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tv   Documentary  RT  April 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

4:30 pm
so get us the switches switches to another one. i thought a soup inducing that to, to see the proposed past. the, let me repeat the question. the name is true, provocative collateral murder instead of collateral damage in the information. but as a former marine company commander, i knew enough football more law the launch of war to know that that was in fact or there is no video of more market in the 5th street in the public domain. there is no video type that shows how a country like the united states as wage war. there's nothing out there that is so on. fine east that is uncensored,
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that shows what was in the morning era is really like nothing. and that's why the us government doesn't want to, in the, in a court room where they want to try truly in a sense that's why it's not part of the indictment against it because it's so embarrassing it's, i think it's really important that especially young people, by watch it. i know it's tough to watch it and absorb it and understand why it is such a significant piece of journalism. i can hope like a courtyard. roger estimated the 40. i'm a probably either the 3rd, 4th or correct panama for around, for 3 neighbors in that building up anyway. so when you go through 635 will come for exams by side of my problem is the present time
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frame calculators, crazy large quantity of individual weapons for radio. a real bad one for us, right up the i went into town because x rays, yours 18, have 56 individual, that 1847 requests permission of each roger that we have no personnel, east of our position. so you know, 3 to gauge over i will be a good manager. go ahead. i'm gonna, i can't get them down cuz you're behind that building. but nobody went r t t. all right, we got a guy with an order for you to come on a fire, hold on for. i'm going to retire from our point in the book and once you get on this open the idea. oh my god, oh, about 400 feet long. fire. let me know when you've got
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to buy them all through traffic to safety on fire, and if you, if you would need the most time now we just in case all 8 individuals are still fired by the, i'm sorry, what was the damage guy? well, sorry, that's a good advice to buy your car and i'm just trying to find targets again. perhaps the fact that both of the 2 said a bunch of body land there. sorry, we got about uh, 8 individuals. how, how long i crawling around down there. but uh, you know, it could be definitely can or shoot some more of a
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usually adolfo se x crazy horse one a the one on victor and over the hotel a few 6 crazy horse points, but yeah, the goes that the size one guy moment down there to the saw the bills with a gallery of the most of the 18. uh we also have one individual. uh, here's the what is called tried to crawl away rod we're going to move down the road and we'll see far how we want to shoot any more. every other weapon though, and i haven't seen one yet. so you guys got that guy, girl, and right now in a curb. and i kind of look around in there and then you guys are sitting though they're cute, mostly clothes,
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man. so $36000.00 and then the brighter. i'm just trying to make sure you guys have my turnover amount, buddy, i gotta do is pick up a web of course, man, it's a crazy horse. we have individuals going to feed for 5, possibly picking up on these appointments. a matter fact break or the north one, the easy. what kind of semester 2 figures for picking up the confirmation of the shoot. of course ma'am, so crazy horse one. a taken
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a 1st master. crazy horse. one a do we have a black pass through our phone? go truck picking up the press to engage the 7 roger, roger and claire. come on claire. claire warranty around clare 100. and to clarify the last name of the i'm sorry, your car is up. raise your sample. i shoot for some reason. i think if i have some
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samples but students left for less. i 1st master crazy horse one a vehicle seriously disabled? oh yeah. look at that right there. the windshield. delightful. 2007 was the 1st time. suddenly, a young, rocky cameraman burst through the door. he was wailing, and he just said the mere inside have been killed. us and us suddenly helped, or attacked, was us after midnight in the us military. that a statement. 12 people had been killed, including tennis civilians who had been identified as being employees of the reuters news service. but that these people have been killed in a 55,
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an exchange of 5 between us forces and insurgents. and the statement was very categorical, that they had been a 55 now rocky stuff speak to witnesses and residents in the area are in several of these witnesses told me that there was no clash, no firefight taking place when this attack occurred. so we would demanding that the us military conduct a thorough investigation into what it happened because the evidence that we had was costing very griped out on the us military's version of events. the for each some of the tv camera that's mounted on the gun of the apache, they very quickly misidentifying the cameras that in the mirror and side were carrying as weapons. they also identified other men is carrying by ty,
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$0.47 very quickly, they sort permission to a tax. 547 commission, roger that we have no personnel piece of our position. so uh, you know, 3 to get you over to me, that sounds to these credits like very clear that the order to open fire had been given before the meeting around the corner. and he's got his long winds come round taking a photo once you get on his overall you buy them all on that and basically show us pilot laughing and joking as the scrape pennsylvanians on the street. oh yeah. like that right there. so this whole for tens that some of this was the rules for democracy,
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received the henry below. how did to be a war of democracy? why do you giving the old calling people who may well, i'm being opponents. probably one of the regime you changed and wanted to completely destroy. so the importance, the significance of that particular take shouldn't be underestimate the american crew supplying the hideous sound try, can common sri about how it was nice to kill people. it was revealing, it was a very important disclosures, and that's when he likes became an enemy of those who perpetrated this crime. then the attack on the van i'm in no one was holding any weapons. so that was a clear case of
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a potential war crime. the father was taking the 2 children so you can go on to lessons and the most. then they drive off to the same insights. some space come over before i really enjoy it. and as they do what people do, they stop and then try to take them into the van to try them to the hospital. this is when the 2nd round happened. it's a shooting up on the van. and inside them though, we're sitting in the front with, with a father. the only reason why the lives we saved has a case with himself, his buddies shooting them from the explosive bullets. and we're coming from the about. she comes here. i thought it was extremely important to get with my statement from the people had been effective, but i said we need the names and faces. we need to see who these people are. why? what is that? i mean, just come on questions to a list of questions. just 2 days before the release of the video,
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we met the widow children. we tend to see war, some of the more so as the playground for the people with the guns for this is the people that fits the neighbors so well to try to add some reality in life despite the war, despite the coughing the chip to so just i think she's she's the
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one on the not in the had not meant to be really good. you don't live and that's a bit of a lot of stuff in the then lots of good. no hot, it's how much are going to spend on m o. r. acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department c i a weapons
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makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called direction, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the other way. not. right? it says the brother printer was up in there. so sounds good. just so basically of course we need the last name was needed, read it was can when we used to be too much and
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we have some more for someone who is this we went to the, the or the, [000:00:00;00]
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the while julian is held in prison. no one's ever been held accountable for the consequences of those 2 boys that are being waged on those 2 countries. and i just find that incredibly hypocritical because having seen what the us led invasion of iraq has done to the country, it's actually and the video type. chelsea mounting bravely center we can break so much freelance is published go down as one of the most important video types of ever released the walk with the beach show us what the american m file is up to and that they won't forget. so the app is all creative, the fast that is, was determined,
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the united states to fund makes this guy come on to me. that is what started a huge campaign of slander against them in the west. the media to describe the tim the i watched the salami of allies and smear and gold and the slain to blame. leslie. i know why vice may have him in 2000 the night of planned or destroyed by some joanna was laid out in the secret documents with the side, the counter intelligence assessment branch of the u. s. the sort of jumping in line to the you when we go in new york with the russian and busted of us doing events here. now speaking in the wake of the iranian strike on
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his way along this 2nd of april, wait upon the russian initiative. an emergency briefing was called to discuss the ease really striking against the concert of premises and damascus. where you would like to also see a greater activity on your part. so as to convey to a members of the kinds of information on other no less turbulent topics for the middle east today. for example, a bout of the now ranking an attack spot is really against the neighboring syria and lebanon. i'm for sure your attitude will such things will continue on notice then your appeals to restrain by all parties which were sure can be computed. distinguished colleagues to see when we met to in this chamber on the 2nd of a problem. so as to discuss the strike by israel against the concert of the premises of the beloved republic of around damascus. we warrant that what was needed was a strong and unified signal by the council that such actions were not acceptable.
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and not only against us over in states of iran or syria, and not only in the middle east, but is anywhere in the world businesses to what we called upon the colleagues of insecurity code. so, to clearly either quickly, unequivocally condemn such reckless steps to make sure that they don't get repeat it to us. we also warrant about other why is the risk of a repeat of such acts and the general escalation of the region would grow many fault. we even proposed draft press stage meant by the security account. so this was put together on the basis of the standards, which s k says de politicized language. and what did we hear at that time from our western delegations. they said that for them not everything was clear and office and in what was necessary was to assess and see whether such a signal from because it will help to stabilize the situation. in the region of the united states, u. k. and france,
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their essentially declined to confirm that the basic principles of international law. i'll be in the final ability of the diplomatic and concert of facilities which i have been trying to get into vienna. conventions on this issue apply equally to whole stay and such a good and moving outcome is now clear for everyone to see. you know very well the, so an attack against a diplomatic representation is a causes really under international law would be un, if it is a western representation that had been hand, you would immediately have written down reprisals and would argue that you were right about this in this very chamber and this is because for you everything that has to do with the western representations of western civilization, the se, credit, it needs to be protected. you close. we can't last when it comes to other countries of their rights,
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including the right to some defense about their national as well. that's a different matter as you like, decide what happens then. and this you activate your 5 favorite argumentation about lack of information. you start doing realistic care, splitting, etc, and today, and the security council we're witnessing is a display of your pocket sandoval standards. it's almost embarrassing to watch. russia has a warranty on many occasions. the fact that many crises in the middle east are unsettled, 1st and foremost in the arrow, but is really and polishing and complex, which are frequently fueled by you. responsible, unilateral and provocative acts will lead to a quote of tension in the region. we have stated a minute occasion about no country in the middle east or north. northern africa should become an arena for regional, international confrontation or in arena for settling political scores,
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which is what happened in the night till the 14th of april did not happen ended up in a vacuum. the steps undertaken by a rock became a reaction to its disgraceful inaction by the security council. it's a reaction to any creatures attack by israel, i guess damascus a little bit 1st one because syria is constantly being bombarded by his or how many phones be you today and did not find the courage to state clearly in the outburst of as go to the violence of the middle east is developing the guess the background open operation, which is last thing where the 6 months is unprecedented in terms of the number of victims and operations conducted by west jerusalem in 1000 west bank. and this is despite and unambiguous demand and security council resolution 2728 has to cease fire immediately. and you've, such sidelines above the deep root of the crisis is unacceptable. we think especially against the background of composing,
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the tension surrounding around which is fueled by the us and other colleagues. the fact that israel is not to combine with the security council resolutions isn't always disrespect shown to the council to all of you. who right here in the members seats and a complete disregard for the decisions made by the security council and non compliance with security council decisions. all something that once you get away with it's fraud, with sanctions against the violator. madam president, we were all very well the dangers escalations in january 2021. the region was on the brink of a conflict as a result of when you go elimination by the united states on a rocket territory of cassandra, just to remind each and a number of i'm of the iraqi officials with this. but the washington did not draw appropriate solutions from bad to the end as a result of reckless ox undermined instability, security,
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and sub warranty of regional neighbors over ron, i continue here with cool, wonderful, involved in the incident. all parties involved and insight into rooms to excite restraint under the extremely tense of situation on the ground in the middle east conflict and the government and the obvious risk over the concept of both of the conflict of growing and becoming your be region wide. the said, see me, we expect and other regional states will result full of the issues they have using political and diplomatic means only. we also think it's important to make sure that the constructive international players assisted in this matter, despite a little confrontation of blood sugars must be stopped. we think it's urgent for the entire international community to undertake full and the efforts necessary to de escalate the situation. otherwise, the region could become drawn into a vicious cycle of mutual attacks and violence as a nice disregard. we note the signal set by territory around that they do not seek
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a further met with military escalation against israel. and we courage west jerusalem to follow suit and reject the practice of provocative use of force in the middle east or southern as they uh for the width, extremely dangerous risk risk. and the consequences for the whole region which is already destabilized as a result of intensified is really publishing and confrontation. i think i found to represents of the rest consideration and probably the 1st china to shane use met and present today. i think so general antonio quantavia's focus, bracing. i look forward to hearing the statements to be made by iran, as well, and syria and john thoughts into both. i you are you spoke tiffany: on the holding situation to john se the guys i'll come thanks. i began holding to national community, improved unacceptable, argumentative and catastrophe in gaza. yes, and so made to strong demands showing immediate sci fi to ends. the host. tinnitus
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is also expressed to grief consent with touch, how a prolonged conflict with exacerbation detention in the region. we see arrange times on the nova effects on the surface, a pro, earphones to pretty much a pharmacist in seriously latavia just in, in an air strike result. you let you modular cartridges or you run inside essential series. next to the set of premises is this insight on. this was a series of oxidation and we'll see you in chapter. and international guys are 2 violated both the silver and tape of serial and gotcha of iran. and each one of the most easily johnson h, as in the 2nd key, a moment ago search engine real quick coverage, brief test on the escalation that happens on the searching you the, which kind of find your hiding concerning with voice related to as you say, according to iran administrative action, which are what so to response to is rhodes on the question against is click on the
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premises and the mat to the company who you conclude is 3 bottom thoughts and that kind of quotes on the jews consent to show you who maximum calm interest change, j for you fancy results for the differences and you understand the quote games for at least the purposes of the you and try to an international to avert the met him feels most from the way use this around. just escalations is the latest to manifestation of the kinds of conflicts from getting over to the why to what it says he has another remind to want that just depends, you know, has to move in a central to the media needs to issue and best all that kinda stuff will it to you and the longest and security in the region. so it's nice to console confident you are allowed to continue raging jobs in the adverse nova is search to spread the deals for you for making the region even more stable,
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which countries uninfluenced intermediaries have no desire for? no. can you afford a lot of the countries to more so from the we don't have a change at this moment. he is here and he says, no ink, sensation of resolution 2720 a little to bring about an immediate si size in gaza by ocean, which means there was no alternative to the fluid in from an taishan of the 2 states. the sun, the only way to attempt to get with the lease of the, of the bios and is when we opened one central, we called international communities supposed to be countries was influenced to pay a constructive part and the maintenance operational piece as to be a t i think a much impressed and i will not make the assignment, but i will now make a statement to my national capacity. i begin by thanking so patricia, the reasoning test, movies is experiencing one of the big tests. most of all the time periods in modern
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history, which risk spiraling out of control is all sides enough to take a sense of the stress on 2nd base. this was a points that's the stress on the 2nd day for the following to the pure. but i talk about his red on the iranian diplomatic premises in damascus on fast apron. we had stressed the need for the escalation. i'm so maximum restraints to be exercised by all actors in the region. progressively, these cause for caution, have been disregard that given the recent events, we emphasize our deep concern about a significant escalation posed by a large scale attack consisting of drones and various midsize, launched by the islamic republic of iran against his rev. so we are also concerned with the ron seizure of the container ship m. s. c. aries. the vessel along with its crew must be immediately a non conditional release. at the time when our focus should be on diffusing
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tensions and reducing conflicts, induced by ads, including by advocating for an images on permanency is 5 to the role in gaza. facilitating the means you can on conditional release of all hostages and ensuring the delivery of sustained to monitoring a throughout the gaza. or we are witnessing our steps in the opposite direction around this direct targeting of the status of his risk regional catastrophe. with innocent lives bearing the brunt of all of us, thirty's, we stress that's international, including international humanitarian law, must be respected as always times. once again, we reiterates our call on all parties to exercise maximum restraints, including in the messaging to de escalate. i'm supposed to peaceful, i'm diploma 6. so do you sense to or dispute this has to be clear. the region finds


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