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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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to a patient against you, one is citizen or is security. i mean to this it on with use is in a 100 and right to respond proportion a p. i thank you by trying to represent so it is not mixed with public other rod and passed the fluids with the syrian republic to crime scene. thank you, right. and presidents rhetoric presidente, what our reason with this yesterday is a natural, an ever to the outcome of the repeated aggressions and the great violations of international law. and the united nations charter perpetrated by the is really occupation authorities. he doesn't, on the territories of my country, syria and other countries, daughter emily, and that these authorities were taking advantage of the support a offered by the us administration, general counsel and elsewhere. and the key. i'm a while i'm doing this american to support this, the headlines, unlimited american support has women with the lead the occupation authority to the
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to mistakenly believe that they are above the united nations and above international law. and above the conventions. and the resolutions that were adopted by our organization for decades was that the general email, the support, what the site that is authority is to believe that they can continue perpetrating their crimes and their escalation of the situation in our region with no response and no caustic ones you must do so my country, the material every public get on has warned the security council and the secretary certainly help repeatedly when my heart through this was in with the official letters and warned us of the dangers or to the feet of an escalation of the social anyhow, that the is really a specialist or these are trying to spark, to cover up for the military failure and gaza. you want some of the band to find justifications when our money to pay for it. to continue with the pittsbur genocide, help the shopping and any other atrocities what model. and i guess the fantasy that
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people are doing it month to month and look up the accompanying field of hysterical attacks on countries and the reason what the crowd when our letters one moment we have repeatedly called upon the night to nations on the security castle. and to take immediate action of the key in accordance with their mandate auto. however, the us administration and the number of its allies have instructed any movement much security council to shoulder is responsible issue in the maintenance of international peace and security of putting an end to israel's and doing crimes. and holding it a comfortable is an outcome of the behavior of these countries. there is nothing new, not been with centuries, and some have prevented form of over 7 and a half of us didn't had to do the sort the united nations on all the, from the children is responsibility to put an end or to the is really application of occupied air territory, hobbies, and to return, does it commit to error rates that are inherent to, to,
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for the mention of those who hold them in accordance with relevant united nations resolution marks on the side of the forefront to which our resolutions are due for 2 of the easy $38.00. so it's and 4 nice up it was you know, how these resolutions, what are the just basic foundation was city and the most of them on the student this right. they sent the s and some of a resolution to the arab israeli conflict and the, the millions to deal with, with, with cushions of the israel, that completion on their reason include the crises at challenges and what that entails, syria hers, that the is really occupational star theories and then us administration for the responsible for the israeli attacks and any additional condition that threatens piece the cdc site, syria minutes, the stresses and our richard test effort institute of the key from what are the variety just preparatory, settled by a designer at the us administration, and it's out, i don't know why additions of international law defense suppose to feed this is,
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was offset the structure the most comfortable to take serious accident where these are states that we consider their destructive policies and fully in our region sent against our people to see what time has come for the state to me to see an unconditional the rectify these policies. and i wanted to see about 80 a shopping clothing. so imposing an immediate halt to the is really aggressive on the products. and then people come in and countries, and the reasons that instead of united states must guarantee for and, and with the, and p to 2, military and access. that must put an end to the intention of starving, and the people of casa us could electronic. moreover, for watching over the key on the back of the be an end to the end of the 10 middle looks military presence of us forces on the territory of my country, sir yours. you must put an end to the systemic lucian of our national in the west. we must put his stuff to the co sponsoring of
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a terrorist organization and san francisco finishes. we demand a full and unconditional removal of seeing the actual course of measures which in themselves are a form of they cannot make terrorism as collective punishment that the syrian people must be a freedom. uh oh, yeah. not to bother to who might have presidents or let's see, i'm buck magenta. we have a sense of the statements of every by some western delegations which i have once again expressed that their 1st okay. procedure and double standards have to be met . so you don't have to look you up to a 100 gummy me said, members of this castle, what have gone you to offering to you up their own interpretations of the chart circle and use them to let the serve their own goals and read, including article $51.00 which guarantees a basic right for and then on our states, namely look, actually visited. mcbride to south defense will be able to, tanya will fall on the united states of america with a cover the 100 percent. and the address of the repeated aggressions on my country
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. those are, which is thousands of miles away from them for other don't these attacks, these 3 attacks it, you know that these 3 countries are attack my country collectively. and individualized, based on a distorted interpretation of article, 51 for the 100 names. he claims that are no more than breaks the slide number, not quite sure if he listens to them. they did not talk about that rather what they prevented the security council from discussing these attacks and let people how and from taking any action to uphold the principles of the charter that these states are trying to replace with what they call a number on the basis of order and honestly, i mean, as you don't mind what the system i'm looking for, i did yesterday have to decide misrule you on it is a sound acceptable exercise. most of the digital bit right to self defense model. so much, you know, as this is by the founding fathers of our organization and a jazz guaranteed by article 51 of the talk to one of the the ring and respond
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insulted. there was an urgent necessity. input by the b is really occupational storage fees for assistant crimes and hostile behavior. it was followed by the fact that the 3 western states who are view of permanence number the security council has continued to extract the security council. configuring any action to connect to use the violations or even simply condemn them, hold on. so this was the clearly amount of festa and the fact that the states in france and proceed affected the, the issue with the web security council of the press statement that condemns much of the is really terrorist attack against the remaining costs are listed in the syrian capital, damascus, which was a violation of all the international conventions and rules, which is a guarantee the in, by the but of she, i see of the, for the basic premises person as well. and what else is to be expected from those
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who, along with our allies in the nato barberic, we show the, the chinese embassy in belgrade, and 1999 in closing amount of time. you're going to on the 25th of up. so of april 1945 when was lumped at the moment in the well as the one time francisco conference . and i agree to the proceedings a well the laying the groundwork for the united nations and the talk to her, which is the guiding star for our collective action. and in the charter or basic principles that confirmed the need to respect to sovereignty yield and government equality model between members case, regardless of their size that that can you today has more than ever before. our country is that i'm here must uphold these principles because upholding them means the success of the united nations and for this mandate, what and violating them means dismissing the rule of law and replacing it with the
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law of the jungle with wars and within 72001 of syria is the founding member of the united nations office, as continues to believe in this organization and its festival. and this of the purposes, the w and we established for it to undertake, okay, it's role in containing international peace and security and justice and dealing with the root causes of the challenges that our country is facing. namely, the israeli occupation, which is an impediment to the peace and security and our countries and the prosperity of our people. i thank you about them. i think the representation of this too, in the republic do i know more names and scribes on the list of speak? cuz the me thing is a gen a that's a rap live from the un in new york as large list stall. if you went on bass, it has on deputy ambassadors, speaking their goals 24 hours since the around, you know, attack on israel. let's start run down some of the comments. some of the highlights
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from all the various speakers that. let's start with iran and the site. yvonne, a, he said that runs operation was entirely in the exercise of a ron's right of self defense article, $51.00 of the you and jot us they ronnie and stripe was precise on castles and minimize potential escalation and prevented civilian hom, again 0 fatalities resulting from the around in miss all strikes the mr. bonnie saying it wrong is not allowed to respond to an attack on its coastal it, but israel is allowed to massacre thousands and gaza of the israel attack the iranian causal it in syria toronto reached out to the u. n and the us quoting for action and condemnation, but they failed to do anything. they say that iran basically have no choice, but the defend itself. also saying the root cause for the car situation is the is ready war on gaza. tens of thousands of mass of good an infrastructure destroyed that was that the iranian speak of it, the out of on a, from syria,
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the deputy speaker, the saying that iran, so attack on israel was the natural and inevitable result of years of violations of international law by israel, he said that israel acts without morals and consequences. the syrian speakers to a peace country repeatedly called on the un to an act as mandates. but the us and its allies always beloved the un from doing its job. they always protect israel. this is nothing new, and for 7 a half decades, they've influence done, corrupted that help. the united nations of the china speaker was saying this latest round of orleans is a spillover from the gauze. a conflict, meaning the palestinian question. the 2 state solution is the only way to solve the ongoing crisis regarding the russian speaker facility the bends. yeah, the russian ambassador say, what happened 24 hours ago was simply a reaction to the disgraceful inaction of the united nations security council. regular is really attacks against neighboring syria and 11 on mean is really calls
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for a piece of few tile. now, when it comes to the is rarely speaker, he said the raw is attacked, wasn't a clear violation of international law. he said the, the attack was lawrence from levon on iraq, syria, and you haven't a cold on the you when to take action against the hedge, a monic, global domination and visions of iran. he said that is rarely speaker saying that a rom wants to take over the world. he said last night, prove that around kaz nothing for islam or muscle evans. he said that iran wants to ignite the region. he also took a few by mister coleman b as ready comments. i did that the as ready deputy ambassador saying that the islamic regime of iran is no different than the 3rd. right. and at all federal law . he also said iran is a terrorist state, more details coming up right now in a big article and all the dot com writing up all the commentary from these on baset as a deputy of bassett, as at this southern calling of the united nations security council. so it
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has been over 24 hours since iran launched. it's supposed to have a direct attack on israel firing hundreds of drones and miss aisles. it said it was so there was how the ation that had been promising ever since it's constituted and syria was destroyed and an astro likely just about every body blamed on his right. now. the reason for the project change, we need some iran, including dozens of ballistics. these images are currently sitting there. what was the night sky over jerusalem? the video is taken while i with this and these are the army says most of the miss oswell intercepted with mine at damage reported to at least one military base or the is there any president side? is countries right now being forced down a part of this is like a reading wall. and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not the not because we are a strain and we cause we know there. if the questions and the clause, we have deliberations with all thoughts as well. i'm concerned during all options
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and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that are necessary to protect and defend on people. we all know to all say, cuz i think i would leave it at that. a quick look at how old the events on hold and have a look at the map here because iran launched hundreds of germans and crews, marseilles, that israel saying it was only targeting military bases and government buildings. washington said 3 of the middle eastern nations joined the town and shortly after the incident is ready for his boat and has blah in level. that was a response job. busy any of rockets from lebanese territory that engaged israel at defense. but israel has released the video showing this awesome drones being intercepted by the idea of side is advanced at defense as along with helped him with allies meant that nearly all the incoming targets were taken out and also iran hit israel. the idea of posted a video on social media that wonder why that, which is actually of fake, a set of psyched footage from $27.00 saying it's showing
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a russian grad rocket system. the logo of another channel had even been blowed out . and the footage, though the is riley, will cabinet administer by any guns praise the is ready on forces for repelling the time that we says the incident is far from the community. i saw you only yesterday, around launched an attack on is rarely met the string to the is ready security system. rome is a global problem. it is a regional challenge and it is also a danger to israel. and yesterday, the world clearly stood together with israel in the face of the danger israel against the wrong of the world. the gays to rom, this is the result. this is a strategic achievement, which we must leave, raged by israel security. this incident is north over the strategic airlines. i'm regional cooperation system that we built on, which we stood this significant task needs to be strengthened right now, is ro prove yesterday the data is an anchor, military and technological power and an ankle of security in the middle east. air
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raid sirens are bringing out across the city of jerusalem overnight. crowds of people simply seen running for shelter. the holding it to an idea of quotes paused and the young girl was injured off to being hit by shrapnel from an intercepted miss aisle, no casualties. and well, actually no fatalities reported is what local. so saying about the events we heard about those missiles that came to us for a form it on we don't know exactly what's going on. i think i think you're on is a big problem. yeah. and nothing's land. every few minutes we wake up because we have a boyfriend is the size. it was very scary. i think it's going to be a, or a big war, but is early is very strong to have enough force to pull them out. and
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i put it this way, as long as the air force is able to stop all the missiles, they're not going to do a ground and they let's have this conversation for the right now. of course in live to retire usf, auto attendant code or karen credit koski. joining us here and i'll ask you, it's an actual story that gets you on so quickly car. and we were just doing a song check, and suddenly you're all, and let's labeled, i know you're keeping an eye on the un security council just now. the un security uh, security general, i should say. say the middle east is not on the brink of a full scale conflict. i know a lot of people are saying that there's also a lot of people, including myself who are saying that's not the case. put out dangerous. do you think the situation is right now? it seems like restraint is being shown and has been shown. i mean, even in the, the, the reading and strike itself. i mean, it was for warmed. it was talked about well in advance and it was dealt with. and from these really side, you know, in,
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in their systems work the way they expected them to work. i think what it demonstrated is the cost of defense. yeah. yeah. i mean, i think, i think you make a good point, the current, i'm going to, i also thing you know, you alluding to the broad, a picture here that iran told just about every regional play uh in the region the where i live in advance. we're going to launch in that launched the flying. you got a few hours to get ready. you know, it was like, it was almost choreographed if one is on the same stage and or, and yet both sides seem happy. the iranian side is happy and is riley side is happy . you know, i've spoken to people about this all night here. some people say that it's a ronnie and strike yes, retaliation for an attack on itself or on consulate in syria, but also a big p r exercise. the upticks looked good. mm hm. yeah, i think, i think that's, that's true. and also had they not had they done nothing given the violation along with the attack in damascus that these realize had done couple of or 10 days ago.
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if they had to do something because it's for the almost for the self respect to the nation. and they did that. they did that successfully. yeah, yeah. i mean, just, just the, just now there was a whole different speakers, a, syria, iran, israel, or rochelle, whole bunch of speakers just now live with the u. n. in new york. and yet, on the whole western countries condemning it runs a tax. but hardly en, this thing being said about the israeli attack on aaron's counselor. and it does see that the western countries have turned a blind eye to that. in fact, the syrian speak a said off to the reality and costs that was hit in our capital damascus. we reached out to washington and the us in new york, and they did nothing. that's right. that's right. they did nothing there. their lack of response to that was incredible. really. i mean, given the rarity of an attack on a, you know, southern embassy me is, this is
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a violation of the rules based order as we call it. yeah. so, um and it should have been some reaction, some condemnation, and there wasn't and i think i have part proceed with mentioned by several of the speakers and certainly it is the shows. yeah, i mean the, that, the russian, i busted uh the buttons here that he accused the us. but you can frowns of, of double standards basically on the lower of in the viability of different different medic facilities. but you know, so you've got, you've got israel saying that iran validated this optional low. you go to ron saying israel validated international, know are now and, and now you've got the us and gulf. anybody in new york seemingly pretty young inputs in these days and just about getting anything done, i will. how is the you and it's got to this part. i mean, one of the speakers was saying that for the past 7 and a half decades team members of the un, it'd been corrupting it and preventing it from achieving its full purpose of being a global governing body. a case in point would be the un administered to cease fire,
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the resolution quoting for a cease fire and gaza and yet no one's on entering it. yeah, that's, that's right. and in the, you know, it really is true of the membership of the security and un security council. it is a, is a roll. it really of world war 2, which is so far, long ago, you know, it is really not rational. and yet we have that. and so those countries, um, particularly united states in the u. k, and france use their power that they've been granted not even them. it was granted to their grandparents and they continue to use our and it's, it's, uh, it has corrupted the un process. because i think if you had a democratic process at the u. n, we would see a very different are you and we would see one that actually adhered to. it's a, it's ideals. yeah, absolutely. i totally agree with that. one of the speakers uh, the chinese representative to the un just now in new york saying that a 2 state solution is the only way to escape the, the situation and quote,
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to end the vicious circle of violence. i mean, it's a tough one. parents been going back and forth with decades now, what are the challenges? will the 2 state plan ever really come to fruition? well, and then it could have years ago before that it is really some settled everything with i mean physically settled, it call it nice if you want to call this call it that. um, i think part of the thing because the invasion and destruction is part of a israel trying to take as much as they can before the world in the region compels of them to put together and to participate in honor a 2 state solution they're going to make sure that they have all the state they've been working on that for quite a long time. and um, so since they have this territory, and if it's true that we must have a 2 state solution you're really talking about is really, is moving back into the original borderlines of israel,
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not what they currently live on and have colonized and have destroyed but their originals much smaller country and if they did that, you would have of the palestinian land for them to fit to have maybe to form a continuous post in state. but every thing that israel's foreign policy have has done with many of their past leaders all the way to the present and then young is to eliminate the practical possibility of a 2 state solution. so it is easy to say 2 state solution. i think israel has ruined that by their actions and their occupation, so it's going to be a hard problem to solve. yeah, i mean, you know, you told rather continue to expansion, for example, it is rarely sacraments and so on and so forth. and, and i've had analyst describe it in the past that every, yeah, the israeli and palestinian until especially long as they try and negotiate over this territory. but it's like a piece of cheese. and every year this piece of cheese gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and by the,
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by the individual that's going to be nothing left to negotiate over a car and create accounts for you as a retired us air force. lieutenant colonel, joining us live here or not. you international. a great pleasure. thanks for the chance of letting me pick you brain car and we'll see you soon. okay, thank you. thank you. and thanks for joining us. your analogy international. we are live on loud from moscow. retiring in about 5 minutes. the moon's the same rom just don't have to shape house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground the
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the wheels can see customer nature, strong and successful. people realize their dreams, but it won't cost. but how long must they wait before that 1st block stuff? yes, which isn't present to the 50th result that she does not spend most produce the options this is about as an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit trying to become a customer knows what's most. daniel was more than was just like it was almost swipe as it was, but i only have the more than i could. so when we 1st met constantly and then a feeling about free diving and when we heard of his desire to be a customer, old, we just had to feeling him again. and we followed his journey for 7
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days because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be canceled. douglas, during the day will go to any of this. this just seems glitched away from someone else. you need to do more of the little misconduct, the hello and welcome to cross the full works. here we discussed some real in the
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mid 1918. the countries of the west won the final victory over the out of an empire . the sultan's government capitulated to the inside and sign, the humiliating armesis of little grove great britain and france, and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greece as the main striking force. seeking to make others realize its aggressive plans for an intervention, provo mass, indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experienced general mustafah come all of that, or in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation. and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front,
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with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922. the 3rd so army won a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doomed living art. and within a month liberated all asia minor from them to the impressive success of the circus army. force the west to make concessions. in 1923. the loss on these treaty was signed turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia managed to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for millions of the press on the planet was already those oh, why it was can be started by law. these can be started by a true importance of we could never be of a station. so transparent is an extraordinary drawn mistake at trees.
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then just succeeded in finding documents that exist state in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more boxed by publishing inflation and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest part wants to, so mom realized tends to me, uh and, and honestly, to relate to seriously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegals anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. do you have sent it all we going to lift that, stay the, the,
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the, this is why go in the wall and say, i mean this is a declaration of israel says it's being false, down a pop up to the file to respond to something. then i systems have to buy a wrong, the cars of israel lift up, buying on moderate drones and missiles find via rod and water to coal, david, kylie and soria. while western leaders were put to launch their own salvo of criticism, it's around russia around other countries, cold, 50 escalation under diplomatic solution. the ride in the wake of it runs strike on israel 24 hours ago. and the meeting of the un security can.


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