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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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student immediate to scale up efforts to avoid the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. in fact, to the you in the office off the coordination of the menu to interface is about 25000000 people, of whom over 14000000 absolutely need to many children, assistance and support alarmingly 17700000 people, which is more than one 3rd of the country's population facing the tubes, food and security, and a warning of potential assignment as well. and off of these 4900000 people on the break assignments, children of the most vulnerable contact, every of those impacted by this crisis. so let's have a listen to this, but i don't know how that fits here. we suffer from many things, including the lack of mitigation and chronic diseases. but what we worry about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering. they need milk and diapers from the shelter and won't even i'm just going to see will have a problem when it comes to the children who are grown up with nutrition issues
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because they're not eating the right food. most of their died is made up of lentils, rice forage, and at times we make lentils with all across the savvy, low cost. in the previous years, we had many cases of malnutrition, but the situation changed after the warranty arrival of the displaced. we noticed a significant increase in the number of mile north patients, and this is a logical result of the war on the economic situation of the country. yeah, on it as, as children come to child with complications generally tied to acute malnutrition, pulmonary complications, or digestive and other basic illnesses that patients come in with. we try to stabilize them here. it was glue for sylvia that in addition to that, to more than $8000000.00 people, which is about 16 percent off, the total population of the country have fled to their homes. and since the conflict started in a sedan, they have sort of a fuse with in sedan in neighboring countries of making. so don,
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the largest displacement crisis in the world, and civil war broke out last year. it's a fission of efforts to bring the will, the warning part is to be an appreciation table failed. the united states is solved, it talks and data, and it sits and egyptian initiates of had repeated efforts as well. now the united states, i states that the long side to impose its own vision of democracy in sudan, but failed as it does not have sufficient influence to change. so dense political trajectory on its own is reportedly planning an additional $100000000.00 in a to, to address the ongoing concept to sedan, but then currency and into could diplomatic gases, underweight evolving. you will indeed, as well as united states needed. but the question is, with the sudan, has the times to be saved from being on the brink off a cat to stuffy lymphoma. it was different about how to ruin the academy. size to
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dine will continue to go ignored. as long as the western interests remain affected . by the con, a house you are the united nations, on that even a domestic bodies live viewing the african union have not been able to put on the agenda of the world this conflicts. i'm so literally the company that has been forgotten the know miles or people affected by this conflict is simply, i'm imagining, i think, is a good trulia. i'll do that, the nations. i mean, it just has the african union about what is similar to this, that, that operating within the zone. nobody cares why this was done because the strategic interests of either countries in this would then have diminished for 5 years. and this has created a lot of problems for this with them. so we are likely to see me. i need an
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escalation of abuse crisis because nobody seems to care what happens here. well, the united nations right now is meeting in new york. it's an issue of meeting cold by roster is to do with a tax, relentless, ongoing attacks on those that put all as a nuclear power plant. when we spoke with the deputy of the legislative assembly of the region around not caught a child who says that these are reckless acts of terror. and it says that some news, as without a doubt, anything related to the asian contamination, no snow. bunder is. it is a story that can affect to any country that is in relative proximity. take, for example, the strategy of turnover. trace is a friday asian combination were uncovered after quite a long time in sweden and in denmark. and so what the situation with this up, what was the new type opened, in my opinion, it is a form of tenor, is with the key objective to intimidate, distill, panics. because everything connected with radiation causes spirit and people in
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this case, they also had a task of battlefields reconnaissance. it started back in 2022. the part of the cleaning front line, new to power plant is supervised by great britain. it is clear that there of the ice e as in hands of the united states, everywhere, a lot of their advises. but the key grades are in this case, is great britain. so then in 2022, they planned to create a sent a friday. ation contamination by inflicting flat damage on the premises of the blonde and then to carry out a simulated nuclear explosion. they would have had a visual picture along with the ready ation that ground, and the russian federation would be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons. and as they imagined this whole construct, they would have the legal floodgates opened after this activation to include the native look as a full legal combatants. overtime this idea for whatever reason became irrelevant, then they began to has plans to take over the station by force. free attempts were
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foiled by all military in a forceful seizure operation. critical infrastructure, it could have been damaged, which would eventually lead to a, the asian contamination. again, the goal is basically the same thing. you location with a specific area to be contaminated with radiation. they failed again. there is a kind of 3rd wave now though, right now to see me from this point of view, there was a battle reconnaissance in order to find out the response and this of the system, the forces and means of his bones. the reliability of the defense systems, most likely they're still planning to launch some kind of critical strike against facilities and infrastructure. not necessarily a nuclear reactor or a power unit. and this scenario is the same. the media type, the money to ation and creation of hysterical environment. it is not difficult to manipulate a story related to nuclear threats. they are adams of this kind of an installation . and the picture is presented has one. this presents the countries of solving and
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south eastern europe, or at this very moment when monitoring the united nations security council meeting right now, it's cold by russia about those continued a tax on those for the orgy nuclear power plant. the director general of the i a e, a has said the a tax must stop, but he refuses to name ukraine. is the culprits? i mean, the nuclear plants being under russia, russian power and control for 2 years nearly. so the attacks are always by the but the i. e a refuses to name key. yes. well, we'll keep you posted, it's going on right now. new york will probably cross live eventually for the meantime, vista is on the the,
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the in get and it will be and douglas so towards anybody who kind of defense capacity. now, do you know there's some, you know, there's so far off most people as newspapers, news channels, more lobbies. i think that via, via the jennings, a boeing and strong. and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the, with the hello and welcome. i modeled them kids in the evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than it is on india. part of my guess tonight is a good legacy is the subbing member of parliament and the 2nd generation lawyer was championed many hyper 5 cases. welcome management. i me well love you being on your
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show. lovely to see you from jack maloney. 1923 to 2019. was a leading indian and criminal lawyer. you mind great to me as a penny. the spreadsheet of to the 9047 partition of the former bridge economy. it's an independent countries of india and pakistan on the left behind a flower seeking legal practice. in karachi, pakistan, he was a major, a member of parliament, was suspended from the party in 2012 in discipline for several high profile cases. it is long time distinguished grant by his camp maloney born at 1956 is the son of a you'd like to ranma jump, maloney be joined the ruling a b j. p. in the 19 ninety's, when it was a fledgling policy as a sitting reach, a member of parliament under the integral part of the body and legal brain trust. he is critical to form an indian, a prime minister, in theory, gone to the imposition of a state of emergency between 19651977. when his father escaped to canada to a fight around the house,
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championed many high profile cases such as defending then a good direct chief minister, the rent remoted in the 2002 communal rights minister, emmy shaw, and the so dean. i'm not, it's not by you will really full body. what actor sanjay dobbs, what made you choose law employed for $15.00, it was showing up as being and you know him to come to because they didn't do for go even is the day and they taught the emergency. yes. got arrested for it. right. 365, the lawyer who the country gave her the bomb the high call to try and prevent that . what interest was issued from fargo didn't get enough where you attacked the latency and this is going to be able to, to say to me and that kind of appealed to me. and of course, i think a little bit of b, accounting for law wasn't the genes naturally i gravitated towards it and then i, you know, but i realize it was really hard work. i mean the noise, you know, 90 percent 99 percent industry and one percent good inspiration. usually
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the funds are the daughter out of not they're not match up to the father or the mother you have really it was supposed to be inside. they are having a left his father can retard you. void can incentivize you. hm. so in my case it, you know, that i have to gotcha. and i, i break them that challenge. yeah. make them uh this is i'm just the number of times very popular book, but not just energetic, full tide. you are from that point of view and there's a different, a little more moderate. i would say, yes, i would spoken revised. there's lots of. yeah. father was it a few g from you? yes and yes. during partition and matted, and you had seen daughters and you know, he had a very placing practice and cannot see me. in fact, he was a law pipe. no, but mister gabriel, he has been went on to become the law minister of buckets. then before that,
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boy you will be high commission out in the early 166061 football cust. i mean, he, on the side of foreign policy and legally bent of maintenance. and so my father used to do most of the day to do work and called because we had so many, you know, interests and patients. but um and partition came and that madness broke out. i think it could be we don't, didn't, you know, allow me back on to get into your safety here anymore. and i think so the, so he packed his bag, give up his practice home, everything. but he wanted to go back, he felt a little bit to go back because he had such a flat as you can practice. you know, right. and could i live in that if you can in color on ok with 3 daughters. but the typical people just spoke with when you 1st came and then my, my sister who i didn't see because i wasn't born at that time. i was born post optician in fifty's, she had pneumonia. and his situation was that bad financially. and he couldn't afford her treatment for pneumonia. my god. and she lost it. but a huge tragedy from the, you know, because of his career didn't focused on the right to come to the rags. if you, if it was, you can and then not be able to survive and then save as the daughter was
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a big one of the favorites in i think that made them a little detached and made them, you know, literally mostly the tactic with that kind of tragedy when you're fairly young, what are your thoughts about if you it isn't focused on interviewing is now and coming at and trying to settle it on the interview with you, especially the who see was i am the see. i know. i know problem. you know, i have been supporting the legislation. yeah. is it they're not taking anything in the front page of the times of india and uh, i know there is no other home for windows than speaking. i become the physical device in the federation. okay. because of any grandiose sounding name, but uh, but we do a lot of look at, you know, we're trying to get all this in these, the dies for most of the la, extremely low off and after doing whatever they live and have been another way. so we're trying to get, you know, get them to help us into refugees that from since, and seems as very badly hit as you know, it crimes against women attentive, but for a lot of things we're going to leave only because of that constant fear that you
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know women may be abducted made to convert and so on and so forth. so right now, generally i didn't die, therefore it's a gathering funds internationally from cindy hindus worldwide to try and prevent these atrocities and rehabilitate them if they come into the country. did you get chosen for to fight me? some of these, if i was there, i tracked people close to more up by mr. moody at that then see if mr. moody came to me. right. and i was already drinks. i'd be by guess case a bad thing and i was also, according to me, a victim of depression 5 is still going on, just sub judice. i do want to say too much, but i was convinced of her innocence. and it was like using the bunny who had actually bought full movie. and so i'd be forget, requested me at that time and said that we do pick up the cases. and i said that the good thing because i was always a part of the egypt because 1980 i still holding my position my membership. my father stayed location me, but i never stayed them to be gpi. was always uh, you know, dialogue them,
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but i'll be good to what makes you and i have member of egypt because i believe in the ideology, i believe in nearly done something i do energy. and i believe in all the platforms which they have finally executed in this country so far our view as we do not know or does that ideology, i'll be use, i'm it up with the i, i do all the g has evolved in part of it is always, you know, the only thing liability of course was that uh they believed in the evolution of logic. 371 main planks they believed in the uniform civil court bus. and he said he bought into you. yeah. but only needed to have somebody was going through, but he's stronger than india than it was. i was in new york and i was in a cab. and then an ottoman in new york gab. and this news came about the evolution of article 270. and it was a, somebody who was my driver and you said no, the model who yeah. so that was a universal reaction of indians all the way the word what to do with nice to mr policy. this all nice. let's probably not, frankly, from a very early age of course bought it, but the implication by my father, you believe them the same thing very strongly. but i could not believe that by
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anybody would be opposed to crush me to be an integrity bogged up in the that i think it's the same. it is only a problem, a temporary solution that it has to with the other way. yeah. and give way to a fully pulled integration. yeah, i could not believe all that. and then of course i thought the luck with the log is, you taught be it's a emancipation of women in terms of the same as the nouns. now, you know from that, but so read for that. now you should be, yeah. so it is the month of the future, right? it's, it's a national interest to give you empower women. you and you'll improve. you'll not only give them the dignity with the dissolved and not had all these years, but you also bring them in the main street and make them productive assets away from 2 members in the parliament to now reservation this. yes, for the 3 percent. that little bit, and this change in criminal amendment bills, i'm sure you'll be happy. so there are these 3 bills which have come, all of them have replaced billions which will essentially colonial either
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legislations. and they were really meant to be had victorian principles. mm hm. for instance, women's were given that a subordinate place because as you know, in england, they would not even that have given the right to vote till, you know, in the 20th century. so this is an 18 opinion quote, isn't $1860.00 at all, right. so there was that aspect then of course, tradition, the word sufficiently to become very comfortable. it says in this country is really in the there, the wording was well in claims or excites this effect against the government of the date. that was a provision meant for the british colonial rulers to make sure that the subjects don't excite disaffected against them, to speeches and the to the was the place by whoever base to disrupt the silver and the integrity of the and yeah, that site, you also said recently said that is a cabal in industrial theme quote, acting at the interest of foreign powers, you really a 100 percent that yeah, look up, you know,
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since i've been deleted by move the data in 2016 plus the objective as a beam caught my my seating that i just became in 2021, but i the only move of the ideal protecting the supreme court. i mean, i was approached by a lawyer as soon bye that you know, we should be on one particular side flying all over each. that is, i guess, go forward and follows, are even the media for the media ties to. so i'll just run on why, but i do think that they are interested in, in this flushing. india isn't the suppose to be from 3rd world country to some country to someplace that we of aging. what is it actually do think the bothering them. the rest especially, you know, there's so far dropped most people's newspapers, news channels, or lobbies. i. i ping that via, via the challenge of growing and strong and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the west. obviously, you'd be bound to be friends with every but, you know, even with china was nice thing about us. we wanted to be defensive. some other
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great outreach that mr. more do you happen to be in the beginning when you are boundary about discussions, you know, things are bound to flared up, you can have it so it has been killed every day. i mean, the nonsense of the boss that you know, we will overlook these kinds of things that will, especially since in 93 and ninety's 96. you will have bone read resolution agreements in those 2 years today. that'd be one simple one to become friends with china, right? engage in trade with them, but we must plus or then that's the policy of this government. you please sit down and one for the fall. tell us, what is your perception of the boundary and what are the opposition and for the time. so i thought that was all that different until then we can keep them having, you know, engaging convention. they never ever took that offer up. so everything is then next to the self interest, you know, but i shouldn't, slowly and since i have been met friends, sometimes with melanie. yeah. okay. they may have a dispute with ukraine, but we've been very valid string. we've said this of the,
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there's not any real famous and moody and many very clearly the need of all right. we would like peace, but then sit down across the table and find out what is the different that presented position between the 2 products that's being offered to mediate as well. so as i've says, be a policy obese level unable the we want. yeah, and there is never been douglas adwords, anybody we have that never, ever backed anybody. and that's how, because by me that's how because brian, look at it, we have the, we have the piece mix of the word, we want peace with everybody. and we want peace with that does have amongst themselves, right for that is up. and that is that because we have, we have no means we have no got the enemies. we have it'd be, it'd be want to live in peace on that boundaries to be secure. it's a very issue of the what is called the to see data to fit it is get that every the engine at the ends in spot the, i probably missed all the nice because one, the b b ex model or that was in, you know, the, the almost bought me if of athens i was always of upset that spot that is going to
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come and overtake them. okay. so that feel that we lose the primary position, the world in those days, weeks. well, i think that was, so it's called the skype right. that if it's be, it's the fear of and flipping bar shipping, most of the bar authorizing a motion for that is going to over to where you end to come up with the cut out really fast ski and i'm good what we've done in digital india. how be brought at 1300000 people, most of them out of poverty some very soon the public even have become a 5 to learn economy. but look at what we've done, the digital economy, how many people i don't think that we have at this stage, highest growth in the world. we have limited very visa, but below there's a bank dollar bill limits of both unemployment and entries. you have capital markets where you wait to invested in the capital markets every day,
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you'll get up and you'll see the developers rising. right? so the middle class, the upper middle class and everybody is something but everybody. yeah. how many people that'd be bought out by the scheme that the government bought the main stream? how many people, how much leakage of money was that in the old verify schemes and how advantages have been the direct guy spends money is going to the people the targets. it's intended for low, medium, and i've actually eating up and these are all listen football and piece. they've got a defense capacity now. mm hm. now the sun. exactly. so look at this, look at the scale of thought, a cheap, it's simple thing. no problem. you know, the environment, the 1st question that was asked by did you do it? why did you not start this switch? but as of you on the charlotte business, i didn't do started in 2014 menu. let's get right into started women's reservation . yeah, we're leaving and your last you out of your a lot of you 2nd go on. so it is. what did you want people to know that all these years? first we had to get them and dignity me. did you ever,
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did you ever think of the shame that women suffered from open delegation? we had to give you what you didn't do with 60 audios of your and you haven't given them dignity. we give them info. and then the final step would be the one question which keeps bothering me as a fresh meeting, which i think maybe you will be able to do onset. so when there is a, a tentative st who is 2 behind. the supreme court opens the door in the middle of the night and sort of say that we will take the case of bargaining or whatever it is. and on the other side, when chris media pundits go the kind of atrocities that doesn't happen, and they said it's, it's in the past. so there is no record of it. so we will not be accepting this edition. it baffles me. yes, i mean that is that, you know, that caught me in approach mean a dentist. we have to show the international community that we give due process even to the dentist under the same level bomb. it's good that some lawyers are even
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picking up these cases. thing, because those cases that don't affiliate that, you know what the evidence is open, i suppose that bottom the reasons is that the supreme court has to also keep up the big, full international you know, goodwill and to show that our system is fed. we give it to the worst kind of even, and it means against the state. it is a given that access to our thoughts. that's the rule of law. me the cause many pundits. i purposely think that discarding it. yes, because it's a little engine that the crime never dies. yeah. crime never days. that's a basic principle of criminal law. it never days. so the door should already be open unless somebody comes with the kids to go even then they would say, how can be examined? you've not brought the evidence off atrocity actually, but this will be the ability to me. you think would be hit the move your daughter is now following guilford step. yes. what did you believe to her or she's already successful? no, no, she just started. one is a long way from sex. ed, this is the, you know, there's a modeling this of to a father not do it very well known,
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not integrated speaker genetics is the mother nonsense. everything hard work. i told you right in the beginning, right. there's a 99 percent industry in perspiration. right? is she works hard, she has a flat, put it right. but you have to time, you will have to, to include that, fled into output, which is really hardware. what does the sprint is very good researching below me. so hopefully she will and she said that we have from my feed, which is basically criminal level to some extent contractors, the law. so she's a civil lawyer commercial and so she's a different fee and there's no, there's no shadow, etc, etc. all grandfather unplugged to me, she was 5 on the one minutes in 2447 we've it'd be 100 years or you're going to be 100 percent alone. and i hopefully i'm onto the hopefully with you seeing that you can all make ball military ball. and i also see india has being a highly developed mission, highly developed mission, which combines development, inclusive development with welfare,
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the best of welfare. and which combines awfully minutes popular military capabilities with it does need to be split into the visual go to the world and more details about it. thank you, my friend that you did not need the pleasure talking to. thanks, michael. just oh, wonderful. and thank you for watching join me next week for another intimate yet in . 3 reading debate and let's stuff how did, with unable to get how much got the show seemed wrong. just don't to shape house because the application and engagement equals the trail.
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when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground, the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground can hello and welcome to cross the full doors. here we discussed some real in the known in
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vietnam, american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any terms we have now, and then you don't see it. now. what did go on empty hundreds of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i got to develop that not meant to support american soldiers militant resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's, that's
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a ways to the teachers about all the instead of making accusations to the less than come through should appreciate these. let me who probably go for run through strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region as concerns mileage of and even broad a bore a rough thing in the middle east. iran, the says the west of should be praising is measured response to israel, not condemning it in the program. we hear the thoughts of a jewish iranian empty. the seeing it right. there is the idea of reuse it strikes on god. so following a night of relative calm, the displace palestinians trying to return to what's left of their homes and then


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