here. and that it's more serious. and i 1st thought i thought it was going to be limited, but uh, this appears to be an escalation and it's going to be ratcheted up very rapidly. and if you get the amenities and, and, and husband are engaged at the same time that, that reflects put, potentially coordination. and um, and that could escalate that things dramatically on, on, on a number of fronts. not just uh, iran. and, and this was, this was the concern, sending them in swarms up to 4050 that could possibly potentially overwhelmed their defense systems. so not all shot down. and that then you followed up with a cruise missiles and then with ballistic missiles, that could be that you can see where the escalation is going to be going into effect. so this is a potentially, we're down and going down a slippery slope here. the idea says that it has also has 12 hazel facilities
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in level as for the flags on level, on the list provided by the is really moving. so areas we're headed to the south of the country overnight. ms rela, you said that some of the drive as long as its own entry during the year any attack had come from live in a as well as live now to model economy, the journalist from level mark, thank so much for taking the time. now these idea of strikes of that to some of his limits, if this of the, in libya on this all happen, following the right me attack on israel, we expect 2 more attacks uh, towards live on while no, this is not happening instead of it was the it in an attack on it, which is basically it is once to is right and bumping that in in conservation, damascus. and on the if the 1st this is the ongoing status and soft,
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the bottom. it says october 8. 11 has been bung by is a white leap more then see how that marches among whom that are. so if it is, um i think we have, we have on file issues that i with my like we'll get back to her in a 2nd. let's just hold on a 2nd. yeah, we will. so we'll get back to monic in a few moments, but let's go back to our other top stories now i made a chorus of western lead is condemning. oh, or i think we have for right now again. hello monica, can you hear me? malik? not, i don't think so. i feel i just don't answer that we are trying to connect with monica kind of, she is 11 on we'll be talking about will be talking about okay,
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we'll get my like back in a few moments i can see with all the tell us what is professor of political communication at the university of taiwan for is that it says a wrong is that response is in line with international you know, under international law. if a country is that tax, that country has the right to respond. and this is what the done is doing. is following international law is attacked, the embassy, that's part of it instead of the 30 years under the vienna convention, the embassies concepts of countries or products of those. so basically you don't have to respond that there was no other choice. is a, these have been attacking you'd, i'm in the 1st and then instead of smith for quite some time and public opinion need on wanted to see the country defending as, as i said,
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defense we has, which is defending itself and people are tired of is there any aggressions, we have 5 minutes of your offices to the gentleman scale and this could not be tolerated any longer. so you don't set has said this before that if you attack you've onion territories, you done was responsive via the and dynamic. you know, it's kind of so this is considered as you enter the city. and that's what, that's what happened to that. cuz all right, so of, and so i shall, action center saw a flat. it says it runs actions against is them, are fully justified. around has every right to defend itself. there was an absolute unprovoked, illegal by all international law, unequivocally an act of war against iran, which is we'll strike on a, ronnie, and console in syria. israel has failed, failed, failed,
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in their efforts in gaza, and now they are seeking to widen the war and full of this. we have to say again and again, is with us imperialist backing. this could not have taken place. israel's attack on him run on the run called consular territory. it could not have taken place without the backing of the us at the same time that the support and defense of the palestinians must continue. this is at this very moment, there was the discussions going forward on what sort of the shall cease fire deal could there be? and it's an agreement that frankly is real design is, can accept because it, it to be only their failure. but iran has, of course, a, sorry i big of on a so i was also a tense his will that minute and see facilities in lab. and on doing me now is a monic highlighted from level. all right,
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good. so have you back about these attacks that have recently happened to us saying in essence that they were along with what's going on with what a ron is doing? it would expand on that for us. that would be great. it doesn't, it's, it's the southern from 11 on has been with this thing. is there any bombardment since october 8th, ever since that they've been used as a stance allows engaging in this war as a supporting trunk to get them on ever since we have any homes with law, smart kids, among whom that are civilians joined the list and that is you which scale office duction close by? that is right. he bought parts and own, or over the self serve and, and, and sometimes in the depths of lebanon, we were talking about because by the end they didn't for the assassination officer must, you did fall the oddity. so let's, let's make this p a, that bombardment is running against that, but it is not linked to the in
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a response to bumping it's consulate and then most of it's not an attack on his site. it said response for the certainly the i condition on that in pennsylvania in damascus, which has been something that's the worst that there's no heading up to support this right? absolute claim of the x rays. but the, some of the church that was on the scene would not at that time deny what the started has done and that it any and posted it. and at that time that there were 7 of the consultants that very prestigious, i think of something to live in a to do with us just to make that. and that funding. so what happened 11 and yesterday was and must have destruction in the scale of the past that you've given that over the mid bikes. there were so many of them buttons oh, through the from, from the food out to uh, ship a fight the farms and none of them. and that so far the day is still breaking and you know, we have been and,
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and the board and the list of words we have been and i've been on vacation for the i've also put. so basically that the day is baking and you will see now what, how do i suppose sequences of what is what it has been by the, and what the it amiens have gone by the also and is right. i'm let me tell you this nice has been a long night and a little bit red marsha's. there were some boys celebrating that in response because this is why you by own use the 1st just 32 large scale bombarding of is there any bite zones? how did you say about the surrounding countries of the as well seem to be in jubilation because of what's happening is around the end of day. i mean, we would like a more diplomatic response, a silver with this. but however, always seeing a more, i didn't know the united arab uh front here, even though we have the persians on one side. well,
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that's why you and i said that upfront with is the done with the guys that the support for it on it on has been supporting the excess of business spence as it's cold. and as so many domestic sources names that i live in me in lebanon, and i can see them and them, and again, that has a lot, and this is something that they don't, doesn't pipe and it's like to not i. but the fact that just a day is right, it has think i'd, i'd be countries include in jordan for support, helping them and defending themselves as something that makes us see that what are the countries aligning which is right? is that as then, does that mean remembering that this country or these come to each other and the jordan, are the countries that are locking the boxes at the, the human h 2 a does not. at the same time, they are having like a recline images to not to support. that is the easiest needs, especially the best and the best of us as the now,
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as it's now. so we might have liked it with the eyes. and this is something at the tip, and this is something that the only thing that's on the, on the for 7 months is the main post escalation it other than what it on now do it on the it's called the city. but as for us, as for the access line, yes, i'm it, it's not about, you know, it's about the sending does that, and this has been sold to you by the statement, which is the resistance we owe to the past 7 months. it does seem to be hard to monitor, it does seem to be slightly escalating. you know, we've seen from the bible us president saying that he's move ships. we've heard
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that the united kingdom is a scrambling already f just in the area. could this be something that we all said that it could be amend, leased, complete out outright morty. but, but as long as it is implanted in our area, that we will expect any work to break us anytime and lets me the lines you should use that and the u. s. and the u. k. i'm sure many times have who that military equipment to support it as of october 7. so this is not, this is not something new with this has some things to be like trying to frighten it on and starting to more or less the limits that it, any of this falls. but this has been the case just looked over 7. and what happened is, as the force of most strong or the strongest army in the world, has not been able to defeat from us for 7 months now. and guess that that has been
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in no case for 17 years. so if that is where it is with ones at this point, that is more video to stick and more of nation and then what they did, the silver 7, they must be counting and the cause of getting bit options. because if they couldn't defeat thomas and does that, which is one part of that is expensive ones for the whole aspect of student. and there's a sense a lot and because it's just in one location that is very limited. and what is what i'm very mean under the is i and it's 365 kilometers only they could not get away with anything from the water ever, ever since. october 7th, what did they expect to be facing if they are seeking porch and what that means, it is then it says ready that is supposed to be because it on did not hit the 2nd out of nowhere because it never non in human and it up and see, no one has to get, this is right and for know these and these are all or thing from that as long as it
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is right, is and continuing to support against that. that gets us these drugs going to continue that engagement and defending us. and it's just some, it goes to see that that are $5060.00 solve and left the listing of skills. and the word is not looking at them. what it is that it has started to it costs or they and it's expecting it's pointing to the lord, which is holding it's on weapons to defend its age. we are supposed to see our cnn brothers and sisters being killed and alive, broadcast in front of the whole world for 7 months, and we locked into fees. what it is is, is expecting at his posts, but it's aggression. the word test is done by is a no one is questioning. who is the that the far teach that is look in that needs to defend itself to defend its presence. because if we think of the amount of the information that has been have been used and goes to it to you,
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which compares to what's happened and on october 7th. and it has basically lost, it's what i guess the 15 and the 1st 2 weeks when they couldn't think back the hostages when they couldn't come us when they couldn't, can i know it's as simple as a nose. find that then you have an old history of the city and so the ticket team. so if they shouldn't do that for the guys, are they really willing and capable of going to award a large scale? what is the news? i have doubts about that. but given someone as crazy as bidding, i mean that's on yahoo in charge. so it'd be put to expect anything for so many people to hear specially the people who would a watching for them the most of those. and the song that's across the highest babies and in so many parts of live on, on and before and all the boston cities that people would be anxious to see is, is paying for its crime that she has been ordered. it has been committing for the
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past 7 to 6 years since 1948. i guess i have some punches and i don't think, but it's the 1st time that someone has used to what it says add port on the list. and the way to say is, if we can stop you and we will stop you. so it's all now in the hands of his right . and whether we are going to go is or, and, and that's a lot as a meaning the united states. and the 1st place is we are going to go to an agent which if we are going to witness more destination, i mean, and then use terms of installation on military base does not just by sending on the site as has been done on the 700 can you tell me about, uh, the, the way the people to felt in the region, especially these last several months, but of course, for many years before, will receive the strength of the united states. we also imagine the strength of it as well. can them people of the region with style and the aggression
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coming from the united states and it is well, do you think if it does go any further? i mean, we know that iran has made a statement and said that this concludes the issue. they're not looking to escalate any further, but if i'm missing yahoo or present joe biden. so i think that that's not enough and do take it to the next level, kind of a painful of the region. handle it of what you are basically asking me if the people of city is an odd case, the offending, i guess that get us one of us a and this say i would actually think of so many horrors that that medicaid is how they can have started and the word says, yes ma'am, it all i've done is fun. celia against assist in any of these words the united states with all the equipment that submitted to the economy, the,
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to the equipment that this one in 11 is right in 2006 did this when did this one again? so that's, that, that was the c's of most of that is that you did i, and i'm going to is that you'd be functional since as 2006 know. and for us as people, we know that this test started way back in 19. ringback 8 and at that time is just $15000.00 by the students. i'm given these people in 1948 without anything, without the people with just shipping in the villages he read the fine was under the pitch mondays and there was no clue of award that might be a it up to you to use them. and they were lots of instead of beds, this is a story of the, this is the origin of the story of the, for the student post. so basically we have, this is written backing up because of that existence and never an ad thing does that over the years that have caused, we have seen the americans.


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