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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 14, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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it stays with all this equipment and it's similar to the economy, the, to the equipment that it's when in one what is right in 2006 did this. when did this went against that? i said that was the season because of that is that you the i and i'm going to is that you control says as 2006 know and for the us as people, we know that this has started way back in 1948 and at that time is just 15000 by the students. i'm given these people in 1948 without anything, without the people with just jumping in the villages he read the sign was under the pitch mondays and that was multiple of a word that might be adopting against them. and they was lots of, instead of beds, this is a story of the, this is the origin of the story of the, for us to then pose. so basically we have with this is right, you backing up because of that existence and lebanon. and gus that's over the years
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that tells us we have seen the americans losing, that was the zip assistance distance. get them in the sixty's ship austin city. so, and we are the people who hold that at the least of standing up for yourself and didn't think even if that doesn't seem like that, i shouldn't. because if he comes to think about that, but that, that sits in my face. it can you when the agents but i said no was what's one of the occupied by that is that because sort of like a super good for 7 plus years and that is just and start the and that is just as x where you force him to get back to me and they, they just as a menace to succeed, just to liberate a faith based at all that goes to the line and all that space is that so it has to find i'm 50000 is the easiest way for us to find. i could even go solve the been all right model, i'm afraid we having my like money to call it looks like we're having some slight
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technical issues. i'm gonna take the time to find q for taking the time to, to answer as well. we appreciate your insights. and we hope a peaceful resolution comes quickly. why don't highlight agenda's from the thanks again. thank you. now john, this time physical alice robot in la cash says the us is ultimately to blame for the escalation of the conflict. the question uh the uh, whether joe biden is really old, there to be honest, and whether he is actually running the show has mental competency is this is a question mark to be honest. but what we can see is that the united states, every single step away, has made the forest possible decisions when it comes to stopping original or they could have picked up the phone and stopped working. garza that would have stopped to look the regional activity has the law and it's some $1200.00 plus operations in
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the, nor the rocket missile fire. the then draw on fire from syria and it off and yemen in the naval blockade. these are all things that it's very clear they would end if the genocide in garza was stopped but they don't stop them, they keep supplying them against the will of their own public. and they keep spending billions and billions in keeping this for going. and so when it comes to the action, we have to ask the question, why did the united states allow israel to attack the iranian concerts theme begin with? and what does israel have prepared for the region? and that's a real question. at this point, the united states had to with no, the israel is going to palm the consulate. i don't buy for a 2nd that it didn't know it didn't have any idea. and then they refused to condemn
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the entire west. the collective west refused to condemn the strike on the consulate, so there was no legal recourse for the iranian side. they were faced with of having to respond. they were forced to respond in order to prevent such attacks on their territory. so the iranians have been essentially pushed into a corner, and this is the doing of the us. the us is launched in operation against yemen. it is launched several strikes inside of the rock assassinating the higher level figures. so it's a p m u, which isn't a visual brands of the security, a broad as of the rocky armed forces. and so it's at every turn the united states is backing israel and committee escal atory actions throughout the region. and we have to ask the question, why is that is according to their rhetoric, they don't want to regional war. all right, have
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a chorus of lesson aid is condemning a ron. i'm doing this simple, visual india, china and russia have called on both sides sides to show restraint. we are seriously concerned to the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens the peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy. china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrain to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive rule for the peace and stability of the region. we now potentially face a new acute crisis in the middle east. everything depends on the next steps or their absence by the parties involved. quite as well as alive now. the independent political analysts alessandra, bruno, i just wanted to, thanks so much for taking the time. when you heard this,
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it rained in striking our studies drives over to israel. when you heard the news, what were your initial reactions and your initial thoughts? well, the news was widely anticipated because we were rumors building up over the past 48 hours that there was going to be a ring, any ringing response. and it almost seemed like the us um, i don't want to say gave a green light, but i was informed and allowed it to happen. it's on the wrong side. get out of our way. this is between ourselves and israel. and what we're going to get through this. and so i did, i, i don't think i, i, i do admit being surprised of by the overall strategy. i thought iran would go for a more subtle response and playing chess, you know,
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using different pieces unexpected, the solutions, for example arming resistance in jordan to create as a, towards the front in the or the creating problems with with some are countries that have relationships with israel, and that will be that the key. yeah. rather than do right. the task, sorry, sorry to answer this, this is the, this is the key thing though, isn't it? we never know it wrong. directly getting involved. we know there has the sizes with the who the that has been for some of the hands will not. but how strategic i mean, what kind of message is it sending to as well, i'm at cus, allies and is on the other. i assume the g 7 countries that will probably be meeting later on today, but what kind of messages it sending to them as well. and that's the thing i did
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not calculate enough earphones message here is that we can respond if we want to. and it wants to consider attack measured because he runs the and they showed what they could do. they took over a ship. first they sent me files, but they, the iran has much more powerful and the fast, faster. uh, massage in its arsenal, run has hypersonic decides. now the words, these drones were expected and the israel could mount a could prepare uh, a good response because they took hours and they could monitor and track the, the, the, the course of the, the drones and then the midst of so it was, it was all the calculations were possible. indeed, i understand that even jordan took down some drones uh,
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flying over its air space headed to israel. that would be an interesting issue to discuss between the countries. but you, ron could have used a couple of hypersonic mississauga attacks in the same way that russia did against the arms depots and ukraine. and nobody would have seen them coming. so, and they could have had all kinds of strategic, very important targets. so it runs response despite c concerted effort, and this is measured is measured and low key compared to its potential. and this is the warning. and after all, and the main point is iran was attacked 1st. the diplomatic mission in, uh, syria. um, you attack was an attack on iran, silver, and territory. that's how an embassy is considered. so the, what i'm afraid help now is the response. because as usual, the hypocrite at west g 7, then what, whatever is the all the,
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the western organizations are amazing. that fact, the fact that this, this started in april 1st we've and is really good tech, and it's unclear whether or not that attack was coordinated with you on with the united states. i, i don't think united states appreciated um, so the response now is bringing the world together. i've seen the headlines in the newspapers to the outrage and, and they're going to coordinate responses the, the at the un and, and all the major international venue without the pricing. the main that they sent to the so called ellison in the room. uh so um, but this is a very important warning from your on the we can do this and much, much more if we want to. in other words, they can launch much faster. missiles and they can block the whole move straight.
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so when it, when it, if this escalates. alright, let's say that this was indeed a controlled response to what happened in damascus on the 1st of april. can we what kind of response that we're going to get from? and nathan, yahoo, i mean is nets. yahoo! going to use this attack way where it run clearly kind of controlled risk laws. they knew that it will be minimal to 0 casualties. i mean a civilian casualties. but can we literally get but nathan, yahoo now saying you know what, this is a direct attack on live storage. one country. i'm gonna escalate this. the full blown god forbid more. i mean, what are your thoughts? yes, and this. i mean, one has to think of what was the point of the is rarely attack on this,
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on april the 1st in the 1st in the 1st place. i mean, is a israel trying to look for an excuse to attack iran before iran develops a nuclear weapon? in other words, as it, it doesn't want card punch to bomb iranian nuclear research sites, something the americans have avoided doing that. but um, the way that the guys of war is going, as one of your guests have eloquently pointed out before, is not how um is one of those plans. this is now where the 6 or 7 months, 7 months of fighting. and they're still in, in their day they claim to have defeated a mosque. but if they did, why are they still fighting intensely every single day and for it for is held to open up. one of the natural responses for the will be to tack, leveled on and perhaps even then they live in on. because some of the rockets,
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some of the drones and, and catoosa broadcast tonight, or last night or coming from 11 on. and they couldn't, they 11 on and start another uh, messy uh, street by street, you know, uh, urban war which they won't when the they, they lost it in 2006. but i think that's in here. who's the war is the ever since then? ever since 2006 and these really have been wanting to get revenge on, on level, not for that to mediating the seat. but that one work they know there is um they will just open up another uh, develop website without uh, diluting their uh, forces and the risking lots of to not one war. so this is the response from israel even with that's on yahoo, a trying to hold onto his power. uh because of course, as
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a now is facing major domestic political problems, let's not forget that. in some ways this, the tech helps him, gives them a, gives these very population, another opportunity to find some reason to support them. but the, the, the response will have to be they'll have to think about it twice. because even though they're using big words now and the even the r a s was involved again, i think that perhaps iran strategy after all, was to expose western hypocrisy ultimately. all right, i just, i just wanted to straighten this down a little bit more if you wouldn't mind now or the end of the day. we have uh, what happened. let's, let's just call it the 7th along so, but that's what it all started. we know that the, uh, the is ready, aggression in uh you know, okay, by the west bank. i mean goes,
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ive been down for many years. what if we, if we save the 7 though? so, but the idea was in fact for is well to eliminate terrorist attacks on a solvent country heinz' within to gauze it now whether it did it in a way or the humane way. that's a different question. but when we look today, let me see iran attacking uh, as you said, a controlled the risk loans. and for many months that we've seen the united states of america, saying that they will support as well. no matter what happens. i'm that we know the fact that these are the sites have moved these war ships into the region. a ton iran, iraq, e m in those surrounding lab and on the surrounding countries kindly unites in falls. getting just to the most powerful,
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all these minutes you forces in the world. well i, i'm, is the concept stays conventional and i look forward to without using nuclear weapons. i think yes, the problem is another i think we'd have to see to what extent the populations that say the run and labeled on in particular are interested in another war. that's the one of the main problems has blocks is not a state. he's not, of an official state activate is a party in lebanon, and it has, but its, its own melisha. it's not the lebanese army. so, and it knows very well that in fact, let that as well. that itself has been very measured in his response because it doesn't want to draw an attack on levon on which will cost the whole $11.00 on
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it problems. and in the same way you ronay iran has had to have, is coming from a few a year of protests, the, of a political change. remember the process following the, the mass, i mean, um the desk. so i'm not going to call it a marker because i saw the video, she died in police custody and but not because the police actions that but, but still there is a desire for political change in the use of an, a particular type of abuse in into around the more the, the upper scale or the parts of the city of ryan society. so there are political problems in both 11 on and you're on presenting, serve as acting as a brake against the full uh, you know,
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i convince so award that they can, that the governments can launch with the, with the knowledge that they have to full. but king of the populace, the that'd be say, so is yeah, does that said if they, whether it's united states or la or israel, it or any other western power if they get involved in the middle east, they will get involved in urban warfare. and um, is this something that is highly risky that involves cadets of many civilians and particularly in the west, nobody wants to see that. um, so um, both both have their hinds tied let me ask you one quick question. now this on the bottom of the house last with do, sadly, uh, hopefully i can talk to you again 22972. yeah. one last question. you have a minute and i'll soon k is in the region, is a friend of a ron. so friend of the palestinians, all we're going to see,
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i don't get involved. i doubt it as the one could probably have harsh words for the west. and technically he could cut off oil supply too as well, but. and one has one another ball and chain around his foot, and it's called nato. so, so long as the 3rd one is a nato and then, and one of the major components of nato hot that i think and it will stay away from getting directly involved unless the population of turkey and their 2 there are questions of how much supports and one has the last to municipal elections, suggest that the one is losing support. so i think he'll be playing his political calculus and try to stay out of it for as long as possible. now i'm going to be one to watch, but i'm sure there is certainly
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a heating up in the middle east and it's under the independent but as a lawless. as always a pleasure, as a thank you for your time. thank you. a thank you. bye bye. less 9 costs a live and to the are writing, capitalize me to us because the news of get out a yourself tough of times, isn't it? well, a busy day we're having today, we're saying many rubles coming from the bodies attack on is what can you tell us more about what is currently happening in san juan? have we have any updates from the leadership one of course, more on there was retaliatory strike honeys rail unfolded over the course of several intense hours with the our dc, claiming that many of their drones and missiles successfully reached the iron dome defenses. them to strike their intended targets. what, of course, among the significant locations erewhon claims, perhaps pitts inflicted a heavy damage on was the never team air base, which is the largest is really air base. one hails the targeting of this base as
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a major victory because it says it was the place from which israel conducted its air strike against the iranian consulate. building in syria on april 1st, which kills which killed 7 us senior i. r. g c, military figures. the operation code named true promise involve the coordinated use of dozens of iranian drones and missiles fired from the country soil, as well as from gammon, and also from lebanon against israel. of course, the attack marked it was 1st direct military assault on israel and over for decades of ongoing hostility between the 2 and arch foes. shortly after the strikes everyone's foreign ministry released the statement and saying, ah, the revenge mission was, quote, an exercise of evidence in here and try it of self defense. i'm as recognized by the you. why the announcement also read that these moments republic would not
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hesitate to take further unnecessary defensive measures to protect its legitimate interests against any act of military aggression or unlawful use of force. now israel has vowed on president ed responds to these lawmaker pop like the united states also said that it will provide, quote, iron cloud support to as well this as the only or do you see here, i said, an issue this term warning that any aggression against it was terrorist or you will be matched with even a more robust response. it also said that washington is responsible for, as well as the actions while strongly warning the american government against involving itself and supporting israel in a potential attack on iran. for now, the ball isn't as well as chord as the world watches with bated breath to see how they will respond. of course, the want security council is now set to hold an emergency meeting about the
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development after israel requested the council to condemn to ron. so things are, are really developing so fast and it remains to be seen how this dangerous game of thumb brinkman ship. what on fold in the days and weeks that right use us as always, good to catch up with your science without updates. loosely he gets in passing, american janice, and z. but i believe iran has conducted a calculated response with this with country attack. yvonne can not afford allowing is will to drag the region to eat large war that would give nothing. yeah . who the opportunity to kind of slowly reason himself out of the mess he created for his country and for his military in gauze on which he is now being received as
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an outright defeat by the is what it is themselves. but also by the american comment. theaters such as thomas friedman and others. so he needed the destruction and the destruction is a war that will go, that will improve washington as well. and the direct confrontation with your on. so you won't need it to respond and it has to be direct. and the response large enough that it will create determines and retaliate against the attack on the diplomatic mission will be run in damascus on april 1st, but not to the extent that it would give is will the ability to create kind of the reason for more and for the u. s. interests for the us moves the office. it's gotten that it spoke about the possible sonata is that he could for see, for the situation. and then at least the 3 areas i see this escalating either a settlement where it quietly goes away to an escalation where is real escalates
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with a response and then iran will respond to that with even more destructive force or is real engages in a doomsday war. scenario where it sets off explosions and attacks and america tries to blame it or on possibly in europe. with the, with the delusion that america in europe are going to be tricked or goaded into world war against iran and all the other muslim countries. i might add, including russia in china, who are uniting with their on, uh, in the, in self preservation. i don't think anyone in the west has a desire or an appetite to escalate. now divided administration, i think, is already made the calculation. it will lose miserably in the election if it is so foolish and reckless as to engage in a, a war against iran. and once that starts,
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it will only end in the, in the defeat of the united states. the united states has no hope of any victory against human against it wrong against uh, any other party there because the entire muslim world is united against the genocide of the palestinian people. it's become very simple. while the united states is still on this delusional lie, but only design is to name american state department and the american binding administration believe. and that is, you know, is real is a victim, and it's simply defending against terrorism. it is not a victim and it is not defending it against terrorist. it is engaging in the genocide, pure and simple. the international court of justice has concluded that, and i think the vast majority of the world's population, so concluded that a busy day here on odd sea international thanks for joining us. we're gonna take a short break right now. about 3 or 4 minutes, we'll be back on the top of the i will see you
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the known in vietnam, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries with now and then you don't see it now. why did all i'm empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnam. these ami dot spain both or not. but the american soldiers murdered, resist as most of the slaves burned down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and lee, by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive?
1:58 am
yes, yes. that's a ways to the lease of russian states. never as one of the most on scheme, dfcs ingles, all sense and the speed the one else calls question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the trend machine, the state on process to day and splits the ortiz food next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the question,
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did you say steven closer to the mortgage, to search as well as the other way? not to be right, so see what was the route that was correct there. so so the, just so basically of course we need, the last name was needed, read those can, will be used for you much and we have some more
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to speak with someone with this we would show new people to the, the, the way he usually runs says it has last a week time fits back against is well by firing drivers. i'm gonna solve the problem is in the country the see the scene desperately running in search of cells of the fact unfolded. there's no claim. it's been so centered and most of them it's already ronald says old song, it was to be military unable the on
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while people in is uh we're right.


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