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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the the, the probably start this, all of the breaking news you, ron, and sadly has low is the retaliate or re attack against diesel wire roads, a mess of pockets in the country, the people on the street. so these are all i've seen, desperately running in search of selda of the attack on folder. these are all claims the deceptive. most of the muscles of your rotten says old hogs waste strictly and many, 3, an old way hit the
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ground while people in these little world running from the goes people on the street. so fair ron was celebrating during the night, the kind of a welcome to our team to national, reaching you from a new center in moscow. i a michael fletcher with the updates, the so many is really spend the night hiding from verizon of attracts for me from iran to iran, says and retaliated in response to when he's ready. slide connects diplomatic compound in syria, my father in thousands of drills, a mess of that these ready targets. this is the 1st time ever direct committee c, as has the lowest bi yvonne against these all this was decades of hostilities which
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in both nations. the easel says more than $200.00 project tiles were launched from the drive, including thousands of ballistic missiles. these images you're seeing here currently are from the skies over jerusalem over night. and the videos were taken by an eye witnesses of these really on the size of the most to be run in missile square intercepted the local media reporting that the strikes to slide damage to an idea of military base. a model fossil, this campaign is not over yet. we need to remain prepared and attentive to the idea of sin, home front demands instructions, and to prepare for any scenario at the same time cause we've locked the 1st wave of attack and we did it with great success must have multi bill through all the shoulder but let's take a closer look at what exactly happened. iran has conducted the massive drone and
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the truth mess all attack when he is ready. terry 3 and according to to ron only targeting the ministry basis in governmental buildings or the united states claims that that at least 3 other middle eastern nations joined the rhine in launching projectiles against diesel. shortly after the incident, these ready forces bombed, has beloved facilities in lebanon, and that was in response to a volley of rockets from lebanese territory, but engaged user welfare defense system. the air raid sirens welled across the city of jerusalem as crowds of people were seen, desperately few running in such a shelter. the according to an idea of schools passing, a young girl was injured as a result of a mess, almost hitting use ready territory. so far these has this been no other confirmed
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casualty. as the result of the strikes for archie is mid least bear achieve might f enough in a witness to be attacked on the ground in jerusalem. now this causes a clear but earlier here in western jerusalem, we were woken up around 145 and by loud boons, i heard at least 4 of them, followed by air raid sirens broke into loads. phone application showed that the holy city as well as vast areas, and he's real centered south and also northern regions at the border with lab and on how being targeted. like if you look at the map were a threat, some mark it was all read and the sounds of explosions we heard and i heard were, is really air defense, system heating and i mean me solves shortly after the warnings were spread about parts of rock is falling from the skies, people were called to stay near bomb shelters, or inside se froze. these really emergency service reports now that a total of $31.00 people have been treated as a result,
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including those likely injures and psychologically stressed. the ami confirms one child was wounded, the idea of spokesperson later said that iran launched dozens of the surface, the surface me south towards israel, as well as about $200.00 drones and more than 10 cruise me 1000. the vast majority of that the army says were intercepted outside the countries for this was just a few following within as rarely territory. there were on earlier announced that which is rarely military infrastructure would be targeted the army confirmed later and that the countries airbase in the negative desert had in the south of israel was hit adding 8 caused only mine of damage to infrastructure. no casualties have been reported sofa, also a run back to lebanon. bass has been long claimed responsibility for a number of attacks on these really northern communities. the army now says they
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continue to intercept threads on their way to israel and that they are still fully deployed with dozens of a croft in the or 4 defense. they were also unconfirmed reports about another bunch of drones fired from iran. but this information is hard to be verified right now. and the reason days folding around in france is realm, has made in close coordination with washington, with the chief of american central command traveling here to make sure the 2 countries are on the same page. and washington also signed and reinforcements to the region to support israel to help in case of iran's attack shot they often sundays attacks prime minister benjamin antonia who had a phone conversation with president biden. that last of the round 25 minutes. we did not know the details of this conversation, but we noticed that the present bite in praise, the 2 states cooperation. let's take a listen. it's my direction to support the defense of israel. the u. s. military moved across and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course
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of the past week. thanks to these deployments. extraordinary skill of our service members, we've helped ease, real take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. well, i have to say that sunday's attack was not to surprise earlier in such a days. really, officials confirmed that more than 50 drones had been sent from iran towards each room. it takes from 3 to 6 hours for them to cover a distance of more than 1500 kilometers between the run and as well. well is real good to have information about the launch almost immediately after. so the army was aware and prepared well in advance. the country was on hiler, its fighter jets were deployed. the gps service was jammed. his rel made changes to its home from command as well. banning schools and any activities and gatherings of more than 1000 people were also prohibited. all flies to and from is rarely major. apple has been going on, were cancelled as well as well. how as,
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as well as some neighboring countries like like jordan and egypt, as well as iran, by the way, closed their air space on such a day. so before the ran in attack and by the way, remains closed here in israel to further notice, even before the running drones on the south, which is route crime and as 2010. yeah. vows to respond for the defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for 80 scenarios both defensively and offensively, like this database really strongly id f as strong the public as strong as i stablished at clear principle where the us we are gonna, we will defend ourselves from any threats and we will do so with coolness and determination, i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool food. i owed you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on cost them together, we will stand down with go sale together, we will overcome condo. well, the attack has sparked mass celebration was in some parts of love and on
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a new ron and even in the palestinian territories in guys that people have reported it towards the quietest night since the beginning of the war last october. and what will happen next? wild trophy off to be attacked runs un mission states and stats. this attack was to hearings response to israel's murder of a number of high ranking renting daniels and they're running console in damascus, syria, by the way, he's real never took responsibility for the feeling while tearing was very quick to blame israel to this issue can be considered resolved now the mission included in addition, be ready instructions that if israel makes another mistake, the response was the hot or warning. the united states to stay away from conflict in the middle is but this car can hardly be the end because israel said many times before and after the attack that whoever he sighs will be he's back and present wide and promised and not even quite so thoughtful israel in case of the running
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attack, so we might see further escalation tend at retaliation to a retaliation. now we spoke to demetri delia on a best post button for the policy and the font as reform is democratic function. he says that the attack plays into easier any problem. and if that been a minute, then yeah, who's had or so the people that have an interest in amplifying what happened overnight or 2 entities. one is the 1st benjamin that then, you know, we was begging for reaction because once he gets this reaction, he can invest internally do as a fee of longer himself. plus deacon also attract and get the united states more involved the radians i've been boasting about destroying the theater. israel for the past 45 years. and never actually shotwell bullet towards him is rarely directly. so that something and much like the without the ation to the motor,
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obviously, like mattie, basically it was calculated the know beforehand deal with super minimum the damage. so they would not attract a response from the state of israel, of the, or the united states of america. what it actually happened serve nothing, you know, serve the right and use. took the uh lights out of the genocide taking place in gaza. and i believe that us as about sidney and people, even though we have nothing to do with the lives of over the past the or last night, we are the ones who paying the higher price to ron says he has completed its mission and having his own legs designated military pockets of the country as president stresses that further auctions against the nation would met with a heavier response from terror. i'm adding the piece for the entire middle eastern region. me see ron's top priority of the as lubbock republic of a run,
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considers the peace and stability of the surrounding region necessary for its national security and has not spared any efforts to restore and maintain peace and stability. today, it is completely clear to any fair observer that the actions of the zionist regime as an occupying terrorist and racist entity which does not consider itself bound by any legal, moral, or humanitarian rules and norms. and during the last 6 months, has advanced the campaign of genocide against palestinians and further in security in the region and the world with the complicit support of the us and some other western countries is an immediate and continuing threat to regional peace and security of a ronnie and bret volume and to celebrate the strikes on these where i need territories. while m. p 's found to be as long big revolutionary, god cool. a large group of farm and terry ends were a film tempting depth to ease well,
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you're on in for administered toll. these talk is count deposit to ron, doesn't plan any strikes on these well only until it will be forced to respond to the aggression from. can i be the excited local lot of this truth or to ron in the database in numerous videos, circulating online show a large crowd celebrates and give a tale asian to these ready spiteful new designs possibly. can syria, iran top military. bronze is one that just saw the rocks and will be taking a huge role that continues just blanket runyan, territories, syria and political analysts, isabel, anxiety done believe that the run right for the reactive to an unprecedented attack on the consulate. it is something that is right and has simply asked for a little like is very and has been a talking to him, many in iranian bases,
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and iranian diploma and personnel everywhere. and the reason why they're in iraq and syria and other places. so what happens is, uh, this must have been retaliated. what happened in the embassy of iran, when, when you talk a civilian plays, when you have talking to it and to see it come too late, you have to retaliate a police. but this is something that the world would have avoided, had they consumed this attack done by these or 80 side on the embassy. so, but it's not something really new to these raise to break every every single item. um, do you need or conventions of every kind of international law item. so this is not something new. so it was easy for a run to tune vitale a long time ago. but the reason they chose this because this is something unprecedented, they couldn't just let it go. the message was very clear. it was very clear to
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these ranges. you can never mess with iran again when, while declaring its full support for ease, while the united states has infected that it is not seeking to directly engage in a conflict with the ron. we do not see conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel best. while the westbound leaders have been quick to show the support for useful issue, we can probably condemnation all the writing strikes. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation which was condemned in the strongest tons i condemned in the strongest terms. the unprecedented attack wants to bite you around against israel, which frightens through the civilized region. i strongly condemn the runs blatant and unjustifiable attack on israel and i call on iran and its proxies to mediately cease these attacks. but i'll tell you some more about each as joining
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me right here. this to do to bring us up to speed with this allies. good to have you join me now. now iran has been accused of singlehandedly escalating the pensions in the middle east, in fact, of his back. but this type this on, on justifiable one. on the other hand, the ronnie say that we are only responding to the west failure to contain ease roll or voice to blame. here. now of course, as you've mentioned, and some nato members as well as other western states, were very quick to come to as well as rescue and condemn iran attacks. i mean, they all had the same message and comment, which is essentially we stand by israel and iran was wrong. for example, the canadian prime minister said that the attacks demonstrate, quote, iran disregard for peace and stability in the region as a similar belief that was shared by germany the was the u. k. and france. but where were these type of statements from these western nations?
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when iran said that it was israel behind the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and syria, now the tactile 7 at a rate in the military officers, including a top general that was an attack on a diplomatic facility. but israel neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the attack. yet the pencil gone did hinted that it was israel behind that attack a. but later on the, there were reports that came out stating that it was that the wouldn't do us essentially assess that it was israel to indeed, behind the the air strikes. yes it was, it's interesting because the was the find trouble to directly condemn israel for those attacks. for instance. i mean, they've only said that they're just against any attacks on diplomatic facilities. but in between those statements by the west, essentially putting the blame on
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a one party alone. other states came forward with their own statements and they've called for the escalation from both sides. we are seriously concerned to the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens a peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy. we call on all the involve sides to restraint. we count on the countries of the region to resolve their problems by political and diplomatic means. china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrain to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. i mean, here you have a, china, russia, india, brazil, columbia, and many other states that came out calling for a de escalation and a returned to diplomacy. because as we know, of course, it's quite counter productive to just put the blame on one party alone and happily
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ignore the trigger behind what happened. really good to know. now the we, we know that weston lead is had initially warranty run not to attack usual, but i deal with that. that's a warning. was ignored. right? yeah. i suppose that they were trying to scare to ronnie in a way. i'm in the french president. the money on my call said that while he was talking to uh, to upset the speaker, he mentioned that his country did warn iran not to attack israel. now mind you, that's also the same president who's been having these absurd comments lately, especially about the cleaning of conflict, but the us president joe biden as well as other natal leaders that jumped on the bandwagon as well with essentially the same message. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? don't earlier, the netherlands and other countries told the wrong loud and clear to refrain from attacking israel. now those warnings seem to not have worked the way they've been
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hoping for because now, well they're just putting the blame on a ron right. but let's remember that is rarely spacing, genocide, accusations, and it's operation and gaza. that's an operation that has built over 30000 people so far on top of that. those very same countries that were quick to blame and put the blame on iran and condemn it's retaliation and tags as somehow find did that as well as asks and gaza, or acts of self defense. they've turned a blind eye when it comes to israel's deadly attacks on drum with. they've turned the blind i, when it comes to israel, essentially attacking hospitals or residential areas in gaza. they've also ignored, went around, said that it was these rel, behind the attack in the arabian console, it's in syria. so we heard nothing but silence from the was then it seems like a to them. israel does no wrong. and now, as, as it is, we,
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we see that the but ukrainian media has responded to this with key of calling on the west to focus on key if or where does this live needs the western support for ukraine. now of course ukraine is making sure that it says a top agenda for its allies. i mean, they're asking them not to forget about kids needs here, but be attacked that happened last night has made the west, which is priority is a little, i mean, we still have kids begging washington former health plus we also have the $60000000000.00 in aid that's been uh you know, being put on hold for months and still not sent to kids. now us lawmakers are rescheduling their priorities to focus on israel and after the attack presidential by then i got his uh we can for, for to meet with the national security team. and with that meeting and the conclusion was that the us commitment to israel remains on breakable. now,
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on top of that, the is rarely invested there to moscow. the more not help the rain has pulled on multiple to condemn it runs and task force that didn't sit well with moscow. because as we remember is israel has level, was dempsey of attacks on moscow's weight on russia's region. and that was the statement that was again highlighted by the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is the heart of simona remind me of when he's real condemned when once tried by the key of regina and rushes regions. you don't remember neither do i. but i do remember regular statements and supportive savanski, his actions by his rather officials, the very criminal teller sections of the buses and bunker by which he, after yeah, have resulted in the depths of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. so now the russian for administer a survey lab, rob have, has discussed the situation in the middle east with the head of the uranium for a ministry. and i, you know,
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mr. love said the trust the additional escalation of the situation in the middle east could just increase lead to increased tension. the reach, of course, is a lot to digest, but it does get quite a good fixture of western hypocrisy here. i mean, when it's, when they're allies do wrong, suddenly it's crickets. and you know, it's a silence that when another the other side with kelly aids or you know, defense defense themselves, suddenly it's contamination. and it's some sort of, uh, you know, way of who's to blame, right? we have to leave you here. now by my age. i thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. right now allow me is the data a political analyst in geneva status of the current situation and the bed least is yet another symptom of the k. all the rules of bays will order. as she said, the usual habit of validating international law could not have gone on said, let's not forget that is higher main, a big
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a was always to engage and marry. can it be, why do your chances a hit on your, on it's new care facilities? i mean, this was a dream for, is there i, big or war. knowledge comes and such moments where is there any government is facing internally and externally was the whole world and serious challenges. so i think is a wanted to own ways to push this further to go for a bigger war. we know they might try to do something, but is a training on, on, can be handled a bigger war. this is this thing to america when we enter into the game, but this might be off the whole reason. and not only it's, we have also consequences on the whole. the world. uh, we know that on what's happening now, it's a just a eh, layers after layers of,
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of the rules based order where americans, it's western allies apply on, on others what they do not apply on good sense. so of yes, some kind of account is being formed since yesterday. i mean, we notice that britain, charles and germany, they had a very strong language and they immediately assessed the is there, i need a position. now we are witnessing and they need a change all of our where countries just for about we do not accept any more. we want some fairness and the international uh system. but let's also notice that is one of the, the most country are the, the number one country that is always violating all international knows all the time with no consequences of africa has come out with his own the
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response emphasizing that, the legality of he's the military force does not outweigh its human cost. in this context, south africa emphasizes the old policies, must exercise the utmost, restrain, and avoid any add that would escalate tungsten in a particularly fragile region. south africa has continues to stress that irrespective of whether states believes that their use of force is low for it is never wise, the result of war is inevitably, it is only people who bear the brunt of conflict for troy. a has expressed concerns regarding the situation between israel and iran in the middle east saying that it is seriously concerned as to the escalation of us to the teas between the 2 states . which now is of course the threat to leave the peace and security within that region. pretoria is also calling for immediate de escalation, exercise of restraint stepping back from violence and return to the post office
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diplomacy even stating that to well, everyone is currently turning the attention to these developments that we're seeing between e running is well latter not to be forgotten that the war in gaza continues with devastating humanitarian consequences for its people via full and immediate ceasefire. and an urgent to me to an access is required in palestine. and you would also very much remember that. so that's the kind of has been very supportive of that side, even taken as well to the international court of justice, asking the court at the hague to who on with that as well as ongoing military, you can pay in guys, amounted to genocide is well responded to those accusations by have choosing the country all functioning as the needs of all of her mazda but so that's we can support for the police to union is not
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a new phenomenon. for years. if 7 mentions civil society has shown on wavering support for the position, you enclose the spice of considerable geographical add account real differences. so that's because winning parts, he also has even compared to these walls policies in gaza and the west bank please own history under the a potted regime of whites minority which until 9 tonight to full full blast. so that's a conservative in especially designated homeless. and this is why 2 days of africa joins the world and expressing har, right as the war, crimes being committed in palestine the through the target to of civilians. the infrastructure as a talk is that we've seen in a guides and even on the continents menu, say that to these actions, reminds them of their own experiences as black as because blacks of africans living and the potted. and i'm the colonialism. and i guess that's why to me is that has also been one of the african countries to read it to rates. it's the need for the
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international community to, to assume its responsibility and presenting the security and stability of the countries involved at the people off of the region by also urgency, imposing an immediate solution between the conflicting states and lots of africa to needs is also asking for a permanent association off aggression against palestine, it is a bit early to generalize a policy african public opinion at this point. but for now. so that's gonna add media demonte in immediate, in the ad intervention to the rest of the gaze pedestal on. and of course, a escalation of the situation between, as well as iran at the, for more details on uh, main breaking news story, including a timeline of all the events surrounding the radi and the tank on the easel, head over to our website. our team does comp had the with the ride backup. it's all the, the
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well, that's all for me now my colleague rober associated will be with you at the top of the uh, with more stories and more on a stay with our to international the in the previous year or so that we will lose each kilogram and any sort of good separate shift so you do have that experience for the rest of the.


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