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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the shows the incentives, are we going to let that stay the this is what it was due. i gave you the wrong says it has nothing to say with time fee of tactic. gains is by firing loans on this. all the target and look on the face of is seen desperately running in search of selves of the unfolded is all painted into such a waste of themselves. but there was an old towers with should be men, 3 times the label. it is that we're running from the drug. let's see. what was this is sandra
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ron was celebrating the night. the tensions in the middle, the seem to be on the rise will be very old. the latest updates and in depth analysis here on, on the international welcome to the program. the money is always spent the night hiding from a barrage of a tax on a wrong process. it retaliated in response to, in his ways, like on a diplomatic compound in syria, my firing dozens of times i miss all that is very, it's obvious. this is the 1st ever direct some of the 5th type loans via vomiting is with this quite decades of how to send it to the
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is using 200 digit moves from it on into the dozens of ballistic missiles. images you're currently seeing are all of the sky over the out on the most in jerusalem of the night, the videos were taken by eye witnesses. the sound of the air raid sirens was heard across the city is residents are told to stay close to the shelters. is where the army says most of the rainy missiles will intersect. it's a model fossil. this campaign is not over yet. we need to remain prepared and attentive to the idea of sin homefront commands instructions and to prepare for any scenario. at the same time, we blocked the 1st wave of attacks and we did it with great success, multi bill through the year. we got people in the seeds of it as well, was seen, desperately rubbing in such a show that according to an idea, suppose was a young girl, was injured as
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a result of a mis solid facing is where the test so far have been no other than some casualties as a result of the strikes all chase and middle east to be a issue for if a national witness the attack on the ground, india risk them a sense of this triple. now this causes a clear but earlier here in western jerusalem, we were woken up around 145 and by loud boons, i heard at least 4 of them, followed by air raid sirens broke into loads. phone application showed that the holy city as well as vast areas and israel centered south and also northern regions at the border was lab and on housing. target to like, if you look at the map were threats of mark, it was all read and the sounds of explosions we heard and i heard were, is really air defense, system heating and i mean me solves shortly after the warnings were spread about
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parts of rock is falling from the skies. people were called to stay near bomb shelters or inside safe rooms. these really emergency service reports. now that's a total of $31.00. people have been treated as a result, including those likely injures and psychologically stressed. the ami confirms one child was wounded, the idea of spokesperson later said that iran launched dozens of the surface, the surface and the south towards israel, as well as about $200.00 drones and more than 10 cruise me 1000. the vast majority of that the army says were intercepted outside the country's borders was just a few falling within as rarely territory. they were on earlier announced that is rarely military infrastructure would be targeted the army confirmed later and that the country's air base in the negative desert had in the south of israel was hit adding 8 caused only mine of damage to infrastructure. no casualties have been
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reported sofa. also, he run back to lebanon bass. his balloons claimed responsibility for a number of attacks on these really northern communities. the army now says they continue to intercept threads on their way to israel, and that's they are still fully deployed with dozens of a croft in the or 4 defense. they were also unconfirmed reports about another bunch of drones fired from iran. but this information is hard to be verified right now. and the reason days folding and running and threads based room has made in close coordination with washington, with the chief of american central command traveling here to make sure the 2 countries are on the same page. and washington also signed and reinforcements to the region to support israel to help in case of iran's attack, short they often sunday's attacks, prime minister benjamin antonia who had a phone conversation with president biden, that last at around 25 minutes. we did not know the details of these conversation,
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but we noticed that the present bite in praise, the 2 states cooperation. let's take and listen at my direction to support the defense of israel. the us military moved across and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region, over the course of the past week. thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our service members, we've helped ease, real take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. well, i have to say that sunday's attack was not to surprise earlier in such a days. really, officials confirmed that more than 50 drones had been sent from iran towards each room. it takes from 3 to 6 hours, full down to cover a distance of more than 1500 kilometers between the run and israel. while israel could have information about stay a launch almost immediately after so the army was aware and prepared well in advance. the country was on high alert, fighter jets were deployed. the gps service was jad hayes rel, made the changes to his home from command as well,
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banning schools and any activities and gatherings of more than 1000 people were also prohibited. all flies to and from is rarely nature. apple has been going on, were cancelled as well as well. how as, as well as some neighboring countries like like jordan and egypt as well as iran, by the way, closed their aerospace on saturday. so before the ran in attack and by the way, remains closed here in israel to further notice, even before it run in drones and the south, which is round prime minister and a 10. yeah. vows to respond for defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. this database really strongly id is strong, the public is strong, established, and clear principle whether it's us we, we will defend ourselves from any traits and we will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i urge
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you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on cost, so together we will stand on with god's help together we will overcome. while the attack has sparked mass celebrations in some parts of lebanon and ron, and even in the palestinian territories in guys, what people have reported. it was the quietest night since the beginning of the war last october. and what will happen next, wild trophy off to be attacked runs un mission statement. that's these attack was to hearings response to israel's murder of a number of high ranking, ready daniels in there, right? and console in damascus, syria, by the way, israel never took responsibility for the feeling while to her and was very quick to blame israel. this issue can be considered resolved. now, the mission concluded, in addition, the iranians threatened that if israel makes another mistake, the response would be hot or warning. the united states to stay away from conflict in the middle is but this card can hardly be the end because israel said many times
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before and after the attack that whoever hates size will be heats back and present bite and promised and not required support for israel in case of the running attack, so we might see further escalation tend at retaliation to add retaliation. now let's take a closer look at what exactly happened here on has been done to the mass of draw 9 cruising missed on that side on is a tennessee and according to tell on, it's all the thing that if you bases and governmental buildings, the united states claims with at least 3 of the middle east and nations joined it on in launching project house and gas as well. so the off of this is where the forces bump physical facilities in 11 on that wasn't a response. so a volley of rockets from lebanese country that engaged israel's and defense system . this ron now says the mission has finished. i haven't tightens that the designated seat move to target was successfully hit. it has also issued the
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phone warning that it could launch another attack is welcome to use a slide to bring in areas i taught eli is that you know, time who still do not have complete information about all of the targets hence. but regarding the part of the strikes that we have precise and documented and on the ground reports about the indicate, this operation has been more successful than we expected. is rarely settlers and is really officials. and the terrorist occupying army of design is regime and america have better than us so far understood the impacts of the strikes. steve at ken onto the human side here is the design is present, takes action against this logic republic over on is there on also or in our facilities in syria or elsewhere. our next operation will be much bigger than this . the
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a lot of people in is we're running to the drive, the people, the seas of tech wrong was celebrating during the night here with video. so they all social media issue launch gatherings of supposedly around the taxes with some of your agents of these very strikes when it comes to that in syria. you're also in addition to the you and has issue the morning to both is well, i'm to the us thing that washington must not interfere in the conflict conducted on the strength of article 51 of the un charter, pertaining to legitimate defense. he runs military action, was in response to the zionist resumes aggression. i just start diplomatic premises in damascus. the matter can be deemed concluded. however, should these rarely wish him make another mistake. your wrongs response will be considerably more severe. it is a conflict between iran and the rogue is rarely regime from which the us must stay away. there was retaliatory strike on his rail, unfolded over the course of several intense hours with the our dc,
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claiming that many of their drones and missiles successfully reached the iron dome defenses. them to strike their intent target set. what, of course, among the significant locations, a lot of claims to have pets. i didn't flip to the heavy damage on was the never team air base, which is the largest is really air base around hales, the targeting of this base as a major victory because it says it was the place from which israel conducted uh, its errors tried against the iranian consulate building in syria on april 1st, which killed 7, senior i r g c military figures. the operation code named troop from is involved the coordinated use of dozens of iranian drones and missiles fired from the country soil as well as from gammon. and also from lebanon against israel. of course, the attack marked it was 1st direct military assault on israel and over for
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decades of ongoing hostility between the 2 arch foes. shortly after the strikes everyone's foreign ministry released the statement saying, ah, the revenge mission was, quote, an exercise of everyone's inherent rights of self defense. i'm as recognized by the you. why the announcement also read that these on the public would not hesitate to take further unnecessary defensive measures to protect its legitimate interests against any act of military aggression or unlawful use of force. and always ro has vowed unprecedented response to these womic republic. the united states also said that it will provide, quote, iron cloud support to as well this. 6 as the i r g see here has said an issue to stern warning, but any aggression against it was territory will be match with even a more robust response. it also said that washington is responsible for,
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as well as the actions while strongly warning the american government against involving itself and supporting israel in a potential to attack on iran. for now, the ball isn't as well scored as the world watches with bated breath to see how they will respond. of course, the one security council is now set to hold an emergency meeting about the development after israel requested the council to condemn jet wrong. so things are, are really developing so fast and it remains to be seen how this dangerous game off from brinkman ship put on fold in the days and weeks ahead. find less delve into this. i cross live to meet feed me on names as far as for the full 5000 reformers demo, classic faction dementia was good to see. so thanks for joining us now. we just heard that from the report of my colleague, the iran said if further actions are taken,
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it would respond to most of vaguely what do you make of the tactics we have seen so far? this is the 1st time federal honors conducted a direct strike against as well to this escalates. well, after the 45 years since the islamic revolution, an older web trick that has come out of i ran and ran in politicians regarding destroying the state of israel and attacking the state of israel and liberating palestine. all what happened yesterday, realistically, on the ground was a serious injury to one little girl and to add to that to the palestinian girl. that was heard in, in the southern the, the, the and that's all. so for people on, on the ground, they see differently than the spectators of the news frenzy about the events that
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took place over night. because seriously, on the ground i was induced on that i happened to be traveling from uh, not a far travel from jericho to jerusalem. uh, after midnight. and uh for uh, you know, it was just, everything was uh, was normal and i woke up very early this morning to go travel somewhere else. and the business travel was, uh no me, people having to work a traffic jam as usually nothing is there. but for the people that have an interest in amplifying what happens overnight or 2 entities, one is the 1st benjamin that then, you know, benjamin nathaniel has been begging for an iranian reaction to all the killings and bombings in it that the israel has been targeting
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around with especially during the genocide of the past 6 months, so a lot of motoring, 33000 palestinians. also israel has managed to kill so many around in operatives in syria. i love them on and they're runyan allies like his bola, almost $500.00 operators were killed during the same period. so he was begging for reaction because once he gets this reaction, he can invest internally, do it as a fee of longer himself. plus deacon also attract and get the united states more involved and if there were any disputes between him and the white house such and a reaction would bring him, would bring in and to at least in the short term. well, any dispute with the white house? i'm just all in all ways shape. so boards serves benjamin that time, you know,
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on the other hand, the other party that is very much interested in amplifying the events of what happened over night. is that when you really because the radians i've been go sing about destroying the city of israel for the past 45 years and never actually shot won't bully towards him, is rarely directly towards in his riley. now they all face with a genocide in gaza that they have, if you will, at least with the richard lee, and they have 2 weeks financially and they have a few weight. uh, the instigation of such however, it is way the genocide in gaza. and they are required by uh their, their supporters to do something. so they did something and much like the, with the us into the motor up select navy. basically it was calculated the know before hand, the with super minimum the damage. so they would not attract
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a response from the state of israel, of the, or the united states of america. so basically this media frenzy what it actually happened serve nothing. you know, sort of the news took the lights out of the genocide taking place in gaza. and i believe that us as about sidney people, even though we have nothing to do with the events of over the past the or last night, we are the ones who pain dyer price. yeah. and then of course, you all see you that next demetrius with the wrong so actions, county. so that took place last night. yes. they say is a retailer thing response but couldn't. well, they've done it. could it, could it reilly that serious behind the gaza? cause, you know, i did gets totally detached, even if you read that statement regarding the around you know,
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retaliation unless it was very clear and lines. and it says boss, because it clearly detached garza from central his boss. and it said clearly that this response is warranted. because of this rarely attack on the air threatening in uh and the seat in damascus. and it didn't even mention that had it has anything to do with the guys. so i think there was thoughts in this statement is add to it straight to the point. i think it's this is pigment that has lot of meanings underneath that they are still less. they feel i'm as feel that it has a band in just like most severe, but most of more of the view that to read has effectively abandon the guys that especially with the death being rising, reaching 33000 civilians and hopefully not much more noticeable. so, all right, let's take a look at the,
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the situation that happened unfolded these last few hours in a more broad a sense. you said nathan, yahoo likes what iran did because they know they now, but this gives him, i suppose the green likes to be more aggressive. he's also the, he's going to do better as a, a will president always on the confident then i'm going to house them just yet. but is he gonna get ah, unconditionally. i mean, i know this was used by the, the us, uh, administration. like we have an iron clad. um we have iron clad the commitment to israel, but is this unconditionally because of the end of the day. what we, what we're having is israel did not get well, did not inform the us about a, it's attack in damascus. i guess is the right in closet, are we likely to, to get
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a bit more i didn't know, unconditional support from joe biden when it comes to as well to joe biden is just to the core and, and the shift in his rhetoric regarding the genocide is really good with the mean guy that is due to the, to all play a political reasons and nothing to do with the way that he is despicable designers and supporters of the genocide and actually is the secretary of state. as a matter of fact is a member of the is rarely genocide the walk and so we cannot paint them and such. you good uh good picture because he is simply a partner of that anyhow. and the genocide now, yes, he did that and you have to ship his rhetoric because his democratic party is shifting positions and he's losing votes. and this was very clear. and states like michigan in minnesota, i would basically barely barely assume he's warning that he will be losing
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elections if we did men good. but even though he changed his rhetoric of the sense that he was still providing the set of israel with the, with the weapons. now with this, the rang and media show, i believe that by didn't just ran back to his natural self. i'll be in a supremacy design just that we did the side deal tendencies. and there went back to the 1st uh square where he is supporting unconditionally. the standard is, you know, and he came on down the voices that opposed to his policies towards israel because is you for them? and as israel played it, and as united states media play, that is i'll do a severe attack. even though the only casualty of this is one seriously injured about the new girl knows when was for itself what 3, separate from panic effects. and this could be from probably over jenkins,
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and i don't know, but that's what has been registered 3 panic attacks. so and the, the, whatever the around considers victory is, is not enough. i mean, just to have the, the wanting to do something and actually doing it to something else. all right, uh, okay, before we, we fully side track here slide if the, if the say nothing, yahoo, well cause this attack by iran so it can use it as a full flag if it goes in a pod. is it like minutes ago in hot on its own? i gave it wrong. i mean, listen, yahoo did say that. you should be aware that i know they will be a reaction to this. or are we looking at? i didn't have more assign since i'll be looking at saucer approach. or are we looking at the united states? i'm in the united states, pretty much sides of iran to that hilde's valve. i mean,
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there's obviously nothing else a concise in any of all, but we need the product. i mean, we made that extends cut me up demitria for the united states was not going to put boots on the ground, surely. and absolutely by them is the last thing he wants to do is logic confrontation to the, the, the 2 sides of this, uh, media fiasco as basically benefit from it. not anyhow and the around you. so why tickets for that? because it just sort of just right add serve the purpose it brand new skin boost now that, oh yeah, we did something have to $45.00. use of like, you know, in trench in the, the ap speaking media with their might towards us. there is europe at the same time . nothing. yeah. took this and if you listen to is rarely media. i've been listening to this really radio talk shows the since the morning. it is way easy in
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sort of magnifying at the event of last night and, and, and the way that they are bringing in even foreigners on, on the shows to talk about. oh, horrible. what, by the way, every night for the past 6 months and i live in jews, don't guys, it is about hour and 45 minutes away for a while and we hear f sixteens, we hear a, you know, emergencies we're, i mean it's been chaos last night it was one of the probably calm is nice. i mean there was no way of 16 year. there was nothing's going on with her. some boom boom here and there. but there was no way, nothing serious. uh, nothing. you know, woke up the kids. uh nobody, even in my neighborhood went down to uh, the safe rooms. uh, not uh, there was nothing going on. and actually i live near
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a mall and the coffee shops there were full until after 1 am or people just enjoy you. yeah. you know, last spring night the we have, we had foot since there, early of people running is on site. so it's not, i'm not saying it's fake i think is writing these do well some of them do the trap . all 3 or mongering that nothing. you know, puts them in all the time. remember the about the, the, the resistance of rockets never. i mean, i don't know, it's during the past week didn't use as good more than 5 or 6 people. and every time, years on it and you know, you'll see thousands of what is read is wanting to this, the rooms, but nothing's really going on. i'm to, i live in occupied these drawers, the boss, there was nothing or we didn't even hear was are there was nothing going on
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honestly, but yes, israel, i wouldn't say there would stage, but i'm sure the state of israel then have $12300.00 cameras in insensitive areas where there would boost to the alarms and then see people's reaction from it to make this much bigger deal. but for us as palestinians live in and occupied these jews, no, what i'm even here is our and, and i tell you some people was saying very late at night, enjoy the nice weather. we didn't see anything and the casualties by both sides are very clear. i mean big things by this result. one girl that happened to be 1000, you seriously injured. i hope that she, when it was she was passing or not, i hope that cheap little girl should not be hurt in an invoice. and how to recover is very soon, but that's it. you are talking about maybe last night in new york,
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they'll more kids kill inbox, go. the more kids are in london. don't want people run over by buses. all right, they make the big deal. i really say, i appreciate your passion, i appreciate your insight as always move on. i'm it's, i'm a product and so the meet you there. any. so i was in for the rough of a full, most of our product function banks. again, a transfer on file for more details on our main breaking news story, including a timeline of the whole event. so i'm in the written in stock. one is i'll head over to our website, i'll see the call my my calling. my question will be with you at the top of the hour, i've been the old, the day, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to well as a part of the year since the beginning of the is really offensive on god and the world is still stuck between our 3 inch and paralysis. second 5, they unapologetic mass killings and being able to put an end to them. what can possibly pull gaza out of these tickets long data and geo political procrastination? well, to discuss that i'm now joined by sol, took


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