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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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right, but yes, the, this is like a reading wall and i mean, this is a declaration of war. a spiral of retaliation is contemplating to respond to the wrong as a wing can tax with some tire wrong conduct. do the disney is very, as quite as comfortable in syria. iran did not respond. it would increase the possibility of both because they would make israel more aggressive. the escalation with whoever on is that brings com, something god says local. that is the most recent moment in the past 7 months. this is the 1st and only call night in casa, in the past 7 months. there were no aircraft or drones. and decade ago,
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ukraine declared it's in the list so called empty service operations eradicate and local pro russian militias, the dunbar, who opposes the us back. cuz in cuba, we need lights from the consequences to the problem of the is just going 11. am here in the russian capital. welcome wherever you catching the news out from today. this is all the, and there are concerns about the d will broader will erupt, seeing in the middle east is welcome to place retaliation for as long as the 1st of a direct attack on the country is presence as it is quote,
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considering options as we were attacked last night from fall corners of the middle east with proxies shooting at us firing mid size and ballistic me sizes, drones and the and crews. and this is, this is like a reading wall. and this, i mean, this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the roof, the cushions and because we have the liberation without father's way of considering all options. and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people, ty would say of cross that the last thing that is when is seeking in this region, since its creation is to go to war, we are seeking peace without the sick or as is well suggested, could sink paste through violets on iran maintains as a track was
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a justifiable response to a deadly is really the s like on it's close that in syria and do this representative and there was part of it. it says if pass on failed to retaliate, but inaction would have only emboldened as well as aggression. zoom saw here in recent months, the zine is raising directly attacked in dress overall, both inside of ron and outside it by fascinating, a radiant ministry officials, all important people. they wanted to send a message to around the round does not have the power and capability of responding to. fortunately, the ion g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around, defend the data national interest, an attack on the rating, and come slips on any soil as an attack on a rainy. and so, and of course iran was allowed to respond, in my opinion, if a wrong did not respond to it would increase the possibility of bull because it would make israel more aggressive. and many jews in the world are against these
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rating crimes, unoccupied palestine. don't any and ron, but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews opposing brutal aggression, all of these honest regime. we are rainy and we live in the islamic republic overall and follow the laws all these. lemme republic overrun, maybe some jews and run have relatives. it is ro, but this doesn't mean we should be engaged, the rating government shortly. what the government donkey is. lemme republic decides how's the backing of the jewish community in around 12 it was, are these of at least bureau, i see maria phenomena, both us the latest updates from tourism assess and then the the ideas presented. updated numbers on the run and attack claim a nearly 350 rockets, a nice house of different types, including ballistic ones, were fired israel on sunday. the obvious spokesperson last night said the attack carried 60 tons of explosives. as ro praised operation with its allies, including the u. s. a forest, u. k. jordan friends in shooting down, it runs
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a wheel garages for that purpose. these were reportedly took out ford of 1300000000 worth of intercept themselves and other materials we here that's the us central command forces to supported by us. european command destroyers successfully engaged and destroyed more than 80 drones. and at least 6, ballistic me solve intended to strike israel from iran and gammon. israel vows to react to the attack, but the scope and the timing of these retaliation is still unknown. what's complicates the situation for israel here, lack of support from washington is really prime minister had a phone conversation with the american president shortly after the reading a tag. it last of the wrong 25 minutes on record. say that's bite and told me to you. i hope that the us will not to participate in any counter strike against the wrong with a suggestion that further is really response was unnecessary. and i have to say
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that's prime minister's office does not confirmed these reports, but the fact is that despite promises the attack has not happened yet. meanwhile, we hear that the idea has already presented to the range of options for responding to the rent in attack, including those that do not involve strikes on the run in territory. so we have to wait and see what was what the decision by these really authorities will be for a ron. it was crystal clear, the attack on its console it in damascus, syria that killed several top of rent in general's earlier this month was the same thing as an attack on their soil, sunday's retaliation to her, and called it's the operations. honest promise was an act of self defense for iran that brought optical $51.00 of the un talked to, to prove that legitimacy of his military actions against age ro, adding and stressing that they only targets military infrastructure of as well, and not civilian objects. and do not see any escalation or ron has exclusively
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taken necessary punitive measures against the occupation regime by attacking the regimes, air, intelligence and military bases. and avoiding attacks on critical infrastructure facilities and currently has no plans to carry out new military actions. if the zionist regime wants to continue its evil actions against iran, by any means, and at any level, you will receive a response that is at least 10 times greater reports suggests and stats, the focus has shifted from the moving rough operation to iran and the day till the offensive and densely populated skies of south has been moved. but these reports were denied by prime minister's office, but certainly the last couple of days and nights for the quietest of guys and is living on base really bombardment for more than 6 months. now. this is what they have to say. a lot about the ad on this is the 1st and only call night and cause in the past 7 months. there were no aircraft or drones. we slept well,
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but we wanted the attack on israel to be even harsher. that the rang and respond should have happened a long time ago. it was good for them to retaliate. the must keep on that so i can use real to mitigate the pressure is really, is putting on this is real, has violated all international norms. interesting, that's the idea for leads. the statesman saying that to a reserve is brigades will be drafted in the coming days. now it's clear for which purpose or where. but alice say it might be in preparations for rough uh, offensive parameters sentence and yeah, phone repeatedly. wow. it's to, in said rafa, we're up to 1500000 gallons, a shelter now in diet conditions, including those internally displaced from the north holding place, despite global disapproval and concerns and unclear how iran can change these plans . or if us present joe biden spoke with is, gee,
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so when i live in the awesome off of the rainy, i type one of the emphasizes that commitment is very security we had from india based jeff as well as goober as shape. he said the global south is cooling for restraints while west and lead is aspiring an escalation of this as being the end of the global assault. and we are also a part of the global talk, very much part of global and so, and then there could be there shortly, could be another, could be india or that could be other countries. you wouldn't include in brows needs to be see all the see, all these countries we'd be asking for, but i mean of the ancients, but it is best to basically g 7 countries who want to ignite the bought the best diplomacy can be done by the united states of america deacon and the war in does that. they can make peace between the barbies, but unfortunately right now the by the white house. so it looks very,
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very big of and this see to is it, i don't like, dude, when this is going well, you gotta, you gotta do it. so the board has become beautiful. you look at the circle for many guy look father. so the, you know, stop by it goes, white house is the basis behind all the going on in the word you want to pull up the order. even most of the things were not terrible. this fox, you are seeing that for board is on fire and we had a putting the part because of this man by this week of the president, the political washington say it is well, the intersection of the drugs i'm is that was, it was a great success however, not everyone says that opinion for things, stan this morning is just an incredible military judgement by israel. and quite frankly, united states and other partners that helped as will defend itself against more
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than $300.00 drones and missiles manage just an extraordinary example of military superiority that is real demonstrated to the whole world last night. and i think as we also demonstrated that it has front that it's not standing alone, that is not isolated on the world stage. the 1st thing that was very interesting is that the rad disclose the fact that the drones were being fired long before they ever hit israel. this immediately showed that their intention was to make or show force, but to do as little damage as possible. so you have these slow moving drones and they're going for hours across the ground. it was a, it was a turkey shoot. i mean, i'd have loved to have been taught the one of the pilots up there is like a big video game. is your big, big bed, you know, you're knocking them out of the sky. there was a game, and the,
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the rainy ends knew they'd all be shot down. they had anticipated that. and that is what they wanted to have happen. they wanted to the, the drones and the missiles to be knocked out before they could do any damage. if you go back a little bit, you realize that when, when the baby netanyahu ordered the attacks on the iranian embassy in damascus, he was trying to do the most out radius thing that he could think of in order to provoke an emotional response from the uranium leadership, and that in turn would, would cause them to do something and then somehow i get the united states drawn into the war. the drone of retaliation by it ran was designed to satisfy some of the hard liners unit around at, at the same time,
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they didn't want to add to tagging eyes. uh, anyone else, they didn't want the united states to be antagonized. so they said clear signals, diplomatic way, that this was simply being done for domestic consumption within, around step back from the brain device. the message from the un secretary general as he pulled on countries in the middle east to avoid saw seeing even big oh more. so you and the purpose to deescalate intentions is true. they have time. does it wrong? i'm israel's rep. prisons is openly crashed as a special session of the un security council. no more appeasement. to day the council must take action, condemn around for their chair, triggered the snapping mechanism and reimpose crippling sanction designated the run . the and revolutionary guard corps is
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a tear organization. action must be taken now, not for is read, say not for the regions sake, but for the world's sake. so just simply the security policy, it has failed, and it's due to to maintain international peace. a security phase which such says comes down, says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have no choice, but to exist. size is in head on the right to self defense on the international law . you don't, has no intention of engaging in conflict with the us in the region. and another quote for you, a po rate of have pockets in double standards, that's how it rushes on. boxes of the un label, the approved to west members of the security council to the escalation between is well, i know i'm saying that they condemned type problems, actions. what remained silent on the comfortable. it's like a sweep across those lines are still lit by daniels, you know, very well and an attack on the diplomatic mission is it costs us by lie on dates,
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national law, and a forced emissions. while under attack, you would not hesitate to reach savvy. i can prove your case in this old because for you everything that concerns western representatives and western citizens is sacred and must be protected. but when it comes to other states that rights, including the rights of defense, is a different thing as you like to say. today in the security council, there's such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards, which is somehow even uncomfortable to watch. what happened during the night of april. the 14th did not happen in a vacuum. ron steps where a response to the shameful inaction of the un security council. a response to is rose blake, the tack on damascus, which was fall from the 1st one. syria has been continually bombed by israel. many of you today have not had to carry through directly points out that the current escalation in the middle east is unfolding because the backdrop of b is radio operation in garza. and the westbank, which has been going on for more than 6 months,
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unprecedented in terms of casualties. agree with the reaction of western need is predicted me similar to that of the delegates of the un security council. they will quit. and so simple, the ally as well, i'm condemned iran for it's retaliation. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation which was condemned in the strongest terms i condemn in the strongest terms, the unprecedented attack launched by a ran against israel, which threatens to destabilize the region. i strongly condemned the runs blatant and unjustifiable attack on israel and i call on iran and its proxies to media. at least these attacks. the collective west right now. sounds like parents with 2 kids fighting in their basement iran and israel and the israel's just sitting there like a little angel minding his own business while ron is going on, just punching him square in the face for absolutely no apparent reason. i'm surprised, we haven't heard the unprovoked attack line again from western leaders. well,
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actually we did. we nurse live underlined, the unelected tone, deaf president of the european bureaucracy. call it a quote. i'm justifiable, attack on israel this time around. there's a small detail of israel attacking ronnie as well by bombing. it's embassy in damascus, syria, but hey, minor detail when you have an agenda. the title, right? remember cleaners slow is just the gate at the very onset of this month left last october with an unmitigated captive nose for israel to raise gas. uh, basically under the pretext of, you know, nailing a few how about the numbers in the process that wasn't till a bunch of you. staffers, revolted, or rather were revolted by the actions of this go home, job of humanitarian activism. leslie justin, to know the canadian prime minister was also in on the group chat and got the message loud and clear. canada unequivocally condemns around airborne attacks against israel, uranian regime. this latest actions will further destabilize the region and make
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lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again, the rainy and regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region. now true though, one is western leader pals blue past every opportunity to secure some kind of de escalation ahead of all this by sitting back and offering just minor corrections and critiques of israel as netanyahu, not bombs with such out standing precision and targeting mazda and a bunch of western, a worker's seating, starving palestinians were recently killed. some countries, though, didn't find that balance too much of a trouble to achieve. we are seriously concerned at the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens a peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy. we call on all the involve sides to restraint. we count on the countries of the region to resolve their problems by political and diplomatic means. china expresses deep
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concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrain to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. western leaders seem to struggle in predicting risk of consequences or blowback. instead, their intervention in the middle east is all one sided. then when israel does something, not without empowerment and impunity against iran or against another neighbor like syria or loving on, they just start lecturing the other country, not to dare respond to it in defense of israel. what is your, what is your message to a ron? what is your message to around right now? don't the earlier, the netherlands and other countries told the wrong loud and clear to refrain from attacking israel. so basically in parenting terms, one kid is reopen, just wind up and punch the other iran in this case, who down past to just suck it up and take it on the chin. oh. and while the west is
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engaged in the stellar parenting exercise, there's another kid pulling at his pat leg for attention. gets to the missiles were barely still in the air over the middle, least when one ukrainian media account was standing twitter with repeated message. i remember you crate, there's a risk now though for ukraine that the us rejects it to rational legislative scheduled to prioritize israel. that's according to house majority leader. se the lease extensively over and above the ukranian a debate or anything else which suits the republicans just fine, who have been trying to ditch the political hot potato of ukraine spending right off the agenda head of november elections for a while now. as president joe biden has tried to link ukrainian a to is really if you think that the guy would have maybe read the room better when the response from russia was radio silence, kind of like a guy who goes to in relationship and tough times and then wonders, where are you,
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what, why you just magically disappear the moment key, watson, the tension on demand for all the lights as well. these particularly the breaking story is right now. them at least say june to our blue cross here on, on, seen to that whole check out our website, r t dot com the us 2 other stories out as being a decades since a us back to in q, but over throw of ukraine's previously pro russian government devolved into the vicious bible as inc. he is full, says i'm a local separate assist who oppose the regime. chase off season senior class. my. my guy's here has the details. the people of use the new grade feed,
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what my don, the young coo and kid meant nationalist to a long heading to the east and ukrainians for that. pro russian views for the, for the language, for that culture had seized power. the people feared that they would be forced to speak ukrainian to thing, can you create in to pray in ukrainian and they were right. the houston ukraine looked upon these with horror seemed to waste the new time, the very next day off to the 2 and t as in 2014, the new regime cancel the status of the russian language as an official language in the regions where it moves to the population, spoken to the people, what app raged in towns and cities across the east. they went to prove test. t of didn't like this to. she came to power by fools you only fools. they
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felt that they could be the st into submission. the east, however, rows of the machine will have a job, but they won't. we will have pensions, but they don't. we will have payments for children, but they do not wisdom our children will go to schools in kindergartens and their children will sit in the basement. so that's how, and that's how we're going to win this war. the church would, will, hi, didn't basements promised. then president power should go talking about his own citizens. such an idea, would it be unconscionable for your opinions or americans? but since it was in the russians, they nodded and went a long way to do with these expenses. in 2014, they carried out that we did on and begin to exterminate physically exterminate
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everyone who was set on the normal development of relations with our country. this is genocide, there is no other way to call it. russians were declared and non titular nation, and the law was passed in our historical territories. with the west blessing kids went into overdrive hundreds of pro russian activists simply disappeared. the russian language, which polls indicates, was spoken by moves of the country was banned in government and education and commerce. thousands sky choose monuments for to down. at the same time, you know, it sees pulse, but not see collaborators such as step on bundle held as national heroes to sue forward for i hate law became icons and torch lit marches with green lighted m t. if they never intended to negotiate with the east lies
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and the west knew this, they backed this means could agreements were a few lead. real peace efforts is a ruse to buy time to crush the pro russian east with force. the 2014 main skip rim, and towards an attempt to give you credit in time. it also use this time to become stronger as can be seen today. you brian of 2014, 2015 these not the modem they ukraine. zalinski was just the next step in the sly, see to promised and, and the balance if he was elected, he made the great show of it. and i suppose maybe i should walk you in the next 5 years, i will do everything ukrainians so that you do not cry. we have to end this war and we are ready for dialogue. but i'm sure that the return of all ukrainian prisoners
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should be the beginning of this dialogue. the next thing to deal with is do we gain territories? although you cannot lose what is already yours? as it is being 10 years since kids began, it's so cold town to tyra operation in the east of ukraine to beat everything per russian. out of it, language, culture, and history. they achieved the opposite of course. so i really wanted to be limited to base and somehow the loan a weight of the piece has come to this. is jenny, really, really stupid? i started ukrainian, i spoke it perfectly, but when they force me to do documents, we're talking 8. it kind of repels me. it's just an extra thing. they'd, they'd for the people, that's all. this is a crime. this is terrorism. i've been talking about this from the very beginning. there is such a thing, a state terrorism, this is state terrorism in its purest form. this is
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a provocation in order to anger people to turn them against each other in general, all the actions of kias back them. and even now, are all purely political provocations that have nothing to do with common sense. more. i guess the of the people's republic we debated ukraine's actions over the false decade in a dumbass panel of gas. so this is stage terrorism and we see it is progressing. i was the exactly in 2022 in march. and i've talked to many, many evidence that the people were really suppressed. as you know, i found the relatives of nancy and sickness there. so the people really terrible laboratories, it's terribly applied to the government or g p a with the 1st and 2nd mints agreements. we'll know those are full of them. they were, they were a potential for a peaceful re unification fee claim. but why in your view,
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didn't they succeed? well, basically, i think that it was the west, 1st of all, who organized in full meant that uh this, uh, this uh, this war that started to 2014. and i think that it was the west, particularly germany who undermined a the implementation of these agreements so that we could reach where we are today. if the fact payment, which was fine, that means you know a bad it bad, many important points, and it's far up it's load solution to the problem. but side believes to all those points. we have $58.00, and that means a 3 minute plus captain dentists and i also understand that the president does. that'd be mesquite. i mean, game to he had fault to go, you know,
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and i've had this phone settlement in relation to done boss in other areas of some your claim. but unfortunately that did not happen. you know, like, i mean, if she will, that stuff too. but the problem is, i paid this for why i would not have taken base sonya for millions now. so into, you know, many countries a sort of say that russia occupies form a ukrainian eastern regions against the will of the people. now, since they've been on the ground, i mean, do you agree with that? but it was moscow, not the locals, that sort of decided the fates. during the referendum, of course they did. they decided they want to be part of russia. and also when i was there on the ground since march 2022, i spoke to a lot of people there and they all said, and they really, truly, i mean, they said,
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we want to be part of russia now. and what the west is saying is that it's ok pageant. they don't a lot of people, they don't have a clue of what is really going on the ground, especially journalist. because, you know, there are not many western journalist when the west had. it's an agenda which i think was quite stupid. then the agenda was to create the big they me the big new and they me that need to have to face. and that's why they didn't do anything. they didn't condemn what was happening in the done most areas we have seen in the media. both thing the rest and media as spend as in brushing media and other match the, the big time off to fabric dealer 3 tests taking place in the 10 your brain, you know, and a big kind of general size which was taking place there. so something which no human being can appreciate that i didn't get this barbarity off the highest other well that run something.


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