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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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fighting a 175 years virtual death sentence. all we going to let that stay the we so this was very easy to use. the wrong says it has was a good time for you. it's fact against is my firing drones and we files of targets and look on the scene. certainly run a search of cells of the tech unfold that is well claim this instance of most of the miss i'll put a role send that to solve. this was 50 minutes and we're here the
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while people in is, well we're running from the exact ron was celebrating the night the, the situation in the middle east, through lanes on site. and it will be bring you all the latest of the dates and the in depth analysis here on opting in special. welcome to the problem. how many is where you spend the like hiding from a barrage of a tax from yvonne debt wrong says it was totally a through them as well as soon as a psych on the it's diplomatic compound, in syria, by finding dozens of drugs and missiles is really targets now this is the 1st evan direct ministry attack a little understand why everyone again, isabel dislike decades. a facility between the 2 countries, the
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says more than $200.00 projects, while we moved from the rom, including dozens of ballistic missiles, these images you are currently seeing are of the sky over the ox months. in the recent overnight, the video is worth taking. my eye witnesses, the sound of the air, raid sirens was the plus, the city is residence which folds the state 1st. division is or the army says most of the randomness of the intercept. it's a model of fossil, this campaign is not over yet. we need to remain prepared and attentive to the idea of sin, home front demands instructions and to prepare for any scenario. at the same time, we blocked the 1st wave of attacks and we did it with great success, multi bill through the desperately running insights of sofa according to an idea. so suppose, and the young girl was injured. as
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a result of the miss i had seen is what new territory so far, there's been no other for them. specialties as a result of the strikes on season release. bureau issue for a for most of the with this the attack on the ground injuries. now this guy is a clear but earlier are here in west, in jerusalem. we were woken up around 145 and by loud boons. i heard at least 4 of them, followed by air raid sirens, rockets, alerts, phone application showed that the holy city as well as vast areas and israel centered in south and also northern regions at the border was lab and on housing target to like if you look at the map with threats of mark, it was all read and the sounds of explosions we heard and i heard were, is really air defense, system heating and i mean me solves. shortly after warnings were spread about parts of rockets falling from the skies. people were called to stay near, but off shelters or inside safe rooms is rarely emergency service reports. now that
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a total of $31.00 people have been treated as a result, including those likely injures and psychologically stressed. the army confers one child was wounded. the idea of spokesperson later said that iran launched dozens of the surface, the surface and the south towards israel, as well as about $200.00 drones and more than 10 cruise me 1000. the vast majority of them, the army says, were intercepted outside the country's borders was just a few falling within as rarely territory. they were on earlier announced that is rarely military infrastructure would be targeted the army confirmed later and that the country's air base in the negative desert had in the south of israel was hit adding 8 caused only mine of damage to infrastructure. no casualties have been reported sofa also, they run back to lebanon, bass his bottle and claimed responsibility for
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a number of attacks on these really northern communities. the army now says they continue to intercept threads on their way to israel, and that's they are still fully deployed with dozens of a croft in the or 4 defense. they were also unconfirmed reports about another bunch of drones fired from iran. but this information is hard to be verified right now. and the reason, days holding around in france is realm, has made in close coordination with washington, with the chief of american central command traveling here to make sure the 2 countries are on the same page. and washington also signed and reinforcements to the region to support israel to help in case of iran's attack, short they often sunday's attacks, prime minister benjamin antonia, who had a phone conversation with president biden. that last of the round 25 minutes. we did not know the details of this conversation, but we noticed that the present bite in praise, the 2 states cooperation let's take can listen. it's my direction to support the
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defense of israel. the us military moved across and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region, over the course of the past week. thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our service members, we've helped ease, real take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. well, i have to say that's sunday's attack was not to surprise earlier in such a days. really, officials confirmed that more than 50 drones had been sent from iran towards a 0. it takes from 3 to 6 hours for them to cover a distance of more than 1500 kilometers between the run and these well, well israel could have information about stay a launch almost immediately after so the army was aware and prepared well in advance. the country was on high alert, fighter jets were deployed. the gps service was jad hayes rel, made the changes to his home from command as well, banning schools and any activities and gatherings of more than 1000 people were
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also prohibited. all flies to and from is rarely nature. apple has been going on, were cancelled as well as well. how as, as well as some neighboring countries like like jordan and egypt, as well as iran, by the way, closed their air space on such a day. so before the ran in attack. and by the way, remains closed here in a israel til further notice, even before running drones and me sounds which is round prime minister and it 10. yeah. vows to respond for defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for eddie scenario both defensively and offensively. this database really strongly id f as strong the public is strong. i established a clear principle with a 100000. we heard him. we will defend ourselves from any trace and we will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i owed you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on cost to get up. we will stand,
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i'm with goats help together. we will overcome conbal. while the attack has sparked mass celebrations in some parts of lebanon and ron, and even in the palestinian territories in guys, what people have reported. it was the quietest night since the beginning of the war last october. and what will happen next? wild trophy off to be attacked runs un mission statement. that's these attack was to hearings response to israel's murder of a number of high ranking ready generals in their run and console in damascus, syria, by the way, israel never took responsibility for the feeling while to her and was very quick to blame israel. this issue can be considered resolved. now, the mission concluded, in addition, the iranians threatened that if israel makes another mistake, the response will be hot or warning. the united states to stay away from conflict in the middle is but this card can hardly be the end because israel said many times before and after the attack that whoever hates size will be heats back and present
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bite and promised. and nolen cloud support for israel in case of the running attack . so we might see further escalation tend at retaliation to add retaliation. they wait on a says that it's successfully, here's all the intended fathers in as well. um, but it attends only movie optics or the night while people's name is we're running from the single the things that say wrong with instead of the way things are and the night us video. so thing on social media showed laws, gatherings of supporters of the rain, in fact, as with how the ation is raised quite close that syria, it was and it shouldn't, to the un has on the a symbol that moves by as well. the future will be met with a much stronger response conducted on the strength of article
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$51.00 of the un charter, pertaining to legitimate defense. he runs military action was in response to design is pushing aggression against our diplomatic premises in damascus. the matter can be deemed concluded, however, should these rarely wishes you make another mistake, your wrongs response will be considerably more severe. it is a conflict between iran and the rogue is rarely regime from which the us must stay away. there was retaliatory strike on his rail, unfolded over the course of several intense hours would be gone. our dc claiming that many of their drones and missiles successfully reached the iron dome defenses them to strike their intended targets. one of course, among the significant locations erewhon claims to have pitts inflicted a heavy damage on was the never team air base, which is the largest is really air base. one hails the targeting of this base as a major victory because it says it was the place from which israel conducted uh,
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its air strike against the iranian consulate building in syria on april 1st, which killed 7 senior i r. g c, military figures. the operation code named troop from is involved the coordinated use of dozens of iranian drones and missiles fired from the country soil as well as from yemen and also from lebanon against israel. of course of the attack marked it was 1st direct military assault on israel and over for decades of ongoing hostility between the 2 and arch foes. shortly after this strikes, it was foreign ministry released the statement saying, god, the revenge mission was quote, an exercise of evidence in here and try to of self defense. i'm as recognized by the you. why the announcement also read that these on the public would not hesitate to take further unnecessary defensive measures to protect its legitimate
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interests against any act of military aggression or unlawful use of force. now israel has vowed unprecedented response to these womic republic. the united states also said that it will provide quote, iron clad support to as well this as the are, do you see here? i said an issue, this turn warning, but any aggression against it was territory will be match with even a more robust response. it also said that washington is responsible for, as well as the actions while strongly warning the american government against involving itself and supporting israel in a potential attack on iran. for now, the ball isn't as well as chord as the world watches with bated breath to see how they will respond. of course, the one security council is now set to hold an emergency meeting about the development after israel requested the council to condemn jeff ron. so things
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are, are really developing so fast and it remains to be seen how this dangerous game of, from brinkman ship. what on fold in the days and weeks that disliked and declaring its full support, phase of the u. s. has insisted that it is not seeking to the right being gauging the confidence there on we do not see conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel. fall up handed on this could be a policy out. as michael says, the iranian stripes could lead to a rapid escalation in the region. it was a signal i thought to that it was going to be a limited type of thing. but now that they're going to be sending ballistic missiles and cruise missiles plus we see a concerted effort out of human and a um, and out of uh how's the law out of the north of the front,
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from the north of the israel. that suggests that there's a coordinated effort here, and that it's more serious and i 1st thought i thought it was going to be limited, but uh, this appears to be an escalation and it's going to be ratcheted up very rapidly. and if you get the amenities m m m hospitalized engaged at the same time that that reflects put potentially coordination. and um, and that could escalate the things dramatically on, on, on a number of fronts, not just the iran. and, and this was, this was the concern, sending them in swarms up to 4050 that could possibly potentially overwhelmed their defense systems as a, not all shot down. and then then you followed up with a cruise missiles and then with ballistic missiles, that could be that and you can see where the escalation is going to be going into effect. so this is a potentially, we're down to going down a slippery slope. here we are,
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this says that it has also struck as well as facilities in lebanon. now this for the age of slides on the rental is provided by the is what he meant. see several areas where he's in the south of the country of the night. it is said that some of the drugs lost on his territory during the, when the attack had come from lebanon. dotala's mother, i have been married, says, and live and on has being subjected to either for texas or so. but regardless of the tensions between israel and there are a southern from 11 on has been with this thing. is there any bombardment since october 8th, ever since the dominions is a spence announced engaging in this toward a supporting trunk to get some an ever since we have $300.00 plus market, among whom that our civilians joined the list. and that is which scale of destruction caused by that is right. he but bartman, old or over the self 7 and sometimes,
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and the depth of lebanon. we were talking about because by the end, babies with us as a nation off from us, you the father, i library. so let's, let's make to see if that is right. and again, 7 is not linked to the in. and this ones to funding it's consulate and they must must, and it is an attack on is that you instead of funds for that? certainly, i condition on that it and then post today in the muscle which has been something that's the worst that's as now heading up to some forces. right. and claim as, as the officer is that the something that says the words of the same words. it's not as that's fine. do you know what is right? it has done and that it any and post today and at that time that there were 7 of the consultants that very or is it just, i think of something to live in an to do with us just to make that and that funding . so what happened 11 and yesterday was and most of the destruction in the scale of the past 2 days, given that over the mid, like there were so many more apartments,
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all with a strong strong enough port out to uh, ship a fight the farms and none of them on the so far the day is still breaking and you know, we have been in the board and the most and more we have been and i've been on vacation for the i also put. so basically the, the day is taking as we will see now what, how does it go sequences of what is, what has gone by the and what the aim is, one by the also in is right to buy some powers, including the us, the u. k. and them, it was the you reacted in a long step with condemnation of iran. unplugged use of support for israel, but india and china as well as russia. oh, cool for both sides to show restraint. we are seriously concerned to the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens the peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from violence and return to the
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path of diplomacy. china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restraints to prevent further escalations, china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. we now potentially face a new acute crisis in the middle east. everything depends on the next steps or their absence by the parties involved fires. so, so i'm out. so political, alas, a lot of is do the in the name of a lot of the science. so much for taking the time. now. iran has finally we tally a to the gaze as well as it had promised. i went all last, all these attacks. we know that the, the reports come in the ballistic missiles as well as hundreds of drawings we use. but what, what do you make of all of it? so i think you, ron had to answer this time on this
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a side. i mean, it showed a long stations in your indicates now of a shuttle war between is right and, and you're on the, there's too many new care scientists swear. assess united in your, on the, to many personnel ministry and the diplomatic where kids in, in the mid denise. and by that is right in the uranium, i mean, and of course, all the bombarding in on sizes syria sense no more than 10 years. uh, so now it came off to this attack on the embassy that in all international language, is diplomacy in military. it's being considered as a trouble. so are you, i've had to say something, especially off to the big powers, the security council and france and britain and america. i go to any decision that could come down this attack this give assigned to
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you on that. ok, this might be repeated because such actions are being protected by the big powers. so you don't have to do this. this is what, what they did this reaction was legitimate, i believe. or they didn't even in your, on the people and the regime. and the, and now we are waiting either form, is it done? now this attack is very be a more escalation from that uranium sides. and the big question is, the, is there a response to what's happened? well, wait, think, yeah, i love that, you know, that sort of brings me to my mega store and we heard from the iranians. this was indeed a response to what happened in the mosque this so, and that this situation is now concluded. however,
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we've also heard from the is ready side that they have intelligence. iran is looking to take this even further and they just making preparations. now we've also heard from the international community and how they respond is a little bit g 7, the western country to was condemned iran. yes. the global south countries like india and china, i would say just the escalade kind of reactions. always saying, we all be likely to see things get way out of hand and perhaps lots of a, a regional. so let's not forget that is the main a big a was always to engage in any kind of why the war against a hit on your, on it's new care facilities. i mean, this was a dream for, is there i, big or war and knowledge comes and such moments where is there any government is
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facing it internally and externally was the whole world a serious challenges. so i think is a want to own ways to push this further to go for the during war. now that you am always announced before this attack on the 1st of a pro that we don't want to be doing war america also. it's not the end. it's an interest to, to, to why they're at war. so now we understand more, they may be all parties. we try to calm down a little bit the, the game, i mean, a switch was the uranium and the american. now the is right. we know they might try to do something, but is a training on on? can they handle a big or was this is the saying go to america when, when enter into the game. but this might draw up the whole reason and not only it's,
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we have also consequences on the whole the world. i mean, we know we notice the, the rise of the uh, price of an owner id. that's right. so of the closing of her mass. i mean, we know also that the global solves, as you mentioned, that to you don is not too long. it's not only was the access of resistance, it has its own trends. also that software is equally from, from such too many uh, from america and from uh, from a sparse net in the west. so um, what we are waiting, i believe. and i hope that the only big players could handler to tibbets, calling down now the airport in um many airports and is there it is being open? this is a sign of relaxation, but i mean, retaliation might come later. we will wait and see what's coming in the next coming bowers. yeah,
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it does seem that things are coming down when we look at it. i didn't know more and pulled than that. i. when i went to ask you is how the international community it reacts it because it kind of gives us a look at how things will perhaps progress because we have uh, binding the saying that the g 7 countries will meet. we know the un security council, but also meet soon. but sunday, all the looking at um, something a bit more um, even though design is because, like i said before, the g 7 countries have condemned it wrong. the actions, yes. countries like india and china said the escalation, what, why is it the 7 countries like the u. k. germany, why do they focus on iran being bod?
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as they have the countries say no, de escalate the whole, you know, why is there a divide? like but as you know, as a division in the international scene, it's been playing since why now, since before the war in. okay. and we know that on what's happening now, it suggests it layers after layers of, of the rules based order where and the candidates western allies apply on, on others what they do not apply on themselves. so uh yes, some kind of account is being formed since yesterday. i mean, we notice that britain, france and germany, they had a very strong language and they immediately uh, assist that. is there any position? why, as we know from, from now, since, since she was years now, we are forming a new, a new form of the,
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of resistance to the american policy in the world. and this is a being put in the, in the uh, in the brakes. and in the, in war, in or crane and, and also in china and, and it's way of dealing with it's a problem and the, uh, east of asia. it. so uh yes, the division is, is been there since wide and the division is getting deeper. we were see, i believe this, i tend to of the you one and the it's equally faced by another meeting with vision . 7, it's news. this is a serious escalation in the world and life looking boots, a gas, the shadow on the war in guys that it's mike, hey, politically, back to the is there any government recover from the bad reputation they, they've been got since 6 months. they might use this on
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a diploma clever uh to escape the consequences of their action in this war. but for the time being, i think everybody weigle lucky but it's gone for maybe few few days. what comes next might, might stay. we might stay with nest changes. all right, let me before i let you go, i do enjoy talking to and i appreciate your insight on this. um, how strong or how offensive is the un security council? iran had said that if they had condemned the attack on their embassy or the consulate in damascus, this could have been avoided. center right now, always saying that things are the un security council going to condemn this as well . as you know, i just to, to remind our audience here the by to the annual budget of the un it's,
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it's rise between a 3 to 4. a $1000000000.00, while the expenses of defense on the american side it's, it's around more than $800000000000.00. i mean, we could see the difference. where is the power where the power lays? of course, americans with there was after the 2nd world war as a winner of this, of this war. and then it's what's the rules of the system rules that fits it fits the it says 1st and, and then when it's gone, states and fits good. uh, were you not accepted twice, it's accepted on other so now we are witnessing who may be a change of, of power where countries just rub out. we do not accept any more. we want some fairness and the international system. but let's also notice that
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is one of the, the most country are the number one country that is always violating all international knows all the time with no consequences. so now we are in and, and, and, and a time where we are seeing other countries also going to the entering the game. they want the same treatment. they want to be also treated equally like is it that is being treated in the security call? so i don't think this when, when we need us anywhere now because the powers still in the, in the hands of the the same, for instance, the 2nd world war. but i believe in the coming years we might the miss international system, the of books of diplomacy that's being, that's being said, since the 2nd world war we might,
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it's might be revisited and it might be looking back to might be 5. maybe it was sharing more power, was divided into the power more equally in the world. we would see the war in. okay . and when you decide we have service of i have to cut you off. i do apologize. we're savvy. well, that's fine. thank you so much. for joining us here on, on see a pleasure talking to you really. thanks again. thank you. when do the has arrived? saw this news busy one? indeed, we're back in about 30 minutes with the latest news updates. we have to turn off the .


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