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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the hey, everybody, welcome back to moscow, and welcome to the moscow mules on shay bowes on my side kick auggie, our producer is going to help us navigate through the world of dark and greasy little stories that the main stream media would rather we left just where they are in the dark. and of course, why not visit gay perry? lots of gay these days, but are all pile many my crawl the little napoleon. he had
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a little bit of a mishap at the pool. he went to open them z o u peeks as in magnificent old to showcase in lieu of the delicacy catholic. the big madhouse that is now paris rolled up there already. he was determined to showcase the magnificent prowess of the french a swim. yeah. as he bounced upon the moans diploma diploma seemed to matter control and the poor gentle mall fell into yes. what law he goes, how bad could it get? well, i suppose august at least is due to fell into the pool. he was lucky, he didn't fall into the saying, because the saying river is apparently going to be one of the venues at used in this ground showcase of french power and magnificent loss. but unfortunately, just like many mccall and many napoleon, it looked like the same though he is full and cali. material literally full of crap
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. it hasn't been safe to swim in lesaine since 1922 or something like that. right? correct. so literally the rivers for the crop, the prime minister is full of crap. but if you seen the old film right there to either disney classic about the little rats living under the city and the pur, dude, trying to steal a bit of home for his dinner right now. front is literally crawling with low rockies or guns miss sepia. oh my go, i got to look, it's a lie, but roughly, i mean this a lot of good to do so you never more than i'm either away from rod anywhere in the world. it inspires you. they're literally falling into your pockets. this has to do with it goes up as leg, check it out and wake some of the god. what are you going to do? or you can have races. literally just the races of the lympics. you're actually going to be part of the right range. and dave, hurry, for all these little furry friends, have 4 legs. how many legs is a bed?
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66 legs. now, in addition to the 4 legged frenzy and raised in gape, hurry, powers, and france has been generally overrun. with these grimy little dues, the spider, we like to live in the hotel bed sheets and frances, facing academic of the go test, little blood suckers. now i'm not talking about the political lead of friends go test, it'll bloodsuckers, i'm talking about the dues that live in your sheets. check this out. the city is live 20 crawl in with the room. the video of harris is nearing up for next year's summer olympics. but for now, they have under warranty the invaders making fitzgerald down on the cities bed bug problem law in tutors, the error everywhere. wow. what is the arizona we're exterminators now shift blisters or stations like the bugs? yeah, they have to like cleaning up categories. so you got a fumigate the whole cd basically, before you can, you can,
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you can sleep in the beds again while it's absolutely free to use not. and this is where they're going to bring at the turn around the world. so rush is full. wow. what do you call or gun this? 100000 men with the hands in the year for army? correct the window next. so the problems don't in their 4 legged furry friends creeping around the garbage at 8 legged dudes or 6 legged do, is creeping out of your bed 2 legged creeps creeping around in the french parliament. but in addition to the, if you ever look back at the whole string of allegations here, the dude falling off and he's like tight spinning underwear, i'm sure i'm a crumbs wife would fancy bit of that. he's young. so, but in addition to that, there's a stream of consciousness here about the french there of session with russia. of course, rush is now apparently to blame for live bed bugs biting, as they told me that they've been really, really busy. because paris has a real look. yeah, good luck z the yeah,
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this is it. i'm this is verified by bbc, verify, bbc verified. i looked at all this footage and they can suggest that in anonymous sources, it's absolutely genuine. beautiful. who is only just as good as classic that's so moving on from the right race in gape, hurry, we're going to keep with the sporting team already. and it seems that sport is politics regardless of the idea that the olympics is meant to be a crucible where great that leads compete, represent their countries regardless of you know, with political issues and what's going on in the world for sample. there is this way, at least real can vaporize a couple of tens of thousands of kids. wipe out a whole city there at the olympics there at the you know, what's the fest where they all sing ridiculous songs, desktops,
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read your vision. so the israel gets the full ticket, but russia is absolutely more was gone. absolutely. or why? but the russians have had a terrible idea. they decided to have their own friendship, games, friendship games. what a stupid idea of what am i to have it games in a sporting get together where we all get together and actually compete on the sport actually dictates what happens. so here we have 2 senior, a european and all you will see the international olympic committee personnel actually hoping and praying that russia's friendship games collapses. and they're giving this a reassurance that has help it all falls on it's as not to a real african or arab official. it's a prankster, it's one of the boys voted on alexis, and i have absolutely no idea who these dudes are. by the way, they price these 2 guys, one senior guy from the european commission ad to actually suggest that they hope
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it all collapses. and they actually sing a song and the prayer involved on alexis, guys, you're going to watch this. this is absolutely insight. check it out or you want it if you can. if you put the, uh, the hint here. yeah. and, and you should be for me, very well, be today's the day today is the holiday or the same. uh, same. hold on and lexis. it's the heroes of the continent and p if you repeat that, it would be great. so this is like, this is like the do in the white down. okay? this isn't blackface, this is our old face just for you just to just them. so you're watching this isn't blackface is all good. our face, this is probably the most ridiculous, the poor at you know, faith are above ever seen in my life. but the 2 boys are more than happy to have a full long conversation. and hope that they can screw russia's friendship game. well, absolutely. you hear them saying the same for one and alexis. he actually says it
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on his leg. first. health is not as often as not as all to prevent this friendship grace. to prevent these friendship games their brains to prevent let's pray to prevent the friendship games. this is the olympics period. this is the spirit of sport for all that's prey to prevent friendship. boom. so who are these guys volva? and alexis, well, there are 2 really, really hot russian products there's and they've really embarrassed some of the really, at the top people in europe. bar as johnson, the british administered defense many, many more the irish prime minister as well. so they actually said was one of the dumbest people that i've ever spoken to that but interest me, they also ask a j. k. rowling who's in trouble now for refusing to call man women and women mentors of men and women. man, whenever you know what i'm talking about, and they asked her to create
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a new harvey potter with the training and flight and sort of talk to, to his forehead like this was like the, i know i'm not sure which one it was. okay, so we're getting now the europe. i'm going to head states. so i know you the big preoccupation this week has been the eclipse, an incredible event where the sun gets blocked as well in the states. it seems that the supporters of big don, i've decided that it wasn't the moon to block this one out. it was, is it being bosses side of his head checked is really like, it's an incredible piece of p or, you know, these guys are, what are you thinking on their feet? it's just great. i didn't know what it was initially. i thought it was so sort of the death star, so from star wars, you know, with the music, but it really is a classic piece of the p or in the middle of the selection. i mean bite and stuff is so rigid and crap. you know, his take talk stuff with the eyes. this is insane. look at that. it's a brand, it's incredible stuff. know, staying on the space theme. we should talk about how american congress and women
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and men. these are the people in charge of your children's lives are future your tax dollars. and one of them is a very interesting lady on the. she was in charge one of the scientific committees in the states. and she recently gave something of a lecture about the moon. yeah. and apparently news to me, let me it isn't made of cheese. it's made of guesses, the room, the video, and sometimes you tired, the ways to move. sometimes you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see if the noun is a complete, rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. the gases. what the question is, why? the how did we, as humans live and the noun, the gas is such that we could do that. this is a mighty patch of heat, then it's almost impossible to build the site. the moon is more manageable, it's impossible to go near to. so these are the people in charge. can you believe
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this? this is on real, but this is not the only problem we've had with the sun. trump's head and the moon . guess what? what are the most google phrases was over in states? they're very nice people. we, we loved the americans, right. we loved the americans, but this one is funny. you got this congress woman, right? giving a lecture about the moon being made of gas and that you can go to the song news flash. we, you, we titled to the song what, and then after this happens you check google and what's the most google phrase was heard. so much mama will stay stateside and talking about the moon. we recently had the americans void that the russians were going to put a weapon of mass destruction and space to destroy their satellites. well, stain in the states, stephanie ruler, a 70 year old at transgender person, has some weapons of mass, distraction for us. we can check it out in the video. i'm actually going to get
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your parking ticket argued in front of the judge and these, uh, this equipment arriving in the court room. where, where exactly would you look really, really smart. she sounds like she's got the right idea about things. i really support what she's up to and i think it's fair. the problem with this stuff is these huge. they dress up like this, hoping everyone will look at them. and then when you do look at them, they complain. what do you mean to do this is this is insanity. this a 7 year old dude dressed up. it's like twisted sister with 2 water balloons stuffed up a shirt. you remember? twisted sister twisted sister stephanie mueller twisted sister, stephanie mother twisted sister. it's a twisted can world i can tell you right now. this is the same course, staying in the states. it. we're lucky that you guys over there. you're melting part of aetna, city callers, racism, religious, and you've got a president that reflects that. go to local joe, he's greek,
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he's obviously spanish, he's french, german, he's tale and he's black. it's just whatever the easiest way to me a poem ice cream. speaking of ice cream, oh, you run the video, we're sort of raised in the puerto rican community and i had a very close relation for the greek americans community for real. i have jo, wide, novel. i grew up in a heavily irish catholic communities, fred, pensylvania, chevrolet telling important you raised the black church that they have in my kid's version culture. robust is amazing. as a student of virgin culture, culture is this like chariot for the interview. i come on the watch and of course joe sleepy. joe is very proud of his irish heritage and they actually do the big mural in the county male where they say his relatives came from 10000 years ago. but the mural right now is look into the child who these are very impoverished
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country on the edge of the red sea and they've taken a stand for the palestinians. they've been fired rockets of midsize all kinds of international shipping costs. a lot of money to these ways and given the americans a giant pain in the ass and a captain of one of the big carriers here, one of our policy is posting these now for means while he's out in the red sea, protecting the high seas from these crazy who these but the who these seem to be really bothered by to check this. oh, you want to ship the voice. oh, really, really, really underneath look like a. this is the, this is the surrender, the c r o b. so this is the view down there, right? so i hear you ask who are national needful? well now for is a group of very large group of middle age man. uh, most of them have diabetes bed wedding problems. i've never had sex with
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a woman or a man, but probably more of the letter at who go online and bully, people attack them and try to hijack post disagree with the ukrainian narrative. now, who's behind the you may ask, well, this is an interesting question. and the founder is a developed nazi a racist, a very unpleasant carter with a hard on for hitler. correct the hard on for hitler. hey, come on. what's it? what's a hard on for hitler? i'm, i'm friends. a ursula. because ours live on the line is also very fond of the mouthful guys. these boys have celebrated the murder of defense, women, including diarrhea due gonna a woman blown to pieces in our car for disagreeing with ukraine. the terrible high crime of being anti narrative, ne folders, hundreds thousands of these guys. they're organized into little groups. they raise a lot of money. people at the georgia legion who are renowned prisoner killers and breakers. i mentioned as the law these guys keep bad company, but they're
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a cute bunch of mother. there's 2. so the name itself, ne 4 is the north atlantic fellows association. oh, my god, i'm so tough at, you know, really in the mom's bedroom it's hard, you know, but let these guys get the internet cut off and 9 pm. so be good boys. print off early save electricity. mom will be home soon, but it's awfully named after nato, the north atlantic treaty organization. and you know, it's so clean g. it's odd, it's sad to watch these chunky dues do that thing. well the video of this is one of the videos that they produce for the grass roots. uh huh. the grass and snakes of oh my favorite for you to look at so much. oh my god, this is one of the it doesn't in there. the cringe best continues sick bags at the ready. here's the knack of your, i'm his wife, known scene or another 6 months. right. what's she doing?
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she probably just putting in a new floor in the swiss much and god lover. here we go. we're going to argue jesus, it's like something of the lord of the rings like gall of fresh wash was printed off or off of course, and april predicted, a huge victory for the ukrainian counter flaw or the counter offensive, which went really well. they got about 300 yards 200000 men died and they burnt all their west and equipment, including the project where he just released the lat. pods only released them please. well, at least for the chief was a praising headlines from the main stream. media crap, yeah. the, the makes the media course lives night for despite the fact that there are online bullies, twelves massage, and us homophobes very nasty bunch of people, but to shows you the same people are paying the mainstream media. i stop paying
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naples. check out the headlines, man, dogs of war. 13 characters are taking the fight to russia. yeah. ukraine, internet army of naples, phyllis fights, russian trolls, but they don't fight anymore. they're just foolish. they sit on their computers arguing with people and doing these little jones, you know, it's like ukraine's internet arm. your fellows are using dog means to fight for russian proteins. do that. how do you fight russia with to a dog? mean, how does that work for a week? he'll be killing people, bike range killing like cream. but the only good thing that could do useless bunch of diabetic abuse, per se. so i'm actually think that may 1st stands for no actual friends organization. is that correct? so you go to ask yourself, where does the money come from to room, these grass roots organizations on you and a lot of money is going into your crime and some voices are raised now in the
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states asking questions where exactly this money come from? how much will be spent? get this at $80000.00 a 2nd. let me get you that again. $80000.00 us dollars. a 2nd has been spent on ukraine since 2014 and then shape both saying that here in last law. this is sen tober bill. run it all. my step looked into it is about $300.00 b and their best guesstimate. right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. we have spent $300000000000.00 since 2014 in ukraine. so does that sound about right? what else gets that kind of money spent on like any to know? like, i mean that that does. he doesn't even know we did this with a guy getting asked how much money was spent over. he has no idea how much money is being spent about because a huge chunk of it is probably going to deal with a review more than his pounds the back in the think you have,
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it's just insane amounts of money. so while the us and its allies in europe are sending all their crap to ukraine to burn, the french and european farmers are bringing their craft to brussels. i'm pump in the control room, the cops, the buildings, and the politicians who screwed their livelihoods with. you name it cracked. i will, i'll just, so this is a face off not between the force, the good an evil, but he's the forces are farming and the forces of the military industrial complex. i think that the forces of the to prove it says it was the 2 processors a winning comes out. so that's it for another week or we stopped or to bill at we feature a lot of crap this week. but then again, the politicians that we've talked about, i've been talking crap for decades. jude is going to pay for it all. i'll see you next week. the,
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the, the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm up the speed. what else holes question about this? even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist,
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which is the door to door or to to just don't want to use it. i will talk to you soon. so media meeting, so he's the sentence from, with the same grease i was, i'm waiting for it on the norm. yes, it presents all the to the sale be do name is the at the was the the motion to do with it. if that cute to should get us the book, which and such as to me and i don't authority to producing that to to see that
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purpose pass through. so here's the, i'm not sure it's not, it's the welcome back to going underground, broke out single around the world from the middle east. what do us, president johnson, nick's attention? obama and by new 11 coming well, they have blood on their hands, a track record of death and destruction through and dimension in countries, which is we have down bangladesh, cambodia, argentina, julie val, his son, you haven't, syria. rock has got a son packaged on libya. some obviously done that's just naming a few between them, they're responsible for millions of debts around the world,
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and it continues today is incumbent president joe biden scheduled to meet with the prime minister of iraq countries, been bombing in the last few weeks alone. joining me now for most of the dc as an official who served in the obama clinton nixon, johnson and kennedy administration team is director of the task was to produce the pentagon papers that exposed us in, dimension in the, at the it was the late daniel as well, you can watch our studio interview with him on going underground on rumble. who famously leaks impending defeats in vietnam. doctor martin helper and is currently the advisory council chair of advocacy group j straight a. thank you so much dr. albert bye, right. coming on, you know, it's more than 5 years since british authorities captured julian, the sons in london because they are interviews with him and one of his grades of support as was daniels bag. the late down those book like understand was your friend to see was, you know, before we go to the, of the current state of, well, the terrible state of the world. give me just remind us of how many,
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perhaps millions of lives you. and then in a way to gather, saved in the fall of rainbow china, it's very odd to the traders account that we receive, depending on the papers itself. you're not sure it and the war ones, nobody read them and the war continued and infected makes it escalated to or have to the reset the pedagogy papers. what didn't end up ending more was located in watergate was employed, created because of nixon's essay and distrust daniels, burke. he was afraid to agree and papers about his administration and was going to release them and therefore was trying to silence hillsburg. and that way to the plumbers to the break and that's pain psychiatrist's office and then to other actions which eventually led to woody. and then to congress cutty was to find the for the more. and that's a millions of lives close to where we're going on. if not for the gate to the end of grease,
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the end of the next administration and probably be on. so that was literally a domino effect coming from your assessment through to dallas. but i mean, presumably we do support like apparently so go mainstream media or in the united states will that they don't give it that much prominence. the release of julian, i sondra banner, the vitamins being pictured, perhaps not really understanding what the question was from a journalist that considering stopping the persecution of the way he makes publisher. does copies of the espionage was easy? it is written should not apply to any actions relating to release of information to the proceed the by coming to officials will by certainly by the press itself. he assigns persecution was the 1st time the history that states that somebody, it was not a government official has been indicted for violating the estimate on that for
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doing things that gave information to the public. and i think the last thing i said was, would be on constitutional. if it covered, then it would be flow too good. and we don't need any statute punishing. then we need more information given to the practice that attempts to stop daily because it's so detrimental to the bible presidency. why do you think he's doing it? maybe it's something related to that story. you just told me about the pentagon papers is bible expect to julian assign somehow to have secret papers that will impact on november's election. what is the purpose of ruining the united states has reputation internationally for actually not really having a 1st amendment where the paper, it's written on me. i think it started with the bond and he's responsible for this whole expansion of the espionage work to cover and things related to giving
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information to the press and then was continued on the truck. but i think by the administration just inherited in ongoing and it seems seems to continue with and that way that they gave me much consideration. but i think they're now concerned much more about the tax and they have some the west and issues tend to excite people in the way that to vote for boy. and i think they're looking for things to do that can help them with that a year with a car voters, it's one of the things would be to track the sun persecution. i'll get onto the circle left at the moment when we get there to go to gaza. but uh, what was your opinion then of uh, the jack texera case sticks are leak pentagon papers and showed the by the ministration news and, and skis circled counter offensive would fail. the british soldiers were in ukraine . you agree that the jack texera shouldn't have been prosecuted under the espionage act to god 716 years. as i said,
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i think the spirit of jag has written these 4 to grade the cover information we to the previous. and i'm not sure we should have a statute general recovery that would congress has done. concern feels like it's complicated. she liked the names of covered intrigues, like communications. intelligence has created separate, narrowly drawn statues that cover those categories of information and make it a crime. to publish that kind of information. i think that's the way to handle the problem with the general. as much as you take covers more information that the company is trying to keep secret. as things go, it was, it was something we know. edward snowden says, now a mass surveillance, and i'll get onto your feelings in a moment. did you not tell your boss is a bother and clinton about your worries of this whitening use of a little to prevent the american public from understanding how the government work?


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