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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, the senior's got all the news that is making accusations to the west and come through shooting, appreciate these, let me republic a forensic strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region. iran says the west should be praising its restraint and blooming its own inaction. s concerns amounting of money even bought a war, dropped thing in the mid leaf also ahead. the idea of renews it's dry. going guys are following one night of relative, calm, far and yet displayed on the policy is returning to the homes and the enclaves known as the student is war, hates if one year marks the crisis, skilled, combined,
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far less global attention that'd be trained in the middle east, despite leaving millions of people misplaced and hungry. and i don't have that, we suffer from many things, including the lack of medication and chronic diseases. that's what we worry about the most is the children that one suffering. they need milk diapers, shoulda, and will pay drugs, fox, pbs, pump, diplomatic demands of the west supply and to with expensive air defense systems and exchange for a stable world energy market. the kind of the welcome to our team to national, reaching you from a new center with moscow. i am my call put you on the
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it's now at least 90 ronnie and my message is reportedly overcame as well as a defense system and reach the targets during the tough saturday night the attack. and while the west holds its condemnation, that to run the country says it should be praised forwards, restraint. you just run all the data centers making accusations the west and come through, shoot, appreciate these lovely republic of forensic strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region where some country should blame themselves. to announce that the public opinion from the measures they have taken against the 7 months a war crimes committed by israel. well, while for to her on sundays attack was nothing but a legitimate act of self defense following what a wrong. so as it is rarely strike only a ready and console in the mask of syria that killed several or run in generals west, some countries consider run an aggressor and can damage for escalating the situation
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of the time of mounting fears of another big war. a rough thing in the region, israel has received lots of supportive messages following and writing attacks from the u. s. u. k, canada of france, germany g 7 issued a statesman, promising sanctions against iran, even the most sanctions. you know, it's the 2nd most sanctions country in the world here as well. and some of the leaders of these countries have to say, uranian regimes latest actions will further destabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again, the rainy and regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region for by or we should not respond by escalating, but rather isolated iran succeed in convincing the countries of the region that iran is a danger increase sanctions increase pressure on nuclear activities and then find the path of peace in the region to here on has threatened k 12 try again and with greater force if it is relo any other nation response to the running attack. and i
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see any other nation as israel acted in close cooperation with the us. of course the k and also original powers including jordan is shooting down and reading aerial de rogers. israel says 99 percent of the air runs over $315.00 nissans and drones hired at israel square and deceptive. tel aviv vows to retaliate with far right to politicians, pushing for striking iran back. israel's president, inside the country, is considering all the options as we were attacked last night from 4 corners of the mid lease with proxies shooting at the us. firing missiles and ballistics may size drones. and the, and cruise and this is, this is like a reading wall. and it's, i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know there if the questions and the cause. we have the
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liberation without father's way of considering all options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that are necessary to protect and defend on people to i would say of cross that the last thing that is around is seeking in this region since its creation is to go to war, we are seeking peace without the stickers. but the strikers unlikely to happen due to lack of international support for the move and primarily from washington is really prime minister and had a phone conversation with american presidential see off to the reading a tags it last is around 25 minutes and reports say that by didn't told nathan yahoo but the us will not participate in any town to strike against iran, suggesting that for these really response would be a necessary. so we have to wait and see what these really answer will be if any. indeed guys are. so perhaps the quietest couple of days and nights since the last of these really offensive last october because of the wrong and quiet time seems to
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be over. now displace palestinians say they were matched with allegedly rarely fire . and as they tried to return to their homes in the north field in place that they had slab before running away from facilities, people started coming back thousands of palestinians after rumors emerged over reopen, does rarely check coins on the coastal road altered shows. allegedly as rarely forces shooting at civilians with some report saying, a child was killed and, and a know number of people were wounded. as a result, israel has refuted the claims of the road reopened. hand emphasized that the area is stealing was done. at least 68 people were killed over the past 24 hours. 12 guys like me to the local house ministry in 6 months. so these really offensive more than 35000 palestinians, lost their lives in the palace stated in slaves. the street south also came on the
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fire with footage coming out all on eunice show and wounded people being rushed to hospital. so it seems that yes, military activity we activated in guys on the display of double standards, the british forward, the secretary criticized to ron's retaliatory strike before admitting that the u. k would've taken similar actions a while. i would argue there is a massive degree of difference between what israel did in damascus, but with britain to the hostile nation, flattened one of outcomes. students. well, we would take, we would take the very strong action underground would say that that's what that is . but what made it, as i said, was a massive attack set of right to respond and felt the reaction is what we have. so what i'm saying now, how does the attack the attacks they carried? i was on a very large scale, much bigger than the people side to respond to the standard and hypocrisy is widely
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used by the west is or is indeed part of the west. and that would then definitely stand there with that hypotheses with everything that is allowed to be, he's really as the wife, but there's not the others. so again, we go back to the memo that registers and receive as a for, and secretary in 2018, stating that everything the americans and the allies do it. and all that we use humanitarian causation, and violation of human wiles only against our enemies. united, russia, china, iran, and north korea. this is the stand that the way i'd be using the while. ease row ways seeking peace through valens. iran maintains if the attack was a justifiable response to a deadly is ready as blank on it's conservation, syria. joe is representative in the runs parliament size,
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but the an option on the bottom to ron would have only emboldened these rules aggression zoom saw him in recent months. the zine is raising directly attacked in dress overall, both inside iran and outside it by success, making it radiant ministry officials or important people. they wanted to send a message to around the round does not have the power and capability of responding . but fortunately, the eye on g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around, defend the data national interest, an attack on the rating and conflicts on any soil as an attack on the rainy. and so, and of course iran was allowed to respond, in my opinion, if a round did not respond, it would increase the possibility of will because it would make israel more aggressive and under many jews in the world are against, is ready crimes, unoccupied palestine already and ron, but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews are posting brutal aggression. all of these are in east regime. we are
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rainy and we live in the islamic republic overall and follow the laws all the atlantic republic called the wrong. maybe some jews and run have relatives, it is ro, but this doesn't mean we should be a gaze, the rating government shortly. what the government dorothy is, lemme republic decides, has the backing of the jewish community in around 12 in russia, as you and envoy. a key is the security council of western members phase of engaging and a quote parade of people, garcia, and double standards when it comes to the mid lease a we progress those lines are still in the by doing in the united very well and an attack on a diplomatic mission is it costs us by lie and a international law and a forced emissions while under attack, he would not hesitate to reach savvy. i can prove your case in this old, because for you, everything that concerns weston represented, staves, and western citizens is sacred. and must be protected, but when it comes to other states that rights including the rights self defense,
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is a different saying, as you like to say, today and the security council, there's such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards, which is somehow even uncomfortable to watch. what happened during the night of april, the 14th did not happen in a vacuum. the wrong steps were a response to the shameful inaction of the un security council. a response to is rose blaine's attack on damascus, which was fall from the 1st one that syria has been continually bombed by israel. many of you today have not have the carriers to directly point out the, the current escalation, the lease is unfolding because the backdrop of the as radio operation, a garza, i'm the westbank, which has been going on for more than 6 months. unprecedented in terms of casualties, degree words and music. while a media report suggests that he took off woods of about $1300000000.00 worth of defends weaponry to shut down the rinds, drones and nestles political on the list and to run university professor said mohammed moran de says that the attack was a strategic victory for iran,
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or what did the winds do? first, they played the mind game with his release for 10 days. and then they carried out the very interesting attack. they informed everyone that the attack is going to take place, then they sent lots of drones, very cheap and inexpensive drugs. who are you running technology? none of the new drugs. so these drones went and then is rarely use the americans use all of their, uh, anti air crap and this house and their missile defense system to knock down these grow these drones. and then you run sent also some older missiles alongside the drones and then the americans and it's riley's, they all mobilize it, bring these down. so you might have spent a few $1000000.00, whereas the west and israel spend at least $1300000000.00. and you, ron didn't use any of this new technology,
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so the west didn't learn anything about you runs new missiles or drones. whereas the iranians gave a huge amount of information by seeing how these different layers of air defense work. so it was a, it was a very major success, and the very fact that the west is so out of there trying to frame it in a different way. i think itself shows how effective it was. now for all the latest we'll need is particularly the breaking start we use right now in the middle east states into our broadcast the. busy nods international or check our website, r t dot com the to others monday. marks one. yes. and is the start of the sudanese civil war? you are officials of gather than powers to discuss the new media, many terry and political crisis and the african nation recommends far less global
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attention that those in the middle east, or even ukraine, argues, know, the we'll come get tells us all takes us through the details of history sedan and the remains embroiled in the conflict to you on one which has been overshadowed, fiber will between as well. and how much in the gaza strip would mean to saying that the international community as page a very little attention. but today as the conflicts box one, yeah, paris. so it's very switching to host the international humanitarian conference for sudan in. i'm on the same day to the conference a to achieve a few goals that i'm securing. commitment to, to find is the international response to the humanitarian needs of the dad is storing full and saves you many tavian access and parts of the country. and in as much as the reports have suggested that to the conference of was a range with alsco association with the student needs government, and officials. but even before my prime minister officer dad said that this
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conference is a career. so it's of a listen to that document how the word and his dad in the country about has completed its 1st year 12 months of devastation, death, and every day the suffering of his sons and daughters of all people increases. all participation and about his confidence comes to draw the world's attention to the tragic conditions adult people are experiencing, and we call them to uphold their responsibilities towards hell country. and i'll be below shopping. as the old tennessee is unabated in sedan humanitarian organizations working in sedan and its neighboring countries, the on a sounding the alarm at this point to stay that's done is on the verge of 5 minute or 2 o active shoot immediate. can you scale up efforts to avoid the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives? in fact, to the you in the office off the coordination of humanitarian. the face is about 25000000 people. of whom, over 40000000 absolutes need to many children,
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assistance and support alarmingly, 17700000 people, which is more than one 3rd of the country's population facing the tubes, food in security, and the a warning of potential assignment as well. and off of these 4900000 people on the break assignments totaled, one of the most vulnerable contact every of those impacted by this crisis. listen to this when i haven't heard that stuff here. we suffer from many things, including the lack of mitigation and chronic diseases. with what we worry about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering, they need milk and diapers, shelter, and won't, even i'm just going to see will have a problem when it comes to the children who have grown up with nutrition issues because they're not eating the right food. most of their died is made up of lentils rice, porch, and at times we make lentils with oprah, the savvy, low cost. in the previous years, we had many cases of mind nutrition,
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but the situation changed after the warranty arrival of the displaced. we noticed a significant increase in the number of mount doors patients, and this is a logical result of the war on the economic situation of the country on it. so do these children come to chad with complications generally tied to acute malnutrition, pulmonary complications or digestive and other basic illnesses that patients come in with. we try to stabilize them here as glucose as you have it. in addition to that, to more than $8000000.00 people, which is about 16 percent off, the total population of the country as flayed to their homes. and since the conflict started in a sedan, they have 4 to refuse with in so that i'm in neighboring countries. the making saddam, the largest displacement crisis in the world and civil war broke out last year. it's a fission of efforts to bring the war. uh, the warning part is to the new a,
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c h and table a failed united states. it's solved, detox and data, and it zips and egyptian initiates of had repeated efforts as well. now the united states, i states that the long side to impose its own vision of democracy in sudan, but failed as it does not have sufficient influence to change. the dance political trajectory on its own is reportedly planning an additional $100000000.00 in a to, to address the ongoing concept to sedan, but then currency and into could to pro magic gases underweight evolving. your volt, indeed is as well as united states meat of but the question is, with the sudan, has the tons to be saved from being on the bring cost a catastrophic about for my echo as diplomatic and international affairs adult list . however, not mark on the sides of the sudan will continue to go with node as long as west and the interest ira defected by the conflict. the house you y'all's, the united nations on the, even
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a domestic bodies like viewing the african union have not been able to put on the agenda of the world this conflict. i'm so literally the conflict has been forgotten. the low miles. well, people affected by this complex is simply, i'm imagining, i think, is a good trulia of the united nations. i mean, it just has the african union about what is similar to this, that, that operating within the zone. nobody can. so why this was done because the strategic interests of either countries in this with them how is diminished over the years. and this has created a lot of problems for this with them. so we are likely to see me. i need an escalation of these crises because nobody seems to care what happens here. not hand over the patriots all pony up. that's the message from ukraine as it tries
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to trade the safety of roches oil fields for the pricey or us as a defense systems. this little comes as washington says, that the attacks on the russian facilities disturb lies. well, the adage of prices have stopped diploma. demetrika issued b ultimatum. you filled with all button to say we're giving you 7 batch of batteries, tomato. but do we ask you not to do this or that? then there is a subject for conversation, but if not, and they also ask you not to do something, then what is there to discuss with them? the credit of 4 minutes are, seems to be implying that unless washington costs up, he has what weapons wish list. and it doesn't really care what washington thinks of how it behaves. even if it means doing things that washington explicitly says it does like, it's like too bad for you guys and if you don't like it, well then maybe you could just find me some stuff or given me some stuff. good. i made these comments at a local interview and he was asked about us officials like decided secretary lloyd
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austin and secretary state anthony, blinking st earlier this month. that they didn't want to have to strike things deep inside russian territory with austin, saying that hitting russian refineries with drones as cube has been doing lately. could jack up the global oil prices or mess with the markets and label was like, hey, not a problem if a russian refinery quote, explodes, so the crate and for mr. also seems to be saying that this bright behavior of doing things, uncle sam, doesn't like hitting things in russia, that risk provoking an escalation is just a tactic to get what they want. that's what he's applied. just give me the choice i want and i'll stop. yeah, so when steve, you got tired of trying to use actual words and arguments to get washington to cause a lot more weapons and cash that's been blocked in congress. belittle brain, i gave you a shout when you praying, tells its allies that unity means providing better protection. they themselves already know this very well. they know it and they are trying to provide it sort of
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when you frame says its allies cannot turn a blind eye to russian missiles and drones, it means they need to act and act confidently. the sky is not defended by rhetoric, and the production of missiles and drones for terror is not contained by contemplation. the lot of washington drugs, it's feet on unblock king bite, is you creating a package? the more we're seeing some interesting details emerge like center tommy, to marvel, mentioned earlier this month of the senate armed services committee. hearing that defense constant inspector general, now has 50 open criminal cases related to potential misuse of ukraine. funding for me is my understanding the work that we've done, my staff. we have spent $300000000000.00 since 2014 in ukraine. right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. uh, the d o d inspector general, i said,
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uh as that their safety criminal investigation is going on right now for money sent to ukraine by way. one of the most corrupt countries in the world collect us specifically as mentioned, the patriot missile systems. and they seem to be the very top of his weapons wish list, whole as president. i'm very due to said recently that he just can't give pollings patriot missile systems to kids because only needs them over there. and they're owned and operated in poland by the pentagon. so you kind of kick the can down the road to the us and said, you know, maybe just go talk to washington about that. and washington probably does not have that discussion. so i guess the fact that he's even bringing this art music, he has been hitting a hole in or it's patriot stash, and poland does not seem to want to hand over. it's good stuff. it's best stuff just to get blown up. just to hand me down junk that the you is giving its members
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dates, light, pole, and free money to replace with shiny new weapons exchange for russia. i guess you say taken care of the need. any need to recycle it in a climate friendly manner. and over to tide, and now we're german, chancellor, olaf shoals is on his 1st visit to b. james's. berlin adopted the forwarding strategy plan that drew criticism foundation power. the visit comes despite several moves by jeremy's west and partners to cub the countries trade with bathing. while the us is probing national security risk, which claims i post by china. now back in july, job to introduce the find that if the need to reduce its risk of economic dependence on the china of the new policy emphasized leads into your interest in trade with by one something the aging has repeatedly designated as a red line issue. a japanese foreign policy strategy was described as
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a systemic robbery by tying up a while. all of souls was greeted by the advice mail of the child, the chinese city he arrived in the spots now being his welcome president of the aging theme is expected to meet the german nita for torques on tuesday. business not the 1st time a top german officer has received the cold shoulder on this trip to global south last november, german president from war to start and there was left waiting alone unexplained for nearly 30 minutes after he arrived in cut off because no one had showed up to greet him, i told the the all to contribute to college us as bullying is sacrificing its own interest by bending to washington's demands. on the way the german chancellor was welcomed, proves that he was greedy at the airport by the month of may or about the deputy
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mayor of sewing machine because i'm sure the mayor himself has something more important to do that meeting. charles, the fact is that the german politicians have been making grandstand but lecturing to the countries in the global south, including china when china happens to be the largest export market for german. awesome acres it's, it's china remains of top trading partner of germany ahead of the us. yes, you have german politician including the foreign minister bear box who went on record to say that germany needs to decouple phone china and try germany. news to reduce is dependency of the chinese market. this is crazy. at the same time when germany has cut itself off on cheap gas from russia, costing the german industrial is to the part germany and added costing di, industrialization in germany. at the same time, they want to lose access to all its largest market. i mean,
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it is. germany is basically committed economic suicide used to policy policy. the problem is the german politician has subjected their country to the interest of washington, rather than serve the interest of, of germany, of the german people. this is reflected in their reception all over the place because people don't like lectures. china is open or trace, idaho is willing to try it was anybody including germany and this is why they're uh, you know, their, their walk coming shows to visit. but oh, you know, i like confucius said, you less than 2. 1, some words and you watched their action and i think a shows not to bring some concrete action to the paper to show that germany is sincere, in maintaining a good relationship with china. you know, despite all the tasks as well, that's all for me. now my colleague rober associated will be with you and some of
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y'all was more stories and more updates. by now the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, i'm actually not seeing. welcome back to going underground, broke out single, around the world from the middle east. what do us, president johnson, nick's attention? obama invited to 11 common? well, they have blood on their hands, a track record of death and destruction through in dimension in countries such as we have down bangladesh, cambodia, argentina, julia palestine. you haven't, syria, iraq. i've got a son focused on libya, somebody is done that's just naming a few between them. they're responsible for millions of debts around the world, and it continues today is incumbent president joe biden scheduled to meet with the prime minister of iraq. a country has been bombing in the last few weeks alone. joining me now for most of the dc as an official who served in the obama clinton nixon, johnson and kennedy administration. he was director of the task was to produce the pentagon papers that exposed us intervention in the, at the it was the late done eligible. you can watch us to do interview with them on
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going on the ground on rumble. who are famous, unique impending defeats in vietnam, dr. martin helper and is currently the advisory council chair of advocacy group j st. a. thank you so much, dr. albert bye, right. coming on, you know, it's more than 5 years since british authorities captured julian. his sons in london because they are interviews with him and one of his greatest supporters was daniels bag. the late down those book, like i said, was your friend to see was, you know, before we go to the, into the current state of the world. terrible state of the world, give me just remind us of how many, perhaps millions of lives you and then in a way together saved in the former endo china. it's very hard to the trainers to count the you reset, depending on the papers itself. you're not sure it and the war means nobody read them and the war continued, and in fact,


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