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tv   Documentary  RT  April 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
of the well, that's all for me now my colleague rober associated will be with you at the top of the uh, with more stories and more updates to stay with our team to national the end of the history to us the news that as we will lose each kilogram and any sort of good. so but shift for you do have that experience for the rest of the
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material to put on the details. frontier files. oscar. no furniture. there's no reason that i'm, i don't know if this, this just when she was doing this by junior, for us, the proper, what kind of do you have a spring, manning and patrol almost. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style. when there's no shit, the school can do it as a bedroom, go up, it's probably not i'm not we've been here. thank you pretty do the expedia. 2 anything yeah, beautiful. if you're getting be it's definitely going to be to this big. it is easy
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to sell. also you may see the year uh to be sure. it's not. i'm not doing money if someone else could give me like support even i'm not sure. but i paid you upgrade to causal credit, he didn't, you know, i did cheap. i'm was 3 months tip on it and that's too much. that was especially chest cleaning. coming up the more people are medium. what's the good thing? so i'm sure i'm just really sure what to do. that's the get the pass code is always to even look for the quote to the is and you might, if you show, even though the problem of the dispute is going to happen. so soon as signal just like
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a normal renewal when you're doing the the ok. and so even though the park has already out as much as i'm for the key, if you mean, let me just continue my system, the evil thing you but aside in one second, you've got to be we've got an expression for by name and, and deal with the thing and those both, i mean with that the so if i'm progress mentioned to player, that's what the just giving you the only what the espana meant, what they've been deal it's uh, but you mean you have to punch a flash of putting doubtful, but you're moving with and since you, it's not what i see, which in the, your phone, me and your just give you the one that comes on the approval of you know that those numbers the subject associated with the group. what is the shop is on the senior. what does it find the almost like a nice, but then you take your grammar, you have gained a close as you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing the functional company to sheer which has so i'll come without those conditions of this,
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of this. even unless i'm completely local, probably in a black one that are close to most of games that go more than just a single liberty mutual serial number. but it isn't, he or she will not, i was going in pretty sufficient consortia. right? but the possibility was this is for bringing a plan deal unless of course, of the law to have them come early able. i think the substance that i've seen a choice, the for you up with as little difficult for states to care program. want them that shows a special order for 3 was condition was the white and the reason is kept me on the last what part is almost sort of the last couple months i'm used to sure. the last look the why should we we breath for, for a. going to come on with him. is beatrice returning across a body spirit of workshop? and i would have a video to show,
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but it's something that i'm coming up with. one way to present to pick them up as opposed to once you know, where is this your request for the source and what is the screen here? slack at them. it's always thing going to my system because it only came up in my presence with a general thing where she's going to squeeze. that's what i'm thinking of doing, such as innocent children that but as of them, when he looked at this a little bit and since he left that i have the see if the can you please the, the choice process before you so much for like going countries to keep going, as i mentioned, this is i've just typical plan with finality express here submit items. so you may have, not only can the crowds us boomers to watch the rates they show play while a say on a goal is colleges and the best to ship is kind of because they drove to the front . i know the engineer from the is designed
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a small recognizance blaine named sky such as well. so i guess what i show a pretty what that's concerning the question i thought able get seeking access. so yes. so this would be the idea thing and i, if you want to know boating of somebody at the moment for himself. awesome. very well. some of the machine, you know, a little bit of foot in the door and for as long if you don't care about the words, let's see what's most now. all 4 of this somebody will take full given narrative missions. electric joke must deal with the chest. well, most of most of the name of police or some are for the ceiling mission or somebody over. i knew it was your locals, your sure about that. this is when you click on show just almost page. when you move on to the project, you follow, need them here, you lost the store. up on the only thoughts you might have for the most young people chats. that's for the rest of the cost of the boy, the normal interest. if so, if i'm in the, of the, when the least, the mutually, i get these mean you know, where i'm with you. if i listed in june 30th, please senior with local launching and on the football shooting. cause you just
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mentioned to you, i mean fortunately is openly in the warehouse we have you mentioned diligence when we somebody look before you put one of these, but the old software will low we some of your process because on utilization it'll always someone your priority. so if it's a venture, when it dies on the phone with you, the truth, i mean our, the, the, the east professionally polluted me. see those this into the gina's here from you. this what you're doing below a little was someone with a small groups, a new pull chance the someone of the systems which you only when you which you of
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cool enough the last on the large she didn't open yet seem to have this, isn't it? it will control really to know when you are well one of course to, to, and treatment and also losing stuff. my 2 pallets the chair, someone to, to, to look up the order. mean what we've just the process here is i much of the receipts here through each through each, solve on the books here. and if there is, can you visual fight them on the only e and your near within the players? it wasn't sure what the bins you know, and also some question was do i have that alone? if the issue, if at the phone will that you've told them please visit the bus? i've colin moore's at the desk at the point of the patch. little boy, you said it's uh we can push name and the pricing or whatever. right? yeah. voice in the pony,
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it just got upset. right. got you. she did that, but it depends on the way to meanwhile in some petersburg local ensues. yeah. so been a deadly little flower, the hide range of my phone or phone. yeah, i do move off my way today, but i think i'm saying is, i figured i was on session where i'm pretty, wasn't going to the about the extension. always going to cancel the comes from a friend to the wrong. got things. yeah. but the slow guy, see when i look, that is correct. the partial, uh, what i see is the schedule that got them this morning. uh, we should say is the best way with the models or can i see with the condition of the final gear and it will still gotta finish and we need to send these metal to you what i was doing. yeah. at the housing unless they put that at the scanner
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problem is 15, still police losing my for the new semester. come on because i asked them which these products then would see the world scripts and shows the lesson plan was to have my own personal personal affairs and the assignment of for him assignment for the shopping. so now printing workers for, for my, for what if somebody else about those going through control it almost portfolio from other fairly for when they go bump on levels and up of can for the vice principals or finish let's get a little difficult to was my products most of them are gonna come up with any problem with that. so then you know, it's not spending with computers. oh, nice bought a fan for hundreds group square. you prove your super food bundles, my numbers to move in for system, for fun, up to the negative for my thought of storm, because for me enough, the preventive, i'm talking about the service in worse and it would be different the same way. no
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problem. no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th, and if i know for was the what the to the section, that's pretty much you might want to know what it brings to from over both of those types of part of the stuff that you are going to remove that, a couple of the furniture will start as close as that, as on there for you for please take a look at the corner of the school. learn so figured available to try it. so the other one was with the recording of someone for the money to open them this pro and
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so between that but i thought of as to the throne of the over the last one is really good. things are learners below to, in your words edition, each one you have to yes. in your so blood work, do i get out of your system and your more trust allows phone support? does it say on the phone to postpone the issue? is things are there so those are more than one way or the other side of the record . we ways the thing, and i mean, we've always been in this one, but they're still working on spencer. what's mitsubishi? the minutes when the brain squared the between the ultimate, the nipple citizen and we were just good for those rights for the technical team. we plastic, but i let something always be pushed to. but the, the amount that we're switching, let them know is the wrong phone. i'm talking to the pacific union for the experience that open a window in the flow and you know, so i think we look at them. and they also know is discharging the length of the
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sample size. but that a one of those on the bottom of the extensions plant sale, let me i thought it was closed, the else can you go to the footboard and the the pool 2 minutes in the future. but that is bought yet, but yeah, yeah. i bought
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a the yeah, that's it. the name of the court the which has some wonderful but then i looked at your thoughts on promotional price. that was, i just bring that over to the move uh to the from us by the new most. but it was moving it from united national that on it is the seller. when was it and part of the the, the,
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the job rally her, my little sister store. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem seem to them out of the know nothing. 30 mission guys side of the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to hoping for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo that police usually take your life as another crime. say another one could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the
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extraordinary this tumor, there's quite speaker because it goes into this semester. and what was the other, what is just been to the voice me a little a customer. and what is this just? we're still going missing so much longer. it was just the program was wondering if at the low is just the 4 digit support, create the voice and the scope of eloquence. districts do me a live. so model lots of folks. so all of the good, good items that are always on i didn't answer. so yes, this is the one on the 4th floor there was a set of their phone. nobody with i think with me,
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found it. so i don't think that's what your nicholas video says, blow thoughts on that i know for the new exposure. so there's only thing where if it's in a separate, you know, the positively a lot, that's the nature of the cascade. troops are ready to collaborate with the hydro, and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and try and lab only such as a full amount. i thought it was available with the scrub. if uh, it depends on the muffler on those questions to you in a 2nd. if i live up just and just bear with me a couple of this. yes ma'am, for them whichever class is going below, but the problem solving?
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no, no, no no no problem. but it was a pleasure function of the people below. but the problem is this, the caustic wafaa, 1st of all, because any multiplicity, just get a similar i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put that in the simple i'll send you through it to learn this for the last one was everybody was size voice in the return of the silly list be this sounds like it was nice, you know, so if somebody is somebody to bring with us for the 1st living room so i can move
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it over. all of the symbols that i'm really interested in restrictive was always the most optimistic, not giving me a list of what the company's last night the, my desk and one of those my ways. but the most the do adorable modeling for can put it in as a new brush on consort will just through the annual with them the 3 of us could you to consider them on the lowest. and they say there's going to sit the balance due on the sea chest. your views are still watching engine homes of must cream and use to the belt the computer and nothing was happening as over a stuff q by shrink part of t. e. a cut off from saying i'm from the city and i'm with it used to be much cheaper simply a few speaking very. i mean your name is b for denver, but that is the one of the most of the book june. you press the button. i read it
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to the finish. i shop cheaper. yeah. seduce me is doesn't good when you thought of them goes on a product. so we're going to look at the customer as well to the what 3 either on the store most of the building, the surface that gives me short messages. i think you got the hipaa. do you got this?
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what's the kind of what i'm pretty sure use for business? does that, does that number once you've, you, himself, i'm a little stream on put somebody else to bump a little bit to some of the additional value, my number one god, all the the, the most. so bringing to the status, but that is very easy when you ask them that is the best. so based on the rules are different than the assessment zone to be at least not in mind. their goodness, and i don't want to, you know, worry snow, so brilliant, william, but i was cut off. okay. good bye. back to normal clinic. so sound like one of the things that go to your assignment because it looks like you've been doing pretty creative before the others are needed to have uh, you know, for the mood issue, then you most of the sites and affiliated with what it is that you're wanting here's looking on this phone and somebody was going to use a computer for and if you my bedroom, is that what they do?
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yeah, that was something. thank you for even though, cuz you're getting it in the have somewhere. that's all it is, or most of you those keys, nobody parts of you once more, it has to be grange, get both sets and there are what i for chase for what kind of that will be joe cocker. i'm can we my, your oh and wish you to because you've triple thumbs quite yet and you come or somebody unless they go to chicago for disappointment, for the possession of how to go on with somebody at the oaks. i don't typically see that you quoted me, the quarter to a wifi or whatever you want to go to the main main part, all those much them. i really don't have the ability to control straightforwardly. boys can afford to avoid dealing was committed out of the of i should do
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a little for sure what the startling to display the display and go to the most prescription for serious shift. so a dozen average costumes you use which of them and there's a problem to for us to do this because of the, the saying that goal is manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one, the blue or she has to be able to explain it will probably no problem in your so barbara, so we're just gonna cut off, is that what you're doing? some of those social stuff are mostly enough one to the it's almost the, it's a little bit more of a mindless of some good english isn't you know, the
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yep. i, you know what else is cornerstone? dia payroll store what? no, no payroll, small amount. but i got off the moisture, which was at those up with me. yeah. doing so did i i'm would you prefer english or the southern center? yes. to charles. you have the phone both on board. yeah, it was the most part numbers. yeah. so i've got, i have a meeting at all, but the 1st month it's got one year property of the same i was i watched the video clip this last night, somebody me on the road or another couple of them with a deal. and i'd like to know, i didn't have permission to clear up what we think i can use the fuzzy. yeah, it didn't show i there was
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a 0. i don't was i didn't show amendment from lower the bakers like combat drum is it. but that's difficult to hit most mission anywhere or so there's one can go to the, i really am not sure that that will occur one or more where it will stay. and 3 of you did, one of my shifts, which wasn't, which of me sitting there. i'm or which of the bonus, and it's taking the new life through a bit there. and we're not which out. so many of the new much improvisors think mutual for if i'm doing one very to the to just saw me know what is going to accept a free manual like who is up on the, on the storage and kilogram. then especially when you have the due date, you're doing the blow interested in the little cheer when you're older than you on this, do i spell it? make sure that i'm the truck. if there was more that she doesn't know more than what it was a key that perhaps you knew unless you used the preferred not the the
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one bedroom is this company or 2? sure it was a no story store. uh, come with it out there is required to send somebody out there between 2 to 3 minutes. do i have to shop for the from the fish or pretend to the driver to get interesting. but i thought of that some items. what shows a couple movies compress you compare to go to the position showing as after we are the one was lecturing you can answer to an example coming up and you don't understand you have them continuously from was published in the federal c list of things to do is to finish up the run the risk of research as perform such as i prefer or should i should warn you. we're dish for the door. it's fear of showing sion bullet pretty up us thing. it was not going to so will be due to construction work, but i'm going to scratch the what do you want me for money. you want that to me option or should name with a line function my somebody back from i think that's
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a bureau which does voice the voice is yep, along the verbal football is do what we're going to do. i don't know if there's any. joyce, new boots, assume the various and your thoughts please showing you when you come in, you'll just of this to me is do with them for me or somebody off the story or both of them and usually 16 and a little for to me. i'm gonna do you ill finish? good them one can use the show on you, but why don't you just the wondering if you can use a for william in those to cope with? yeah, windows, or could you both go see one another thing. if someone don't know there's continue ritual difficult during those months and then your mostly splitting the obviously the what i'll talk with you only can use the some of the grades. anybody gifts for
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remove silver speaking 1st operability issues purpose here. uh, the store string is new or not, most of your them on the when you, molly, come on, the desk was deal with one. okay. and you from when can you guys and you mute. i'm going to send you some wireless views from mission for school. clean, it doesn't lift until it goes to a split and you have to for what the things you just know a pro which, which sort of looks here the oh, the, the russian
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states never as tired as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request for check the
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fires on a monitor of drones and miss on israel and what it says was a retaliatory attack the just yourself right there, centered facing the street is right, is running for cover as new as of the a type of similar to the idea says given the, almost all of the incoming targets were taken out, the people in israel were running for cover, right. that goes in the hair on the streets in celebration.


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